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2008-06-12 6:06 PM
in reply to: #1457453

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
MM, I look forward to seeing some entries on your blog now that you are back. 

2008-06-12 6:10 PM
in reply to: #1459186

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

jana0317 - 2008-06-11 9:08 AM Hey guys! Just checking in. Last night I swam a 200 for the first time then did it again. The whole swim I didn't feel like I was accomplishing much but I was going the same speed. I even had shorter recoveries after my intervals. My BT plan just has me swimming based on time. Should I continue to increase my intervals or just stay at the same interval with less rest time? Thanks.

Probably both, but not necessarily at the same time.  The next time you swim you might want to do some 200's with less rest in between and then alternatively, you could increase your interval and keep the rest longer.  You could also do a mini pyramid.  50 rest 100 rest 150 rest 200 rest and then back down.  However you do it, going further and with less rest is going to make you strong and better in the water.  Most importantly at this point...congrats.  Nice job!!

2008-06-13 12:07 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Hilo, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Okay, I'm going to do Kona Marathon in a couple weeks.  I guess I need to get at least 1 20 mile run in during this next week for prep.  I know I have the endurance, but not sure about the legs to hold a good pace.  I've been mostly training for a half mary.  I like the course, if things go well I'll shoot for sub 4 hours, otherwise 4-4:30.  Then another marathon in July.

I'm still waiting for word on the Kona IM.

2008-06-13 11:13 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Kinaiahi - Way to go on commiting to the marathon.

Carla - Hope you didn't get dizzy,

I have an amazing amount of gall. I did only a couple of workouts last week and missed a week before that, and then when I did a bike ride the other day I couldn't figure out why I was so slow!!!
Surprise, surprise, I'm not getting any better.

Unfortunately I've got a mild stomach bug - just enough to keep me from working out (headachy, the runs etc.)
My goal is to get the weeks workouts in this week and next, doubling up on days.

Think I should start thinking about some sprints to get in form, but I'm going nowhere in training and am getting scared.
2008-06-16 8:46 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

How is everyone?!?!?  It's been way forever since we've chatted.  Did everyone have  a good weekend?  I got in a ride and and open water swim.  How about ya'll???

musclemamma - love the new avatar!

2008-06-16 10:57 AM
in reply to: #1370022

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
This weekend I did some strength training and swimming on Saturday and I ran 4 miles on Sunday. I have about one month before my tri so I am trying to be very consistent with my training.

2008-06-16 11:42 AM
in reply to: #1464168

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
kinaiahi - 2008-06-13 12:07 AM

Okay, I'm going to do Kona Marathon in a couple weeks.  I guess I need to get at least 1 20 mile run in during this next week for prep.  I know I have the endurance, but not sure about the legs to hold a good pace.  I've been mostly training for a half mary.  I like the course, if things go well I'll shoot for sub 4 hours, otherwise 4-4:30.  Then another marathon in July.

Yup, the long run is key.  I know that you just finished a 70.3 so your fitness is there, however, running for a solid 4 hours takes a toll on your legs.  So do get in a nice 20 mile run and do it soon.

2008-06-16 11:43 AM
in reply to: #1464989

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

MM, yes, I too like the avatar.  Got to get me one some day.


2008-06-16 12:00 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Thanks about the avatar. Wanted to use a photo of me in a tri, but nothing I'd want anyone to see
Hopefully that will change soon!

Jana - consistency is my big problem! Let's kick this problem together. I got a run in today. What's your plan for the week?
Basically I'm on the each sport 2x/week - one endurance, one sprints/hills for speed.

I'm so embarassed. I was having stomach problems, but they didn't get worse or better. Then I remembered that I added a magneseum tablet at night for calcium absorption. Ever hear of Milk of Magnesia? It's a laxative!!!
So I dropped the tablet from my daily regimen and hopefully will feel better.
2008-06-16 1:14 PM
in reply to: #1370022

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Sounds great MM! Since swimming is my biggest weakness I swim 3x per week. I try to get in 3 runs per week although my schedule on calls for 2. Right now with the heat I am running I believe at a tempo pace.

Tonight I plan to bike 46 minutes and swim for 30 minutes. I will probably be on the trainer but I have a Race Day DVD that I have not tried. It is about 40 minutes long. So I will try that to keep my mind off how uncomfortable I am in the saddle. I never have saddle problems on the road. Go fiqure.


I have about a month before my race. When should I start practicing in my race clothes? I think most of my problems will be going from biking shorts to tri shorts. Should I start practicing in my tri shorts on the bike?

2008-06-17 9:04 AM
in reply to: #1370022

New user
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

I DID IT!!!!   After almost a week off due to a cold, I'm beginning to feel better and went for a swim last night.  I did my full 1.5 K for my olympic triathlon for the first time!!!!  It was in a pool but atleast now I know that I can finish my triathlon!!!  Very excited.. and a bit sore this morning!!!

 Only negative is that I hurt my pinkie playing golf on sunday and now I'm not sure how that will affect my ability to ride a bike..

2008-06-17 9:23 AM
in reply to: #1370022

Beaumont, TX
Silver member
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Congrats on the swim Duffers!

Hope your pinkie feels better.
2008-06-17 3:33 PM
in reply to: #1469384

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Gat, I have about a month before my race. When should I start practicing in my race clothes? I think most of my problems will be going from biking shorts to tri shorts. Should I start practicing in my tri shorts on the bike?

Sooner is better than later.  I would say that now would be good.  You do not need to use them all of the time, but I would start working them into your routine.  Tri shorts have a different feel from bike shorts especially if you are a big wimp like me.  Seriously though, you really want to have tried everything more than once before game day.  It will give you time to tweak things if you are not feeling totally comfortable.  Besides, I feel really fast when I wear my race clothes. 

2008-06-17 3:34 PM
in reply to: #1471212

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
duffers - 2008-06-17 9:04 AM

I DID IT!!!!   After almost a week off due to a cold, I'm beginning to feel better and went for a swim last night.  I did my full 1.5 K for my olympic triathlon for the first time!!!!  It was in a pool but atleast now I know that I can finish my triathlon!!!  Very excited.. and a bit sore this morning!!!

 Only negative is that I hurt my pinkie playing golf on sunday and now I'm not sure how that will affect my ability to ride a bike..

Excellent.  It really feels good when you have a break through like this.  It is also a great confidence booster knowing that you have and can do the distance.  As for the pinky, sorry to hear about this, but you will be fine on the bike.  Well done!!!!

2008-06-17 10:46 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

OK I have been gone on a family vacation and out of computer access for a week and now I am back (but traveling for work) has everybody comin along? ...any big races coming up?  I have my next big challenge coming up this weekend. I did manage to get in some running while on vacation so I am better prepared there than last time but my swim and bike train time has suffered.

I got some photos of my first Tri this week and boy Tri clothes are definate motivation to re-focus on the weightloss...especially mid-race when you are not focused on sucking in.

2008-06-18 1:36 PM
in reply to: #1473197

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
johnlj101 - 2008-06-17 10:46 PM

OK I have been gone on a family vacation and out of computer access for a week and now I am back (but traveling for work) has everybody comin along? ...any big races coming up?  I have my next big challenge coming up this weekend. I did manage to get in some running while on vacation so I am better prepared there than last time but my swim and bike train time has suffered.

I got some photos of my first Tri this week and boy Tri clothes are definate motivation to re-focus on the weightloss...especially mid-race when you are not focused on sucking in.

I have a 70.3 in NY coming up in 10 days.  I am very much looking forward to it.  For me, this is a tough training week leading up to the race.  We shall see how it turns out.  Yup, tri clothes can be very unforgiving especially when you are deep in the race and suffering a bit.  Good for motivation though, as you mentioned. 

2008-06-18 10:57 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
John - had to laugh - I know exactly what you mean about tri clothes!!! Don't know where you're at on the scale, but there's a funny thread on the Athenas & Clydes section on "You Know You're a Clyde/Athena When..."

Gat - I'm so impressed with those of you at the 70.3 level of fitness! We'll be OK for a week. Focus on your training and come back with some great stories and lessons.


Edited by MuscleMomma 2008-06-18 10:58 PM
2008-06-19 3:41 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Hilo, Hawaii
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Hey guys!  Sorry, but the kids have been out of school and I've been busy w/ work.  I think I came down w/ a virus or something because my training paces have sucked recently.  A little congested and the lymph nodes in my neck are inflammed, but no fever or flu stuff so I guess I'm still a go for the marathon in a week and a half.  I'll just adjust my expectations for time.  I think I'll kick up training for about a week then do an abreviated taper.  Also I spent a bout a week focusing on core work instead of cardio, so that may have played a role. 

Sorry about not checking in on your logs, I'll get back to it soon. 

2008-06-19 8:54 PM
in reply to: #1370022

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Extreme Veteran
, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
Kinaiahi - You sound on top of your training plans. I know what you mean about kids. I was home for a day with puckey boy and "I'm bored" girl. Core work is important for swimming and cycling so no time wasted there.
Since I don't work FT, I'm home with kids all summer.
I've got a plan - I've just got to get up and get an hour workout in before hubby leaves in the morning, then I'll do longer workouts on weekends.

Got my run in tonight. Didn't want to. Little voice said "stay home and do a cardio tape, you can run another day". I told that voice screw you, I'm running and I can do the cardio another day!!

2008-06-20 11:28 AM
in reply to: #1477821

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

Got my run in tonight. Didn't want to. Little voice said "stay home and do a cardio tape, you can run another day". I told that voice screw you, I'm running and I can do the cardio another day!! MM

Hey, there is nothing wrong with a little tough love.  Every now and then, I think that it is important to beat myself up a bit if I am not focused or going easy.  I figure whatever it takes to get you out the door and working hard....needs to be done.  Good for you for beating the inner voice.  Funny, my inner voice never says "do a cardio workout instead of the 10 mile run you have scheduled".  Nope, mine says something like...have a handful of chips, a cold beverage and go sit in that comfy chair over there with a good book.  Yup, hard to tune that voice out some night.  Stay focused and keep training.

2008-06-23 7:09 AM
in reply to: #1370022

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
How was the weekend and what training took place?  Do we have any races coming up within the next couple of weeks?  If so, how are you feeling about them?  I have a race coming up on Sunday and I am starting to get a excited.  Good stuff!!!

2008-06-23 7:37 AM
in reply to: #1482608

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Extreme Veteran
Minnetonka Beach, MN
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

gatjr33 - 2008-06-23 7:09 AM How was the weekend and what training took place?  Do we have any races coming up within the next couple of weeks?  If so, how are you feeling about them?  I have a race coming up on Sunday and I am starting to get a excited.  Good stuff!!!

Weekend was good!  Raced on Sat... even with my recent foot problems (which I have narrowed down to a pair of work shoes oddly enough) I was pleased with the results...   I have Waconia coming up next weekend.   still a 1/2 mile swim, but longer bike and run, I am ready and comfortable.   It is a C race for me, so more of a training day.    Next A race is July 12th...

2008-06-23 8:43 AM
in reply to: #1370022

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Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
I totally crapped out for about 5 days.  No mojo and didn't really even look for it.  Finally rode on Sunday and just wasn't into it.  Anybody seen my mojo?  I'm going to try for a swim at lunch and a run after work. 
2008-06-23 5:48 PM
in reply to: #1482654

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed
ball6135 - 2008-06-23 7:37 AM

gatjr33 - 2008-06-23 7:09 AM How was the weekend and what training took place?  Do we have any races coming up within the next couple of weeks?  If so, how are you feeling about them?  I have a race coming up on Sunday and I am starting to get a excited.  Good stuff!!!

Weekend was good!  Raced on Sat... even with my recent foot problems (which I have narrowed down to a pair of work shoes oddly enough) I was pleased with the results...   I have Waconia coming up next weekend.   still a 1/2 mile swim, but longer bike and run, I am ready and comfortable.   It is a C race for me, so more of a training day.    Next A race is July 12th...

Very nice effort this weekend.  I see that your next race is an Oly.  That should be a nice challenge for you.  Way to stay focused and get it done.

2008-06-23 5:49 PM
in reply to: #1482781

Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Gat's Mentor Group - Closed

carlacrews - 2008-06-23 8:43 AM I totally crapped out for about 5 days.  No mojo and didn't really even look for it.  Finally rode on Sunday and just wasn't into it.  Anybody seen my mojo?  I'm going to try for a swim at lunch and a run after work. 

I cannot say that I found your mojo, but I have a bit flowing with my first try approaching on Sunday.  I am going to send a bit your way.  Half of the battle is to get started again.  Get at it.



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