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2024-04-29 3:02 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by bulfrog


Normal running schedule has resumed, 7 runs ticked off this week. Very poorly organised week for me though, with my 3 hard workouts spread over 4 days. Whilst also building a small retaining wall for the cabin project over those 4 days. Hammering nails is strength and mobility stuff right?

Swim, 0
Bike, x1, 1hour, Intervals, Zwift Had planned at least 1 more, but after building the will was not there.
Run, x7, 6hr 35, 51km. Good to be back in the 50+km per week range.
S/M, x1 stretchy session, + 2days swinging a hammer.

And lets not talk about the warriors this week. Sad Face.

Yes, hammering nails IS a workout. Another solid running week, that's great!

my week consisted of :
3 runs: a short fastish one, a long slow one and intervals)
2 rides: one Zwift one 50k road. It was very windy yesterday, which made for a good workout.

nothing else

let's not talk about the Warriors....

have a good week BDAS!

2024-04-29 7:37 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Hey all and happy Monday.  As mentioned a good week and I added some extra upper body work with power-washing the driveway.  Day off today then a recovery week and a Parkrun 5K on Saturday.  Oh, and it's 90 degrees here now.  It was 56 and raining on Saturday.  April!! 


2024-04-29 7:38 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by Rollergirl Current temperature which was published yesterday.... 9C (48F). Forecast is sunny and warm but only 2 days to go, it won't get much warmer.

No.  Effing.  Way.    That's like ice bath territory.

2024-04-29 8:16 AM
in reply to: 0

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by Rollergirl Current temperature which was published yesterday.... 9C (48F). Forecast is sunny and warm but only 2 days to go, it won't get much warmer.

No.  Effing.  Way.    That's like ice bath territory.

just what I'll be needing after my half marathon

Edited by Rollergirl 2024-04-29 3:32 PM
2024-04-29 3:11 PM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by bulfrog
Originally posted by Rollergirl
Originally posted by drfoodlove Yes…and that approximation drives me CRAZY!!! Why can’t someone just give me a number?!!
The answer is always 32.

42.  There is no other answer.

Of course it's 42. I'm embarrassed to have got that wrong. Must be because I forgot to bring my towel.
2024-04-30 8:13 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Good week for me so far, back is still getting its act together but got in a 5 mile walk Monday, threshold bike and upper body workout yesterday, and a 2 mile treadmill run and legs day this morning.  Still a little wonky but it didn't bother me at all running this morning so I'm going to continue to ease back in.  I'm going to make a game-time decision on the race - I can sign up like the morning of if I need to. 

@Nicole:  it's a Charm City Run event on the Inner Harbor.  Flat and fast but there are two u-turns which I don't love. 

Ahh yes, U-turns are pretty lame! I think I remember you doing this one last year

2024-04-30 8:23 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by Rollergirl

Originally posted by drfoodlove

2000yds in the pool--set up as 90x25 (although, obviously, I didn't do all 90). We have a guy on our Master's team who turns 90 years old today, so in his honor, we did 90x25.

I'm thinking of quitting my master's "team." I will start by saying I like swimming with master's and I like the time we swim (6am) and I like the coaches and workouts. There are a ton of things I like about the master's team and I think I swim harder when I workout with a group. But, the culture of the group has changed over the last few years from a group of people who take their training seriously with a few people who screwed around to a few people who take training seriously and mostly people who are there for a social event and maybe to swim a bit. It just doesn't feel like it is serving my needs right now, which bums me out, because, as I said, I really enjoy most aspects of swimming with the group.

Do the people who screw around disturb your training that much? I know you wrote before about those who turn up late (that was you, right?) but what do they do other than that? (and who in their right mind would turn up for training at 6 in the effing morning and not take it seriously?)

Training with a group is always more rewarding and as you say, you train harder, plus you like the coaches and workouts. Add to that it’s at a good time for you. It would take a lot to keep me away. I wish I could find a swimming group with these criteria, even if half the group or more was farting around.

I can see that being really frustrating! I try to do both I like to have a good time and joke around, but when I do sets I am super focused. Are there other teams around that you could try out?
2024-04-30 8:28 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by Rollergirl

Originally posted by nicole14e

Not sure if I told you guys, but I've also been tracking my meals the last week or so. I'm doing really well and meal-prepped on Sunday (a pretty delicious greek salad). I also got below 170 lbs for the first time in a very long time. 169.9...but still
One problem, and sorry if this is TMI, but I haven't been regular in the bathroom, so trying to figure out what I need to change up/add to my diet to get back into the regularity. I feel like I'll lose another 4 lbs once it's moving again...sorry, way TMI

How do you track and prep? Do you plan your meals for the week and cook on Sundays?

I realised I needed to do something, as the weight is slowly creeping up again (quick recap, lost 26lbs in 2017-2018, had put half back on by the end of 2022, lost those 13 again in 2023 and now I’m already up 9lbs again).
—I know the weight is only one factor, but I feel, it on my clothes too—

I have been tracking calories with MFP and was trying to keep it around 1500 cal a day to maintain weight but I’ve been going up anyway. So I am back on a calorie deficit which means I need to train more because I don’t want to eat less.

I am also making a conscious effort to eat slowly, I even time myself. Worked great last night, by the time i finished my meal (which was cold by then, that’s the downside), I was full, didn’t get more as I usually do.

I don’t track poop yet but I am waiting for andrew’s sh!tbit to be released.

Have a great weekend BDAS, the weather is finally getting a little warmer, nice long run today and nice long ride tomorrow on the menu.

I also use MFP! We should follow each other if we don't already! I am nerby14

I was doing well then fell off over the weekend (those are always my toughest days b/c I hate being on my phone), but am getting back to it today.

I do the prep on Sundays if I have time. Mostly I plan out my meals and either plan to prep or plan meals that don't need prep (I bought salads for this week b/c I didn't have time this weekend). I also try to put my meals in the night before so I know the plan and can make sure I stick to it. When I do that I do REALLY well, but when I don't I'm not as disciplined.
2024-04-30 8:37 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Hi all!
Pretty unproductive week or so here. I actually tweaked my back, so the injuries just keep injuring...

I've mostly just been taking it easy, walking and such, but hadn't started my stretching or core routine yet.

My friend wanted to set up a pickleball court in his cul-de-sac, so I went over to help and then we played a bit. At some point, my left hip felt a little tight, and a little later I realized it was actually my lower back, and now I could barely bend over to pick the ball up.
I'm so frustrated and feel like my body is letting me down, but I know I'm just letting my body down. I've been stretching like crazy and it's starting to loosen up. Tonight I'm going to plan my new routine, and this will include regular stretching.

I had my MRI yesterday too, but don't have the results back. They injected the contrast directly into my hip, but luckily they numb it first so it wasn't too bad. Will keep you guys posted, but my hip is actually feeling really good lately!
2024-04-30 4:55 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by nicole14e

Hi all!
Pretty unproductive week or so here. I actually tweaked my back, so the injuries just keep injuring...

I've mostly just been taking it easy, walking and such, but hadn't started my stretching or core routine yet.

My friend wanted to set up a pickleball court in his cul-de-sac, so I went over to help and then we played a bit. At some point, my left hip felt a little tight, and a little later I realized it was actually my lower back, and now I could barely bend over to pick the ball up.
I'm so frustrated and feel like my body is letting me down, but I know I'm just letting my body down. I've been stretching like crazy and it's starting to loosen up. Tonight I'm going to plan my new routine, and this will include regular stretching.

I had my MRI yesterday too, but don't have the results back. They injected the contrast directly into my hip, but luckily they numb it first so it wasn't too bad. Will keep you guys posted, but my hip is actually feeling really good lately!

Hopefully your MRI will bring good news. Sorry to hear your back is getting so bad. I don't really have any suggestions other than what you already do, stretch/yoga etc. Mike, you're our resident back injury recovery expert, any tips?
2024-04-30 5:03 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
End of the month for me. And it was the least volume of the year, but it did include a race/taper week, and a 'week off' between training plans. So not a surprise, or disappointment that numbers are a little down.

Swim, 0.
Bike, x5, all zwift, 3:31
Run, x25, 19:43, 153k
Strength/mobility, x7 1:13

Total of 24hr, 27 minutes.

How's everybody else's April gone? Gretchen, I expect about triple what I managed?

2024-04-30 7:24 PM
in reply to: bulfrog

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN

Originally posted by bulfrog End of the month for me. And it was the least volume of the year, but it did include a race/taper week, and a 'week off' between training plans. So not a surprise, or disappointment that numbers are a little down. Swim, 0. Bike, x5, all zwift, 3:31 Run, x25, 19:43, 153k Strength/mobility, x7 1:13 Total of 24hr, 27 minutes. How's everybody else's April gone? Gretchen, I expect about triple what I managed?

25 runs for 90+ miles...not a bad down month.  Good month for me despite having to, uh, back off a bit because of my back. 

Swim: 4h 43m 39s - 11893.61 Yd
Bike: 12h 03m 06s - 233.64 Mi
Run: 8h 20m 45s - 47.06 Mi
Strength: 8h 10m
Hiking/Walking: 2h 51m - 9 Mi

@Nicole:  back injuries will start to happen as you age and your discs shrink - gotta start taking care of it now.  Planks, planks, planks.  And the hip stuff, which reduces the stress on the back.  You'll probably recovery pretty quickly from this - I used to get random back stuff even in my early 20s and it went away pretty quickly.

2024-05-01 1:39 AM
in reply to: 0

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
April for Nat

Swim 0 (but that number will show this month)
Strength and stuff, not much, some diving on hard floors and up again
Run: 90.9km 11h16 hours
Bike: 168.8k on road plus some Zwift and spin miles. 13:12 hours

Happy new month everyone!

Race starts in less than 2 hours (a lot less, I should get going), my legs are sore, my knees hurt and I have a headache (and my sh!tbit can’t keep up with the changes in weight). All normal then.

See you on the other side

Edited by Rollergirl 2024-05-01 2:31 AM
2024-05-01 5:00 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Labrum is officially torn. I don't see my ortho again until next Thursday, so I guess at that point we will come up with a plan. I think if there's not really risk of making it worse, I would probably enjoy my summer/fall, then have the surgery in the late fall/winter. This is assuming I need the surgery at all, which may come down to a quality of life question. If this tear keeps me from doing all the things I love, I think I'd move forward with the surgery, as I can't really imagine a life without all the things I love to do. But if it's just aggravated and with some rest I can get back to normal, I would avoid the surgery. So only time will tell I guess!

Mike, you're right, my back is already significantly better. Going back to my plan of planking every day!
2024-05-01 9:11 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by nicole14e

Labrum is officially torn. I don't see my ortho again until next Thursday, so I guess at that point we will come up with a plan. I think if there's not really risk of making it worse, I would probably enjoy my summer/fall, then have the surgery in the late fall/winter. This is assuming I need the surgery at all, which may come down to a quality of life question. If this tear keeps me from doing all the things I love, I think I'd move forward with the surgery, as I can't really imagine a life without all the things I love to do. But if it's just aggravated and with some rest I can get back to normal, I would avoid the surgery. So only time will tell I guess!

Mike, you're right, my back is already significantly better. Going back to my plan of planking every day!

Glad your back is better. Hope you won’t need surgery on your shoulder.

2024-05-01 9:13 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
2023 Nat 1- 2024 Nat 0

2024-05-01 10:30 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by Rollergirl

2023 Nat 1- 2024 Nat 0

Oh no! What happened?
2024-05-01 10:54 AM
in reply to: 0

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
April ended on a fun note and May started with a bang around here.

April totals:
Swim: 14h 52m 51s - 35805.73 Yd (distance down 4.8%; time down 9.7%)
Bike: 22h 57m 23s - 393.34 Mi (distance up 31.7%; time up 15.3%)
Run: 15h 22m 31s - 67.9 Mi (distance up 9.3%; time up 11.8%)
Strength: 7h 01m (time up 36.3%)

Total for April: 60:13:45--only 2.46 times Andrew's effort...I'll have to try harder in May! :D

In one of my less wise training decisions, I moved my long run from Monday to Tuesday this week because it was raining all day on Monday...bleh. Anyway, that left me with a grand total of 12 hours of recovery between the end of my long run on Tuesday afternoon and the beginning of my critical velocity interval run this morning. It wasn't as ugly as it could have been, but that certainly wasn't the run I wanted today. I did get to help three turtles cross the road yesterday during my long run and then this morning I ran across a bag of tools that someone had clearly left on the back of their truck and then driven away--scattering them all along the road for about 0.25 miles. It was along the route I ran yesterday afternoon and this morning, so the window was pretty small for it to have happened. I imagine it happened this morning when someone went to work. I took a hot minute to pick up all the tools I could find and put them back in the bag and then set the bag off to the side of the road. When I ran by on my return it was still sitting there. I didn't want someone to steal it, so, when I got home, I made a little sign and went back in my truck to pick up the bag, which was still there. I'm hoping someone see the sign and calls me so I can give these back to their rightful owner. It is clearly a mechanic's bag full of some nice tools, which suggests someone's livelihood depends on it.

edit: just to needle Andrew.

Edited by drfoodlove 2024-05-01 10:56 AM
2024-05-01 11:02 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Originally posted by Rollergirl

2023 Nat 1- 2024 Nat 0

Oh no! What happened?

I was less prepared than last year (only ran 16k in training, slower), a little heavier and it was quite warm today, first nice sunny day of the year, many runners commented on that. We didn’t get a chance to get used to it!
Started pretty well, other than stumbling and falling over just before 2k but the guy just behind me asked me if I was ok and we got chatting, which was great, felt just like my training runs, babbling away with my friend. We ran together for the next 9 or so but then I had to slow down and let him go. Once he was gone, I totally lost interest and started alternating walk and run for the remainder of the race.
Exactly 20 minutes slower than last year. (2h28:58). 2023 Nat is laughing at me but I’ll get her next time.
2024-05-01 11:05 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by Rollergirl

Originally posted by nicole14e

Labrum is officially torn. I don't see my ortho again until next Thursday, so I guess at that point we will come up with a plan. I think if there's not really risk of making it worse, I would probably enjoy my summer/fall, then have the surgery in the late fall/winter. This is assuming I need the surgery at all, which may come down to a quality of life question. If this tear keeps me from doing all the things I love, I think I'd move forward with the surgery, as I can't really imagine a life without all the things I love to do. But if it's just aggravated and with some rest I can get back to normal, I would avoid the surgery. So only time will tell I guess!

Mike, you're right, my back is already significantly better. Going back to my plan of planking every day!

Glad your back is better. Hope you won’t need surgery on your shoulder.

BBBBBOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! No bueno! Dislike!

My (totally unsolicited) two cents...you're too young to start accumulating body function issues that can otherwise be successfully resolved surgically. Labrums don't heal on their own. Issues can be managed, but not fully resolved. Thus, you're setting yourself up for surgery later anyway--when it gets "bad enough," but of course there is no guarantee that when it hits that point surgical intervention will be a possibility. My wife's grandmother refused surgical intervention for her back pain for years and years because it "wasn't that bad" and she could "manage it with painkillers and activity restrictions" and then when she finally decided she had had enough of that, she was too old (and in poor health) to have the surgery. So she was stuck with back pain that she already thought she couldn't tolerate, but now there was nothing to be done and so she had no hope. Kinda crushed her a bit.

Anyway...I got no medical license, so take that for what it is worth. Tough decisions ahead--good luck!
2024-05-01 11:11 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Originally posted by Rollergirl

Originally posted by nicole14e

Labrum is officially torn. I don't see my ortho again until next Thursday, so I guess at that point we will come up with a plan. I think if there's not really risk of making it worse, I would probably enjoy my summer/fall, then have the surgery in the late fall/winter. This is assuming I need the surgery at all, which may come down to a quality of life question. If this tear keeps me from doing all the things I love, I think I'd move forward with the surgery, as I can't really imagine a life without all the things I love to do. But if it's just aggravated and with some rest I can get back to normal, I would avoid the surgery. So only time will tell I guess!

Mike, you're right, my back is already significantly better. Going back to my plan of planking every day!

Glad your back is better. Hope you won’t need surgery on your shoulder.

BBBBBOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! No bueno! Dislike!

My (totally unsolicited) two cents...you're too young to start accumulating body function issues that can otherwise be successfully resolved surgically. Labrums don't heal on their own. Issues can be managed, but not fully resolved. Thus, you're setting yourself up for surgery later anyway--when it gets "bad enough," but of course there is no guarantee that when it hits that point surgical intervention will be a possibility. My wife's grandmother refused surgical intervention for her back pain for years and years because it "wasn't that bad" and she could "manage it with painkillers and activity restrictions" and then when she finally decided she had had enough of that, she was too old (and in poor health) to have the surgery. So she was stuck with back pain that she already thought she couldn't tolerate, but now there was nothing to be done and so she had no hope. Kinda crushed her a bit.

Anyway...I got no medical license, so take that for what it is worth. Tough decisions ahead--good luck!

We're here for unsolicited advice! I appreciate it!

I completely agree. Gonna see what the doc says, but if he says that I can manage but will be limited in what I am able to do, I will 100% do the surgery. But I will wait until November/December because that's not THAT far away and I'd much rather be laid up in the winter.

I think overall it's a pretty easy surgery, and 3-6 months of recovery but my friend who's a doc said as long as I'm otherwise healthy I should be on the shorter end of that. But if the ortho says he wouldn't recommend it at all then I will certainly avoid. Will know more next week and will keep you guys posted!

2024-05-01 11:15 AM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by Rollergirl

Originally posted by drfoodlove

Originally posted by Rollergirl

2023 Nat 1- 2024 Nat 0

Oh no! What happened?

I was less prepared than last year (only ran 16k in training, slower), a little heavier and it was quite warm today, first nice sunny day of the year, many runners commented on that. We didn’t get a chance to get used to it!
Started pretty well, other than stumbling and falling over just before 2k but the guy just behind me asked me if I was ok and we got chatting, which was great, felt just like my training runs, babbling away with my friend. We ran together for the next 9 or so but then I had to slow down and let him go. Once he was gone, I totally lost interest and started alternating walk and run for the remainder of the race.
Exactly 20 minutes slower than last year. (2h28:58). 2023 Nat is laughing at me but I’ll get her next time.

Sorry to hear that, but you finished and got moving today! I feel like that is always a win at least
2024-05-01 5:11 PM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by nicole14e

Originally posted by drfoodlove

Originally posted by Rollergirl

Originally posted by nicole14e

Labrum is officially torn. I don't see my ortho again until next Thursday, so I guess at that point we will come up with a plan. I think if there's not really risk of making it worse, I would probably enjoy my summer/fall, then have the surgery in the late fall/winter. This is assuming I need the surgery at all, which may come down to a quality of life question. If this tear keeps me from doing all the things I love, I think I'd move forward with the surgery, as I can't really imagine a life without all the things I love to do. But if it's just aggravated and with some rest I can get back to normal, I would avoid the surgery. So only time will tell I guess!

Mike, you're right, my back is already significantly better. Going back to my plan of planking every day!

Glad your back is better. Hope you won’t need surgery on your shoulder.

BBBBBOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! No bueno! Dislike!

My (totally unsolicited) two cents...you're too young to start accumulating body function issues that can otherwise be successfully resolved surgically. Labrums don't heal on their own. Issues can be managed, but not fully resolved. Thus, you're setting yourself up for surgery later anyway--when it gets "bad enough," but of course there is no guarantee that when it hits that point surgical intervention will be a possibility. My wife's grandmother refused surgical intervention for her back pain for years and years because it "wasn't that bad" and she could "manage it with painkillers and activity restrictions" and then when she finally decided she had had enough of that, she was too old (and in poor health) to have the surgery. So she was stuck with back pain that she already thought she couldn't tolerate, but now there was nothing to be done and so she had no hope. Kinda crushed her a bit.

Anyway...I got no medical license, so take that for what it is worth. Tough decisions ahead--good luck!

We're here for unsolicited advice! I appreciate it!

I completely agree. Gonna see what the doc says, but if he says that I can manage but will be limited in what I am able to do, I will 100% do the surgery. But I will wait until November/December because that's not THAT far away and I'd much rather be laid up in the winter.

I think overall it's a pretty easy surgery, and 3-6 months of recovery but my friend who's a doc said as long as I'm otherwise healthy I should be on the shorter end of that. But if the ortho says he wouldn't recommend it at all then I will certainly avoid. Will know more next week and will keep you guys posted!

As Gretchen pointed out, medical advice from the internet is worth what you pay for it. That said, here's my unsolicited opinion.

100% on board with Gretchen. You're far to young to be 'managing' faulty body parts for the rest of your life. You're fit and active, and you should continue to be. I get the desire to try and schedule your recovery downtime for winter. And if your surgeon agrees that you won't cause any more damage in the meantime then that could be a good option that fits better with your life. I guess it's now a case of hurry up and wait until you see your guy next week.

At least you have a diagnosis now, so you can make the plan and start working back to full fitness. The only way is up
2024-05-01 5:32 PM
in reply to: Rollergirl

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Auckland, North Island
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by Rollergirl

Originally posted by drfoodlove

Originally posted by Rollergirl

2023 Nat 1- 2024 Nat 0

Oh no! What happened?

I was less prepared than last year (only ran 16k in training, slower), a little heavier and it was quite warm today, first nice sunny day of the year, many runners commented on that. We didn’t get a chance to get used to it!
Started pretty well, other than stumbling and falling over just before 2k but the guy just behind me asked me if I was ok and we got chatting, which was great, felt just like my training runs, babbling away with my friend. We ran together for the next 9 or so but then I had to slow down and let him go. Once he was gone, I totally lost interest and started alternating walk and run for the remainder of the race.
Exactly 20 minutes slower than last year. (2h28:58). 2023 Nat is laughing at me but I’ll get her next time.

Sorry to hear you didn't have the race you wanted. Still, 2023 Nat may have got this one, but you lapped everyone sitting on the couch. Any finish is something to be celebrated.

Plenty of more races on your schedule to take down that 2023 doppelganger.
2024-05-02 12:34 AM
in reply to: bulfrog

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, Kronobergs lan
Subject: RE: Beer Drinkers Appreciation Society (BDAS) 2023 Mentor Group - ALWAYS OPEN
Originally posted by bulfrog

Originally posted by Rollergirl

Originally posted by drfoodlove

Originally posted by Rollergirl

2023 Nat 1- 2024 Nat 0

Oh no! What happened?

I was less prepared than last year (only ran 16k in training, slower), a little heavier and it was quite warm today, first nice sunny day of the year, many runners commented on that. We didn’t get a chance to get used to it!
Started pretty well, other than stumbling and falling over just before 2k but the guy just behind me asked me if I was ok and we got chatting, which was great, felt just like my training runs, babbling away with my friend. We ran together for the next 9 or so but then I had to slow down and let him go. Once he was gone, I totally lost interest and started alternating walk and run for the remainder of the race.
Exactly 20 minutes slower than last year. (2h28:58). 2023 Nat is laughing at me but I’ll get her next time.

Sorry to hear you didn't have the race you wanted. Still, 2023 Nat may have got this one, but you lapped everyone sitting on the couch. Any finish is something to be celebrated.

Plenty of more races on your schedule to take down that 2023 doppelganger.

It did briefly enter my mind to turn around and DNF, as it was not fun, and I do this for fun but I knew I would regret it.

Oh yeah, she’s going down! 3 more races to beat 2023 Nat and a couple more to beat other past Nats, the season has only just started. As someone said once: losing is a big part of winning.

Quite pleased with the recovery, feeling great today.

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2023-01-26 2:30 PM kloofyroland