General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2014-10-03 3:44 PM
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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread

Anyone there yet?  Report in!   I'm getting excited to race.....

BTW I called it months ago, that it would be wetsuit legal.  Technically, it is/will be     Whether one is worn or not is a different story

I am still up in the air.  Air temps will be in the mid 60s for the swim, even though the water will be warm, and it won't really toast up until near the end of the bike.  I am not a fan of wearing a wetsuit and overheating, but not sure that will happen here?

ETA - anyone know if it's wetsuit allowed if it's a separate wave, at the end?   That's a no go for sure.

Edited by ChrisM 2014-10-03 4:11 PM

2014-10-03 6:32 PM
in reply to: #4935416

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread
I did a short bike at 1p. Temp was about 88 but didn't feel too bad Checked in at 2p, line not too bad. Merch tent a bit crowded. Don't know about the wetsuit wave. Was going to attend the 4p briefing but the pool is just too nice to leave. Will have to find out tomorrow. Have a safe trip.
2014-10-03 7:46 PM
in reply to: #5056665

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread
Definitely a separate swim wave if above 76.
2014-10-03 11:19 PM
in reply to: StevenC

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread
Arrived just in time for 4pm race briefing.. bad news, no wetsuit.. water temp is still 80 degrees..good news, air temp is not as hot as i expected. still hot, but not too bad.

one thing: you can wear a wetsuit but you don't get to qualify for any awards, WC qualifications, etc.

2014-10-03 11:21 PM
in reply to: ChrisM

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread
Originally posted by ChrisM

Anyone there yet?  Report in!   I'm getting excited to race.....

BTW I called it months ago, that it would be wetsuit legal.  Technically, it is/will be     Whether one is worn or not is a different story

I am still up in the air.  Air temps will be in the mid 60s for the swim, even though the water will be warm, and it won't really toast up until near the end of the bike.  I am not a fan of wearing a wetsuit and overheating, but not sure that will happen here?

ETA - anyone know if it's wetsuit allowed if it's a separate wave, at the end?   That's a no go for sure.

yes, wetsuit is separate wave, and very last wave.
2014-10-04 1:47 AM
in reply to: #5056681

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread
Checked into Homewood Suites after a 5.5 hr ride from San Diego, should've left earlier. Just got an earful from wifey for buying that wetsuit for this race, my first race. I'm gonna opt not to go in the wetsuit wave. Anybody jumped in the lake yet?

2014-10-04 9:50 AM
in reply to: ChrisM

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Extreme Veteran
Southern California
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread
Originally posted by ChrisM

BTW I called it months ago, that it would be wetsuit legal.  Technically, it is/will be 

Don't worry, we'll let you off the hook on that one.

Got in yesterday around noon, took a short ride, feels pretty warm to me. The draw string bag is inside the merch tent, no one in the check in tent that helped me knew that yesterday, so fyi. Check in was smooth, thanks to the volunteers.

Are you guys going to leave your helmet, bike shoes, nutrition, etc. up at T1 today or bring them in tomorrow morning? I was thinking about bringing that stuff up tomorrow.
2014-10-04 7:05 PM
in reply to: #5056712

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread
I know it's probably too late, I always just leave the bike and bring everything in the am. Lake was nice and warm in just the swimsuit. And temps don't seem that they'll be quite as bad as expected. In fact it's hotter at home about a mile from the ocean than Henderson today. Good luck everyone tomorrow! I'll be in red polka dots and white arm coolers on the bike and a white top on the run. Yes, I'm changing.
2014-10-04 7:58 PM
in reply to: #5056830

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread
Good luck Chris
2014-10-04 8:04 PM
in reply to: #5056840

New user

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread
I missed the athlete briefing meeting. Did I miss anything important? At least I had time to drop off my bike.
2014-10-06 12:28 PM
in reply to: mcondie

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread
i hope everyone had a safe and fun race! that was a tough one!

2014-10-06 12:41 PM
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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread

Originally posted by dondie i hope everyone had a safe and fun race! that was a tough one!

Well, that was appropriately hard, LOL.   And now I take back everything I said about the run not having that much elevation.   Basically a 2 mile climb every loop!  Fantastic day though, really had a great time.

And I simply cannot say enough good things about that de soto cooling top.  I honestly never felt the heat on the run (and I don't think it got as hot as they were predicting).

At least my race time beat my drive time Vegas to LA!   Looooong day, didn't get home until 10

Edited by ChrisM 2014-10-06 12:45 PM
2014-10-06 12:45 PM
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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread

yes, this was tough indeed. close to 12% dnf rate by some accounts. but this was my kinda race.

some minor bellyaching.

whoever made the wetsuit legal call, should be smacked. the water was easily 80 degrees 100 yards off the shore. i think that people who wore full suits got baked and i am sure that this did not help on the bike or the run. another thing was the freaking boats and big trucks on Shoreline drive - couldn't they have been re-routed? this was just asking for trouble. lastly, the run course was punishing enough without those hairpin turns on concrete exiting the stadium (twice!).

other than that, the race was well organized, especially the run part. all aid stations were well stocked/attended to and ice was plentiful. i had no trouble staying cool.

i will be back in 2015.

Edited by alex_korr 2014-10-06 12:46 PM
2014-10-06 12:49 PM
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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread

It was about 93 degrees when I finished (at around 1pm) on my watch.  I am sure that some sections on Green Valley Parkway were radiating close  to 100 degrees of heat.

Edited by alex_korr 2014-10-06 12:55 PM
2014-10-06 12:49 PM
in reply to: alex_korr

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread

Originally posted by alex_korr

yes, this was tough indeed. close to 12% dnf rate by some accounts. but this was my kinda race.

some minor .

whoever made the wetsuit legal call, should be smacked. the water was easily 80 degrees 100 yards off the shore. i think that people who wore full suits got baked and i am sure that this did not help on the bike or the run. another thing was the freaking boats and big trucks on Shoreline drive - couldn't they have been re-routed? this was just asking for trouble. the run course was punishing enough without those hairpin turns on concrete exiting the stadium (twice!).

other than that, the race was well organized, especially the run part. all aid stations were well stocked/attended to and ice was plentiful. i had no trouble staying cool.

i will be back in 2015.

I wore a full suit, and would guess that all but 2 in the AWA mens wave wore one.  It probably wasn't wetsuit legal, it was a bit warm, but I don't htink it affected my bike and run, I went about what I thought I would there.  Swim was slow for a wetsuit legal flat swim for me, someone on ST reporting an extra 200 yds or so on the swim.  I am going with that 

And yes, coming back on northsore, holy sh***t!!!   Being in the early wave my westboud lane was pretty clear, but the eastbound lane was full of riders, and I had several cars fully in my lane coming at me.  That was sketchy, not sure the RD can get a road closure in a national park.

There was a BMW traveling east pretty fast, wasn't buzzing us but too fast, a few miles later I passed him, stopped by a park ranger getting a ticket 

2014-10-06 12:50 PM
in reply to: alex_korr

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread

Originally posted by alex_korr

It was about 93 degrees when I finished (at around 1pm) on my watch.  I am sure that some section on Green Valley Parkway were radiating close 100 degrees of heat.

Guess it was warmer than I thought.   The top worked even better then.  Unfortunately, didn't help my performance 

2014-10-06 12:53 PM
in reply to: ChrisM

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Los Angeles
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread

Confirmed - the swim course was about 1.3 miles on my watch as well. looks like the second turn buoy was set up a bit too far. 

2014-10-06 12:56 PM
in reply to: alex_korr

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread

Originally posted by alex_korr

Confirmed - the swim course was about 1.3 miles on my watch as well. looks like the second turn buoy was set up a bit too far. 

Yeah, my swim time was what I would expect would be 3-ish minutes too slow but my AG placing was about average.  Thought it might be that guys in the 45-49 wave behind me maybe werne't wearing as many wetsuits, but someone posted a bunch of strava links all showing 1.3

2014-10-06 2:30 PM
in reply to: ChrisM

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread
That was one tough course. I just tried to it easy and not die out there. I was ok on swim with sleeveless. Was really hurting on those uphills and managed just a slow walk/run on the second and third loop hills. Heat was rough and the ride home was probably the toughest part of the day.

Great race and awesome volunteers. Those cars in the park were definitely sketchy. Hope everyone had a great time.

2014-10-06 4:22 PM
in reply to: StevenC

New user

Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread
Glad to here that others showed a slightly long swim course. My GPS showed 1.309 miles for the swim. I just figured the extra distance was because I can't swim straight. I wore my full wetsuit and it was great.
2014-10-06 4:50 PM
in reply to: StevenC

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Georgetown, KY
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread
That was tough for me! It was my first 70.3 and it made me earn it! My rear derailleur hanger got bent on the flight here, so when I put my bike together I had to fix that. The bike mechanics at the event said they wouldn't even touch it... They did let me use their alignment tool, but it was so bent that after I took the RD off it wouldn't go back in the slot on the derailleur so the B-screw was useless and the RD was sticking out about 1mm to far. I adjusted the cables and let it rip. It made it though, and really on course, it sounded better than a lot of peoples' bikes!

I wore a full wetsuit on the swim and didn't over heat in one of the last waves, but was glad to have the suit and take it easy on the swim.

The bike was way more climbing than I am used to! I dropped one of my bottles at mile 6 and was praying for an aid station by the time the first one came along. My bike computer said 93 at mile 20... It was hotter than the weather man said it'd be!

The run killed me. The heat coming off that blacktop was rough and those hills got me. I didn't have enough salt on the bike and was on the verge of bad cramps the entire run. I was glad for the aid stations having salty food. First time race and I learned A LOT about the nutrition I need.

The only complaints I have are the bike mechanics were useless unless you needed wheels put on or a chain lubed. Not just for me, I sat there working on my bike for about an hour Saturday and they got 3 people bringing bikes back because they still had problems and told 2 more other than me that they couldn't fix their problem. One was a broken cable.... Simple stuff.

Also, the traffic in the park was a little hairy, but I didn't mind that as much because that's just how traffic is, but I was mad at the course marshals on motorcycles. One buzzed by me while meeting a car and going downhill, one was riding less than a foot to my left while going uphill and I had to yell at him to move so I could pass the rider in front of me, and one turned around on the out and back and cut off two riders coming downhill in front of me.. They are suppose to be there to keep us safe and follow the rules, but they were reckless IMO.

2014-10-06 6:39 PM
in reply to: Bradleykd

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Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread

Congrats on your first 70.3!   Sure picked a tough one, they'll all be easy from now on 

2014-10-06 9:25 PM
in reply to: wolff840


Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread
My time for this race is not what I was hoping for but I'm glad that I finished my first Half Ironman!!!
2014-10-06 10:15 PM
in reply to: alex_korr

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Sioux Falls, SD
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread
Originally posted by alex_korr

yes, this was tough indeed. close to 12% dnf rate by some accounts. but this was my kinda race.

whoever made the wetsuit legal call, should be smacked. the water was easily 80 degrees 100 yards off the shore.

I was wondering what the DNF rate would be. I agree with the water. Seemed a lot warmer about 100 yards out. I didn't have a wetsuit, forgot to pack it, and though the water was perfectly comfortable. Would have been hot in one.
2014-10-06 10:17 PM
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Sioux Falls, SD
Subject: RE: Ironman 70.3 Silverman : Official Thread
Originally posted by ChrisM

Originally posted by alex_korr

yes, this was tough indeed. close to 12% dnf rate by some accounts. but this was my kinda race.

some minor .

whoever made the wetsuit legal call, should be smacked. the water was easily 80 degrees 100 yards off the shore. i think that people who wore full suits got baked and i am sure that this did not help on the bike or the run. another thing was the freaking boats and big trucks on Shoreline drive - couldn't they have been re-routed? this was just asking for trouble. the run course was punishing enough without those hairpin turns on concrete exiting the stadium (twice!).

other than that, the race was well organized, especially the run part. all aid stations were well stocked/attended to and ice was plentiful. i had no trouble staying cool.

i will be back in 2015.

I wore a full suit, and would guess that all but 2 in the AWA mens wave wore one.  It probably wasn't wetsuit legal, it was a bit warm, but I don't htink it affected my bike and run, I went about what I thought I would there.  Swim was slow for a wetsuit legal flat swim for me, someone on ST reporting an extra 200 yds or so on the swim.  I am going with that 

And yes, coming back on northsore, holy sh***t!!!   Being in the early wave my westboud lane was pretty clear, but the eastbound lane was full of riders, and I had several cars fully in my lane coming at me.  That was sketchy, not sure the RD can get a road closure in a national park.

There was a BMW traveling east pretty fast, wasn't buzzing us but too fast, a few miles later I passed him, stopped by a park ranger getting a ticket 

I was one of those 2 in the Men's AWA wave not wearing one....

I saw that guy pulled over getting a ticket in his tan sweater (you must have been about 5 minutes ahead of me). He looked pissed. Made me laugh.

Edited by buckeyeguy77 2014-10-06 10:19 PM
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