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2008-12-29 2:58 PM
in reply to: #1875997

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2008-12-29 10:34 AM
Girl Passing on Left - 2008-12-29 11:20 AM

ok...I know that we are busy working out...but I hope that I NEVER find our thread at the bottom of this mentor page again...with that said.....WAKE UP! time to get up run, bike and swim!

Wake up???  I've been up for hours, slaving away at my desk at work!  But I am going to play hookey in a little while and go for a nice bike ride, even though the airline still has my Garmin and iPod -- do they think they need them more than me?  I sure would appreciate it if they would return my suitcase.

This weekend I made my December goal of equalling my run miles from last year!!  And I only need another 2.15 miles to have a 100 mile month -- woo hoo!

Cheri, tell me it aint soooo! I do not function well without my ipod! and garmin....hope you get them back soon. Let me know if you need me to come sit on somebody!!! enjoy your ride! I am heading to Target to buy my dd a small microwave. Just made breakfast at noon for her two best  friends. One is off due to an injury...she had one finger break in 16 different that is some breakage, eh...and the other is off from work because she is moving to St Croix in a few weeks....and I keep asking if I can go with her! and darn it she just smiles each time... going for a swim or cruiser bike ride this afternoon. The weather here is amazing...will tell you all about it later...gotta go...

2008-12-29 3:12 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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2008-12-29 3:15 PM
in reply to: #1863539

somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
ok, i know i have a LITTLE bit of a reputation on bt because of some broken ribs i sustained about a year ago-long story--and i think i may have a couple of cracked ribs again now, but for ENTIRELY different reasons! LOL
last night dh and i were wrestling (for real, just goofing around) and i said "all i have to do is get a leg between us, and you've had it! i'll kick you right in to the wall" (again, just totally playing) so to keep me from getting a leg in between us, he pinned me to the ground, and just layed on me. squashing me. so there i am, and i said, "you're CRUSHING me!! get off" (laughing though) so my oldest (8 year old ds) says, i'll help mom! i'll crush dad! so he RUNS up, and DIVES on to his dad, who was still on top of me, and squash-crunch, i think i have two cracked ribs!! it's all ok. if they're still hurting on friday i might go to the dr, but there's not much they can do either, except perscribe me something that i won' end up taking anyway.......
so there ya go. i have fragile ribs, i think i'll chalk that up to one of my weaknesess. LOL
2008-12-29 3:30 PM
in reply to: #1863539

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Well we have some chatter going on here...yeah! I can't remember if I put my strenghts and weaknesses, so here they are.

WEAKNESSES: Being emotionally kind to myself, I never think my accomplishments are good enough. Running, I rarely enjoy a run, but it is required. Swimming - I have good days and bad days, I'm not consistent. Nutrition, I eat very well from Jan thru Sept. and then I fall off the wagon and have to drop that 20 lbs I always gain in Nov. and Dec...

STRENGTHS: Biking, just because I have those lovely muscular legs. My mind, if I decide to do something, I will do it. My family, my husband is always in my corner cheering, and my daughter runs for University of Southern Indiana so she makes my training schedule out and encourages me when I feel I'm going nowhere.

The 2008 season was a good one but also was very hard on my body, I have to be more mindful of getting enough protien for the training and sleep, also I have to hire someone to help me with my business, there where to many days that I worked 16 hours and trained 2, and my body had a wear and tear breakdown.

2009 I will be doing 5 tri's, and my first HIM. My goal is to do an IM before I'm 50, I am 47 now, so I need to balance training, my business, and family to reach that goal...I think we all have such busy lives, to fit the training in is truly an accomplishment in itself...or the journey is the reward.

I'm taking today off too, since I'm still sick with a terrible cold, but hope to get outside and to the Y tomorrow.

Love from Indiana
2008-12-29 3:45 PM
in reply to: #1876312

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Kurls26 - 2008-12-29 3:12 PM

You're a saint Trish!  Worked like a charm.  Now for this awful alcohol smell that soaked into the neck of my sweatshirt.......

I always have swimmers ear med on had in my tri bag, I always have ear problems... Since I'm on the handy dandy tri bag, I always carry insect spray, sunscreen, lip stuff, power bars, 2 bottles of fluids ie: water and gatorad, money. I usually have to drive to the location I'm going to bike, swim or run and you should always be prepared. Also, I'm going to say this now and will repeat it again ALWAYS HAVE A ROAD ID BRACELET WITH EMERGENCY CONTACTS ON IT, AND HAVE YOUR CELL PHONE ON YOUR PERSON (THE PHONE ONLY HAVE TO BE ON YOUR PERSON WHEN YOU RIDE OR RUN) BUT THE ROAD ID SHOULD BE ON ALWAYS!!!!! Don't leave home without it!!! It could save your life. If you have your cell phone on your waist when you ride, if you crash and are thrown away from your bike you can still call someone if your injured. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I run and ride in rural areas and I have had friends in this senerio...always er on the side of caution.

Edited by amy mutz 2008-12-29 3:50 PM
2008-12-29 3:51 PM
in reply to: #1876312

Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Yeah, sorry about that - I forgot to mention you should hold a towel under your ear when you go vertical again! Nothing but the washing machine will get the alchol smell out for some reason. It may seem to be gone, but then you'll turn your head the wrong way and get a whiff ... ech, smells like hospital.

2008-12-29 4:19 PM
in reply to: #1871477

Subject: RE: GPOL 4 newbies - seasoned triathletes (OPEN - ALMOST FULL)
Kurls26 - 2008-12-24 3:05 PM

thanks ladies!  Ahhh I actually have butterflies in my stomach just thinking about signing up for a race!!! i am actually going to hold off on registering (at least for a couple of days until I speak with the BF-I want to make sure I dont sign up for a race that he wont be able to attend) Here are the two I am considering Though the Marlborough Tri looks like I have to bike the same loop over and over..I think I would go nuts:


and the one in August that I dont think the BF would be back for (but its the cheapest registration hehe):


I vote for the Littleton Race - I lived in Boston for almost 15 years and have ridden out there lots. It's so beautiful and quiet. The distances are also quite nice for a first time tri. 1/2 mile swim is about 750-800 yds. The bike route is not as hilly as the Marlborough route and much less repetitive, although I don't think that would bother you as much as you think. Sometimes it's nice to know what's coming and loops give you that! But that Marlborough run has a nasty 300+ foot hill between 1.5-2.5 miles, which would be a real grind. I'd probably end up walking it, myself, just because I'd spend the whole race thinking about it! Finally, Littleton itself is a charming place and would be fun to run through at the end of the bike ride. There are lots of outdoorsy people around there who will come out on their porches to cheer!

Whatever you decide (or have decided), I smiled a little smile when you said you were nervous about entering. I hovered over the submit button for several minutes my first time! You'll do great - there's plenty of time to get ready, so don't worry about that. We're here for you!

2008-12-29 4:36 PM
in reply to: #1876438

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: GPOL 4 newbies - seasoned triathletes (OPEN - ALMOST FULL)
NoSit - 2008-12-29 4:19 PM

Kurls26 - 2008-12-24 3:05 PM

thanks ladies!  Ahhh I actually have butterflies in my stomach just thinking about signing up for a race!!! i am actually going to hold off on registering (at least for a couple of days until I speak with the BF-I want to make sure I dont sign up for a race that he wont be able to attend) Here are the two I am considering Though the Marlborough Tri looks like I have to bike the same loop over and over..I think I would go nuts:


and the one in August that I dont think the BF would be back for (but its the cheapest registration hehe):


I vote for the Littleton Race - I lived in Boston for almost 15 years and have ridden out there lots. It's so beautiful and quiet. The distances are also quite nice for a first time tri. 1/2 mile swim is about 750-800 yds. The bike route is not as hilly as the Marlborough route and much less repetitive, although I don't think that would bother you as much as you think. Sometimes it's nice to know what's coming and loops give you that! But that Marlborough run has a nasty 300+ foot hill between 1.5-2.5 miles, which would be a real grind. I'd probably end up walking it, myself, just because I'd spend the whole race thinking about it! Finally, Littleton itself is a charming place and would be fun to run through at the end of the bike ride. There are lots of outdoorsy people around there who will come out on their porches to cheer!

Whatever you decide (or have decided), I smiled a little smile when you said you were nervous about entering. I hovered over the submit button for several minutes my first time! You'll do great - there's plenty of time to get ready, so don't worry about that. We're here for you!


The first race is definately the most inspirational! I had a smile on my face the entire race, through the swim, the bike and the run...I was telling all the volunteers and other participants great job, and at the finish line it was like I finally found a big piece of my self that I never knew I was fabulous darling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Enjoy the experience.

Amy IN
2008-12-29 8:20 PM
in reply to: #1863539

Extreme Veteran
quebec's belly button
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Amy is right, the first race "tastes" really good. Crossing that line is a moment you will not forget. You CAN DO THIS!!!
2008-12-29 9:48 PM
in reply to: #1876373

Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

amy mutz - 2008-12-29 1:45 PM
Kurls26 - 2008-12-29 3:12 PM You're a saint Trish!  Worked like a charm.  Now for this awful alcohol smell that soaked into the neck of my sweatshirt.......
I always have swimmers ear med on had in my tri bag, I always have ear problems... Since I'm on the handy dandy tri bag, I always carry insect spray, sunscreen, lip stuff, power bars, 2 bottles of fluids ie: water and gatorad, money. I usually have to drive to the location I'm going to bike, swim or run and you should always be prepared. Also, I'm going to say this now and will repeat it again ALWAYS HAVE A ROAD ID BRACELET WITH EMERGENCY CONTACTS ON IT, AND HAVE YOUR CELL PHONE ON YOUR PERSON (THE PHONE ONLY HAVE TO BE ON YOUR PERSON WHEN YOU RIDE OR RUN) BUT THE ROAD ID SHOULD BE ON ALWAYS!!!!! Don't leave home without it!!! It could save your life. If you have your cell phone on your waist when you ride, if you crash and are thrown away from your bike you can still call someone if your injured. Maybe I'm paranoid, but I run and ride in rural areas and I have had friends in this senerio...always er on the side of caution.[/QUOTE]

that is a good idea Amy. I put a business card in my seatpack, but nothing in my swim bag so that is a good idea. and be safe everyone.

2008-12-29 9:59 PM
in reply to: #1876438

Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: GPOL 4 newbies - seasoned triathletes (OPEN - ALMOST FULL)
NoSit - 2008-12-29 2:19 PM
Kurls26 - 2008-12-24 3:05 PM

thanks ladies!  Ahhh I actually have butterflies in my stomach just thinking about signing up for a race!!! i am actually going to hold off on registering (at least for a couple of days until I speak with the BF-I want to make sure I dont sign up for a race that he wont be able to attend) Here are the two I am considering Though the Marlborough Tri looks like I have to bike the same loop over and over..I think I would go nuts:


and the one in August that I dont think the BF would be back for (but its the cheapest registration hehe):

Monica, I vote for the Littleton Race - I lived in Boston for almost 15 years and have ridden out there lots. It's so beautiful and quiet. The distances are also quite nice for a first time tri. 1/2 mile swim is about 750-800 yds. The bike route is not as hilly as the Marlborough route and much less repetitive, although I don't think that would bother you as much as you think. Sometimes it's nice to know what's coming and loops give you that! But that Marlborough run has a nasty 300+ foot hill between 1.5-2.5 miles, which would be a real grind. I'd probably end up walking it, myself, just because I'd spend the whole race thinking about it! Finally, Littleton itself is a charming place and would be fun to run through at the end of the bike ride. There are lots of outdoorsy people around there who will come out on their porches to cheer! Whatever you decide (or have decided), I smiled a little smile when you said you were nervous about entering. I hovered over the submit button for several minutes my first time! You'll do great - there's plenty of time to get ready, so don't worry about that. We're here for you! Trish

those look fun! wish they were closer! are you doing any of these races in 2009, Trish?

2008-12-29 10:08 PM
in reply to: #1863539

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
2008-12-29 10:12 PM
in reply to: #1877037

Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

amy mutz - 2008-12-29 8:08 PM

that you Amy?

2008-12-29 10:18 PM
in reply to: #1874445

Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

lyssa-gator - 2008-12-28 9:34 AM i just ate my breakfast and had my coffee, they plowed the slush yesterday!! (i SO didn't think they would!! LOL) so i am HEADING OUT!!! don't wait up! i'll be running until i pass out! LOL actually, i just read in my runners world this crazy mountain running guy, he does what he calls the "dumb dog" training run. running as fast and long as he can until he's laying on the ground panting like a dog. that's my plan for today.

remind me to not run with you! I so feel your pain - I used to live in Alaska...and was afraid to run..and the one time I did was to chase a bus down...little did I know I was going to slip and go underneath the bus...not a good thing! then I had to board with everyone trying not to laugh at me!

I know you must be having all kinds of cabin fever...just do me a favor and do not run with your guns in hand or pocket...could get ugly!   dont want you to go and shoot yourself in the arse! hoping you got a run in...did ya?

2008-12-29 10:23 PM
in reply to: #1874624

Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
jireland5666 - 2008-12-28 2:14 PM

Hi group!  I hope you're all having a wonderful weekend!

I actually jogged my neighborhood on Friday.  Let me start out by telling you that my step children and in-laws were here for Christmas so I didn't have much time to myself this past week, but felt the need to do SOMETHING for myself, so I went out and ran in my neighborhood.  It was the first time I ever ran outside!  I don't know how far I went, but I was out there for 30 minutes.  I was so proud of myself! 

I'm back to the gym tomorrow - spin class then weight training.  I might head over to another gym and check out the pool situation.

Oh!!!  I got the most wonderful cookbook from my step-daughter (she's 19 and lives with us).  It's called "Fitness Food, The essential guide to eating well".  I can't wait to start trying some recipes. 

oooo, I ate too many sugar cookies this past week... but they were sooooo good!


Hi Jennifer, Way to take time for yourself...and get a good run in. Way to go! Look forward to getting some of your favorite recipes from your new fitness cookbook...make sure you share them!

mmmmmmmmmmm I love sugar mom makes them wafer thin and mmmmmmmmmmm all of my brothers and sisters used to hide them from each other when she would bake them....well...shhhhhhh dont tell them, but I still hide them! if not I get just a few!

2008-12-30 8:41 AM
in reply to: #1863539

Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

I can use some training schedule help:

One of my goals for 2009 is to increase my running so that I can be doing 10k for an August Oly tri. So, I started working on a training schedule for January that has me running just about every third day. However, if I also add in 2x swimming and 2x biking it leaves me with basically no rest days. I have a lot of trouble getting in 2 workouts in a day. What to do?

2008-12-30 9:15 AM
in reply to: #1877485

Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2008-12-30 8:41 AM

I can use some training schedule help:

One of my goals for 2009 is to increase my running so that I can be doing 10k for an August Oly tri. So, I started working on a training schedule for January that has me running just about every third day. However, if I also add in 2x swimming and 2x biking it leaves me with basically no rest days. I have a lot of trouble getting in 2 workouts in a day. What to do?

I have a suggestion -- who says a training schedule has to be 7 days long?  Why not work out a schedule that alternates your activities, with a rest day thrown in as one of your "activity" days.  I'm probably not making sense, but let me try it this way:

  • Day 1 - run
  • Day 2 - swim
  • Day 3 - run
  • Day 4 - bike
  • Day 5 - run
  • Day 6 - rest
  • Day 7 - run
  • Day 8 - swim
  • Day 9 - run
  • Day 10 - bike
  • etc, etc, etc

It's not ideal, but if you absolutely can't do two workouts in one day, then you still accomplish everything you plan (it just takes a little longer). 

Does that make sense?


2008-12-30 9:46 AM
in reply to: #1877561

Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2008-12-30 10:15 AM
MDHillSlug - 2008-12-30 8:41 AM

I can use some training schedule help:

One of my goals for 2009 is to increase my running so that I can be doing 10k for an August Oly tri. So, I started working on a training schedule for January that has me running just about every third day. However, if I also add in 2x swimming and 2x biking it leaves me with basically no rest days. I have a lot of trouble getting in 2 workouts in a day. What to do?

I have a suggestion -- who says a training schedule has to be 7 days long?  Why not work out a schedule that alternates your activities, with a rest day thrown in as one of your "activity" days.  I'm probably not making sense, but let me try it this way:

  • Day 1 - run
  • Day 2 - swim
  • Day 3 - run
  • Day 4 - bike
  • Day 5 - run
  • Day 6 - rest
  • Day 7 - run
  • Day 8 - swim
  • Day 9 - run
  • Day 10 - bike
  • etc, etc, etc

It's not ideal, but if you absolutely can't do two workouts in one day, then you still accomplish everything you plan (it just takes a little longer). 

Does that make sense?


Yeah, that makes sense. Gotta see if it would work out.

Looking back at what I have so far, if I turn one run every other weekend into bike/run brick I can get a rest day each weekend. That might work for a while (bricks are good for me!) at least until later in the season when I'll need a weekend run for a long run.

2008-12-30 10:37 AM
in reply to: #1863539

somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
hey guys, what's everyone doing today?
i'm heading in to town, and since i got a fresh 3 inches of snow last night (there goes my run) i'm going to go to the anytime fitness because i've never been in there, and new people get a week free trial. so at least for a week i can get in there and run on the dreadmill and spin on their bikes (i don't have a trainer for my bike, so my pretty baby is out in the garage )
i'm going to see what their prices are like though, and if they'll let me do like a three month membership (someone told me they thought you had to make a 12 month commitment, which i don't want to do, so we'll see) because i'd gladly pay for three months worth.

bah-kids freaking out,
2008-12-30 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1877726

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
lyssa-gator - 2008-12-30 10:37 AM

hey guys, what's everyone doing today?
i'm heading in to town, and since i got a fresh 3 inches of snow last night (there goes my run) i'm going to go to the anytime fitness because i've never been in there, and new people get a week free trial. so at least for a week i can get in there and run on the dreadmill and spin on their bikes (i don't have a trainer for my bike, so my pretty baby is out in the garage )
i'm going to see what their prices are like though, and if they'll let me do like a three month membership (someone told me they thought you had to make a 12 month commitment, which i don't want to do, so we'll see) because i'd gladly pay for three months worth.

bah-kids freaking out,

Hey Lyssa, I say ask for the 3 or 6 mo if managable and say you will pay upfront cash, the way the economy is right now they should jump at it...if you don't ask you don't get, I would also talk to a mgr. not a lacky... I am a member of the YMCA and love it, they offer so many options as far as training goes ie: swim classes, coaching, core, weights, running tracks, etc...
Also my daughter works there while she's in college so I get to see her, and our entire family of 7 are members for $61.00 a month...can't beat that.

Amy IN
2008-12-30 11:22 AM
in reply to: #1863539

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Is anyone here a member of any facebook tri teams???? My local tri team just joined as a group, and I was wanting to add some other groups, just a thought.

Amy IN

2008-12-30 11:40 AM
in reply to: #1877812

Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

amy mutz - 2008-12-30 12:22 PM Is anyone here a member of any facebook tri teams???? My local tri team just joined as a group, and I was wanting to add some other groups, just a thought. Amy IN

I'm on Facebook but I'm not so savvy with groups. My name there is Nicole Thomas from Maryland. Can I be your friend? Wink

2008-12-30 1:26 PM
in reply to: #1877853

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2008-12-30 11:40 AM

amy mutz - 2008-12-30 12:22 PM Is anyone here a member of any facebook tri teams???? My local tri team just joined as a group, and I was wanting to add some other groups, just a thought. Amy IN

I'm on Facebook but I'm not so savvy with groups. My name there is Nicole Thomas from Maryland. Can I be your friend? Wink

Ahhh haaaa....that is who you are. I was trying to figure out what connection we might have? I have inlaws that live in Manassas, and I was thinking my sister inlaw works at the same place you do, but I will have to confirm that with my husband. I'm going to go to Facebook and make us friends now.
Amy In
2008-12-30 2:40 PM
in reply to: #1863539

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
I am on Facebook too.... Amy U. Cox add me...

2008-12-30 5:04 PM
in reply to: #1877485

Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2008-12-30 6:41 AM

I can use some training schedule help:

One of my goals for 2009 is to increase my running so that I can be doing 10k for an August Oly tri. So, I started working on a training schedule for January that has me running just about every third day. However, if I also add in 2x swimming and 2x biking it leaves me with basically no rest days. I have a lot of trouble getting in 2 workouts in a day. What to do?

My suggestion would you need an off day at least...I would suggest dropping one day of your biking since anyone who knows you....knows that you are an animal on the bike. There are various training plans have you looked at any that BT has to offer? they have many different options and are set up to give you your much needed time off...You will burn yourself out and possibly injure yourself if you overdo it....but good job on your workouts! Did you decide on a challenge this month?

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