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2012-12-27 11:18 AM
in reply to: #4549712

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Goodyear, AZ
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
TankBoy - 2012-12-27 7:49 AM

axteraa - 2012-12-27 9:18 AM [I also stepped on the scale this morning.  I have chosen to not accept the displayed number as fact and will re-evaluate on Monday....

Oh, Arend, I wouldn't worry about it too much this time of the year - I am pretty sure it is just the colder weather. You do know that the density of cold air is MUCH higher than warm air, right? That means there is a lot more air pushing down on the scale this time of year. It gets so cold here sometimes in late December my weight increases as much as 10 pounds over my summer weight! No telling what I would weigh if I lived in Canada...


Awesome explanation! Thank You!!!!

2012-12-27 11:52 AM
in reply to: #4543084

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN

Need a swim workout? Andy Potts posted this one today. Ouch.


2012-12-27_10-49-54.png (78KB - 4 downloads)
2012-12-27 11:57 AM
in reply to: #4549986

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
ratherbeswimming - 2012-12-27 7:52 AM

Need a swim workout? Andy Potts posted this one today. Ouch.

I think I could do this workout...if I spread it out over the entire week!

2012-12-27 11:58 AM
in reply to: #4549997

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
tri808 - 2012-12-27 1:57 PM
ratherbeswimming - 2012-12-27 7:52 AM

Need a swim workout? Andy Potts posted this one today. Ouch.

I think I could do this workout...if I spread it out over the entire week!

I was ok until the 3x200 backstroke.  That's just crazy talk.

2012-12-27 12:12 PM
in reply to: #4549872

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
KateTri1 - 2012-12-27 11:00 AM
brigby1 - 2012-12-27 10:31 AM
KateTri1 - 2012-12-27 8:51 AM 

Last year my husband bought a spinner and I used it almost exclusively over the winter months. I really loved it.

This fall my husband got a trainer. I put my bike  on it after doing a week on the spinner and there was a HUGE difference in feeling. I've not touched the spinner since. 

Not all spinners are the same either. There can be a difference in feeling. I seem to be lucky in having some better ones available where the difference isn't so great, but have seen some that would be rather hard to ride regularly. I do wonder how much the ability of the rider comes into play as well. As a stronger rider will be able to crank it up more and get less "help" from the flywheel.

I'm guessing you are right about the maturity of the rider being a big factor. I am only in my third season of serious riding. (I commuted with a fat tire for years

We do have a pretty decent NXT spinner that was bought from Craigslist.

Personally, at this point for me it's all about time.  I squeeze my workouts in to every nook and cranny of my day.. and I've a 70.3 in March. I feel like I need to ride on my race bike every second that I can. 

The maturity is in the right direction, but I was thinking more directly with the amount of output a rider can create. Higher resistance on the spin bike will shorten up the coast down time considerably, giving the bike a different feel at various resistance levels (but same cadence). A smaller rider (which you are, iirc) could create high power to weight, but still not as much power, so the feel of the bike will be different.

Anyway, this is more for people who don't have an at home option, or who need to get out to the gym for a workout. It's to say they won't necessarily be losing much by using a spin bike instead. You're at home for either, so go ahead and use your actual bike.

2012-12-27 12:14 PM
in reply to: #4550001

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
axteraa - 2012-12-27 11:58 AM
tri808 - 2012-12-27 1:57 PM
ratherbeswimming - 2012-12-27 7:52 AM

Need a swim workout? Andy Potts posted this one today. Ouch.

I think I could do this workout...if I spread it out over the entire week!

I was ok until the 3x200 backstroke.  That's just crazy talk.

I do ok with backstroke, the fly would kill me though. 100 straight is just not gonna happen soon.

2012-12-27 12:15 PM
in reply to: #4549712

Northern IL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
TankBoy - 2012-12-27 9:49 AM

axteraa - 2012-12-27 9:18 AM [I also stepped on the scale this morning.  I have chosen to not accept the displayed number as fact and will re-evaluate on Monday....

Oh, Arend, I wouldn't worry about it too much this time of the year - I am pretty sure it is just the colder weather. You do know that the density of cold air is MUCH higher than warm air, right? That means there is a lot more air pushing down on the scale this time of year. It gets so cold here sometimes in late December my weight increases as much as 10 pounds over my summer weight! No telling what I would weigh if I lived in Canada...

Since I'm losing weight even faster than it seems, I picked up more ice cream from the store.

2012-12-27 12:27 PM
in reply to: #4549986

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2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
ratherbeswimming - 2012-12-27 12:52 PM

Need a swim workout? Andy Potts posted this one today. Ouch.

Anybody got a parachute I can borrow?

2012-12-27 12:36 PM
in reply to: #4543084

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
That's a 6300 yard workout :P. the fly would kill me. I'm thinking about doing the annual masters New Year's Day 100x100on100 workout. All freestyle of course.
2012-12-27 12:38 PM
in reply to: #4548967

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
TankBoy - 2012-12-27 8:07 AM
k9car363 - 2012-12-26 3:46 PM
TankBoy - 2012-12-24 7:34 PM

Sounds just like I still do it, but mostly because I don't know any better.... At masters practice one of the deck coaches asked me "so you are really not interested in streamlining that, huh?" I didn't even know what he was talking about....

That kind of highlights one of my concerns about training with a Masters Swim Team - I am not convinced that a Swimming Coach fully understands the needs/goals of a triathlete.  Before everyone gets upset, I understand and agree that training with a Masters team (or any other organized team for that matter) is probably better than trying to go it alone, especially for someone for whom swimming is not their "first" sport.  Don't know about everyone else, but when I hit the water in a tri-event, I will be doing freestyle.  Arguably, it is beneficial to train in all the strokes during a workout to strengthen other muscle groups; however, I don't believe you need to perfect those other stokes, unless you are planning to swim 2.4 miles using that other stroke or are planning to enter swim meets (and we can debate the wisdom of an above water breaststroke recovery for 2.4 miles another day).  I am not a big fan of kick-boards and swim fins, which seem to be in vogue with a lot of swim coaches and training plans now days.  I recall back in the day, we were putting in 12-15K yards/day and I don't recall doing 500 yards/week on a kick-board.  Swim fins?  Don't even get me started!  I don't think we can use those in a race can we?  What is the purpose of using them in a workout?  I have a great deal of respect for swim coaches, and I trained for decades under a coach who I believe was and is the best swimming coach EVER, anywhere in the world.  One of his guiding principles was that you must fully understand what you are doing in training and why you are doing it.  What is the benefit?

Next time your deck coach asks if you want to streamline your breaststroke, I would ask how that is going to help you as you are doing freestyle 1.2 miles from shore in the swim leg of a triathlon.  My guess is he/she won't have an answer and they will leave you alone.

Well, maybe I am lucky - this particular masters group has a fair number of triathletes, including the pro-card carrying coach that was busting my behind - maybe I'll take your advice and mouth off to him when I can finish anywhere within 15 minutes of him in a olympic distance tri. Laughing We actually do get a lot of good one-on-one and lane instruction, and his question was a legitimate one: he is very used to the triathlete mindset of "why do I need to learn anything about swimming that I will not use on race day?" and he is mindful not to offer advice when it is not desired.

I am an adult onset swimmer (only started when I was 24) but I have been swimming consistently for the past 23 years. I have only been doing masters for the past year and have seen very good results that I attribute to it - in my own personal experience it is "late blooming" folks that can use it the most. I think learning the other strokes has been very beneficial to me in particular. For example, I think learning proper backstroke technique has really improved my lat utilization in the pull phase of my freestyle, and learning how to dolphin kick (as part of a still very bad butterfly) has caused me to build some much need core strength without going to a separate Pilates class. As an added bonus, getting better at all the strokes allows you to move up lanes, and really get your tail handed to you by the fishies.

FWIW I find fins to be a good tool as part of my warm-up. Those of us from a cycling and running background tend not to have the most flexible ankles, and using fins just a bit loosens them up and (for me) seems to really makes a difference during my main set. I also tend to do a lot of things during training (biking, running, AND swimming) that I don't do on race day that I believe contribute to my success when I actually do race. Lastly, my kickboard is a vital piece of training equipment: where else would I stick my workout without it???Tongue out

Thank you, Rusty

I can't count how many times that simply attempting the other strokes--even poorly--has made something "click" for an adult-onset swimmer. Many people have been able to work out body position in backstroke when they couldn't in freestyle, but could then transfer it over. Learning efficiency (of which streamlining is one example) in any/all of the strokes only helps the others, in my personal and open-water swim coaching experience, and this seems to hold true for experienced as well as newer swimmers.

Admittedly, I'm not a fan of kickboards either. They can have a place--I sometimes use mine--and in learning pull as well as kick ... but for the most part they seem to isolate the kick as a front/back kind of activity where I've found it more useful to present the kick as a left side/right side motion that is an integral part of rotation and setting up the pull.

2012-12-27 12:40 PM
in reply to: #4549024

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
tri808 - 2012-12-27 9:08 AM


I actually just posted something in the main forums on the topic.  IMO, cadence is something you simply need to experiment with.  And you're not going to figure it out in one ride, in one week, or probably not even one month. 

You simply need to ride a lot, and try using different gear/cadence combinations.  You don't really need to "teach" your body how to ride at a given cadence, you simply need to let your body know that a given cadence is "available."  Once your body is familiar with the cadences it has available to use, your body will automatically select the cadence that produces the most efficiency.

A good way to test this is with a power meter.  Try to sustain a given amount of power (such as 200 watts) and flip through your gears.  Find the gear/cadence that allows you to ride at the target power at the lowest RPE.

Or you can do this with a steady group ride (read...constant power output).  Ride with the pace of the group, and again...flip through your gears to see which gear/cadence allows you to stick with the group at the lowest RPE.

Also know that there isn't one perfect cadence for all situations. 

You just put in four succinct phrasings what I think I took half a page to explain, rather tortuously, to the Manatees thank you Jason, I shall plagiarize heavily in the future.

2012-12-27 12:43 PM
in reply to: #4549114

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN

Fred D - 2012-12-27 10:19 AM Almost like an Easter bunny sighting, there is a Fred D sighting lol. Just stopped in to give a few points of discussion. 1. I have my posting privileges back but intend to stay away from all main forum activity. 2. I am INCREDIBLY proud of the people who have carried on the tradition here. SBR with the expertise that people have in this group is a great resource. This is something I feel you folks deserve real true praise for. I thank you for doing this, but honestly this is a an example of paying it forward isn't it? I never really felt I was that knowledgeable about triathlon, but rather I had the good fortune of drawing very good people in the sport my direction to my groups. This group is the essence of those good people with high triathlon IQs. 3. Lastly I am not going to be much of a presence here. You have very knowledgeable folks here and great leadership. I will follow along mainly to learn myself and if I post an occasional question then I hope that's ok. 4. Double lastly, I am going to start a new mentor thread. It is aimed at beginners and experienced folks alike. It will be positive and focusing on SBR. I am running the group with Queen Zipp. I feel a bit uncomfortable saying all of this as I suspect some might feel I am abandoning the group, but I am doing this primarily to try to START FRESH. Frankly I am doing it to challenge myself and to give something back to newer triathletes. I feel anyone lucky enough to be in this group doesn't need much guidance from me anyway, but you can probably tell I have some concern about starting a competing group. If anyone is upset with me, PM me and we can talk. Anyone can stop by my thread, but I would truly encourage you all to stick here and build off each others knowledge and support each other. I hope I'm doing the right thing coming back (my group is not live yet), but its what I felt I should do. Sincerely, Fred D (Prior mentor of the group)

{MELON PRESS} to one of my Christmas presents

I think the world of you and I think the world of Judi--we have been close friends for a long time and few people understand and practice PRACTICAL service to others as she does--and I think that is all an excellent idea.

2012-12-27 12:51 PM
in reply to: #4549986

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
ratherbeswimming - 2012-12-28 1:52 AM

Need a swim workout? Andy Potts posted this one today. Ouch.

That's almost 6K. Barforama. But I definitely will do it someday again when I'm training for Lombok Strait (I haven't given that dream up but am willing to give it a decade or more, can't hurt to build up massive swim base over time).

I'll probably do a modified version on Saturday. Wait, is that yards or meters? Can't do 12x25 ... gonna be in LCM ...

And let's just say the fins set is going to be done sans fins and more like a cool-down set than all out.

2012-12-27 12:53 PM
in reply to: #4549348

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Overland Park, KS
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
itsallrelative_Maine - 2012-12-27 6:29 AM
reecealan - 2012-12-25 11:44 PM

OK bike question.  I have a KK fluid trainer, still in the box.  But I like spin class, my buddies are there etc. and I really work hard in there, pool of sweat under my bike every time.  But will there be noticeable difference in my abilities this summer if I do trainer rides instead, assuming more or less equal effort?  I was thinking of doing Jorge's winter program.

What say you fellow Utopians?

OK, just saw Jason's comment on the TT thread about the body "self" inflicting a cadence etc. makes sense.

My experience for this: I can't get the spin bikes to reflect my position on my actual bike closely enough. As a result, I feel like I am training differently on the spin bike than on my actual bike (this is probably scientific hogwash - but go with me)...almost as if I am using different parts of muscles. As a result - I use spin classes as a workout, but not as a bike-specific workout.

There is a lot to be said about the social impact of the classes, as well as keeping the blood pumping during the winter months (for us northerners), so I wouldn't throw out the spin class. But, i wouldn't think I am getting mileage on my legs.

Jason - I love the idea of self-selecting a cadence. I find that I "relax" into a specific cadence. This is a great exercise to remind my legs of all of their options.

Fred - you are always welcome and I wish you luck in your new mentor group...and listen to Jason's sig line.

I do wonder about how close the spin bike is to my road bike.  I adjust the seat and bars such that it feels right but I'm quite sure it's not dead on.  Luckily the seat can be adjusted up/down and front'back as well as the bars.  What I should do is get the trainer set up and do a test run or two, that should give me an idea of which is better.  Also, I need long rides in there on the trainer as well, the longest spin class is 1.5 hours, only once a week.

Thanks for all the input everyone.

2012-12-27 12:57 PM
in reply to: #4543084

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
Got in a moring run just short of 6 miles.  My GF started after me and ran a little shorter.  About a mile from home I saw her about 90 seconds ahead, so naturally I kicked up the pace to close the gap.  I took her by surprise as I was on the other side of the street and she still needed to cross over, so I had about a 30 yard lead when she finally saw me.  We were only about a quarter mile from home so I started doing my victory trot, hands raised with both my hands making the "#1" sign.  Until she kicked it up to try and catch me...didn't know she could run that fast.  I had to drop it down to a 6:00 pace for a short period just to hold her off...LOL
2012-12-27 1:02 PM
in reply to: #4550108

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
reecealan - 2012-12-28 2:53 AM
itsallrelative_Maine - 2012-12-27 6:29 AM
reecealan - 2012-12-25 11:44 PM

OK bike question.  I have a KK fluid trainer, still in the box.  But I like spin class, my buddies are there etc. and I really work hard in there, pool of sweat under my bike every time.  But will there be noticeable difference in my abilities this summer if I do trainer rides instead, assuming more or less equal effort?  I was thinking of doing Jorge's winter program.

What say you fellow Utopians?

OK, just saw Jason's comment on the TT thread about the body "self" inflicting a cadence etc. makes sense.

My experience for this: I can't get the spin bikes to reflect my position on my actual bike closely enough. As a result, I feel like I am training differently on the spin bike than on my actual bike (this is probably scientific hogwash - but go with me)...almost as if I am using different parts of muscles. As a result - I use spin classes as a workout, but not as a bike-specific workout.

There is a lot to be said about the social impact of the classes, as well as keeping the blood pumping during the winter months (for us northerners), so I wouldn't throw out the spin class. But, i wouldn't think I am getting mileage on my legs.

Jason - I love the idea of self-selecting a cadence. I find that I "relax" into a specific cadence. This is a great exercise to remind my legs of all of their options.

Fred - you are always welcome and I wish you luck in your new mentor group...and listen to Jason's sig line.

I do wonder about how close the spin bike is to my road bike.  I adjust the seat and bars such that it feels right but I'm quite sure it's not dead on.  Luckily the seat can be adjusted up/down and front'back as well as the bars.  What I should do is get the trainer set up and do a test run or two, that should give me an idea of which is better.  Also, I need long rides in there on the trainer as well, the longest spin class is 1.5 hours, only once a week.

Thanks for all the input everyone.

Do you have your measurements for your road bike? You could go early to cycling class or at an off time and see how close a setup you can get and how that feels.

My personal opinion, though I'm extremely biased because the global fitness company I worked for was SPIN Fitness (which now has a gazillion group ex brands), is that if the cycling classes are well-set up to mimic a solid road ride (or you adapt them that way), they can be very beneficial in that you're in a group (much like pushing it during a group ride) and are likely to push yourself just a little harder than you would by yourself at home, even if your setup is minutely different. And yes, not all indoor cycling bikes are created equal.

Be generous with the resistance knob and get the front wheel SMOKIN' hot by the time you're done

2012-12-27 1:04 PM
in reply to: #4549986

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
ratherbeswimming - 2012-12-27 10:52 AM

Need a swim workout? Andy Potts posted this one today. Ouch.

I'll have to do this at some point during IM training. Looks kinda fun actually with the IM stuff! Haha. I'm only at 3000m swims right now....but in a few months ill give it a shot! Hana
2012-12-27 1:45 PM
in reply to: #4543084

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Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN

I am waiting on my delivery of my new SelectTech 552's today.  UPS must hate me.  Not only are they here on a regular basis, I have a very steep driveway for them to go up and now they have to do it carrying 105 pounds. 

I wouldn't even think of doing that swim.  Course I can only do two strokes so the IM section give me issues anyways.  I do good to get 2000 in the pool

2012-12-27 2:03 PM
in reply to: #4549986

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
ratherbeswimming - 2012-12-27 12:52 PM

Need a swim workout? Andy Potts posted this one today. Ouch.

Yikes! Resuscitation would be required if I even attempted that.  I did, however, hit my 300k target today. Did 3450 with the tri-club over lunch. Really long lunch in my case. I was still at it when some of them were probably back at work. But it got done. And I played around with Jason's cadence suggestions on the trainer this morning. Good day. 

2012-12-27 2:06 PM
in reply to: #4550242

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PEI, Canada
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
kcarroll - 2012-12-27 4:03 PM
ratherbeswimming - 2012-12-27 12:52 PM

Need a swim workout? Andy Potts posted this one today. Ouch.

Yikes! Resuscitation would be required if I even attempted that.  I did, however, hit my 300k target today. Did 3450 with the tri-club over lunch. Really long lunch in my case. I was still at it when some of them were probably back at work. But it got done. And I played around with Jason's cadence suggestions on the trainer this morning. Good day. 

That's awesome Kim, congrats!

2012-12-27 2:25 PM
in reply to: #4543084

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN

Well, well, isn't that a cruel last mile in a HM? Geeze!

Edited by Asalzwed 2012-12-27 2:25 PM

2012-12-27 2:26 PM
in reply to: #4550242

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
kcarroll - 2012-12-27 10:03 AM
ratherbeswimming - 2012-12-27 12:52 PM

Need a swim workout? Andy Potts posted this one today. Ouch.

Yikes! Resuscitation would be required if I even attempted that.  I did, however, hit my 300k target today. Did 3450 with the tri-club over lunch. Really long lunch in my case. I was still at it when some of them were probably back at work. But it got done. And I played around with Jason's cadence suggestions on the trainer this morning. Good day. 

Great job on 300k.  I think this year is the most I've swam at ~230k...need to swim more next year.

I was able to recently crack 1000 miles running for the year, and should get over 6500 on the bike by the end of the day.

2012-12-27 2:44 PM
in reply to: #4550242

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Payson, AZ
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
kcarroll - 2012-12-27 1:03 PM
ratherbeswimming - 2012-12-27 12:52 PM

Need a swim workout? Andy Potts posted this one today. Ouch.

Yikes! Resuscitation would be required if I even attempted that.  I did, however, hit my 300k target today. Did 3450 with the tri-club over lunch. Really long lunch in my case. I was still at it when some of them were probably back at work. But it got done. And I played around with Jason's cadence suggestions on the trainer this morning. Good day. 

Nice job Kim

2012-12-27 3:21 PM
in reply to: #4547968

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2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
marcag - 2012-12-26 5:50 AM
axteraa - 2012-12-25 7:38 PM

Snow isn't so bad to run in (unless it's really deep) but ice makes things much tougher.  You can buy things to strap onto your shoes that give you traction - the most popular is probably Yaktrax?  They work well but they kept breaking for me.  I bought another type that has more durable rubber straps and has metal spikes rather than the coils that the Yaktrax have.  I only use them if I know the snow and ice is going to be really bad, otherwise I am just really careful and slow down.

This week the sidewalks are covered with ice and the stores are sold out of Yaktrax.

I used a pair of "screw shoes", which is basically sheet metal screws in the sole of an old pair of running shoes. They work really well on pure ice or ice/asphalt mix. Yaktrax are better in snow/slush/ice mix. Really cheap solution.

There are a couple of articles on how to make them. I can post a pic if anyone wants to try it.

Marc, I know this is from two days/47 pages ago, but I just read your blog and saw that you actually call them your "screw shoes." Everyone that has been in the group for a while know I am a sucker for shoe porn, so you gotta post up a pic of those babies. Which reminds me, I got a new pair for Christmas that I need to get a photo of....

2012-12-27 3:23 PM
in reply to: #4550290

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Subject: RE: SBR Utopia - OPEN
Asalzwed - 2012-12-27 3:25 PM

Well, well, isn't that a cruel last mile in a HM? Geeze!

I'm looking at this w/o my glasses, but I'll give you cruel and add potential for trouble. Where is it?

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