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2011-05-19 12:22 PM
in reply to: #3508294

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Carlsbad, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
cam111 - 2011-05-19 10:18 AM
stampinann - 2011-05-19 7:52 AM

Everyone says the water will warm up ....   I am heading to CDA this weekend and next weekend...and it's supposed to be warmer.  YEAH finally more than 1 day of sun in the PNW!! What a crappy sprinter...

Did my first open water swim of the year yesterday in 57 degrees - give or was tolerable, but I did get an ice cream headache for a little bit. 

FULL wetsuit....booties, gloves, heavy swim cap, neoprine cap and latex cap... - we stayed in the water about 25 minutes.  My layers of caps kept my hair completely DRY...that prob helped keep me from freezing.

This was posted by a tri team in my area...pretty interesting....

Have a great training weekend....

Are we allowed to wear neoprene gloves and booties?

Booties Maybe, gloves probably not. They will probably make wetsuits mandatory and strongly suggest folks not wear sleeveless.  

2011-05-19 12:36 PM
in reply to: #3507780

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
stampinann - 2011-05-19 9:52 AM

This was posted by a tri team in my area...pretty interesting....

This was my favorite line from that article..

You should also go for run or do something else to start raising your heart rate and core temperature before heading into the water.  Looking at the water and cursing it will not help warm it up.

Well there goes my #1 tactic

Edited by TriRSquared 2011-05-19 12:38 PM
2011-05-19 1:00 PM
in reply to: #3508148

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Seattle, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Selachophobia - 2011-05-19 9:04 AM Does anyone know traditionally what the water temp is this time of year??  Unless it is way colder than normal for May 19th we may be getting a little paranoid on water temp.......  Last year was 60 degrees and honestly for me within 500 meters I didn't notice the cold.  What I am way more worried about is temps in the 80s-90s, that will kill my bike and run, my body does not work well in the heat.....

Agree that we're all getting a bit too worked up about it, and I can't say anything about Coeur d'Alene specifically, BUT it has been WAY colder than normal all spring here in the Pacific NW.  The number of days we've even reached 60 can be counted on one hand.  

Not only is the air not warming the lake, but the snowpack is also sticking around FAR longer than normal.   I read that the North Cascades Highway is still digging out from under something like 65 feet of snow.  So, hopefully this streak of nicer weather sticks around for the next month, or we may be in for sub-60 degree water.  Ugh.

2011-05-19 1:16 PM
in reply to: #3006331

, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
For what it's worth, the week leading up to the race last year, all temperature readings were in the 50s.  It didn't hit 60 until race day.  They even made fun of the athletes... freaking out about 59.  But 60... PHEW it's ok now!
2011-05-19 1:24 PM
in reply to: #3508148

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Selachophobia - 2011-05-19 10:04 AM Does anyone know traditionally what the water temp is this time of year??  Unless it is way colder than normal for May 19th we may be getting a little paranoid on water temp.......  Last year was 60 degrees and honestly for me within 500 meters I didn't notice the cold.  What I am way more worried about is temps in the 80s-90s, that will kill my bike and run, my body does not work well in the heat.....
2011-05-19 1:24 PM
in reply to: #3508148

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Selachophobia - 2011-05-19 10:04 AM Does anyone know traditionally what the water temp is this time of year??  Unless it is way colder than normal for May 19th we may be getting a little paranoid on water temp.......  Last year was 60 degrees and honestly for me within 500 meters I didn't notice the cold.  What I am way more worried about is temps in the 80s-90s, that will kill my bike and run, my body does not work well in the heat.....

If it's hot go fast so the wind you create cools you off.  If it's cool go fast so your effort will warm you up.Cool

Edited by tribean 2011-05-19 1:28 PM

2011-05-19 3:11 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Madison, AL
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Rode 120 today at a meager 16.5 mph average speed.  But that includes 2 stops for gatorade refills and 2500 feet climbing.

Crushed the last 15 at 21 mph!  Wanted to run after, but am still laying off until this weekend due to achilles tendonitis.

2011-05-19 3:22 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Kansas City, MO
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I will tell you guys one thing if the end of the world happens Saturday 5/21/11 I am going to be really ticked I didn't get to do this race........  LOL  but assuming it doesnt happen before 6am I will most likely be on my bike which isn't a bad way to go.... 
2011-05-19 3:34 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Extreme Veteran
Strong Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Me on the couch last night at about 9:30.   A casualty of a few too many 3-a-days.   The wife said I didn't move from that position for almost 2 hours.

2011-05-19 3:49 PM
in reply to: #3507816

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Extreme Veteran
Strong Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
3Aims - 2011-05-19 9:09 AM

What final workouts are some of you trying to accomplish as the finishing touch on your training?

As for the water temp, eh.  It's going to be really cold regardless so no need to spend time on that for me. 


I don't follow a plan, so I'm kind of winging it, but my plan is to keep running 6-7 days a week (mostly in the 4-7 mile range), keep up my 5x20mile trainer rides during the week, and get at least 2 days in at the pool a week.   I want to do one long run of 20 miles in the next week or so, but most of my long riding is I'll try to get a couple 50-60 mile ride in on the weekends.

Either this weekend or next I planning on doing a solo 70.3 mock race.   1.2 down in the bay (water is still pretty cold), 56 miles down the coast, then have the wife and kids meet me to take my bike while I run the 13.1 home.

I know I can do the distances no problem, but I think having one sort of long day will be a mental boost.

2011-05-19 3:57 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Extreme Veteran
San Diego
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I have a few final big rides left.  Looking for 4 100+ mile rides in the next couple of weeks, starting with the SD Century on Saturday.  My new job doesn't start until June 1, so next week will be pretty serious training.  I need to do some OWS, too, since my swimming sucks.

Jackson: love the pic!

Here's one my bf took of me after a long training day.  I was out...and I guess my little pig ninjas were, too.  What you can't see is pig ninja #2 snuggled up to my booty under the covers:

(Hank and Ash nap.jpg)

Hank and Ash nap.jpg (68KB - 6 downloads)

2011-05-19 5:17 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Seattle, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

Love the napping pics.  I wish I had one of me a few weeks ago.  I went over to a friend's house and proceeded to fall asleep on their couch while they were playing Guitar Hero.  Talk about tired!

2011-05-19 5:27 PM
in reply to: #3006331

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I still have a 110 mile and a 120 mile bike on my plan. I did a 20 mile run Sunday and that is the longest one. The two longer runs left are a 14 mile and an 11 mile. Should I be satisfied with 20 being the longest or should I up the 14 mile? My long swims will have to wait until the water temps warm up. The pool hours and my schedule only allow me to get in a 45 minute swim. I could push it to an hour if I shaved my head. Don't think I'll be doing that. Glad to see I'm not the only one in need of a nap. I had a nice long nap on Sunday. So unlike me.
2011-05-19 6:43 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Parker, Colorado
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I am so jelous of these nap pictures -- the only sleep time I can find is overnight, and that almost always ends too soon with an early workout wakeup. But the end is in sight -- four more long rides (2x5.5 hours, then 5, then 4) and four more long runs (2x2.5 hours, 3 hours, 2 hours). My biggest challenge left is getting through the long runs (my legs/hips hate every second over two hours), and rebuilding my swim fitness after working through a shoulder issue (which I finally figured out was caused by crappy form on my first stroke off the wall, so I think I'll make it). First open water of the year this Saturday - I think the water is mid-50's, so it will be a good test of what CDA might be based on these latest reports.
2011-05-19 10:45 PM
in reply to: #3508928

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
So, after seeing those napping photos, I went upstairs to read and yep, you guessed it, 90 minutes later, woke up. It was kind of late to nap so I may be up a while tonight. Not sure I"m going to immerse myself in ice water yet. I only do that post 18+ mile runs, but trying the colder shower water thing. Plus, I'll do some ocean swims. I think speedleopard knows -- wait until June to start freaking about the water temp.
2011-05-20 12:23 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Extreme Veteran
Pacific NW
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

We are having our first bout of spring sunshine here in the PacNW, so I took today off work to get in my long ride.  113.7 on the bike followed by a 4 mile run.  I'm much slower than I would like to be, but I felt GREAT.  I think I finally have my nutrition dialed in!

But...I got super duper sunburned.  Like so bad that I'll probably blister.  Stupid stupid stupid.

2011-05-20 12:23 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Portland, OR
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
I did my longest run of the training cycle today with a 16.3 miler (this is the longest I'll go due to knee issues and slowness). I was thrilled to do it less than 2 hours after jumping off a plane, in temps that were 15 degrees warmer than we've seen all year and at a 12 minute mile pace

I've been doing several long 3000-4200 yard swims, last week I did 5000ft of climbing over 96 miles and Saturday I'm going for about 100-105 with similar climbing. Next weekend I'll do the full 112 in CDA and then wrap with a 1/2 marathon the next day.

The water is warming up. I started OWS here in Portland at the end of April and could only stay in about 10 minutes with full suit, booties, 2 caps etc. Today I did 1400 yards and could have stayed in longer except I was starting to bonk after my long run.

Great job everyone! Let's make these last few weeks count!
2011-05-20 6:13 AM
in reply to: #3006331

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Facing different issues here in the Gulf (Abu Dhabi). Just can't be out past 8am as we learned last weekend and this morning.

My routine will pretty much stay the same for the next 3 weeks until we fly home.

Friday is a long brick - 3hr ride followed by 90min run. This morning we did the ride on the trainer doing the Cd'A 'Real Rides' bike course DVD then ran outside but the last 1/2 hr was a cooker (115 degrees). Going to move that run inside to the treadmill and add a 45 min swim on to the front for the next 2 weekends.

Saturday is long ride - will keep putting in 6hrs but 4 on the road leaving at 4am and finish with the last two on the trainer to keep from over-cooking (like last weekend!)

Sunday is long run - 2 1/2 hrs. Can keep this outside leaving at 4 am.

The brick has been building the last couple weeks but the long rid & long run have been pretty consistent over the last month. Have been trying to maintain the bike mileage since the Abu Dhabi triathlon in March (was a 200km ride) so have done about 6 or 7 - 100 + mile rides since February. Feeling good with everything now just looking forward to getting back to Canada and the taper! We fly out on the 10th and my last long (6hr) ride will be on the 12th when we're back, then relax, recover, let the grandparents re-connect with the kids, and focus on the race!

Keep the rubber side down!!

Edited by gus 2011-05-20 6:13 AM
2011-05-20 8:22 AM
in reply to: #3006331

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Roswell, GA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Great....I finally get my first injury of the year with a few weeks to go. Feels like I pulled a tendon that is deep in my calf, and wont be running for a while. Ice and rest is all I can do. Hopefully I can still put down some bike miles.
2011-05-20 8:42 AM
in reply to: #3006331

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
Is it spring yet? Getting ready for my long ride and it is 47 degrees and so foggy I can barely see my neighbors house out the back window. It might be trainer time for  a while until it burns off. Yell
2011-05-20 8:46 AM
in reply to: #3509263

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
sarahk - 2011-05-20 1:23 AM

We are having our first bout of spring sunshine here in the PacNW, so I took today off work to get in my long ride.  113.7 on the bike followed by a 4 mile run.  I'm much slower than I would like to be, but I felt GREAT.  I think I finally have my nutrition dialed in!

But...I got super duper sunburned.  Like so bad that I'll probably blister.  Stupid stupid stupid.


Wow, that was me last week. The forecast called for low 70's cloudy with a chance of showers. Turned out mid 80's and pure sunshine. My back and shoulders were fried cause the sunscreen I used wasn't a "sweatproof" kind and I had a hard time sleeping last Saturday and Sunday because it hurt to put pressure anywhere against my skin.

Aloe is your friend!!

2011-05-20 10:05 AM
in reply to: #3509586

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Extreme Veteran
Olympia, WA
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

15step - 2011-05-20 6:22 AM Great....I finally get my first injury of the year with a few weeks to go. Feels like I pulled a tendon that is deep in my calf, and wont be running for a while. Ice and rest is all I can do. Hopefully I can still put down some bike miles.

Aw, dang.  Sorry that happened to you.  Wishing you the best for a speedy recovery.

2011-05-20 11:38 AM
in reply to: #3509586

, California
Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

15step - 2011-05-20 6:22 AM Great....I finally get my first injury of the year with a few weeks to go. Feels like I pulled a tendon that is deep in my calf, and wont be running for a while. Ice and rest is all I can do. Hopefully I can still put down some bike miles.

Wow sounds almost identical to what I did, except I did it 3 weeks ago.  I'm still skittish about running.  I did a little bit of run/walk and the walk breaks seemed to help keep it stretched out.  But I'm mostly just biking and swimming right now to play it safe.  It aches a little on the bike but I don't feel like I'm making it any worse.

2011-05-20 1:06 PM
in reply to: #3006331

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Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread
ok great Northwesteners you can start laughing and feeling sorry for us southeasteners now.  Temperature forcast for Sunday a wonderful 98 degrees!! 20 mile run will be done Early that day!!!!  I think by the 26th of June when my heat adjusted body hits a 60 degree lake it will be in such shock that all systems may completely shut down. 
2011-05-20 1:47 PM
in reply to: #3507780

New user

Subject: RE: Ironman Coeur d'Alene : Official Thread

I posted earlier in the week after coming back from training weekend in CDA regarding the water temperature... and while I was lucky and had a few warmer days in CDA, it hasn't been all that sunny there this week and the temps in Seattle have been higher than they've been in CDA... Translated.. it's warm enough and rainy enough for teh snow pack to melt (and it was a pretty brutal winter in Idao) , but it hasn't been really hot enough to have a significant warm-up in the lakes.  Either way I look at it it's going to be a cold swim.

To prepare... and see how I could do in a really cold-water swim.   I hopped in a local lake by me and did a 1.2 mile swim.  Water temp was 54.  I had a full wet suit - but no neoprene cap, gloves or booties.  First ten minutes or so was pretty chilly, but I warmed up acceptably and was able complete 1.2 miles in just over 30 minutes. 

Toes and fingers were numb upon exiting, so it will be interesting to see how I'll manage hopping on the bike with numb toes... but the swim wasn't bad at all ....

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