BT Development Mentor Program Archives » DJDavey's group - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2010-02-28 12:02 PM
in reply to: #2695225

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

jshiplet - 2010-02-26 10:35 AM I am taking m daughter to see disney on ice saturday morning, then driving to my grandma's bday(2 hours away) then I will be up sunday at 430am to go coach(2 hours away) in which the last race should go off at 830pm(then a 2 hour drive home). So ya other than walking with my swimmers up and down the pool, I wont get any work in.

just out of you wear your swim cap at work then too??? 


2010-03-01 8:12 AM
in reply to: #2559563

Crosby, Texas
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
I finished the basketball league that I was refereeing last Saturday. Now...Its all about ME (for a little while, until little league baseball kicks off again next week). Anyway, I officially start my 8 week sprint plan today. First tri is May 1st. It's gonna be all about the swim for me. I got to get my self to 500m in 8 weeks. My boss lady is letting me get a "real" bike in a couple of weeks, so I'll be picking y'alls brain abit about that. Have a great day!!
2010-03-01 9:14 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
I did a 5 mile tempo run Sat, 6 mile long run yesterday.  Lifting today and I start a 4 week Masters/Triathlon Small Group Swim Training course tomorrow morning.

Last week was my largest volume week ever, I was prety excited about that, and I logged 70 miles running in the month of Feb.  Lost a few lbs in the process too!

2010-03-01 11:18 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

ok, lets try something here..................based on everyones last two weeks, what do you guys think a good goal for the this group to be in terms of number of training hours??  im thinking as a group we should be able to hit 50 total hours, dont you?

what do you guys think?


2010-03-01 1:02 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
What if we all comitt, or pledge a number of hours to reach a collective goal?

you can put me down for 8hrs this week.
2010-03-01 2:20 PM
in reply to: #2700211

Crosby, Texas
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
I'm good for ~4.5 hrs this week

2010-03-01 3:07 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Hey guys, sorry for being MIA for so long.  Way too busy at work and at home. 

Finally got back into the training and now have a steady plan on getting the time in.  I can commit to 5 hrs this week (could be more if the timing work out but lets stick with 5 hrs).

Had a good workout this morning (even after waiting 25 minutes for a treadmill to open up) with a run and some weights.  Nice easy run but did feel a slight "twinge" in the left shin area.  I am hoping that it is not shin splints but just a slight muscle pain.  I am looking forward to upping the run times and increasing the weights.  I am still on the fence about a triathlon on 4/25/2010 (Purdue Spring) which has an indoor swim.  I am going to wait another week or so to decide.

2010-03-01 3:13 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

so thats 17.5 so far, i will commit to 10 so thats 27.5 now...................anyone else?


2010-03-01 3:22 PM
in reply to: #2559563

Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Lol, no cap for me. Im already balding so theres not much hair up top. My knees and ankles kill today after standing for 14 hours yesterday. I have basketball tonight, so this should be an entertaining evening. I am in for 5 hours this week as well, hopefully more, but im guessing friday is going to be a waste for me. A buddy and I are going to the Arnold Fitness expo and make fun of all the meatheads that are there. We wear cutoff jeans and shirts...its a blast.
2010-03-02 9:05 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

pledged 10, got 1.5 yesterday done and so far 1 done today with another .5 looming afterwork.............

2010-03-02 10:06 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Hey all,

I pledged 5 hours and completed 45 minutes yesterday.  I could not work out this morning due to a Life Insurance Physical (no workouts within 24 hours) but I do plan on getting in 20 minutes of cardio and 20 minutes of core training tonight.  Tomorrow should be 30 minutes in the pool, 20 minutes weights, and 20 minutes cardio.  So hopefuly tomorrow at this time I should be at the 2.5 hour mark, halfway through on Wednesday with four days left to go.

Great idea to pledge training hours weekly, keeps everyone involved and up to speed.  Accountability is a great tool.

2010-03-02 11:49 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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Extreme Veteran
San Luis Obispo County, CA
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Great idea!

Put me down for 4.5. 
2010-03-02 1:14 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Just about 1/2 way done with my 8hrs.  It was above 40degrees today so I ignored the dreadmill and got my 6 mile tempo run out in the park today.  Melted snow puddles everywhere gave me a muddy back, but well worth it! 

That run plus my 1st masters class this morning put me over 2 hrs today and it is only 2:00pm (love that feeling).  I hope to get 45 on the drainer tonight so I can take the day off tomorrow!  There is no green on my chart for this week and that bums me out!

2010-03-02 2:51 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

if, and thats a pretty big if.............i have done my math correctly i think the pledge total is 36.5 hours...........will attempt to add up total so far this week tomorrow!!  looking good so far tho!!!


2010-03-02 2:57 PM
in reply to: #2559563

Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
I put in 1 hour yesterday and hope to get an hour in tonight, maybe more if I can get the will power to do abs.
2010-03-02 8:33 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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Extreme Veteran
San Luis Obispo County, CA
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
1.39 hours this week so far.

2010-03-03 6:14 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Good swim (first time in 3 weeks) this morning followed by lower body and core.  Pledged 5 hours, 1:55 so far this week.
2010-03-03 7:33 AM
in reply to: #2559563

Crosby, Texas
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
First full swim workout: fairly easy 5x100, then 8x25 harder. I'm not sure how to tranlate that into hrs or mins.
2010-03-03 3:20 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
How come every time my 3 year old son comes home with the sniffels I have it 3 days later!  Every single time!  This sucks, I'm resting today, but have a masters class in the AM and run scheduled for tomorrow afternoon that I'm doing cold or not! 

Still no green on my charts!  That is bugging me!
2010-03-04 7:21 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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Extreme Veteran
San Luis Obispo County, CA
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Got a mag trainer bike ride in last night, and a tempo run (if you can call it that) this morning.  I'm at 3 hours out of 4.5 pledged.  Long run planned for Saturday, and will do something tomorrow.
2010-03-04 7:23 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

1 hour 44 mins yesterday..................


2010-03-04 7:40 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Got another good run in this morning followed by an upper body workout.  Decided to save the core for tomorrow morning since I am increasing the intensity.  Pledged for the week:  5 hours; Total today:  52 minutes;   Total for the week 2:47.

Tomorrow - Swim/Trainer/Core (1 hour total)
Saturday - Eliptical/lower body/Core (1 hour total)
Sunday - Run (30 minutes)
2010-03-04 9:17 AM
in reply to: #2706630

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Richmond VA area
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Okay, you guys have shamed me into it put me down for 2.5hrs. I felt so bad listening to all your hard work I got on the treadmill last night between trips to take the kids to Taekwondo. Only had time for 27 min of intervals. So I am at 1.19 hrs for the week so far.

2010-03-04 11:35 AM
in reply to: #2559563

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West Allis, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED

so the pledged hours appear to be somewhere in the neighborhood of 45.  we'll go with that........from what i can tell i can only come up with about 12 hours being reported........i think that is probably wrong tho since it appears you guys are workin pretty good!  lets try this format (unless someone creative wants to put together a chart or something):

pledged hours: 10

completed: 5 hrs 45 mins

yesterday i ran home from work and tho the pace was comfy for me it was a very hard need to be replaced for one thing. other factors were getting stopped at almost each stop light (i think i made 2 total!!) as well as being forced to stop by two trains!!  also was that people tend NOT to look to the right as they are turning right so i had a few "sudden stop dead in my tracks or be run over" moments.............needless to say my legs are quite sore today!!


2010-03-04 3:24 PM
in reply to: #2559563

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Subject: RE: DJDavey's group - CLOSED
Pledged Hours: 8
Completed hours: 5.5

Remaining 2.5 hr plan:
45 Drainer ride tomorrow AM
1:30 OUTDSIDE Bike ride Saturday AM (Supposed to be sunny and mid 40's, music to my ears)
15min run Brick off the bike

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