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2009-01-27 8:32 PM
in reply to: #1857242

Atlanta, GA
Subject: Ironman- YOU CAN DO THIS
Sometimes it can be hard to get motivated, especially during the winter. Our friend Nate is training indoor, exclusively if I am not mistaken. He has Ironman Louisville coming up later this year.

This one's for you Nate...


Edited by tribesman 2009-01-27 8:39 PM

2009-01-28 11:00 AM
in reply to: #1932249

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Newnan, GA
Subject: RE: Time management...
tribesman - 2009-01-27 5:22 PM

In regards to time management, here are a few things I do to ensure I am maximizing my training time to facilitate a balanced life.

- Plan ahead with nutrition. Your run calls for a nutrition plan of 2 gels and some water? Have the gels set out by your watch or shoes with the water in the fridge right up front. You have to mix your nutrition? Do it the night before!

- Attire...get it out the night before too. Who wants to fumble through a dark room at 5am looking for socks or a running hat? My first stop is the bathroom where my training attire is layed out, in order, ready to go. My snack or gels and water are next to my watch and HRM.

- Meeting a group for a ride or run? Leave early. This way you ensure you are not rushed and have everything you need for the session. (ie, you don't leave part of your nutrition or arm warmers behind....not that I would know from experience or anything )

What do you all do? I look forward to your responses...


I am with Tony on the laying stuff out the night before. During the week I have to get up at 4:30 - 4:40 to get my training in so I have whatever I am going to wear in the bathroom and if leaving to go somewhere I have whatever I will be taking with me packed and ready. This is as much out of courtesy for my husband as it is for me not to forget anything. And, in the kitchen I have whatever I need from there prepped and ready to grab. I truly learned my lesson last summer when I would go straight from the pool to work b/c there was a time or two that I forgot to pack something and had to stop at the store b/c easier to pick it up than go all the way home. Planning ahead saves much time and anxiety.

2009-01-28 4:41 PM
in reply to: #1933522

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Time management...
swise - 2009-01-28 12:00 PM

tribesman - 2009-01-27 5:22 PM

In regards to time management, here are a few things I do to ensure I am maximizing my training time to facilitate a balanced life.

- Plan ahead with nutrition. Your run calls for a nutrition plan of 2 gels and some water? Have the gels set out by your watch or shoes with the water in the fridge right up front. You have to mix your nutrition? Do it the night before!

- Attire...get it out the night before too. Who wants to fumble through a dark room at 5am looking for socks or a running hat? My first stop is the bathroom where my training attire is layed out, in order, ready to go. My snack or gels and water are next to my watch and HRM.

- Meeting a group for a ride or run? Leave early. This way you ensure you are not rushed and have everything you need for the session. (ie, you don't leave part of your nutrition or arm warmers behind....not that I would know from experience or anything )

What do you all do? I look forward to your responses...


I am with Tony on the laying stuff out the night before. During the week I have to get up at 4:30 - 4:40 to get my training in so I have whatever I am going to wear in the bathroom and if leaving to go somewhere I have whatever I will be taking with me packed and ready. This is as much out of courtesy for my husband as it is for me not to forget anything. And, in the kitchen I have whatever I need from there prepped and ready to grab. I truly learned my lesson last summer when I would go straight from the pool to work b/c there was a time or two that I forgot to pack something and had to stop at the store b/c easier to pick it up than go all the way home. Planning ahead saves much time and anxiety.


It truly helps and saves time to plan ahead. With two workouts in one day, I usually prepare my next morning attire, work attire, evening attire, and nutrion for the day all at one time so I have EVERYTHING I need. It may sound excessive but it works for me...

Thanks for sharing!

2009-01-29 7:59 AM
in reply to: #1931131

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
afrutoz - 2009-01-27 9:45 AM

Hey This if Off Topic BUT>>>

 Swim School!

For those of you in Georgia who are near the West GA area I just found a new swim class at Boundary Waters in Douglasville.  Its from 6-7:30 am every tues and thurs.  Its a small class of swimmers and triathletes.  The best part is that it is only 50 bucks a month so that is basically less than 5 bucks an hour for swim lessons.  the coach is good with lots of attention paid to everyone.  You can shower and change in the facility and be in downtown atlanta by 9 am...The facitliy has a cardio room with treamill etc plus running trails if you want to do bricks on those days...


Just an FYI if anyone is interested...

No need to worry about being off topic. The TOTW (topic of the week) is just a suggestion. We can discuss it all here

Thanks for the Masters info. I swim there and heard about it. My concern was the set up of it and timing. It starts about 30 minutes later than I would want. I look forward to your reports on it!

Also, let me know when you might be at the pool in the evening. Would love to meet you face to face and chat!

2009-01-29 4:14 PM
in reply to: #1930153

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
swise - 2009-01-26 6:08 PM

Ever since Meredith Baxter I am a bit paranoid about going out by myself (doesn't keep me from doing it - I just try to be very mindful of my surroundings).

When I run (against traffic of course) I wave at everyone passing me in a car - usually 2x. The first is from a distance - it is my please notice me wave. I get off the road - atleast a foot or two onto the shoulder. The second wave is when they are right up on me - that is my thank you for not hitting me wave. If they don't make eye contact of any sort as they get closer and acknowledge me at all I get even further off the road b/c at that point I don't trust that he/she is paying enough attention to see me or doesn't care enough about me to bother paying attention so I am extra cautious. I started my two wave approach b/c someone did that to me and I really paid better attention as I got closer to them. Plus I tend to run on country roads and I want the people who travel out this way to have somewhat of a connection to the few of us who run out here. My community isn't "small" but we still have a fair amount of that small town feel.

I think this is a good, safe strategy.
2009-01-30 8:31 AM
in reply to: #1857242

Atlanta, GA
Subject: weekend

Have a great weekend of training! I look forward to hearing about all of the adventures...

Be safe and smart,


2009-01-30 11:50 PM
in reply to: #1937113

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Georgia Tech
Subject: RE: weekend
I'll be biking out to and around Stone Mountain tomorrow. The first time my friend and I tried to take the Georgia Path route we ended up on 285. We're going to make sure that doesn't happen this go around. Stay safe and train hard! 
2009-01-31 8:01 AM
in reply to: #1857242

Atlanta, GA
Subject: HS swim meet
Last night I went to the county High School swim meet. I went mostly as my swim instructor is the coach for 3 of the teams (sounds funny, but she's that good and the teams get along well).

Anyway, she told me to watch for a couple of guys, one being the state champ in freestyle. Sure enough, he went 22.6 seconds for 50 yards! I was amazed as I had never seen that in person. It was not even his fastest time and he's preparing for the state meet. You could see how he was very efficient "grabbing the water" and pulling. Wow...

We had more of a "club" swim team back in high school (Ohio) over the winter and I regret not giving it a shot. Maybe it was the cold weather that made me avoid the pool? Oh well, I will just have to work harder these days

Hope everyone is well.


Edited by tribesman 2009-01-31 8:02 AM
2009-01-31 8:05 PM
in reply to: #1857242

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Georgia Tech
Subject: Brick workouts
I have a question. How often do you all incorporate brick workouts into your training? Do you primarily do them as you are getting closer to a race or do them on a regular basis? Just curious to hear your thoughts and experiences. 
2009-01-31 9:15 PM
in reply to: #1857242

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Newnan, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
Can't give educated response to brick question - will defer to Dan and Tony. I hope your ride goes well tomorrow though.

I have a question -- when I had my trainor set up tonight I had a mess of black shreds off my tire when I was done. Obviously this isn't good -- what causes it?? What did I do wrong? Do I need to have my tire looked at before I ride again?
2009-01-31 9:42 PM
in reply to: #1939437

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Georgia Tech
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
Do you have a trainer tire? As in, a tire that you use specifically for the trainer? I bought a cheap tire at performance for about 15 bucks and use that when on the trainer and put my road tire back on for when I go outdoors. It's forced me to get comfortable with taking my rear wheel off and changing the tire. I haven't had a problem with tire shreds though. Could it be that it's getting worn down and needs to be replaced?

2009-02-01 8:22 PM
in reply to: #1939457

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Newnan, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
theiframe - 2009-01-31 10:42 PM

Do you have a trainer tire? As in, a tire that you use specifically for the trainer? I bought a cheap tire at performance for about 15 bucks and use that when on the trainer and put my road tire back on for when I go outdoors. It's forced me to get comfortable with taking my rear wheel off and changing the tire. I haven't had a problem with tire shreds though. Could it be that it's getting worn down and needs to be replaced?

Probably so. Will likely be taking somewhere to have looked at. Good idea on having a trainer tire -- never thought of that. I have never even taken my tire off -- definitely something I need to learn to do. Hope your ride yesterday went well!
2009-02-01 11:42 PM
in reply to: #1857242

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Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
I had my tire shred on me this year as well. I had to take my trainer back to the store and get another one as there was a defect in the one I bought. You may just need to tight the resistance on it. Try that first. If its to loose and your tire is not perfectly round it may bounce a little causing it to shred in certain areas.
2009-02-01 11:43 PM
in reply to: #1857242

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Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
2009-02-02 7:40 AM
in reply to: #1857242

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL

Hi Team,


Good weekend of training.  Hubby finally got a 'real' bike.  Typical of him, he went from his hybrid mountain bike to a scott plasma.  Sooo...this weekend was our first ride together.  Poor hubby every time we ride together I leave him way behind.  He thought it was just because I was on my P2C and he was on a hybrid...he was very bummed this weekend when I still left him waay behind.  I went back for him and waited a few times so my 34 mile ride was kinda weird on the timing.  I did one one 10 mile patch at about 20 mph...Geez I can't believe how fast the real professionals ride...I have trained and trained but I am still slow.  My dream is to do 20 mph at St Anthony's in April but I think this may be unrealistic.  One funny story was that as hubby pulled into the parking lot he rode up to car unclipped one foot and said" well at elast I didn't crash it!"  he then immediately fell over to the clipped side and landed in a heap next to our car...Very funny! 

Sunday I did 7.14 mile run in 90 min (again even with all my training I am still a very slow runner) and then a 40 min swim practice.  I have finally gotten to 20 strokes per length of pool but I can only do it for about 50 without taking a break.  the masters class I am sure will be a big help. 

Diet was just aweful this week as thursday was my 40th birthday and sunday was superbowl...So today I am back on the good eating horse....

2009-02-02 8:16 AM
in reply to: #1939376

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Brick workouts
theiframe - 2009-01-31 9:05 PM

I have a question. How often do you all incorporate brick workouts into your training? Do you primarily do them as you are getting closer to a race or do them on a regular basis? Just curious to hear your thoughts and experiences. 


Great question! Bricks are important and should be incorporated into your training plan. I typically run "off the bike" after my long ride to get my legs used to the feeling. Right now I am only running about 15 mins but will increase that to 30, then maybe 45 mins. There's no need to kill yourself. I take it you are running "stand alone" run sessions too meaning NOT running off the bike everytime. Keep in mind that my goal "A" races are HIM/70.3 though. You might find that 30 mins is fine and if you are targeting sprint and Oly this year, that is all you may need.

Give 15-20 mins a shot for a couple of weeks and see how you feel. Do you have a training plan you would not mind sharing with me? I would be happy to take a look at it.

Hope this makes sense.


2009-02-02 8:22 AM
in reply to: #1939437

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
swise - 2009-01-31 10:15 PM

Can't give educated response to brick question - will defer to Dan and Tony. I hope your ride goes well tomorrow though.

I have a question -- when I had my trainor set up tonight I had a mess of black shreds off my tire when I was done. Obviously this isn't good -- what causes it?? What did I do wrong? Do I need to have my tire looked at before I ride again?


I agree with Nate as it could be you need to place more resistance on the trainer with the tire. I find when this happens to me that is the case most of the time. Also, does your tire have a "flat" vs. egg shape now? That is a sign that you probably need to replace it.

I do not personally have a trainer tire as I have race wheels so I change my wheels and tires out only when I am racing. HOWEVER, I agree that it is a great idea learning how to change tires and wheels out. The more you practice the faster you will get.

Make sense?

2009-02-02 8:23 AM
in reply to: #1940597

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
natebs - 2009-02-02 12:43 AM


AGREED!! (even with what you plan to race CO2, an adapter, etc...)

Edited by tribesman 2009-02-02 8:24 AM
2009-02-02 10:27 AM
in reply to: #1857242

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
How was everyone's weekend?

- What did we learn?
- What goals did we meet?
- Any specific set-back's?

2009-02-02 10:35 AM
in reply to: #1940712

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
afrutoz - 2009-02-02 8:40 AM

Hi Team,


Good weekend of training.  Hubby finally got a 'real' bike.  Typical of him, he went from his hybrid mountain bike to a scott plasma.  Sooo...this weekend was our first ride together.  Poor hubby every time we ride together I leave him way behind.  He thought it was just because I was on my P2C and he was on a hybrid...he was very bummed this weekend when I still left him waay behind.  I went back for him and waited a few times so my 34 mile ride was kinda weird on the timing.  I did one one 10 mile patch at about 20 mph...Geez I can't believe how fast the real professionals ride...I have trained and trained but I am still slow.  My dream is to do 20 mph at St Anthony's in April but I think this may be unrealistic.  One funny story was that as hubby pulled into the parking lot he rode up to car unclipped one foot and said" well at elast I didn't crash it!"  he then immediately fell over to the clipped side and landed in a heap next to our car...Very funny! 

Sunday I did 7.14 mile run in 90 min (again even with all my training I am still a very slow runner) and then a 40 min swim practice.  I have finally gotten to 20 strokes per length of pool but I can only do it for about 50 without taking a break.  the masters class I am sure will be a big help. 

Diet was just aweful this week as thursday was my 40th birthday and sunday was superbowl...So today I am back on the good eating horse....

Sounds like you had fun draggin' the hubby around town! haha Re your average mph goals, we just have to remember that we have to save "some" for the run. Your training rides (avg mph, your effort) will help you determine realistically where you stand come race day.

Let us know how the Master's class goes! Keep up the good work in the pool too.

Happy belated birthday!

2009-02-02 10:56 AM
in reply to: #1941126

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Georgia Tech
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL

tribesman - 2009-02-02 11:27 AM How was everyone's weekend? - What did we learn? - What goals did we meet? - Any specific set-back's? Tony

 I had a pretty good training weekend. Kind of had a hectic schedule, but managed to get decent training in. Swam a 1000yd TT on Friday night in 17:58. So I think a goal I will set for swimming will be to get that under 17 minutes by June 1st. I also had a great brick on Saturday. My friend and I had a real enjoyable ride and ran my fastest time ever on a 5k course on campus. I'm feeling confident for my next race coming up in less than two weeks. The only setback was that we didn't get to practice open water swimming in our wetsuits on Sunday. We're going to try again on Friday afternoon though. Long entry, wow. 


2009-02-02 11:20 AM
in reply to: #1941126

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Los Angeles, CA
Subject: Week Ending 2/1 Review

tribesman - 2009-02-02 8:27 AM How was everyone's weekend? - What did we learn? - What goals did we meet? - Any specific set-back's? Tony

I learned that the pool is pretty much empty during the superbowl, and that if you swim for an hour during the first half, it's pretty safe to eat whatever you want in the second half!  I'm also going through a difficult time personally, and my motivation is low and my focus elsewhere, but I'm forcing myself to do the workouts.  The result though is that my mood and outlook increases significantly after the workouts for at least a few hours.

I met long-term goals of rehabilitating my runner's knee and right IT band pain.  Went for a hilly 1:05 run on Saturday, no problem, and a 2.5 hour, 30 mile ride yesterday, no problem.  I'm very happy about that.  I just have to keep up the preventative exercises now.

Set back's?  None really.

2009-02-02 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1941126

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Newnan, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
tribesman - 2009-02-02 11:27 AM

How was everyone's weekend?

- What did we learn?
- What goals did we meet?
- Any specific set-back's?


Good weekend. Nothing particularly exciting - can't say I met my goal for cycling on Saturday b/c did workout on trainer and ended up cutting short (learned not to start a 2hr ride at 8:20 on a Saturday night), but I did my long run as scheduled and really enjoyed it Sunday.

No set-backs that I am cognizant of.
2009-02-02 4:34 PM
in reply to: #1941207

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: tribesman's group - FULL
theiframe - 2009-02-02 11:56 AM

tribesman - 2009-02-02 11:27 AM How was everyone's weekend? - What did we learn? - What goals did we meet? - Any specific set-back's? Tony

 I had a pretty good training weekend. Kind of had a hectic schedule, but managed to get decent training in. Swam a 1000yd TT on Friday night in 17:58. So I think a goal I will set for swimming will be to get that under 17 minutes by June 1st. I also had a great brick on Saturday. My friend and I had a real enjoyable ride and ran my fastest time ever on a 5k course on campus. I'm feeling confident for my next race coming up in less than two weeks. The only setback was that we didn't get to practice open water swimming in our wetsuits on Sunday. We're going to try again on Friday afternoon though. Long entry, wow. 



A very nice weekend of training? Care to share your taper, nutrition, and race plan? Since (I think) you have the first tri of the year amongst us, we can live through you...

2009-02-02 4:48 PM
in reply to: #1941265

Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: Week Ending 2/1 Review
Steve Mark - 2009-02-02 12:20 PM

tribesman - 2009-02-02 8:27 AM How was everyone's weekend? - What did we learn? - What goals did we meet? - Any specific set-back's? Tony

I learned that the pool is pretty much empty during the superbowl, and that if you swim for an hour during the first half, it's pretty safe to eat whatever you want in the second half!  I'm also going through a difficult time personally, and my motivation is low and my focus elsewhere, but I'm forcing myself to do the workouts.  The result though is that my mood and outlook increases significantly after the workouts for at least a few hours.

I met long-term goals of rehabilitating my runner's knee and right IT band pain.  Went for a hilly 1:05 run on Saturday, no problem, and a 2.5 hour, 30 mile ride yesterday, no problem.  I'm very happy about that.  I just have to keep up the preventative exercises now.

Set back's?  None really.


I think you nailed it with the "my mood and outlook increases significantly after workouts". Training definately helps me too, and I feel a great rush for 90 mins. It typically elevates my mood for several hours after that even with good sessions. I always say I will do my session for 10 mins and if I am way too tired or "not feeling it", I am done. 99% of the time, I finish

Glad to hear your knee and IT are both healing. I have experienced both and know how frustrating they are...

Thanks for sharing,
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