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2008-05-30 9:02 AM
in reply to: #1432505

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Good luck to everyone who is racing!  I can't wait to do my race, then be sitting here with a cool refreshment in my hand, reading your race reports and writing mine!

2008-05-30 9:20 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
bear in mind, that my confidence is the result of taking nervous energy and anxiety and chanelling it into a focussed controlled aggression.  The trick is keeping the paces that I have trained for.  I posted a projected time in today's blog, but it is pretty conservative. (plus I don't know what the transitions will be like. I gave myself 2 minutes ofr each, but T2 should be really be about 45 seconds)
2008-05-30 9:20 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
bear in mind, that my confidence is the result of taking nervous energy and anxiety and chanelling it into a focussed controlled aggression.  The trick is keeping the paces that I have trained for.  I posted a projected time in today's blog, but it is pretty conservative. (plus I don't know what the transitions will be like. I gave myself 2 minutes ofr each, but T2 should be really be about 45 seconds)
2008-05-31 11:27 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Question for any of you who have done a triathlon:  after you've racked your bike in the transition initially, can you go back and change the layout of your stuff or possibly wait until closer to your own race start to lay out your stuff?

My transition is open at 6 am and closes at 7.  My race probably will be around 9.  It may be raining.  Can I wait until 8:30 to lay out my gear if my bike is already racked?

If anyone has any thoughts, I'd love to hear...


2008-05-31 11:39 AM
in reply to: #1435260

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Tracy- It depends if they close the transition area once the races have started. Usually that is what I have noticed. I did a tri in Feb and it was pouring rain! It was a colliagiate race and had open division. Well, I put my stuff in a plastic bag (garbage size) and wrapped it up so everything didn't get soaked. But also if there is any wind (hopefully NONE) make sure something will keep it in place. Good Luck!! I rooting for you!!

2008-05-31 2:25 PM
in reply to: #1435268

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
I will now be packing a garbage bag - Thanks!

2008-05-31 3:05 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

I am back.  It went well.  I will have a race report up as soon as I can get the photos uploaded.

Hightlights:  WICKED FAST T2! and a 30 minute, 9 second 5k at the end.

2008-05-31 3:39 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
2008-06-01 12:39 AM
in reply to: #1355942

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Your race report was great to read, thanks for posting it


I finally got mine done from the race last weekend. Hopefully this link well work for everyone 


2008-06-01 2:55 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Race is over, learned a lot, and wa happy with how it all finished. Missed my goal time by just 26 seconds. Here's the race link.
2008-06-01 3:25 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

My race is over and I am thrilled!   I never tallied my total predicted time but I was faster on the bike and swim, and slower on the run (at least based on my unofficial times).  I was very happy with my performance.  I believe the link below will take you to my report. 

And now to go read some other race reports.


2008-06-01 9:05 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED


Can you recommend any drills or workouts on the bike (other than just adding mileage) to improved speed?

2008-06-01 10:46 PM
in reply to: #1355942

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

wow there are some great race reports.

thanks to everyone for their positive comments , they really helped me  out a lot !


hope everyone has a great start to their week !!

2008-06-02 10:02 AM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Hello Everyone!

Looks like we all had a nice weekend. My apologies for being tardy in filing my race report, I was basking in the glory of being a triathlete!

Other than an unexpected case of shin splints the first half of the run, everything went really well and I had a fantastic time! There were quite a few gnats flying around and I felt sorry for the volunteers that had to stand out on the course and deal with them all day. I swallowed quite few on the bike portion, I don't know how many extra calories to log for the day!

race report:

Edited by Timmeh! 2008-06-02 10:04 AM
2008-06-02 9:23 PM
in reply to: #1355942

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

It's so interesting to read all of your race reports, thanks for posting them everyone.

Ok another question for you...after I get done riding I have a lot of pain in my hips ( in the joint it feels sore, achy) . After the Triathlon it was really bad  and for most of last week I was in pain from it. Just wondering if this is just me getting used to using different muscles, bike fit, or what ??

Any advise is welcome

I need to do get some serious hill training in for the race in July, there is a steep one to go up on the first half...I guess I get to ride fast down it on the second half though   

You are all great, thanks!

2008-06-02 10:02 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Hip pain on the bike might just be time and volume, but this happened to a friend of mine who was sitting too high and was rocking back and forth in the saddle.

Not really sure though.

2008-06-03 8:42 AM
in reply to: #1440371

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
triidahogirl - 2008-06-02 8:23 PM

Ok another question for you...after I get done riding I have a lot of pain in my hips ( in the joint it feels sore, achy) . After the Triathlon it was really bad  and for most of last week I was in pain from it. Just wondering if this is just me getting used to using different muscles, bike fit, or what ??

Gloria, I too have just started to experience slight pain in my hips.  I haven't done any research nor visited a physiotherapist, though I'm considering doing both.  What has helped me is to both stretch and strengthen my hips.  For stretching I've been doing a couple of yoga stretches:  one is called pigeon and one is a forward lunge.  I've also been rolling the side of each leg and each hip on my foam roller that I got a couple of years ago at the physiotherapist.

For strengthening, I've got an elastic type band and I am doing some abduction/adduction exercises - out & in to the side.

It might be a good idea to go to a physiotherapist for a couple of visits.  He/she would probably recommend stretching and strengthening exercises which would likely put you in better physical shape and also give you the confidence that you won't be experiencing pain every time you go out.

While writing this, I actually googled 'cycling & hip pain' and found an interesting link:  There are many other sites which you could check out.

This is a good reminder to me to stretch and strengthen more, as well.

Good luck!


2008-06-03 4:14 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
What do people do people do for speed drills in the water?  I out a lot more effort into speed in the pool today and swam 1k in about 20 minutes.  This was almost 30 seconds faster per 100m than normal.
2008-06-03 5:29 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Rob - For speed drill in the water you can do, broken 100s. You go all out on them but you have rest after 1st 50 - 10sec, 75yd 5sec. Then do a 50 or so warm- down and do it all over again. 3-5x. Is that the kind of set you were thinking?

Well guys & gals! Training is going well. I have a sprint triathlon on Saturday!! I am excited. There is going to be a BBQ afterwards with my Tri team (Mad Cow Triathlon Team)!! I also will be riding my new bike .

I do have a question. I recently bought a Garmin. It says it is water resistant for 30min??? So any of you swim with it. I think I have heard of someone putting it in a plastic bag in their cap for the swim. How about the heart rate monitor... Is it water resistant? What do any of you do?

Thanks, Kristina
2008-06-03 6:59 PM
in reply to: #1440948

Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

Gloria, I too have just started to experience slight pain in my hips.  I haven't done any research nor visited a physiotherapist, though I'm considering doing both.  What has helped me is to both stretch and strengthen my hips.  For stretching I've been doing a couple of yoga stretches:  one is called pigeon and one is a forward lunge.  I've also been rolling the side of each leg and each hip on my foam roller that I got a couple of years ago at the physiotherapist.

For strengthening, I've got an elastic type band and I am doing some abduction/adduction exercises - out & in to the side.

It might be a good idea to go to a physiotherapist for a couple of visits.  He/she would probably recommend stretching and strengthening exercises which would likely put you in better physical shape and also give you the confidence that you won't be experiencing pain every time you go out.

While writing this, I actually googled 'cycling & hip pain' and found an interesting link:  There are many other sites which you could check out.

This is a good reminder to me to stretch and strengthen more, as well.

Good luck!


Thanks Tracy, great suggestions and that article was really helpful.  It explained a lot about hip pain and its causes. It also mentioned knee pain which I do experience on the bike as well as the runs, I kind of figured that was from years of being over weight , sure that didn't help but  I need to pay closer attention to all the grinding and noise my knees are making lately.  I would hate to have an injury when I am just getting started in the sport.


Good luck with your race, can't wait to read the report !

2008-06-03 8:15 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Invigilator - those are some nice times in the pool. Maybe, some day.... Anyhow, for the swim group I'm in, speed work focuses on those shorter disatnces as Kristina mentioned, i.e. 5x50 or 100 on 15sec rest. A good one as well is the locomotive. You increase/decrease your distance and increase/decrease your rest time. 25M/5', 50M/10', 75M/15', 100M/20', 100M/20', 75M/15', 50M/10', 25M/5' = 500M. Do this at a hard pace, and it's a heck of a workoout.

Kristina - I'm assuming the Garmin you got is the 305 (if so I think you'll love it). I wouldn't recommend swimming with it - instructions actually say not too - even though it is water resistant. I tried the ziplock bag under the swim cap 3 weeks ago, but without success. The water was so cold I had two caps on, so I'm not sure if it just couldn't pick up the signal. I'm doing an OWS this weekend and will try again.

On race day I just left it on my bike - although I forgot to turn it on and wasted time in T1 before I realized. As for the HR strap, there are no issues wearing it in the water. I wore mine for the race and once I was on the bike it picked my HR up right away. I also swam with my Timex the day before race day and it picked up my HR while swimming - which was pretty cool.

I'll let you know how things go this weekend (unless you try it yourself race day - but I'd advise against anything new).


2008-06-03 9:40 PM
in reply to: #1355942

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Cedar Rapids, IA
Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Hello Everyone!

Well, I may have bitten off a bit more than I can chew! In the endorphin rush of completing my first tri, I signed on to be on a relay team for a HIM in August, specifically the bike portion. The bike just happens to be my weakest discipline and I thought this might be a good way to get up to speed, so to speak. Anyway, any advise on training to get from my current state of an hour ride at ~17.5mph to the 56 mile distance at a respectable but obtainable pace would greatly be appreciated! I have a little over 10 weeks until the race.


2008-06-03 9:42 PM
in reply to: #1435482

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
Invigilator - 2008-05-31 4:39 PM

Race report and photos are up.

Great job! Holy swim times batman, can I have that pace? Awesome. I think you did fantastic on all three disciplines. Fantastic job!!!

My only constructive comment is to concentrate on your bike. Speed on the run comes from lots of running and TONS of time on the bike; not from doing running speedwork. The fresher you fill when you get off the bike, the faster you will be able to run.

Awesome. Awesome RR and I love the pics!

2008-06-03 9:47 PM
in reply to: #1436528

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED

squishybelly - 2008-06-01 3:55 PM Race is over, learned a lot, and wa happy with how it all finished. Missed my goal time by just 26 seconds. Here's the race link.[/QUOTE]

What a great event you had! Congratulations!!!

I love the comment about swimming under a buoy. That put a smile on my face

Wish I could have been there to see you race in person!

2008-06-03 9:50 PM
in reply to: #1436555

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Subject: RE: Caius's Group - CLOSED
tracyhmcd - 2008-06-01 4:25 PM

My race is over and I am thrilled!   I never tallied my total predicted time but I was faster on the bike and swim, and slower on the run (at least based on my unofficial times).  I was very happy with my performance.  I believe the link below will take you to my report. 

Congratulations! Great race report. I love the photos, especially the one of you holding up the bike. I'm sure that you must have been bursting with pride and rightfully so. Great job!

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