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2008-07-10 3:03 PM
in reply to: #1520048

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Brentwood, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
I believe, then there were 3. I was talking to Mike on Sat that we are a little concerned about wipate... He just VANISHED after the bike accident.

2008-07-10 5:33 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Yeah that's pretty worrisome.  I see he has an email listed in his profile, maybe we should drop him a line?
2008-07-10 10:38 PM
in reply to: #1521519

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Athens, Georgia
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
I have sent him a few inspires from time to time but nothing back. I did see that he crossed out the race from a few weekends ago on his short term goals list though. Othere than that nothing. I am going to try to email him. And send inspires to the rest of the clan.

I have this TDF challenge thing going and I put that I was going to do 300 miles for the month. What was I thinking? Even with the long ride last sat I am only up to 85 or 90. Looks like I need to kick another long ride out this Saturday. But I have my bike fixed and ready to roll so that is a relief.

You starting to taper yet Gary? When are you flying up? Shipping the bike? Is Courtney Courtney going? Enough questions?

2008-07-11 12:02 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Brentwood, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
I have sorta started my taper, it is called the "I am really busy at work because I am taking a week off, so I do not have much time to train" taper... I is really odd not doing as much. I also still want to get 300 in as my goal, but have not had much time, I really needed the extra 59 that I did not get last week. Should still do it given I have 112 on the 20th.

Taking the bike on the plane, US Air has a deal with NAS to take the bike for free if you book through the ironman website. I am direct flying to Philly, so I hope to be OK. Flying up Wed, then driving up to LP Thurs am. Getting very anxious, which is probably why I am up at 1am stretching and posting on BT. C2 is not going, too much going on at the homestead, but she will be glued to the computer watching my splits. Race days are harder on her than me, she gets so nervous that I wanted here at home relaxing rather than standing alone for 12, 13, 14... hours.

OK, I need to try to go sleep! Rock on...
2008-07-11 11:02 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Athens, Georgia
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
I hope the pre race anxiety gets easier the more races I do, somehow I doubt it. Especially with this being your first IM. Hope the time passes quickly for you before the race.

I might be joining another group ride for tomorrow but not sure. Either way I am going to try to stack on the miles.
2008-07-11 12:35 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED

If C2 isn't going, do you have a cheering section??  I'll be in my race thinking, "if Gary can bike 112, surely I can manage 12." 

I did my first 800m swim today!  Was pretty good.  Slow, but good. 

2008-07-12 6:35 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Athens, Georgia
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
I love PB's, good job on the swim... I did a 400 x 2 today and it was my longest two straight swims ever. I really need to swim more. It is just so hard to make my schedule fit swimming hours. That and if I have any free time I want to ride my bike.

I am going to start a structured plan to get ready for my Oly in September. If I don't do that I am afraid I will never survive the swim.

2008-07-13 1:48 PM
in reply to: #1520048

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Extreme Veteran
Central New Jersey
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Sorry, I have been trying to keep up with the reading but not having much success.  I am going back to read through all the posts that I have missed lately.   I have been busy running a cub scout day camp for the past week and have one more week to go and then one week after that until my race.  Needless to say, I have had little time to post.  I did a brick bike/run today on the actual course for my triathlon on the 27th and am so glad I did. I am feeling less anxious about it but realized with my knee that I will be walking the run part since it is still not 100% but I will be able to finish the entire distance.
2008-07-13 5:03 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Athens, Georgia
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Listen to your body and don't over do it. If you have to walk some of the run or even all of it go for it. I hope the best for you and just FINISH.
2008-07-14 8:47 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Mike's right, focus on staying well and do what it takes to finish!  Glad your knee is better!
2008-07-14 11:14 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
I'm sorry, I haven't posted in forever. I've been reading and enjoying learning from you guys but haven't felt the urge to post anything. I need to get better at posting when things are going well. That said, I am now posting because yesterday was not fun. Here is what I put in my workout blog for the day.

BUMMER Day today.

Today was supposed to be my first tri but I didn't make it through the swim. I started in the back and on the outside edge but things didn't go well from the very beginning. I swallowed water, started to hyperventilate, cough and couldn't catch my breath. I somehow managed to calm down for about 50 meters but by then I was all alone and had to do a lot of sighting. I tried to float on my back but the thought of the deep water was too much and panic set in.

The support in the water was not very good either. A total of 2 fishing boats (one on each side). By the time I made it past the first one, I knew it was now or never to decide to swim back to it and get out. If I had trouble between where I was at and the next boat I would not have made it. I decided to get out.

Then I cried.

I was so disappointed in myself.

After I got home I went to the pool and did the workout documented for today.

2008-07-14 8:27 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Aw man, I don't know what to say.   You trained really well, your logs are great, you WILL be able to do this! 
2008-07-14 8:36 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Athens, Georgia
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Use this as a learning experience. There is always something you can learn from every bad experience just like life. Don't let this kill your spirit, rather use this as inspiration and kick some a$$.

I am so proud of you for going and knocking out a swim right after. That shows guts and determination. Just imagine right now how sweet it will be to finish your next race.

2008-07-14 8:40 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
I joined the Des Moines Triathlon Club today. Group open water swim #1 is this Wednesday. I'm looking forward to it.

2008-07-15 2:22 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Athens, Georgia
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Awesome. I need to do that so badly. I put of getting a coach and or doing anything else that I have to pay for due to a little bump in the road financially. Good luck and go rock the swim.
2008-07-15 10:09 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED

Joining a group is a great idea.  I would love to join our cleve tri club but I know I can't committ to group training yet, with my kids being so young.  But even having BT has been helpful!  You'll crush that swim in no time.

 So I took a chance and ordered my tri top and bottoms online, and they arrived today.  Happy to report they fit like a glove (literally...I thought I looked pretty good until I put on compression wear. Ick.)!  Got a LG Power Shark top and 2XU tri shorts.  Top is red, so it matches my bike, pretty slick ay? 

I looked and the mirror and thought "oh sh*t, now I look like I know what I'm doing!"   

2008-07-16 11:33 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
That is awesome.

My hubby did finish the tri on Sunday but did the bike in swim shorts only. No padding! Needless to say he was a hurting unit by the end of the race. Yesterday we bought him some fancy TYR tri shorts. They look sweet.

After I finish my first I am upgrading my tri wardrobe as well. New clothes are awesome! I am still getting used to the whole "fits like a glove" thing though. There is no room for modesty in this sport!
2008-07-16 11:35 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Mike where did the Lucy skipping rope pic come from? Is there any significance there?
2008-07-16 12:39 PM
in reply to: #1533921

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED

jhinrichs11 - 2008-07-16 12:33 PM 

There is no room for modesty in this sport!

If that isn't an understatement!!  I'm a little used to it from cross country--you see some pretty ugly stuff at some races.  But that was back in the day before compression shorts and UnderArmor! 

2008-07-16 1:25 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Athens, Georgia
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
My avatar is in memory of Christine Rusher BT screen name Lucy. Christine was supposed to go on the group ride with Gnu and I a few weeks ago but backed out because she was having some problems with her left arm. It turned out to be a Hemangioma (sp?) on her brain and she passed away yesterday. .

I never got to meet her in person but she was a great inspiration to me and others here in BT and encouraged me through her posts and her logs. Her avatar was of Lucy skipping rope and I found this one with a little action to remember her by.

I am doing a 5k run in Lithia Florida on Friday night that is in her memory. There are many others on BT across the country that will be doing a virtual 5k, they signed up for the race as all proceeds are going to Christine's family, and are going to run on Friday night in their respected areas.

I encourage everyone else to try to do the same. There are threads in both COJ and Triathlon Talk that have the link. I would post it here but I am challenged in that area.

I have been trying to run more this week in preperation for Friday but my hip pain seems to be getting worse and worse. I am getting my bike back from the shop today though so I won't have to ride my MTB anymore. Hope all is well for everyone. Good luck with trianing. Gnu should be about out of his mind by now with his big race being this weekend.

2008-07-16 1:49 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Quad Cities
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED

Congrats Gary (and Courtney) on winning your 100K dream wedding. We now have a celebrity coach!

 You even made the yahoo news page -;_ylt=Aj3_VPQZZ_.Ug4d4acLxoKNxFb8C 

2008-07-16 8:31 PM
in reply to: #1534417

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Athens, Georgia
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
merickson73 - 2008-07-16 2:49 PM

Congrats Gary (and Courtney) on winning your 100K dream wedding. We now have a celebrity coach!

 You even made the yahoo news page -;_ylt=Aj3_VPQZZ_.Ug4d4acLxoKNxFb8C 

He could buy us all new bikes now. Yippee
2008-07-16 9:36 PM
in reply to: #1372061

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Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Mike, I am totally loving the Lucy avatar. The story is so sad, I hope her family is doing ok. I hope the hip holds up well for the run on Friday.

Now I feel selfish talking about myself but I did go to the lake for the tri club's OWS. All I can say is that if you can join a club that provides weekly coached workouts do it now! Those guys were awesome!

They had us to 3 sets of group starts and during the first one I got the same feeling I did Sunday. The world started spinning, my heartrate shot through the roof, and I felt horrible. We swam about 50 meters after each start and I got progressively better as the went along. After that they had us swim about 450 yards and I stayed close to shore but I was out far enough that I couldn't touch and I was able to keep myself calm enough to swim the whole thing.

They also answered a bunch of questions and gave us a bunch of tips. I can't wait until the next group swim!

Edited by jhinrichs11 2008-07-16 9:39 PM
2008-07-17 5:25 AM
in reply to: #1535542

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Extreme Veteran
Cleveland, Ohio
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
triguynewbie - 2008-07-16 9:31 PM
merickson73 - 2008-07-16 2:49 PM

Congrats Gary (and Courtney) on winning your 100K dream wedding. We now have a celebrity coach!

You even made the yahoo news page -;_ylt=Aj3_VPQZZ_.Ug4d4acLxoKNxFb8C

He could buy us all new bikes now. Yippee

I just want an invitation.  Particularly if it's anywhere remotely close to a beach.

The OWS workout sounded great!!  Good for you!!!  It sounds like the start was psyching you out more than the swim itself, because 450 yards is a pretty good distance!  I'm sure the group environment is helpful, glad you found it. 

2008-07-17 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1372061

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Athens, Georgia
Subject: RE: Gnu's Group - CLOSED
Great swim. They are currently putting together a tri club her in my area. I went to the initial meeting and cannot wait for them to get this thing rolling. There are three USAT coaches that will be taking part so I am psyched about that. It just seams like it is taking forever to get this thing rolling.
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