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2007-12-11 12:23 AM

No excuses!
Subject: Shermbelle's Group Full and training our a$$es off

Name: Shermbelle  - Michael

Family Status: Married with a two year old boy

About Me: I have been a runner for about 12 years with 18 marathons and probaly another 300 races of all distances under my belt. I came to triathlon a year ago looking for a new challenge after the birth of our first child. I really like the variety in training and always wanted to do an ironman. I have a goal of running a marathon in every state and thought IM would be a cool way to get states done. Last year I did an olympic distance, 2 HIM's, and Redman Full Iron Distance. I now am currently training for IMCDA in June.

Weightloss: Like many others I definately could stand to shed a few pounds and find it easier to run and bike up those hills. This will be a big focus for me in the first few months of the year.

What will make me a good mentor: What will make me a good mentor is you. I was a mentee last year and it helped me a ton to have a sounding board for ideas and  a place to get an answer to questions. I want a group that is active and fun but also willing to push themselves to their limits to meet or excede their goals.  I am  a very motivated person and love to help others achieve their goals. I take triathlon serious but also don't be surprised to get comments with a little Wink after them to lighten the mood.


Edited by Shermbelle 2008-02-05 11:19 AM

2007-12-11 2:37 PM
in reply to: #1094296

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle Group Open
Hey, Michael. I'd like to join your group. I'm not exactly a newbie, but I could use the motivation and comraderie.

I'm 38 and married with no children (just 2 dogs and 2 cats).

I started doing triathlons in 2004, have done Sprint, Oly, and HIM distances, but only did duathlons, running, and cycling events this year, including the "World's Toughest" Duathlon which qualified me for Team USA Long Course Duathon World Championships in Virginia, which was a lot of fun.

Next year my primary goal is to complete my first IM: Full Vineman in August. I also have the "World's Toughest" duathlon on my schedule again in May. I also just hired a coach but haven't started with him yet.

Cycling is probably my strongest leg. I really like running but have been kinda slow. And I have literally swam 3 times this year, all in the last few weeks. Needless to say, this is my weakness at this point. My training this year has been really inconsistent, so I also need to work on getting my consistency back as I move towards IM.

I have always raced as a Clydesdale, but am hoping to drop some (more) weight and get out of that category soon.

I'm looking foward to our Mentor/ee time together and in getting to know some other athletes.

2007-12-11 9:09 PM
in reply to: #1094296

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle Group Open

Hey Mike, your in, welcome.

Cool your doing a non-branded IM for your first. I will be curious to follow your progress along as I know the non-branded don't get the hype around here that the branded do. Good luck in your training and fire off any questions you have along the way. I will keep tabs on your logs and do my best to motivate.

2007-12-11 10:53 PM
in reply to: #1096573

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle Group Open

Hi Michael,

I would like to join your group.  I am 27 years old, married (newlywed!), no children, and I have been on BT since March of '05, but have mostly been a very casual tri-er.  I've only done sprints, and have never been consistent or serious with my training, my life has generally been too rocky (graduate student, I moved 1-2 times every year, research, teaching, etc).  I did sprints because I could just do them and finish without much training and they were fun.

But this year has brought a lot of changes, and everything has settled down a bit.  I got married, gained 5 pounds immediately, and realized that finally, I will not be moving in the near future, and I'm at the point in my degree where I have nothign to do but work on my thesis.  And so I have time to train and it helps me stay sane, allowing me to think about something other than my research. 

I decided a few months ago that I was really going to get on this tri thing, and actually train consistently and see where that would take me.  I'm focusing on running first, I used to be pretty fast years ago and I'd like to be again.  I've been running fairly consistently for 2 months, and I'm shooting for a sub-2:10 half mary in April, maybe a sub-2hr in September.  I'd like to phase in more biking and swimming as I get more fit.  I have never been good about getting on my bike, and I'm a decent swimmer so I don't need as much work there.

I am hoping for camaraderie, encouragement, and advice from someone who has been through a lot of racing and training, and it sounds like you're it! 

Next year, I'm hoping to do 2 half marys, a couple of sprints, and an olympic.  For the first time, I really want this, and I want to stay that way.  And I wont' be upset if I lose some weight too (10 lbs max), but it's not really a main goal.

Thanks for doing this! 


2007-12-11 11:11 PM
in reply to: #1094296

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle Group Open

Welcome Lisa, you're in

Great to see you're motivated to train and see what happens. I know the feeling of "wow there is 5 pounds." I was around high 180's last spring, training great and then summer hit. My wife is a teacher so she was off, our son was 18 months and getting around so it made it easy to travel and be gone and of course while your gone you eat like crap. Bam next thing I knew following my Iron Distance in Sept by Nov I was above 205 and thinking what happened.

We will keep you motivated to hit those goals on the half marys this next year.

2007-12-12 6:46 AM
in reply to: #1094296

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle Group Open

I'd like to join your group.

I'm a 23 y/o single guy who played baseball into college, and decided after that career was over that I wanted to do something to stay in shape during adulthood. I've been training for over two years now, and last season I completed 2 sprints and 2 olympics. This year my A race will be Steelhead in August. My entire season will be looking ahead to that race.

As far as other details, I live in the midwest so the winter is really more of a time to maintain. This time of year also coincides with a busy 2-3 months at work, so I've learned to keep it light and consistent so that I am ready to go in the spring. I've been messing around with my training plan for 2008, but the general plan is to start the prep period in early Jan and begin the base period at the beginning of March. I really want to work a build phase into this cycle, but have little experience as to how a week should look and would like some assistance. I'm using 'Going Long' as a guideline.

I am definitely the positive type and look forward to a group that helps motivate each other throughout the year to reach their goals, so I look forward to keeping in touch with everyone. Michael, it looks like you have some strong experience, especially in running. Would you say that running is definitely your strength?

2007-12-12 1:17 PM
in reply to: #1094296

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle Group Open

Nole40 you are in, welcome.

I too am a midwestern (Michigan) and did Steelhead last year and will possibly be doing it again so we will have plenty to chat about.

I would definatly say running is my strength. I just took up swimming a year ago and have been biking maybe 2.5 years but nothing serious til last year when I started training for IM.

Welcome to the group.

2007-12-12 1:18 PM
in reply to: #1094296

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle Group Open
So far it is  2 Mikes, Lisa, and Nole40. I am thinking probaly 3 or 4 more and then I will close it out.
2007-12-12 1:52 PM
in reply to: #1097833

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle Group Open
I lived for 5 years in Ann Arbor, and I LOVED it!  I jockstrapped Steelhead in '06, it was a nice race.  I live in CT now, but I really miss Michigan and the Midwest...
2007-12-12 4:44 PM
in reply to: #1094296

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle Group Open
I'ld like to be in your group if you still have spaces.

Name: Brian

Family Status: Married w/two teenage daughters. Both year round swimmers who do 500s in the 5:20s to 5:30s and laugh at my swimming. My eldest is also starting to do tris, and was in the top 10 in the 3 sprints she did last year. She'll probably move up to olympic distance this year.

About me: I didn't do any sports until college, at which point I started getting into biking. I did a century (almost killed me) and 3 or 4 biathlons. Then life, work, family, and running into a cadillac got into the way. Fast forward to last April, and my eldest signed up for a sprint tri a half mile down the road. "hey... no problem, I'll help you with biking, I used to be good." I told her. I couldn't even do 15 miles. So... I join up with the Y, lose 40 lbs, start running and biking, get in the pool a couple of times, and then sign myself up for a "Try a tri," with her. I don't get past the first buoy, but I did respectably other than that, with a 20m/hr bike pace, and a 10m/min run. After that, I start getting serious. I lost another 40 lbs, and did my first two half marathons this year, signed up with the local tri club, and have been in the pool for 2-3 coached hours a week for the past 2 months.

2 weeks ago, I jumped off the deep end and signed up for the fall IMAZ.

Other than that... I currently live in the San Francisco Bay Area, have moved around a lot, from Illinois to Connecticut to Louisiana to Texas to Europe.

Next year is all about getting ready for the IMAZ, starting with a marathon in March, and then doing longer and longer distance Tri's and open water swims.

I'm especially worried about the swim cutoff time, and race nutrition, since bad nutrition was what caused me to bonk on the century I did in college. While I'm a member of a wonderful Tri-club (who have told me that they are NOT going to be easy on me any more), I can use all the help I can get.
2007-12-12 8:59 PM
in reply to: #1094296

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle Group Open
Brian- Welcome to the squad. Congrats on signing up for IMAZ, it's only the beginning of your journey. We'll do our best to push you along!

Mike- Glad to hear you have experience with Steelhead. I'm sure I"ll have a ton of questions for you as we get closer to the season. What else is on your schedule for '08 besides CDA?

Lisa- I agree that the midwest is the place to be! I'm guessing you went to U of M?

Today's an off-day for me, and i'm planning on keeping it unstructured until the end of December. That will allow me to re-charge my batteries and kick-off 2008. Have a good one!


2007-12-12 9:14 PM
in reply to: #1094296

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle Group Open

Definatly have room for you Brian

Congrats on making the descision to have a healthy lifestyle and then going insane and signing up for IMAZ Wink

My first time advice is soak up as much as you can. I started last year not knowing a thing about swimming and never biked more than 100 miles in a week much less one day.

Start practicing your nutrition now in just your day to day workouts. If you get up early to run or bike, find out what will work with your stomach early in the morning. Find out what you need to eat for breakfast to have a good workout and start the experimenting now.

Good Luck

2007-12-12 9:15 PM
in reply to: #1094296

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle Group Open
Lisa, you're insane to be missing Michigan. It is 28 and covered in ice today. Yell
2007-12-12 9:41 PM
in reply to: #1094296

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle Group Open

If you still have room, I'd love to join the group! This will be my first season in triathlons, though I've done some smaller (5k) running races, and have been generally fit for the last few years I'm looking to take it up a notch or three!! Looking to do a couple sprints and maybe an olympic, thinking of tackling a Half Marathon or two as well. I used to swim competitively up until about the age of 15 but hadn't done any for ten years until I started up again three months ago.

Let me know if you have room and I'll post up a better bio!

2007-12-12 9:59 PM
in reply to: #1094296

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle Group Open

Lexus, welcome to the crew.

Like the attitude of wanting to step it up a notch or three. Half marathon is a great distance and  a very abtainable goal if you are willing to work for it. We will do anything we can to help.

2007-12-12 10:01 PM
in reply to: #1094296

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle Group Open

Group update

2 Mikes, Chris, Brian, Lisa, Alexis

Room for 2 more I would say. We seem to have  a pretty good group going with a nice mix of strengths and weaknesses where we should be able to help each other out a lot.

2007-12-12 10:36 PM
in reply to: #1099008

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle Group Open

This is going to be a fun group!

Chris, yes, I'm a Wolverine, I was there for graduate school.  I'm technically still a student, but since getting married in June I have come out East to live with my husband and finish up my dissertation from here.  I don't know what it is about there...I mean, I grew up in San Diego, one of the best places to live ever, but I still am attached to the Midwest.  As well as California, of course.

Michael, it's not exactly warm here in CT either, but the people do not seem as nice, so Midwest wins .  There's something nice and folksy out there that I like.


2007-12-12 11:09 PM
in reply to: #1094296

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle Group Open

Once we pick up a couple of more, I will put together a list of everyones goals and let everyone motivate each other


2007-12-13 10:38 AM
in reply to: #1099122

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle Group Open
lisazapato - 2007-12-12 8:36 PM

This is going to be a fun group!

Chris, yes, I'm a Wolverine, I was there for graduate school.  I'm technically still a student, but since getting married in June I have come out East to live with my husband and finish up my dissertation from here.  I don't know what it is about there...I mean, I grew up in San Diego, one of the best places to live ever, but I still am attached to the Midwest.  As well as California, of course.

Michael, it's not exactly warm here in CT either, but the people do not seem as nice, so Midwest wins .  There's something nice and folksy out there that I like.


Oh geez... an Illini and a Wolverine in the same group... I'm not sure that this is appropriate

There are days that I miss Midwest winters... then I put on my t-shirt and run in the bright sunlight around the San Francisco Bay, and I get over that really quick.
2007-12-13 10:43 AM
in reply to: #1098358

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle Group Open
I just wanted to chime in on the nutrition thing. It's extremely important at the HIM distance (and beyond, I'm sure). It's been my downfall at every long distance tri/du that I've done and I'm determined to figure it out for my IM in August. My coach will be able to help me, but I've already done a couple "sweat tests" to see how much fluid I'm losing on runs in different weather at different paces. It's an incredible amount: 3.5-4 pounds per hour. I don't know how I'm going to learn to drink that much, but I hear you can train yourself to drink/eat just like s/b/r. I'm also thinking that the Powerbars I've been eating on the bike are giving me the runs on the run, so I'm going to try stuff less solid: gel, etc.

I also learned this year that you can take in too many calories. My drink on the bike had CarboPro mixed with Cytomax and I think what happened was it was too many calories for my stomach to digest in the amount of time I needed it to based on my hydration needs, so my body also couldn't take in the water and not only did I have bloating and sloshing, but cramps due to dehydration. It was crazy.

So I'm starting to view plain water needs separately from calorie needs separately from electrolyte needs. I think maybe each one needs to vary depending on the weather, the distance, and the intensity. But it's still a work in progress.....

2007-12-13 10:54 AM
in reply to: #1099818

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle Group Open
ellismichael - 2007-12-13 8:43 AM

So I'm starting to view plain water needs separately from calorie needs separately from electrolyte needs. I think maybe each one needs to vary depending on the weather, the distance, and the intensity. But it's still a work in progress.....


Thanks for the good suggestions.

For me, it's always been about the last third of the race. On the century, I had a big meal to start, a big meal at mile 40 and still bonked at mile 60, 5 miles from the next rest station. Stupidly, I didn't have any reserve food stashed away. Once I got to the aid station, and had a big meal I was totally fine for the last 40 miles.

On the two half mary's I did, I took the Gators at water stops when it's offered, I did GU at about an hour, but I still ran out of gas at mile 10 or so. Hopefully, it's just about taking calories before I think I need it.

I've got some nice long distance events this year to practice, so we'll see if I can get it right.

2007-12-13 11:18 AM
in reply to: #1094296

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open 2 Spots remain Get em while they're Hot!

Wow, Brian I just read your bio again and your daughters are FAST in the pool.  Hopefully they'll be able to help you out!  (And as for an Illini mixing with a Wolverine, for the purposes of this group let's just say go Big Ten? )

My husband did IMAZ in April, he really enjoyed it, and he couldn't swim worth a darn before he started triathloning.  So, it's totally possible to pick up the swim in a fairly short time!  He did a HIM in '06 where his swim for the HIM was longer than his swim for the IM.  Kinda funny. 

Today we are getting a huge snowdump in the Northeast, which may force me to alter my training plans for the day...Driving in fresh snow to the pool is probably not smart, but I can probably still run, or if all else fails, hop on the trainer.

Hope everyone is having a great day.


2007-12-13 11:46 AM
in reply to: #1099916

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Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open 2 Spots remain Get em while they're Hot!
lisazapato - 2007-12-13 9:18 AM

Wow, Brian I just read your bio again and your daughters are FAST in the pool.  Hopefully they'll be able to help you out!  (And as for an Illini mixing with a Wolverine, for the purposes of this group let's just say go Big Ten? )

Go Big 10 - even though the Illini are going to get whomped yet again in the Rose Bowl. It only took us 20 years to recover from the last debacle.

My eldest gets out of the swim leg of a sprint in first place, not breathing hard, and says "I'm not even warmed up". When I tell my youngest about my "hard" swim, she just starts laughing uncontrollably. You would think that they would be more greatful since I've paid for years of their swim training.

Good luck in the snow

Edited by bhoover10001 2007-12-13 11:49 AM
2007-12-13 6:27 PM
in reply to: #1094296

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open 2 Spots remain Get em while they're Hot!

I live in Michigan but definatley not a Wolverine, Spartan or any other Big Ten Fan.( North Carolina Baby, Go Heels!!)

Sounds like we may have a new joiner, I just sent back a PM.

And stop with the rubbing it in of running in shorts and a tshirt. Tomorrows high is 23 and we aren't even to winter yet.

2007-12-13 6:43 PM
in reply to: #1094296

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Extreme Veteran
Louisville KY
Subject: RE: Shermbelle's Group Open 2 Spots remain Get em while they're Hot!
Hey Michael can I jump on the bandwagon.

I turn 41 on Christmas I'm married 11 year old son 5 year old daughter.

I live in Louisville and when IMLOU came the bug got me. I've been a club rider for years and have been running since Oct.

My goals for 08: 1st marathon spring Ky Derby Marathon, then start doing sprints after that, In a year or two do IMLOU, and would like to dump about 20#.

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