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2009-01-05 2:05 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Hi guys, just checkin in for the day. I ran my 35 min as per training plan. Speed was not a factor today, just getting my time in was a task. Off the the back cracker, and then home to shovel the driveway. I know bad combination. In my spare time, I plan to work...

2009-01-05 3:15 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
It's so good to be back. I have a 30 minute run and crossfit on the schedule for today. Hope everyone is having a great day.
2009-01-05 3:23 PM
in reply to: #1887450

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

jezzieswims - 2009-01-05 4:15 PM It's so good to be back. I have a 30 minute run and crossfit on the schedule for today. Hope everyone is having a great day.

Hey, Jessica -  I'm curious about crossfit.  I don't know much about it.  How long have you been doing it and how do you like it?  What do you do for crossfit-- Do you have a plan you're following on your own?  Do you workout with a crossfit group? Or do you do an online workout of the day?


2009-01-05 3:29 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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New user

Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Yay!  I just got back from a 24 min. bike ride!  Today is the official beginning of my training plan.  A 12 min. swim + 24 min. bike were on the schedule for today. Since the indoor pool I swim at is not open today, I was only able to do the ride, but I'm very pleased that I did it. 
I'm still finding my way around the site and figuring out what I'm doing, so if someone sees me doing something wrong or not doing something I need to, please let me know!! 
Thanks and blessings~
2009-01-05 4:10 PM
in reply to: #1887479

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
sq42 - 2009-01-05 3:29 PM
Yay!  I just got back from a 24 min. bike ride!  Today is the official beginning of my training plan.  A 12 min. swim + 24 min. bike were on the schedule for today. Since the indoor pool I swim at is not open today, I was only able to do the ride, but I'm very pleased that I did it. 
I'm still finding my way around the site and figuring out what I'm doing, so if someone sees me doing something wrong or not doing something I need to, please let me know!! 
Thanks and blessings~
YAY...I like tha avatar too
2009-01-05 4:23 PM
in reply to: #1887479

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
sq42 - 2009-01-05 4:29 PM
Yay!  I just got back from a 24 min. bike ride!  Today is the official beginning of my training plan.  A 12 min. swim + 24 min. bike were on the schedule for today. Since the indoor pool I swim at is not open today, I was only able to do the ride, but I'm very pleased that I did it. 
I'm still finding my way around the site and figuring out what I'm doing, so if someone sees me doing something wrong or not doing something I need to, please let me know!! 
Thanks and blessings~



Feel free to move the days around to fit your and the pools schedule better. Just don't do two days in a row of something most important not two running days in a row.

You must be following same plan as my husband..he is doing exact same workout later tonight and wants me to go with him to the Y.


2009-01-05 5:50 PM
in reply to: #1887468

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San Gabriel Valley, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
running4beer - 2009-01-05 1:23 PM

jezzieswims - 2009-01-05 4:15 PM It's so good to be back. I have a 30 minute run and crossfit on the schedule for today. Hope everyone is having a great day.

Hey, Jessica -  I'm curious about crossfit.  I don't know much about it.  How long have you been doing it and how do you like it?  What do you do for crossfit-- Do you have a plan you're following on your own?  Do you workout with a crossfit group? Or do you do an online workout of the day?


I'm interested as well.  I just started doing Crossfit.  I joined a start-up Crossfit gym so it is like getting personal training for $75 per month.  So far I did the Introductory Class that tooks DAYS to recover from and four Foundations Classes that were designed to introduce you to the moves used in Crossfit.  Today was my first actual Crossfit class and we did the "Fran" workout.  The workouts all seem to be given women's names. 

The theory behind Crossfit seems to be that training muscles in isolation (like doing biceps curls) doesn't really achieve that much that is useful for life.  You should be working muscles in a way that simulates life - sort of.  So, it is a function-based workout, which makes sense to me.

Anyway, the good news is that for some reason today I went and "made a muscle," you know like we used to do when we were kids and it was AMAZING, but I could make a muscle!!!!!!   WOW!!!!!  I haven't been able to find a biceps in my arm for years. 

For fun, go search "crossfit" on YouTube and watch some of those videos.  Mostly they are of hard core young male studs and those are pretty fun to watch.  I don't really expect to ever achieve that level, but my trainers are seem to think that I will go far. 

I would like to hear other's experiences with Crossfit as mine is still pretty new, but I am encouraged and excited about it.  I heard about Crossfit on BT and so that is another reason for being really glad I found this site.  And you terrific people are the biggest reason I am glad I found it. 


2009-01-05 5:50 PM
in reply to: #1886763

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
running4beer - 2009-01-05 10:46 AM

QueenZipp - 2009-01-05 11:32 AM

Kristen (enders_shadow) swears by baby wipes to use after mid day running.  I usually just do core or PT on lunch to avoid the swety mess but my fitness center in my building is closed for renovations for the next few months

Hmmm, I may have to try that!  I recall about 8 years ago seeing that they started selling wipes that were specifically marketed (for women, of course) as full body wipes for freshening up after exercise.  I thought that was a great idea but when I tried it it had that super baby powder fragrance that made me sneeze throughout the rest of the day.  Haven't seen em since!

Judi - is there any other room you can commandeer for the core and PT? 

I've got one of those big exercise balls in my office (we have a bunch-folks in my office sometimes use em as desk chairs... good for lower back problems) and recently just started to occasionally shut my office door for a couple minutes to crunch away before lunch.  Probably would also be nice to do if I'm stuck on a long boring conference call.   It's a little better than thinking about getting down on my office floor and fits nicely under my desk when I'm not using it.

I'm going to look but space is at a maximum right now.  We're renovating the whole building.  One department will have to move 3 times before the building is renovated completely (ick)!  The office half a mile down the street has a bigger fitness center but with walking down, changing (x2) and walking back that leaves no time for lunch and I'm on a phone unit so eating on the phone is pretty nasty.  I may do the PT/core at home and run on lunch by changing in the ladies bathroom.  I can get 3 miles in over half my lunch and eat in the locker room as I wash up

I was so bored on New Years eve that I laid on the floor of my cube (with my team leads blessing) and did core work!

Edited by QueenZipp 2009-01-05 5:51 PM
2009-01-05 5:53 PM
in reply to: #1886994

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

I am thinking about the time trial thing but wasn't sure what weekend it was... my hub has been gone since 12/25 and gets back Friday-I'd feel bad leaving when he hasn't been home.  Am also watching my knee and cycling is the worst for it.  Shoot I guess I should just say no- I don't want to blow my chance at Hyannis in Feb.

Mina- I have a friend who swears by baby wipes for a quick PTA to clean up. May not be great for summer but the rest of the year probably not so bad.  Since it is always dark it is really hard to run outside if you can't get out in the middle of the day.

My plan is going well so far and challenges with the peach crowd and team resolution for January are on track.  I've even gotten some crappy weather points but don't plan on going out in the sleet on Wednesday- may need to move my run to tomorrow although I don't like doing a long run followed by a long spin (tonight) followed by another run- Hmmmm. There is no way I can do another dreadmill day so soon....

Have a good evening all!

2009-01-05 6:06 PM
in reply to: #1887829

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
KOM - 2009-01-05 4:53 PM

.... I've even gotten some crappy weather points but don't plan on going out in the sleet on Wednesday .....


sleet, that is big points. And...And...And this is super important, excercising in cold weather burns more calories, true...true...true. And you get covered in iceicles, is there anything cooler, just saying.
2009-01-05 6:13 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
If you check out the BT forum for strength training you will see a long thread about crossfit. Lots of folks do it here on BT...downside it is pretty intense and can sometimes compromise your tri workouts.

2009-01-05 6:27 PM
in reply to: #1887876

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San Gabriel Valley, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

KathyG - 2009-01-05 4:13 PM If you check out the BT forum for strength training you will see a long thread about crossfit. Lots of folks do it here on BT...downside it is pretty intense and can sometimes compromise your tri workouts.

Yes, I found the long thread about Crossfit.  It seems dominated by folks (which means mostly men) a little more hard core and intense than I am or want to be.  Now, if they would start a Crossfit Light thread, that would be great. 

Being a post-menopausal woman, I worry about losing my bones and had been trying to get into some sort of strength training program to supplement the weight-bearing exercise of running.  It is my expectation that Crossfit Light will help my triathlon training.  Most of the trainers at my Crossfit gym are Ironman veterans. 

My plan for Crossfit Light is to do the workouts at the gym two mornings a week.  I also try to get in two yoga sessions per week.  Plus I am doing the 100 pushup challenge, which at this initial point isn't really very many additional pushups.  I just want to be strong, not bodybuilder strong, but strong, and I can't believe how much stronger I am already after just a couple weeks.  As I lose weight, I also want to make sure I am adding muscle mass as the same time so as to minimize the saggy skin problem. 

Anyway, so far so good with it.  Everything in moderation.


2009-01-05 7:52 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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West Chester, Ohio
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

I have noticed strength training to be a hot topic on the tri talk threads.  Most of the sseasoned folks steer clear of it. 

When I worked in the hospital and used my days off at the gym I could afford more time to strength train.  Now that I'm working a regular work week (Mon-Fri 8:30-5) I have less time for that.  I squeeze in some strength training work on my own with videos but mostly focus on my core since the core is used so much in all aspects of training and racing.

I do agree that as a post menopausal woman some strength training is necessary.  No need inviting osteoporosis.  Plus, though muscle weighs more than fat due to its density it burns calories more effectively than the fat.  If I'm not mistaken it's a large amount more effectively, just can't remember the specific.

2009-01-05 9:46 PM
in reply to: #1887850

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
BigDH - 2009-01-05 7:06 PM
KOM - 2009-01-05 4:53 PM

.... I've even gotten some crappy weather points but don't plan on going out in the sleet on Wednesday .....

PaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaLEEEEEEASE sleet, that is big points. And...And...And this is super important, excercising in cold weather burns more calories, true...true...true. And you get covered in iceicles, is there anything cooler, just saying.
Yeah but sleet is usually when it's around 30 so the points are less than a nice heavy snow at 25.  I'll go out in the snow but not the sleet....well we'll see, I don't want to fall....

2009-01-05 9:54 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

Hello all!   Thanks to many of you for the inspires over the weekend.....truly made me smile, and inspired me today!  Went skiing with the kiddies this weekend, and now heading off for a couple of days with hubby tomorrow.  So, swam and ran today, my first double workout!  Can you call it a brick when it's swim/run?!?  Today was also my first run in the rain...and cold!  Okay, 40 degrees, but that's cold here!!  It was a best time, my duaghter's theory was that I was so wet I ran faster to finish faster....she may have a point.    6.5 weeks to my marathon.....and I'm starting to worry a bit!  Should I be focusing more on the run right now?   I'm doing 2 days per week, one short, one long and/or hills.  The marathon is FLAT (one reason I chose it!)


2009-01-05 9:57 PM
in reply to: #1884750

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Almaden Valley, San Jose, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Nice!   Downhill skiing or XC?  Where did you go?  I spen the day out on the slopes on Saturday, and my quads are not happy with me!   Fun, though, and worth it!!

2009-01-05 9:58 PM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

I always look at strength in terms of how it fits with my overall goals... I guess its just like how each ride/swim/run should have a purpose towards your personal goals the strength should too...

For me I find it helps me stay injury free, enhances my swimming (personal observation, not all would agree) and good for my balance/core (good for everything!). 

But DOMs can affect your next workout(s) so its a matter of prioritising too... I work with a trainer who is a mountain biker so we have a nice compromise going between stretching, working complimentary/muscle imbalances and core but we steer clear of legs mostly except for working on things like my really weak glutes

If you are going to do it know your reasons AND if you find yourself short of time know which of your workouts take priority!

Thats me .0002

2009-01-06 8:29 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

I got in my strenght training today - the only place i can fit it is a Tuesday morning class at my gym... we use moderate weight on a bar and do a million squats, lunges, rows, dead lifts, bicepts, tris, delts.... and end with some abs.  

It's set to music and it's taught by an Iron(Wo)man and shes in GREAT shape!!  I'm going to do power yoga Fridays and that's always a strength event for me.

The next season of Biggest Loser starts tonight - if you need inspiration put it on... I've weighed in, have you??  I'm going to start tracking on Tuesday's like they do on the show - hope it works by osmosis

Have a great FITNESS day everyone!

2009-01-06 9:05 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

I notice that I get significantly greater gains in each sport (and weight loss!) when I add strength training.

Got both my long ride and my short run in yesterday, so going to give my knees a break (they're asking for ibuprofen this morning) and go to an hour strength training class this evening after work.  I'll make sure to go fairly easy on the legs, tho.

Tomorrow's my first indoor track workout, which I'm both excited for and a little scared of.  I've never done any coached running before (prob contributes to why I have my knee issues now!), so it's going to be a really good thing, but I'm not sure about the distances.  It's 60-90 minutes and 2-4 miles of actual speed work that doesn't include your warm-up, recovery runs, or cool-down. (Total mileage for the workout can range from 4-7 mi depending on what you want to do.)  So this is pushing it for me a bit, but I guess I can always back off or walk the recovery if I need to.  It's organized by a local women's tri group (Team EnVision) so I'll get to meet those ladies for the first time, too, which'll be nice since I'll be able to find out more about them.  Wish me luck!

Oh, and tonight I will definitely weigh in!

Edited by running4beer 2009-01-06 9:07 AM
2009-01-06 9:13 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Good morning everyone. And congrats to those who got out early this morning for a work out, not sure how you do it.
2009-01-06 9:30 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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San Diego, CA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
Good morning. I have a Turbo session planned for tonight. It's going to be a chilly one, more motivation to spin and run faster.

2009-01-06 9:36 AM
in reply to: #1888972

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
running4beer - 2009-01-06 10:05 AM

I notice that I get significantly greater gains in each sport (and weight loss!) when I add strength training.

Got both my long ride and my short run in yesterday, so going to give my knees a break (they're asking for ibuprofen this morning) and go to an hour strength training class this evening after work.  I'll make sure to go fairly easy on the legs, tho.

Tomorrow's my first indoor track workout, which I'm both excited for and a little scared of.  I've never done any coached running before (prob contributes to why I have my knee issues now!), so it's going to be a really good thing, but I'm not sure about the distances.  It's 60-90 minutes and 2-4 miles of actual speed work that doesn't include your warm-up, recovery runs, or cool-down. (Total mileage for the workout can range from 4-7 mi depending on what you want to do.)  So this is pushing it for me a bit, but I guess I can always back off or walk the recovery if I need to.  It's organized by a local women's tri group (Team EnVision) so I'll get to meet those ladies for the first time, too, which'll be nice since I'll be able to find out more about them.  Wish me luck!

Oh, and tonight I will definitely weigh in!

Wow that sounds like a really great opportunity! What indoor track do you run on? Have fun!
2009-01-06 9:38 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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San Gabriel Valley, California
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

I'm one of the people who got in an early morning workout.  I was in the pool at about 5:30.  If I didn't get the swim in then, I would never get it in.  On the other hand, it was probably only in the 50's.  You people that work out in sub-freezing temperatures...  That I can't imagine and don't know how you do it. 

I worked exclusively on a side kicking balance drill.  On my left side I think I did it right and it felt fine.  On my right side I had to work to keep from drowning and crashing into the sides of the lane.  Not sure what made the difference, but I am working on it.  I believe that I noticed improvement by the end of the 900 meters (I did 50m on my left and then 50m on my right). 

Have a good day all.


2009-01-06 9:43 AM
in reply to: #1889059

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED
KOM - 2009-01-06 10:36 AM
running4beer - 2009-01-06 10:05 AM

I notice that I get significantly greater gains in each sport (and weight loss!) when I add strength training.

Got both my long ride and my short run in yesterday, so going to give my knees a break (they're asking for ibuprofen this morning) and go to an hour strength training class this evening after work.  I'll make sure to go fairly easy on the legs, tho.

Tomorrow's my first indoor track workout, which I'm both excited for and a little scared of.  I've never done any coached running before (prob contributes to why I have my knee issues now!), so it's going to be a really good thing, but I'm not sure about the distances.  It's 60-90 minutes and 2-4 miles of actual speed work that doesn't include your warm-up, recovery runs, or cool-down. (Total mileage for the workout can range from 4-7 mi depending on what you want to do.)  So this is pushing it for me a bit, but I guess I can always back off or walk the recovery if I need to.  It's organized by a local women's tri group (Team EnVision) so I'll get to meet those ladies for the first time, too, which'll be nice since I'll be able to find out more about them.  Wish me luck!

Oh, and tonight I will definitely weigh in!

Wow that sounds like a really great opportunity! What indoor track do you run on? Have fun!

MIT's... coincidentally it's the gym I use anyway, which'll make it easy for me.  I've never been able to use the indoor track, though since they have all the school's track practices from 4-7pm, but EnVision managed to snag an hour and a half every Weds through the winter.  Normally they do track workouts in Watertown, which is sort of a PIA to get to if you don't have a car, which I do not.

2009-01-06 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1857705

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Cambridge, MA
Subject: RE: QUEEN ZIP & KathyG - CLOSED

For those interested in losing weight, or just nutrition in general - 

I was interested in figuring out how many calories I should be consuming to lose a little baggage and came across this article from LiveStrong: Eat Healthier By Doing A Little Math

There are probably a bunch of Basal Metabolic Rate calculators out there on the net, but I feel like this is a good starting place for me with a rough number and a little logic on how to utilize estimated BMR.  At the very least, it puts things in perspective to know round about how many calories are being burned at rest. 

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