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2007-12-18 8:33 PM
in reply to: #1088776

Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Can you guys tell me what has happened to you in terms of your weight since you started training?

 Here are my stats (and a little background).  I would like to lose 10 pounds.  BTW...I am 5'5"

Before Pregnancy 1: 135

After Pregnancy 1: 133

8 Months After Pregnancy 2: 140

Now: 144Frown

I know that I am not 'big' , but I am bigger than I need to be.  I can't fit in any of my clothes, and I don't have the money to buy all new ones.

Since I started training I have gained 2 pounds.  I have been working out regularly for 5 weeks now.  I know it's not long, but I must admit that I"m disappointed about the 2 pound weight GAIN.  Any similar experiences?  Did you eventually start losing?

2007-12-18 9:42 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
It's not just about the training. How are you "fueling" your body?

I'm "big" so take that for what it's worth, but before I started training, I was doing WW, but eating processed foods, fat-free stuff, etc., and got nowhere. Then I rejoined WW, started eating whole foods and low-fat, and started training about 2 weeks later. I've lost almost 15 pounds, but more than that I've lost 5" off my hips and 2 1/2 off my waist.
2007-12-18 10:25 PM
in reply to: #1108882

Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

MrsUSMC - 2007-12-18 10:42 PM It's not just about the training. How are you "fueling" your body? I'm "big" so take that for what it's worth, but before I started training, I was doing WW, but eating processed foods, fat-free stuff, etc., and got nowhere. Then I rejoined WW, started eating whole foods and low-fat, and started training about 2 weeks later. I've lost almost 15 pounds, but more than that I've lost 5" off my hips and 2 1/2 off my waist.

Terri:  Congratulations!!  That's fabulous!  I eat pretty healthy.  Rarely do I eat anything fried or processed.  But...being the holidays and all...I have not done as well lately as I normally do.  I'm not doing the triathlons for weight loss, but it sure would be nice to lose the weight.  I guess I just figured that if I started working out I would lose weight.  I guess it's not going to be that easy. 

2007-12-18 10:35 PM
in reply to: #1108882

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

MrsUSMC - 2007-12-18 7:42 PM It's not just about the training. How are you "fueling" your body? I'm "big" so take that for what it's worth, but before I started training, I was doing WW, but eating processed foods, fat-free stuff, etc., and got nowhere. Then I rejoined WW, started eating whole foods and low-fat, and started training about 2 weeks later. I've lost almost 15 pounds, but more than that I've lost 5" off my hips and 2 1/2 off my waist.

That is a great point. Then there is me, my diet sucks and eventually I will have to change it. I just happen to have lost weight because of the intense workouts. However I think I'm am reaching that area where it will come to a halt and a change of diet will be required. Don't laugh but this was what I ate for breakfast: 2 cups of coffee and one donut. For lunch I had a Subway BMT sandwich, chips, and a coke. Of course when i got back to my office someone put a tamale, salsa, guacamole and i couldn't turn it down. Dinner I had little Ceasars Pizza and wings. Yes I ran between lunch and dinner.

What's the point, my weight loss has come to a stop until my diet changes. That will be my New Years resolution. I'm not an expert or the one to give advice but eating better and increasing physical activity should get you what you want. As far as the details I leave that to others to share.

By the way i ran 4 miles today and my knee is hurting a bit. I'm going to soak in the tub. Oh yeah I ran with my fuel belt just to try it on and it was cool. 

2007-12-18 11:00 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
I stopped drinking Cola's Jan 1 of last year. I lost 20 pounds in the first 6 weeks I guess and got as low as 24 pounds. I started drinking them again not as much but I am and unfortunately I am only down 16 for the year. That is still good I am happy with it but I know that if I had the will power it would have been more. I did go 8 months with only have one drink and then it became more.

So my new years goal will be to double that loss next year. I am right at 200 lbs and for my size that is to much. even 170 is probably to much but it is weird to think of myself lighter then that. I know when I get closer to that I will think hmmm still to big lets go for more.
2007-12-19 1:30 AM
in reply to: #1108793

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Berkeley, Calif.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
ldatug - 2007-12-18 6:33 PM

Since I started training I have gained 2 pounds. I have been working out regularly for 5 weeks now. I know it's not long, but I must admit that I'm disappointed about the 2 pound weight GAIN. Any similar experiences? Did you eventually start losing?

I can totally relate, Laura. In October, which was my toughest month of training by far, I gained 5 pounds. It was so frustrating! I'd been eating fairly well and working out like crazy and my body totally rebelled. All I can say is hang in there. You also might look at small changes you can make in your diet. Two pounds in five weeks is really not very much at all, and if you just removed, or scaled back even, on one rough spot in your diet that might do the trick. Or it might just be your body adjusting to all the training. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

As for my stats...I started at about 215 (I don't actually know what my start weight was) back in March 2006. My dad invited me to join him on a hike up Mt. Whitney -- a trip we'd made 15 years earlier when I was, oh, 60 pounds lighter. I really wanted to go so I started working out, walking on the treadmill, going on lots of long hikes with friends and doing strength training. I also changed my eating habits a lot, mostly by cutting out processed foods. I lost about 25 pounds by the time we went on the hike in September (the hike was fantastic!).

Soon after that a friend of mine suggested we do a tri together. I was intrigued (I'd just started running regularly) but didn't thing much of it, especially since the tri she wanted to do was a year away. Then I injured my knee in a ski accident in March and had to stop running. I also stopped losing weight and got stuck at about 175. But the good news was that the knee injury forced me to hit the pool and learn to swim, and I started seriously thinking about the triathlon. My weight stayed the same for the next couple months until I could run again, and I've been losing about 4-5 pounds a month since then (except for that weird October).

I'm now at 164. I only weigh myself once a month, because I don't like to obsess over my weight and I think I'd get too frustrated weighing myself every day, or even every week. I would like to get down to 160, but frankly, my BMI is "normal" now, so I'm OK with where I'm at.

One interesting side note. About seven years ago I dropped down to about 150 pounds and was wearing a size 12. Now? I'm almost 15 pounds heavier and I wear a size 10 (and the occasional size 8!). Triathlon training does great things for the body!

2007-12-19 3:32 AM
in reply to: #1108948

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!


ldatug - 2007-12-18 10:25 PM

MrsUSMC - 2007-12-18 10:42 PM It's not just about the training. How are you "fueling" your body? I'm "big" so take that for what it's worth, but before I started training, I was doing WW, but eating processed foods, fat-free stuff, etc., and got nowhere. Then I rejoined WW, started eating whole foods and low-fat, and started training about 2 weeks later. I've lost almost 15 pounds, but more than that I've lost 5" off my hips and 2 1/2 off my waist.

Terri:  Congratulations!!  That's fabulous!  I eat pretty healthy.  Rarely do I eat anything fried or processed.  But...being the holidays and all...I have not done as well lately as I normally do.  I'm not doing the triathlons for weight loss, but it sure would be nice to lose the weight.  I guess I just figured that if I started working out I would lose weight.  I guess it's not going to be that easy. 

Actually, Laura ... you're doing fine. Give yourself some credit. You are consistently working out, following your plan and logging your workouts, spilling the beans in here ...

You will notice two things: as your workouts get longer (still done at aerobic pace), that's when you'll really start to lose fat. The other thing is that you'll notice your clothes fitting better. The scale may not tip for a while, but trust me (and I know the others'll back me up on this), your body composition and the way you feel will definitely change. I know you've already seen fitness gains--you're getting better at the workouts: this is a direct sign of your biology changing! Weight loss is a trend best seen over months, not weeks (shoot, I can gain or lose 8-10 lbs in a day!), and tempered with an eye on how your body is changing.

And late 20s, early 30s ... big, big changes in metabolism. Even through my mid-20s all I had to do was giggle for a few extra minutes a day and I seemed to lose weight. NOW ... I gotta jiggle myself all over town just to break even!

By the way ... who DOES do well over the holidays?! This time of year, you ought to pat yourself on the back for simple damage control.

I think I may have said this in this thread (or another ... doggone I reply to a lot of posts!); the 'easy' first step is to write down everything you eat. That alone tends to make people lose weight. The next steps, from what you write down, will be obvious: there will be some easy changes you can make, and you pick one every week or so and make it.

What I'm doing, since my recovery (tater chips and Froot Loops!) is over, I'm publicly logging all my nutrition info. (GACK!!!!! This is a huge step for me). I'm still looking to drop 8 lbs. within the next few months, and then I'll reassess.

2007-12-19 10:12 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Hi Everyone,

I found a couple of video clips that I thought were quite good.  Hope you enjoy!

Alexander Popov swimming technique  - this video includes some really nice commentary about the stroke and the technique.

As of 2007, Popov still holds the world record for the long course men's 50 m freestyle with 21.64 s

Swim Smooth Visualization (Bill Kirby

Bill Kirby was an Australian freestyle and butterfly swimmer of the 1990s and 2000s, who won a gold medal at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney as part of the 4x200m freestyle relay team.

2007-12-19 10:20 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Tri and weight favorite non-favorite subject! 

I had lost about 20 pounds before I started training last year and then proceeded to lose another 30 once I kicked it into high gear.  I also did weight watchers for the first 35 pounds or so, then did it 'on my own'.  In July I hit an all time low, lower than my high school weight, and really haven't lost anything since then, which is a bummer on the scale. However, like Erin, I keep losing sizes in clothing.  I  am around 180 (it was slightly lower until the holidays) and am in a 12, 10 or sometimes 8. Never in my life have I worn any of those sizes.  I figured I would always be plus-sized.  Not so!  I think in July when I hit my low I was in a small size 14, and now 14 will not fit no way no how.  The toning really makes the difference.  I've always been BIG but instead of feeling big and fat, now I am feeling big and strong.  I have a lot more muscle definition than I ever have, even when I was a college athlete!  (I am still going to get a breast reduction, hopefully next winter.)

I've been in a weight loss challenge here on BT for months and months, yet haven't lost significantly during that time.  That's frustrating, but I do know progress is being made and being in the challenge helps to keep me honest, as well as logging on here and chatting with my BT friends.  I only recently spoke my weight out loud for the first time in my life.  Even when I was in labor, I made my husband leave the room when I had to tell them my weight.  Talk about nuts!

Once these darn holidays are over, I am going to get really serious about my diet.  I know that's where I make all the mistakes.  I do the training.  I eat the crap.  I don't lose.  I will be working with my naturopath on a good eating and supplementation plan, and probably will resume the no wheat/dairy/sugar plan which is what really drops the pounds for me.  I have to keep my paws off the kids' food.  That's my downfall!

Overall, I think tri has changed my body so much for the better.  I am even looking forward to my physical this year to see how the cholesterol and all those other numbers have gone down!  On a side note, I was watching The Biggest Loser finale last night, and was talking to hubby, noting that no matter how hard the women worked, the men always lose more due to hormones.  There's no getting around that, so we women just need to embrace the fact that curves are there for a reason and enjoy them!

2007-12-19 10:48 AM
in reply to: #1088776

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
The clothing size is what I'm focusing on. Many year ago I weighed 180 and was in great shape. I would have to weigh myself in front of people (drs., etc.) in order for them to believe I weighed that much. My goal is to get into that type of healthy shape again. And to have upper body strength.

As to this time of year, moderation is my key. I refuse to prohibit myself from eating the foods/candies/cookies that I love so much. I only have them twice a year! Why is that? The ingredients for fudge are available 365 days of the year, why is it we only make it during this time of year? Aren't you glad that it's that way though!

I'm a stress eater and right now I'm stressing big time. The Marine Corps told DH yesterday that when he changes duty stations, from Camp Pendleton to Miramar, that we have to 2 weeks! He's trying to talk to the property managers who took over the housing we live in to let us stay. Those macaroons and that fudge I made last night......lucky I didn't eat it before it was "cooked."
2007-12-19 12:27 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

More great discussion on wieght loss. Yanti is 100% correct. Although my wieght loss slowed to a stop over the last month my physical appearance has changed and my uniform fits so much better. I'm more confident about the way I look as well. Also i'm sure my wieght will go up again as I have added weightlifting to my routine starting this week. I just need to change my eating habits and that  is the hard part. 

2007-12-19 12:37 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
HCS5QA - 2007-12-19 12:27 PM

More great discussion on wieght loss. Yanti is 100% correct. Although my wieght loss slowed to a stop over the last month my physical appearance has changed and my uniform fits so much better. I'm more confident about the way I look as well. Also i'm sure my wieght will go up again as I have added weightlifting to my routine starting this week. I just need to change my eating habits and that  is the hard part. 

Your uniform fits better? You looked like you were fitting it pretty dang well before! Pics, please!

Oh wait, wrong thread. Although I'm sure none of the fine ladies here would object ...

Phew. I'm finding it hard to get back into the swing of things after my training hiatus (both training and eating well). Seriously, if I weren't logging what I eat, I'd still be eating chips 'n' loops. And the training ... thank God everything's in the aerobic zone for base, or I would NOT be git'n 'er done.

Edited by TriAya 2007-12-19 12:38 PM
2007-12-19 12:45 PM
in reply to: #1109933

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2007-12-19 10:37 AM
HCS5QA - 2007-12-19 12:27 PM

More great discussion on wieght loss. Yanti is 100% correct. Although my wieght loss slowed to a stop over the last month my physical appearance has changed and my uniform fits so much better. I'm more confident about the way I look as well. Also i'm sure my wieght will go up again as I have added weightlifting to my routine starting this week. I just need to change my eating habits and that  is the hard part. 

Your uniform fits better? You looked like you were fitting it pretty dang well before! Pics, please!

Oh wait, wrong thread. Although I'm sure none of the fine ladies here would object ...

Phew. I'm finding it hard to get back into the swing of things after my training hiatus (both training and eating well). Seriously, if I weren't logging what I eat, I'd still be eating chips 'n' loops. And the training ... thank God everything's in the aerobic zone for base, or I would NOT be git'n 'er done.

LOL, give me some more time on the pics although I did enjoy your pics in your log. I have to admit that I have been bad about training in the lower heartrate zones. I think I will join the San Diego Triathlon Club in January so I can attend their track workouts and get feedback. You can tell by my log that I train in zone 4 most of the time and have a hard time holding back to a slower pace. Maybe I'm hard headed in this area and need to be sold on it more.

2007-12-19 12:45 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Oceanside, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Well you know me...I loves me a man in uniform! LOL

Hector, I feel your pain. It's hard to curb the eating in when we live in a place that has the best mexican food in the world! LOL
2007-12-19 12:47 PM
in reply to: #1109971

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

MrsUSMC - 2007-12-19 10:45 AM Well you know me...I loves me a man in uniform! LOL Hector, I feel your pain. It's hard to curb the eating in when we live in a place that has the best mexican food in the world! LOL

Exactly! Finally someone that understands me. LOL

2007-12-19 12:48 PM
in reply to: #1109581

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
lastcall2003 - 2007-12-19 8:12 AM

Hi Everyone,

I found a couple of video clips that I thought were quite good.  Hope you enjoy!

Alexander Popov swimming technique  - this video includes some really nice commentary about the stroke and the technique.

As of 2007, Popov still holds the world record for the long course men's 50 m freestyle with 21.64 s

Swim Smooth Visualization (Bill Kirby

Bill Kirby was an Australian freestyle and butterfly swimmer of the 1990s and 2000s, who won a gold medal at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney as part of the 4x200m freestyle relay team.

Bummer I can't see these at work, will watch when I get home.

2007-12-19 1:09 PM
in reply to: #1109979

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

MEXICAN FOOD (oh, and base building )

HCS5QA - 2007-12-19 12:47 PM

MrsUSMC - 2007-12-19 10:45 AM Well you know me...I loves me a man in uniform! LOL Hector, I feel your pain. It's hard to curb the eating in when we live in a place that has the best mexican food in the world! LOL

Exactly! Finally someone that understands me. LOL

Hector, you are loved and understood by many ... oh, and Mexican food ... my roommate and I have El Tarasco (mentioned frequently in my blog) on speed-dial ... you know the food is awesome 'cuz you can't order in English ... and by the time you walk the 200 yards there, it's ready ...

As for being sold on base building, check out these threads and this link: (Mark Allen, 6-time Ironman world champ, on base) (aerobic base building) (how to lower running heart rate)


2007-12-19 1:58 PM
in reply to: #1088776

Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

Thanks guys.  You all have given me hope that these pesky pounds will go away eventually if I eat right and continue training.

 I had another good walk/run this morning.  I really am starting to enjoy running.  What is happening to me??

2007-12-19 2:03 PM
in reply to: #1110195

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
ldatug - 2007-12-19 1:58 PM

Thanks guys.  You all have given me hope that these pesky pounds will go away eventually if I eat right and continue training.

 I had another good walk/run this morning.  I really am starting to enjoy running.  What is happening to me??

Mwah ha ha -- HA HA HA ... you're becoming one of US ... the "pod people" ...

Oh yeah, and I love commenting on things I know nothing about--but I'm sure the moms will back me up on this--post-pregnancy pounds are particularly pesky to get rid of, and even more so after your second pregnancy. One year out is not very long at all. Continue being good to yourself, both in thought and deed.

2007-12-19 6:39 PM
in reply to: #1109879

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Extreme Veteran
Glendora, CA
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
great work on the weightloss everyone.

i have also lost 40 lbs for 2007, and trying not to give too many back during the holidays. the physical changes in my body have been evident to others, but not to me. but finally when the waistline started to shrink and you are forced to buy a 36 inch waist not a 38 or a 40. plus all of the energy, self confidence, and the mere fact that i am 40 lbs lighter than one year ago.

lots more miles to do in 2008. great job everyone.
2007-12-19 6:42 PM
in reply to: #1110203

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2007-12-19 2:03 PM
ldatug - 2007-12-19 1:58 PM

Thanks guys.  You all have given me hope that these pesky pounds will go away eventually if I eat right and continue training.

 I had another good walk/run this morning.  I really am starting to enjoy running.  What is happening to me??

Mwah ha ha -- HA HA HA ... you're becoming one of US ... the "pod people" ...

Oh yeah, and I love commenting on things I know nothing about--but I'm sure the moms will back me up on this--post-pregnancy pounds are particularly pesky to get rid of, and even more so after your second pregnancy. One year out is not very long at all. Continue being good to yourself, both in thought and deed.


Yes, she speaks the truth

(speaking from experience - 3 kids here)

2007-12-19 6:52 PM
in reply to: #1109581

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
lastcall2003 - 2007-12-19 8:12 AM

Hi Everyone,

I found a couple of video clips that I thought were quite good. Hope you enjoy!

Alexander Popov swimming technique - this video includes some really nice commentary about the stroke and the technique.

As of 2007, Popov still holds the world record for the long course men's 50 m freestyle with 21.64 s

Swim Smooth Visualization (Bill Kirby)

Bill Kirby was an Australian freestyle and butterfly swimmer of the 1990s and 2000s, who won a gold medal at the 2000 Summer Olympics in Sydney as part of the 4x200m freestyle relay team.

Beth! You should have shown me this before I screwed up my knee. I'm excited about these videos and the little bit I have learned and I can't put it into practice.

Just kidding! Seriously thanks for the link to You Tube. I never thought of looking there for videos to learn with. I really liked the touch and spin method as far as the flips go, especially since my pool is shallow. Bummer I have to wait till my knee gets better. It's like having the coolest electronic toy around but no batteries. Ok I'll stop whinning.

2007-12-19 7:22 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
Swimming tonight last lesson going to try and slow my stroke down and focus on a nice clean stroke and try and relax. It is so much easier when I am relaxed. Will post details later.
2007-12-19 7:42 PM
in reply to: #1088776

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!

I think post-pregnancy pounds are harder to get rid of than anyone tells you.  In theory it seems you'll be able to get exercise and fresh air and eat right....but then reality hits and there's others who seem to need every moment of your time!  Keep working at it and it WILL go away. 

On a similar note, I am super frustrated tonight since I have to skip the spinning class in lieu of being mommy!  Is that bad? My son has been gone since Saturday and is due back any minute.  For me to leave now for the gym wouldn't be a good thing!  This week's workouts are all messed up and I feel it in my emotions.  Darn it!!!!!  Love the kids though, and can't wait to see him.  Hubby has a procedure tomorrow to make sure we don't have any more kids, though.  Hopefully I can sneak a run in before we leave for the doc in the morning.    He'll be off work thru the New Year, so after tomorrow I have no more excuses for missing workouts and will be diligent!!!!

(I stuck a photo from the 12k on Sunday in my album today.  I am a dork.  Repeat after me!)

Edited by Medusa_Ann 2007-12-19 7:44 PM
2007-12-19 8:02 PM
in reply to: #1110058

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I'm a Tennessee girl living in SoCal.
Subject: RE: TriAya's Group: SHUT like dog on steak, sorry!
TriAya - 2007-12-19 11:09 AM

oh, and Mexican food ... my roommate and I have El Tarasco (mentioned frequently in my blog) on speed-dial ... you know the food is awesome 'cuz you can't order in English ... and by the time you walk the 200 yards there, it's ready ...

Delurking to say, OMG! I LOVE El Tarasco. The location in Lawndale is a favorite lunch spot for me and my coworkers.

Ok ... back to lurk mode.
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