General Discussion Iron Distance Race Groups » Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread Rss Feed  
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2014-07-22 11:06 PM
in reply to: ritakandel

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
At this time last year I was getting ready to depart from home towards Santa Rosa on Wednesday. I bet you all are very excited about the upcoming weekend. I want to wish you all the best and safe travels during your trip to Vineman and during the race. I am so excited for you all. Can't wait to read about your races.

Two other perspectives to think about if don't mind me sharing...after getting off the bike it is hard to think now you get to run 26.2 miles. What I did was think about it as having to run 3 laps. I didn't track nor look at how many miles I ran or had left. I merely thought one lap down two more, one more, last lap...done. I don't think I noticed the mile markers until I was returning on the last half of my last lap. The other thing is if you can find someone to run with or walk with who is running your pace do it. It makes the time pass so much faster and you can challenge and support one another.

Have a great race everyone.

2014-07-23 10:16 AM
in reply to: TriGuyBri

Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Brian - thanks for the advice and all your help over the past weeks. 3 laps sounds easier than 26.2 miles. I fear people will be running away from me as I babble away for the entire run, whatever it takes.
Rita - glad you are feeling better
Tom - sounds like "poppa" is a softie, risking it all for this child again

Last pool swim today, next one will be in the Russian River, yikes!
2014-07-23 2:15 PM
in reply to: khaddon

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread


Wait. What? THIS Saturday?? YIKES!

Oddly enough, I am reveling in this taper madness. After all of this training I am so ready for race day to come. I looked back on my training that really started at the beginning of January when I started my base-building and really understand why I’m ready for the training to end and the race to get here. Getting ready for Saturday looked like this, and I’m sure you all have similar numbers:

Swim – 74 hours/199,000 yards (my last 20 minute swim tomorrow will make it a nice round 200k!)

Bike – 163 hours/2915 miles

Run – 93 hours/635 miles

I’m glad I didn’t know the training was going to be so intense, or I might have been scared off. But all the hard training is all done now, the only remaining efforts will be to stay loose and ready.

Finally found a site that provides info on water temp, and it is looking pretty good. Low temp has been around 67 degrees and high around 73. Since we’ll be there crack o’dawn, we’ll be at the lower end of the spectrum, so looks like it will be OK for wetsuits.


I spent the last couple of hours doing race prep. Packing up bags for hotel stuff, swim, T1, T2, Bike special needs, run special needs, and an after-race-at-the-venue bag. Dotting each item on the checklist as it goes into a bag, then double-checking to make sure. Last minute adjustments like take extra Infinit just in case, make sure there is Imodium in every bag just in case GI issues pop up, and make yet another list of stuff that isn’t getting packed now but will have to be in the bags before leaving the house. Turns out that is a lot of stuff. I know have a much better appreciation of your earlier comment Kate; the one about being glad you are driving and not trying to drive with all this stuff!

I’m sure none of you have been checking the weather forecast (more than 5 times a day at 4 different websites) but I’m still surprised at the variety of forecasts I’m seeing even today. Everything from 87-93 degrees and partly cloudy to morning overcast to sunny all day. At this point I think I’ve just come to accept it is going to be somewhere in there and will just have to adjust pace and effort depending on what the day brings.

2014-07-23 4:14 PM
in reply to: TTom

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Roseville, CA
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Good luck to everyone racing - maybe next year for me. I hope to read good race reports!!!
2014-07-23 5:08 PM
in reply to: BMiller71

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

So excited for ya'll!!!!!!! Safe travels and nothing but tailwinds on race day

2014-07-23 5:09 PM
in reply to: TTom

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Tom, you beat me by about 25 hours! See you all at Vineman!!!

2014-07-23 8:34 PM
in reply to: Lock_N_Load

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
I read a race report from a previous year that stated that the special needs for the run is situated in an unshaded blacktop area, so gets extremely hot and anything that can melt will melt. I threw a Snickers bar in my RSN bag and I don't think it stands a chance. Well, maybe through a straw. Brian, can you comment on this?
2014-07-23 10:02 PM
in reply to: TTom

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
That is accurate. The run special needs is in an unshaded area as well. However the run special needs is accessible on each lap if you need it. I had Tylenol in my RSN and retrieved it on each lap.
2014-07-24 5:31 PM
in reply to: TriGuyBri

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
So, got everything packed in the car. Backed out of the garage and am waiting for my wife to get in. She does, and turns to me and says ever so sweetly, "Shouldn't you have your bike on the rack on the back of the car?" Doh!! Not an auspicious start to this weekend . . .
2014-07-24 8:44 PM
in reply to: #4892436

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Roseville, CA
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Haha that's funny!
2014-07-25 10:35 AM
in reply to: BMiller71

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Meet and greet in 90 minutes! I'll be the one wearing the "This is what a really cool Grandpa looks like" t-shirt in honor of my preschool Petri dish that made the end of this training cycle so interesting :-)

2014-07-26 9:53 PM
in reply to: BMiller71

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Huntington Beach
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Hope everyone is feeling strong right now!

Brian ans Lisa...cant believe it has been a year!
2014-07-26 9:56 PM
in reply to: akrenik

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Way to
Go Rita. Last lap. Bring it home!
2014-07-26 10:02 PM
in reply to: akrenik

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Originally posted by akrenik

Hope everyone is feeling strong right now!

Brian ans Lisa...cant believe it has been a year!

I know. Can't quite grasp it. I turned 50 the next day
After the race
Last year. It has been a rather hard year for me
Medically. Knee surgery and a
Large blood clot. I am hoping to
Get back to doing something next year. I am
Golfing again, but miss the running and biking. How are you two
2014-07-27 5:02 AM
in reply to: TriGuyBri

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Hey, guess what? I have to go to the awards ceremony because I ended up taking 3rd place in my AG!! Original results showed I missed it by a minute, but it turns out the guy they were then showing in third actually was a DNF.How's everyone doing? That run can only be described as brutal in that heat. I swear I felt like I was in a zombie movie at one point. Came over a hill and am starting the downhill and all I see are glassy eyed, open-mouthed bedraggled creatures shuffling up the hill with two bent over on the side of the road heaving. I'm sure I looked about the same :-). Now it is 3:00 am and my body apparently has no intention of going to sleep.
2014-07-27 11:09 AM
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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Originally posted by TTom

Hey, guess what? I have to go to the awards ceremony because I ended up taking 3rd place in my AG!! Original results showed I missed it by a minute, but it turns out the guy they were then showing in third actually was a DNF.How's everyone doing? That run can only be described as brutal in that heat. I swear I felt like I was in a zombie movie at one point. Came over a hill and am starting the downhill and all I see are glassy eyed, open-mouthed bedraggled creatures shuffling up the hill with two bent over on the side of the road heaving. I'm sure I looked about the same :-). Now it is 3:00 am and my body apparently has no intention of going to sleep.

Congrats Tom! I am very impressed with your performance . Your time was better than mine by over 16 minutes and you are well over 10 years older than me! Respect. You deserve that podium.

That was the hardest thing I have had to do physically in my whole life. The DNF rate had to be high. There were casualties all over the run course. The heat in the run was brutal but things got together and I ended up right around where I wanted to be (13:22) which is a PR by about 1:28. Congrats to all of you! It was nice to see all of you out on the course. It brought at smile to my face at a time when the last thing I ever wanted to do on that course was smile.

BTW, Rita, your family are best spectators ever! They were all over the course and always enthusistic. Please tell them thanks for me!


Edited by Lock_N_Load 2014-07-27 11:12 AM

2014-07-27 11:36 AM
in reply to: #4892436

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Great job everyone! Nice podium Tom! It was great seeing you Jose and Kate through out the run. Yes, Jose my family was amazing with their support yesterday. Thanks for cheering from home for us Brian. It was quite brutal. The 107 degree temperature did not help at all. It was insane. Mentally and cardiovascular I felt strong. My body just didn't want to move on the last half of the bike and the majority of the run. My family were Rock stars, they were everywhere on the courses cheering which was motivating. 249 people DNF. I couldn't sleep last night at all. I feel like a newborn deer, very unstable on my legs and I need those handicapped bars for the potty. Bending down/standing up (and curbs) are horrific. Every part of my body hurts, my legs just amplified. Tomorrow is going to be even worse. I have 5 giant blistered on my feet too. I am excited that I had negative splits on the run though, and 3rd out of the water in my AG. Happy I did it and happy I am done. You guys have been a great support. Thanks! Oh, I couldn't eat after mile 56 on the bike and just threw out my nutrition plans from then on and luckily I felt great.
2014-07-27 8:12 PM
in reply to: ritakandel

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SF Bay area
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

Got my race report up here:  My string of "I forgot to" continued into the race.  Remember my wife had to ask me as I was closing the garage door, "Do you need to put your bike on the rack on the back of the car?" and how I got to the prerace meeting and T2 setup, but forgot to take my run gear?  Well, race morning I almost forgot my HR strap, was just ready to go into the water with my wave when I discovered I'd forgotten to put my timing chip on after I took it off to put on the wetsuit.  As you know it is 3 minutes between waves so I had to sprint back up to the rack, get the chip on and get back to into the water before my wave left.  As I was entering the water the announcer was counting down 5,4,3,2,1.  Then, I get out of the water and discover I had forgotten to turn on the MyAthlete GPS tracker.  It is a great little device and the software for spectators is really good, but the device has to be on for it to work (imagine that!).  Unfortunately the LED that tells you it is on is SO dim you cannot see it in daylight.  So I pushed and held the 'on' button per the instructions and hoped for the best, but alas, it did not turn on so the family had to rely on the GulfSport website which they report actually worked really well.  This has been a race to remember for a whole host of reasons!


2014-07-28 10:49 AM
in reply to: TriGuyBri

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Bronze member
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread

Originally posted by TriGuyBri
Originally posted by akrenik Hope everyone is feeling strong right now! Brian ans Lisa...cant believe it has been a year!
I know. Can't quite grasp it. I turned 50 the next day After the race Last year. It has been a rather hard year for me Medically. Knee surgery and a Large blood clot. I am hoping to Get back to doing something next year. I am Golfing again, but miss the running and biking. How are you two Doing?

Can't believe it's been a year already, too!!! Since last year, I ran Chicago Marathon in October, a few half marathons and a local sprint tri - and am training for another marathon in October. I bought a new-to-me bike knowing I will do more Ironman races. My friend and I are considering Louisville (since it is moving to October in 2015), Chattanooga or Wisconsin again for 2015. Looking forward to getting back into long-distance triathlon.

To all of you who competed on Saturday - CONGRATULATIONS!!! Can't wait to read your race reports. I hope you are relaxing with some California wine and savoring your hard-fought journeys.

2014-07-29 12:15 PM
in reply to: lisac957

Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Hi all, back home and it is starting to sink in that it is done. I had a great trip and a great day. It was great meeting all of you. It is the first time I have participated in a forum and it has been fun to enjoy the journey with others on the same path.

Tom - congratulations on the 3rd place finish! You did the work, so glad it paid off and your day went well. I laughed at your forgetfulness, except the timing chip at the start - not funny at all.

It was fun seeing Rita, Jose and Dan on the course. Glad all went well for Rita and Jose. Dan? There were so many encouraging people along the way. Triathletes and their supporters are a great bunch of people.

As for me, I finished how I expected. For a non swimmer that course was great. There were so many buouys and the numbers on them were great. It was easy to sight and I knew how far I had gone. My favorite swim ever! The bike course was really beautiful. The hills were manageable, but really glad I did so many hilly rides. There were always bikers in front of me, but the course never felt crowded. By the run I felt good, but was kind of nervous to push it much. I was managing lightheadedness so I walked a lot. I did not want to blow the day to gain 10 minutes. I took Brian's advice and found someone to finish the last lap with. It went by so fast and was fun. She did the race an hour faster last year and said all training was the same. So the heat did make it tougher. Surprisingly the next day, not as sore as I have been after running a marathon, guess all that walking helps!

Now what?

2014-07-29 5:39 PM
in reply to: khaddon

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New user
San Rafael, California
Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Wow what a day.

Tom that is great! I am really proud of everyone and all that they did.

Unfortunately, I was a DNF. The run course did me in. I am still going over what happened, but it seems that everything fell apart at mile 80 on the bike and just got worse.

I am really glad to have met all of you, sweated with all of you, and learned from all of you.

Looking forward to my next half in October, which seems easy in comparison to a full at this point.


2014-07-29 5:41 PM
in reply to: khaddon

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Originally posted by khaddon

Hi all, back home and it is starting to sink in that it is done. I had a great trip and a great day. It was great meeting all of you. It is the first time I have participated in a forum and it has been fun to enjoy the journey with others on the same path.

Tom - congratulations on the 3rd place finish! You did the work, so glad it paid off and your day went well. I laughed at your forgetfulness, except the timing chip at the start - not funny at all.

It was fun seeing Rita, Jose and Dan on the course. Glad all went well for Rita and Jose. Dan? There were so many encouraging people along the way. Triathletes and their supporters are a great bunch of people.

As for me, I finished how I expected. For a non swimmer that course was great. There were so many buouys and the numbers on them were great. It was easy to sight and I knew how far I had gone. My favorite swim ever! The bike course was really beautiful. The hills were manageable, but really glad I did so many hilly rides. There were always bikers in front of me, but the course never felt crowded. By the run I felt good, but was kind of nervous to push it much. I was managing lightheadedness so I walked a lot. I did not want to blow the day to gain 10 minutes. I took Brian's advice and found someone to finish the last lap with. It went by so fast and was fun. She did the race an hour faster last year and said all training was the same. So the heat did make it tougher. Surprisingly the next day, not as sore as I have been after running a marathon, guess all that walking helps!

Now what?

I did find myself asking "now what" also? I have a suggestion. How about the group coming out to join me next May at Ironman St. George 70.3?! This is the toughest race in the IM 70.3 circuit and the U.S. Pro Championship. You want a challenge without having to train 15 hrs a week? St. George is it. I think you all would love this race. What do you say?
2014-07-29 5:45 PM
in reply to: Happyinmarin

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Originally posted by Happyinmarin

Wow what a day.

Tom that is great! I am really proud of everyone and all that they did.

Unfortunately, I was a DNF. The run course did me in. I am still going over what happened, but it seems that everything fell apart at mile 80 on the bike and just got worse.

I am really glad to have met all of you, sweated with all of you, and learned from all of you.

Looking forward to my next half in October, which seems easy in comparison to a full at this point.


Dan, It was great to meet you. Yes, the day was brutal and you never truly know how your body will react to the conditions (as in, infernally hot). Luckily you are a local so it should be very doable to take your revenge on that sucker next year!
2014-07-30 1:24 AM
in reply to: Lock_N_Load

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Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
I just posted a race report:

Once again I loved the race and for sure will be back sometime in the next couple of years.

Question: What was the DNF rate? I count 596 starters and 440 finishers. That's 156 DNF's and a 26% DNF rate! Is this right? Can someone confirm this? That would be almost as bad as IM St. George 2012. Definitely a tough day out there but a DNF rate of 26% is incredible...
2014-08-01 9:00 AM
in reply to: Lock_N_Load

Subject: RE: Full Vineman 2014 Triathlon : Official Thread
Dan - Sorry your day did not go as planned, but you are young and live close. I think you will be back. Good luck with your October race. 70.3 sounds so easy now. Your training for Vineman should have you well prepared.
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2009-12-13 9:03 PM Focker
date : April 17, 2008
author : mikericci
comments : 1
This program is a beginner plan to bridge you from an a Half Ironman to Ironman using a HRM with the confidence that you can complete the race without difficulty.
date : November 20, 2007
author : mikericci
comments : 0
Executing this full Ironman plan for 17 weeks would give people with one Ironman under their belts very good preparation for a 2nd and 3rd. Preferably, you should have a 6:30 or faster HIM time.
date : July 10, 2007
author : Ontherun
comments : 0
Having three seasons under my belt I thought I knew what I was doing. That all changed with a few new challenges and a bunch of new friends.
date : July 30, 2006
comments : 0
If a heart patient can do these things, then so can those of you who haven't been split open like a fish and sewn back together.
date : June 4, 2006
author : Rich Strauss
comments : 2
I was not an official; I simply observed the race and the officials doing their thing. Here is what I saw:
date : October 26, 2005
author : mikericci
comments : 0
This Intermediate 20 week plan is a quick ramp up in overall volume, but with 20 weeks to train only, it is a gradual and safe approach because of the alternating weeks of the long run/bike.
date : April 3, 2005
author : sherrick
comments : 19
This training plan is written to prepare you for your first Ironman. While just a beginner’s plan, the hours per week start at a significant 8 hours.
date : September 26, 2004
author : Team BT
comments : 3
Pain shows us how strong we are. After last weekend I am convinced of this. After 151 training hours of swimming, biking, and running, I flew to Sonoma County, California for the race.