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2012-01-01 5:41 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Tri related goals through July 2012                                                                                                                                         

-USAT 80 or greater score in a race.  For reference in my first year of tris I was 70-71; second year 74-75; last year 78-79. So this seems reasonable as well as the goal for the year.....If I stay healthy which I guess is really goal number 1.         

-USAT 80 or greater annual score for 2012 year

-Age Group Podium (top 3) in all local races....likely 3 sprints

-Age Group or Grandmasters win in a race (have to get lucky for that to happen)

-Top 5 in AG at Chattanooga Olympic (might be a Top 10 AG is first goal)                                                       Become a more comfortable/efficient swimmer

I will have some nutrtion goals as well but not there yet.  Not likely to really start on those until after the LSU v Alabama game on Jan. 9th.  Looks like I will be going.  WOO HOO!  



Edited by slornow 2012-01-01 5:44 PM

2012-01-01 5:42 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Stu-congrats on the PR!!!  Great way to start 2012....sign of things to come


2012-01-01 6:53 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

There seems to be a lot of interest in improved nutrition in this group.  That's great!  One thing I've done in mentor groups in the past (actually, Stu was the original brain behind this idea, but in my subsequent mentor groups it took on a life of its own) was for anybody who wanted to to suggest some specific monthly goals, and we'd keep track of them week by week -- each person reports back how they did over the course of the week.  (We can 'inspire' (comment in logs) each other during the week to keep at it!)  Each month, you can adjust based on how things went the previous month, drop out, join in, as you please.  So, if there's interest, I'm happy to keep track of everyone's progress and goals.

So, post your January nutrition (or other) goals when and as you see fit, let me know personally or by posting to the group how you did each week on Sunday, and I'll post on Mondays how we're doing as a group (that's the mutual accountability part).  While there is mutual public accountability, there is NO PUBLIC SHAME (private shame is your own business) in missing your goal for a given week.  When we fall down, we get up and try again.  That's how it works.

So I'll start.  I've got about 10 pounds to lose.  5 lingering from post-worlds slump, and 5 more put on over the holidays.  Losing weight fast doesn't work so well for me, so for January, I'm going to aim to take off half of that 10.  (If I succeed, second half will be Feb.)  I'll weigh in each Sunday morning to see how I'm doing.

BTW, goals don't have to be related to weight alone.  Rene had some great ones that were not weight-related as examples.

2012-01-01 7:09 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Alright, while on my bike ride today (another beautiful, if windy, day) I had a long think about my volume goals for 2012.  I really want to dedicate myself to IMWI this year.  I feel like I didn't really dedicate myself to any particular race in 2011 -- I was maniacally focused on running but not for any particular race, just running.   As a result, I had a biking melt-down at worlds, and I don't want to experience that again.

So, I'm looking to be more balanced for 2012, while maintaining high volume (which I do because I just love training).  Don't laugh at me, now, because I'm a little scared and embarrassed to say this out loud, but I hit one out of two of my crazy goals for 2011 (one was to hit 100mpw running, the other was to get 2500 miles total - missed the second b/c of my current injury), so of course this year I've got three, and maybe, just maybe, I can hit all of them:

Swimming:   500,000 yards (5x/week, building slowly to 4K per workout)

Biking: 10,000 miles (~200 miles per week, in 5 rides per week)

Running: 2,000 miles (that's actually going to be the easy one for me, assuming I can get healthy, as it's less than last year)

There, I said it.  I've thought through how (and whether) this is all possible, and I think it is, providing I suffer no injuries (apart from the one I've already got...).

I know these numbers are high for almost any amateur triathlete -- it's just where I'm at right now -- and so I want to re-emphasize that goals like these are ENTIRELY individual.  Please don't be shy about saying that your goal is to run twice a week, or to hit 500 miles biking for the year, or whatever.  We are all in different places, and the point is to be mutually supportive of our crazy but wonderful choice of lifestyle, not worrying how we compare to others.

2012-01-01 8:34 PM
in reply to: #3965355

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Experior - 2012-01-01 7:53 PM

There seems to be a lot of interest in improved nutrition in this group.  That's great!  One thing I've done in mentor groups in the past (actually, Stu was the original brain behind this idea, but in my subsequent mentor groups it took on a life of its own) was for anybody who wanted to to suggest some specific monthly goals, and we'd keep track of them week by week -- each person reports back how they did over the course of the week.  (We can 'inspire' (comment in logs) each other during the week to keep at it!)  Each month, you can adjust based on how things went the previous month, drop out, join in, as you please.  So, if there's interest, I'm happy to keep track of everyone's progress and goals.

So, post your January nutrition (or other) goals when and as you see fit, let me know personally or by posting to the group how you did each week on Sunday, and I'll post on Mondays how we're doing as a group (that's the mutual accountability part).  While there is mutual public accountability, there is NO PUBLIC SHAME (private shame is your own business) in missing your goal for a given week.  When we fall down, we get up and try again.  That's how it works.

So I'll start.  I've got about 10 pounds to lose.  5 lingering from post-worlds slump, and 5 more put on over the holidays.  Losing weight fast doesn't work so well for me, so for January, I'm going to aim to take off half of that 10.  (If I succeed, second half will be Feb.)  I'll weigh in each Sunday morning to see how I'm doing.

BTW, goals don't have to be related to weight alone.  Rene had some great ones that were not weight-related as examples.

Yes, I remember our goal chart we had.  I really enjoyed that.

January 2012 goals:

Goal 1: 3 workouts per sport/week (3S, 3R, 3B)

- I've been struggling with this one ever since I started Tri'ing, missing too many workouts...key workouts. Starting on January 9 will be a 4 week Sprint maintenance plan. February will be 4 week Olympic distance maintenance plan, and after that will be my 16 week HIM race plan.

Goal 2: Decrease 2% body fat as per my scale.

- I've let loose since July, lots of beer and wings, and missing meals.  You could say I took a break from eating well, alright I admit I got lazy.


2012-01-01 9:22 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Happy New Year everyone.  I'm just getting caught up with the last several pages.

My 2011 training numbers were...

2011 totals
Bike:311h 31m 50s - 5428.28 Mi
Run:209h 32m 06s - 1345.94 Mi
Swim:86h 33m 21s - 224159.1 Yd

For 2012, I'm looking to slightly build on my bike and run.  Probably in the 6000 mile bike and 1500 mile run marks...but I'm really trying to up my swim volume for 2012.  Maybe closer to the 300k yard mark.

As far as main goals are for my HIM and Cycle to the sun road race.  I'd like to get close to 5:15 for the HIM (did 5:32 this year) and go sub 3:20 for the road race (did 3:37 this year). 

2012-01-01 9:32 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Extreme Veteran
Oshawa, Ontario
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Just finished 30' maintenace ride, legs very tired today.  I experimented with seat height, increased full inch just to see.  I'm droping it down half inch for next ride, was kind of reaching a bit at bottom. 

Another experiment I tried the other day and today is pushing my feet forward in my shoes just to see how it would feel.  For cadence, power and muscle endurance.  The other day I started only in middle of ride.  Well the funny thing is my small toes, two on each side go numb on every ride, no longer experience the numbness.  Can't want to see how that works on longer rides.

2012-01-02 6:45 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Some great goals out there already.  Wow.

First off, January goal.  Gotta get back on track with food.  While I rationally understand what is driving my poor choices recently, it has to stop and now.  So, need to lose 10 lbs in January.  Probably pushing it a little, but I need to make a statement goal, so there it is.  Hopefully the recent bump up will come off quick and then the 2nd 5 will be a struggle.  Thanks for doing this, Michael... really helpful to have some more near term goals where I'm publicly accountable. 

Goals for 2012

I've decided to have 3 overarching priority goals this year (others in my training log).  But when push comes to shove (as it always does), I wanted to have something that I could point to for guidance and I wanted to have 3 types:  An outcome goal (e.g. performance), an input goal (e.g. training), and a life balance goal (e.g. keep it all in perspective).  So here they are:

USAT rating of 70 in an Olympic length race.  I still haven't hit a 70 rating in a tri yet (any length) and it bugs me.  So my top goal is to achieve a 70 in an Olympic length tri (which serves to also reinforce a focus on training for that distance).  I know the ratings aren't a perfect measure, but I haven't found anything better to take into account variations in course and conditions, so that will have to do.  So this will be my most important outcome / performance measure.

2000 miles biking for the year and bike the Blue Ridge Parkway (VA section at least).  2011 was the year of the run for me and I hope to consolidate those gains, but I want to work more on the bike this year.  After seeing everyone's mileage and such, it was really motivating (and humbling) to realize how my relative effort on the bike is lacking.  It's a hard choice for me as my relative bike performance is not bad in the races, even with the lower training level.  Often, of the three disciplines, my relative ranking on the bike is best in a race.  But maybe I have some low hanging fruit there and there's only one way to find out.  Hopefully, being in better shape on the bike will help my run as well. So this will be my priority training (input) goal.

I also wanted to go beyond mileage only, and so I've added the Blue Ridge Parkway goal as an enjoyment/motivating goal.  During the warmer season, I really want to take advantage of the fact we live so near the Parkway.  I may try to organize a 2x/month ride up there with some friends too, but I thought it would be fun to bike at least the Virginia section some long weekend this summer.

I'm also considering upgrading my bike, but haven't mentioned that to Karen yet (my wifeInnocent

Schedule training in such a way that I leave one day/week for home work projects and one day for rest.  I look around our house (especially outside) and it's clear I need to make time for this.  I've been keeping up with the week to week stuff, but there are some undone long-term projects that need my attention.  I'm pretty sure that too much of my mental focus on weekends has been triathlon / running oriented (training or races) and I need to regain a bit of balance with family projects.  As a motivator, if I get these longer term projects done (which includes clearing out the shed so that the crap in the mudroom can be moved there or chucked), I will reward myself with an indoor bike trainer that will go in the newly cleaned out mudroom!  So this will be my life balance goal. 

Today is swim day... maybe a short run or bike too.  Doubling up more will be part of this year's approach!

Have a great day everyone!


2012-01-02 7:44 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Great and well thought out goals, Stu!  I also have the unfinished home maintenance stuff -- I was actually making good progress on those until this foot injury, and now I can't stand up for any length of time.  Of course, the foot injury came from running, which only serves to underscore the life balance issue...

I've got a lot of work to do today, a short pool run, maybe a trainer ride, and I have to tune my piano.  Nothing exciting, but a lot to do.  Have a great one, everyone!

2012-01-02 10:13 AM
in reply to: #3950973

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
TriGuyBri - 2011-12-23 12:21 AM

By the way, has anyone every done the TRX workouts?  I may try it.  Not sure if I want to invest the funds though for the equipment.


Sorry I am just catching up with the group.....

Bri - I have a TRX.  I really like it, and think it is a useful, mobile, training tool.  Having said that, I do not use it as much as I should.  They are expensive, so unless you have some extra discretionary funds laying around, there are probably more cost effective ways to train.  YMMV.  


2012-01-02 10:20 AM
in reply to: #3954885

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
slornow - 2011-12-27 8:04 AM

A little off topic.  What are some of your favorite TV series?  Old or new either way.  I watch Netflix when on the trainer and am looking for a few new series to try out.  I typically mix movies in with a series or two.  This past year I have either finished or am up to date on: Lost, Breaking Bad, Mad Men, Weeds, Eastbound and Down, Men of a Certain Age and most of Its Always Sunny in Philadelphia. There may be others that I can't recall.  Started recently on Fringe but not sure I'm into that one and willing to commit long-term.  Have watched a few early episodes of Dexter and 24 but never quite got hooked.  I like sitcoms but I see those more as filler or something to take a break from a series.  BUT, still open to those suggestions as well.

With 4-5 hours a week on the trainer looming in front of me I'm looking for suggestions.....HELP 


Randy - Some that I have liked that are not on your list, but available on NETFLIX instant are, Rescue Me, Mythbusters, Arrested Development, and 30 Rock.  If you have access to HBO GO, you can watch ANY of the HBO original series (Sopranos, Game of Thrones, Deadwood), and a ton of movies.  HBO GO is one of the only reasons I continue to subscribe to HBO.  Hope this helps.


2012-01-02 10:35 AM
in reply to: #3958904

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Catwoman - 2011-12-28 9:37 PM I have a few questions about the Paleo Diet. How long did it take for your body to adapt to not eating carbs? Did you experience any side effects (fatigue, headaches, difficulty completing workouts) during that time period? The Paleo for Athlete's Diet sounds like a great idea. I just don't know if I'm willing to committ to the changes that are required with the diet. The benefits of leaning out and faster recovery are very appealing. The thought of giving up dairy and carbs is scary.

I have been flirting with Paleo for the last couple of month's.  About a month ago I was eating about %95 Paleo for a week or so.  I found that I got VERY tired, light headed, and ravenous about 30 minutes into my workout.  I believe this could just have been part of adjustment period for my body, but I did not keep at it long enough to find out.  I have Paleo for Athletes on my nightstand and want to get through it soon.  I like the thought of eating Paleo, but am more a fan of the 85/15% rule.  

I want to concentrate on eating more "clean".  More whole foods, and less processed goods.  I think that will be easier to implement day to day, at work, and easier to maintain in the long run.  Of how you eat is a very personal decision, so YMMV.

2012-01-02 12:57 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Charlottesville, Virginia
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
If you haven't already done so, take a gander at Scott Tinley's article from today.  Kind of cosmic, but good stuff!
2012-01-02 1:55 PM
in reply to: #3966188

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
AV842 - 2012-01-02 10:35 AM

Catwoman - 2011-12-28 9:37 PM I have a few questions about the Paleo Diet. How long did it take for your body to adapt to not eating carbs? Did you experience any side effects (fatigue, headaches, difficulty completing workouts) during that time period? The Paleo for Athlete's Diet sounds like a great idea. I just don't know if I'm willing to committ to the changes that are required with the diet. The benefits of leaning out and faster recovery are very appealing. The thought of giving up dairy and carbs is scary.

I have been flirting with Paleo for the last couple of month's.  About a month ago I was eating about %95 Paleo for a week or so.  I found that I got VERY tired, light headed, and ravenous about 30 minutes into my workout.  I believe this could just have been part of adjustment period for my body, but I did not keep at it long enough to find out.  I have Paleo for Athletes on my nightstand and want to get through it soon.  I like the thought of eating Paleo, but am more a fan of the 85/15% rule.  

I want to concentrate on eating more "clean".  More whole foods, and less processed goods.  I think that will be easier to implement day to day, at work, and easier to maintain in the long run.  Of how you eat is a very personal decision, so YMMV.

Several people in our mentor group recommended Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle. The book is available online as a downloadable e-book. The lifestyle/diet plan is something that I can incorporate easily into our lives. There were parts of Paleo that I wasn't willing to commit to. After reading Burn Fat, Feed the Muscle it reinforced why I was so resistant to making some of the changes in Paleo. In BFFM, he discusses different nutritional needs for different body types. My body type is ectomorph which works better with eating carbs frequently. Or at least that is what I took from the book!
I'm glad that I listened to the recommendations from this group to check out this book. Today is the first actual day that I've implemented the plan 100%. It took a few days to read through the material and to make a plan. I'll let you know if there are any side effects during workouts. At this point it doesn't seem like there will be since I'm following a balanced protein, carb and fat plan.
If you had problems with Paleo it might be worth looking into.

2012-01-02 4:58 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

I don't know what my goals are for the new year, training wise. Other than to get in as much as I can, I'm going to be doing what I can, when I can once my husband deploys next month. So hard to really plan anything until I know more about his schedule, but I'm going to put a plan on the calendar and follow it the best I can. I do plan on focusing on swimming first, biking 2nd, then running.

I need to drop at least 15 pounds to make moving this body through the elements easier. I'm 5'1", and 140 pounds is a lot on this frame. I'm not a squishy 140, but I need to lean out. I'm already on a roll with the Paleo "plan". The one thing that I make sure to do is get in good carbs before I have a hard workout. The night before my epic mountain bike session I added bread to my meal, and after the session (and not eating more than a banana and protein bar during the ride), I enjoyed more carbs and some cheese in my mom's enchilada and margaritas to reload the energy. Back to no bad carbs and dairy afterwards. 

Edited by Blanda 2012-01-02 5:02 PM
2012-01-02 6:05 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Stu-I really like the balance in your 2012 goals.  I agree on the USAT rating being far from perfect but at least it is a guage to compare results.  For me, I could have a great race and not place where I hoped (one of my goals) depending on who shows up for the particular race.  Cycling the Blue Ridge through VA sounds like fun.  I spent a bit of time on the Skyline Drive while a student at JMU.  Several years back I motorcycled the BR Parkway from beginning to end and really enjoyed it.  My current "bike" does not have the same engine as the one I used back then.  I suspect pedaling some of those hills would be alot harder than simply twisting the throttle.  Great to be able to take advantage of living in such a beautiful area.

Bennet-thanks for the suggestions on programs.

Swim workout for me today.  Lots of drill work.  Will be traveling late in the week to Oxford, MS (Ole Miss) with my son who is a HS senior so training will be down a bit this week.  He is doing an "official visit" with the cross country/track program there.  It should be interesting as he has applied numerous places.....everything from Ivy League to SEC.  In fact, I've been getting advice from Stu over the last few months as his daughter went through the college selection process last year.   I'm afraid its going to be a long winter/spring until it all gets decided. 


2012-01-02 8:33 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Interval work on trainer tonight.  Pool was closed for the holiday, so I will make up that workout tomorrow.  Someone please look at my logs and kick me in the @ss if you do not see some pool time by tomorrow night!

Tomorrow will be back to clean eating as well.  The holidays are over.....  I like to use the myfitness pal app to track calorie intake and expenditure.  Although, the Livestrong app has been updated, and I may try that out.  I don't do it everyday, but I will use it for a few days every few weeks, just to make sure I am not overeating.  I may use it for a week or two straight now that the holidays are over.  I also think that the calorie expenditure for workouts calculated by the programs can be a bit high, so I take them with again of salt.

Edited by AV842 2012-01-02 8:41 PM
2012-01-02 9:21 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
If you enjoyed the Honey Badger video you might like the Ironman version:

Caution: Strong language
2012-01-02 10:08 PM
in reply to: #3966155

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
AV842 - 2012-01-02 8:13 AM
TriGuyBri - 2011-12-23 12:21 AM

By the way, has anyone every done the TRX workouts?  I may try it.  Not sure if I want to invest the funds though for the equipment.


Sorry I am just catching up with the group.....

Bri - I have a TRX.  I really like it, and think it is a useful, mobile, training tool.  Having said that, I do not use it as much as I should.  They are expensive, so unless you have some extra discretionary funds laying around, there are probably more cost effective ways to train.  YMMV.  


Thanks for the input on TRX.  I was thinking the same thing in regards to other cost effective ways.  I belong to a gym that right now I haven't gone back to very much as I have been focusing on Running quite a bit.  Once I start swimming again the I will do some doubling up on Core as well before my swim.  Much easier that way.

I plan to post some goals sometime this week once I think about them more.  Biking and weight loss will be two obvious choices to focus on.  I think this is where I will get the most bang and improvement.


2012-01-02 11:46 PM
in reply to: #3965395

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West Texas
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Experior - 2012-01-01 7:09 PM

I know these numbers are high for almost any amateur triathlete -- it's just where I'm at right now -- and so I want to re-emphasize that goals like these are ENTIRELY individual.  Please don't be shy about saying that your goal is to run twice a week, or to hit 500 miles biking for the year, or whatever.  We are all in different places, and the point is to be mutually supportive of our crazy but wonderful choice of lifestyle, not worrying how we compare to others.

emphasis added

Back to work tomorrow, that also means I'll be online more and will be able to keep up with the group easier.

Stu - Congrats on the PR.
Rene - Honey Badger is awesome, as is that vid. Thanks.
Blanda - Sounds like a good ride and a ton of fun. It also sounds like my first tri, I was sore in places I didn't know I had.

I'm impressed with everyone's numbers and goals for the coming year. Here's my contribution so that you all can help keep me accountable (and likewise).

1600 All Purpose Miles That's about 32 miles a week of biking, running, and/or swimming (minus two weeks of the year for fun/recovery/etc). It's a modest goal but one that should be within my reach and still be challenging. I also want to make sure that I'm achieving this goal on a regular basis and getting about 130 miles a month. It defeats the purpose of a yearly goal if I get all the miles in the last three months of the year.

Train At Least 3 Times a Week Again, this is a modest goal but still will make me work. It will mean I have to have work outs that are intentional and planned. Last year, even though I followed a plan (more or less) my workouts felt like they were all over the place. Also, I need to double up some days to be able to get the distance/time in.

Burn More Calories Than I Eat I have weight to lose but I suck at diets and dieting and I'm constantly eating in other people's homes and at meetings and excuse and excuse . . . So the simple solution is just to make good choices. Basically, on any given day I want to burn more calories than I eat, that's just making good choices. If I make enough good choices then the pounds will come off eventually.

Compete In An Oly This is the reason I chose 32 miles a week for goal 1.

Be An MOPer Easy for some of y'all, not so easy for me. I don't plan on going out and winning any races, but being last sucks.

Alright 2012, let's go.
2012-01-03 6:17 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Feeling TRIathletic again. Got 16 miles on the bike with a 2 mile run on the treadmill afterwards. Tomorrow I return to "swim team". Instructor says we'll work on stroke count and turnovers. May the force be strong within me, and my lungs be not so sensitive.

For the first time EVER, I used music to work out. I listened to techno music on the bike to help me keep a steady pace. I tend to "stroll" on the bike. No idea how to pace myself yet.

My knees felt great on the run after the bike session. Last time I did a brick in the gym like this, my left knee was in terrible shape and I couldn't do more than a mile and a 1/2. I have to credit swimming as it has been what I've been doing most the last month!

Hope you all have a wonderful, healthy, great training day.

2012-01-03 8:01 AM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Sorry for double post, but for LOL's, this is what happens to me at the gym (this is from my FB status):

After I did some time on the bike at the gym, I went to get some wipes to clean it off. I was cleaning the bike real good. Guy that had been working out in bike area for a while kept looking at me and I'm thinking "yo, this ring means I'm married, bro...". Cleaned that bike right up then wondered where the heck my purse was that I sat in front of it. Looked behind me at another bike, and there it was. In front of the bike I actually used. Guy wasn't checking me out, he was wondering when I'd figure out I was cleaning the wrong bike.



Edited by Blanda 2012-01-03 8:01 AM
2012-01-03 8:13 AM
in reply to: #3967634

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Blanda - 2012-01-03 8:01 AM

Sorry for double post, but for LOL's, this is what happens to me at the gym (this is from my FB status):

After I did some time on the bike at the gym, I went to get some wipes to clean it off. I was cleaning the bike real good. Guy that had been working out in bike area for a while kept looking at me and I'm thinking "yo, this ring means I'm married, bro...". Cleaned that bike right up then wondered where the heck my purse was that I sat in front of it. Looked behind me at another bike, and there it was. In front of the bike I actually used. Guy wasn't checking me out, he was wondering when I'd figure out I was cleaning the wrong bike.

 That's hysterical! 



2012-01-03 12:04 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Columbia, South Carolina
Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Nice goals, folks, keep 'em coming.  I'll post a table later in the week.

Blanda, that story is hilarious.

Effort on the bike:  Obviously from your hard ride through mud and whatnot the other day, you know how to ride hard.  So the issue is how to keep yourself going hard when the terrain isn't forcing it on you.  The expensive way to do that (but it has other perks) is a powermeter.  The cheap way is a heart rate monitor.  I trained with a HRM before I got a PM, and if you commit to a specific heart rate for a given workout, you can definitely use it to keep you honest.  There's no need for anything super fancy; you can get one for around $30-$40 (decent brand, like Timex).

I returned to real work today (was just casually doing stuff until today), and walked back into a firestorm at the office, so back to it...

2012-01-03 1:15 PM
in reply to: #3942424

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Subject: RE: Experior and Slornow's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
So as the new year starts, I went back and looked at my logs for this time last year.  Man...I forgot how much I dedication I had back then.  I thought bettering my race results this year would simply be building on what I did last year, but now it doesn't look that easy...LOL.  Then again...this isn't supposed to be easy...right?
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