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2009-06-24 10:47 AM
in reply to: #1842836

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Greetings everyone. Okay, time is flying by. This is my first Ironman race and I am excited. Does anyone have any suggestions on Bike to Run workouts? How far distance is a good one to build up to prior to the race? Bike to run is what i need to work on the most.
Happy Training!

2009-06-25 4:17 AM
in reply to: #2239590

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
When I trained for IMAZ, my bike to run workouts were mostly pretty short. After the really long rides, it was only up to 30 min of running. After the shorter rides, it's a good idea to at least go a couple of miles to get used to the feeling.
2009-06-25 6:48 AM
in reply to: #1842836

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
good question about the bricks. For my first HIM, my coach only had me going 20-30 mins just a few times off the bike and I didn't feel prepared to pace myself at all. I ended up slowing up bigtime after mile 2 cuz i had not idea what I had in me. I am not sure i agree with this method. I think I am going to push for some longer bricks, like up to 1-1.5 hours of running. I am not sure he will go for it though....he seems to know more than me
2009-06-25 11:26 AM
in reply to: #1842836

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South Florida
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I think a short 30 min run off a 6 hour bike is sufficient...and then the next day do a short bike - like an hour or so  - before your long run.  Just my opinion and what I've done
2009-06-28 9:45 PM
in reply to: #2242573

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
hey guys, just out of curiosity, what's your weekly mileage looking like right now for the bike and run? (weekly and long runs/bikes). 

Time is flying by WAAAY too fast!
2009-06-29 6:39 AM
in reply to: #1842836

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

Run is about 17 -20 and riding is about 70 - 80. My longest ride so far was 70 miles and a bunch over 50. I've got RI HIM in 2 weeks. Then Im on hiatus for 2 weeks then start a 13 week plan for FL.

2009-06-29 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2249175

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in a pool, on a bike, or up the trail
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
My weekly mileage on the bike is all over the place. It basically amounts to 3-4 20 mile commutes. A 25 mile harder effort mid-week and a longer ride on the weekend, anywhere from 40-60. It's very strange because I'm riding about 1/3 to 1/2 as much as I'm used to this time of year.

On the run, I'm not really going for weekly training targets either. I do one or two shorter runs mid-week: 3-4 if two and 5-6 if only one. Then on weekends I am pushing up into longer distances as best as I can given the mechanical limitations I have. I hit a lengthy plateau at 8-10 miles. Took nearly three months of PT and stretching and frustration to get through it, but I think I'm there. Yesterday I did my first half mary distance and managed it with no knee pain or other major issues. Today I'm fatigued and have a bit of muscle soreness (quads/calves), but otherwise feel great!

My first half IM is Muncie in two weeks. So I think I'm right on target. Really looking forward to it.

As for time flying - it's funny. On the one hand, it is going fast and I feel like there's so much left to do. On the other.. a November event still seems like forever-and-a-day. I'm usually done with my biggest events of the year by the first of October.

Rock on.
2009-06-29 11:16 AM
in reply to: #1842836

New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I am averaging around 150-175 miles per week in biking.  My running is a little bit lower than I would like it to be but I am coming back from an injury and do not want to take it to fast.  I average 20-25 miles per week but will be upping the mileage in a couple of weeks.  If you are using an ironman program than trust it and you should be fine.  I sometimes feel like I am not doing enough but I just tell myself to stick to the program. 

Good luck in everyone's racing and training. 
2009-06-29 1:14 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I'm just following the plan my coach is sending me and not even looking at total mileage...however, right now I'm around 30 or so miles of running a week, a 110-130 miles of biking a week.  I worked on a good bike base the beginning of the year, so my weekend rides are 70-100 miles right now. I am heading to the W.Houston area on 19 July for the Katy Flatland's century so I can see what riding for 100+ (I might do a little extra) on FLAT ground feels like. I'm pretty excited.

Once we hit that 20 week mark, I committed to myself that this is real and I will be ready for it and I will do the training. I went to CdA to cheer friends, and that has given me some great inspiration and motivation.  The thing I am forcing myself to focus on is this week's training, not next week's, not what my times "might be" or "should be" come November--but rather just focusing on each week for me.  I have a slightly competitive side of me, so looking at my friends IM times etc. and trying to formulate what mine should be is something part of me wants to do, but I know I should NOT do....this is my first IM. The goal is to finish STRONG. Of course, I have times that would be awesome to meet--but I'm forcing myself not to get wrapped up around that, and that is helping me focus as I should.  Now I just gotta maintain that for 16+ weeks (that's with a 2 week taper assumption for the remaining 2 weeks!).

Train well, train smart, and BEAT THE HEAT (especially if you live in the Southern half of this country--it's TOASTY!)
2009-06-30 7:52 AM
in reply to: #1842836

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Good advice Brittany! I am trying not to focus on what others are doing. I just do the workouts my coach prescribes. If i add anything in it is yoga and some PT stuff for my shins.

2009-06-30 6:41 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
This thread is pretty inspiring, it's making it hard to come up with excuses not to sign up in November for 2010, only question is do I make the trek out to PCB to sign up or chance it online...

2009-06-30 9:36 PM
in reply to: #2254401

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Northern Virginia
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
IMO, I'd chance it online unless you just want to soak in the experience or volunteer.  For 2010 so far, IM Utah is still open, IMCDA is still open and I think this might be a sign of things to come for the 2010 races with the current economy(maybe with the exception of IMUSA). 

If I remember correctly, it took IMFL almost a week and a half to fill up online for the 2009 race.  It is a great race venue for a first timer, but between the difficulty of getting a Kona slot coupled with the huge Pelotons that form on the course really turn off a bunch of the IM vets for some reason.
2009-07-01 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1842836

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

From everything I've been reading that sounds like a pretty good description of the race. Easy on a first timer and having to watch out for riders forming up into peletons.

I keep asking the registration question over and over again in different threads and it's comforting that I'm getting pretty much the same answer. I don't waste a ton of money to travel out there when I can get in fromt he comfort of home.

2009-07-01 11:32 AM
in reply to: #2255748

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
F1longhorn - 2009-07-01 10:44 AM

From everything I've been reading that sounds like a pretty good description of the race. Easy on a first timer and having to watch out for riders forming up into peletons.

I keep asking the registration question over and over again in different threads and it's comforting that I'm getting pretty much the same answer. I don't waste a ton of money to travel out there when I can get in fromt he comfort of home.

It takes a few tries with a high speed connection when registering on-line, but it works.  Just don't give up...and you'll get in for IMFL.  I didn't think it stayed open for a week... as a matter of fact, I had checked later that Sunday when Registration opened, and it was showing sold out.  Community slots are open, from what I have heard... but I don't know what the deal is with those, except that they are more expensive and they serve as a tax right off...

Good luck with registration...

2009-07-01 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2250646

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

TexasMPGal - 2009-06-29 2:14 PM I'm just following the plan my coach is sending me and not even looking at total mileage...however, right now I'm around 30 or so miles of running a week, a 110-130 miles of biking a week.  I worked on a good bike base the beginning of the year, so my weekend rides are 70-100 miles right now. I am heading to the W.Houston area on 19 July for the Katy Flatland's century so I can see what riding for 100+ (I might do a little extra) on FLAT ground feels like. I'm pretty excited.

Once we hit that 20 week mark, I committed to myself that this is real and I will be ready for it and I will do the training. I went to CdA to cheer friends, and that has given me some great inspiration and motivation.  The thing I am forcing myself to focus on is this week's training, not next week's, not what my times "might be" or "should be" come November--but rather just focusing on each week for me.  I have a slightly competitive side of me, so looking at my friends IM times etc. and trying to formulate what mine should be is something part of me wants to do, but I know I should NOT do....this is my first IM. The goal is to finish STRONG. Of course, I have times that would be awesome to meet--but I'm forcing myself not to get wrapped up around that, and that is helping me focus as I should.  Now I just gotta maintain that for 16+ weeks (that's with a 2 week taper assumption for the remaining 2 weeks!).

Train well, train smart, and BEAT THE HEAT (especially if you live in the Southern half of this country--it's TOASTY!)


You have a gift for the understatment.  Barring mechanical or nutritional issues I would be shocked if you were not in the 11 hour range

OK new game predict someone elses IM time...I am choosing Brittany
Swim 1:15
Bike 5:30-5:45
Run 3:45
I'll give her 10 minutes total in transition that puts her 10:30-10:45 range.  I would not be surprised if she Kona qualified

2009-07-01 1:22 PM
in reply to: #2255748

New user
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
F1longhorn - 2009-07-01 11:44 AM

From everything I've been reading that sounds like a pretty good description of the race. Easy on a first timer and having to watch out for riders forming up into peletons.

I keep asking the registration question over and over again in different threads and it's comforting that I'm getting pretty much the same answer. I don't waste a ton of money to travel out there when I can get in fromt he comfort of home.

For what it's worth, I got a slot online this year within 30 minutes of registration.  I checked later on in the afternoon and it was still opened.

2009-07-01 3:06 PM
in reply to: #2256236

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Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Socks - 2009-07-01 12:59 PM

TexasMPGal - 2009-06-29 2:14 PM I'm just following the plan my coach is sending me and not even looking at total mileage...however, right now I'm around 30 or so miles of running a week, a 110-130 miles of biking a week.  I worked on a good bike base the beginning of the year, so my weekend rides are 70-100 miles right now. I am heading to the W.Houston area on 19 July for the Katy Flatland's century so I can see what riding for 100+ (I might do a little extra) on FLAT ground feels like. I'm pretty excited.

Once we hit that 20 week mark, I committed to myself that this is real and I will be ready for it and I will do the training. I went to CdA to cheer friends, and that has given me some great inspiration and motivation.  The thing I am forcing myself to focus on is this week's training, not next week's, not what my times "might be" or "should be" come November--but rather just focusing on each week for me.  I have a slightly competitive side of me, so looking at my friends IM times etc. and trying to formulate what mine should be is something part of me wants to do, but I know I should NOT do....this is my first IM. The goal is to finish STRONG. Of course, I have times that would be awesome to meet--but I'm forcing myself not to get wrapped up around that, and that is helping me focus as I should.  Now I just gotta maintain that for 16+ weeks (that's with a 2 week taper assumption for the remaining 2 weeks!).

Train well, train smart, and BEAT THE HEAT (especially if you live in the Southern half of this country--it's TOASTY!)


You have a gift for the understatment.  Barring mechanical or nutritional issues I would be shocked if you were not in the 11 hour range

OK new game predict someone elses IM time...I am choosing Brittany
Swim 1:15
Bike 5:30-5:45
Run 3:45
I'll give her 10 minutes total in transition that puts her 10:30-10:45 range.  I would not be surprised if she Kona qualified

AHHHHHHHHH----Bad, bad Sue!!! While I appreciate your confidence in me, and would be thrilled to see the above, well, we'll just have to see!! Your confidence in my abilities exceeds mine!!  I think my condo is literally right above yours, so at least I know my downstair neighbor will be quiet and let me get sleep the night before, and your upstairs neighbor will do the same.

So, in that line, let me pick SUE!
Swim: 1:11
Bike: 5:45-6:00
Run: 5:00-5:15
Transitions: 10 mins
Total Time: approx 12:10-12:30
2009-07-01 4:47 PM
in reply to: #2256613

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

TexasMPGal - 2009-07-01 4:06 PM
Socks - 2009-07-01 12:59 PM

TexasMPGal - 2009-06-29 2:14 PM I'm just following the plan my coach is sending me and not even looking at total mileage...however, right now I'm around 30 or so miles of running a week, a 110-130 miles of biking a week.  I worked on a good bike base the beginning of the year, so my weekend rides are 70-100 miles right now. I am heading to the W.Houston area on 19 July for the Katy Flatland's century so I can see what riding for 100+ (I might do a little extra) on FLAT ground feels like. I'm pretty excited.

Once we hit that 20 week mark, I committed to myself that this is real and I will be ready for it and I will do the training. I went to CdA to cheer friends, and that has given me some great inspiration and motivation.  The thing I am forcing myself to focus on is this week's training, not next week's, not what my times "might be" or "should be" come November--but rather just focusing on each week for me.  I have a slightly competitive side of me, so looking at my friends IM times etc. and trying to formulate what mine should be is something part of me wants to do, but I know I should NOT do....this is my first IM. The goal is to finish STRONG. Of course, I have times that would be awesome to meet--but I'm forcing myself not to get wrapped up around that, and that is helping me focus as I should.  Now I just gotta maintain that for 16+ weeks (that's with a 2 week taper assumption for the remaining 2 weeks!).

Train well, train smart, and BEAT THE HEAT (especially if you live in the Southern half of this country--it's TOASTY!)


You have a gift for the understatment.  Barring mechanical or nutritional issues I would be shocked if you were not in the 11 hour range

OK new game predict someone elses IM time...I am choosing Brittany
Swim 1:15
Bike 5:30-5:45
Run 3:45
I'll give her 10 minutes total in transition that puts her 10:30-10:45 range.  I would not be surprised if she Kona qualified

AHHHHHHHHH----Bad, bad Sue!!! While I appreciate your confidence in me, and would be thrilled to see the above, well, we'll just have to see!! Your confidence in my abilities exceeds mine!!  I think my condo is literally right above yours, so at least I know my downstair neighbor will be quiet and let me get sleep the night before, and your upstairs neighbor will do the same.

So, in that line, let me pick SUE!
Swim: 1:11
Bike: 5:45-6:00
Run: 5:00-5:15
Transitions: 10 mins
Total Time: approx 12:10-12:30

AAAWWW you are so sweet   I'd LOVE to run that fast.  Personally I'm hoping for 5:30 tho

2009-07-01 7:55 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
Ok, here's my last time compared to this year's prediction:

Swim: 1:10 This year: about the same
T1: 8:17 This year: about the same
Bike: 7:46:41 This year: without the wind, I'm going with 7:00:00
T2: 32:04 This year: hopefully no heat issues, so no need to lay down in T2 with ice and wet towels, so I'll go with 8:00
Run: 6:18:45 This year: eh, I tend to have stomach issues so I'll go with 5:45

Total: 15:56:24 This year: around 14:15:00

Ultimately, my goal is sub-14. I'm hoping that, without the heat and wind and the overhydration (and subsequent potty breaks), I can drop a couple of hours. Also, no injuries this time! Last time I was wearing a CAM walker boot until at least mid-Feb for an April race...not fun!

2009-07-02 6:58 AM
in reply to: #1842836

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Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

How is everyone else feeling this week? I'm a little off schedule this week. Trying to balance family and workouts is becoming a bit more challenging this week. I need to figure out a way to make everything fit. My new goal is to set some sort of a family, house, work schedule out while I'm off this summer.


2009-07-02 5:00 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
How do you guys not let life get in the way!  It amazes me that people are able to train like this year after year without life getting in the way.  I was chugging along a couple weeks back with 50 mile bikes 12 mile runs and lot's of swimming.  In the past two weeks I haven't done anything other then work out my fingers on the keyboard and gain 5 pounds.  I am suddenly in a position now where at 30 I might be up and quitting my job and trying to go back to medical school.  So now I am trying to juggle getting a new job, going back to school and training for a 140 mile race.  It just seems like every time I get into a groove with training something comes up.  Training for a marathon was definitely a much easier training program to work around  My time goals keep getting more modest by the day.  Oh well, Go Big or Go Home!

2009-07-02 8:26 PM
in reply to: #2259236

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Williamston, Michigan
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

jjcnbg - 2009-07-02 6:00 PM How do you guys not let life get in the way!  It amazes me that people are able to train like this year after year without life getting in the way.  I was chugging along a couple weeks back with 50 mile bikes 12 mile runs and lot's of swimming.  In the past two weeks I haven't done anything other then work out my fingers on the keyboard and gain 5 pounds.  I am suddenly in a position now where at 30 I might be up and quitting my job and trying to go back to medical school.  So now I am trying to juggle getting a new job, going back to school and training for a 140 mile race.  It just seems like every time I get into a groove with training something comes up.  Training for a marathon was definitely a much easier training program to work around  My time goals keep getting more modest by the day.  Oh well, Go Big or Go Home!

Well I don't have kids or a SO so there is that.  I do have a hectic life (I'm an orthopedic surgeon)  Long stuff is on the weekend.  swimming in the evening running before work or at lunch, week day bikes on the trainer, Strength in front of teh Tv at night.  I do not have an athletic gene in my body so I gotta grind it out or I won't finish.

2009-07-03 6:56 AM
in reply to: #1842836

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread

So you're not just an overachiever, you're an overachieving overachiever!  Good lord, you have to have awesome grades and MCAT's to get into med school and then you have to get near perfect step scores with amazing research or something to get accepted into ortho these days.  Then as if you hadn't worked hard enough in life you thought you might throw some 140 miles races in there!

I graduated college many moons ago and bounced around business for awhile.  Then I one day I decided to become a paramedic.  Well that just lit the fire and I have been dreaming about going back to medical school ever since.  It is not an easy decision since I am in my 30's, do have a wife and kid, plus a good size mortgage.  However, my wife has been egging me on to go for it.  

When I hit 30 I decided to change my life and start doing all the things I had been dreaming of doing.  I lost 50 pounds, ran a marathon, graduated first in my class from paramedic school (previously low gpa student), and signed up for an ironman.  So med school just seems like the next step but it is getting difficult keeping all the balls in the air!  Anyways, I need to get off my butt and go bike.  Have a fantastic friday.
2009-07-03 3:03 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
60 miles on a bike is a lot farther then it sounds on paper.  I am going to go get a padded doughnut to sit on and have some sushi!!!  I know it's uncool but it is very tempting to get one of those nice cushy padded gel seats they put on mountain bikes.  My butt gives out gives out before my legs do. HTFU!

Happy Friday all. 
2009-07-04 2:15 PM
in reply to: #1842836

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Extreme Veteran
Russiaville, IN
Subject: RE: Ironman Florida : Official Thread
I used a gel pad on my seat in 2007 and was glad I did, make sure you do your long rides with it so your use to using it and too make sure it doesn't rub anywhere.  I will say this a million times when doing 100 plus mile rides comfort is the most important thing.  The more uncomfortable you are the slower you will go.  Get your butt, neck, arms, back, and feet use to being in an aero position.
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