General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2014-07-01 3:37 PM
in reply to: Lock_N_Load

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

Got a call last night from my son-in-law letting me know that my granddaughter now has a double ear infection.  Both he and my daughter have to work tomorrow so Grandpa gets called into service.  My kids all had ear infections growing up and none were contagious, so I didn't feel that there was a lot of risk in spending the day with her (what the heck, she already gave me her cold!).  At the time I thought today was just a 1:30 bike ride and I could get that done before going to their house, but then rechecked and today was also the peak swim session of the training cycle.  Ugh.  Knew I'd have to choose one or the other, but decided to wait and see how I felt in the morning.  Got up at 5:15, coughed a few times, catalogued all the aches and pains that are present right now, and thought that perhaps today should just be a rest day.  Made it to the bathroom where I looked myself in the eye in the mirror and said out loud, "Quit making excuses, go swim!"  So made my way to the pool, did an 8x50 build as warm-up, then a 4x1000 as the main set.  I had expected to be toast after it was done, but actually felt pretty good, so an encouraging experience.  Only negative is that one of those aches and pains, the one in my left elbow, became pretty pronounced during the last 1000 and affected my pull.  I may skip the remaining swim workout this week to see if that helps it heal.  Getting old is not for wimps.

So the Vineman BT group last year met at Cafe Noto in downtown Windsor(630 McClelland Dr).  It looks like a coffee house with a limited menu but does appear to carry bagels (CARBS) at least.  It gets 3.5-4 stars on review sites and the reviews are all over the place.  First pre-race meeting is at 11:30am, and that's the one I plan to attend.  Probably will be a good idea to have a full breakfast when we get up, then maybe get together at 10:00 or 10:30 for a meet and greet?  Check it out and see if Cafe Noto works for you and if that timing is good.

2014-07-02 10:03 AM
in reply to: TTom

Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Good work Tom! I am going to try that for my long swim this weekend. I am so tired of doing 25s. Coach says this will make me faster, but I think that ship has sailed. It takes a lot of 25s to get to 3000.

The meet up sounds good, should be able to make it. My friend and I plan to drive the bike course, so would be nice to get all the check in, etc done early.

Tired, tired....I think I am still recovering from last weekend, not sure how this long, HOT ride will go Friday...Getting closer!
2014-07-02 11:49 AM
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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

Hey Jose, good to hear that you went bonk-free on your long training day.  That's probably a good indicator of fitness for the race, so looks like you are in for a solid performance.  Now if we can just convince the weather to cooperate.

Warm drinks vs. cold drinks is a funny topic for me.  For my last ride I chilled my Infinit overnight then put it in a cooler for the 2 hr drive to the course.  Found that I really liked it less cold than I do warm, which goes counter to everything else in my experience.  Somehow it just goes down easier warm for me. 

Kate, wow 3000 by 25's - that is not something I'd want to do.  I've done it by 100's and that is a real mental challenge, but 25's, sheesh!  It is a good idea to drive the bike course to get a feel for it.  I don't know if you watched any of the videos that were posted earlier in the thread, but you might want to do that right before you drive it so that if you see something interesting, you can check it out on your drive.

That stupid cold seems to be moving into the chest, which I really don't like.  Just did a 40 minute run though with good HR results, so seems like the oxygen exchange gear is working OK there.  The long ride tomorrow could be interesting, and it will be 2 loops on the course so if it turns out bad I always have the option of bailing out halfway.  I'm really bummed about the timing of the cold though as I wanted the ride tomorrow to really be a rehearsal for the race, and having a cold will likely skew the results.  How about this for a rationalization:  I won't be swimming 2.4 miles before the ride tomorrow, so the effects of the cold will make it more realistic .  So far I've only missed two training workouts, one due to injury and one yesterday due to babysitting.  This is better than any previous training cycle, so happy about that.  I will be skipping my last swim this week to see if I can get that elbow issue to clear up though.

Edited by TTom 2014-07-02 11:52 AM
2014-07-02 2:44 PM
in reply to: TTom

Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
The whole 3000s are not all 25s - just feels that way. It is lots of "high intensity, short duration" . I prefer to just slowly swim along, but I will be tha last out of the water if I keep that up. And no I am not exagerating on that one.

I can't believe you have only missed 2 workouts - you are making me nervous. I think I miss one every couple weeks.

So I am going to try the liquid nutrition, different product but seems like the same concept. So correct me if I am wrong, I have one "food" bottle that I keep sipping on and it lasts whatever amount of hours I mix it for. Then I have another bottle that I keep drinking like I normally would for fluids/electrolytes? So I just keep going between the 2 bottles and at aid stations you switch out the fluid bottle? Any help appreciated.

2014-07-02 3:56 PM
in reply to: khaddon

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

Kate, for bike nutrition I use Infinit and mix up a bottle with a concentration that will last 3 hours.  I use Infinit for a number of reasons, the two major ones being that a) I can dial the flavor of the mix way down so that I can make a concentrate that is not overwhelming and b) it contains all the electrolytes I need.  I anticipate the ride to last me between 6 and 6.5 hours, so will carry on bottle of concentrate on the cage between my knees and a second in the holder behind my saddle.  I mark the bottles into thirds so I can track consumption, and try to take in a little every 15 minutes except for on the hour, where I'll have a Payday chunk or half a Honey Stinger Waffle or some such.  My aero bottle is my main hydration source, and that is just plain water that I can replenish from aid stations as needed.  Hope that helps!

2014-07-02 4:25 PM
in reply to: TTom

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Bummer Tom, I hope your cold resolves quickly! BTW - Happy be-lated birthday. One, I can't believe you are a grandpa and two, I am amazed that you have only missed two WO's. I, like Kate have missed several. I still feel pretty good about my training though. However, I don't think my trainings have been as long as what you guys have been doing (I hope that works for me-nervously biting nails). I did my longest run on Sunday (16 miles) and felt good. My longest cycle will be this Saturday at 90 miles. This will be my first real test on my nutrition. My longest bike prior to this was 75 miles with a 20 minute run and my nutrition felt good, so I am hopeful. I am really looking forward to tapering. It has been a tough go of it getting motivated to do workouts lately. Once I am out the door I am ok, and I keep reminding myself it is only a few more weeks. Jose - it looks like you are ready. that has got to feel great! I am excited and nervous about the race!

I am planning on going to the 11:30 pre-race meeting on Friday too. So, meeting at 10 or 10:30 sounds good to me ( probably 10, I hate feeling stressed and/or late). I am game to meet where ever as long as it is close to our venue. Looking forward to meeting everyone.

2014-07-02 5:38 PM
in reply to: akrenik

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Originally posted by akrenik

Just popping in to encourage all of you. Vineman was my first full last year and it was AWESOME! There is a grocery store right near the swim and is a great place to take care of some morning bathroom needs. Swim is pretty crowded and shallow but fun. I would recommend that you have a mat or a junk towel to stand on in T1 because it was super muddy. Don't try and ride up the short steep hill at the mount line. Most of us that walked the 15 yards up it passed the people trying to clip in and ride up it. Enjoy the ride! It is beautiful! Lots of rolling hills. You are always going up or down. I will say it was super cold at first. Took me about 20 miles to stop shivering. The roads are super rough. Lots of ejected water bottles and broken chains. Just keep your hands on the bars and eyes on the road. Chalk hill is 3/4 mile. Just keep turning the pedals. Enjoy the challenge with those around you. It's kind of fun to get to the top and see everyone dressed up and cheering. The run sucked for me but that's because I hate running. Haha! It was all rolling mild hills. The nice thing is there are a lot of people cheering along the way. You guys will have a blast! Keep putting in those training hours!

Just re-read this. Thanks for the encouragement and information.
2014-07-02 5:44 PM
in reply to: ritakandel

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
I know we lost some people for various reasons. Who is still doing the Vineman? We have Kate, Tom, Jose, Dan, and myself I believe. Anyone one else?
2014-07-02 11:09 PM
in reply to: ritakandel

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
I did my first Iron Distance at Vineman last year as well. It was a great time. I would make sure you check all bolts and make sure they are tightened down. I hit a hole on the bike and my whole handle bars went down. I had to stop when I reached a safe point and tightened them down with a hex wrench I had with me.

In T1 I would forgo the changing tent if you can. Not much room and same muddy mess as next to your bike. I would change right at the bike with a towel wrapped around me if I had to do it all again. I changed into bike shorts in T1. I also wore some arm coolers that were white. They cut the chill on the bike and when it warmed up I poured water on them to activate the cool material. I think they were zoot icefil. I had a pair for the run as well but didn't use them.


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2014-07-03 11:08 AM
in reply to: TriGuyBri

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Originally posted by TriGuyBri

I did my first Iron Distance at Vineman last year as well. It was a great time. I would make sure you check all bolts and make sure they are tightened down. I hit a hole on the bike and my whole handle bars went down. I had to stop when I reached a safe point and tightened them down with a hex wrench I had with me.

In T1 I would forgo the changing tent if you can. Not much room and same muddy mess as next to your bike. I would change right at the bike with a towel wrapped around me if I had to do it all again. I changed into bike shorts in T1. I also wore some arm coolers that were white. They cut the chill on the bike and when it warmed up I poured water on them to activate the cool material. I think they were zoot icefil. I had a pair for the run as well but didn't use them.

Thanks for sharing your experience, every bit helps. Is it necessary to change after the swim? I was thinking of wearing my tri bike shorts under my wet suit and just change into a dry shirt. I am trying to figure out what to wear for the bike and for the run. I don't have any bike kits that are comfortable for a long ride (not that any of my shorts are comfortable for the duration anyway). What are the rest of you doing? Are you changing at T1 & T2?
2014-07-03 11:37 AM
in reply to: ritakandel

Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Thanks for the info on the arm coolers. I would have never thought of such a thing. And with the sunburns and peeling skin I have it may be just what I need.

I was planning to swim in bike shorts and tri top, but now it sounds like it may be too cold to start the bike in wet stuff. This cold is a foreign concept to me in the middle of the AZ summer. Usually we dry off pretty quickly here. I will have to see how the weather looks I guess. I don't have any tri shorts that are comfortable for what could be 7 hours on the bike. I plan to do a quick towel change into running shorts after the bike ride. Going to try it all tomorrow to see how it goes.

This is getting complicated!

2014-07-04 12:18 PM
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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

I had to go and say something about how great training was going, didn't I?  The ride yesterday was truly humbling.  Went up to the course and did 2 laps of the back half.  First half was fine, felt great. The second half was really brutal.  If I had someone to call at about mile 80 to come pick me up, I think I might have.  It was sort of like a major bonk, but I pre-fueled 3 hours before the ride and was on top of nutrition all the way.  HR wasn’t the issue, I just had no strength.  The temp ended up at 91 degrees, but I really think the issue has got to be simply that I’m sick.  Didn't even think about doing the transition run after getting off the bike.  In retrospect it might have been the wisest choice to skip that ride, but you know how it is – it was THE long ride, the one I had been anticipating, that was going to be a real rehearsal ride.  And today's long run, not going to happen.  My body had made the situation clear - REST!

Well, I guess we all need humbling now and again.  But of course my mind is whirling with doubts about getting over this fast enough to not have it impact training . . .

Edited by TTom 2014-07-04 12:19 PM
2014-07-04 5:39 PM
in reply to: TTom

Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Sorry your ride went so poorly Tom, but you finished it which is impressive. A little extra rest will probably do you more good at this point. The hay is already in the barn as they say.

The gods were smiling on us today for the last long ride. We had cloud cover the whole way and temps stayed under 100. Lucky, lucky...And I got my first flat which I was able to change. I was glad about that. I didn't want to go into the race with no flat experience. Going to practice that a bit more over the next couple weeks.

Get some rest Tom, you will be ready.

2014-07-07 10:05 AM
in reply to: TTom

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Meeting at Cafe Noto at 10:00 am on Friday sounds good to me. Tom, sorry you're still sick. Sucks to work out while sick. But, like I said before, this could be a blessing in disguise. Kelly Williamson, Sebastian Kienle, Leanda Cave, Crowie, and on and on, all had their best performances after lay-offs from injury and/or illness shortly before the race. So I would stay optimistic. You'll still beat me on the swim by a mile!

As for Kate, Rita, and Dan, I hope you have a good last three weeks of racing as well. It's been fun to see your reports from training. Finally, thanks to Brian for giving good advice on the course and on trasitions.
2014-07-08 11:40 AM
in reply to: Lock_N_Load

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San Rafael, California
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

I was up in Windsor over the weekend, and it was foggy up until 9:00am with temps in the 60s. By the afternoon it warms up to 90-95. Keep checking the forecast before the race, but it looks to be cool in AM with overcast, and then heating up.

I am volunteering this weekend for the 70.3 on the run course to get a feel for the heat in the afternoon. I am hoping it will cool off, but you never know.

2014-07-08 12:50 PM
in reply to: khaddon

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

Originally posted by khaddon Thanks for the info on the arm coolers. I would have never thought of such a thing. And with the sunburns and peeling skin I have it may be just what I need. I was planning to swim in bike shorts and tri top, but now it sounds like it may be too cold to start the bike in wet stuff. This cold is a foreign concept to me in the middle of the AZ summer. Usually we dry off pretty quickly here. I will have to see how the weather looks I guess. I don't have any tri shorts that are comfortable for what could be 7 hours on the bike. I plan to do a quick towel change into running shorts after the bike ride. Going to try it all tomorrow to see how it goes. This is getting complicated!

Last year I started the bike wearing throw-away arm warmers and gloves.
The arm warmers were really socks ($2 from Target!) with the feet cut off, and super-Hulk green gardening gloves as that was all Target carried in July in the way of gloves (I recommend bringing your own ). I looked ridiculous, but was warm and comfortable for the first half of the bike. I shed everything at the halfway point aid station and enjoyed the sun's warmth after that. 

Being wet didn't make a huge difference for me, your clothes will dry fairly quickly just like any other race. For me, having my arms and hands covered made all the difference in the world. This race does not have a "run-through" transition tent like the big IMs, so you have to really go out of your way to get to the tiny change tent in transition.

2014-07-08 1:33 PM
in reply to: Happyinmarin

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

Originally posted by Happyinmarin Hi, I was up in Windsor over the weekend, and it was foggy up until 9:00am with temps in the 60s. By the afternoon it warms up to 90-95. Keep checking the forecast before the race, but it looks to be cool in AM with overcast, and then heating up.  Dan

Dan, that's the weather pattern I've experienced for every training ride up there.  Looks like they are forecasting a high of 85 for the 70.3 race day, and that won't be reached until 2:00 - 3:00 so many will be off the course by then.  We won't have that luxury .  Earlier in the week the highs are in the 70's, so that's what I'm going to be asking from the weather gods come the 26th!  At the start of the bike in Guerneville it will be chilly for sure.  Guerneville sits in a valley that sort of traps the cold air, and because of the river has a higher humidity.  I did a practice ride out of there a few weeks ago and actually started shivering a little before I got to Westside road.  When you meet Westside road you are immediately rewarded with a short but quite steep hill that gets the blood pumping, then come the rollers so you get nice and toasty at that point.

This stupid cold is hanging on.  I took Fri/Sat/Sun off missing my long run of the training cycle, but there was no way it was going to happen.  Yesterday decided I could not stay sedentary any longer and my plan called for an ez 30 minute run so did that with no ill effects.  Today was a bike of 1:30 at z2 with 15 minutes in z3 and it went surprisingly well.  No coughing during the ride, but got off the bike and started coughing again.  Go figure, but I've got to muddle through this somehow.  Tomorrow will be telling as I plan to get back in the pool, and that, for me, puts the hardest strain on breathing.  I guess the bad news is that it took out the last bit of peak training, but the good news is that after this week it's time to start the taper, so a chance to recover. 

2014-07-09 9:33 AM
in reply to: TTom

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Are any of you going to use the my athlete live tracker on the day of the race? I used and it was a great tool so others can follow you, can post updates to Facebook, other can follow on their phone, computer or IPAD. I also get a joy out of following others as they race. I know it is another thing to fool with and have to think about but in the end it was well worth wearing it. My wife and son were able to track me from home and friends at the race were as well.

Let me know if you are so I can check out how you are doing during the race.

Stay in the game. First goal is to get to the starting line. Take care of yourselves and rest if you have to.

2014-07-09 5:38 PM
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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

Hey Brian!  I've been seriously thinking about using My Athlete but honestly have been waffling.  Is there coverage around the whole course?  I'm not sure how solid the cellular coverage is out there.  The reason I ask is because I downloaded Road ID to let my wife keep tabs on me during long rides and have found that there is a lot of geography I traverse that is not covered.  I really like the idea so that she'll be able to get an idea of when I'll be getting to the finish.  Since this is my first IM distance race, the estimate at the beginning is only that!  If I do go with it, I'll try to remember to post the pertinent information in the thread here so you can do the tracking.

Edited by TTom 2014-07-09 5:39 PM
2014-07-09 6:06 PM
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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

Originally posted by TTom

Hey Brian!  I've been seriously thinking about using My Athlete but honestly have been waffling.  Is there coverage around the whole course?  I'm not sure how solid the cellular coverage is out there.  The reason I ask is because I downloaded Road ID to let my wife keep tabs on me during long rides and have found that there is a lot of geography I traverse that is not covered.  I really like the idea so that she'll be able to get an idea of when I'll be getting to the finish.  Since this is my first IM distance race, the estimate at the beginning is only that!  If I do go with it, I'll try to remember to post the pertinent information in the thread here so you can do the tracking.

I used myAthlete Live at Vineman last year - it worked flawlessly! My family said they could even tell when I was stopping for potty breaks on the bike and run. The little dot that is "you" moves in real time on the screen. They did not have any coverage issues at all, and even made friends with another family tracking their athlete - as you can see all of the myAthletes on the app. I highly recommend it!

Edited by lisac957 2014-07-09 6:07 PM
2014-07-11 12:30 PM
in reply to: lisac957

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

Lisa and Brian, thanks for the feedback.   Based on your positive experiences, I went ahead and ordered it.  At least they'll know where to find my body!

2014-07-11 10:56 PM
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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Right at the finish line TTom...all the way!!!

Edited by TriGuyBri 2014-07-11 10:57 PM
2014-07-12 2:02 PM
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San Rafael, California
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Two weeks.....

I can't believe how close it is now. I am looking forward to seeing you guys at the coffee shop at 10:00. I feel like getting out and doing one more long ride, one more long run, and one more long swim. With the taper, I just seem to have so much energy it is getting hard to hold it back. The other day I was at the grocery store and found a bottle of wine from Chalk Hill. It might be nice to have a glass on Sunday while recovering!


Edited by Happyinmarin 2014-07-12 2:05 PM

2012 Chalk HIll.jpeg (475KB - 10 downloads)
2014-07-13 3:22 PM
in reply to: Happyinmarin

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Wow it is so close... Good news I had my longest ride 94 miles last week and it went well, but my 20 minute run afterward was challenging. The not great news is that I have a sharp pain periodically under my kneecap when I am running. I feel it mostly up hills. I have taken short rides and runs since and the pain is still present. I haven't done anything in the past 3 days because I threw my back out (probably too much sitting/laying on the couch icing my Achilles and knees- sad, but most likely true). I know it is temporary and the rest is most likely necessary, Forced rest, like you are experiencing Tom is a challenge in itself.

On a interesting not I have been tracking the 70.3 today on track my athlete and it is pretty cool. You can see everything. I have to talk my husband into and hopefully I will get it too. Thanks Brian.

I am definitely getting throw away arm warmers for the race. Great suggestion Lisa. I will more than likely change at my transition spot too.

Looking forward to being able to stand up straight , meet all of you, and have a great race!

FYI- My paddleboard came. Yeah!!! Took it to the beach but the waves were too big so I will take it too the bay hopefully soon(when my back feels better).
2014-07-13 5:17 PM
in reply to: ritakandel

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

Rita, hope you get back to 100% quickly.  I agree this forced rest is no fun.  My cold returned with a vengeance and settled in my chest after my long ride and run Thurs/Fri.  Yesterday I went to urgent care as I got winded walking the dogs and wanted to make sure I hadn't moved into pneumonia or some such.  Nope, doc says it is *just* a really nasty cold, but put me on antibiotics in case there was anything growing in there that she couldn't see.  I'm starting to get really nervous about how long this is taking to clear up, the increasing amount of missed training, etc.  I'll tell you, if the race was tomorrow, I'd be a DNS.  It is amazing how two weeks can seem alternately like a really long time and not enough time!  Hoping for the best . . .

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2009-12-13 9:03 PM Focker
date : April 17, 2008
author : mikericci
comments : 1
This program is a beginner plan to bridge you from an a Half Ironman to Ironman using a HRM with the confidence that you can complete the race without difficulty.
date : November 20, 2007
author : mikericci
comments : 0
Executing this full Ironman plan for 17 weeks would give people with one Ironman under their belts very good preparation for a 2nd and 3rd. Preferably, you should have a 6:30 or faster HIM time.
date : July 10, 2007
author : Ontherun
comments : 0
Having three seasons under my belt I thought I knew what I was doing. That all changed with a few new challenges and a bunch of new friends.
date : July 30, 2006
comments : 0
If a heart patient can do these things, then so can those of you who haven't been split open like a fish and sewn back together.
date : June 4, 2006
author : Rich Strauss
comments : 2
I was not an official; I simply observed the race and the officials doing their thing. Here is what I saw:
date : October 26, 2005
author : mikericci
comments : 0
This Intermediate 20 week plan is a quick ramp up in overall volume, but with 20 weeks to train only, it is a gradual and safe approach because of the alternating weeks of the long run/bike.
date : April 3, 2005
author : sherrick
comments : 19
This training plan is written to prepare you for your first Ironman. While just a beginner’s plan, the hours per week start at a significant 8 hours.
date : September 26, 2004
author : Team BT
comments : 3
Pain shows us how strong we are. After last weekend I am convinced of this. After 151 training hours of swimming, biking, and running, I flew to Sonoma County, California for the race.