BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open Rss Feed  
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2016-11-21 9:58 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

Been awhile! Lots to catch up on.

I spent most of the fall focused on running. I ran the Gatineau Park Half Marathon and PB'd (1:44:11). I was supposed to do the full but I was starting to have some knee pains, the same pains that screwed up my IM training in 2014. I was happy with my time especially given the elevation gain, it was a super hilly course. 

Now I'm back to the bike full time again. Training at this time of year is so tedious. It's hard to find the motivation to get on the bike. I'm hoping this coming season will be better than last. I'm also going to be running a triathlon team this summer. It's going to be a joint venture between my coaching business and my local LBS. About 12 triathletes of varying experience so I'm thinking about doing a few more triathlons this summer and actually training for them. Probably stay with short course, Sprint's and possibly an Olympic but I have be careful with my knee. I really want to crack an hour on the sprint. 

We're also organizing a training camp in Asheville, NC in April. So I'm super excited about that. 

That's pretty much it. Cheers. 

2016-11-21 9:47 PM
in reply to: #5205528

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, California
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Thanks Gretchen. California has its benefits! Definitely looking forward to our first holiday back in the States in a few years. We don't have much family here, most are still on the east coast. But it's good to be celebrating th day rather than it being just another Thursday.

Nicole the weather wasn't bad. It was about 56 when we started and it drizzled a bit before the swim. I'm kind of a wuss with cold weather and water but surprisingly didn't feel it. Maybe just amped up for the race. It got to the high 60s by noon so I was never cold throughout.

Alan good luck on the new venture!

Someone mentions San Diego beer scene a few posts back. I'm having a Stone Xocoveza right now. Quite possibly my favorite beer ever from a great brewery.

2016-11-22 7:32 AM
in reply to: Tavo2311

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Yesterday was the first day of my new HM training plan (Hal Higdon's Novice 2). Race is on Feb 11. It feels almost weird to be back on a plan again, but I like it! So, 3 miles yesterday afternoon and again this morning for days 1 & 2. Both felt good, but yesterday was a lot faster than today, probably because of the hills on today's route. Trying to work all the other runs in this week while maintaining swimming and my annual tradition of running a 5K on Thanksgiving (although this year it is just me and the road, no event).

2016-11-23 9:02 AM
in reply to: Tavo2311

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Happy Thanksgiving weekend to everyone in the US (or Americans abroad!). I am thankful for a lot of things, including finding this motivating and supportive group of athletes.

I have a Turkey Trot tomorrow but will not be going for time really. I will be running with my injured brother and 9 year old niece, so I will go as fast or slow as they want to (my niece is actually really fast, but has never run a 5k before). The 5k will be followed by lots of eating, drinking and probably football watching. Have a wonderful weekend!
2016-11-24 12:13 AM
in reply to: #5205635

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, California
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Nicole, drinking eating and football watching sounds like the perfect holiday to me! Enjoy the trot first.

Gretchen, enjoy your run as well. Too bad no event but great to keep up a tradition right?

Happy Thanksgiving all!

2016-11-28 7:56 AM
in reply to: Tavo2311

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving! Mine was pretty good, other than the major sinus attack that resulted in a runny nose and headache so bad I could see colors when it throbbed. Food was good and all the family behaved. Can we really ask for any more than that?!?!?!

Up this morning to hit the masters swim class again. I think we were all tired, but coach whipped us up into a frenzy with a bunch of 50s sets where we had to descend within the set and then the sets descended too. It was as much of a mental workout as it was a physical one.

We haven't done goals in a while, but I thought I'd post my December goal to help keep me accountable. Anyone who wants to can join in!

December Goal: Strength train 2x per week

That's it, short, simple, and for me, nearly impossible to achieve. I really need to make strength training a consistent part of my routine, so I'm giving this a try this month. Twice a week. I can do this.

2016-11-28 11:52 AM
in reply to: Tavo2311

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Thanksgiving was really great. I saw lots of friends, my whole family was there for the first time ever, and there were no big fights. Success!

The trot that morning went well. I ran with my 9 (almost 10) year old niece (she's really fast already!). We were mostly around 9:30 pace. About a mile in I asked if she wanted to speed up and she said yes, so we were closer to 9 minute pace for about a quarter of a mile, but then fell back to over 10, before settling in at about 9:45 for the rest. With the last 2 10ths of a mile left she took off sprinting and my hip was bothering me so I had a hard time changing gears and keeping up, but was able to. Couldn't let my 9yo niece win! She cut me off at the end so she did end up crossing the finish before me, haha.

Gretchen, I think that goal is perfect and I know you can do it! My goal for the month is just to get back into some kind of routine of working out regularly. I've fallen off the wagon a bit and I can feel it in my clothes.

2016-11-28 9:26 PM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by drfoodlove

We haven't done goals in a while, but I thought I'd post my December goal to help keep me accountable. Anyone who wants to can join in!

December Goal: Strength train 2x per week

That's it, short, simple, and for me, nearly impossible to achieve. I really need to make strength training a consistent part of my routine, so I'm giving this a try this month. Twice a week. I can do this.

This is a good one! I need to do the same!!
2016-11-28 9:30 PM
in reply to: adempsey10

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, Vermont
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by adempsey10

Been awhile! Lots to catch up on.

I spent most of the fall focused on running. I ran the Gatineau Park Half Marathon and PB'd (1:44:11). I was supposed to do the full but I was starting to have some knee pains, the same pains that screwed up my IM training in 2014. I was happy with my time especially given the elevation gain, it was a super hilly course. 

Now I'm back to the bike full time again. Training at this time of year is so tedious. It's hard to find the motivation to get on the bike. I'm hoping this coming season will be better than last. I'm also going to be running a triathlon team this summer. It's going to be a joint venture between my coaching business and my local LBS. About 12 triathletes of varying experience so I'm thinking about doing a few more triathlons this summer and actually training for them. Probably stay with short course, Sprint's and possibly an Olympic but I have be careful with my knee. I really want to crack an hour on the sprint. 

We're also organizing a training camp in Asheville, NC in April. So I'm super excited about that. 

That's pretty much it. Cheers. 

That sounds great!
Asheville is supposed to be gorgeous and boasts the highest mountain east of the Mississippi so good hill training for sure! Sounds like fun!
2016-11-29 7:19 AM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Run this morning--3 miles--workout #378 for the year. It was a gnarly one too. My headlamp died, and by died, I think I really mean died. I tried changing the batteries, taking the batteries in and out, shaking it, all the tricks that normally make it work. Nothing. I think it is salt encrusted from sweat on the circuit board. So, no headlamp. The only flashlight I could find that didn't way four pounds (large mag light) was my shop light. I carried that thing and it was horrible. My arms and head don't bounce in sync, so I was somewhat queasy for most of the run. It was like running through a really poorly attended rave. I have some new running lights on my Christmas list, but I'm not sure I want to wait a month. Perhaps a trip to the sports store is in order!
2016-11-29 7:23 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
According to Facebook "memories" today marks five years since I started swimming.

2016-11-29 10:25 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by drfoodlove

According to Facebook "memories" today marks five years since I started swimming.

Happy Anniversary!
2016-11-30 7:58 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Master's swim this morning--2400m. We did a straight set 1200m to start. We rarely do anything longer than a 200, so lots of folks were griping about the 1200. I finished it up and immediate thought, time to bike!

Even though it isn't yet December, I hit the gym yesterday afternoon for some strength training. Must...find...different...time...too many 20-something, testosterone binging idiots around at 3pm for my taste. I doubt I'll ever understand why you must throw the weights around and grunt as loud as possible. Add that to the never-ending phone surfing "rests" between sets and the mirror posing and I'm out. Since my headlamp is busted, maybe I'll hit the weights with the 5am crowd and run in the afternoon for a while.
2016-11-30 2:19 PM
in reply to: aviatrix802

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New user
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by aviatrix802

Originally posted by drfoodlove

We haven't done goals in a while, but I thought I'd post my December goal to help keep me accountable. Anyone who wants to can join in!

December Goal: Strength train 2x per week

That's it, short, simple, and for me, nearly impossible to achieve. I really need to make strength training a consistent part of my routine, so I'm giving this a try this month. Twice a week. I can do this.

This is a good one! I need to do the same!!

I am in!! Need to get some gym routine that I don´t really love....
Enjoying the last few days off the plan, Dec 5 start my 30 week plan for a full IM
Last few weeks have been really crazy regarding travelling all around south east Asia for work, hope to get back to routine.

2016-12-01 7:37 AM
in reply to: Juancho

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Dec 1 already! Hit the gym this morning at 5:30 for strength training. What a world of difference between Tuesday afternoon and Thursday morning! I think I like these morning lift sessions. Run scheduled for this afternoon after work. I like running in the morning, but I have to say being able to run in shorts in December is amazing!

As we approach the end of the year, we need to think about the future of the group. Do we want to continue with our mentor group next year (I certainly do!). If so, so we still have any of our leaders/co-leaders? It seems like Dave is out. I don't remember who else volunteered to help lead the group for 2016, but I'd be happy to lead/co-lead for 2017 if everyone is still interested. Does anyone know what the procedure is for getting a mentor group up and running? I know I'm probably early, but that is just the way I roll.
2016-12-01 7:54 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
I would definitely be in for another year of the mentor group!

It's amazing to me that it's already December also. I'm still getting past being sick this week. Finally got mostly good rest last night so hoping I turn the corner today and can start my routine this weekend.

2016-12-01 9:45 AM
in reply to: nicole14e

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

I'm good for hanging around, too, if you don't mind the occasional whining about my injuries.  Gretchen, I think at some point soon Ron will post something asking for volunteers - given this group has been around for a while it shouldn't be a problem to continue.  The catch is always getting new people on board and having them stick around, though I don't think that's as much of a problem as it used to be on BT with the decline of the number of folks on here.

2016-12-01 9:48 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

Originally posted by drfoodlove Master's swim this morning--2400m. We did a straight set 1200m to start. We rarely do anything longer than a 200, so lots of folks were griping about the 1200. I finished it up and immediate thought, time to bike! Even though it isn't yet December, I hit the gym yesterday afternoon for some strength training. Must...find...different...time...too many 20-something, testosterone binging idiots around at 3pm for my taste. I doubt I'll ever understand why you must throw the weights around and grunt as loud as possible. Add that to the never-ending phone surfing "rests" between sets and the mirror posing and I'm out. Since my headlamp is busted, maybe I'll hit the weights with the 5am crowd and run in the afternoon for a while.

Sounds like our gym, Nicole.  I can't stand trying to do ST work in the mid/late afternoon.  The other gym I go to has a much older crowd (think the 60-somethings who play racquetball - yes, it still exists) so I do my upper body work there.

2016-12-01 9:51 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Middle River, Maryland
Silver member
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open

Speaking of injuries, I inflamed by back again in yoga about 10 days ago - was absolutely miserable on my Cancun trip (though it was still awesome, we got upgraded to the presidential suite at the JW Marriott!!!) and I finally broke down and begged my back doc for prednisone.  It's getting better now, but I'm about sick of this and am seriously contemplating going under the knife.  We'll see how the next two weeks goes - I had planned about a month of down time anyway but I meant it to be because I wanted to, not because I HAD to. 

2016-12-02 8:08 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Speaking of injuries, I inflamed by back again in yoga about 10 days ago - was absolutely miserable on my Cancun trip (though it was still awesome, we got upgraded to the presidential suite at the JW Marriott!!!) and I finally broke down and begged my back doc for prednisone.  It's getting better now, but I'm about sick of this and am seriously contemplating going under the knife.  We'll see how the next two weeks goes - I had planned about a month of down time anyway but I meant it to be because I wanted to, not because I HAD to. 

2016-12-02 8:15 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Carbondale, Illinois
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Masters swim this morning. Since we are near the end of the year, I'm doing math like crazy to see what milestones I can reach. If I swim another 21K yards this year, I'll top 300K yards for 2016. I have 10 scheduled swims in December (pool is virtually closed after Christmas, only 1.5 hours per day). Totally doable!! Run I'll top 450miles with my HM training plan, but don't think I'll be anywhere near 500. Bike is at 1648--guess I could ride to the end of the road and get to 1650. :P Both the run and bike are already way over my 2016 goals--thanks HIM!

Sorry, crazy numbers geek over here.

2016-12-02 10:40 AM
in reply to: jmhpsu93

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Originally posted by drfoodlove Master's swim this morning--2400m. We did a straight set 1200m to start. We rarely do anything longer than a 200, so lots of folks were griping about the 1200. I finished it up and immediate thought, time to bike! Even though it isn't yet December, I hit the gym yesterday afternoon for some strength training. Must...find...different...time...too many 20-something, testosterone binging idiots around at 3pm for my taste. I doubt I'll ever understand why you must throw the weights around and grunt as loud as possible. Add that to the never-ending phone surfing "rests" between sets and the mirror posing and I'm out. Since my headlamp is busted, maybe I'll hit the weights with the 5am crowd and run in the afternoon for a while.

Sounds like our gym, Nicole.  I can't stand trying to do ST work in the mid/late afternoon.  The other gym I go to has a much older crowd (think the 60-somethings who play racquetball - yes, it still exists) so I do my upper body work there.

Yes it does! When you say other gym, do you mean the Towson one? Definitely seems a bit more tame than Canton.
2016-12-02 10:42 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Originally posted by jmhpsu93

Speaking of injuries, I inflamed by back again in yoga about 10 days ago - was absolutely miserable on my Cancun trip (though it was still awesome, we got upgraded to the presidential suite at the JW Marriott!!!) and I finally broke down and begged my back doc for prednisone.  It's getting better now, but I'm about sick of this and am seriously contemplating going under the knife.  We'll see how the next two weeks goes - I had planned about a month of down time anyway but I meant it to be because I wanted to, not because I HAD to. 


Super bummer! And doing yoga you'd think would help!

Presidential Suite sounds amazing though!
2016-12-02 10:43 AM
in reply to: drfoodlove

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
Originally posted by drfoodlove

Masters swim this morning. Since we are near the end of the year, I'm doing math like crazy to see what milestones I can reach. If I swim another 21K yards this year, I'll top 300K yards for 2016. I have 10 scheduled swims in December (pool is virtually closed after Christmas, only 1.5 hours per day). Totally doable!! Run I'll top 450miles with my HM training plan, but don't think I'll be anywhere near 500. Bike is at 1648--guess I could ride to the end of the road and get to 1650. :P Both the run and bike are already way over my 2016 goals--thanks HIM!

Sorry, crazy numbers geek over here.

That's amazing! You truly are an inspiration. You're so consistent with your training!
2016-12-02 10:45 AM
in reply to: Tavo2311

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Baltimore, Maryland
Subject: RE: Beer Drinker Appreciation Society (BDAS) - Open
My boyfriend and I broke up last night I'm sad but resilient.

Silver lining (b/c I'm a silver lining kind of lady), I have been skipping the gym to sleep in with him in the mornings, and now I won't have that temptation and it will be easier to get back into a routine!
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