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2012-10-05 10:03 AM
in reply to: #4442012

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Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
JoshR - 2012-10-05 8:16 AM

I've been thinking about it and I think Romney won because he has no real specifics for Obama to attack. Obama says your plan has no coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and Romney says yes it does. But he doesn't have a plan. He said he'd repeal obamacare. Then he said he'd keep the pre-existing condition part. Then he said you can get coverage for pre-existing conditions if you've had continuous coverage. What exactly is Obama supposed to argue against in that?

If you think about it, it's actually a good debate strategy. He sounds like he has all of the answers and Obama has no details to really attack. He's going to have to start resorting to 47% comments and Cayman Islands stuff.

But Josh... how is that different from Obama that does the same thing? They throw out "goals", but give no nuts and bolts on how. Just yesterday... Obama came out with a new commercial. At least it was new to me... he rolled out his "5 point plan"... one was he was going to create a million(?) new manufacturing jobs to put skilled workers back to work.... OK, HOW??? And if that is what you ARE going to do... then why have you not DONE that. I mean he just says it like a stroke of a pen will just ge done... then why have you not done it???

So he rolled out his 5 point plan that gave no more specifics than Romney has done... and you know full well all those "goal" are targets based on assumptions and juked numbers and specifics don't actually mean anything based on sand. So you can say you want more spcifics on how the smoke is actually generated... but what is the point?

Overall, Obama has the weakest of all positions because his words have to be rooted in some sort of reality... he is the sitting President. He is trying to cram more sunshine up our rears which demands the follow up... then why have you not done that??? You have had 3 years. Everyone understands the Emporer is scantily clad.

Edited by powerman 2012-10-05 10:04 AM

2012-10-05 10:09 AM
in reply to: #4442132

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Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
tuwood - 2012-10-05 9:01 AM

I agree it's a two way street.  It's like two kids pouting on opposite sides of the room.  At some point though somebody has to be a grown up and take charge.  Obama's idea of bipartisanship on the healthcare reform was to hold a summit and invite the republicans in for an ambush.  Then complain that the Republican's won't work with him.  That's not leadership, that's partisanship.

And that is one thing too... yes congress is partisan, but Obama has not done a thing to work around it like he said he was going to do. When things got a little difficult, he resorted to the "Partisan Playbook 101" and immediately started pointing fingers and blaming.

Now... he might not be able to bridge the gap and indeed Congress might have refused to work with him even if he tried to get a bill passed that all burning babies should be extinguished... but my point is he didn't even lift a finger to try. Again... you can talk all the smack you want on the campaign trail... but when you sit in the seat you actually have to try to do some of that stuff.

2012-10-05 10:14 AM
in reply to: #4442139

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
powerman - 2012-10-05 10:03 AM
JoshR - 2012-10-05 8:16 AM

I've been thinking about it and I think Romney won because he has no real specifics for Obama to attack. Obama says your plan has no coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and Romney says yes it does. But he doesn't have a plan. He said he'd repeal obamacare. Then he said he'd keep the pre-existing condition part. Then he said you can get coverage for pre-existing conditions if you've had continuous coverage. What exactly is Obama supposed to argue against in that?

If you think about it, it's actually a good debate strategy. He sounds like he has all of the answers and Obama has no details to really attack. He's going to have to start resorting to 47% comments and Cayman Islands stuff.

But Josh... how is that different from Obama that does the same thing? They throw out "goals", but give no nuts and bolts on how. Just yesterday... Obama came out with a new commercial. At least it was new to me... he rolled out his "5 point plan"... one was he was going to create a million(?) new manufacturing jobs to put skilled workers back to work.... OK, HOW??? And if that is what you ARE going to do... then why have you not DONE that. I mean he just says it like a stroke of a pen will just ge done... then why have you not done it???

So he rolled out his 5 point plan that gave no more specifics than Romney has done... and you know full well all those "goal" are targets based on assumptions and juked numbers and specifics don't actually mean anything based on sand. So you can say you want more spcifics on how the smoke is actually generated... but what is the point?

Overall, Obama has the weakest of all positions because his words have to be rooted in some sort of reality... he is the sitting President. He is trying to cram more sunshine up our rears which demands the follow up... then why have you not done that??? You have had 3 years. Everyone understands the Emporer is scantily clad.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Josh will tell you Obama's plans are no different.  That's why he's consistently championed a third party candidate and argued that there's absolutely no difference in electing a Rep or Dem president.

2012-10-05 10:15 AM
in reply to: #4442139

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Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
powerman - 2012-10-05 11:03 AM

So he rolled out his 5 point plan that gave no more specifics than Romney has done... and you know full well all those "goal" are targets based on assumptions and juked numbers and specifics don't actually mean anything based on sand. So you can say you want more spcifics on how the smoke is actually generated... but what is the point?

I had a long reply to one of these ads on FB...  here is the ad for those unfamiliar:

1. When Obama took office the US had about 12.5 million manufacturing jobs. We now have about 12 million. And don’t give me the “but Bush lost more”. I don’t care, Bush is not running for President, Obama is. So what is this magic plan to create 1 million for manufacturing jobs? What happened to the stimulus? That was supposed to create all sorts of jobs. By Obama’s own admission it failed. So we are just supposed to trust him that THIS time we can create these jobs? What's that old phrase... fool me once...

2. Where are these 2 million trained people going to find work? And how are they going to pay for community college? Let me guess, the government will spend more $.
3. OK, one I might could get behind. But define “invest in America”? You mean like Solyndra?  Sounds kind of vague to me.
4. US exports are at $2.2 trillion. Guess the year they were at $1.1 trillion (one half). It was 2004. So the President is going to do in 4 years what took 8 previously? And how is he going to do this? China’s growth has slowed. Europe is not going to be fixed anytime soon. Who is going to buy this extra $2.2 trillion of goods. This is an impossible goal.
5. Our oil imports have been growing steadily every year. To half our imports we’d be returning to 1986 levels. Again, he's going to do this in 8 years? Come on...As for investing in clean energy who can be against this? Sure it’d be great to have more solar…. But not at the cost of more debt. This needs to be developed by the private sector and the government cannot continue to make investments like Solyndra.

Look I’m not expecting you to vote for Romney. I’m not crazy about the guy myself. But this is all more “hope and change” empty promises that he promised the American people in 2008. Wake up people, don’t get fooled again.


2012-10-05 10:22 AM
in reply to: #4441925

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Subject: RE: Presidential Debate

nancylee - 2012-10-05 6:44 AM Unemployment rate is now 7.8%. Romney weeps.


Nancy while that appears to be good news for the economy it really has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. You might want to start a new thread to discuss the unemployment rate being 30% higher than what President Obama said it would be at this point in time.


I would still like answers to the two questions I asked you about President Obama's claim on the incentive for shipping jobs overseas.

I've highlighted/bolded the questions below for your convenience.

crusevegas - 2012-10-04 12:20 PM

nancylee - 2012-10-04 8:16 AM  I disagree. I have two sons, 20 and 21, neither in college this semester, and without Obamacare, they would both be uninsured. That may not be an impressive achievement to those without college age kids, but I don't know one person, even hard core right wingers, whose kid is insured who wants to see that die. Nancy

And this ladies and gentlemen is why Obama will be re-elected. He has taken enough money from one group or really, I guess, has borrowed enough from China or a combination of the two to bribe and buy votes from people willing to trade liberty for free shtuff with OPM and in the process do away with the need for personal responsibility.

As far as fact checking, what is the IRS code that rewards business for sending jobs over seas?

If in fact there is such a provision in the code why has Obama not changed that since he's been in office, or ever provided some serious detail as to what it is?


2012-10-05 10:26 AM
in reply to: #4442185

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Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
crusevegas - 2012-10-05 10:22 AM

nancylee - 2012-10-05 6:44 AM Unemployment rate is now 7.8%. Romney weeps.


Nancy while that appears to be good news for the economy it really has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. You might want to start a new thread to discuss the unemployment rate being 30% higher than what President Obama said it would be at this point in time.


I would still like answers to the two questions I asked you about President Obama's claim on the incentive for shipping jobs overseas.

I've highlighted/bolded the questions below for your convenience.

crusevegas - 2012-10-04 12:20 PM

nancylee - 2012-10-04 8:16 AM  I disagree. I have two sons, 20 and 21, neither in college this semester, and without Obamacare, they would both be uninsured. That may not be an impressive achievement to those without college age kids, but I don't know one person, even hard core right wingers, whose kid is insured who wants to see that die. Nancy

And this ladies and gentlemen is why Obama will be re-elected. He has taken enough money from one group or really, I guess, has borrowed enough from China or a combination of the two to bribe and buy votes from people willing to trade liberty for free shtuff with OPM and in the process do away with the need for personal responsibility.

As far as fact checking, what is the IRS code that rewards business for sending jobs over seas?

If in fact there is such a provision in the code why has Obama not changed that since he's been in office, or ever provided some serious detail as to what it is?


Obama does not lie, only Republicans do.

2012-10-05 10:29 AM
in reply to: #4441975

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Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
TriRSquared - 2012-10-05 7:05 AM

nancylee - 2012-10-05 9:41 AM
Left Brain - 2012-10-04 3:47 PM Is the next debate about Foreign Policy?  Obama should just call in sick. Laughing
The man who got Osama bin Laden, got us out of Iraq, and is working on getting us out of Afghanistan should call in sick. How does that make any sense???

The man who got OBL based on 8 years of Bush admin intelligence?

The man who promised to shut down Gitmo on day one of his Presidency yet it's still open almost 4 years later?

The man who followed Bush's time table, to the day, to withdraw from Iraq?

The man who tried to blame the attack on our embassy in Egypt on a YouTube video, and now is at the center of a controversy that claims they knew about possible attacks yet did nothing?

The man responsible for more deaths in Afghanistan in 3.5 years than Bush's 7 years?

Yeah, that guy.


Great post, just thought it was worth repeating.

2012-10-05 10:30 AM
in reply to: #4438403

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Austin, TX
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
No typo, Matt. I mentioned increasing tax revenue.
2012-10-05 10:36 AM
in reply to: #4442185

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St. Louis
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
crusevegas - 2012-10-05 10:22 AM

nancylee - 2012-10-05 6:44 AM Unemployment rate is now 7.8%. Romney weeps.


Nancy while that appears to be good news for the economy it really has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. You might want to start a new thread to discuss the unemployment rate being 30% higher than what President Obama said it would be at this point in time.


I would still like answers to the two questions I asked you about President Obama's claim on the incentive for shipping jobs overseas.

I've highlighted/bolded the questions below for your convenience.

crusevegas - 2012-10-04 12:20 PM

nancylee - 2012-10-04 8:16 AM  I disagree. I have two sons, 20 and 21, neither in college this semester, and without Obamacare, they would both be uninsured. That may not be an impressive achievement to those without college age kids, but I don't know one person, even hard core right wingers, whose kid is insured who wants to see that die. Nancy

And this ladies and gentlemen is why Obama will be re-elected. He has taken enough money from one group or really, I guess, has borrowed enough from China or a combination of the two to bribe and buy votes from people willing to trade liberty for free shtuff with OPM and in the process do away with the need for personal responsibility.

As far as fact checking, what is the IRS code that rewards business for sending jobs over seas?

If in fact there is such a provision in the code why has Obama not changed that since he's been in office, or ever provided some serious detail as to what it is?


Here you go, with both the conservative spin and the liberal spin for your convenience.  A bill in the Senate (S.3364) to end the "loophole" failed cloture back in back in July when Democrats couldn't break the Republican filibuster.



2012-10-05 10:40 AM
in reply to: #4442163

User image

Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
kevin_trapp - 2012-10-05 9:14 AM
powerman - 2012-10-05 10:03 AM
JoshR - 2012-10-05 8:16 AM

I've been thinking about it and I think Romney won because he has no real specifics for Obama to attack. Obama says your plan has no coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and Romney says yes it does. But he doesn't have a plan. He said he'd repeal obamacare. Then he said he'd keep the pre-existing condition part. Then he said you can get coverage for pre-existing conditions if you've had continuous coverage. What exactly is Obama supposed to argue against in that?

If you think about it, it's actually a good debate strategy. He sounds like he has all of the answers and Obama has no details to really attack. He's going to have to start resorting to 47% comments and Cayman Islands stuff.

But Josh... how is that different from Obama that does the same thing? They throw out "goals", but give no nuts and bolts on how. Just yesterday... Obama came out with a new commercial. At least it was new to me... he rolled out his "5 point plan"... one was he was going to create a million(?) new manufacturing jobs to put skilled workers back to work.... OK, HOW??? And if that is what you ARE going to do... then why have you not DONE that. I mean he just says it like a stroke of a pen will just ge done... then why have you not done it???

So he rolled out his 5 point plan that gave no more specifics than Romney has done... and you know full well all those "goal" are targets based on assumptions and juked numbers and specifics don't actually mean anything based on sand. So you can say you want more spcifics on how the smoke is actually generated... but what is the point?

Overall, Obama has the weakest of all positions because his words have to be rooted in some sort of reality... he is the sitting President. He is trying to cram more sunshine up our rears which demands the follow up... then why have you not done that??? You have had 3 years. Everyone understands the Emporer is scantily clad.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Josh will tell you Obama's plans are no different.  That's why he's consistently championed a third party candidate and argued that there's absolutely no difference in electing a Rep or Dem president.

Hey somebody listened to me! Do I win the intrawebs? I've actually had some PM discussions with Powerman and we're mostly on the same page. 

To Powerman: Obama has a record to defend though. Romney has nothing to stand on. He is constantly shifting his position on what he wants to do whenever someone attacks him on his current idea.

2012-10-05 10:49 AM
in reply to: #4442223

User image

Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
kevin_trapp - 2012-10-05 10:36 AM
crusevegas - 2012-10-05 10:22 AM

nancylee - 2012-10-05 6:44 AM Unemployment rate is now 7.8%. Romney weeps.


Nancy while that appears to be good news for the economy it really has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. You might want to start a new thread to discuss the unemployment rate being 30% higher than what President Obama said it would be at this point in time.


I would still like answers to the two questions I asked you about President Obama's claim on the incentive for shipping jobs overseas.

I've highlighted/bolded the questions below for your convenience.

crusevegas - 2012-10-04 12:20 PM

nancylee - 2012-10-04 8:16 AM  I disagree. I have two sons, 20 and 21, neither in college this semester, and without Obamacare, they would both be uninsured. That may not be an impressive achievement to those without college age kids, but I don't know one person, even hard core right wingers, whose kid is insured who wants to see that die. Nancy

And this ladies and gentlemen is why Obama will be re-elected. He has taken enough money from one group or really, I guess, has borrowed enough from China or a combination of the two to bribe and buy votes from people willing to trade liberty for free shtuff with OPM and in the process do away with the need for personal responsibility.

As far as fact checking, what is the IRS code that rewards business for sending jobs over seas?

If in fact there is such a provision in the code why has Obama not changed that since he's been in office, or ever provided some serious detail as to what it is?


Here you go, with both the conservative spin and the liberal spin for your convenience.  A bill in the Senate (S.3364) to end the "loophole" failed cloture back in back in July when Democrats couldn't break the Republican filibuster.



Thanks for linking those.  I love the spin on the Daily KOS side.

From Fox

Technically, companies can claim a deduction for the costs associated with moving jobs overseas. 

However, the deduction is not a special loophole afforded only to companies moving work out of America, as the president sometimes makes it sound. Rather, the deduction is written into the tax code pertaining to any cost companies face in the course of doing business.   

That means a company can claim the deduction whether it's moving operations to Bangalore or Boston, to Kuala Lumpur or Kansas City. 

"Any cost of doing business is deductible," said Doug Holtz-Eakin, former director of the Congressional Budget Office who advised Republican Sen. John McCain in the 2008 presidential race. "There's no special (incentive to move jobs overseas)." 

What Democrats want to do is end the deduction for firms moving overseas, in order to create a disincentive to offshore. What they say, though, makes it sound like the tax code is currently luring companies out of the U.S. 


From Daily KOS

Obama wins this round.

Romney’s recently released tax returns made it clear that he and his accountant are quite familiar with navigating the tax code. Romney should know that the law currently allows a company that closes its American plant and moves manufacturing operations overseas to deduct that moving expense.

The New York Times says, “It is true.”  Reuters writes that there really are “deductions allowed for a company if it closes its plant in the United States and moves it to another country.” The conservative Boston Herald declared it a “huge gaffe.” Even Fox News’s fact check admits, “Technically, companies can claim a deduction for the costs associated with moving jobs overseas.”

In fact, Senate Republicans recently blocked a Democratic bill that would have provided a tax credit to companies that move jobs back to the United States and ended a tax break for companies moving operations overseas.

2012-10-05 10:54 AM
in reply to: #4442228

User image

Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
JoshR - 2012-10-05 10:40 AM
kevin_trapp - 2012-10-05 9:14 AM
powerman - 2012-10-05 10:03 AM
JoshR - 2012-10-05 8:16 AM

I've been thinking about it and I think Romney won because he has no real specifics for Obama to attack. Obama says your plan has no coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and Romney says yes it does. But he doesn't have a plan. He said he'd repeal obamacare. Then he said he'd keep the pre-existing condition part. Then he said you can get coverage for pre-existing conditions if you've had continuous coverage. What exactly is Obama supposed to argue against in that?

If you think about it, it's actually a good debate strategy. He sounds like he has all of the answers and Obama has no details to really attack. He's going to have to start resorting to 47% comments and Cayman Islands stuff.

But Josh... how is that different from Obama that does the same thing? They throw out "goals", but give no nuts and bolts on how. Just yesterday... Obama came out with a new commercial. At least it was new to me... he rolled out his "5 point plan"... one was he was going to create a million(?) new manufacturing jobs to put skilled workers back to work.... OK, HOW??? And if that is what you ARE going to do... then why have you not DONE that. I mean he just says it like a stroke of a pen will just ge done... then why have you not done it???

So he rolled out his 5 point plan that gave no more specifics than Romney has done... and you know full well all those "goal" are targets based on assumptions and juked numbers and specifics don't actually mean anything based on sand. So you can say you want more spcifics on how the smoke is actually generated... but what is the point?

Overall, Obama has the weakest of all positions because his words have to be rooted in some sort of reality... he is the sitting President. He is trying to cram more sunshine up our rears which demands the follow up... then why have you not done that??? You have had 3 years. Everyone understands the Emporer is scantily clad.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Josh will tell you Obama's plans are no different.  That's why he's consistently championed a third party candidate and argued that there's absolutely no difference in electing a Rep or Dem president.

Hey somebody listened to me! Do I win the intrawebs? I've actually had some PM discussions with Powerman and we're mostly on the same page. 

To Powerman: Obama has a record to defend though. Romney has nothing to stand on. He is constantly shifting his position on what he wants to do whenever someone attacks him on his current idea.

Can you give me some examples?  And.....he can certainly stand on his record as Gov. of Mass....right?  I'm not trying to be snarky....I don't follow politics that closely.  The only thing I know is that the liberal agenda doesn't work for me.

2012-10-05 10:55 AM
in reply to: #4442204

User image

Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
crusevegas - 2012-10-05 10:29 AM

TriRSquared - 2012-10-05 7:05 AM

nancylee - 2012-10-05 9:41 AM
Left Brain - 2012-10-04 3:47 PM Is the next debate about Foreign Policy?  Obama should just call in sick. Laughing
The man who got Osama bin Laden, got us out of Iraq, and is working on getting us out of Afghanistan should call in sick. How does that make any sense???

The man who got OBL based on 8 years of Bush admin intelligence?

The man who promised to shut down Gitmo on day one of his Presidency yet it's still open almost 4 years later?

The man who followed Bush's time table, to the day, to withdraw from Iraq?

The man who tried to blame the attack on our embassy in Egypt on a YouTube video, and now is at the center of a controversy that claims they knew about possible attacks yet did nothing?

The man responsible for more deaths in Afghanistan in 3.5 years than Bush's 7 years?

Yeah, that guy.


Great post, just thought it was worth repeating.

How come when Obama does something good, it's because the Bush Administration set him up for success?

But the economy and all the other bad things are totally his fault and have nothing to do with the Bush Administration?

It's like when people say `I built that!' if they're successful but if their business failed, it was because of Obama's policies.

Edited by mr2tony 2012-10-05 10:56 AM
2012-10-05 10:57 AM
in reply to: #4442237

User image

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
tuwood - 2012-10-05 8:49 AM
kevin_trapp - 2012-10-05 10:36 AM
crusevegas - 2012-10-05 10:22 AM

Thanks for linking those.  I love the spin on the Daily KOS side.

From Fox

Technically, companies can claim a deduction for the costs associated with moving jobs overseas. 

However, the deduction is not a special loophole afforded only to companies moving work out of America, as the president sometimes makes it sound. Rather, the deduction is written into the tax code pertaining to any cost companies face in the course of doing business.   

That means a company can claim the deduction whether it's moving operations to Bangalore or Boston, to Kuala Lumpur or Kansas City. 

"Any cost of doing business is deductible," said Doug Holtz-Eakin, former director of the Congressional Budget Office who advised Republican Sen. John McCain in the 2008 presidential race. "There's no special (incentive to move jobs overseas)." 

What Democrats want to do is end the deduction for firms moving overseas, in order to create a disincentive to offshore. What they say, though, makes it sound like the tax code is currently luring companies out of the U.S. 


From Daily KOS

Obama wins this round.

Romney’s recently released tax returns made it clear that he and his accountant are quite familiar with navigating the tax code. Romney should know that the law currently allows a company that closes its American plant and moves manufacturing operations overseas to deduct that moving expense.

The New York Times says, “It is true.”  Reuters writes that there really are “deductions allowed for a company if it closes its plant in the United States and moves it to another country.” The conservative Boston Herald declared it a “huge gaffe.” Even Fox News’s fact check admits, “Technically, companies can claim a deduction for the costs associated with moving jobs overseas.”

In fact, Senate Republicans recently blocked a Democratic bill that would have provided a tax credit to companies that move jobs back to the United States and ended a tax break for companies moving operations overseas.

Thank you both for this one!

Just a classic example of using context in your favor. 

2012-10-05 10:58 AM
in reply to: #4442250

User image

San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
jasonatkins - 2012-10-05 8:57 AM
tuwood - 2012-10-05 8:49 AM
kevin_trapp - 2012-10-05 10:36 AM
crusevegas - 2012-10-05 10:22 AM

Thanks for linking those.  I love the spin on the Daily KOS side.

From Fox

Technically, companies can claim a deduction for the costs associated with moving jobs overseas. 

However, the deduction is not a special loophole afforded only to companies moving work out of America, as the president sometimes makes it sound. Rather, the deduction is written into the tax code pertaining to any cost companies face in the course of doing business.   

That means a company can claim the deduction whether it's moving operations to Bangalore or Boston, to Kuala Lumpur or Kansas City. 

"Any cost of doing business is deductible," said Doug Holtz-Eakin, former director of the Congressional Budget Office who advised Republican Sen. John McCain in the 2008 presidential race. "There's no special (incentive to move jobs overseas)." 

What Democrats want to do is end the deduction for firms moving overseas, in order to create a disincentive to offshore. What they say, though, makes it sound like the tax code is currently luring companies out of the U.S. 


From Daily KOS

Obama wins this round.

Romney’s recently released tax returns made it clear that he and his accountant are quite familiar with navigating the tax code. Romney should know that the law currently allows a company that closes its American plant and moves manufacturing operations overseas to deduct that moving expense.

The New York Times says, “It is true.”  Reuters writes that there really are “deductions allowed for a company if it closes its plant in the United States and moves it to another country.” The conservative Boston Herald declared it a “huge gaffe.” Even Fox News’s fact check admits, “Technically, companies can claim a deduction for the costs associated with moving jobs overseas.”

In fact, Senate Republicans recently blocked a Democratic bill that would have provided a tax credit to companies that move jobs back to the United States and ended a tax break for companies moving operations overseas.

Thank you both for this one!

Just a classic example of using context in your favor. 

Edited by jasonatkins 2012-10-05 10:58 AM
2012-10-05 11:00 AM
in reply to: #4442237

User image

Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
tuwood - 2012-10-05 10:49 AM

kevin_trapp - 2012-10-05 10:36 AM
crusevegas - 2012-10-05 10:22 AM

nancylee - 2012-10-05 6:44 AM Unemployment rate is now 7.8%. Romney weeps.


Nancy while that appears to be good news for the economy it really has nothing to do with the topic of this thread. You might want to start a new thread to discuss the unemployment rate being 30% higher than what President Obama said it would be at this point in time.


I would still like answers to the two questions I asked you about President Obama's claim on the incentive for shipping jobs overseas.

I've highlighted/bolded the questions below for your convenience.

crusevegas - 2012-10-04 12:20 PM

nancylee - 2012-10-04 8:16 AM  I disagree. I have two sons, 20 and 21, neither in college this semester, and without Obamacare, they would both be uninsured. That may not be an impressive achievement to those without college age kids, but I don't know one person, even hard core right wingers, whose kid is insured who wants to see that die. Nancy

And this ladies and gentlemen is why Obama will be re-elected. He has taken enough money from one group or really, I guess, has borrowed enough from China or a combination of the two to bribe and buy votes from people willing to trade liberty for free shtuff with OPM and in the process do away with the need for personal responsibility.

As far as fact checking, what is the IRS code that rewards business for sending jobs over seas?

If in fact there is such a provision in the code why has Obama not changed that since he's been in office, or ever provided some serious detail as to what it is?


Here you go, with both the conservative spin and the liberal spin for your convenience.  A bill in the Senate (S.3364) to end the "loophole" failed cloture back in back in July when Democrats couldn't break the Republican filibuster.



Thanks for linking those.  I love the spin on the Daily KOS side.

From Fox

Technically, companies can claim a deduction for the costs associated with moving jobs overseas. 

However, the deduction is not a special loophole afforded only to companies moving work out of America, as the president sometimes makes it sound. Rather, the deduction is written into the tax code pertaining to any cost companies face in the course of doing business.   

That means a company can claim the deduction whether it's moving operations to Bangalore or Boston, to Kuala Lumpur or Kansas City. 

"Any cost of doing business is deductible," said Doug Holtz-Eakin, former director of the Congressional Budget Office who advised Republican Sen. John McCain in the 2008 presidential race. "There's no special (incentive to move jobs overseas)." 

What Democrats want to do is end the deduction for firms moving overseas, in order to create a disincentive to offshore. What they say, though, makes it sound like the tax code is currently luring companies out of the U.S. 


From Daily KOS

Obama wins this round.

Romney’s recently released tax returns made it clear that he and his accountant are quite familiar with navigating the tax code. Romney should know that the law currently allows a company that closes its American plant and moves manufacturing operations overseas to deduct that moving expense.

The New York Times says, “It is true.”  Reuters writes that there really are “deductions allowed for a company if it closes its plant in the United States and moves it to another country.” The conservative Boston Herald declared it a “huge gaffe.” Even Fox News’s fact check admits, “Technically, companies can claim a deduction for the costs associated with moving jobs overseas.”

In fact, Senate Republicans recently blocked a Democratic bill that would have provided a tax credit to companies that move jobs back to the United States and ended a tax break for companies moving operations overseas.

Nice! This is a good example of how these things are spun. Why not just tell the whole story and let the voters decide?

2012-10-05 11:03 AM
in reply to: #4442246

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Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
Left Brain - 2012-10-05 9:54 AM
JoshR - 2012-10-05 10:40 AM
kevin_trapp - 2012-10-05 9:14 AM
powerman - 2012-10-05 10:03 AM
JoshR - 2012-10-05 8:16 AM

I've been thinking about it and I think Romney won because he has no real specifics for Obama to attack. Obama says your plan has no coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and Romney says yes it does. But he doesn't have a plan. He said he'd repeal obamacare. Then he said he'd keep the pre-existing condition part. Then he said you can get coverage for pre-existing conditions if you've had continuous coverage. What exactly is Obama supposed to argue against in that?

If you think about it, it's actually a good debate strategy. He sounds like he has all of the answers and Obama has no details to really attack. He's going to have to start resorting to 47% comments and Cayman Islands stuff.

But Josh... how is that different from Obama that does the same thing? They throw out "goals", but give no nuts and bolts on how. Just yesterday... Obama came out with a new commercial. At least it was new to me... he rolled out his "5 point plan"... one was he was going to create a million(?) new manufacturing jobs to put skilled workers back to work.... OK, HOW??? And if that is what you ARE going to do... then why have you not DONE that. I mean he just says it like a stroke of a pen will just ge done... then why have you not done it???

So he rolled out his 5 point plan that gave no more specifics than Romney has done... and you know full well all those "goal" are targets based on assumptions and juked numbers and specifics don't actually mean anything based on sand. So you can say you want more spcifics on how the smoke is actually generated... but what is the point?

Overall, Obama has the weakest of all positions because his words have to be rooted in some sort of reality... he is the sitting President. He is trying to cram more sunshine up our rears which demands the follow up... then why have you not done that??? You have had 3 years. Everyone understands the Emporer is scantily clad.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Josh will tell you Obama's plans are no different.  That's why he's consistently championed a third party candidate and argued that there's absolutely no difference in electing a Rep or Dem president.

Hey somebody listened to me! Do I win the intrawebs? I've actually had some PM discussions with Powerman and we're mostly on the same page. 

To Powerman: Obama has a record to defend though. Romney has nothing to stand on. He is constantly shifting his position on what he wants to do whenever someone attacks him on his current idea.

Can you give me some examples?  And.....he can certainly stand on his record as Gov. of Mass....right?  I'm not trying to be snarky....I don't follow politics that closely.  The only thing I know is that the liberal agenda doesn't work for me.

He could stand on his record as governor except he seems to be running away from it because he was a moderate.

His stance on tax cuts is an example of his shifting plans. First he said a 20% across the board cut that would be paid for by reducing deductions. Then when the TPC said he would have to remove popular deductions like mortgage interest to make it revenue neutral, he said they were lying. Then he said that middle class families shouldn't expect a big tax cut from him. Then he said he wouldn't raise taxes on rich people. Then he said he will raise taxes on rich people. Then he came out with his $17,000 deduction. In the debate he said it could be $25,000 or $50,000. 

In summary, I have no idea what his tax cutting plans are.

2012-10-05 11:14 AM
in reply to: #4442264

User image

Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
JoshR - 2012-10-05 11:03 AM
Left Brain - 2012-10-05 9:54 AM
JoshR - 2012-10-05 10:40 AM
kevin_trapp - 2012-10-05 9:14 AM
powerman - 2012-10-05 10:03 AM
JoshR - 2012-10-05 8:16 AM

I've been thinking about it and I think Romney won because he has no real specifics for Obama to attack. Obama says your plan has no coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and Romney says yes it does. But he doesn't have a plan. He said he'd repeal obamacare. Then he said he'd keep the pre-existing condition part. Then he said you can get coverage for pre-existing conditions if you've had continuous coverage. What exactly is Obama supposed to argue against in that?

If you think about it, it's actually a good debate strategy. He sounds like he has all of the answers and Obama has no details to really attack. He's going to have to start resorting to 47% comments and Cayman Islands stuff.

But Josh... how is that different from Obama that does the same thing? They throw out "goals", but give no nuts and bolts on how. Just yesterday... Obama came out with a new commercial. At least it was new to me... he rolled out his "5 point plan"... one was he was going to create a million(?) new manufacturing jobs to put skilled workers back to work.... OK, HOW??? And if that is what you ARE going to do... then why have you not DONE that. I mean he just says it like a stroke of a pen will just ge done... then why have you not done it???

So he rolled out his 5 point plan that gave no more specifics than Romney has done... and you know full well all those "goal" are targets based on assumptions and juked numbers and specifics don't actually mean anything based on sand. So you can say you want more spcifics on how the smoke is actually generated... but what is the point?

Overall, Obama has the weakest of all positions because his words have to be rooted in some sort of reality... he is the sitting President. He is trying to cram more sunshine up our rears which demands the follow up... then why have you not done that??? You have had 3 years. Everyone understands the Emporer is scantily clad.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Josh will tell you Obama's plans are no different.  That's why he's consistently championed a third party candidate and argued that there's absolutely no difference in electing a Rep or Dem president.

Hey somebody listened to me! Do I win the intrawebs? I've actually had some PM discussions with Powerman and we're mostly on the same page. 

To Powerman: Obama has a record to defend though. Romney has nothing to stand on. He is constantly shifting his position on what he wants to do whenever someone attacks him on his current idea.

Can you give me some examples?  And.....he can certainly stand on his record as Gov. of Mass....right?  I'm not trying to be snarky....I don't follow politics that closely.  The only thing I know is that the liberal agenda doesn't work for me.

He could stand on his record as governor except he seems to be running away from it because he was a moderate.

His stance on tax cuts is an example of his shifting plans. First he said a 20% across the board cut that would be paid for by reducing deductions. Then when the TPC said he would have to remove popular deductions like mortgage interest to make it revenue neutral, he said they were lying. Then he said that middle class families shouldn't expect a big tax cut from him. Then he said he wouldn't raise taxes on rich people. Then he said he will raise taxes on rich people. Then he came out with his $17,000 deduction. In the debate he said it could be $25,000 or $50,000. 

In summary, I have no idea what his tax cutting plans are.

Ok...and again, I'm not baiting you, I'm asking.  The first I'd heard Romney speak was the debate....I just don't pay attention to all of the noise until it gets close like now.  Taking what he said at the debate, and given his record in Mass, and his experience with private business....do you not think he is the clear choice between him and Obama when it comes to leadign this country out of it's fiscal problems?  From my seat, Obama is completely clueless, and his record shows that.  Again, I'm not baiting, I'm trying to figure if I'm missing something with Obama.

2012-10-05 11:26 AM
in reply to: #4442287

User image

Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
Left Brain - 2012-10-05 10:14 AM
JoshR - 2012-10-05 11:03 AM
Left Brain - 2012-10-05 9:54 AM
JoshR - 2012-10-05 10:40 AM
kevin_trapp - 2012-10-05 9:14 AM
powerman - 2012-10-05 10:03 AM
JoshR - 2012-10-05 8:16 AM

I've been thinking about it and I think Romney won because he has no real specifics for Obama to attack. Obama says your plan has no coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and Romney says yes it does. But he doesn't have a plan. He said he'd repeal obamacare. Then he said he'd keep the pre-existing condition part. Then he said you can get coverage for pre-existing conditions if you've had continuous coverage. What exactly is Obama supposed to argue against in that?

If you think about it, it's actually a good debate strategy. He sounds like he has all of the answers and Obama has no details to really attack. He's going to have to start resorting to 47% comments and Cayman Islands stuff.

But Josh... how is that different from Obama that does the same thing? They throw out "goals", but give no nuts and bolts on how. Just yesterday... Obama came out with a new commercial. At least it was new to me... he rolled out his "5 point plan"... one was he was going to create a million(?) new manufacturing jobs to put skilled workers back to work.... OK, HOW??? And if that is what you ARE going to do... then why have you not DONE that. I mean he just says it like a stroke of a pen will just ge done... then why have you not done it???

So he rolled out his 5 point plan that gave no more specifics than Romney has done... and you know full well all those "goal" are targets based on assumptions and juked numbers and specifics don't actually mean anything based on sand. So you can say you want more spcifics on how the smoke is actually generated... but what is the point?

Overall, Obama has the weakest of all positions because his words have to be rooted in some sort of reality... he is the sitting President. He is trying to cram more sunshine up our rears which demands the follow up... then why have you not done that??? You have had 3 years. Everyone understands the Emporer is scantily clad.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Josh will tell you Obama's plans are no different.  That's why he's consistently championed a third party candidate and argued that there's absolutely no difference in electing a Rep or Dem president.

Hey somebody listened to me! Do I win the intrawebs? I've actually had some PM discussions with Powerman and we're mostly on the same page. 

To Powerman: Obama has a record to defend though. Romney has nothing to stand on. He is constantly shifting his position on what he wants to do whenever someone attacks him on his current idea.

Can you give me some examples?  And.....he can certainly stand on his record as Gov. of Mass....right?  I'm not trying to be snarky....I don't follow politics that closely.  The only thing I know is that the liberal agenda doesn't work for me.

He could stand on his record as governor except he seems to be running away from it because he was a moderate.

His stance on tax cuts is an example of his shifting plans. First he said a 20% across the board cut that would be paid for by reducing deductions. Then when the TPC said he would have to remove popular deductions like mortgage interest to make it revenue neutral, he said they were lying. Then he said that middle class families shouldn't expect a big tax cut from him. Then he said he wouldn't raise taxes on rich people. Then he said he will raise taxes on rich people. Then he came out with his $17,000 deduction. In the debate he said it could be $25,000 or $50,000. 

In summary, I have no idea what his tax cutting plans are.

Ok...and again, I'm not baiting you, I'm asking.  The first I'd heard Romney speak was the debate....I just don't pay attention to all of the noise until it gets close like now.  Taking what he said at the debate, and given his record in Mass, and his experience with private business....do you not think he is the clear choice between him and Obama when it comes to leadign this country out of it's fiscal problems?  From my seat, Obama is completely clueless, and his record shows that.  Again, I'm not baiting, I'm trying to figure if I'm missing something with Obama.

I don't think you are missing anything with Obama. I think you are overestimating Romney because he is the "new" guy. I've said it before, he is raising $1 billion for his campaign. He is going to try and do what those people who give him the money want him to do. I firmly believe the people that give him that money have intentions that are directly harmful to the rest of the country as a whole. That is why I dislike both. Obama is also raising $1 billion. He will also be beholden to people that don't care about our country.

2012-10-05 11:29 AM
in reply to: #4442228

User image

Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
JoshR - 2012-10-05 9:40 AM
kevin_trapp - 2012-10-05 9:14 AM
powerman - 2012-10-05 10:03 AM
JoshR - 2012-10-05 8:16 AM

I've been thinking about it and I think Romney won because he has no real specifics for Obama to attack. Obama says your plan has no coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and Romney says yes it does. But he doesn't have a plan. He said he'd repeal obamacare. Then he said he'd keep the pre-existing condition part. Then he said you can get coverage for pre-existing conditions if you've had continuous coverage. What exactly is Obama supposed to argue against in that?

If you think about it, it's actually a good debate strategy. He sounds like he has all of the answers and Obama has no details to really attack. He's going to have to start resorting to 47% comments and Cayman Islands stuff.

But Josh... how is that different from Obama that does the same thing? They throw out "goals", but give no nuts and bolts on how. Just yesterday... Obama came out with a new commercial. At least it was new to me... he rolled out his "5 point plan"... one was he was going to create a million(?) new manufacturing jobs to put skilled workers back to work.... OK, HOW??? And if that is what you ARE going to do... then why have you not DONE that. I mean he just says it like a stroke of a pen will just ge done... then why have you not done it???

So he rolled out his 5 point plan that gave no more specifics than Romney has done... and you know full well all those "goal" are targets based on assumptions and juked numbers and specifics don't actually mean anything based on sand. So you can say you want more spcifics on how the smoke is actually generated... but what is the point?

Overall, Obama has the weakest of all positions because his words have to be rooted in some sort of reality... he is the sitting President. He is trying to cram more sunshine up our rears which demands the follow up... then why have you not done that??? You have had 3 years. Everyone understands the Emporer is scantily clad.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Josh will tell you Obama's plans are no different.  That's why he's consistently championed a third party candidate and argued that there's absolutely no difference in electing a Rep or Dem president.

Hey somebody listened to me! Do I win the intrawebs? I've actually had some PM discussions with Powerman and we're mostly on the same page. 

To Powerman: Obama has a record to defend though. Romney has nothing to stand on. He is constantly shifting his position on what he wants to do whenever someone attacks him on his current idea.

Well Romney does have a record to stand on as Govenor. But to be the GOP nominee, then you have to preach party lines and rally the far right base. Romney has been doing just that and looks like a flip flopper. He has changed his position to apease the far right. His Mass record is much more centrist and would probably appeal to more people if Romney could actually run as Romney.

EDIT: That's what I never understood. The far right know exactly who Romney is. They will vote against Obama no matter what. The GOP already has their vote. Romney turns off the independents flip flopping and adopting a solid Right stance.

Edited by powerman 2012-10-05 11:39 AM
2012-10-05 11:41 AM
in reply to: #4442309

User image

Omaha, NE
Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
powerman - 2012-10-05 11:29 AM
JoshR - 2012-10-05 9:40 AM
kevin_trapp - 2012-10-05 9:14 AM
powerman - 2012-10-05 10:03 AM
JoshR - 2012-10-05 8:16 AM

I've been thinking about it and I think Romney won because he has no real specifics for Obama to attack. Obama says your plan has no coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and Romney says yes it does. But he doesn't have a plan. He said he'd repeal obamacare. Then he said he'd keep the pre-existing condition part. Then he said you can get coverage for pre-existing conditions if you've had continuous coverage. What exactly is Obama supposed to argue against in that?

If you think about it, it's actually a good debate strategy. He sounds like he has all of the answers and Obama has no details to really attack. He's going to have to start resorting to 47% comments and Cayman Islands stuff.

But Josh... how is that different from Obama that does the same thing? They throw out "goals", but give no nuts and bolts on how. Just yesterday... Obama came out with a new commercial. At least it was new to me... he rolled out his "5 point plan"... one was he was going to create a million(?) new manufacturing jobs to put skilled workers back to work.... OK, HOW??? And if that is what you ARE going to do... then why have you not DONE that. I mean he just says it like a stroke of a pen will just ge done... then why have you not done it???

So he rolled out his 5 point plan that gave no more specifics than Romney has done... and you know full well all those "goal" are targets based on assumptions and juked numbers and specifics don't actually mean anything based on sand. So you can say you want more spcifics on how the smoke is actually generated... but what is the point?

Overall, Obama has the weakest of all positions because his words have to be rooted in some sort of reality... he is the sitting President. He is trying to cram more sunshine up our rears which demands the follow up... then why have you not done that??? You have had 3 years. Everyone understands the Emporer is scantily clad.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Josh will tell you Obama's plans are no different.  That's why he's consistently championed a third party candidate and argued that there's absolutely no difference in electing a Rep or Dem president.

Hey somebody listened to me! Do I win the intrawebs? I've actually had some PM discussions with Powerman and we're mostly on the same page. 

To Powerman: Obama has a record to defend though. Romney has nothing to stand on. He is constantly shifting his position on what he wants to do whenever someone attacks him on his current idea.

Well Romney does have a record to stand on as Govenor. But to be the GOP nominee, then you have to preach party lines and rally the far right base. Romney has been doing just that and looks like a flip flopper. He has changed his position to apease the far right. His Mass record is much more centrist and would probably appeal to more people if Romney could actually run as Romney.

EDIT: That's what I never understood. The far right know exactly who Romney is. They will vote against Obama no matter what. The GOP already has their vote. Romney turns off the independents flip flopping and adopting a solid Right stance.

I read an article the other day that depicted Reagan trying to run for office today.  With him being a California moderate that changed several positions including his stance on abortion would be labeled a flip flopper and never win the nomination due to being far to moderate and not a "true conservative".

2012-10-05 11:43 AM
in reply to: #4442341

User image

Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
tuwood - 2012-10-05 10:41 AM
powerman - 2012-10-05 11:29 AM
JoshR - 2012-10-05 9:40 AM
kevin_trapp - 2012-10-05 9:14 AM
powerman - 2012-10-05 10:03 AM
JoshR - 2012-10-05 8:16 AM

I've been thinking about it and I think Romney won because he has no real specifics for Obama to attack. Obama says your plan has no coverage for people with pre-existing conditions and Romney says yes it does. But he doesn't have a plan. He said he'd repeal obamacare. Then he said he'd keep the pre-existing condition part. Then he said you can get coverage for pre-existing conditions if you've had continuous coverage. What exactly is Obama supposed to argue against in that?

If you think about it, it's actually a good debate strategy. He sounds like he has all of the answers and Obama has no details to really attack. He's going to have to start resorting to 47% comments and Cayman Islands stuff.

But Josh... how is that different from Obama that does the same thing? They throw out "goals", but give no nuts and bolts on how. Just yesterday... Obama came out with a new commercial. At least it was new to me... he rolled out his "5 point plan"... one was he was going to create a million(?) new manufacturing jobs to put skilled workers back to work.... OK, HOW??? And if that is what you ARE going to do... then why have you not DONE that. I mean he just says it like a stroke of a pen will just ge done... then why have you not done it???

So he rolled out his 5 point plan that gave no more specifics than Romney has done... and you know full well all those "goal" are targets based on assumptions and juked numbers and specifics don't actually mean anything based on sand. So you can say you want more spcifics on how the smoke is actually generated... but what is the point?

Overall, Obama has the weakest of all positions because his words have to be rooted in some sort of reality... he is the sitting President. He is trying to cram more sunshine up our rears which demands the follow up... then why have you not done that??? You have had 3 years. Everyone understands the Emporer is scantily clad.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that Josh will tell you Obama's plans are no different.  That's why he's consistently championed a third party candidate and argued that there's absolutely no difference in electing a Rep or Dem president.

Hey somebody listened to me! Do I win the intrawebs? I've actually had some PM discussions with Powerman and we're mostly on the same page. 

To Powerman: Obama has a record to defend though. Romney has nothing to stand on. He is constantly shifting his position on what he wants to do whenever someone attacks him on his current idea.

Well Romney does have a record to stand on as Govenor. But to be the GOP nominee, then you have to preach party lines and rally the far right base. Romney has been doing just that and looks like a flip flopper. He has changed his position to apease the far right. His Mass record is much more centrist and would probably appeal to more people if Romney could actually run as Romney.

EDIT: That's what I never understood. The far right know exactly who Romney is. They will vote against Obama no matter what. The GOP already has their vote. Romney turns off the independents flip flopping and adopting a solid Right stance.

I read an article the other day that depicted Reagan trying to run for office today.  With him being a California moderate that changed several positions including his stance on abortion would be labeled a flip flopper and never win the nomination due to being far to moderate and not a "true conservative".

Yet, all of the extreme right wingers will hold him up as a model of what they think they are.

2012-10-05 11:48 AM
in reply to: #4442309

User image

Subject: RE: Presidential Debate

powerman - 2012-10-05 12:29 PM

But to be the GOP nominee, then you have to preach party lines and rally the far right base.

Somewhat hijacking question: So why was there no challenger in the DNC race?

No only have we whittled it down to 2 parties but if you are a 1st term President no matter how bad you screw up you are automatically the nominee for the second term?  I think we've passed the point where the government is "by the people, of the people and for the people"

2012-10-05 11:57 AM
in reply to: #4442359

User image

Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
TriRSquared - 2012-10-05 10:48 AM

powerman - 2012-10-05 12:29 PM

But to be the GOP nominee, then you have to preach party lines and rally the far right base.

Somewhat hijacking question: So why was there no challenger in the DNC race?

No only have we whittled it down to 2 parties but if you are a 1st term President no matter how bad you screw up you are automatically the nominee for the second term?  I think we've passed the point where the government is "by the people, of the people and for the people"

Political suicide. Surely you do not expect the Party to actually admit their guy sucks do you? It would be a 100% garanteed loss. No point in even running a challenger.

2012-10-05 12:11 PM
in reply to: #4442382

User image

Subject: RE: Presidential Debate
powerman - 2012-10-05 10:57 AM
TriRSquared - 2012-10-05 10:48 AM

powerman - 2012-10-05 12:29 PM

But to be the GOP nominee, then you have to preach party lines and rally the far right base.

Somewhat hijacking question: So why was there no challenger in the DNC race?

No only have we whittled it down to 2 parties but if you are a 1st term President no matter how bad you screw up you are automatically the nominee for the second term?  I think we've passed the point where the government is "by the people, of the people and for the people"

Political suicide. Surely you do not expect the Party to actually admit their guy sucks do you? It would be a 100% garanteed loss. No point in even running a challenger.

Which I think speaks more towards the electorate. Why do they keep going back and fourth? Why would you automatically disregard a democrat if they said hey Obama isn't the guy for the job?

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