BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2011-08-31 7:18 AM
in reply to: #3436233

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!
August's totals:
Bike:18h 57m 35s  - 266.18 Mi
Run:10h 01m 41s  - 55.31 Mi
Swim:8h 28m 26s  - 26775.42 Yd

2011-08-31 8:16 AM
in reply to: #3666977

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Elaine,  nice work on your totals.  

I have a 9 mile run set for tonight with a little ab work. 

August's totals:
Bike:16h 01m 13s  - 291.42 Mi
Run:11h 48m  - 71.62 Mi
Swim:5h 47m 43s  - 15690 Yd
2011-08-31 8:23 AM
in reply to: #3436233

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Goals for Sept is to complete my second triathlon sprint.  Keep my running routine up for my half and full marathon in the coming months.  Its going to be a bit of a challenge with my move to North Carolina in early September.  Going to need to find a new group of locations to run.  

August's totals:
Bike:48m 19s  - 12.01 Mi
Run:9h 32m 40s  - 53.37 Mi
Swim:1h 11m  - 2250 Yd
2011-08-31 12:33 PM
in reply to: #3436233

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Goal for September is to finish my 2nd Olympic distance race, hopefully in better time than my first. 

Goal I am setting now for next year, even though you didn't ask for it, is to finally get my run whipped into shape.  I get really tired of passing people on the bike only to see person after person pass me on the run.  Plus I get mad at myself for not being able to run the whole run.  Which is no one's fault but my own; I just don't devote enough time to running.

August's totals, abysmal as they are:
Bike:3h 06m 06s  - 46.32 Mi
Run:37m 40s  - 3.49 Mi
Hockey:6h 00m
Tae Kwon Do:6h 30m
2011-08-31 8:37 PM
in reply to: #3667588

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Sept goals: 

Run the oly and focus on nutrition and good swim pacing to set up for the Half.   I am not worried about time on the oly.   (We will see if that holds on race day)

main goal 5 1/2 hour half.  

Then begin training for my pub run.   3 miles (1 mile pint of guiness, 2 miles pint of guiness,  3 miles and finish a guiness before crossing the finishline.  Last years 1st place was a 23 min.   I have thr running but not the beer drinking right now.  

2011-09-07 10:40 PM
in reply to: #3668335

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

starting peak week, and taper for the Half.   Short workouts higher intensity.   I could get use to this.  

Hope everyone elses training is going good. 

2011-09-08 8:59 AM
in reply to: #3436233

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!
LOTS of people racing this weekend! Best of luck to all of you!
2011-09-08 2:43 PM
in reply to: #3677534

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

We just endured 3 days of rain thanks to tropical storm Lee, over 12" in the past 24 hours and have major flooding.  Many roads are under water, buckled, or washed away.  My town is in disaster emergency.  Crazy. 

Hope everyone who is able to race this weekend has a safe, fun event!  Good luck!

Edited to add pictures and update: Ken, we won't be racing here this weekend!  Race is officially cancelled.  RD attached these photos of the bike/run course with the email.  Lake, of course, is contaminated with runoff so we wouldn't have been swimming anyway.

Edited by melbo55 2011-09-09 7:24 AM




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2011-09-09 8:11 AM
in reply to: #3678268

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!
looks like you would have to trade in for a mountain bike.  I am sorry to see your event cancelled with all the work you have done to get ready.   I hope you can find another one.  
2011-09-09 8:20 AM
in reply to: #3436233

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

So sorry, Melanie!

Hope you and your family are safe. My family is just north of Philadelphia and the rain there has been insane. The Schuylkill River is like 15' higher than usual, possibly rising to 20'. It's amazing. They're safe - not in a flood plan, but my sister in Conshohocken hasn't been able to get to work in Fort Washington for two or three days.

My other sister's house in VT is currently an island. No roads to the town are passable.

Hope all is well despite the weather.

2011-09-09 1:12 PM
in reply to: #3436233

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

I will gladly take the relatively small amount of water I had in the basement (thank you, sump pump!) over the more major issues many others have and still are experiencing.  I was off work the past 2 days because yesterday there wasn't a good route to work with all the closed roads, plus my town was asked to not drive unless it was absolutely necessary, and the area I work in is still in a boil water/conserve water mandate (thankfully my town's ban was lifted late yesterday).  Not to mention the major damage from flood waters and destroyed roads.  My work place itself is OK, just the surrounding area is thrashed.  Hope Ken is OK on the other side of the river.

I did get a little 'training' in, walking/jogging around town yesterday to survey the damages!  Probably about 4 miles or so.

2011-09-09 2:47 PM
in reply to: #3679548

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!
I will put you all on the prayer list.   Be safe.   Hope you all can get back to normal soon. 
2011-09-09 4:45 PM
in reply to: #3436233

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Hello guys.

I am indeed ok.  I actually moved down to Winston-Salem on Tuesday, so I missed the storm.  I drove back for the race on thursday and to finish up with my move.  My place is fine.  No damage.  My parents had some minor damage but we are all fine.  I had some water damage to my new car.  Frown  So I need to have it taken back to the dealership.  I picked up the car last week.  So I am pretty upset about that.  

I did see that the race was canceled.  Glad to hear Mel is fine.  It is amazing to see how places I have been to are now completely underwater.  Mom nature is one wicked beast.  

2011-09-12 4:02 PM
in reply to: #3679803

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!


race report is up.   It was ok,  I had some issues that slowed me down but felt strong and now think I have a good plan for the HIM.   Looking forward to try and post a sub 5 1/2.  

This was a person best by 12 minutes. but the bike was about 3 miles short for an OLY. 


Edited by handyhammer 2011-09-12 4:03 PM
2011-09-13 1:19 PM
in reply to: #3683066

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Great job, Dave, in spite of your cramping issues.

These results are nothing to scoff at!

Overall Rank = 24/171
Age Group Rank = 5/20

2011-09-16 8:15 AM
in reply to: #3684553

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Thank you Melbo,   I did not mean to come across disappointed by that.  I really was happy with it.   It was just frustrating to feel so good and not be able to go faster.  

Well I got my Wetsuit in, and it fits great.   Workouts are finishing great and I am pretty confident in my nutrition plan for the half.  

I will have to put a pic up I am running the Susan G. Komen 5k saturday with my daughters dance group.  (TuTu's for TaTa's)  and yes they got me a TuTu to run in too.   It will be a lot of fun.   Have a good weekend?   Anyone have any big plans?

2011-09-20 7:48 AM
in reply to: #3436233

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

I was on a quick little cruise to the Bahamas this weekend - but not before getting in a 4:45 brick first! One of my two REALLY long bricks in the training plan.

Apparently, this round of mentoring was only supposed to last until July or so... I'm not sure when they'll archive these threads, but feel free to keep posting here until then

I know Dave has a BIG WEEKEND this weekend! What are your thoughts as race day approaches?

2011-09-21 9:12 AM
in reply to: #3693148

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

In Dave's Head this week:

1. crap a job is blowing up on me.  oh well fix it next week

2 get the kids, 

3 tuesday tear bikes apart and check everything

4 pack and double check,  ok now triple check

5 wed.  pick up items needed for nutrition. 

6 take kids to their stuff.  

7 still trying to fix the job that blew up monday.  

8. ok dont get nervous.          already blew this one. 

9.  relax,  has not happened yet. 

friday leave work at 12.  Lets go race.   


Race goals: 

Swim 33 min or better

Bike: 3:05:00 or better

Run 1:55:00  or better. 

Total  5:30.00 or better.  

2011-09-21 9:34 AM
in reply to: #3694735

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!
handyhammer - 2011-09-21 10:12 AM

Race goals: 

Swim 33 min or better

Bike: 3:05:00 or better

Run 1:55:00  or better. 

Total  5:30.00 or better.  

You're strong, well-prepared and totally ready. Don't forget to breathe

Don't push TOO hard for the bike goal, make sure you have plenty in the tank for the run. If you start wondering if you're going too hard, you probably are.

2011-09-22 5:27 PM
in reply to: #3694778

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Took tomorrow off of work to get everything ready and make sure I am rested and prepared.   trying to get out some nerves to keep calm.   Just focused on having a good race now.  


Thank you guys for all the support.   See you on the other side. 

they are putting up a tracking system to see racers on the course and give updates on times.   I dont expect anyone to watch me chug along.   If you want to see it. 

dave  bib # 1051

Bethany 1277

Edited by handyhammer 2011-09-22 6:07 PM
2011-09-23 6:50 AM
in reply to: #3436233

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Good with your race Dave.  Who knows If I got some spare time, I can log on and check it out.  

Wanted to thank you all especially Elaine for all the info these several months.  I know I learned a lot if things from you all.  Good luck with all your future endeavors.  I have enjoyed my first dip with my race, so I am going to continue training and competing.  

Later, Ken

2011-09-23 11:10 AM
in reply to: #3697042

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Good luck, Dave, I hope everything falls into place for you.

Elaine and the others of our group, thanks for all the support, advice and inspires over the past few months.  Good luck to everyone, train and race safely!

2011-09-25 7:03 PM
in reply to: #3694735

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Race goals: 

Swim 33 min or better

Bike: 3:05:00 or better

Run 1:55:00  or better. 

Total  5:30.00 or better.  

Don't know if everyone checked Dave's results, but I'm going to spoil the surprise for all of you:

Swim: 35:13 T1: 2:55 Bike: 2:47:17 T2: 1:08Run: 1:49:26

Total: 5:15:56

 ROCKED IT!!!! Way to go Dave!!!!

2011-09-25 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3699772

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!

Thank you elaine,   I had what I would call a perfect race.   I felt strong through the whole thing and did not have to battle any major issues.   I smashed my goal and finished 52 overall.   It was a win for me.


race report is up.  If you look at doing a half or full I would put this on your calender.  Amazing hosted race.  

Edited by handyhammer 2011-09-25 9:13 PM
2011-09-26 9:15 AM
in reply to: #3436233

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Subject: RE: Elaine's Spring 2011 Mentor Group - CLOSED!
Wow, Dave, that is SUPER!!!!  Very proud of you!  Way to ROCK!
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