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2008-10-31 5:42 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
Junp on in, plenty of room...

2008-10-31 8:17 PM
in reply to: #1774527

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Subject: RE: new week, good thing

mammaJaS - I do plan to do another half-marathon!  In fact, I have entered one in February.  I talked my husband into taking me to Austin for Valentine's Day to run in the one there.  I am hoping that it will help me stay focused and disciplined through the holidays.  Then I want to work towards some sprint tri's in the spring and an Olympic length in the summer.

I hope everyone managed to give away all of the candy tonight!!!  : )

2008-10-31 11:43 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
Help meeeeeee, I want to eat everything baaaaad. DH had an accident (fell six feet) last Saturday, went to ER Monday, nothing wrong. Finally had an appt. to see the ortho today, and now he has blood poisoning. It's been brewing for almost a week, and we couldn't get in to a doc sooner. (Sheesh, am I in Canada?) We spent all afternoon at the Dr. and hosp., and now I just want to eat cookies, and ice cream, etc. I have carrots, and nuts, heeeeelp.
2008-10-31 11:43 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Tempe, Arizona (hot hot hot)
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
OK I was able to give all the ALL the candy away and I didn't eat any of it.
2008-10-31 11:52 PM
in reply to: #1779671

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
Oxofthedessert - 2008-10-31 10:43 PM

OK I was able to give all the ALL the candy away and I didn't eat any of it.

Great self-control! Congratulations!
2008-11-01 7:13 AM
in reply to: #1779670

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Shoeless - 2008-11-01 12:43 AM Help meeeeeee, I want to eat everything baaaaad. DH had an accident (fell six feet) last Saturday, went to ER Monday, nothing wrong. Finally had an appt. to see the ortho today, and now he has blood poisoning. It's been brewing for almost a week, and we couldn't get in to a doc sooner. (Sheesh, am I in Canada?) We spent all afternoon at the Dr. and hosp., and now I just want to eat cookies, and ice cream, etc. I have carrots, and nuts, heeeeelp.

Hang tough... Keep a positive attitude... 

2008-11-01 7:21 AM
in reply to: #1674988

Washington County, PA
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

I had a hectic day at work yesterday - I hardly even had a chance to eat anything.  When I got home after 6:00 PM I still had to eat over 1200 calories to hit my 1600 calorie daily target.  So what do I do?  I eat an entire frozen pizza by myself!  I figured what the heck, I have the calories.  By 9:00 PM I had successfully met my 1600 calorie target, but I felt like total crap.  So rather than go to bed, I did a half hour of strength training, a quarter hour of stretching, and a half hour walk in the dark.  While out walking the darkened streets of my neighborhood, the city police stopped and questioned me as to what I was doing.

The lesson: Plan out your meals for the day and take the time to eat, otherwise you too may have a brush with the law.

2008-11-01 11:18 AM
in reply to: #1779770

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
otter_sh - 2008-11-01 6:13 AM

Shoeless - 2008-11-01 12:43 AM Help meeeeeee, I want to eat everything baaaaad. DH had an accident (fell six feet) last Saturday, went to ER Monday, nothing wrong. Finally had an appt. to see the ortho today, and now he has blood poisoning. It's been brewing for almost a week, and we couldn't get into a doc sooner. (Sheesh, am I in Canada?) We spent all afternoon at the Dr. and hosp., and now I just want to eat cookies, and ice cream, etc. I have carrots, and nuts, heeeeelp.

Hang tough... Keep a positive attitude... 

Okay, I ate homemade chicken soup (left over), and carrots. Thanks for the help! It is so much easier in the morning than it is in the evening!
2008-11-01 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1779777

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
JohnBo - 2008-11-01 6:21 AM

I had a hectic day at work yesterday - I hardly even had a chance to eat anything.  When I got home after 6:00 PM I still had to eat over 1200 calories to hit my 1600 calorie daily target.  So what do I do?  I eat an entire frozen pizza by myself!  I figured what the heck, I have the calories.  By 9:00 PM I had successfully met my 1600 calorie target, but I felt like total crap.  So rather than go to bed, I did a half hour of strength training, a quarter hour of stretching, and a half hour walk in the dark.  While out walking the darkened streets of my neighborhood, the city police stopped and questioned me as to what I was doing.

The lesson: Plan out your meals for the day and take the time to eat, otherwise you too may have a brush with the law.

Great moral to the story! I had a nice morning laugh!
2008-11-01 8:07 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Almost Canada, WA
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Unlike some people (Cody!) I have NO self control and ate candy until I thought it was going out of style!  I was doing great until my dear ole hubby opened the bag at lunch and left it sitting there.  No, I'm not blaming him (well...maybe just a little!) and unfortunately I know I'll see it on the scale come Monday since this has been a hard week for me anyway and i've been eating crappy foods!  ERRRRRRRRG! 

OK...done having a pity party and will go do something about it now ~ thanks for listening!

2008-11-01 8:40 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
I think everyone should allow for some cheating, I do at least once a week. I just try not to get out of control, and if I happen to get out of control I can always go for a long jog and burn it off. For the record I had four bite size hershey bars passing out candy and enjoyed them very much! Keep at it everyone, its not easy!

2008-11-02 1:03 PM
in reply to: #1674988

No excuses!
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
Been struggling lately, 218.6 to start the month of November Frown
2008-11-03 7:01 AM
in reply to: #1767267

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Palm Bay
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
otter_sh - 2008-10-27 8:10 AM

Official Start weight 226.0

Official Goal - 205 by Christmas.

9/29 - 225.5

10/6 - 223

10/13 - 220.0

10/20 - 216.5

10/27 - 219.5

11/3 - 217 - Down from last week, but feeling like I am on a plateau. 

2008-11-03 7:09 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

October 25 - 155 lbs

Ocober 27 - 152 lbs and 35% body fat

November 2 - 149 and 34% body fat

So far, so good!  This forum has really helped me be a lot more disciplined!  I am also more motivated now that I am actually seeing the scale more for the first time in six weeks of trying in a very haphazard way. 

My biggest challenge of this week was not actually Halloween, but a big workday on Saturday with the kids' team that I coach.  I brought a bunch of healthy stuff for them, but I definitely ate too much of it!!!  But over all, I have been much more aware and careful about how much and when I eat around workouts and at the end of the day - the hardest time for sure!

2008-11-03 7:30 AM
in reply to: #1767245

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Modesto, California
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Goal 170 lbs, 7% BF

  • 9/22 187.5, 13.5 % BF
  • 9/29 179.5, 12 % BF
  • 10/6 182.5, 12.5 % BF
  • 10/13 182, 12.5% BF
  • 10/20 183 11.5% BF
  • 10/27 182 11.5 % BF
  • 11/3 181 12% BF
2008-11-03 7:51 AM
in reply to: #1767296

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
merlyn411 - 2008-10-27 8:54 AM

Starting weight:

9/22/2008: 227

9/29/2008: 225

10/6/2008: 223

10/13/2008: 222.5

10/20/2008: 219

10/27/2008: 218 (got the date wrong last week)

11/02/2008: 215 

Pretty happy, this week with the results. 15 pounds to go in two months to meet my goal!  Feeling like the little train that could "I think I can, I think I can..."

2008-11-03 7:53 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Among Canadian Lakes and Trees
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

scale says my weight hasn't budged. Heading out to fill my fridge with veggies!


Christmas goal: 199 

2008-11-03 8:23 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

10/27/08: 207.6

11/3/08: 203.6

Down 4 lbs

But I found out I will most likely need to have surgery this hopefully I won't be out of commission too long and can continue towards my goal of under 200 by Christmas!

2008-11-03 8:39 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Silverton, Oregon
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

10/27: 127

11/3: 125.8

Moving the right direction. I think putting a weight chart at the top of my log has helped keep me motivated

Great job everyone!


2008-11-03 8:40 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

I was unable to post last week because I went on vacation. Not quite sure how I lost weight on vacation but I'll take it!!!


10/20 - 181

11/3 - 179


2008-11-03 8:50 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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San Antonio, TX
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

10/27 - 151

11/3 - 149

-2lbs which is great seeing we've had several family events to attend. But I have been rigorous in maintaining my workouts.


2008-11-03 9:41 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

Up 1.5 lbs for me. 

Wrong direction!

2008-11-03 11:07 AM
in reply to: #1674988

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Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge
9/26 = 142
9/29 = 143.2
10/6 = 138
10/13 = 139.2
10/21 = 137.2
missed last week
11/3= 141.8

+4.6 Yikes!!! Too many smores and hot dogs and a visit from Aunt Flow made a crazy horrible week! I had better have a stellar week this week or I will never make my goal. 7 more weeks and 11 lbs! Grr! WRONG direction!
2008-11-03 12:01 PM
in reply to: #1674988

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

10/13- 259
10/20 - 259
10/27 - 258
11/3 - 259

+1, definitely on a plateau here, also "that time of month" may be having its say. Was so good staying away from excessive candy consumption... Time to tighten down the hatches even further. Plateaus are so dang frustrating. Arg. 

2008-11-03 12:13 PM
in reply to: #1770461


Subject: RE: Merry Christmas to Yourself Challenge

I think I'm doing something wrong.

Starting weight - 152

Oct 20 - 153.6

Oct 27 - 150.2

Nov 3 - 153.2

I feel like a yo-yo.  I did great with my training this week--ran 17 miles on Saturday, working toward the full marathon.  I can honestly say I didn't eat a single piece of Halloween candy.  I had several other really good workouts through the week, I tracked my calories carefully and stayed under 1800 each day (except a little extra on Saturday because of my long run--HR monitor said I lost 2400 calories for that workout ), added more veggies and fruits through the week--where am I going wrong here?  This is my first actual attempt to lose weight and it's starting to get really frustrating.  

Do you guys have any tips about how to make the scale move?  I'm so impressed with you all and how you're sticking to it, even if things are moving quickly.  Any advice you can offer would be helpful. 
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