BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2012-02-20 6:17 PM
in reply to: #4056351

Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Iwill meet you in Indy. It should be fun.

I just ran my first 11 miles yesterday in 36 deg. F weather with a lot of wind. It actually went very well until I walked into the house and the warm are triggered my asthma and my lungs almost shut down. Thank goodness for my sons inhaler. Lol

I have one sprint tri before Indy so I should be ready. 

2012-02-21 11:32 AM
in reply to: #4057318

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Montreal, Canada
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Hi all,

freeze on training for me since saturday. I thought my cold went away, but it turned into light (i.e not acute) bronchitis. I will resume training on thursday if recovery goes well.  I had a good training week last week, so I look at this as rest week, but man do I miss my work-out...

Sean, congrats on your HM, great performance!

2012-02-21 7:02 PM
in reply to: #4058354

Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon. Keep us posted on your progress.

I have been training with our local cycling team the last 2.5 months and it has paid huge dividends so far.

When I started my FTP was 225watts. My second test was 246watts and tonight we tested again and I was at 274watts. This gives me more encouragement and lets me know that even if I feel like I am in a slump I am still making improvements. 

my second breakthrough happened dura g my 11 mole run last Sunday. This was the longest I had ever ran at one time and I was able to do it with and avg. HR of 146BPM. This huge considering last year I could jot stay out of the 170's no matter what distance I ran.

my next goal is to complete my 2500yd. Swim workout tomorrow. This will be the longest I I ever swam in one session. Should be interesting.

2012-02-21 8:17 PM
in reply to: #4059424

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Awesome progress!  Just gotta nail that swim and you are all done!  i've got an OWS tonight - looks like a nasty wind down there but am hoping it will die down by the time I get there at 6.30.

I've actually bought some Ginger tablets for nausea hoping that will deal with the seasickness problem!

2012-02-22 12:52 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Had a great swim speed workout tonight.  I did:

WU: 300.

10x50 on 15" rest.
MS: 10x100  20" rest
CD: 200

My 50's time averaged 1:00 and 100's averaged 2:05.  Woo hoo!  It's not like I have endurance at that speed, but looking at those times made me feel good.   Didn't feel 'out of breath' at all (well, just from exertion, not from poor technique etc).  Laughing

2012-02-22 1:01 AM
in reply to: #4059424

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
mikar_68 - 2012-02-21 5:02 PM

Sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon. Keep us posted on your progress.

I have been training with our local cycling team the last 2.5 months and it has paid huge dividends so far.

When I started my FTP was 225watts. My second test was 246watts and tonight we tested again and I was at 274watts. This gives me more encouragement and lets me know that even if I feel like I am in a slump I am still making improvements. 

my second breakthrough happened dura g my 11 mole run last Sunday. This was the longest I had ever ran at one time and I was able to do it with and avg. HR of 146BPM. This huge considering last year I could jot stay out of the 170's no matter what distance I ran.

my next goal is to complete my 2500yd. Swim workout tomorrow. This will be the longest I I ever swam in one session. Should be interesting.

Great job, Mike!  Feels good when all the hard work pays off, eh?  Good luck on your swim tomorrow!

2012-02-22 1:03 AM
in reply to: #4058354

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
fdulak - 2012-02-21 9:32 AM

Hi all,

freeze on training for me since saturday. I thought my cold went away, but it turned into light (i.e not acute) bronchitis. I will resume training on thursday if recovery goes well.  I had a good training week last week, so I look at this as rest week, but man do I miss my work-out...

Sean, congrats on your HM, great performance!

I think I got really lucky in getting over my cold in a few days...sounds like it is hanging around for most people.  Rest up, eat well.  Your body will appreciate it.  Get well soon.

2012-02-22 1:00 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Sorry you're all suffering with colds - I thught I may get one but it disappeared!  yay!

Had a big week so far - 1 run, 2 trainer rides, 1 pool swim and 1 OWS.

OWS last night - was very nervous don't know why.  Sea was calmish - a bit choppy past the pier. I got an early start with my neighbour - did 900m together coz he had to leave early.

I then joined the squad for a 'round the shipwreck race'.  I just don't like going round there I think because I do end up out the back and feel a bit lost and disorientated on the way in!  I probably swam an extra 200m to shore coz I went off course.  but I did it and that's the main thing.

3rd race was to be the same but myself and two other ladies decided we would prefer to go across the bay to the stick - the 900m there and back.  We did it at a leisurely pace, all waited for each other, offered advice etc and had a great time.  Much less pressure that way!

So I probably did 2.5km all up - excellent!  Especially when it's out of my comfort zone.

On race day none of these worries are there - because I'm surrounded by rescue craft and life guards and the course has heaps of buoy markers.  Plus always someone slower than me.  In my squad - all elite swimmers really!  BUT I'm glad I did it and have a real sense of achievement every time I do.

2012-02-24 1:47 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Another New Years Resolution is fulfilled and ticked off - yesterdayI got a professional bike fit - such a nice LBS!  And got clipless pedals and such pretty bike shoes that match my bike - most important!

I practiced getting in and out of the pedals in the shop on the trainer - Jae said I'm a natural.....mmmm well let's see outside onthe road how I am first before we throw those kind of compliments around!  He's fixing up my gears and I can pick up the bike today.

Today - saturday, am up bright and early as I'm volunteering at the swim meet down at the beach.  8-10.  I am racing at 12 in the 1.2km round the shipwreck - nothing unfamiliar there.  Weather is due to be scorching 98F.  Water temperature though is still chilly so wetsuits are good!

Tomorrow - running 15km to watch my friends do a mini and a sprint triathlon.  Then I need to get a two hour ride in.  Weekends are busy aren't they!

Have fun and train hard but don't forget to play guys!

2012-02-26 2:54 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Hmmm, my swimming seems to be one step forward, two back...

After my terrible swim 10 days ago, had a good one two days later, a great one a couple days after that, tough one on Friday and bad one again today.  Sigh.  I'm wondering where the fine line is between 'giving up' and 'letting go'.  Giving up meaning having negative "I can't do this" thoughts vs letting go meaning "It's been a long week, with lack of sleep and better to stop and try again another day".  I think I was just letting go today, but the type A in me says I should have just struggled through.  I'm trying to listen to my body and give it rest--it was a high volume week this week.

On the plus side, had a great brick yesterday 90 min bike, 30 min run.  Just got new shoes, they felt great.

Signed up for Masters Swim starting next Friday--I hope that will help me out.  My first Tri is in two weeks!

Have a good week everyone. 

2012-02-26 4:44 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Swim race - awesome.  Yes it was 98F but it was also VERY windy, around 50kph.  That's a lot.  The route of the race was changed a number of times before it settled.  Frist off were the 3km swimmers, I wanted to upgrade to this distance but was waiting to see the conditions first - glad I held off, way too choppy for me.  The winner finished in 36mins!  The last person in 2.25.  I would probably have done around 1 hour 50 due to the swell.

Anyway, nervous as hell before the race start.   All too soon we were off - the swell had dropped a bit when we started.  I was BOP definitely in my age group BUT I did get on a girls toes for the whole race!  Well 1km of it anyway.  I just wouldn't let her get away toe tapping the whole time.

When we changed direction to swim the course back to the start it was like being popped out of a champagne bottle - the tide just pushed us soooo fast.

About 200m from shore I took off from the group of 4 I was swimming with and drafting on.  I beat them all!  The run to the finish was hard, calf cramps both legs.  Ouch!  Anyway it's done.

30mins for 1200m.  Not fast but not slow.

Age group 30th out of 33

Gender 98th ot of 123

Overall 289th out of 347


Ran to watch the triathlon on Sunday - it was 13km not 15km but it was still in the 90's so was probably better.  Triathlon was good though again the water was very rough and they all struggled with the swim.  The bike also was very windy and by the time they ran it was hot.  Good to see them all doing it though!

2012-02-26 8:07 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Bartlett, IL
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Kirsten - hang in there on the swim.  Probably just a tough day.  I'm sure the master's class will help.

Jo - way to go with your swim race.  It's great you have some much open water swimming opportunities.

I had my indoor tri at Lifetime Fitness this morning - it was a great time!  I felt really good about my performance, too.  The swim was 10 minutes and I managed to crank out 21.5 lengths (25 yd pool) which put me on a little under 2:00 per 100 yd pace - definitely faster than I was expecting.  I had a little trouble normalizing my breathing to start since I was pretty amped up, but I'm hoping that will get better with experience.

The bike was 30 minutes on a spin bike.  Not a big fan of those.  I didn't have shimano cleats so I wore my running shoes in the toe clips.  I was spinning the pedals as fast as I could and a couple times towards the end I came out of the pedals - annoying.  Next time I might pick up a pair of spd's since I think my shoes will take those as well as the Look style that I have.  My "distance" over the 30 minutes was 17 miles, for whatever that's worth.

Last was a 20 minute treadmill run.  I managed 2.85 miles for a 7:00/mile average.  Very happy with that!  I probably could have gone a little faster to start, but I figured I'd warm up a little - maybe a little less next time.

I'll know my "official" stats on Tuesday as well as my rankings, but I'm happy with how things went and not really worried about ranks.  I think I'm going to do another indoor event next month with a friend who is also just starting at tri's.  Should be fun to do one with a friend next time.  Hope you all had a great weekend.  I've got a broken up week coming up - pushing hard M-W then off for a week of vacation with a couple runs thrown in.  I'm looking forward to getting away for a bit - I know I need to back off a little so I can push hard again afterwards.  Have a great week!  Dave

2012-02-26 8:09 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Bartlett, IL
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Oops - double post.  Darn browser.

Edited by SEwantstobeFe 2012-02-26 8:11 PM
2012-02-26 9:47 PM
in reply to: #4067489

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

An indoor tri sounds great Dave!  I wouldn't have to worry about finding stuff in transition etc!

I am indeed lucky to live so close to a swimmable beach!  Should be able to open water swim once a week even up until winter - a friend and I are hoping to train through the year - it's good practice for both of us as well as great fitness and confidence booster!

2012-02-27 11:14 AM
in reply to: #4067662

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Extreme Veteran
Carrollton, Virginia
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
jobaxas - 2012-02-26 9:47 PM

An indoor tri sounds great Dave!  I wouldn't have to worry about finding stuff in transition etc!

I am indeed lucky to live so close to a swimmable beach!  Should be able to open water swim once a week even up until winter - a friend and I are hoping to train through the year - it's good practice for both of us as well as great fitness and confidence booster!

I too live near a swimmable beach and find myself there less than I'd expect... the pool is sometimes just so much easier. Don't have to plan for weather, etc.That said, the training from it is invaluable. My first season race is the end of March (3/31) and I can't wait... the offseason feels so long some times...And this year I've got nothing after Eagleman (mid June) until B2B (mid October) - that's going to be a brutal wait!!
2012-02-27 4:00 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Wow another great swim last night in the pool.  I hopped into the slow lane and in it were some of the Melbourne Ironman entrants - 'here we go' I thought as I know two of them are a bit above my pace.

Not so - I led the squad the whole night, on the occasions or sets where I didn't I had to stop and stand and wait as I was catching everyone. 

Some days it just all comes together!  I am sooooooo happy.

2.8km done.

2012-02-28 7:34 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

How is everyone's week going.  I rode the trainer yesterday for an hour and ran at lunchtime, just a nice steady 5km (actually my fastest ever!).

Today am off work so have been for a swim down at the beach with my neighbour/training buddy.  It was a beautiful morning - probably about 60F, a light breeze to cause a ripple but not too choppy.  Did about 1.7km.

Very happy.  Didn't even freak out when a little fish bit my toe!

2012-02-28 7:50 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Bartlett, IL
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
Pretty good week for me so far. I felt like my swim training really came through at my indoor tri, so I continued my usual Monday & Tuesday swim routine this week, even though I felt like I should've rode the trainer today because my bike class got cancelled. Oh well, up to 1500 yards straight in the pool! Got an easy 4 miles in on the treadmill at lunch and I've got an interval session coming up tomorrow morning before heading out on vacation. Hoping to go "off the grid" as much as possible, so I'll wish you all a great training week and catch up when I get back. Happy training!
2012-02-29 12:44 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

And tonight I swim 2000m in 44:40.  I actually did 2x1000 (21+min on the first 1000, a little slower on the second).  Took a brief water break in between.  I did do a fair bit of breast stroke on the first 1000, some on the second.  But that is much faster than I have been.  Must be doing something right!  I am learning something different each swim, so that is something.  I seem to need a long warmup, like 600-700m before I start to feel comfortable and 'in the groove' each time.  Hopefully that changes over time.

Had a good bike and run yesterday.  Masters swim is awfully early, so committed to getting up early every day this week.  Up at six yesterday (I know, that is sleeping in for many of you!) had a good bike on the trainer, then went for a run at lunch.  It was really nice to have all my workouts done before coming home from work.  It's starting to get light out earlier too, which makes me happy!  I struggle with the dark and dreary we have all winter here on the West coast, so looking forward to the light coming back.

Hope everyone is having a good week.

2012-02-29 11:31 AM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Glad to see that some of us are maintaining our schedule.  This new job I started last week has left me struggling to get anything in.  I was out of town last Tuesday and Wednesday, but travelling back and forth so both days were shot, Thursday was the arrival of my laptop and printer and cleaning up loose ends, Friday was kinda my first day of work and then I was in a hockey tournament Friday night, Saturday and coaching my daughters team Saturday and Sunday...WHEW...

Then to top it all off, on my last shift, of my last game Saturday night, I took a shot off of the laces.  I'm just starting to be able to feel confident in the foot since and MAN is it a nice shade of black, green, purple, yellow...LOL.  I think I'm going to try and get a swim or two in this week and then over the weekend re-do my plans to adjust for missed time and go at it again next week...

O.K back to the grind...

2012-02-29 12:51 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

it's comforting to see not everyone else can stick to a plan either - life just gets in the way - not to mention weather!

It's been an alright week training wise for me - I've swum twice once in the OW which is always a bonus.  I've done one 30min run and 2 60mins on the 'drainer'.  I need another 30min run, one more swim (tonight).  Then over the weekend I need to fit in the 90min run and the 2 hour bike ride.  Praying for dry weather as I can't sit on the drainer for 2 hours!  Well I suppose I could

I've not been outside in my new clipless attire yet so who know how many times I'll be down!

I did my 60mins drainer at 4.30am today - some days that is not the time I want to wake up.  It's dark, it's raining and my bed looked so inviting! 

Hope everyone else is pushing through!


2012-02-29 10:06 PM
in reply to: #4073168

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Montreal, Canada
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

I finally get over my cold/bronchitis, and managed to ramp-up the training despite an insane workload at work. To be honest, the training is really helping me to release the stress. Also, very excited about our new investment in a treadmill. I think the delivery guys hated me when I asked to move it down to the basement, but there it is. It is now close to the trainer and I have started a first indoor brick! Ironically, the exact same week my garmin HR strap decided to die...

Last monday we were a group of three triathletes in the pool, one of us training for his first IM. We did a relay TT as a baseline and promised ourselves to do another one if a few weeks. Great way to remain motivated!

Have a great week everyone. 

Edited by fdulak 2012-03-01 5:10 PM
2012-03-01 8:24 PM
in reply to: #3942885

Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED

Good to see everyone is sticking to their plans. I have been on schedule so far and hope it will stay that way. I am enjoying first active recovery week of the year. I have to admit that I really needed it.

My body was telling me I needed it. My first race is in less than 7 weeks and I actually think  I will be ready for it as long as I can stay happy.

My biggest struggle has been my brain so far. It has become hard to stay motivated lately. Must be that I am on the verge of over training. Maybe a more relaxed week will kick me out of this fog. 

Anyone else have this problem?

2012-03-01 8:56 PM
in reply to: #3942885

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Tempe, AZ
Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
This week my running has taken a hit, my knees have been not feeling so hot. After my run yesterday, my right butt muscle was wicked sore..which is weird cause my right knee has been very tender. It has been quite discouraging.  My bike game has been stepped up a bit more though, did a 55 mile ride last Saturday and will be doing a 65-70 miler this Saturday, so I'm pretty pumped on that. Really looking forward to the summer so I can get into the pool as I still have no swim experience =(
2012-03-01 9:16 PM
in reply to: #4076209

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Subject: RE: Sdanaher's HIM or IM Group - CLOSED
mikar_68 - 2012-03-01 6:24 PM

Good to see everyone is sticking to their plans. I have been on schedule so far and hope it will stay that way. I am enjoying first active recovery week of the year. I have to admit that I really needed it.

My body was telling me I needed it. My first race is in less than 7 weeks and I actually think  I will be ready for it as long as I can stay happy.

My biggest struggle has been my brain so far. It has become hard to stay motivated lately. Must be that I am on the verge of over training. Maybe a more relaxed week will kick me out of this fog. 

Anyone else have this problem?

I have definitely had motivation problems when I am on that fine line between high volume and overtraining.  It's so tough to know whether I should just push through so I don't feel like I have 'failed' or take a rest day.  I have come to realize that because I am generally highly motivated and enjoy my training, that if I am feeling that way, I should just take the day off as my body is telling me something.  Hope this recovery week helps you out!

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