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2012-12-29 10:56 PM
in reply to: #4553529

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Hoos - 2012-12-29 11:46 PM

No tennis balls for me -- couldn't make it to the pool as their holiday schedule conflicts with kid bedtime.

But -- just set a new PR for run endurance -- 65 nonstop minutes on the treadmill.    Woohoo!  And my wife did her first 60 minute run earlier today so the treadmill is earning its keep today.  (As is Apple TV...)

Everyone else seems to provide updates in the morning -- am I the only evening exerciser in the bunch?    I was better about waking up early in the summer, but these days the sun doesn't get up until 8:30am (and down at 4:30pm) -- doesn't do much for motivation!


Great job on the PR! Keep it up!

I'm kind of slacking right now since Jan 1st begins my new and wonderful journey of Ironman training, but I will be both an AM and PM exerciser starting then.

I hear you on the motivation killing of darkness. I had a few days where I just sort of brushed off working out because it was dark... No more of that!

2012-12-30 6:37 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Scott, nice job on the PR. Better watch your wife over there. She might start logging more miles on that treadmill than you do!

I love working out early in the morning, during the day, after work. I won't workout after 7 at night. Mainly because it screws up the early morning workout for the next day. It also makes it really difficult to fall asleep that night. But then again I'm up at 4:30 most days to start my first workout.

Longer run today in prep of a half marathon on a few weeks. The weather is cold for Texas-32. I'm going to wait until it warms up a bit before getting started. Running in the cold requires too much thought about what to wear. It is much easier to go out for a run when it is HOT outside.
2012-12-30 8:59 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Good morning everyone-bike workout done. Heading out to visit with wife's family. Will check in this afternoon. 28 degrees here this morning....too cold for LA! (Lower Alabama).


2012-12-30 11:45 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Name: Nick Aka "Savage". This nickname has stuck with me since middle school. And, I am just not that creative with screen names.


Family Status: Dating an amazing girl (who will eventually become my Mrs. in the near future) who is the best 'sherpa' I could ask for. She knows how much racing means to me, and encourgages it. She is a yoga instructor, so she is very keen on me staying flexible/healthy. But you know how us triathletes are...we like to not be able to touch our toes.

Current Training:Right now I am in a heavy run block. I am racing a 100k Ultramarathon in February. After that I will switch to minimal running (only speed work at that point really), and a bike focus. I have been swimming a few times a week still, as it really helps my recovery.

2012 Races: It was a tale of two seasons. Breast Cancer Marathon (February 12 2012) in preparation of getting the marathon distance 'down' in my prep for Ironman Florida. Club Med Olympic Triathlon (February 26th, 2012--crashed on bike, and ran the best 10k of my life finishing 2nd in AG). St. Anthony's April (nothing seemed to 'click'). Florida 70.3 (bike seat malfunction, had to ride upright from mile 20 through 56...had a horrible run).

Part 2 of the season: Jax Tri Series #2 Olympic: decent swim, one of my better bike splits, and fought through adversity on the run (ITB Syndrome). 2nd in AG.

Augusta 70.3: everything came together, found my racing profile (I race much better happy, than entering the 'pain cave') PR'd from last year by 37 minutes, and had PLENTY left in the tank, even on pretty tired training legs.

IMFL: my 'A' race. A few weeks prior I wasn't even sure I would finish, let alone sub 12. I was an emotional wreck the week (and morning) of Ironman Florida. I didn't ride over 70 miles until October as I couldn't get past the mental block of doing it...I fought bike fit issues all season. Rode with a tri-friend and he showed me I could do it. Had a decent/conservative swim, nailed my 'best-case' bike split, and enjoyed the run. Finished at 11:36:xx and was hooting and hollering the last 5k of the race.

( This video shows a little bit of how I felt after the race. 

All in all I learned that hard work pays off, and nothing comes easy. I felt great in my last half of the season, and I am excited about 2013. In my 2nd season of triathlon I have conquered leaps and bounds of accomplishment. P.S. Randy was my mentor in 2011 when I was preparing for my 1st sprint...HE'S THE MAN!


Planned 2013 Races: Ironhorse 100k Ultramarathon February 2013

HITS OCALA 70.3-March 2013

St. Anthony's-April 2013

Florida 70.3-May 2013

June-August: Focus on speed with local sprint and OLY races...we have a few great race series, with great competition.

Augusta 70.3 September 2013: my peak race for the year. Want to see how fast I can get, and try for a Vegas spot.

Weightloss: A very long story but...I've lost just about 100 pounds in the last 6 years. This was mainly done through mixed martial arts/brazilian jiu jitsu. I injured my shoulder, and was forced to quit or have surgery. I rehabbed my shoulder, and needed a competitive output. I ran a 15k earlier that year, and then decided to run a 13.1 after my injury. During my time training for the 13.1 I came across triathlon videos on YouTube, and said "Ironman looks impossible...let's try it."

What Will Make Me a Good Mentee:I love learning, talking, eating, breathing, etc Triathlon. Simple as that.

2012-12-30 11:45 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Name: Nick Aka "Savage". This nickname has stuck with me since middle school. And, I am just not that creative with screen names.


Family Status: Dating an amazing girl (who will eventually become my Mrs. in the near future) who is the best 'sherpa' I could ask for. She knows how much racing means to me, and encourgages it. She is a yoga instructor, so she is very keen on me staying flexible/healthy. But you know how us triathletes are...we like to not be able to touch our toes.

Current Training:Right now I am in a heavy run block. I am racing a 100k Ultramarathon in February. After that I will switch to minimal running (only speed work at that point really), and a bike focus. I have been swimming a few times a week still, as it really helps my recovery.

2012 Races: It was a tale of two seasons. Breast Cancer Marathon (February 12 2012) in preparation of getting the marathon distance 'down' in my prep for Ironman Florida. Club Med Olympic Triathlon (February 26th, 2012--crashed on bike, and ran the best 10k of my life finishing 2nd in AG). St. Anthony's April (nothing seemed to 'click'). Florida 70.3 (bike seat malfunction, had to ride upright from mile 20 through 56...had a horrible run).

Part 2 of the season: Jax Tri Series #2 Olympic: decent swim, one of my better bike splits, and fought through adversity on the run (ITB Syndrome). 2nd in AG.

Augusta 70.3: everything came together, found my racing profile (I race much better happy, than entering the 'pain cave') PR'd from last year by 37 minutes, and had PLENTY left in the tank, even on pretty tired training legs.

IMFL: my 'A' race. A few weeks prior I wasn't even sure I would finish, let alone sub 12. I was an emotional wreck the week (and morning) of Ironman Florida. I didn't ride over 70 miles until October as I couldn't get past the mental block of doing it...I fought bike fit issues all season. Rode with a tri-friend and he showed me I could do it. Had a decent/conservative swim, nailed my 'best-case' bike split, and enjoyed the run. Finished at 11:36:xx and was hooting and hollering the last 5k of the race.

( This video shows a little bit of how I felt after the race. 

All in all I learned that hard work pays off, and nothing comes easy. I felt great in my last half of the season, and I am excited about 2013. In my 2nd season of triathlon I have conquered leaps and bounds of accomplishment. P.S. Randy was my mentor in 2011 when I was preparing for my 1st sprint...HE'S THE MAN!


Planned 2013 Races: Ironhorse 100k Ultramarathon February 2013

HITS OCALA 70.3-March 2013

St. Anthony's-April 2013

Florida 70.3-May 2013

June-August: Focus on speed with local sprint and OLY races...we have a few great race series, with great competition.

Augusta 70.3 September 2013: my peak race for the year. Want to see how fast I can get, and try for a Vegas spot.

Weightloss: A very long story but...I've lost just about 100 pounds in the last 6 years. This was mainly done through mixed martial arts/brazilian jiu jitsu. I injured my shoulder, and was forced to quit or have surgery. I rehabbed my shoulder, and needed a competitive output. I ran a 15k earlier that year, and then decided to run a 13.1 after my injury. During my time training for the 13.1 I came across triathlon videos on YouTube, and said "Ironman looks impossible...let's try it."

What Will Make Me a Good Mentee:I love learning, talking, eating, breathing, etc Triathlon. Simple as that.

2012-12-30 11:48 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Randee- As others have said, Jorge's winter cycling plan would be a great idea for you.  As for swimming, I would swim 3x a week.  Do a set of drills after your warm up, and again when main set is complete, just to get a feel for proper stroke after you finish.  Depending on time and yard you want to achieve, I think a good free site is  Hope this helps.  


2012-12-30 1:05 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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Extreme Veteran
Albany/Saratoga, NY area
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Phew! I was traveling this weekend and missed a lot here!

Randee-I am doing the Winter bike program now using HR. It is tough but so far managable. I'm on week 4. It is a 4 day/week program but the 4th day is optional. I have been doing only 3 because it was what worked with my schedule. I don't have any way to measure my gains (need to but a cadence meter soon) but I do feel stronger. Here's the link to that:

Still have to run today, biked yesterday. I've been having some nutritional issues. I think I need to stop counting calories for a while because I always seem to end up running into problems where I've increased my output but didn't increase my calorie intake. I think I might try eating healthy without counting every calorie for a few weeks and see if it works better.

Tomorrow I have a swim planned so I'll have to see if I can find my tennis balls.

Hope everyone had a good weekend!

2012-12-30 2:15 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Thanks all - I'm going to read over those programs and start this week!  Nothing like a new year and a new program!

Awesome day here in CT today.  With 6 more inches of fresh snow I dragged DH out to snowshoe.  I'm going to upload my data....even though it was a walk I'll call it a run  So much fun.  I'm like a little kid in the snow.

and Welcome Nick!

I'm so amp'd up right now.  WOOO HOOOOOO


edited to add: Thank you Rene - water jogging is on my list.  The doc said he'd let me know when I can run in the we're waiting.  I want to heal right this time.  We think it happened before but was undiagnosed.......(I didn't have the classic "hurts to the touch" symptoms so my first doctor didn't MRI it)

Edited by mtnbikerchk 2012-12-30 2:59 PM
2012-12-30 2:24 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Nick-thanks for the kind words in your bio. I think you training, dedication and enthusiasm are responsible for your success and progress. Hope the good results continue in 2013!


Edited by slornow 2012-12-30 2:25 PM
2012-12-30 6:10 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
So, I posted a training update on my phone that was meant for here. Don't know where that went and am wondering if it's in some other thread in tri-talk or something, haha! OOPS. Not sure.

Stuarttap: Every time I restart running after a break, I always have pain from the knees down. The only thing that's ever helped that it running more to strengthen the legs and stretching. Stretching has been a part of everything I do for as long as I can remember. It's a habit from training with my soccer team. We'd warm up, stretch, and then stretch well afterwards. I credit stretching for my lack of muscle injuries after all these years of torture.

Nick: Nice to read good things about my daughter's school! She's there staying with my Mom in Jacksonville going to school. Was there two summers ago. I love it there!

Got in 16 miles of biking followed up by 5 miles run on Saturday. Riding the road bike was awkward at first. Was a struggle to stay upright in the strong winds when gusts came at me from the side. Felt like I was too heavy for it! Like it was made of tooth picks. The run was a struggle. It was 100F outside so I took it slow. Averaged an 11 min/per mile pace.

Sunday was a lovely long run day. 12 miles with my running group. I am loving running with other people. Sunday I chased two quick runners and it helped me keep a good training pace instead of the super slow stuff I do alone. Long runs alone I tend to daydream and think of my next meal and stuff, ha! The neatest things was that my legs felt good even after Saturday's training. My form was good throughout.

Something I have problems with though is cramping. I usually hydrate well the night before a big training session, then have maybe 8-10 ounces of water before I head out. For like the first 5-6 miles of a run, for example, I cannot even think of drinking anymore. Just thinking of it makes me feel kinda queasy. Yesterday though I forced myself to take a gulp of water or gatorade every two miles. Didn't feel all that thirsty afterwards, but I still cramped in my neck, back, ribs, foot, and big toe at various points of the day afterwards! Anyone else cramp like crazy?

Anyway, it's New Year's Eve here. Going to have some great food and fun with a friend down the street, then 2013 is so on!

Happy training!

Edited by Blanda 2012-12-30 6:11 PM
2012-12-30 7:44 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Nick, glad to have you!

Just got back from visiting family in NC for the past few days. I did manage a run with my sister, which was really nice, but other than that, just hanging out and eating. Luckily, I've managed the eating well enough to be getting out of the holidays no heavier than I went in, which is nice. 

I also just finished 45 minutes riding on the trainer, getting ready to start the training plan on January 1st!

2012-12-30 8:39 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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ann arbor, michigan
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Suffering from low motivation the last 48 hours or so. I drug my feet all day long and finally just went out and did my run. I am glad I did it and I would have been cursing myself all night long if I hadn't gotten it in.

It would be hard to come on here and spout my mantra of consistency and "hit every workout no matter what" if I missed two runs in one weekend
2012-12-30 10:52 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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New user
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

I did my first workout today for my 22 week sprint plan.

I am combining my bike and swim workouts for now so I did them starting with the bike.  Otherwise I don't know how anybody gets in 9 workouts a week.

Swim-I was supposed to warm up, not really sure what that means for swimming so I did a very slow breast stroke the 25 yard length of the pool.  Then I did the 50 yard swim itself.  I remember how to do freestyle sort of but my head was poked up out of the water and bottom half sort of sunken down.  Pitiful but I did make the 50 yards.  I guess I did a modified freestyle with a periscope head.  I did 50 more yards of breast stroke so it was a short workout but I actually did it! 

I think having a specific plan is really going to help me.  The June 2 sprint date should also be very motivating!

2012-12-31 6:38 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Hey all, Happy New Year's Eve!

Pretty good weekend training wise. Did a 3 hour run (18ish miles) Saturday on a local trail, with some pretty technical, single-track terrain. It was fun, but boy did my legs hurt Sunday morning. I walked around, and stretched out and felt pretty good. Went for a PM run as the sun was beginning to set in the afternoon, and had a great run. Started off the first few miles a bit tight, but finished the 10 miles feeling solid, and fresh.

Today, only strength training in the gym, possibly some active recovery (easy spin on the bike).


Hope everyone has a safe, and prosperous New Year! Let's kick butt in 2013!

2012-12-31 6:59 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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South Alabama
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Good morning-swim planned for this morning then a couple of hours at the office. Easy spin on the bike this afternoon. Dinner with friends tonight. Can't remember the last time I was awake at midnight on New Years Eve.

Mary-having a plan and sticking with it allows you to get to the starting line with the confidence that you can finish the race. There is no requirement in triathlon as to how you must swim the swim leg. In almost any race you will see people breast stroking, back stroking or side stroking. For most, that first open water swim (OWS) in a race is a real eye opener. Heart rate spikes, people are swimming all around you, no line on the bottom to follow. As you get closer to the race try to get some time in open water. I say all that but am assuming it is not a pool swim for your first race?  If you have the chance take a few group or individual swim lessons. So much easier to learn the right way early on rather than trying to fix your stroke after thousands of yards.  Stick to the plan and you will finish with a smile!


2012-12-31 9:12 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Good Morning! Last swim of the year completed. One more bike and then it is time to wrap up 2012.
Hope everyone has a great New Years!

2012-12-31 9:30 AM
in reply to: #4554817

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Central VA
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Mary, while I'm the last person to give swimming advice, I'd recommend this site. It was the best source of correct form while swimming that I found. I still have problem with correct breathing. Going to work on it this year.

Hope it helps.

2012-12-31 9:36 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

OK gang,

I'm back from visiting family for the holidays and ready to start training again.  After my Oct/Nov of injury and Dec. filled with work and holiday stress, I'm ready for a great New year!

I'm trying to work out my training plan for Oceanside. 

I'm starting with a 4 mile run in a few minutes. 

I may get a swim in this afternoon as well. 

2012-12-31 9:44 AM
in reply to: #4554640

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Simsbury, Connecticut
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
slornow - 2012-12-31 6:59 AM

For most, that first open water swim (OWS) in a race is a real eye opener. Heart rate spikes, people are swimming all around you, no line on the bottom to follow. As you get closer to the race try to get some time in open water. 

.....wait a minute.....there's no line on the bottom of the lake?  OMG NO ONE TOLD ME THAT!! I'm out.  :p


Happy new year everyone.  Today's activities remain to be seen for me.  I'm hoping the office closes at noon (2 at the latest).  Have a happy new year and stay safe!!

2012-12-31 9:49 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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Greenville, SC
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

Just finished a 2000 yd swim this morning. Man it's been a REALLY long time since I've swam... probably since my OLY in October. I'm joining the local Masters Team in order to give me proper motivation to get my butt in the pool.

Since it's New Year's Eve, the Masters Team didn't practice, so I'll have to catch them on Wednesday. I have a feeling that one of those sessions is going to be the end of me

Bike Ride with Jamie this afternoon!

Happy New Years everyone! Be safe out there tonight!!!

2012-12-31 10:31 AM
in reply to: #4542607

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New user
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Brian, thank you for the swim form link, I will definitely look at the site.

Randy, I am doing a pool swim for my June tri but I know I will have to add the OWS eventually. I will look at lesson options. Happy New Year everyone!

2012-12-31 10:35 AM
in reply to: #4542607

Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

I see that everyone in the group has been so amazingly active over the Christmas period. I'm very impressed by the commitment shown by all.

My New Year goal is to show as much character as you allSmile

2012-12-31 11:12 AM
in reply to: #4554516

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Extreme Veteran
Collierville, Tennessee
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Chunga - 2012-12-30 11:52 PM

I did my first workout today for my 22 week sprint plan.

I am combining my bike and swim workouts for now so I did them starting with the bike.  Otherwise I don't know how anybody gets in 9 workouts a week.

Swim-I was supposed to warm up, not really sure what that means for swimming so I did a very slow breast stroke the 25 yard length of the pool.  Then I did the 50 yard swim itself.  I remember how to do freestyle sort of but my head was poked up out of the water and bottom half sort of sunken down.  Pitiful but I did make the 50 yards.  I guess I did a modified freestyle with a periscope head.  I did 50 more yards of breast stroke so it was a short workout but I actually did it! 

I think having a specific plan is really going to help me.  The June 2 sprint date should also be very motivating!

I think combining bike/swim workouts is a great idea. One discipline doesn't over-tire you for the next, in the way that biking and running might in the same day. All of my swim days are also on bike days. The only thing I would recommend is that as you get closer to race time, months from now, you definitely throw in some brick sessions (biking, and then running right afterwards) so that you get a feel for what it's like to get off the bike and immediately start running. 

2012-12-31 12:05 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED

alright .... since I am done for the year ... besides a TRX workout tonight ... I figured I am going to post my 2012 Year totals. 

Its missing a few months and I am not anywhere near the amount of training that I want to put in so my goal for 2013 is to triple my bike and run mileage and the amount of time in the water. There wasn't really any base building for me this year since I was training for the marathon in February and I didn't do anything else but running and I didn't log those runs. 

2012 totals
Bike:83h 31m 55s  - 1439.3 Mi
Run:62h 21m 09s  - 357.51 Mi
Swim:17h 07m 26s  - 44364.21 M

Have a great and safe New Years Eve and lets start 2013 strong ... 

2012-12-31 3:26 PM
in reply to: #4542607

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New user
Subject: RE: Slornow and Wannabefaster's Winter Mentor Group-CLOSED
Thanks for the brick tip for down the road. I biked today then did my swim. When I was done with the swim I couldn't imagine getting out and running to a bike. This is gonna be a great ride I think!
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