Other Resources Challenge Me! » Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour. Rss Feed  
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2013-10-25 12:44 PM
in reply to: kns57

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Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Okay, I'm all caught up.

Dang Ann, those kids are fast. 

Dee - I hope hubby feels better soon. 

Robin - get caught up with work then get back to playing.  I love the Pine Gables Step workout.

And to those missing Ghoulies who were here just so recently.

Amy -where are you girl?  Is the house building keeping you too busy to play on BT?

Dr Melindy - hope the first year of residency leaves you some free time to workout. 

Tom - Where are you Dude?

2013-10-25 12:45 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.


And tomorrow I start vacation!  Hilton Head here we come.  Looking forward to a week of biking, walking the beach and reading books.  Oh, and a few good dinners here and there.

So tell me why I have a sore throat and I'm sneezing.  Dang.

Edited by kns57 2013-10-25 12:53 PM
2013-10-25 1:19 PM
in reply to: 0

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Originally posted by kns57


And tomorrow I start vacation!  Hilton Head here we come.  Looking forward to a week of biking, walking the beach and reading books.  Oh, and a few good dinners here and there.

So tell me why I have a sore throat and I'm sneezing.  Dang.

NO!.. no getting colds! PERIOD!!

Have a GREAT time at the beach. Post pictures! and don't forget to post your goals in the challenge spreadsheet!

Edited by ceilidh 2013-10-25 1:23 PM
2013-10-25 3:46 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

I got a run and a bike in. Both were slow and only 30 minutes, but it is more than I have done in 2 weeks total!

Now for the rest of my goals this weekend!

2013-10-25 5:04 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by kns57


And tomorrow I start vacation!  Hilton Head here we come.  Looking forward to a week of biking, walking the beach and reading books.  Oh, and a few good dinners here and there.

So tell me why I have a sore throat and I'm sneezing.  Dang.

NO!.. no getting colds! PERIOD!!

Have a GREAT time at the beach. Post pictures! and don't forget to post your goals in the challenge spreadsheet!

I'm at 75% now, and with the biking that I'll do at the beach, I'll be at 100% in no time.  Will do on posting the goals.  We need to rally up the missing Ghoulies and get them posted along with ANN's!

2013-10-25 5:07 PM
in reply to: kns57

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Originally posted by kns57

Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by kns57


And tomorrow I start vacation!  Hilton Head here we come.  Looking forward to a week of biking, walking the beach and reading books.  Oh, and a few good dinners here and there.

So tell me why I have a sore throat and I'm sneezing.  Dang.

NO!.. no getting colds! PERIOD!!

Have a GREAT time at the beach. Post pictures! and don't forget to post your goals in the challenge spreadsheet!

I'm at 75% now, and with the biking that I'll do at the beach, I'll be at 100% in no time.  Will do on posting the goals.  We need to rally up the missing Ghoulies and get them posted along with ANN's!

I sent an e-mail to Tom, Amy and Melindy. Melindy has been sick so I don't think she will make her workouts. Tom said he would do his best and send me update info this weekend. No word from Amy.

Have fun Kendra!

2013-10-27 7:01 PM
in reply to: ceilidh

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washington state
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

I did get my swim and run done last Friday.  And today another run.  Felt good too!

DH is finallly feeling better.  He ate pretty normal this weekend and is still doing good.  Yeah!

2013-10-28 6:20 AM
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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Good morning Ghoulies!

Yes, I will get my logs, and the spreadsheet updated today. I sat down twice over the weekend to do it and ended up getting sidetracked.

Saturday morning the kiddos had soccer. It was 34 degrees out and WIIIIIIIIIIINDY! Not fun. After sitting out in that for 1:30ish I did not get my swim in yesterday because my head is all stuffed up and my nose has been running out of control.

Yesterday my 14 year old nephew ran the MCM, his first marathon in 4:10. GREAT JOB ZACK!!! He beat his dad by an hour. My sister was telling me that at the expo everyone who found out he was running it came to talk to him, and shook his hand. A news crew interviewed him after the race yesterday, too. I couldn't find anything online on the station though. My sister ran the 10k, her first. She used to make fun of me for running, now she's hooked.  Everyone in their house was ready to go to bed at 7:00 last night except for the 3 year old.

Also yesterday, Keri went to a 3 hour basketball clinic at the college. While she was there Caleb and I played basketball for about an hour. This was in lieu of swimming, he was stuffed up, too.

When we got home it was change clothes quick and go trick-or-treating. I did not get pictures of the kiddos, we were in such a rush, but my SIL did, so I'll get from her.


Edited by ironannekidd 2013-10-28 6:22 AM
2013-10-28 6:49 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Originally posted by ironannekidd

Good morning Ghoulies!

Yes, I will get my logs, and the spreadsheet updated today. I sat down twice over the weekend to do it and ended up getting sidetracked.

Saturday morning the kiddos had soccer. It was 34 degrees out and WIIIIIIIIIIINDY! Not fun. After sitting out in that for 1:30ish I did not get my swim in yesterday because my head is all stuffed up and my nose has been running out of control.

Yesterday my 14 year old nephew ran the MCM, his first marathon in 4:10. GREAT JOB ZACK!!! He beat his dad by an hour. My sister was telling me that at the expo everyone who found out he was running it came to talk to him, and shook his hand. A news crew interviewed him after the race yesterday, too. I couldn't find anything online on the station though. My sister ran the 10k, her first. She used to make fun of me for running, now she's hooked.  Everyone in their house was ready to go to bed at 7:00 last night except for the 3 year old.

Also yesterday, Keri went to a 3 hour basketball clinic at the college. While she was there Caleb and I played basketball for about an hour. This was in lieu of swimming, he was stuffed up, too.

When we got home it was change clothes quick and go trick-or-treating. I did not get pictures of the kiddos, we were in such a rush, but my SIL did, so I'll get from her.


LOTS of good stuff happening in your family this weekend... except for the stuffy noses. I can't wait to see the pictures of the kids. Your nephew is awesome! Heck, the whole family did good. It is funny about your sisters turn around. That is good, support is important.

2013-10-28 6:56 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

The weekend was pretty darn constructive around here. I got to some chores that I have been putting off and made some great headway. Jim has been cleaning out one of the old cottages where YEARS of family stuff has accumulated. He has actually been taking stuff to the dump, the good will and clearing TONS of stuff out. I do mean TONS. 10 loads to the trade shop at the dump alone.

I also got a run in, a couple of strength sessions, a spin bike and a mountain bike ride in. I still feel like I have cotton in my lungs, but I think things are getting better. I am not as exhausted as I was.

Jim got a new bike and he LOVES it. The ole one caused pain from his surgery. This one has full suspension and causes no pain. The only bad news is that he discovers he can ride just when I am going to be out of commission with my foot for a couple of months.

It is pouring rain today and I could have slept for ages!

Now, off to catch up on some work from being sick so long.

2013-10-28 7:02 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Hi Robin!

2013-10-28 7:42 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Um... today is the first day of my college classes and I'm already a bit overwhelmed. Maybe I would have been better off waiting to start in January so I had time to get my bearings, I'm not ready for the first assignments. I'm also dreading having to take a math class, I'm not good at anything more than +, -, /, *. I need to find out what courses transferred and what I do need to take. Oh, is it too early to start drinking??!!??!!


2013-10-28 8:02 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Originally posted by ironannekidd

Um... today is the first day of my college classes and I'm already a bit overwhelmed. Maybe I would have been better off waiting to start in January so I had time to get my bearings, I'm not ready for the first assignments. I'm also dreading having to take a math class, I'm not good at anything more than +, -, /, *. I need to find out what courses transferred and what I do need to take. Oh, is it too early to start drinking??!!??!!


EVERYONE is overwhelmed on the first day... even the first week or so. BREATHE you will be fine. No need to wait till January, you would feel overwhelmed then, tool

Math sucks, you will be fine.

While it is never too early to start drinking, take it from me, it won't help. It would be best to wait for this evening....



2013-10-28 8:04 AM
in reply to: 0

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by ironannekidd

Um... today is the first day of my college classes and I'm already a bit overwhelmed. Maybe I would have been better off waiting to start in January so I had time to get my bearings, I'm not ready for the first assignments. I'm also dreading having to take a math class, I'm not good at anything more than +, -, /, *. I need to find out what courses transferred and what I do need to take. Oh, is it too early to start drinking??!!??!!


EVERYONE is overwhelmed on the first day... even the first week or so. BREATHE you will be fine. No need to wait till January, you would feel overwhelmed then, tool

Math sucks, you will be fine.

While it is never too early to start drinking, take it from me, it won't help. It would be best to wait for this evening....



Ok, I was emailed what I need to take. I need to take a math class. Commence panic attack. While looking at  the course descriptions of the classes that would fulfill the requirement I found this. I could do this.

Math 135- The Heart of Mathematics: In this course, students will consider beautiful and profound mathematical concepts on par with the great works of Shakespeare, Plato and Michelangelo in the realms of literature, philosophy and the arts. Topics may include numerical patterns in the nature, the golden rectangle, Platonic solids, topological equivalence, symmetry, prime numbers, infinity, fractals and other subjects.
I think they could rename this class Math for the Obsessive Compulsive.

Edited by ironannekidd 2013-10-28 8:06 AM
2013-10-28 8:37 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Originally posted by ironannekidd

Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by ironannekidd

Um... today is the first day of my college classes and I'm already a bit overwhelmed. Maybe I would have been better off waiting to start in January so I had time to get my bearings, I'm not ready for the first assignments. I'm also dreading having to take a math class, I'm not good at anything more than +, -, /, *. I need to find out what courses transferred and what I do need to take. Oh, is it too early to start drinking??!!??!!


EVERYONE is overwhelmed on the first day... even the first week or so. BREATHE you will be fine. No need to wait till January, you would feel overwhelmed then, tool

Math sucks, you will be fine.

While it is never too early to start drinking, take it from me, it won't help. It would be best to wait for this evening....



Ok, I was emailed what I need to take. I need to take a math class. Commence panic attack. While looking at  the course descriptions of the classes that would fulfill the requirement I found this. I could do this.

Math 135- The Heart of Mathematics: In this course, students will consider beautiful and profound mathematical concepts on par with the great works of Shakespeare, Plato and Michelangelo in the realms of literature, philosophy and the arts. Topics may include numerical patterns in the nature, the golden rectangle, Platonic solids, topological equivalence, symmetry, prime numbers, infinity, fractals and other subjects.
I think they could rename this class Math for the Obsessive Compulsive.

That actually sounds pretty cool! I would take that!

2013-10-28 9:10 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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washington state
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Good Morning Ghoulies!  Today is basically work day and then acupuncture this afternoon (which means nap!    )

After my run yesterday I went out a blew maple leaves from our yard and neighbors yard.  It feels good to get that done ... at least for a few days.

2013-10-28 9:11 AM
in reply to: deehtz

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Originally posted by deehtz

Good Morning Ghoulies!  Today is basically work day and then acupuncture this afternoon (which means nap!    )

After my run yesterday I went out a blew maple leaves from our yard and neighbors yard.  It feels good to get that done ... at least for a few days.

Good morning, Dee!

2013-10-28 9:16 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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washington state
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Originally posted by ironannekidd

Good morning Ghoulies!

Yes, I will get my logs, and the spreadsheet updated today. I sat down twice over the weekend to do it and ended up getting sidetracked.

Saturday morning the kiddos had soccer. It was 34 degrees out and WIIIIIIIIIIINDY! Not fun. After sitting out in that for 1:30ish I did not get my swim in yesterday because my head is all stuffed up and my nose has been running out of control.

Yesterday my 14 year old nephew ran the MCM, his first marathon in 4:10. GREAT JOB ZACK!!! He beat his dad by an hour. My sister was telling me that at the expo everyone who found out he was running it came to talk to him, and shook his hand. A news crew interviewed him after the race yesterday, too. I couldn't find anything online on the station though. My sister ran the 10k, her first. She used to make fun of me for running, now she's hooked.  Everyone in their house was ready to go to bed at 7:00 last night except for the 3 year old.

Also yesterday, Keri went to a 3 hour basketball clinic at the college. While she was there Caleb and I played basketball for about an hour. This was in lieu of swimming, he was stuffed up, too.

When we got home it was change clothes quick and go trick-or-treating. I did not get pictures of the kiddos, we were in such a rush, but my SIL did, so I'll get from her.



Congrats to your nephew!  and to the whole family.

You already had Halloween?

2013-10-28 9:18 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

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washington state
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Originally posted by ceilidh

The weekend was pretty darn constructive around here. I got to some chores that I have been putting off and made some great headway. Jim has been cleaning out one of the old cottages where YEARS of family stuff has accumulated. He has actually been taking stuff to the dump, the good will and clearing TONS of stuff out. I do mean TONS. 10 loads to the trade shop at the dump alone.

I also got a run in, a couple of strength sessions, a spin bike and a mountain bike ride in. I still feel like I have cotton in my lungs, but I think things are getting better. I am not as exhausted as I was.

Jim got a new bike and he LOVES it. The ole one caused pain from his surgery. This one has full suspension and causes no pain. The only bad news is that he discovers he can ride just when I am going to be out of commission with my foot for a couple of months.

It is pouring rain today and I could have slept for ages!

Now, off to catch up on some work from being sick so long.


Feels good to get stuff cleared out, doesn't it?  Don't know why it takes me so long to get around to it.

Glad that the bike is working for him.

2013-10-28 9:21 AM
in reply to: ceilidh

User image

washington state
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Originally posted by ceilidh

Originally posted by ironannekidd

Um... today is the first day of my college classes and I'm already a bit overwhelmed. Maybe I would have been better off waiting to start in January so I had time to get my bearings, I'm not ready for the first assignments. I'm also dreading having to take a math class, I'm not good at anything more than +, -, /, *. I need to find out what courses transferred and what I do need to take. Oh, is it too early to start drinking??!!??!!


EVERYONE is overwhelmed on the first day... even the first week or so. BREATHE you will be fine. No need to wait till January, you would feel overwhelmed then, tool

Math sucks, you will be fine.

While it is never too early to start drinking, take it from me, it won't help. It would be best to wait for this evening....



Ann, listen to Robin!  You will be fine!

2013-10-28 9:28 AM
in reply to: deehtz

User image

Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Originally posted by deehtz

Originally posted by ironannekidd

Good morning Ghoulies!

Yes, I will get my logs, and the spreadsheet updated today. I sat down twice over the weekend to do it and ended up getting sidetracked.

Saturday morning the kiddos had soccer. It was 34 degrees out and WIIIIIIIIIIINDY! Not fun. After sitting out in that for 1:30ish I did not get my swim in yesterday because my head is all stuffed up and my nose has been running out of control.

Yesterday my 14 year old nephew ran the MCM, his first marathon in 4:10. GREAT JOB ZACK!!! He beat his dad by an hour. My sister was telling me that at the expo everyone who found out he was running it came to talk to him, and shook his hand. A news crew interviewed him after the race yesterday, too. I couldn't find anything online on the station though. My sister ran the 10k, her first. She used to make fun of me for running, now she's hooked.  Everyone in their house was ready to go to bed at 7:00 last night except for the 3 year old.

Also yesterday, Keri went to a 3 hour basketball clinic at the college. While she was there Caleb and I played basketball for about an hour. This was in lieu of swimming, he was stuffed up, too.

When we got home it was change clothes quick and go trick-or-treating. I did not get pictures of the kiddos, we were in such a rush, but my SIL did, so I'll get from her.



Congrats to your nephew!  and to the whole family.

You already had Halloween?

My one SIL gathers up all the kids every year and takes them trick or treating. My kids get candy at my house. She picks a day it seems to work for everyone and takes them. With the kiddos getting older it is harder to find a day that suits. If my kiddos didn't go last night they wouldn't have gone, we are busy the rest of the week.

2013-10-28 5:47 PM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.













2013-10-28 7:19 PM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Hello from Hilton Head.

Ann - congrats on getting your logs all caught up.  Also on starting the college courses.  You will be fine.  Awesome about your nephew and the MCM.  Still looking for the halloween pics.

Robin - glad hubby can enjoy the bicycle again.  And you too will be fine once you heal from the foot surgery.

Dee - acupuncture, some day I'll have to try it.  But it is close to needling, so maybe I can already say I tried it?  Hmmm.

Bicycling on the beach here is wonderful.  Did an hour today.  Once more bike session and I'll be at 100% for goal this month.  Today we bought new beach chairs, so tomorrow I plan on sitting on the beach and reading as long as I possibly can.  I've been taking cold/flu medicine for three days now and my throat is still sore.  Nose is doing okay though.  Bummer being sick on vacation, but I am not going to let it stop me.  No sir!

2013-10-29 6:00 AM
in reply to: kns57

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Somewhere I can be nekidd
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.

Good morning Ghoulies!


2013-10-29 6:38 AM
in reply to: ironannekidd

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Bronze member
Subject: RE: Ghoulies- World Dominion Tour.


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