Other Resources Challenge Me! » November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!! Rss Feed  
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2007-10-31 11:55 AM

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Smyrna, GA
Subject: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Hi, team 2 members!  I saw we don't have a leader yet so I thought I would start a thread (but I'm not necessarily taking on leadership duties - what are they anyways?)

So...um...yeah - GO TEAM 2!!  How about we all post a little bit about ourselves so we can get to know our teammates?  I am Meredith and live in Atlanta.  I'm newly married (a month, to be exact) and next year will be my second real seasons of triathlons (I say second because I only did one in October of 2006 and then a couple this year).  My goals this month are to continue to focus on my running, but keep swimming and biking.  I'm also really into Pilates right now.  I'd really love to see a good 5 pound loss this month, but I didn't make that a goal because it should happen anyways if I meet all my goals.  

How about you? 

2007-10-31 12:00 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Hi everyone!

I'll have spreadsheets available for each team - hopefully sometime tonight.

That way, you'll be able to see the goals of all your teammates, and you can all chart your progress during the month.

If you don't remember your goals, you can see them here. (The last 10 or so people who entered aren't on there yet, but I'll update it tonight.)

And the team rosters are posted here:

Have fun!

2007-10-31 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Jax, Florida
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Hello everybody, this is my first challenge so be easy on me as I get the hang of this.

Little bit about myself – My name is Tom, moved down here to Jacksonville, FL about a year ago. Husband and father of two, 8 yr old boy & 6 yr old girl. I’m a newbie, no Tri’s yet; my son did a kid’s tri this summer. He had a blast and it really got me thinking. Same old story everybody’s heard a hundred times. I’d been telling myself for years I needed to get in shape and lose some weight, family heart history, etc. Never did anything about it for all the typical excuses, no time, no energy, etc. Anyway decided to change my lifestyle and jump into this triathlon thing on Sept 4th this year.

So…… how is it going so far: so far so good. I’m still 42, haven’t figured out how to reduce that number yet. Was 221 lbs on 9/4 but when I checked in this week was 201 lbs. Can actually run (not sure I would call it that yet) more then 10 houses down the street without thinking I may die right there in the gutter. Picked up my 20 yr old 12 speed schwinn (not as bad as it sounds) from the LBS after a complete overhaul last week so I’m hoping to get some good rides in. Swimming is a whole different issue. I don’t think I’m going to drown (only because the pool is only 25 yards) but it is real ugly. Have checked out the local Univ pool, just need to make myself join and go this month.

Excited about jumping into the November challenge. Should help stay motivated when I have those blah days. Best thing might be the chance to meet some of you here on BT. Looking forward to our team. Go team 2!

Almost forgot – November goals:
Run – 50 mi
Bike – 200 mi
Swim – 2,000 yds

2007-10-31 1:44 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Hi, Team 2! Do we need a name (in addition to a team captain)? I guess I need to change my avatar from last month's challenge. Maybe just a giant 2 this time.

Anyway, I'm Erin and I live in Berkeley (California). My first triathlon is in...12 days. Wow. I'm nervous but I feel pretty well prepared. My goals for this month are mainly focused on just getting my butt out the door after the triathlon.

Meredith: Congratulations on the wedding! I love your avatar.

Tom: Congratulations on making the leap into triathlons! I can't speak about the race experience yet, but training has been really great for me. A lot of work, but mostly a lot of fun. Even swimming, which I only really learned in March (my previous swim technique was pretty much "not drowning").
2007-10-31 3:11 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Hi everyone. I'm not listed yet but I am on team 2!!! YAY! I see some old friends here from the purple people eaters! Very, very nice to meet everyone!


About me: I'm originally from Scotland, name is Lynne. Married to an American and just recently found triathlons this year, well just started doing them this year, known about them for a few years now. I am ADDICTED!  Yes, totally and utterly...in fact people are worried about me because I want to do all these races. So far I've done 7 triathlons and 2 5K's since April.  I also enjoy photography, hiking, scrapbooking and I strangely collect all things flip flop.


This is my challenge to myself this month.



Biking: 6 hours

Running: 7 hours

Swimming: 8 hours

Weights: 3 hours

2007-10-31 3:49 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Hey Team:

I am very pleased to see this group on here, it looks like we will be keeping each other motivated and inspired, which is what it is all about!

I am a 38-yr-old stay-at-home-mom in the Seattle suburbs.  (There's a sentence I never would have thought would come from me.)  I hang out with Lynne quite a bit, we met here on BT and do a lot of races together.  I have an almost 5-yr old and a 2-year old, both high energy boys who tend to keep me busy all the time.  I did four triathlons this summer, and a couple of 5ks and a 5 miler.  I've got a 10k trail run coming up soon! (with Lynne).  I was encouraged to get into tris by my sister and dad, so it's been fun having the family be on board and supporting me in this endeavor.  In the past year I have lost 50 pounds and gotten a lot stronger in many ways.  I'd like to drop another 20 or so but am really at a bad plateau right now.....I am also in a wt loss challenge group.  I am a bit crazy, not the typical mom, at least I think that!  I struggle with living in the 'burbs and pining for my city life.  Alas, I am here for the kids' sake and trying to make a go of it. 

Next year I am going to do some more sprints, and at least one, if not more, Olympic distances.  Therefore my challenge for November is to do the equivalent of an Oly each week, and also try to lift weights and/or do pilates at least weekly.

Oh yeah, and my real name is Leslie.  You can call me that, although have been known on BT as Medusa, Ann, and MA.

2007-10-31 5:03 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Tampa, Florida
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Hey everyone, just wanted to say hi, introduce myself and say I'm excited about the Nov challenge!

I'm Jessica, I live in San Antonio, I'm 31, not married, no kids....no life to speak of either....lol
I'm still very new to tri, I just decided one day a couple months ago that I was going to do it...and I did. My first race was was a sprint tri this past Sunday. I think I finished 212 out of about 220 or so. One of the best days of my life. I have rarely felt that happy and proud of an accomplishment in my adult life since I graduated college. I work in the medical field, I'm an invasive cardiovascular tech/radiology tech. One of the main reasons I decided to do this was to improve my health and lose some weight. I was told a few months ago that I was obese and my blood pressure was a little high, and I needed to be on a low-carb/low-cal/low-sodium, caffeine and alcohol free diet. Not going to happen. At least not all at the same time on the same day....That would make me a downright unpleasant person to be around. I started training in September and here I am, totally addicted to training and to this site.

My goals: 35 miles running, 100 miles biking, 12000 meters swimming, and lose 10 pounds.
Current weight is 212. I'm only going to weigh once a week.

(I know 10 pounds in a month is a lot by some standards, but it is completely doable for me, so don't freak out thinking I'm setting myself up for failure.)

We are going to have a great month! Everybody have fun and stay safe tonight! Happy Halloween!
2007-10-31 8:51 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Elm Grove
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Hi team,

I am a 26 year old from WI. This is my first year of Tri'ing, I have done 3 sprints and one 5K this year and am lookin at 3-4 sprints, 1 OLY and 1 HIM next year. I have a problem runing, but no prob swimming. Here are my goals.

40 miles Running

12,000 yards swimming, (some of that OWS in WI in NOV.)

2 AB workouts per week.

I think I will be adding a bike goal and maybe extending my swimming goals.
2007-10-31 8:59 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Jax, Florida
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Lawyerchic – nice to meet you. Hey congratulations on your recent marriage. I lived in Atlanta for a couple of years before I moved down her about a year ago. Wish I would have gotten involved in tri’s up there as I’ve noticed a few people here on BT from the Atlanta area. If you’re not careful we are going to vote you the captain of team two.

I’m might have to hit you up for a few suggestions on pilates tapes. I’m thinking about doing a night or two of yoga and Pilates and may actually go buy a DVD player so I can follow some tapes.
2007-10-31 9:09 PM
in reply to: #1031767

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Jax, Florida
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Fielding - 2007-10-31 2:44 PM

Hi, Team 2! Do we need a name (in addition to a team captain)? I guess I need to change my avatar from last month's challenge. Maybe just a giant 2 this time.

Anyway, I'm Erin and I live in Berkeley (California). My first triathlon is in...12 days. Wow. I'm nervous but I feel pretty well prepared. My goals for this month are mainly focused on just getting my butt out the door after the triathlon.

Meredith: Congratulations on the wedding! I love your avatar.

Tom: Congratulations on making the leap into triathlons! I can't speak about the race experience yet, but training has been really great for me. A lot of work, but mostly a lot of fun. Even swimming, which I only really learned in March (my previous swim technique was pretty much "not drowning").

Good luck on the tri coming up. I'm assuming you are going to keep up posted as you get ready and let us know all the details about completing your first tri. Good luck agian and I want to hear all the details.
2007-10-31 9:26 PM
in reply to: #1031982

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Jax, Florida
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Lynne -
For somebody who just picked up tri's, Prop's to figuring out how to do a bunch of them in a short time. P.S. one of my goals is to take more pictures the next year or two. I may be asking for some advice.

2007-10-31 10:02 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Elm Grove
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
We need a name.
2007-11-01 7:26 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Good morning Team 2,

We really need a name don't we?? Anyway, I'm Chris and I'm a triathlete I am 46 yrs old and have been doing Tri's for about 3 yrs now. I also have an extremely patient Hubby. Three adult children and 2 grand-kids. My main focus this year is again on the infamous TTT race in May. I tend to race the longer distances....'cause I'm slow and cause as my family sez' Mom is just nutz. I'm glad to be on Team 2 and see that there are some other Purple People Eaters here. Yea!!!

My goals for this Challenge are: Swim: 15,000 yds  //  Bike: 250 miles  //  Run: 61 miles and do weight or Cross-fit  stuff 2 days a week.

Good luck everyone and have a great Thurs.



2007-11-01 7:43 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Team name.....hmmm.....we could play off the #2 theme.....Super Poopers, Team Poo, or just The Number Twos.  I know that makes us sound like sh*ts but we could just go with it and have fun.  If you have gutter-level humor like me..... ! I have been up since 3 AM with my youngest so I am a bit loopy.  Perhaps by daylight this will seem way too weird.

I can't be team captain, as my online time gets sucked away pretty often and I don't want to have that extra stress on me right now.....the kids are pretty high energy these days.  Just fitting in my workout time is hard enough.  Is anyone able to run this ship?  I will cheer for you.......

2007-11-01 1:27 PM
in reply to: #1032840

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Hmm...team name. Medusa, I love your thinking, but I'm not sure if I can handle sounding like the sh*ts for a month, heh. Someone in the other thread suggested Team Vigilantes, or something like that. Works for me. I picture us flying around (in tights! with capes! and dorky headgear!) forcing people to get up off their butts and run or whatever.

Are we sticking with this thread? Irongirl! Thank you for being our captain!
2007-11-01 2:39 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Hi Everyone.

I am happy to be a part of Team 2 or the Vigilantes or whatever we end up calling ourselves OTHER than super poopers or any other scatalogically oriented terms. Sorry Medusa. lol


I am 39 years old. Not Married and no children that I am aware of.   This was my second season in triathlon and it was a blast. I am a mediocre runner, a terrible biker and an even worse swimmer. But I enjoy the training and the racing and the great people that I have met thru this sport. I need to work on my swimming and my core. I have had several coaches and several friends suggest taking yoga so I signed up for the challenge and I found a place with Beginner classes and I am ready to jump in with both feet.



2007-11-01 3:11 PM
in reply to: #1033660

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Madison, WI
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Hi Everyone.
I'm Deanna. I live in Wisconsin, kind of near sgoehner (whom I met last weekend IRL). I'm 36, married, and have a 4 year old son and an almost 2 year old foster son who's been with us nearly a year, but will probably be moving on within the next 6 months.

I've done 2 seasons of tris, but last fall I got an IT band injury so this season was super mellow. I'm mostly recovered now, so I'm actually trying to ramp things up a little. I'm also training for the Rock and Roll Half Marathon in Arizona in January. (My folks snowbird down there.)

My goals for the month:
Run: 55 miles (shouldn't be too hard)
Swim: 4000 yards (Um, I really need to up this one, considering I knocked off a quarter of it today. I'll get back to you on a better number.)
Bike: 100 miles. (I've been super down on the biking this fall. I haven't been on my road bike since September. So, this is my biggest challenge. I'm a super cold wimp, but I'm also doing the craptastic weather challenge, so between the two I'm hoping to find some motivation.)

I'm good with whatever name.
2007-11-01 6:28 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

A little bit about me.  My name is Jenn and I am in Southern Ohio.  I am pushing 40 but that is just a number right?  This was my 4th triathlon season and did 3 halfs and ended with the IM KY.  IM KY was tough for me because 2.5  weeks before the race I had a unpleasant visitor that child bearing women sometimes get and went to have it checked because it was tough sitting on the bike :-)......well 4 days later that area had turned into a MRSA Staph infection and I was hospitilized for 3.5 days on antibiotic iv's.  I got out on a Sat night and was given tetracycline to fight the MRSA and 8 days later I was able to sit on the bike so I did the IM!  I missed the official cutoff to have my name annouced by 26 min....but I got a finishers medal?  So I dont know if I am really an Ironman yet?  I love triathlons.....I love to challenge myself. 

I have owned a toy store for 10 years now and 2 years ago bought a restaurant franchise.  My early mornings I teach spinning and am a ACE personal trainer when I have time for clients.  And then in my spare time I train.  :-)  I have a son that just turned 14 and is starting to enjoy biking....he wont open water swim because he thinks there are leaches that will get him and he is not a runner yet....but I wont give up hope!

2007-11-01 7:56 PM
in reply to: #1034070

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
Hello Team two!

Attached is your team's spreadsheet.

Your Team Captain is irongirl39.

Each week, your Team Captain will fill out the spreadsheet, marking your progress towards your GOALS.

The "week" will run Saturday to Sunday. (This will allow you to cram in all those weekend sessions!)

I will start a thread called "Nov Challenge Team Leaders Thread." Please post your team's results there by Monday evening each week. (Sunday is fine, if you have them ready. But I figured I'd give you the extra day, in case you need to nag encourage your team to post their results.

To attach a file to a post: While writing a post, look at the bottom of the box. You'll see options to include a signature and enable emoticons. Directly below that is "Attach a file after posting." Check that box. You will then be able to attach your spreadsheet to your post.

If you have questions, or need better instructions about this, feel free to ask. (Contact me via the original November Challenge thread, at the very top of the screen. I won't be checking your thread often, so if you ask me here, I may not see it.... Or, you can always PM me. That'll work, too.)

And most of all..... GOOD LUCK TO EVERYONE! I hope every one of us meets his/her goals!


Team2 tracking sheet.xls (39KB - 16 downloads)
2007-11-02 6:33 AM
in reply to: #1031546

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Looks like we will be The Vigilantes.  I am headed out the door to spin and run.


2007-11-02 9:38 AM
in reply to: #1034609

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!
irongirl39 - 2007-11-02 4:33 AM

Looks like we will be The Vigilantes.  I am headed out the door to spin and run.


I am laughing while imagining you spinning down the road......


Edited by Medusa_Ann 2007-11-02 9:38 AM

2007-11-03 12:12 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Brooklyn, NY
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

My month is off to a rough start. Thursday was a 17 hour day, Friday was only a 15 hour day. Went out for dinner last night with friends and was in bed by 11 but I was back up at 0430 to be back at work by 5:45. lol I should be out of here in a couple of hours and I will be taking a nap cause I'm going out to night. So that's 3 days no working out.

NO MATTER WHAT. I will be Getting up at 0500 tomorrow in order to get a ride in before I go cheer for the NYC marathon. I'm counting every step I take tomorrow so that should add up to a couple of miles. lol

2007-11-03 12:45 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Hello Team 2!

I am the newest (and late!) member of your team and I am psyched to be here!!!

About me:  Sarah, 32f, married, mom to a 5yr old girl (this is sounding too much like a personal ad)...My schedule changed quite a bit in September and it has really thrown me off!  I am doing a post-grad clinical internship that is ~1 hr away, so I am out of the house 6:30am-6pm.  It wouldn't be so bad if I was actually getting paid for 40hrs worth of work!

I did the Danskin Sprint Tri this past July and have had the bug ever since.  I have been having funky heart rhythms since late August and am currently being tested for reasons why (abnormal EKG).  I am wearing a month-long monitor and will have an echo stress test on 11/12.  Looking forward to finding out what is going on!  Since it seems to happen soley during rest, I have the go-ahead from Drs to train Smile

Sooo....I need to get into a routine of exercising w/new schedule.  Looks like it will be heading out at 5:30, head towards work, and exercise in that area.  Hey, I'll beat the morning traffic, major bonus!  I have a cycling trainer on its way, should be delivered Mon/Tue...cannot wait!  I am re-starting swim lessons tomorrow at the Y.  Running plan is also in place.  Wish me luck!


Run 4x/week

Swim 3x/week

Bike 2x/week

 I look forward to sharing this month with you all!

Edited by SoManyGoals 2007-11-03 1:08 PM
2007-11-03 12:55 PM
in reply to: #1031546

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!

Well, Hello Sarah!! and welcome to the Vigilantes Team! I hope that all your medical issues work out just fine. I look forward to reading your logs and seeing how you are doing. Again welcome.


2007-11-03 1:07 PM
in reply to: #1036238

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Subject: RE: November "Your Choice" Challenge - Team 2!!



By the bug "ever since" that means the 'tri' bug, not a sick bugSmile

Edited by SoManyGoals 2007-11-03 1:07 PM
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