General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2012-02-29 4:05 PM
in reply to: #4073650

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Virginia Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
Hey there,

Mine was in my right hip joint. I would say from intial symptoms to full recovery was close to 5 months just to get to the start of running again. The first month I continued to run on it though as I was still in IM training and hadnt had a conclusive diagnosis. Once confirmed (via MRI) I was advised to not run (obviously) and really only walk when necessary and not more than a leisurly pace. The doc actually wanted me on crutches but I convinced him I would just walk slowly. Luckily I have a desk job. I was ok'd to cycle as long as I wasnt pushing high power (stomping the pedals) and swim. It was a low point thats for sure.

After two follow up appointments over the span of the remainnig 4 months I was finally ok'd to start running again albeit only a little at a time. I started out with just a half mile easy and then very slowly progressed from there. I was seriously cautioned by my doc to ease back into it so as to not cause chronic reinjury.

Good news is that it's been great ever since! I am running harder now then I ever have with no issues *knock on wood*

Best thing I can tell you is to not rush the recovery and once cleared to run again to ease back into it slowly. Plenty of time left to gain the fitness required to complete the race without pushing too hard too fast.

Dlyon - 2012-02-29 4:48 PM

Hew Shawn-  welcome back, I notice that you mention a stress fracture in your signature.  I am nursing a 2nd metatarsal sfx in my right foot and am in week 3 of the boot.  i've been cycling (seated indoors on trainer, and swimming a ton).  Where was your fracture and how long did it take to recover?  IMNYC will be my first IM so I'm taking this injury seriously and being super-careful 

2012-03-01 12:09 PM
in reply to: #3550668

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Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

I am hoping to be up that way next week and may try to sample part of the course. Should make for an interesting day.

2012-03-02 8:52 AM
in reply to: #3550668

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

You mean you guys started training already?

I'm going to end up being the test case for couch to Ironman in 5 months.  Note, that wasn't in red sarcastic font.  For reasons both within and beyond my control, my focus has been FAR from training over the last, well, many months. 

So, call me an idiot, but IM training commences.


As far as my background, I got in to this sport in 2007 after the onset of a hereditary disease that attacks my thyroid.  The fatigue and generally $hitty feeling that this has contstantly left me with got me off my azz and out the door.  After nearly drowning and crashing in my first mini sprint, I've done a few Olys, 70.3s, and IMLP 2010.  Since IM, I've done no tris, but half assed a few marathons.  Really, I let myself go after crossing the IM finish line and only very recently changed the actions that have brought me down since then.  For the first time since my thyroid issues began, I actually feel energized and the crushing fatigue is gone.  You have no idea how excited this makes me for gearing up my training.  I'm just praying that it doesn't come back.

I have no expectations yet other than finishing another IM.  That will change as I see how training goes, but at the very least I want to finish in the sunshine.

Anyway, I have a lot of catching up to do on this thread and in training.  Thankfully, my motivation has finally arrived!

Edited by thelunchbox 2012-03-02 8:54 AM
2012-03-02 9:51 AM
in reply to: #3550668

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

How was your February?  I finally got back in the pool and my running is coming along.  The bike is getting better but I need to get outside more and off the trainer. 

February's totals:
Bike:22h 43m 54s  - 379.98 Mi
Run:10h 28m 47s  - 75.12 Mi
Swim:2h 42m 04s  - 8584.86 Yd
2012-03-02 12:08 PM
in reply to: #4076926

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
papson14 - 2012-03-02 10:51 AM

How was your February?  I finally got back in the pool and my running is coming along.  The bike is getting better but I need to get outside more and off the trainer. 

February's totals:
Bike:22h 43m 54s  - 379.98 Mi
Run:10h 28m 47s  - 75.12 Mi
Swim:2h 42m 04s  - 8584.86 Yd

I was very inconsistent about logging workouts last month, so I don't have any totals....

I "officially" started training this week, but in all honesty this week doesn't look that much different than any other week....

I'm training about 10-12 hours per week right now.
2012-03-02 12:11 PM
in reply to: #4076926

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Virginia Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
Hey you finally in Va Beach? Im riding out to Creeds Market again this Sunday if your interested. Its 64 miles round trip.

papson14 - 2012-03-02 10:51 AM

How was your February?  I finally got back in the pool and my running is coming along.  The bike is getting better but I need to get outside more and off the trainer. 

February's totals:
Bike:22h 43m 54s  - 379.98 Mi
Run:10h 28m 47s  - 75.12 Mi
Swim:2h 42m 04s  - 8584.86 Yd

2012-03-02 1:24 PM
in reply to: #4077302

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

ShawnFromNorfolk - 2012-03-02 1:11 PM Hey you finally in Va Beach? Im riding out to Creeds Market again this Sunday if your interested. Its 64 miles round trip.


Yea, I'm finally here.  What time do you head out on Sunday?  I'm getting my long bike done tonight on the trainer, 3:50, should be a hoot.  I have to reorganize my schedule to put my rides on Sunday.  I rode with the Final Kick guys last Sunday but it was after a long run in the morning and I was feeling it at the end.  I'm also heading out to Vegas mid-month so I need to get a few extra mid-length rides in.  IMTX training is in it's big weeks and I'm trying to get everything on track.

2012-03-02 1:34 PM
in reply to: #4077487

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Virginia Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
Nice! Right now I head out weather dependant on time, will be in the morning though, maybe around 10. I live like .5 miles from FK and I usually ride with the FK guys at 11 too but they were only doing like 40 last week so I solo'd.

We long run from there on Saturday mornings at 0730 too, Im gettin in 17 tomorrow if you want to run then instead.

We also do track work on Tuesdays at 530 from the store, if you can make that. We meet at the store and warm up run to the track (about 2 miles) track work and then run back.

3.5 hours on the trainer ... effff that!

papson14 - 2012-03-02 2:24 PM

ShawnFromNorfolk - 2012-03-02 1:11 PM Hey you finally in Va Beach? Im riding out to Creeds Market again this Sunday if your interested. Its 64 miles round trip.


Yea, I'm finally here.  What time do you head out on Sunday?  I'm getting my long bike done tonight on the trainer, 3:50, should be a hoot.  I have to reorganize my schedule to put my rides on Sunday.  I rode with the Final Kick guys last Sunday but it was after a long run in the morning and I was feeling it at the end.  I'm also heading out to Vegas mid-month so I need to get a few extra mid-length rides in.  IMTX training is in it's big weeks and I'm trying to get everything on track.

2012-03-02 3:24 PM
in reply to: #4076768

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Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
thelunchbox - 2012-03-02 8:52 AM

You mean you guys started training already?

I'm going to end up being the test case for couch to Ironman in 5 months.  Note, that wasn't in red sarcastic font.  For reasons both within and beyond my control, my focus has been FAR from training over the last, well, many months. 

The important thing is you are feeling back on track. 

2012-03-02 3:27 PM
in reply to: #4076926

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Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
papson14 - 2012-03-02 9:51 AM

How was your February?  I finally got back in the pool and my running is coming along.  The bike is getting better but I need to get outside more and off the trainer. 

February's totals:
Bike:22h 43m 54s  - 379.98 Mi
Run:10h 28m 47s  - 75.12 Mi
Swim:2h 42m 04s  - 8584.86 Yd

February's totals:
Bike:7h 57m 18s  - 161.59 Mi
Run:9h 41m 33s  - 65.9 Mi
Swim:2h 17m 48s  - 7000 Yd
Strength:1h 16m

 Not as much of everything as I would like, but not bad. I am looking to get more consistent on the bike in April, as I was more focused on my running recently, which really doesn't show in the numbers HA!.

2012-03-02 3:30 PM
in reply to: #3550668

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Virginia Beach
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
P.S. MY Feb Totals are king of lacking as I had a full blown rest week and a business travel week but here they are none the less:

Swim: 500 metrs - lol!
Bike: 176.57
Run: 99.94 - damn so close to 100!

March should be a bigger month but also have a semi-taper week for the Shamrock Half Marathon, need to get some more time in the pool too, I just hate laps ugh. Can't wait for the Bay/Ocean to warm up!

Oh and the time change is next weekend so more weekday outdoor after work rides and less trainer rides whoohoo!

Edited by ShawnFromNorfolk 2012-03-02 3:43 PM

2012-03-03 1:51 AM
in reply to: #3550668

New user

Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
Aloha again from Honolulu!
I'm traveling to NYC for work this week and will have this coming Fri/Sat/Sun free and am hoping to check out part of the course.
Any recommendations from locals to the area about how to get around and see it? Is there a bus that goes along the bike route that would work?
Anyone feel like going for a drive? I'll buy the gas! Haha
Well if nothing else I'm going to try to run the Manhattan finish of the race and hopefully get over to check out the transition area. But would appreciate advice from any in the know.
Thanks! Kristin
2012-03-03 5:24 AM
in reply to: #3550668

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Wallingford, PA
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
Did you guys see the video posted of "Dyckman Hill" on the Facebook page? That's one long, steady climb.... That's gonna be fun after 112 miles on the bike....
2012-03-03 6:52 AM
in reply to: #4077515

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

ShawnFromNorfolk - 2012-03-02 2:34 PM Im gettin in 17 tomorrow if you want to run then instead. 
papson14 - 2012-03-02 2:24 PM

my plan only has me running 12-13 on Sunday so I think I'll pass, besides you're probably already running, and if you're outside you are drenched.

I plan on making some of the FK runs, rides, and track workouts but It'll be random days when I get there.

2012-03-03 6:52 AM
in reply to: #4078321

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Muskego, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

jsnowash - 2012-03-03 6:24 AM Did you guys see the video posted of "Dyckman Hill" on the Facebook page? That's one long, steady climb.... That's gonna be fun after 112 miles on the bike....

Yea, that looks like it's gonna be a butt load of fun

2012-03-05 3:21 PM
in reply to: #3550668

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
Run & bike totals seem to be in line with the previous posts. I got lots more swimming in though...and I'm actually holding back a bit compared to last time. Interesting.

Swim: 15,755y
Bike: 196.6mi
run: 69.5mi

Down 2.5 lbs from January.

2012-03-05 3:52 PM
in reply to: #3550668

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Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

No swimming for me yet but my run has been pretty heavy and I'm working my way back into the bike:

B:  203.41 Mi - 9h 06m 26s
R:  181.20 Mi - 30h 29m 49s

I am training for a 50K run in 3 weeks so that has been my focus.  Once that is done I will start swimming and getting on the bike more. 


Happy training to everyone  

2012-03-05 6:02 PM
in reply to: #3550668

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Parker, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
So February totals looked like this:

Bike: 19h 34m 29s - 395.96 Mi
Run: 3h 49m 39s - 25.58 Mi
Swim: 4h 42m 09s - 11356 M

Good news on the run was that I ran 25 miles in the first six days of the month, bad news is I didn't run again because mild left foot pain suddenly turned into moderate-severe left foot pain 12 minutes into a tempo run, diagnosed as a mild stress fracture. Doctor just gave me the OK to start running short and gentle, so hopefully it will hold up and I can be into hard run training again in early April. Bike and swim should be full-on training for the duration. I'm just about out of injuries to recover from if I'm going to make it to the starting line the way I'd hoped.

On another note, I've ridden the bike course on computrainer a couple of times. When I recorded the course on GPS, I got around 5000 feet total elevation gain - I suspect this is closer to the truth than what is reported on the web site. There isn't a flat section on the entire thing, although the longest sections are gentle climbs (northbound) and gentle descents (southbound), which should be fairly easy to pace. The shorter "steeper" sections are mostly descents on the northbound leg, and ascents on the southbound leg (excepting the climb out of and back into transition). After the toughest of the climbs right around mile 100, it's pretty much all downhill back to transition, which will be nice. I rode IM CDA with a compact, expect to do this one with a 53-39 and 11-28 due to the lack of steep climbs.

2012-03-06 8:36 AM
in reply to: #4081717

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New Jersey
Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread
coxma22 - 2012-03-05 7:02 PM

  • ... mild left foot pain suddenly turned into moderate-severe left foot pain 12 minutes into a tempo run, diagnosed as a mild stress fracture....

  •'s pretty much all downhill back to transition, which will be nice.

  • Good luck with that foot!!

    Good to hear about the bike route ending on a downhill. I just have Placid to compare to...which is 11 miles of steady climbing to the finish. Nice change.
    2012-03-06 9:04 AM
    in reply to: #4081717

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    Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

    coxma22 - 2012-03-05 6:02 PM So February totals looked like this: Bike: 19h 34m 29s - 395.96 Mi Run: 3h 49m 39s - 25.58 Mi Swim: 4h 42m 09s - 11356 M Good news on the run was that I ran 25 miles in the first six days of the month, bad news is I didn't run again because mild left foot pain suddenly turned into moderate-severe left foot pain 12 minutes into a tempo run, diagnosed as a mild stress fracture. Doctor just gave me the OK to start running short and gentle, so hopefully it will hold up and I can be into hard run training again in early April. Bike and swim should be full-on training for the duration. I'm just about out of injuries to recover from if I'm going to make it to the starting line the way I'd hoped. On another note, I've ridden the bike course on computrainer a couple of times. When I recorded the course on GPS, I got around 5000 feet total elevation gain - I suspect this is closer to the truth than what is reported on the web site. There isn't a flat section on the entire thing, although the longest sections are gentle climbs (northbound) and gentle descents (southbound), which should be fairly easy to pace. The shorter "steeper" sections are mostly descents on the northbound leg, and ascents on the southbound leg (excepting the climb out of and back into transition). After the toughest of the climbs right around mile 100, it's pretty much all downhill back to transition, which will be nice. I rode IM CDA with a compact, expect to do this one with a 53-39 and 11-28 due to the lack of steep climbs.


    Any chance I can get a copy of the GPX file from your ride?

    2012-03-13 9:10 AM
    in reply to: #4073650

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    Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

    Dlyon - 2012-02-29 4:48 PM Hew Shawn-  welcome back, I notice that you mention a stress fracture in your signature.  I am nursing a 2nd metatarsal sfx in my right foot and am in week 3 of the boot.  i've been cycling (seated indoors on trainer, and swimming a ton).  Where was your fracture and how long did it take to recover?  IMNYC will be my first IM so I'm taking this injury seriously and being super-careful 


    Dlyon - I had a 2nd metatarsal fracture last fall...from running in Five Fingers, which is not really something we need to get into on this thread but it did happen.  Anyway, as for recovery, I spent 4 full weeks in the boot and then another two with my mid & forefoot wrapped with tender tape for support.  After those 6 weeks I began walking normally and was jogging within two weeks.  I built my mileage back up cautiously but I was back at just about full speed within about 12 after my injury.

    Im surprised to see you were swimming though. While I was in the boot the doctor ordered me not to swim because he wanted no pressure on my foot, not even from pushing off walls or kicking in the water.  Good luck with your recovery.

    2012-03-13 9:34 AM
    in reply to: #3550668

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    Massapequa, NY
    Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

    Thanks for sharing your recovery time/story on your sfx.  Always reassuring to hear from someone who had a similar issue.  As for swimming, I am NOT pushing off the wall at all.  While my doc (also a triathlete/marathoner) did mention that the flexing of the foot while swimming could cause some stress, I would feel it if it were detrimental, and then i should stop.  To date, it has been fine, and I am actually focusing more on upper body technique and breathing, and swimming pretty darn slow and not kicking like i would if i were racing.  I actually thought biking (again seated on my trainer) would be more harmful/painful, but that too has caused zero pain.  I guess the perfect strategy would be complete rest, but that really cant happen at this point.  Just trusting in my doc and my coach, whom my doctor actually has been emailing on a regular basis (pretty impressed by this!)

    Were you apprehensive when you were back running again?  Sorry that this is hijacking this thread a bit, although the thread has been cold for a couple of weeks.  I guess everyone is training hard!

    150 days people.  stay healthy!


    Edited by Dlyon 2012-03-13 9:35 AM
    2012-03-15 7:52 AM
    in reply to: #4093847

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    Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

    It's very beneficial to have a doctor that is an athlete as well.  My doctor is also a triathlete and I found it comforting to know he understood me and was able to give me a recovery plan that fit my goals. 

    I was very apprehensive when I starting running again.  I have a permament bruise on right foot from a previously ankle break so I couldn't really tell when I got done with my runs whether my foot was bruising from a new injury or if it was just the old bruise.  Also, after taking some time off and having my foot immobilized my feet were sore following runs.  Again, I couldn't tell if I had re-injured myself or if it was just natural.  I spoke with my doctor about this and he did one last set of x-rays about 2 weeks after I had resumed activity to help put both of us at peace that everything was fine.  Fortunately everything turned out ok.

    2012-03-16 7:12 PM
    in reply to: #3550668

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    Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

    You guys see the new IMNYC press poster?


    C'mon IRONMAN NYC thread... the Ironman Florida thread is ahead of you!!!! And their Ironman is like in November!  Waddddup?!?!?

    2012-03-17 8:58 AM
    in reply to: #3550668

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    Massapequa, NY
    Subject: RE: Ironman U.S. Championship : Official Thread

    couldnt agree more!  while nursing this damn stress fracture I have been coming here daily to see if anyone else has been on the run course with some more intel...or maybe has some observations on the comparison between the 9w route and the IM bike route, similar elevation profile...Hope to be training outside in a couple of weeks!

    One thing I cant get out of my head was how shallow the water appeared at low tide a few weeks ago at about 10am on a sunday....there was literally a visbile mud/sandbar nearly 30 feet out from the shoreline at Ross Dock.  Does anyone have an idea of the depth of the water in the 2.4 mile channel we will be in?  I'm no nautical expert, but i would guess that deeper water would be more beneficial for a current assist? or no?  i have a feeling that the ebb here is not going to be that powerful and people shouldnt make too many comparisons to how easy the NYC tri swim is (and it is easy, trust me, and I am not a great swimmer at all)


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