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2007-11-01 10:37 AM

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin

GOOD MORNING everyone!

I'm posting this up a bit early because my family is coming into town to visit this afternoon and I'd rather play with my girls than hang out on BT tonight.  (Sorry - no offense BT!)

We are about 1/3 of the way through this current challenge.  I hope everyone is making progress (or at least finding helpful support) with NY by NY.

So...tell us how you did this week.  Did you make any progress on your weight goal?  Did you achieve your secondary goal?  Did you do some inspiring?

Question of the week...tell us one of your favorite fall/winter holiday memories.

I'll post up a progress chart, probably next Tuesday after the family leaves.  Have a great weekend!


2007-11-02 5:50 AM
in reply to: #1033119

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Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin
Chudley is at 230 lbs.

That is OK though. I had decided after Monday to take the week off from training. I had tweeked my left hamstring. My wife is telling me to do stretches and do you think I'd listen?...actually she is telling me as I type!

Favorite memory from holiday - used to be laying around and eating! LOL

Holidays for our family normally means a road trip to the small town my that wife is from, they do huge dinners and we have lots of visiting.

Secondary goal not even looked at this week. again a week off!...I deserve it damn it!
2007-11-02 6:47 AM
in reply to: #1033119

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Twin Cities
Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin

Good Morning, everyone,
I held steady on weight this week, but I did lose 1 cm on my hips.  Considering the weight loss last week, I am thrilled to have maintained this week.

Starting: 202.6 lbs / 114 cm Hips
Current: 195.4 lbs / 109 cm Hips
Delta-Week: 0.0 lbs / 01 cm Hips
Delta-Total: 7.2 lbs / 05 cm Hips

Tonight is the last night of my 12 week TEAM Weight Loss program at LifeTime Fitness. So, there will be an official weigh-in and 3-pt caliper BMI calculation.  It looks as if I will come in at a weight loss of perhaps 15 pounds, but I know that my BMI has dropped dramatically.

Favorite fall/holiday memory.  Hmmm, that would probably have something to do with building things in the snow.  During part of my childhood, we lived at the end of a street that had a holding pond.  The snow plow would push all of the snow to the end of the street, stopping shy of the pond.  I built the most incredible snow cave in that monstrous pile of snow.  And, when I wasn't playing in the snow cave, I would shovel off the little pond so my little sister and I could go ice skating on it.


2007-11-02 6:55 AM
in reply to: #1033119

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Simpsonville, SC
Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin
Last week - 148
This week - 144.4
Loss for week - 3.6 pounds!!!!!
I'm actually posting a loss for the week and the challenge! Hip hip hooray!!!

I almost made my secondary goal. I only missed one day of not drinking all my water. I know this sounds dumb, but I started cheering myself on in my blog. So everytime I would look at it, I would see some sort of positive statement about weight loss to keep me focused. It seems to have worked!

Favorite holiday memory: There are soooo many! Since we're in November right now, I think I'll take a Thanksgiving memory. At my Grandma's house in Indiana. We had a white Thanksgiving. The smell of turkey and REAL dressing (in the bird). Yum! Not like this dry cornbread stuff that I'm forced to eat now since I married a southern boy!

Hope everyone has a great week. Don't worry about the little ups and plataues. They will even out eventually!

2007-11-02 7:37 AM
in reply to: #1033119

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Dalgety Bay
Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin

Aloha all,

Well... I have been a little inactive for reason or another this past week or two for one reason or another. Some is family stuff but I have found motivation hard this week especially.

So (take immediate action young man!) I booked in for a body fat test and bp at the Gym and I am looking to get a HR threshold test done by a cycling coach and perhaps get a cycling coach into the bagain. Hope to have that sorted by next week.

Having said all that you'd expect me to be reporting bad news this week.


I just as surprised as you!

Weighed in at 194lbs this week! Achieved target for challange. Blow me over with a feather. Not sure how I did that with my lack of exercise this week. Look to see if I post up next week though. I'm expecting weight loss to start slowing now but wonder if I could get to 180 for Xmas?

I did awful in secondry goal for last week so I will run it next week and we will perform much better I promise. I found the Testing inspirinng as I had BF measured at 25.6%. I expected it to be higher and of course weighed in at 194. BP was normal.

Fav winter memory is sitting on the end of the pier at Kona. We are going back this Xmas but this time I will have my two boys with me as well as my wonderful wife so looking forward to new best memory. (Oh yeah taking mother in law too! Am I nuts?... Don't answer.)

2007-11-02 7:49 AM
in reply to: #1033119

Waterloo Ontario
Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin
Well back in the saddle. weighed in at 263.4 this morning ... yeah! Spinning is going strong, my ankle can handle the biking but any rotational movement hurts.

Weight is dropping slowly but surely, I am happy with my progress. Secondary goal, almost, with halloween and all. Now for us Canadians, its clear sailing to Christmas with all of the holiday stuff out of the way.

My favorite winter memories was building skating rinks in my back yard with my dad and playing pond hockey until my toes were so cold they felt like they were going to fall off.

2007-11-02 8:01 AM
in reply to: #1033119

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Spokane, Washington
Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin

Argh!!! I was so excited to post YESTERDAY!  I was about 177.5 yesterday morning but sabotaged myself with the leftover candy, so...

Start weight 181
Last week 180
This week 180
Loss - big fat zero... sigh.

From the beginning I went down a little, up a little, back down a lot and now back up again.  I really am working on it though.  Since I was down yesterday though and am packaging up the candy to send to work with my husband, I expect to post a loss next week.

Secondary goal - let's not even go there this week.

And finally, favorite Holiday memories - I have an old one and a new one.  As a child, my family would go to my grandparents' for dinner - and one Christmas when it was just me and my folks (brothers were gone that year) we all sang carols in the car on the way over.  It is the first time I remember my father singing - still brings tears to my eyes but I'm not sure why.  The new one is two T-givings ago when my folks and my hubby and kids went walking after T-giving dinner - cold crisp night and lots of conversation - it was just a very nice evening.  As I'm typing I'm remembering more, but I'll stop there. 

Good job everyone!

2007-11-02 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1033119

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin
AAAACK!!! I'm 130 today. Up .6lbs Actually, it's not as bad as I thought after pigging out on crap ALL WEEK.

This week my goal is to journal everything. I need to get back to the basics.
2007-11-02 10:40 AM
in reply to: #1033119

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin

I'm at 178 today, down a pound!  I'll take it, since I didn't work out as much as I'd wanted to and sneaked a few candies.  But my secondary goal of not eating the kids' food went ok.  Not perfect, but improved.  I think for this week I will continue that goal and add in drinking my gallon of water.  Due to a really bad week + of no sleep to speak of, I was having a hard time staying balanced.  Got some rest last night so hopefully will have a better week all around.  I have a lot of exercise planned, and am doing the November challenge of an Oly per week which ought to keep me in line.  I did reach my October team running challenge goal, in fact, went over by 20%!

Favorite fall memory--I just love the crispness, the change in the light, the leaves.  It feels like the beginning of a new year for me--it's usually when I am more apt to stick to goals and look at the year ahead, as opposed to the traditional January 1.

2007-11-02 10:50 AM
in reply to: #1033119

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin

I was going to avoid posting this week, since I've fallen completely off-track.  I dare not go near a just give me a bye week and I'll keep my 247 from last week.

 Favorite fall memories are playing football, seeing the windows fog up in my parents house as they cooked Thanksgiving dinner, my BDay (Dec 22), bombing cars with snowballs, and bumper skitching!


2007-11-02 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1033119

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NICE, France
Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin
well its been up and down all week but today was 131.1 which makes me still up from my initial weight but not up and up like the past three basically i have maintained or a month i have eaten slightly more BUT exercised more still have no idea what is the way forward, but am just happy its not up again!! met secondary goal and inspired and grape harvesting is always a nice fall memory

2007-11-02 11:41 AM
in reply to: #1033119

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Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin

Start Weight: 164.8

10/26 weigh-in: 157.6   18.1% BF

11/2 weigh-in:   156.4   18.4% BF

weight change this week: 1.2lbs

total weight loss to date: 8.4

 secondary goal: No; bodyfat % increased

I'm actually kind of surprised about the weigh-in this week as I havn't weighed myself in a couple days.  I ended up re-injuring my IT Band last Friday and havn't worked out since other than stretching, foam-rolling, and some lower leg PT exercises.  I have been good about bringing lunch to work everyday and eating sensible dinners nightly.  Body fat % went up slightly so maybe I'm dehydrated and didn't really lose and real weight this week.

 Overall really happy though as we are one-third of the way done with the challenge and I'm half-way to my goal.



2007-11-02 2:17 PM
in reply to: #1033119

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin
195.5 this week...the first loss in a couple of weeks- not just the first loss, but the first time not gaining. I am happy, but it is also the lowest weight of the week, so I've got to work hard to make sure it stays moving in the right direction. Better this week with working out...didn't quite make goal of 5x this week, but headed to the gym soon to make it 4xs.

Favorite fall memories? I have a large family and my Mom hosts Thanksgiving every year. We usually end up with about 25 people including friends. It's always very loud, and her house is downright hot with all the cooking. We eat and drink, and share a lot of deep belly laughs.
2007-11-02 3:11 PM
in reply to: #1033119

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Estero, FL
Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin
Last week 294.2

This week 292

Lost 2.2

The loss is slowing down, but i really did a poor job onthe nutritional side this last week. I will be tight as a drum this week as i prepare for miamiman.

Secondary goal - getting there- i am actually wearing size 40 jeans as i type, but they are jeans and really snug.

I absolutely love the holidays and i cannot narrow one memory to be a favorite, but ican share that we are in NJ where i grew up - my mom and i took the kids today to VanSaun park where i used to ride a train and feed animals. The kids were doing that same thing today and we both had a great memory lane time. It is beatiful foliage here and i really appreciate the change of season more than ever today.
2007-11-02 3:46 PM
in reply to: #1033119

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Colorado Springs, Colorado
Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin
Start: 165
Last Week: 157
This Week: 156 (-1)

Didn't make all my workouts this week due to stomach bug. But maybe that helped on the scale... the chicken noodle soup diet.

My favorite Thanksgiving memories all have to do with sitting around the table playing games and eating with my family plus all of the extra people we had over who couldn't make it home to their families for the holiday. We never lived close to my grandparents and cousins, but we always had a full house at Thanksgiving.
2007-11-02 4:08 PM
in reply to: #1033119

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin

Same weight; however, I did start swimming this week, which is 1 of my secondary goals.

I have a lot of fond holiday memories.  My family was forever getting together. 

2007-11-02 6:05 PM
in reply to: #1033119

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Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin

128.5 this week; 127.5 last I think which makes me up 1. This tends to be a sticky weight for me, and it's been a bad week for working out and eating, with all the traveling.

I didn't meet my secondary goal (no workouts at all!).

It's back to working out this week- I can tell the difference in my moods, as well as my waistline.

We take our kids apple and pumpkin picking every year- it's a family ritual and one of my favorite times of year.

2007-11-02 10:39 PM
in reply to: #1033119

No excuses!
Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin

206 this week and NO I did not meet my secondary goal

next week much better

2007-11-03 8:25 AM
in reply to: #1033119

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South eastern Ohio
Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin

I'm a day late in here goes.

Last week: 164 lbs this week 165.5 lbs.  I know it it going the wrong way but I was really bad this week with my eating. I could blame the Haloween candy but it was me who ate it. I'll be better next week. I met all my goals this week except the healthy eating one.  Everyone have a great weekend.


2007-11-03 11:35 AM
in reply to: #1033119

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Silverthorne, CO
Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin

down to 301. 

Loss of one pound since last week.  The secondary goal is a no.  problems with our internet, I can only squeeze so much in at work.  I guess my favorite holiday memory would be Christmas day at my parents house.  We would wrap presents for the dogs (bones and toys), then let them open them.  They would be a little timid at first thinking they would get in trouble for ripping into things, but once they got past that it was all you could do to keep them out of the other presents. 



2007-11-03 4:34 PM
in reply to: #1036027

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Grand Island, NY
Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin
185.4 this week... feeling better this week.

2007-11-04 8:44 AM
in reply to: #1033119

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Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin
Been a strange week... I started dropping... then back up... then back down.. lol..

So, end result.... Ended the week the same as last week. haha

I did meet my other goals though.....

I expect this to start dropping again very soon.... I am about to pick up some more toys that will help... Some trail shoes...(hitting the woods again soon)..and a set of Power Cranks.. woohoo...

2007-11-04 9:13 AM
in reply to: #1037030

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin


back down a little

2007-11-04 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1033119

New user

Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin
Hello - I'm new here, but I want to play too!

This morning, the scale said:
136.8 lbs
32% body fat

My goal is 125 by the end of the year. I don't know if that's ambitious or not. :P
2007-11-04 5:07 PM
in reply to: #1033119


Huntington beach,ca
Subject: RE: November 2 - New You by New Years weighin
Last week: 260
This week :258

C#%P !!!!!!!

I am sorta disappointed. Last week my car broke down so I ended up riding to work almost everyday, more exercise than I have had in a week in my life,so far, so two pounds is a little deflating. I thought I did good on food but I guess will have to break down and start tracking my food which I really don't like to do but I'll beat y'all to the punch and will just suck it up.

Secondary goal met last week...worked out 6 of 7 days!!!!! sweet!

Secondary goal this week , you guessed it, track my food... ;(

Edited by BIGBOY777 2007-11-04 5:07 PM
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