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2010-02-05 8:36 AM
in reply to: #2656592

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Headed to Shreveport for a Mardi Gras parade!  Hope to get a workout or two in this weekend.

2010-02-05 10:35 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
I had a cute conversation with my wife lastnight.  She said that it is ok if I don't qualify for Kona (so she can get a vacation in a tropical spot).... I can do an IM in Mexico or some other vacation spot out of the country.  I think she is catching on to the fringe benefits of my triathlon training.  "So all I have to do is find a nice place to vacation that also has a triathlon nearby and we are good right?"  Spousal support is a good thing.  She has even made noises about doing her first sprint this fall.  She hasn't swum in our pool yet, but she used to be on a swim team in her former life (man I wish I had that in my background) and she qualified for nationals in college for cross country.  But she hadn't run at all in 20 years, not even a mile.  So she is just getting back at it, but did do a 4 miler at Thanksgiving and plans to run a 5k/3 miler in March.  She had to start with a walk 5 minutes jog 90 seconds plan and move up from there.  Now she can run for 1 hour and gets out there 3-4 times per week.   
2010-02-05 11:11 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

That is so cool that your wife is catching the bug!  I love training with my husband.  We are totally into the destination races!  Rumor has it that there might be a 1/2 ironman sometime in the next year or two in a certain Central American country I recently visited!

2010-02-05 2:02 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

Thanks for all the great suggestions everyone!  I was actually scheduled to see my massage therapist on Saturday so I am going to have her focus on my leg to see if she can find anything.  I also go to a chiropractor for adjustments 2-3 times weekly. and that helps.  I brought out the foam roller from my closet.  I haven't used it a while but I am putting it back into rotation.  I am an occupational therapist and I work with a bunch of physical therapists so I got a few other suggestions from them.  Whew!  I appreciate all the help. 

I am disappointed because I was really getting into the running.  Oh well.  I also know that I have to ease up or I could injure myself more....

Have a great weekend!

2010-02-06 8:26 AM
in reply to: #2657446

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Woohoo!  Its the day before the big race and I'm all excited, like the day before Christmas for the kids!!!

Yesterday was a rough day. Had an urgent project to finish up on Thursday night and we ended up working to 12:15 AM. My mind was still racing when I went to bed I was waking up every 20-30 minutes.  Finally got up at 2:30 AM and used the roller and did some light stretching and finally fell fast asleep until 6:45am, ugh.

Y'all have a great weekend!
2010-02-06 6:32 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Crosstraining day... Yay 1st place in local slalom competition snowskiing!  (Small field of competitors).  so I won a free pass for another ski day.  8). 

2010-02-07 10:09 AM
in reply to: #2659108

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Hey all.  Nailed my HM today, right at my race goal, 1:40:25 (unoffical) 7:40 pace, details in the RR.   Time to take a nap and get ready for a Superbowl party later.  Have a great day!
2010-02-07 2:19 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

Way to go Don!  1:40 is awesome

I'm headed up the mountain to give downhill skiing a try for a little cross training!


2010-02-07 6:13 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

Nice pace, we can tell you rocked it the whole way.  Very nice.

2010-02-08 9:09 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
We're back from Shreveport and I am BEAT.  The Mardi Gras parade was fun but cold.  My kids had a blast and I didn't ANY workouts in.    Today I plan on hitting it hard and getting back into the groove.  Only 3 weeks until the Cowtown 5K!
2010-02-08 1:41 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Long Beach, CA
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Hello! I got my 2010 season kicked off yesterday with a 5k. It was a very average race, as far as time goes, but a fun one! Here is the race report!

I hope everyone else had a great weekend!

2010-02-09 9:23 AM
in reply to: #2661743

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Melbourne FL
Gold member
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Sealiongirl, way to go on the 5k.  That was one rough night!

FWSquatch, I'll be checking in on you the next 3 weeks to see if you're really "hitting it hard"!

I'm able to walk almost normal today.  By yesterday afternoon I was having to walk stiff legged as any knee bend was making my thighs scream!  Went to the Y last night and let the hot tub jets massage my thighs, which hurt some but was better than trying to foam roll them because I couldn't!
2010-02-09 11:36 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Hehe it took me about a week to get past the robotic need oil in the joints leg walk after my mary.  It will get better and you will be like ahhh this rocks.  Your wife will what?  And you reply walking... look I can walk fluidly across the room isn't that great?  Er um yes dear... why don't you walk to the kitchen and do some dishes now 8). 
2010-02-09 6:50 PM
in reply to: #2663477

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

Baowolf - 2010-02-09 11:36 AM Hehe it took me about a week to get past the robotic need oil in the joints leg walk after my mary.  It will get better and you will be like ahhh this rocks.  Your wife will what?  And you reply walking... look I can walk fluidly across the room isn't that great?  Er um yes dear... why don't you walk to the kitchen and do some dishes now 8). 

LMAO!  That must be the reason Paul and I both race together - we're like, Uh, kids - can you walk to the kitchen to get mom and dad some water - we can't.  : )

2010-02-09 7:08 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Big run today! I had a looong day at work but I forced myself to get out there and run when I got home. When I read that Donto would be checking on me, I actually felt a little more motivated. Thanks for the push! I wasn't running my regular route so I ran what I thought was about 2 miles. I looked it up online afterward and found out that it was 2.5! No wonder I felt so beat down on my cooldown walk home. I think I'm gonna be a little sore tomorrow.
2010-02-10 8:40 AM
in reply to: #2664564

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

FWSquatch - 2010-02-09 7:08 PM Big run today! I had a looong day at work but I forced myself to get out there and run when I got home. When I read that Donto would be checking on me, I actually felt a little more motivated. Thanks for the push! I wasn't running my regular route so I ran what I thought was about 2 miles. I looked it up online afterward and found out that it was 2.5! No wonder I felt so beat down on my cooldown walk home. I think I'm gonna be a little sore tomorrow.

That's AWESOME!  There's nothing like a surprise breakthrough!!  We have a few folks that have been MIA - where is everybody?  Too busy training I hope!  Lets do a check in.  Where are you with your training/ training plan?


2010-02-10 10:11 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Sorry to have been MIA lately!  I am still struggling with some left calf issues.  I have taken a week off of running.  I have been using the foam roller, icing nightly, and had a massage on Saturday.  It sucks because I am still sore.  I am getting really frustrated because I feel like all the training I was doing is taking a downslide.  Yell  I am still trying to stay positive and have been focusing on running and swimming drills.  I hope everyone's training is going better than mine.....
2010-02-10 10:41 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Alturas, California
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Well, I am officially into the first week of a 20 week build to CDA. 

I am finally allowed to run again after 3 weeks off following the marathon.  So I will no longer be spoiled by only having one workout a day.  

So this morning started with a high intensity 15mile drainer ride in 50 minutes before work.  I may try to fit in a swim at lunch and then do some core this evening.  Both bike and swim today include building pyramids of intensity.  The swim will be a lovely 5 minute 4, 3, 2, 1, while increasing speed each go, rince and repeat 3x.  Bike was a build 5x 3:00 at 17.5 mph, 18, 19, 19.5, 20.5 main set. 

I have been doing short core workouts every night and am up to 3x 10 of V's, right and left crunches and back/leg lifts while on your belly. This is up from 1 set of 10 two weeks ago, so some improvement there, although with swim build, I have to be careful to not overcook my core. 

And.... since I am into the plan now I "get" to lose that 15-20 pounds I put on after that IM in 8/09 with Thanksgiving, and Christmas candies, pies, icecream.  Yikes where did that belly fat come from again.  So no chocolate, candy bars or ice cream for 5 months (unless it is durring a 4 hour + workout).   
2010-02-10 7:04 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Fort Worth
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
I'm a little sore from yesterday so I jumped on the bike today.  Only got in 30 minutes before I had to put out some fires (not literally ).  I plan on sticking to a more run-centric workout plan until after the Cowtown 5K in 3 weeks.  Tomorrow I run and Friday I hope to get in a swim.
2010-02-11 6:58 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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York, PA
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Kati'sMOMMA Roll Calling...NICE!
I'm here. Digging out of the snow in Pennsylvania. Did my 3 mile anyway today on the treadmill.

2010-02-11 7:32 PM
in reply to: #2591018


NE Texas
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
I am here. Haven't missed any training on my half IM program. However, we now have snow here in TX so that may put a damper on my scheduled hard run tomorrow. I may try to do it on the treadmill if necessary. Bought a triggerpoint roller. Wasn't sure about the purchase but one use and I am a believer.James

Edited by Shinka 2010-02-11 7:32 PM

2010-02-11 8:39 PM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

Sounds like everybody is hanging strong.  I have missed alot of runs because of the snow outside.  I just don't have a decent treadmill to run on, so I have to sub biking when the roads are ice covered.  My kids have been out of school for 6 days straight - Not great for my attitude, but thankfully my training is my release!!

2010-02-12 8:59 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Yea!  I ran yesterday and it wasn't painful!  I am hoping the week of rest helped.  I am ready to get back to training!  Woohoo!!
2010-02-12 9:15 AM
in reply to: #2591018

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Port Kent, NY
Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed
Well this has not been a very good week for me.  I did get some work outs in!! I've been tired and it seems like life just didn't want me to do any training.  It's so hard to get anything done with my Husband hanging around the house but lucky for me he is back to work know and so I should be able to get back to my normal routine again, I hope.  I am swimming tonight and tomorrow I'm going to my mom's and I think I will run there, she'll watch Brodie!! And Sunday I plan on spinning for a least a hour and half.  Next week I'm going to get back on schedule, everyone around here better watch OUT!!! LOL!!!

Way to go Donto and Seagirl!!!! Congradulations to you both Wink
2010-02-12 9:18 AM
in reply to: #2669571

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Subject: RE: Kati's MOMMA training group - Closed

christina322 - 2010-02-12 8:59 AM Yea!  I ran yesterday and it wasn't painful!  I am hoping the week of rest helped.  I am ready to get back to training!  Woohoo!!

Yay for no pain!!!

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