BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed Rss Feed  
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2014-01-07 8:07 PM
in reply to: Brian W

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Yesterday I found an indoor triathlon taking place in Seattle at the end of March, and today I am registered. Tomorrow, I do my first swim workout in a very long time. I am thrilled! And I completed my online registration all while drinking a Crux Imperial Mosaic IPA from out of Bend, OR. It has a nice citrus hop profile with a darker golden color and a bit of sweetness. Could life be any better?

As this would be my first indoor triathlon, any suggestions of what a woman usually wears would be helpful. A swimsuit, and then bike in the swimsuit and throw running clothes on for the run (outdoors)? Tri top and shorts for the whole thing? I plan on biking and running in sneakers, and not bike shoes; I am not sure if this information is helpful.

Thanks in advance!

2014-01-07 8:13 PM
in reply to: jnmrunner

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by jnmrunner

Way to go Gretchen! I am going to follow your lead and get some yoga in this week. Any particular suggestions for getting a yoga program started at home?

I use a yoga app for the iPhone (yoga studio-free). Really love it because it has different levels (beginner, intermediate, advanced) and pre-set classes for specific goals (strength, flexibility, or balance). You can also design your own "classes" and save them for repeat use. Other than that, I typically either do mine right after a workout or right before I go to bed. I would suggest a quiet, private place too--my wife distracts me when she laughs at my poses!
2014-01-07 8:56 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Jackson, Mississippi
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
You all are making me feel guilty with all these workouts you're doing. I've been battling a head cold the past couple of days and haven't felt like doing anything. Maybe tomorrow.

After all the talk I've seen about Sufferfest videos, I went ahead and downloaded a few tonight. Probably try one out tomorrow. Still need to get a cadence sensor for my Garmin, though. Have a birthday next week, I think the wife is going to get me one.

All you northerners stay warm. After what we've had this week in Mississippi, I can't imagine the misery you all are experiencing. It's been dang cold here! We are expecting 18 tonight. BRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Later.

2014-01-07 10:21 PM
in reply to: jnmrunner

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Denver, Colorado
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by jnmrunner

Way to go Gretchen! I am going to follow your lead and get some yoga in this week. Any particular suggestions for getting a yoga program started at home?

I use an iPad/iPhone app called YOGA STUDIO by MODERN LOTUS. If you have access to that it will be the best $3 you spend on your yoga progression. The music is very relaxing and the instruction is fantastic. The audio will tell you things like "you should fell this in your left side ribs" be sure your hips are straight and elbows out". The breathing is also instructed very well. It takes the "funniness" and guess work out of beginning yoga & helps develop proper form technique and breathing.

I love the app and will continue to use it for months/years to come. Routines range from 15min to 1Hr and focus on flexibly, strength, relaxation or a combo. Good luck!
2014-01-07 10:23 PM
in reply to: Brian W

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by Brian W


Can I join this? How does it work? I've been looking for a place on BT to post about & receive feedback on my workouts but don't want to start a million threads.

Brian Watkins

I'm 23 and working as a civil engineer in Colorado. I've been a runner since high school. I gained 60ish lbs and my weight went up to 185 during college and I became super lazy. I bought P-90X last Christmas as a way to learn to lift weights. I truly enjoyed it but missed running. I got back in my Brooks and started racking up the miles! My weight is now 140~145 and I feel, look, and have the ability to preform awesome! I'm finally at the point where im no longer concerned about weight (I've got some to lose) but I can now TRAIN for PERFORMANCE and not PURELY weight loss.

I just started swimming (December 2013) and had my first formal lesson yesterday. It was a huge eye opener! I also used to despise cyclists in my little college town - 2 weeks ago I did the 1200' climb up the Mountain in that town and became the person being honked at. I've always loved running, my knees just don't. I am constantly working on flexibility and strength to allow me to run more miles.

I also enjoy, cardio boxing, yoga, lifting, playing guitar, rock climbing, camping, hunting, fishing, walking the dogs, & of course BEER!

I'm a homebrewer & one of my 2014 goals is to visit 50 NEW breweries in CO. The girlfriend is also enjoys a nice craft beer so its a fun social occasion for us to play board games (I always lose and I think she really enjoys beating me) and have a brew or too. I love picking the brewers brain in processes, techniques, recipes etc. I love wheat beers & another 2014 goal is to brew 15 NEW recipes this year.

I have never done a triathlon. I've only completed 1 Duathlon in December 2013 actually. I'm a beginner triathlete & have loved every minute of collecting new knowledge from this experience.

I have a girlfriend, she's awesome and is very supportive of my endeavors. 2 dogs, Archer 7 Stella. (The TV show & the Beer)

I have a stress fracture so no running until Feburary 11th (This will be 8 weeks rest). I am learning to swim and enjoying it very much - focusing on form & endurance, mostly form right now. I love my bike trainer and use the SUFFERFEST videos very often (Tour of Sufferlandria is coming up Jan 25!). I went on my first long bike ride of 50 miles a few weeks ago - I hadn't ridden a bike since middle school before 3 months ago. I am making a lot of progress!

January 2014 - Duathalon Series #2
February 2014 - Duathalon Series #3
March 2014 - Phoenix Marathon (Cancelled due to Stress Fracture)
April 2014 - Sprint Tri: Golden CO
May 2014 - Olympic Tri: Grand Junction CO
June 2014 - Aquaman Open Water Swim Series (Distances from 0.5-2Mi) Hoping to complete 2Mi
August 2014 - IRONMAN 70.3 LAKE STEVENS

Not Really concerned about it. I believe my race weight will fall below 140 & that will be nice. I'm comfortable but know my body will continue to change as my training amps up.

I am going to cop out here. I love so many styles from so many different breweries, I try them all & can find something unique in mostly all of them. My easy drinking nice to have around beer is BOULEVARD WHEAT (haven't had one in months though) however I've had others @ the local pub I have enjoyed "more." I am the master of build your own 6 pack and would rather drink something new everyday than the same beer over and over again.

WHAT WILL MAKE ME A GOOD MENTEE: I love to collect knowledge. I aspire to know more more more regardless of what it is. I love to help others where I can and share my experiences good or bad as well. Ultimately, I can do this 100% on my own, I WILL ACHIEVE my goals whether I have help or not. I will do much better & be greater from the experience of being mentored however. It's just awesome to have a community to work with. I'm usually a solo guy, but I want to share my triathlon experience with others!

That's a great Bio, and a heck of a schedule to your 2014. I enjoy the Boulevard immensely. I also love the Dogfish head out of CO. I had the 120 on tap last year, and I was amazed beer could taste that awesome. Shouldn't have been amazed, but I was. Welcome aboard.
2014-01-07 10:25 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by Qua17

Good Morning BDAASers! I am loving what I am seeing. People are finding ways of getting out there and getting it done.... Even Alex who had to brave the frigid floridian temps and even withstood the windchill managed to get in a workout!

What I like even more is how you are cheering each other on. The more posts you write in support of others - the more invested you will be. Plus, taking the time to cheer on others will pay dividends when you need some support of your own. So keep it up. Remember to reply to at least one post each day to either answer a question or to commend another member for completing a workout! Also be sure to do a few inspires as well. There is nothing better than signing on and seeing a few inspires in the upper right corner!

Make it your goal this week to friend the other members of the group. You can do it by clicking on the username in the upper left boxes of the forum posts. When you click on the username - you will get a list of options. Just click on add to friends. Then you can see a list of all your friends by clicking on the community tab and choosing friends. To leave an inspire for them, go to their log page and then click on the Inspire me button above that day's workout. It's that easy!

Keep up the good work everyone! It will be spring before we know it!

Thanks DQ. I've only been here a few years, and I couldn't figure out how to add friend since the new look to the site.

2014-01-07 10:32 PM
in reply to: b2b14

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by b2b14

Is it to late to join?

NAME: Scott

STORY: I got bitten by the tri bug last June when I worked the HIM Raleigh. I watched a thought "I can do that". I went home and signed up for 4 tri races, then decided that since I only had 1 1/2 months till my first race I better start swimming. OH and buy a bike. I ended up doing 5 sprint races (some better than others) My daughter came to all but one race even getting up at 445 to go early with me (she is 5) . I decided that instead of HIM I want to do a full in Oct. I signed up for my first ever marathon in April. I work rotating shift work so sometimes it is tough to get my workouts in. I don't know anyone who does tri's and just want to have people who will hold me accountable.

FAMILY STATUS: Married 7 years. one daughter.

CURRENT TRAINING: I am running mostly, and swimming twice a week. I haven't been biking recently as I concentrate on running.

2014 RACES: First Marathon in April. Going to do a 4 local sprints, an Olympic HIM and an IM .

BEER PREFERENCE: I love IPA's and have found a new love for Belgin IPA. I also love to try new beers and will give almost anything a try once. I also homebrew.

WEIGHT LOSS: I am solidly a Clydesdale, wouldn't mind getting down to 215 or so .

GOALS 2014:
(1) Finish my first iron man.
(2) keep my daughter interested in tri's
(3) Get faster at everything
Holy Cow. Those are insane goals your first year in. BAM! Go after it. If we can help with advice in any way, we're here.
2014-01-07 10:42 PM
in reply to: jnmrunner

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Spokane, WA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by jnmrunner

Yesterday I found an indoor triathlon taking place in Seattle at the end of March, and today I am registered. Tomorrow, I do my first swim workout in a very long time. I am thrilled! And I completed my online registration all while drinking a Crux Imperial Mosaic IPA from out of Bend, OR. It has a nice citrus hop profile with a darker golden color and a bit of sweetness. Could life be any better?

As this would be my first indoor triathlon, any suggestions of what a woman usually wears would be helpful. A swimsuit, and then bike in the swimsuit and throw running clothes on for the run (outdoors)? Tri top and shorts for the whole thing? I plan on biking and running in sneakers, and not bike shoes; I am not sure if this information is helpful.

Thanks in advance!
I have no advice on attire, but no, Life doesn't get better than that. You had my mouth watering with this. "drinking a Crux Imperial Mosaic IPA from out of Bend, OR. It has a nice citrus hop profile with a darker golden color and a bit of sweetness."

I have not had this. I must find this week.
2014-01-07 11:02 PM
in reply to: jnmrunner

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by jnmrunner

Yesterday I found an indoor triathlon taking place in Seattle at the end of March, and today I am registered. Tomorrow, I do my first swim workout in a very long time. I am thrilled! And I completed my online registration all while drinking a Crux Imperial Mosaic IPA from out of Bend, OR. It has a nice citrus hop profile with a darker golden color and a bit of sweetness. Could life be any better?

As this would be my first indoor triathlon, any suggestions of what a woman usually wears would be helpful. A swimsuit, and then bike in the swimsuit and throw running clothes on for the run (outdoors)? Tri top and shorts for the whole thing? I plan on biking and running in sneakers, and not bike shoes; I am not sure if this information is helpful.

Thanks in advance!

So lucky! I wish we had an indoor tri here.....i'd likely swim in tri shorts & a tri tank then you are still comfy on the bike and they are comfy to swim in even without a wetsuit....if you are worried about the bottoms causing drag, you can get the full piece tri suits. if it is a short bike then biking in a swimsuit and tri shorts over would likely be good too!
2014-01-07 11:06 PM
in reply to: kevinbe

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Calgary, Alberta
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
well 7/31 got another swim in and found a pool I like in the area a 'long' run in yesterday with the hubby & took the kids in the chariot and we took turns pushing every km felt great! kids love it !! .. tomorrow will be rest day as I have evening commitments on wed nights and need to work on some schooling while the oldest is in preschool and youngest naps...

Best news ever to start the new year as well- just when I thought I had 3 more courses to do to complete my degree (I've been working on it for the past few years) I find out that the University has agreed to give me 3 course credits for a certificate I finished through my workplace!! After I submit the final papers for the 2 courses I'm working on now, I officially will have a Bachelors Degree! Also excited for my hubby who is in the same boat! Now if only we could go to the convocation ceremony at the University - in Australia!!! This is such a huge weight off my shoulders as now I can train and have one less thing to worry about!
2014-01-08 3:15 AM
in reply to: ervaller

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by ervaller

I cant seem to get the picture to post in here but follow the link. This is perfect for this group.

Great bike!! hahaha...

2014-01-08 5:56 AM
in reply to: Juancho

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Morning Everyone - Just a quick post before getting the kids ready for school. I was determined to get in a run yesterday but family kept getting in the way. I haven't spent serious time with my oldest so we decided to go out to dinner and when he chose to go to my favorite wings place who was I to argue. But wings and beer don't put you into a great mood for going out for a run. When we got home it was 8:30 at night and the temp was 3 above. But I'm proud to say I bundled up and headed out and I'm glad I did. Earlier in the day, I had gone to my PT who is a 3 time ironman finisher. He worked with me on a new shorter stride (My stride total was 1/3 of what it should be - and putting a lot of pressure on my left hip. The guy, who I love, thinks it could be a major reason for my hip pain the last year). Anyway - going out and trying this new style of running was fun and challenging and I could feel the difference in the impact. So I'm glad I went.

So - find a way to make it happen today. Battle through and you'll find yourself sitting on your coach with well earned beer in hand feeling glad you did.
2014-01-08 8:16 AM
in reply to: Brian W

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

6/31 with a swim this morning. Pool much busier then usual but still okay. Going to scout out a lunch run spot today I think. Spin class tonite. Spin/run class tomorrow.

Gotta get going on my runs. Been miserably cold here. Finally warming up for the rest of the week.

Great to see everyone posting and getting involved. The more involved you become the more likely you will succeed!

Nice job Tera on life and tri goals! At the rate you are going we may have put you on the .75/workout....

David, good to see you battle through the wings to get that run in!

Have a great day everyone!

2014-01-08 8:21 AM
in reply to: 0

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Originally posted by jnmrunner Yesterday I found an indoor triathlon taking place in Seattle at the end of March, and today I am registered. Tomorrow, I do my first swim workout in a very long time. I am thrilled! And I completed my online registration all while drinking a Crux Imperial Mosaic IPA from out of Bend, OR. It has a nice citrus hop profile with a darker golden color and a bit of sweetness. Could life be any better? As this would be my first indoor triathlon, any suggestions of what a woman usually wears would be helpful. A swimsuit, and then bike in the swimsuit and throw running clothes on for the run (outdoors)? Tri top and shorts for the whole thing? I plan on biking and running in sneakers, and not bike shoes; I am not sure if this information is helpful. Thanks in advance!

Check out how the tri is set up. I know my wife and I are looking at running one in our city. We have been basing it off one that was run in Penticton, BC.

It was based on volume. Swim, bike, run in a certain amount of  time. You usually had 15 minutes in between each segment so you could wear what works best for you.

As for the beer, that sounds like a winner. Kevin you may want to search for "Half Hitch" as I checked out their name but same beer.


Edited by thor67 2014-01-08 8:23 AM
2014-01-08 12:51 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by thor67

Originally posted by jnmrunner Yesterday I found an indoor triathlon taking place in Seattle at the end of March, and today I am registered. Tomorrow, I do my first swim workout in a very long time. I am thrilled! And I completed my online registration all while drinking a Crux Imperial Mosaic IPA from out of Bend, OR. It has a nice citrus hop profile with a darker golden color and a bit of sweetness. Could life be any better? As this would be my first indoor triathlon, any suggestions of what a woman usually wears would be helpful. A swimsuit, and then bike in the swimsuit and throw running clothes on for the run (outdoors)? Tri top and shorts for the whole thing? I plan on biking and running in sneakers, and not bike shoes; I am not sure if this information is helpful. Thanks in advance!

Check out how the tri is set up. I know my wife and I are looking at running one in our city. We have been basing it off one that was run in Penticton, BC.

It was based on volume. Swim, bike, run in a certain amount of  time. You usually had 15 minutes in between each segment so you could wear what works best for you.

As for the beer, that sounds like a winner. Kevin you may want to search for "Half Hitch" as I checked out their name but same beer.


There is an indoor tri here every February. I've never done it because it is scheduled the same weekend as a conference I attend every year (3rd week of Feb), but this is how it is set up. Everyone does 20 minutes of each discipline (in order) and the "winner" is the one who does the greatest distance in those 20 minutes. They never outline exactly how much transition time is allotted, but it is always advertised as "ample". Take that for what it is worth. Like I said, I've never done this one, so I can't say how long ample is.

Good luck!
2014-01-08 12:55 PM
in reply to: thor67

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Boise, Idaho
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Hello, "Beer Drinkers",  I'm Jeff/from Boise.  Am I too late to join the group?  Bio to follow.

2014-01-08 12:58 PM
in reply to: 0

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
4/31--Shelia T's workout 1-1, which nearly killed me. It was only 2150yds, but it felt like miles (okay, it was 1.33mi, but you get the point!). I'm going to feel this one tomorrow for sure (which I love)!!

Edited by drfoodlove 2014-01-08 1:11 PM
2014-01-08 3:11 PM
in reply to: jeffnboise

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by jeffnboise

Hello, "Beer Drinkers",  I'm Jeff/from Boise.  Am I too late to join the group?  Bio to follow.

We'd love to have you. Congrats - you are the last person to join. Looking forward to reading your bio
2014-01-08 3:36 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Hit the gym hard today and got in a 45 minute ride on the trainer, a 32 minute swim, and two sessions of mind numbing PT. That's 8.5 for the month. If Thor wants to keep up with me, he's gonna have to remember he's Canadian and go out for a run in the snow. Come on man - put on Karen Newman's (meow) version of Oh Canada, watch a period of hockey, suck down a Molsen and make it happen
2014-01-08 3:38 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by drfoodlove

4/31--Shelia T's workout 1-1, which nearly killed me. It was only 2150yds, but it felt like miles (okay, it was 1.33mi, but you get the point!). I'm going to feel this one tomorrow for sure (which I love)!!

That is outstanding work! One of these days, I will catch up to you in the pool but it's gonna take me a while! Those are some serious numbers! Who is Shelia T?

What are you gonna drink tonight to celebrate?
2014-01-08 3:44 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Keeping the daily workout streak going with a 1000m swim. Amazingly the pool was almost empty and I had a lane to myself the whole time. 

2014-01-08 3:58 PM
in reply to: Qua17

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by Qua17

Originally posted by drfoodlove

4/31--Shelia T's workout 1-1, which nearly killed me. It was only 2150yds, but it felt like miles (okay, it was 1.33mi, but you get the point!). I'm going to feel this one tomorrow for sure (which I love)!!

That is outstanding work! One of these days, I will catch up to you in the pool but it's gonna take me a while! Those are some serious numbers! Who is Shelia T?

What are you gonna drink tonight to celebrate?

Shelia T.=Shelia Taormina (4x Olympian and triathlon world champion) I got her Swim Speed Workouts "book" for Christmas and today is the first day I've made it to the pool since then to give it a shot. I heard lots of good things about her workouts on TT and the Challenge Me: Work your Weakness thread, so I thought I'd give it a try.

Drinks tonight: Hmmm...don't know yet. I know my wife picked up 3-4 new beers last week, but for the life of me I can't remember any of their names. It is still cold and dreary here, so it may be a great day for a chocolate stout (one of my favorites!)
2014-01-08 4:02 PM
in reply to: Juancho

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Originally posted by Juancho

Originally posted by ervaller

I cant seem to get the picture to post in here but follow the link. This is perfect for this group.

Great bike!! hahaha...

I agree it would be a great picture for the group. But did anyone else think it was odd that they chose a Rochefort 10 for the beer. Can you imagine drinking one after a long ride? I don't know about the rest of you - but the thought almost makes me want to barf.
2014-01-08 4:04 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Central Coast, CA
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN

Originally posted by drfoodlove

Shelia T.=Shelia Taormina (4x Olympian and triathlon world champion) I got her Swim Speed Workouts "book" for Christmas and today is the first day I've made it to the pool since then to give it a shot. I heard lots of good things about her workouts on TT and the Challenge Me: Work your Weakness thread, so I thought I'd give it a try. Drinks tonight: Hmmm...don't know yet. I know my wife picked up 3-4 new beers last week, but for the life of me I can't remember any of their names. It is still cold and dreary here, so it may be a great day for a chocolate stout (one of my favorites!)

I was thinking about picking up that book, what are your thoughts on it? How well are the techniques described, etc?

2014-01-08 4:20 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - OPEN
Can I have a mulligan for the last 24 hrs? got off late (2200) last night with no chance to eat since a late breakfast. Planned to swim but had to be there at 0530 so that I could pick up a co worker on the way to work, but didn't fall asleep till after 0130, so that didn't happen. Once at the gym (I am fortunate enough to get an hr to work out at work) I'm told our shower has no hot water. had to run on the treadmill and got 2 miles in prior to my 33 degree shower.

OK now the good news I have a fridge full of Foothills IPA at home to go with the tacos I plan to make.....
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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation/Accountability Society 3 - Closed Rss Feed  
of 59
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