BT Development Mentor Program Archives » BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2014-01-27 4:37 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by cdban66

I've started fiddling around with the GPS smoothing on my watch. Does anyone have any advice on it? It is a Timex Global Trainer, if it matters.

Does that make the hills hurt less?  

Sorry, I have a Garmin and have just given up on accuracy and go with "pretty dang close when you average all the stuff out over a long effort."


2014-01-28 5:50 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Scott, hope you are feeling better. When you come back you will be rested and ready to kick butt again!

Chris, the one time I wore my wife GPS, I put it on and said man this thing fits tight, I could hardly get it on but off I went... I was running w/ the charger base thing.... you can map out our runs prior to going or when you get back.

If case ya'll didn't know. I'm STUPID!!!!! I went to pour master's swim yesterday and had my goggles, swim cap, fins and started changing..well I had everything but my swim suit...and the water was way to cold to swim
2014-01-28 8:02 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by KWDreamun

Scott, hope you are feeling better. When you come back you will be rested and ready to kick butt again!

I can walk pretty much pain free today! I've been off pain meds since late afternoon yesterday. Not going to do anything too strenuous for another day or two or three though. I have new muscle soreness in my hips that I'm hoping is from using them to compensate for my back problems yesterday and not something else to wait to heal. It's a good thing we're in a deep freeze or I might want to venture out and run lol. Playing it safe and resting up.
2014-01-28 8:05 AM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by scottjjmtri99Last week started out ok and then quickly went downhill. Tried to do a brick run only to find out after the trainer ride that my treadmill didn't want to play. Missed my long run on Saturday and was hoping to get out for a shortened version of a long run yesterday, but my back decided to throw itself out. Resting up and hoping by midweek its ready to try something "easy". Scott
Rest and heal up Scott. The sport will be here tomorrow. I have found over the years it can take quite a bit of discipline to recover and just take it easy.
2014-01-29 7:26 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Can you believe they closed the schools today here in FL due to the cold.... bbbrrr It is raining and the high is 36, predicting snow soon and we have no snow trucks and such....

I rode early in the garage on the trainer really hard, I was dripping sweat and it was cold in there. I have to get a short run in today anyway.....

Starting the taper for this weekend's HM. I will run it and not race due to having to get in the car and drive 7 hrs immediately afterwards for work...yep, I'll be gone next week but maybe it will be warmer in S. FL.
2014-01-30 8:27 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Karl, it hasn't cleared up at all for you, has it? We've had 12+ hours of rain. Why anyone would live in Seattle is beyond me  I hope your trip south gives you some respite.

I hope everyone is having a good week and that those that are in the midst of a deep freeze may soon thaw. Even just a little. Maybe if the Aussie's send us just some of the heat, it'll all even out.


2014-01-30 1:49 PM
in reply to: cdban66

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

I usually don't b!tch about the cold, but I have to say that I am DONE with winter already, and it's only January 30.  Brrrrrrrr…..  Haven't been this sick of being cold in a long time.  Still running, but I can't imagine riding in this (although many do HTFU and get out there).

Well, when spring hits, it'll be that much sweeter, I suppose.

Hope you're all either staying warm or cool, depending on hemisphere.  

Did a tough tempo/muscular endurance run today.  Just able to keep my HR on target, but if I had to do any faster work, I'm not sure I'd have had it in me!

On the plus side, I did complete my Biennial Flight Review this morning and am again a fully current pilot.  One good thing about the cold is that planes climb like homesick angels in it!  Some sweet hardware on the ramp, too (C-130 and a Citation for either a senator or representative) - all up close and personal.  


2014-01-31 5:33 AM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Matt, congtrats on the renewal of your pilots. I think you should fly all of us to Aussie so we can warm up a little.

I have 0 swimming this week and it sux, maybe next week????
2014-01-31 2:47 PM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

OK, so January is over, time for a little review:
- on the "not so great" column I have the total training time. I've set a goal of 31 hours for Jan and I've only logged 26
- on the "yay me" column I have a significant improvement on the swim pace (1 min on the 500m time, 15 secs on the 100m). Although I am still not so much swimming but drifting, I am at least getting better at drifting. Also, the run and bike distances are double the monthly distances of 2013.

How was your January ?
2014-02-01 7:49 AM
in reply to: ghyoc

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by ghyoc

OK, so January is over, time for a little review:
- on the "not so great" column I have the total training time. I've set a goal of 31 hours for Jan and I've only logged 26
- on the "yay me" column I have a significant improvement on the swim pace (1 min on the 500m time, 15 secs on the 100m). Although I am still not so much swimming but drifting, I am at least getting better at drifting. Also, the run and bike distances are double the monthly distances of 2013.

How was your January ?

Congratulations on your swim improvements! A minute off of your 500 is a fantastic improvement! I've never been fond of January so I'm glad that this long, cold month is over! My monthly review goes like this:

Swim- Finally able to start after recovering from my broken collarbone. Not a lot of distance yet, but I did manage to swim consistently 2 times a week for the entire month. I wasn't crazy about driving over to the pool in the snow at 6:00 am, but I also found that there were a lot fewer folks there when the weather was bad!

Bike- Per doctors orders, I'm relegated to the trainer downstairs until springtime (I'll be very interested in the results of groundhog day!), but I'm managing. Rejoining Netflix and Garmin watch and speed/ cadence sensor has made that time a bit more interesting.

Run- Slow starting the month, but getting back into it now. I have a long, slow run planned for this afternoon, and even though the ground is covered in snow, I'm looking forward to it!

2014-02-01 8:18 PM
in reply to: ghyoc

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Hi all! Nice to read and catch up on everyone's progress! It was a balmy 40 degrees in CT today perfect for some outdoor time. My first couple weeks in Jan were great followed by getting bogged down a little w other obligations. Thankful for the early planning to work out some of these kinks even better for when the time really increases.

Bike troubles had hybrid on trainer, whole front has loosened and appears to have bent some. Looks like 2 bikes need TLC now. I need to do this asap I'm just worried it won't be a cheap venture.

Swim goes back and forth between feeling process and then not so much. I need to be in the water more. Observed a master swim this wk while I was doing my own thing thinking about joining. Debating that or finding some 1 to 1... I no doubt could benefit from some feedback! There was a woman in the lane w me who was gracefully (and continually) passing me by.... I felt like I was lopping along awful in comparison! Humbling moments lol...

Run - Distance is less an issue. I have the need... The need for speed.

Strength - pretty good but want to amp it up, as well as nutrition to be more on point.

SO.... Training for first HIM (after a Ragnar and Mudder), work full time, 2 young kids (and supportive husband), a household and a little bit of a social life - yeah, I got this!! I just gotta find the best for maximum efficiency and effectiveness for an awesome year!

2014-02-03 4:31 AM
in reply to: KTLiz

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New user
Melbourne, Australia
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Hi all,

I must apoloigise for being off the air for the last few weeks. I've been completely hammered by work and not been able to think about anything else much. And yep, that's meant very limited training in January.

I just thought I'd let you know that I completed my first Olympic Distance race in mid Jan, and then had a crack at my first HIM on the weekend just gone. I have put up a race report here for the HIM.

I hope you're all dodging the winter blues. If you want to warm up head over to Oz for a few days. We've had our hottest ever week on record a couple of weeks back with regular hot days since then. My garden looks terrible!

Cheers all...


2014-02-03 7:09 PM
in reply to: ghyoc

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by ghyoc OK, so January is over, time for a little review: - on the "not so great" column I have the total training time. I've set a goal of 31 hours for Jan and I've only logged 26 - on the "yay me" column I have a significant improvement on the swim pace (1 min on the 500m time, 15 secs on the 100m). Although I am still not so much swimming but drifting, I am at least getting better at drifting. Also, the run and bike distances are double the monthly distances of 2013. How was your January ?

January was a month to run, I started building after a couple of sick weeks in December. 88+ miles in the books, which made me happy. A few of the days were tough, simply due to scheduling. Some were tough because I made them that way. But most were really enjoyable. I got out in the woods a few times, which I really like. All prepping for a mid Feb trail race.

And I started building my Single Speed/fixie bike. The Vuelta rims come with the flip flop option, so that you can go SS or fixed gear. It has been painted and I started putting it back together. Parts have been ordered and should be in soon.

I hope everyone is well.

2014-02-06 9:04 PM
in reply to: cadnams

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by cadnams

Hi all,

I must apoloigise for being off the air for the last few weeks. I've been completely hammered by work and not been able to think about anything else much. And yep, that's meant very limited training in January.

I just thought I'd let you know that I completed my first Olympic Distance race in mid Jan, and then had a crack at my first HIM on the weekend just gone. I have put up a race report here for the HIM.

Just got a chance to read your race report. Congratulations on a job well done. Those are some great times for a first HIM!
2014-02-09 3:12 PM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

How's February going for everyone?

After a big January (for me, at least), I was having trouble keeping motivated at the end.  Buuuuut, race season is getting almost close enough to taste - that helps.

The snow continues to be a PITA for training.  Running on these old, narrow, hilly, New England roads when the shoulder and almost a meter of the road is covered in snow is dicey (although doable).  Riding is borderline nutz (although I have a bunch of friends who are doing it - pucker factor riding on snow and ice is just too high for me).  SOON, though… SOON!

Hope everyone is able to get after it!


2014-02-09 7:35 PM
in reply to: mcmanusclan5

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by mcmanusclan5

 Riding is borderline nutz (although I have a bunch of friends who are doing it - pucker factor riding on snow and ice is just too high for me).  SOON, though… SOON!

Hope everyone is able to get after it!


I echo that sentiment. Even with my limited time on the trainer, I can't wait to get out on a real road! Three more weeks! I can do this!

2014-02-10 9:09 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by KWDreamunCan you believe they closed the schools today here in FL due to the cold.... bbbrrr It is raining and the high is 36, predicting snow soon and we have no snow trucks and such....I rode early in the garage on the trainer really hard, I was dripping sweat and it was cold in there. I have to get a short run in today anyway.....Starting the taper for this weekend's HM. I will run it and not race due to having to get in the car and drive 7 hrs immediately afterwards for work...yep, I'll be gone next week but maybe it will be warmer in S. FL.
How did the HM go? Hope it was well and you gained a good experience.
2014-02-10 9:15 AM
in reply to: ghyoc

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by ghyocOK, so January is over, time for a little review: - on the "not so great" column I have the total training time. I've set a goal of 31 hours for Jan and I've only logged 26 - on the "yay me" column I have a significant improvement on the swim pace (1 min on the 500m time, 15 secs on the 100m). Although I am still not so much swimming but drifting, I am at least getting better at drifting. Also, the run and bike distances are double the monthly distances of 2013.How was your January ?
Great job on the training!Goals are great. They push us to obtain them and inspire rose and motivate us when we do and great job. Those are great improvements in swim time's. Keep that up.
2014-02-10 9:25 AM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Mechanicsburg, PA
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by tedjohnCongratulations on your swim improvements! A minute off of your 500 is a fantastic improvement! I've never been fond of January so I'm glad that this long, cold month is over! My monthly review goes like this:Swim- Finally able to start after recovering from my broken collarbone. Not a lot of distance yet, but I did manage to swim consistently 2 times a week for the entire month. I wasn't crazy about driving over to the pool in the snow at 6:00 am, but I also found that there were a lot fewer folks there when the weather was bad!Bike- Per doctors orders, I'm relegated to the trainer downstairs until springtime (I'll be very interested in the results of groundhog day!), but I'm managing. Rejoining Netflix and Garmin watch and speed/ cadence sensor has made that time a bit more interesting. Run- Slow starting the month, but getting back into it now. I have a long, slow run planned for this afternoon, and even though the ground is covered in snow, I'm looking forward to it!
Glad to hear that you got to go ahead start training again in the pool.
2014-02-10 9:47 AM
in reply to: BrotherTri

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Hey finally back from work out of town. I missed ya'll but dang the weather was nice. It was around 70 at 4:30 am and around 80 by 4:30 pm, great running weather. I got to swim a little every morning in the pool which was fairly small but it was heated... extra

I ran the 1/2 marathon Sunday prior to leaving town for work. Like I said I ran it and did not race since I had to immediately get in the car and drive 7 hours. When I run real hard, my stomach gets real upset for hours afterwards, any hints for that problem?

The whole race I felt like I was running fairly hard but not moving and afterward I was real sore, proving the point that I was running Inefficient. I didn't drink any water until mile 7 or so, i did this intentionally because of having to stop to pee, I did stop one time to pee and it is hard seeing people pass you that you have already passed... I also started getting tired about mile 9 or 10 and remember I hadn't taken any of the gummy chew things (I can't take gels since they upset my stomach) so i took 2 of the chews and I felt better. I passed 1 lady about mile 12 that was cramping pretty bad so i stopped and gave her my remaining chews.

My final time was 1:49:xx. The weather was warm and a thick misty/foggy morning, very high humidity.

1 funny note as i was running, I passed a group of people cheering and I was kind of out by myself and one said, "hey, you are not sweating are you" and I laughed and said, no, not really. they busted out laughing...

ya'll train hard...remember anyone can start hard, can you finish hard!
2014-02-13 5:43 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Dang, I've come down w/ the flu/cold and haven't trained in 2 is driving me crazy but all i want to do is sleep.

2014-02-13 8:07 AM
in reply to: KWDreamun

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Pueblo, Colorado
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Originally posted by KWDreamun

Dang, I've come down w/ the flu/cold and haven't trained in 2 is driving me crazy but all i want to do is sleep.

Get some rest. You'll recover faster and feel better!
2014-02-14 7:03 AM
in reply to: tedjohn

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Englewood, Florida
Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED

Originally posted by tedjohn
Originally posted by KWDreamun Dang, I've come down w/ the flu/cold and haven't trained in 2 is driving me crazy but all i want to do is sleep.
Get some rest. You'll recover faster and feel better!

Agreed.  Take some time, you'll thank yourself later.

2014-02-17 2:24 AM
in reply to: cdban66

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Hi all,

I had a week of skiing with (almost) no net access. No running/swimming/cycling but I've skied my legs off
2014-02-17 5:28 AM
in reply to: ghyoc

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Subject: RE: BrotherTri’s - Triathlon Training Support Group - CLOSED
Chip, glad you enjoyed your vacation!

Pool has been closed so no swimming this past week.... yikes!
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