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2010-01-24 1:46 PM
in reply to: #2631684

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
TriPatrick - 2010-01-24 12:41 PMStraydog- keep good thoughts in your mind.  Sorry to hear of the troubles.

Dang ritter I need some training like that.
I just got back from and nice 17.5 mile ride.  I am happy to say I have not lost much since I last rode in Novemebr.  I am thinking that means I did not have much to lose.  I made an adjustment on my seat a few days leading to my last race and my back hurt right off, and I did not avg what I did in the last few long training sessions.  I moved my seat back and I am happy to say I did not have any tightness during my hour ride today. 

Ritter you job is to make sure I smash Ironstar this year.  Last year I was 37/3:00/2:06.  I want a much faster ride this year.
Your job is to make sure your smashing the bike in training and doing all the right things to make sure your legs are ready for race day. All I did was hammer the bike as hard as I could and not think about the run until I got to it. Believe me the pros/elites are pushing it hard as they can out there.

2010-01-24 3:01 PM
in reply to: #2563913

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
I will say I was short in miles last year with the bike.  My goal is to build a real nice base before I start HIM training in June.  I want to build up to a century just because I have never done one as well as gain speed on the way.  and I will hammer in the process!
2010-01-24 5:57 PM
in reply to: #2563913

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
Finally getting back into the workouts this weekend. Had to take most of last week off due to lower back issues. Stretching, stretching, stretching.

89 days to IM 70.3 Lonestar.

Edited by smeador 2010-01-24 5:57 PM
2010-01-25 6:40 AM
in reply to: #2632107

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
smeador - 2010-01-24 5:57 PM Finally getting back into the workouts this weekend. Had to take most of last week off due to lower back issues. Stretching, stretching, stretching.

89 days to IM 70.3 Lonestar.

it's getting close isn't. I suppose that might be why I have a big buildup coming soon.

I've been working on a paper between and around my workouts and work. I have papers due every week or every two weeks. Exams are written too and he said those take about 10 days. Thanks to EMILY though I can get my grammar correct.
2010-01-25 5:19 PM
in reply to: #2563913

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
Storms have destroyed the fitness center. It would appear that there is a tree in the weight room. It will be closed indefinitly. Now is a good time to buy a trainer. Any suggestions?

2010-01-26 6:17 AM
in reply to: #2634099

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
StrayDog - 2010-01-25 5:19 PM Storms have destroyed the fitness center. It would appear that there is a tree in the weight room. It will be closed indefinitly. Now is a good time to buy a trainer. Any suggestions?

I have a cycelops magneto, I hear the fluid ones are more quiet. I just have a basic one and get's the job done. There is also a very expenive thing called a computrainer as well. Maybe some other can chime in.

Sorry to hear about your gym. Is your house ok and everything? We had a tornado come near where I live the other day and it destroyed this covenience store 20 min. up the road in this little town, me and lance went swimming that night.

2010-01-26 7:04 AM
in reply to: #2634099

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Extreme Veteran
The Woodlands/Magnolia, TX.
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
StrayDog - 2010-01-25 5:19 PM Storms have destroyed the fitness center. It would appear that there is a tree in the weight room. It will be closed indefinitly. Now is a good time to buy a trainer. Any suggestions?

i bought a blackburn at christmas (forget the model, but it's blue).  it's fluid and quiet i suppose, never heard a non-fluid so don't have anything to compare it to.  i like it.  pretty simple and easy to use.  got it at sports authority on sale.
2010-01-26 8:27 AM
in reply to: #2631775

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
triritter - 2010-01-24 1:46 PM
TriPatrick - 2010-01-24 12:41 PMStraydog- keep good thoughts in your mind.  Sorry to hear of the troubles.

Dang ritter I need some training like that.
I just got back from and nice 17.5 mile ride.  I am happy to say I have not lost much since I last rode in Novemebr.  I am thinking that means I did not have much to lose.  I made an adjustment on my seat a few days leading to my last race and my back hurt right off, and I did not avg what I did in the last few long training sessions.  I moved my seat back and I am happy to say I did not have any tightness during my hour ride today. 

Ritter you job is to make sure I smash Ironstar this year.  Last year I was 37/3:00/2:06.  I want a much faster ride this year.
Your job is to make sure your smashing the bike in training and doing all the right things to make sure your legs are ready for race day. All I did was hammer the bike as hard as I could and not think about the run until I got to it. Believe me the pros/elites are pushing it hard as they can out there.

I looked back over my logs for last year.  I followed the begginer HIM plan  here.  I only hit 100 miles in a week once leading up to ironstar.  I am thinking that should be more if I want to get faster.  Since I am short on time I figure if I ride faster I can cover more miles.  There is my answer
2010-01-26 9:52 AM
in reply to: #2634615

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!

I have a cycelops magneto, I hear the fluid ones are more quiet. I just have a basic one and get's the job done. There is also a very expenive thing called a computrainer as well. Maybe some other can chime in.

Sorry to hear about your gym. Is your house ok and everything? We had a tornado come near where I live the other day and it destroyed this covenience store 20 min. up the road in this little town, me and lance went swimming that night.

I use a Computrainer and it has been a great tool for me. I am a gadgety type of guy so that is part of the reason I use it.

Edited by smeador 2010-01-26 9:52 AM
2010-01-26 9:54 AM
in reply to: #2563913

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Extreme Veteran
Fort Worth, TX
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
Finally getting back into the swing of workouts. My back is feeling much better. It basically took three words, strething, stretching and stretching.
2010-01-26 10:48 AM
in reply to: #2635031

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Extreme Veteran
The Woodlands/Magnolia, TX.
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
smeador - 2010-01-26 9:54 AM Finally getting back into the swing of workouts. My back is feeling much better. It basically took three words, strething, stretching and stretching.

stretching and i have a love/hate relationship.    back pain is a biotch. 

good to hear you're feeling better! 

2010-01-26 3:48 PM
in reply to: #2635185

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
antlimon166 - 2010-01-26 10:48 AM
smeador - 2010-01-26 9:54 AM Finally getting back into the swing of workouts. My back is feeling much better. It basically took three words, strething, stretching and stretching.

stretching and i have a love/hate relationship.    back pain is a biotch. 

good to hear you're feeling better! 

no kidding Ive been going to yoga 1 or twice a week I am going to try to stay with it this time. and I do stretching on my own after working out or during the day when I can. I find it also helps in recovery too.  
2010-01-26 7:37 PM
in reply to: #2635914

Little Rock, Arkansas
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
I use this trainer : 

Feels just like the road... speeds match within about 1 mph to what i get on the road for the same effort... and have had it about 4 years
2010-01-26 7:42 PM
in reply to: #2635914

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
triritter - 2010-01-26 3:48 PM
antlimon166 - 2010-01-26 10:48 AM
smeador - 2010-01-26 9:54 AM Finally getting back into the swing of workouts. My back is feeling much better. It basically took three words, strething, stretching and stretching.

stretching and i have a love/hate relationship.    back pain is a biotch. 

good to hear you're feeling better! 

no kidding Ive been going to yoga 1 or twice a week I am going to try to stay with it this time. and I do stretching on my own after working out or during the day when I can. I find it also helps in recovery too.  

I have been thinking of doing the yoga that comes with our "on demand" with our cable.  I may have to start now that I know the cool people are doing it
2010-01-27 12:40 AM
in reply to: #2634615

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
Ritter. Dude, Glad you and Lance are okay. Close one. It was a close one here too. My neighbors house is destroyed. A 20+ inch pine (120-130 feet high) went into his house. Treeees all around but nothing big hit me, but came close.  A couple landed 4-5 ft. from the house but didn't hit me. The wood splitter is destroyed though. Gonna need that. The Red Cross leaves today. Got the broad band hooked back up. Everybody is meeting now to see where they need to make changes to keep business back up to running speed. Take care all.

Edited by StrayDog 2010-01-27 12:46 AM
2010-01-27 12:44 AM
in reply to: #2636252

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
mcassat - 2010-01-27 5:37 PM I use this trainer : 

Feels just like the road... speeds match within about 1 mph to what i get on the road for the same effort... and have had it about 4 years

Hmm. The guarantee for life thing sounds pretty good. Thanks for the info.

2010-01-27 6:45 AM
in reply to: #2563913

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Extreme Veteran
The Woodlands/Magnolia, TX.
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
so i'm driving home from my run last night and a state trooper pulls behind me at a stop light.  i think to myself, "i sure hope he doesn't run my plates and see that my registration is expired".  the light turns green and we drive for about guessed it....i got nailed.  he walks up and says asks me why i haven't renewed it.  i told him that i have no excuse and he just laughed.  then he asked for my drivers license and takes a look at it.  then looks back at me, then back at the license, then says, "damn, you lost a bunch of weight recently?". 

not sure i've ever pulled away after getting a ticket in a better mood than i was before.

have a good day.
2010-01-27 8:13 AM
in reply to: #2636686

Montgomery, Tx
Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
antlimon166 - 2010-01-27 6:45 AM so i'm driving home from my run last night and a state trooper pulls behind me at a stop light.  i think to myself, "i sure hope he doesn't run my plates and see that my registration is expired".  the light turns green and we drive for about guessed it....i got nailed.  he walks up and says asks me why i haven't renewed it.  i told him that i have no excuse and he just laughed.  then he asked for my drivers license and takes a look at it.  then looks back at me, then back at the license, then says, "damn, you lost a bunch of weight recently?". 

not sure i've ever pulled away after getting a ticket in a better mood than i was before.

have a good day.

That is great. BTW thanks for the reminder.  My registration expires this month
2010-01-27 9:06 AM
in reply to: #2563913

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
Thanks for the reminder to check my tags and I may need an oil change also an alignment for quite sometime. I am thinking of hiring a personal assisant literally have no time between, work, school and training these days. Congrats on all the weight loss.
2010-01-27 7:50 PM
in reply to: #2637040

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
triritter - 2010-01-27 10:06 AM Thanks for the reminder to check my tags and I may need an oil change also an alignment for quite sometime. I am thinking of hiring a personal assisant literally have no time between, work, school and training these days. Congrats on all the weight loss.

I'll go halvsies on the personal assistant with you! I just came on here to tell you all I'm still alive. Once again, school/auction planning/THE PAPER is taking over. Final copy due Friday- then it gets edited for a month, THEN it's finally published. But at least on Friday it'll be out of my hands for a couple of days.

Until then... train for me! I'll be back at it on Friday. Good thing it's still off-season (technically?).
2010-01-28 6:20 AM
in reply to: #2638745

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
eca712 - 2010-01-27 7:50 PM
triritter - 2010-01-27 10:06 AM Thanks for the reminder to check my tags and I may need an oil change also an alignment for quite sometime. I am thinking of hiring a personal assisant literally have no time between, work, school and training these days. Congrats on all the weight loss.

I'll go halvsies on the personal assistant with you! I just came on here to tell you all I'm still alive. Once again, school/auction planning/THE PAPER is taking over. Final copy due Friday- then it gets edited for a month, THEN it's finally published. But at least on Friday it'll be out of my hands for a couple of days.

Until then... train for me! I'll be back at it on Friday. Good thing it's still off-season (technically?).

I checked my tags and I do need an inspection that is a month late, before I get pulled over (again) and an oil change that is only a couple of months past due.

My paper this week is only 2-3 pages on ethics. Good luck on yours. I owe you a lot of credit on that last one

Are you still micro-managing? When I was president of a running club I would spilt task up and hand it to different officers. Worked well for me since I was still a busy college student.

2010-01-28 5:40 PM
in reply to: #2563913


Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
OK, I need some weight loss advice. I started a 'biggest loser' contest 11 weeks ago, and so far I've taken off 28 pounds. I just found out that I am the top male, and my (2 person) team is the top team (both based on percentage weight loss). Yay me. However, with $400 on the line for the individual, and $1800 to split between us for the team thing, I need to keep it up! So, the question. What ideas does everyone have for me to finish out the next two weeks strong? My diet has been great, and I've been consistent with exercise, just looking to see if there's some changeup everyone thinks I might benefit from. Thanks!
2010-01-28 9:39 PM
in reply to: #2641147

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
muddycreek - 2010-01-28 5:40 PM OK, I need some weight loss advice. I started a 'biggest loser' contest 11 weeks ago, and so far I've taken off 28 pounds. I just found out that I am the top male, and my (2 person) team is the top team (both based on percentage weight loss). Yay me. However, with $400 on the line for the individual, and $1800 to split between us for the team thing, I need to keep it up! So, the question. What ideas does everyone have for me to finish out the next two weeks strong? My diet has been great, and I've been consistent with exercise, just looking to see if there's some changeup everyone thinks I might benefit from. Thanks!

Your logs aren't detailed enough your actually doing a workout in them. If your just riding easy I'd recommend do some interval type of things, especially with the bike and swim, vs the running since they are less impact.


15-20 min warmup ride
20 min tempo
10 min easy
3-4x3 min hard, 3 min easy
15-30 min ride easy

It all depends on your level fitness and your triathlon goals later in the year so just take that as a grain of salt. but you  definitely need to shake things but nice work the contest so far!!! hang in there 2 more weeks!  
2010-01-30 7:49 AM
in reply to: #2641503


Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
What I've been doing so far running and on the bike has been keeping up whatever speed keeps me in zone 3 on the heart rate monitor to build up a base. Although I've been pushing into zone 4 for the last couple miles of the bike ride, and the last half mile or so of the run. I haven't started worrying about speed or intervals yet- last week was my first 3.2 mile run without any walks in over 20 years. You're right, though, I probably am at the point where I need to start being more specific with the workouts themselves.
2010-01-30 6:12 PM
in reply to: #2644157

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Subject: RE: triritter/William Ritter "Rock Out in 2010" CLOSED!
you still need a stronger base for running they say 6 months to a year. I like to get people where they can do an hour pretty easily. 
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