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2009-01-01 10:18 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Julie - how is that knee feeling? How about meeting at the coffee shop Monday am before we swicoffee Pictures, Images and Photosm?

2009-01-01 10:26 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

This is what my scale said to me this morning.
2009-01-01 10:44 AM
in reply to: #1881029

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Extreme Veteran
quebec's belly button
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

amy mutz - 2009-01-01 11:26 AM Photobucket This is what my scale said to me this morning.



2009-01-01 2:15 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
I'm back in the saddle again, never to be out of shape again....hahaha

Ok, I'm here to cheer on all my fellow triathletes or triathletes in training....get out there and do something today, it is a brand new start to a wonderful new year.

Happy Training!!!

Amy IN
2009-01-01 3:39 PM
in reply to: #1881017

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

amy mutz - 2009-01-01 8:18 AM Julie - how is that knee feeling? How about meeting at the coffee shop Monday am before we swim?

knee is much better. been icing it like crazy. and I would love to meet you for some coffee.

2009-01-01 4:40 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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New user
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Happy New Year everyone!!  We went up the street to a friends' house and had a nice low key evening.  We ate, played games and we drank my homemade Sangria... yum!!

Well, it's a brand new year ...  did anyone make any Resolutions?  I try not to stratch myself too thin, so this year my resolution is to give up soda.  Of course training for my tri is on the list, but that's just a way of life right now... the soda thing is going to be a little tough. 

I also wanted to ask the group if any of you take any type of supplements.  I'm an Advocare distributor (so I can buy product at a discount) and take some of their products.  I love their Spark energy drink and a couple other items... but was wondering what others do for sports/health/weightloss enhancements.  Just curious!!

I rode my bike on the trainer this morning while my boys played.  It felt good to just go up there in my pjs and sneakers and pound out a few miles.  Really didn't even feel like work!


2009-01-01 5:39 PM
in reply to: #1881510

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
jireland5666 - 2009-01-01 4:40 PM

Happy New Year everyone!!  We went up the street to a friends' house and had a nice low key evening.  We ate, played games and we drank my homemade Sangria... yum!!

Well, it's a brand new year ...  did anyone make any Resolutions?  I try not to stratch myself too thin, so this year my resolution is to give up soda.  Of course training for my tri is on the list, but that's just a way of life right now... the soda thing is going to be a little tough. 

I also wanted to ask the group if any of you take any type of supplements.  I'm an Advocare distributor (so I can buy product at a discount) and take some of their products.  I love their Spark energy drink and a couple other items... but was wondering what others do for sports/health/weightloss enhancements.  Just curious!!

I rode my bike on the trainer this morning while my boys played.  It felt good to just go up there in my pjs and sneakers and pound out a few miles.  Really didn't even feel like work!



I take a multi supplement by PURE, I also take nano pro, and nano green for better recovery during training. I have never heard of Advocare, but will research it, I am always seeking good recovery options since my body really broke down last year.

2009-01-01 5:57 PM
in reply to: #1881319

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

amy mutz - 2009-01-01 12:15 PM I'm back in the saddle again, never to be out of shape again....hahaha Ok, I'm here to cheer on all my fellow triathletes or triathletes in training....get out there and do something today, it is a brand new start to a wonderful new year. Happy Training!!! Amy IN


time to get out there are start training for the new season...this year is going to be a great year....and there is no time like the present to get are a few funny and hopefully motivational videos that I thought you all would enjoy!? HAPPY NEW YEAR!

for all you treadmill runners - and I cant help but think...HOW THE HECK DO THEY DO THAT!?

and this is what not to do on a treadmill!

and will leave you with a famous quote that my dad used to always say when he coached me in basketball: I am not sure where it originated!? but sure it is not dads quote! SUCCESS ISNT SOMETHING THAT JUST HAPPENS - SUCCESS IS LEARNED - SUCCESS IS PRACTICED AND THEN IT IS SHARED.

I always loved that saying and hope that we will all do our parts in sharing our experiences. Happy New Years...and let the games begin! the tri game that is!


2009-01-01 5:58 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Happy New Year!  We enjoyed a relatively quiet New Year's Eve with family - lots of good food, beer and sake....probably a little too much sake.   I got in my first run of the year yesterday afternoon.  I went out the door thinking I would walk for an hour, but started a slow jog and ended up doing 3 miles.   My first swim will not be until Monday.  I should be able to get out for a short ride tomorrow or Sunday if the ice/slush dries up.



2009-01-01 6:15 PM
in reply to: #1881618

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
dcon - 2009-01-01 3:58 PM

Happy New Year!  We enjoyed a relatively quiet New Year's Eve with family - lots of good food, beer and sake....probably a little too much sake.   I got in my first run of the year yesterday afternoon.  I went out the door thinking I would walk for an hour, but started a slow jog and ended up doing 3 miles.   My first swim will not be until Monday.  I should be able to get out for a short ride tomorrow or Sunday if the ice/slush dries up.



fabulous job Dan! three mile run is a great way to start the year! KIU!

2009-01-01 7:20 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
I really really wanted to start off the year with a bike ride but the combination of cold and wind that was forecast sounded like to much to deal with. As it turns out I was needed to help my partner bring her mother home from rehab. I'm hoping I might get that ride in tomorrow.

2009-01-01 7:58 PM
in reply to: #1881510

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
jireland5666 - 2009-01-01 2:40 PM

Happy New Year everyone!!  We went up the street to a friends' house and had a nice low key evening.  We ate, played games and we drank my homemade Sangria... yum!!

Well, it's a brand new year ...  did anyone make any Resolutions?  I try not to stratch myself too thin, so this year my resolution is to give up soda.  Of course training for my tri is on the list, but that's just a way of life right now... the soda thing is going to be a little tough. 

I also wanted to ask the group if any of you take any type of supplements.  I'm an Advocare distributor (so I can buy product at a discount) and take some of their products.  I love their Spark energy drink and a couple other items... but was wondering what others do for sports/health/weightloss enhancements.  Just curious!!

I rode my bike on the trainer this morning while my boys played.  It felt good to just go up there in my pjs and sneakers and pound out a few miles.  Really didn't even feel like work!


every day i take iron. vitamin B and ibuprofin. that's pretty much my regiment. sometimes i swap out the IB for naproxin. people laugh, but i feel like ibuprofin is for something that hurts today, and naproxin is for something that hurts everyday. i know you can't take them both at the same time, but for example, if i overdo it, and my muscles are sore, i go for the IB and if my bad knee is bugging me for more than a few days in a stretch, i switch to the naproxin for a few weeks.
i'm lucky enough to be the daughter of a pharmacist, so i have all sorts of useless medicinal information rattling around in my noggin.

i didn't end up doing anything today, but if dh isn't working overtime tomorrow, i'm going to drive up to where the roads are clear again, and run maybe another 4 miles. it just feels so dang good!!

happy new year everyone!
2009-01-01 9:35 PM
in reply to: #1881510

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
jireland5666 - 2009-01-01 3:40 PM

Happy New Year everyone!!  We went up the street to a friends' house and had a nice low key evening.  We ate, played games and we drank my homemade Sangria... yum!!

Well, it's a brand new year ...  did anyone make any Resolutions?  I try not to stratch myself too thin, so this year my resolution is to give up soda.  Of course training for my tri is on the list, but that's just a way of life right now... the soda thing is going to be a little tough. 

I also wanted to ask the group if any of you take any type of supplements.  I'm an Advocare distributor (so I can buy product at a discount) and take some of their products.  I love their Spark energy drink and a couple other items... but was wondering what others do for sports/health/weightloss enhancements.  Just curious!!

I rode my bike on the trainer this morning while my boys played.  It felt good to just go up there in my pjs and sneakers and pound out a few miles.  Really didn't even feel like work!


When I remember to pop the vitamins it usually looks like: garlic, Omega 369, Glucosamine, B12, and a multi-v. We do have some Gu20, Nuun, Endurox and Whey protein in the house too but we usually go to those for bigger training days. I have always thought that I should be taking some Greens mix but have it in my mind that I would be holding my nose every time I take a sip... I should probably just buy some and try it.

2009-01-01 9:52 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Happy New Year everyone! Looks like lots of you got out today...I wanted to run (really no choice though as pools were closed and bike isn't on the trainer yet). The dog was a bit antsy, so I thought we would have a new years run together. We did a great little loop and ended at the doggy park where he had a little romp and I got to take advantage of what looked like an aid station- really just some dog-loving folks manning a table and doling out hot cocoa and treats for everyone and their dogs. Note to self- find more fitting image next time- (a) I am not blonde- tough for the asian folks- always comes out orange (b) Calgary weather today did not allow for singlet and shorts (c) my dog would be 6 ft (I believe that's the length of the leash) ahead and my arm fully extended, and mouth open shouting for him to slow down. It's always an adventure! Laughing



2009-01-02 12:58 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Hi everyone...I am having all kinds of computer issues while traveling...every time I get on the computer it has been crashing! every time I try to leave an inspire I get an error message. wanted you all to know why I have been MIA! hope you all are moving closer to those goals you set...time to get training...the new year is upon us! TRAIN WELL!

2009-01-02 8:44 AM
in reply to: #1879483

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2008-12-31 8:54 AM
Sledge - 2008-12-31 9:40 AM
MDHillSlug - 2008-12-30 5:35 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2008-12-30 6:04 PM
MDHillSlug - 2008-12-30 6:41 AM

I can use some training schedule help:

One of my goals for 2009 is to increase my running so that I can be doing 10k for an August Oly tri. So, I started working on a training schedule for January that has me running just about every third day. However, if I also add in 2x swimming and 2x biking it leaves me with basically no rest days. I have a lot of trouble getting in 2 workouts in a day. What to do?

My suggestion would be you need an off day at least...I would suggest dropping one day of your biking since anyone who knows you....knows that you are an animal on the bike. There are various training plans have you looked at any that BT has to offer? they have many different options and are set up to give you your much needed time off...You will burn yourself out and possibly injure yourself if you overdo it....but good job on your workouts! Did you decide on a challenge this month?

Yes, I know I need a day off each week. I'm usually very good about this. Of course, I'd rather bike than anything so I hate to give them up . I have looked at some BT plans, mostly the run-emphasis Oly plans. I should probably take another look. I also have the "Essential Week-by-Week Training Guide" but I haven't yet gotten through all the info about how to use it.

I've decided to do the January Challenge Challenge but I haven't settled on my goal(s) yet. That's why I'm trying to figure out a training plan for January.

Do you ever use the "36 hour rule"?  I know it's cheating, but sometimes I claim rest by working out early one morning, then waiting until evening the following day to work out again.  Voila, 36 hours between workouts!

Cheating? Cheating who? No, I basically do all my training first thing in the morning. I started this because it's the only time of the day where there are no other demands on my time. Now, it's become routine.

I guess I mean cheating because you don't really have two sleep cycles between workouts.  That seems to help me better -- to have a true "rest day".  But sometimes it just doesn't work out.

I do most of my training first thing in the morning too, although I'm trying to be more open to other times.  It just seems that when I plan to do something at lunchtime or after work, half the time it gets pre-empted by work!

2009-01-02 8:59 AM
in reply to: #1882431

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2009-01-02 9:44 AM

I do most of my training first thing in the morning too, although I'm trying to be more open to other times.  It just seems that when I plan to do something at lunchtime or after work, half the time it gets pre-empted by work!

In my case it gets pre-empted by family issues or just not feeling up to it. That's why I train in the morning where there are less excuses.

The threat of "wintery mix" is keeping me inside today. I'm about to hit the rollers.

Edited by MDHillSlug 2009-01-02 9:00 AM
2009-01-02 11:10 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
hey all,
was going to head out for a run, but AGAIN got about 3 inches of fresh snow. i'd probably risk it, if i didn't know about the 3 inch thick layer of ice underneath. meh, i'll call a friend, and see if i can't hit the dreaded treadmill at that gym again-that is of course if i can even make it out of the house today. i feel weird going to the gym just now, as all the "new years resolution" folks are making their big effort now. it tends to be crowded. i'm sure i blend in real well too, LOL

well that's my day in a nutshell, what are YOU all doing?
2009-01-02 11:19 AM
in reply to: #1881618

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
dcon - 2009-01-01 5:58 PM

Happy New Year!  We enjoyed a relatively quiet New Year's Eve with family - lots of good food, beer and sake....probably a little too much sake.   I got in my first run of the year yesterday afternoon.  I went out the door thinking I would walk for an hour, but started a slow jog and ended up doing 3 miles.   My first swim will not be until Monday.  I should be able to get out for a short ride tomorrow or Sunday if the ice/slush dries up.



Dan - Good luck on the swim Monday, I need to make an effort to do the same.
Good job on your run of 3, I got 2 in but it was hard for me, can anyone say "out of shape"

Amy IN
2009-01-02 11:35 AM
in reply to: #1882466

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2009-01-02 8:59 AM

Sledge - 2009-01-02 9:44 AM

I do most of my training first thing in the morning too, although I'm trying to be more open to other times.  It just seems that when I plan to do something at lunchtime or after work, half the time it gets pre-empted by work!

In my case it gets pre-empted by family issues or just not feeling up to it. That's why I train in the morning where there are less excuses.

The threat of "wintery mix" is keeping me inside today. I'm about to hit the rollers.

I like to do mornings too if possible, but it seems afternoons I can get an open lane for swims at the Y.

You still need to be added to the list don't you? Julie will do that when she gets back I'm sure.

Take care,
Amy IN
2009-01-02 11:36 AM
in reply to: #1882707

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
lyssa-gator - 2009-01-02 11:10 AM

hey all,
was going to head out for a run, but AGAIN got about 3 inches of fresh snow. i'd probably risk it, if i didn't know about the 3 inch thick layer of ice underneath. meh, i'll call a friend, and see if i can't hit the dreaded treadmill at that gym again-that is of course if i can even make it out of the house today. i feel weird going to the gym just now, as all the "new years resolution" folks are making their big effort now. it tends to be crowded. i'm sure i blend in real well too, LOL

well that's my day in a nutshell, what are YOU all doing?

Have fun at the gym.

Amy IN

2009-01-02 12:18 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
am looking at bike trainers on ebay, any suggestions? i'm not really wanting to spend a ton, but it seems everything reasonable is around the $80 mark. that seem about right?
2009-01-02 12:19 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

I did 1.5 hrs and 24 miles on the rollers. Still hoping to get an outside ride this weekend.

Running tomorrow.

2009-01-02 12:20 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
i just saw that on your facebook nicole. nice job! it's funny someone thought you were on rollerblades! LOL
2009-01-02 2:08 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

It's a bit of a chilly one today- just a couple of cm of fresh snow but temps are about -25C +windchill. I had a pretty good round in the pool today and will skip the run. Still waiting for hubby to locate the skewer so I can get my bike on the trainer. It's just supposed to be a one day cold spell so I am hopeful that I can get out for a run tomorrow.

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