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2011-12-25 7:01 AM
in reply to: #3953081

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED


Yes... normally no one speaks of the *Dreaded DNF* ... but instead of hiding in silence, I thought I would speak openly about my experience in hopes of supporting both myself someone else who may be stuck internalizing their "DNF".

As one may guess, I am left with many feelings of uncertainty...

Q.  Can I ever finish another Ironman?
Q.  Will I DNF again?

But life is about living... about taking on challenges that appear ever so slightly out of reach and then achieving that goal!  I hope we can document a success in June... if not a success a "Darn Good Try!"

Looking forward to reading your Bio and getting to know you!  Many thanks for the warm welcome!


2011-12-25 7:05 AM
in reply to: #3953088

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Ken - Well we wave our Terrible Towel in Solidarity!!!  I left Pittsburgh before they built Heinz Field... but understand it is an amazing facility!  Good to know we share more than just Triathlon! ~C~
2011-12-25 8:17 AM
in reply to: #3953104

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
CarlaLThompson - 2011-12-25 7:01 AM


Yes... normally no one speaks of the *Dreaded DNF* ... but instead of hiding in silence, I thought I would speak openly about my experience in hopes of supporting both myself someone else who may be stuck internalizing their "DNF".

As one may guess, I am left with many feelings of uncertainty...

Q.  Can I ever finish another Ironman?
Q.  Will I DNF again?

But life is about living... about taking on challenges that appear ever so slightly out of reach and then achieving that goal!  I hope we can document a success in June... if not a success a "Darn Good Try!"

Looking forward to reading your Bio and getting to know you!  Many thanks for the warm welcome!



Of course you can and will finish another Ironman.  They are epic races.  Lots can go right and wrong.  Some things are fatal to the effort. But that is done. There to learn from and move on.  IronMan is just a thrill but the problem with them is that they require so much effort and training there isn't time for more than 1 a year for most of us.  Not easy to fine tune race strategy, nutrition, etc when we race so seldom.  Mental training is as important as physical training.  You've got a HUGE plus over most other people - you've done one successfully. You are an IRONMAN.  You know you can do it.   I am looking forward to my next one - wherever and whenever that will me.  (Likely Wisconsin again, likely 2013.) Looking forward to doing the half or two of them this year to focus on getting my time down and getting the electrolytes right to avoid the cramps.


Merry Christmas everybody.  Going to do 2 hours on the CT at tempo pace.  Did a brick yesterday.  Back in the pool on Tuesday with the masters after the surgeries finally. 

2011-12-25 8:37 AM
in reply to: #3953137

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2011-12-25 7:17 AM
CarlaLThompson - 2011-12-25 7:01 AM


Yes... normally no one speaks of the *Dreaded DNF* ... but instead of hiding in silence, I thought I would speak openly about my experience in hopes of supporting both myself someone else who may be stuck internalizing their "DNF".

As one may guess, I am left with many feelings of uncertainty...

Q.  Can I ever finish another Ironman?
Q.  Will I DNF again?

But life is about living... about taking on challenges that appear ever so slightly out of reach and then achieving that goal!  I hope we can document a success in June... if not a success a "Darn Good Try!"

Looking forward to reading your Bio and getting to know you!  Many thanks for the warm welcome!



Of course you can and will finish another Ironman.  They are epic races.  Lots can go right and wrong.  Some things are fatal to the effort. But that is done. There to learn from and move on.  IronMan is just a thrill but the problem with them is that they require so much effort and training there isn't time for more than 1 a year for most of us.  Not easy to fine tune race strategy, nutrition, etc when we race so seldom.  Mental training is as important as physical training.  You've got a HUGE plus over most other people - you've done one successfully. You are an IRONMAN.  You know you can do it.   I am looking forward to my next one - wherever and whenever that will me.  (Likely Wisconsin again, likely 2013.) Looking forward to doing the half or two of them this year to focus on getting my time down and getting the electrolytes right to avoid the cramps.


Merry Christmas everybody.  Going to do 2 hours on the CT at tempo pace.  Did a brick yesterday.  Back in the pool on Tuesday with the masters after the surgeries finally. 

Merry Christmas Scott! Glad to read you will  finally be able to get back in the pool.  


 I will be on my trainer this morning. Have to get my workout in before Brian heads down to CO Springs to visit his dad. Casey (Cocker Spaniel) and I will spend the day together which I am sure will consist of ball throwing (even though it gets lost in the snow every time) and squirel sightings which turn Casey into a crazy "dog".  Barking, crying (screaming), jumping up at the fence trying to get the squirels as they torment him while running along the top of the fence.  He really has a melt down    Not sure what he would do if he ever caught one. Don't EVER want to find out.

Merry Christmas All!

2011-12-25 8:48 AM
in reply to: #3953081

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
gator22 - 2011-12-25 5:24 AM
Kath2163 - 2011-12-24 11:44 AM
CarlaLThompson - 2011-12-24 10:40 AM

NAME: CarlaLThompson/ Carla L. Thompson

FAMILY STATUS: Single, No Children, German Shorthaired Pointer named Lady (6yrs Old)

STORY:  I am a 45 Year Old “African/American” Woman.  I stand 6’0” so everyone mistakes me for a “Basketball Player”.  Contrary to popular belief I did not grow up participating in sports.  While I did swim in High School it certainly would not be considered “competitive”. 

I fell in love with the sport of “Triathlon” and have been training and racing since 1999.

While I have the passion and enthusiasm of a Professional Triathlete,  speed in any of the three sports seems elude me. 

Up until now I have been a “Back of the Packer”… 16:30+ Ironman… Final Finisher.  I am ready to believe that “Speed is Possible!”

The Ironman Moto is “Anything is Possible” and I’m here to prove just that!

Below are my most significant accomplishments with respect to Triathlon:

  • Ironman Florida 2010 Finisher
  • 70.3 Boulder 2010 Finisher
  • 70.3 Texas 2011 Finisher
  • 70.3 Vineman 2011 Finisher

  • April 2012 - Platte River Half Marathon
  • June 2012 - Ironman Coeur d’Alene

I would like to add a late season 70.3 as well as end my season with Ironman Florida, however, finances, physical & emotional commitments are factors.

CURRENT TRAINING: Currently I am being individually coached.  My race goals this year are very significant and I want to give myself the “BEST POSSIBLE CHANCE” at being successful. 

I’m coming off of a recent DNF at Ironman Florida 2011.  I missed the bike cut off at mile marker 98 and I am still working through the feelings I have with respect my fate that day.

I am three weeks into an “Adaptation Phase” with my new coach.  She and I both were surprised that I did NOT have more “Base” to work with after training for the full year of 2011.  We are working together to rebuild that Base and hopefully see a success at Ironman Coeur d’Alene 2012.

 Swim:  I enjoy swimming and swim generally well.  My body positioning needs improvement and I have spoiled myself by using a pull buoy for many of my sets in the past.  I am removing the “crutch” this year and hoping to feel my natural speed in the water as time unfolds.  It is a tough habit to break but probably necessary to see an improvement in my speed.  I swim a 2:00/100yd Pace for a 2.4 Mile Pool Swim.

Bike:  Biking is a challenge for me at my current weight.  I weigh 212.6lbs and living in hilly Colorado it makes climbing a challenge.  If you saw the size of my thighs you might mistake them for having much more power than they do.  I grind a slow cadence when “the road points upward” so that will be my focus for this year.  I ride a 13 MPH Average Pace over moderately challenging terrain.

Run:  I actually enjoy running… however again, speed has been quite the challenge.  I am building my run now trying to keep my heart rate in “Zone 2”.  My current pace is 13:20 min/mile for 8 miles.  I hope to see some improvement as my weight comes down and my fitness rises to the occasion.

WEIGHTLOSS: I stand 6’0” and currently weigh 212.6lbs.  My Goal Weight is 165lbs. 

As I reflect of my DNF at Ironman Florida 2011 the most significant factor that stands out is that I was 20lbs heavier than I was the year prior.  My concern is that the extra weight, along with the extreme winds typical on race day in Florida, was not a winning combination.  

What makes sense is to get myself to a healthy weight which is now my primary focus.  I am puzzled and feel slightly disappointed in myself as I had hoped to be at a much different fitness level to build into Ironman Coeur d’Alene, instead, I am starting from where I am and taking off the weight that should have technically been lost last year. 

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE:  One of my greatest passions is to connect with others from the heart.  I enjoy being a part of a community of  like minded people who share a similar goal. 

While I am not very fast, I have trained and raced quite a bit over the last twelve years.  I look forward to sharing my “Tips and Tricks” of how I faced the feelings and anxieties of my many “Pre-Race Nights and Race Mornings”. 

I look forward to reading all of the bio’s posted.  In the mean time please reach out to me and help me get to know you!

Until then…

Have Big Fun In the Sun… SWIM, BIKE, RUN!!!

Welcome Carla!

Glad to have you with us Wink

Carla, that is a great story. I look forward to seeing you come back strong at this next IM and get what you came for.  We don't hear too much on this site with people that DNF at those races, but there are many of them and I admire you for taking another shot at it!


Kirk, you are right, there are many more DNFs or stories of disapointment then we read about.  I appreciate the posts about people's struggles, DNF or DNS as it is a part of life in this sport and the reality is it can happen to any of us. So much to be learned from others and their experiences no matter what the outcome.

2011-12-25 10:49 AM
in reply to: #3953147

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Kath2163 - 2011-12-25 10:37 AM  squirel sightings which turn Casey into a crazy "dog".  Barking, crying (screaming), jumping up at the fence trying to get the squirels as they torment him while running along the top of the fence.  He really has a melt down    Not sure what he would do if he ever caught one. Don't EVER want to find out.

Merry Christmas All!


I am sure if he does, he will bring it to you & show you "the kill".. Share it with master & all!

My Dane thinks she is a bird dogUndecided

Merry Xmas

2011-12-25 10:51 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Well gifts are open, turkey stuffed & in oven...

Got an hour on trainer & now to walk dog again, prior to family descending on house for Xmas dinner!

Don't eat too much Turkey everyone, I might eat enough for all of us!!

2011-12-25 12:51 PM
in reply to: #3952839


Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2011-12-24 5:59 PM
GoGoGo - 2011-12-24 5:56 PM list.









[email protected]...???















OK,  think that's it! 23 of us!  Anyone I missed.

Now Can anyone make one make one of the funky lists we can put in blogs???

Thanks Richard!  I can make the list, it just takes a little time to copy and paste the links.  I should have some time tomorrow or Monday to do that!

Thanks for doing this Richard/Ken.  As I mentioned earlier, always wanted to do a tri and am now finally going to do it.  I am sure I will need a lot of guidance and support.  PMitch=Patrick!

Hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas!


2011-12-25 1:29 PM
in reply to: #3943039

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Hi everyone (I’m trying to catch-up, here’s my bio)

NAME: acv/AdamSTORY: I'm a 42 years old.  I live on Long Island in New York. This will be my 4th year doing

FAMILY STATUS: I’ve been married 11 years, I have three children (all boys) 8, 7 and 3.

CURRENT TRAINING: I‘m trying to get back in the swing of things. I got side tracked because of a business trip and haven't gotten back in the groove.

THIS PAST YEAR'S RACES: I did my first Olympic length race last year and it was an experience !

2012 RACES:   I'm thinking a couple of sprints and a HIM and if possible an Olympic.

WEIGHTLOSS: I’m around 180 right now and was at 240 at one time. I know I gained a few pounds recently.

I’m excited to be part of another mentor group!

Edited by acv 2011-12-25 1:33 PM
2011-12-25 1:33 PM
in reply to: #3953107

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Morgan Hill, CA
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

CarlaLThompson - 2011-12-25 5:05 AM Ken - Well we wave our Terrible Towel in Solidarity!!!  I left Pittsburgh before they built Heinz Field... but understand it is an amazing facility!  Good to know we share more than just Triathlon! ~C~

Oh, Oh -- there are TWO Steelers fans in our group? Hmmm, maybe I joined the wrong group... just kidding. ;-) I'm really sorry about the beating the 49ers put on the Steelers on MNF last week. But maybe both teams will meet up again in Feb. in the Super Bowl.

Okay, enough smack talk... Merry Christmas to everybody!

2011-12-25 2:58 PM
in reply to: #3953340

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
sdswriter - 2011-12-25 1:33 PM

CarlaLThompson - 2011-12-25 5:05 AM Ken - Well we wave our Terrible Towel in Solidarity!!!  I left Pittsburgh before they built Heinz Field... but understand it is an amazing facility!  Good to know we share more than just Triathlon! ~C~

Oh, Oh -- there are TWO Steelers fans in our group? Hmmm, maybe I joined the wrong group... just kidding. ;-) I'm really sorry about the beating the 49ers put on the Steelers on MNF last week. But maybe both teams will meet up again in Feb. in the Super Bowl.

Okay, enough smack talk... Merry Christmas to everybody!


Unlikely.  Green Bay will be one of the teams. 

2011-12-25 4:56 PM
in reply to: #3953400

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Morgan Hill, CA
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
IceManScott - 2011-12-25 12:58 PM
sdswriter - 2011-12-25 1:33 PM

CarlaLThompson - 2011-12-25 5:05 AM Ken - Well we wave our Terrible Towel in Solidarity!!!  I left Pittsburgh before they built Heinz Field... but understand it is an amazing facility!  Good to know we share more than just Triathlon! ~C~

Oh, Oh -- there are TWO Steelers fans in our group? Hmmm, maybe I joined the wrong group... just kidding. ;-) I'm really sorry about the beating the 49ers put on the Steelers on MNF last week. But maybe both teams will meet up again in Feb. in the Super Bowl.

Okay, enough smack talk... Merry Christmas to everybody!


Unlikely.  Green Bay will be one of the teams. 

Iceman, you need a little editing help: "Unlikely that Green Bay will be one of the teams."

Get set for an SF-GB showdown on Jan 22nd...

2011-12-25 7:06 PM
in reply to: #3953340

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Merry Christmas everybody. NY Giants fan here. SO excited over yesterday I put myself out of commission for today. Back to the running tomorrow and the pool later this week for the first time in forever!! Get sum!!!!

2011-12-26 7:16 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - Kenrussrisher - Russgator22 - Kirk
roadtoad22 - PaulaMikeylee - Mikeshake-n-bake - Tim
viyoung - VivianIcemanscott - Scott[email protected]
sdswriter - SteveTallyho - RobertRobingray_260 - Robin
Scott1223 - Scottpmitch - PatrickKath2163 - Kathleen
MarlaS - MarlaWesley12 - Wesleyjpbis26 - Jackie
CyborgQueen - DJacv - AdamGoGoGo - Richard
abake - AnneCarlaLThompson - Carla 

Ok folks!  Here is the chart, you should be able to copy and past it into your dashboard (the area above your logs) if you want to.  I checked the links once, but double check them for me to make sure!

The only one I couldn't link was CyborgQueen, DJ if you would add me/us as a friend or open your logs then I could link your blog as well!

Edited by kenj 2011-12-26 11:05 AM
2011-12-26 7:26 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Looks like I have a tough bike set on the schedule today, and maybe a short run.  Supposed to be a swim, but I think the Y is closed today so I'll switch things up a bit.

Anyone else training today? 

I'm still off work and we have another Christmas this evening. 

2011-12-26 7:30 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

That chart is great! Our Y is closed today as well. Got out for a very sluggish 3 mile run. It's amazing what eating a lot of not-so-healthy stuff can do to a person. 

I hope everyone is having a joyous and safe Christmas holiday. Smile 

2011-12-26 8:26 AM
in reply to: #3953789


Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
kenj - 2011-12-26 5:26 AM

Looks like I have a tough bike set on the schedule today, and maybe a short run.  Supposed to be a swim, but I think the Y is closed today so I'll switch things up a bit.

Anyone else training today? 

I'm still off work and we have another Christmas this evening. 


Thanks for the chart Ken!  Only ran a couple miles this morning but feel great.  Real tough to get out of bed, actually took the battery out of my phone because I kept hitting snooze instead of dismiss on the alarm.  After the typical internal argument on whether or not I should get up....I hit the road.  Very glad I did.

Hope everyone gets out there today.


2011-12-26 8:47 AM
in reply to: #3943039

New user
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Going out for a 4 mile run and probably about 20 on the bike.  I'm going to try out a masters swim for the first time tomorrow and Wednesday.  Hopefully it will be something that helps my swim.  I'm a little more worried about my run after my 12 mile run Saturday.  I know my biggest hold back is probably my weight.  I'm back up to 210 and need to be 190 or less to take some of the pounding off of my feet and ankles. (180 or less is probably more like it)  Going to get back on the diet today.  I got to get back on track with my weight sometime and today is as good as any to start back.  I hope everyone had a good Christmas.
2011-12-26 9:03 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Sin City
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Ken - it should work now. I didn't realize that I had it set on private.

Added ya. :-D

Edited by CyborgQueen 2011-12-26 9:05 AM
2011-12-26 10:41 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Great Chart, boss.  Thanks

I had way too much turkey last night.  I think I had it several times last nightUndecidedUggghEmbarassed

Anyway, got my a$$ out of the house this morning & went to gym.  Glad I did, felt much better after.

Did half hour on bike & the Dreadmill for 5k.  Glad to report, my hamstring did not trouble me & still feels good *fingers crossed for luck*

Hopefully I can build on this...

Edited by GoGoGo 2011-12-26 10:50 AM
2011-12-26 10:57 AM
in reply to: #3943039

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

I did 6 miles on the run this morning. 23 degrees, 13 wind chill.  Got to work at the paper today.  Holiday crew.

I'm reading Paleo Diet for Athletes.  Going to try it.  I log food, never eat more than 2600 which is supposed to be my base metabolism but holding 220-225 no matter how much I work out.   The bodybugg is saying base is more like 2200.

Going to cut carbs and see if Friehl is right, that you can fuel just fine with vegetables and fruits and the right liquid nutrition and repair tissue with protein and recover better than with a diet heavy in carbs.  When they eat carbs, they do it around exercise.  Going to see how it works.  I needed to put on extra upper body muscle for the IM swim but I'd like to cut it back now to get faster on the bike and run. 

2011-12-26 10:58 AM
in reply to: #3953783

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED
Dashboard... Dashboard... now... if  you were a "Dashboard"... where would you be exactly???  Hummm.....
2011-12-26 11:00 AM
in reply to: #3953950

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

CarlaLThompson - 2011-12-26 9:58 AM Dashboard... Dashboard... now... if  you were a "Dashboard"... where would you be exactly???  Hummm.....


You and I should get together and I can show you around BT

2011-12-26 11:06 AM
in reply to: #3953950

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

CarlaLThompson - 2011-12-26 11:58 AM Dashboard... Dashboard... now... if  you were a "Dashboard"... where would you be exactly???  Hummm.....

It looks like you found it!  Or at least thats where you put the chart!

I have added DJ's link to it now as well.

2011-12-26 11:24 AM
in reply to: #3953953

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Subject: RE: kenj - motivated triathletes in training - CLOSED

Kathleen - Uhm... yes, I need a tour.  This forum is awesome but not very intuitive when navigating without a book mark.  :/   Also, I will send a friend request because I can't seem to see  your logs.

KenJ - Yes... I looked at a few others and saw where they had placed it but wasn't sure how to get mine updated.  My log area was blank... and wasn't sure what all those links and open boxes were supposed to be used for. 

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