Other Resources Challenge Me! » bEASTies - March Winds Challenge Rss Feed  
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2010-03-04 9:59 AM
in reply to: #2706944

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Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge
rnihill - 2010-03-04 9:26 AM
MDHillSlug - 2010-03-04 10:09 AM
sparco - 2010-03-04 9:38 AM Morning bEASTies!

2800 yds of swimming yesterday.

20 min of spin this morning, and hoping for 30 min of spin over the lunch hour.  Training season is here!

bEASTies, I like that!

nice swim!
I like it too! It makes me want to BE a bEAST!!

Sounds good to me!  Yay, bEASTies!?  Rawr.

2010-03-04 10:05 AM
in reply to: #2707056

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge
yogachic - 2010-03-04 10:59 AM
rnihill - 2010-03-04 9:26 AM
MDHillSlug - 2010-03-04 10:09 AM
sparco - 2010-03-04 9:38 AM Morning bEASTies!

2800 yds of swimming yesterday.

20 min of spin this morning, and hoping for 30 min of spin over the lunch hour.  Training season is here!

bEASTies, I like that!

nice swim!
I like it too! It makes me want to BE a bEAST!!

Sounds good to me!  Yay, bEASTies!?  Rawr.

I love bEASTies as a name!!
2010-03-04 10:37 AM
in reply to: #2698010

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West Grove, PA
Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge
Good morning bEASTies (LOVE LOVE LOVE that name!),
This morning, I ran outside for the first time since about October of last year.  I did 9.3 miles at a pretty slow overall pace... I was slowed considerably because there was a lot of snow and ice on the running path.  Legs felt great and I now wonder why I've been spending so much time on that God-forsaken DREADmill.  Just need a few more 45 degree days this week to get rid of the rest of that snow and we'll be golden.  Got in late today because of my run and work is a little crazy, so I won't be able to go back and look at the past few pages of the thread.  But I still see everyones got girl scout cookies on the brain.  Have a fantastic day!!!
2010-03-04 11:02 AM
in reply to: #2706774

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge
ironannekidd - 2010-03-04 9:38 AM
KOM - 2010-03-04 9:10 AM
ironannekidd - 2010-03-04 6:38 AM Good morning everyone.

I am feeling better today. Instead of the headache all the junk is draining down my throat.

I plan to get a short run in today. It is my son's 10th birthday so I don't have a lot of time. Need to be out and back by the time he gets home. He's bringing 2 friends home with him tonight.

I have the house to myself on Saturday and the temp is supposed to be near 50. I am looking forward to riding my bike outside this weekend.

It is supposed to be warm here too.  I am test riding a tri bike on Sunday!!!!

I think I will wait on starting taxes til Monday....no unfair influences on my decision that way.

******Sweet tribike TopPage******


What are you test riding?

It's a 2009 Felt B16.  It's about $600-700 off since its last year's model
2010-03-04 11:05 AM
in reply to: #2707287

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Science Nerd
Redwood City, California
Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge
KOM - 2010-03-04 12:02 PM
ironannekidd - 2010-03-04 9:38 AM
KOM - 2010-03-04 9:10 AM
ironannekidd - 2010-03-04 6:38 AM Good morning everyone.

I am feeling better today. Instead of the headache all the junk is draining down my throat.

I plan to get a short run in today. It is my son's 10th birthday so I don't have a lot of time. Need to be out and back by the time he gets home. He's bringing 2 friends home with him tonight.

I have the house to myself on Saturday and the temp is supposed to be near 50. I am looking forward to riding my bike outside this weekend.

It is supposed to be warm here too.  I am test riding a tri bike on Sunday!!!!

I think I will wait on starting taxes til Monday....no unfair influences on my decision that way.

******Sweet tribike TopPage******


What are you test riding?

It's a 2009 Felt B16.  It's about $600-700 off since its last year's model

2010-03-04 11:53 AM
in reply to: #2698010

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East Side of the Bay
Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge
Love the bEASTies name!!!

Could some one make a team table?  I am not computer literate enough as yet.


******Go bEASTies TopPage******

Edited by KOM 2010-03-04 11:54 AM

2010-03-04 11:56 AM
in reply to: #2698010

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West Grove, PA
Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge
Kathy - I've got a Felt B2 and frrrrrreaking LOVE it.  One disclaimer... it's the only tri bike I've ever owned, so I don't have any other point of reference.  However, I'm so comfortable on it and have been since the day I got it.  I bought it used off eBay.  Best of luck... hope you enjoy the test-ride!
2010-03-04 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2698010

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2010-03-04 1:09 PM
in reply to: #2698010

Extreme Veteran
Southwestern Ontario
Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge
Afternoon bEASTies...I skimmed the 6 pages of posts since I was last on.  I see we're still talking about food.  FWIW I LOVE the Shamrock shakes from McD's, we don't have Chik Fil-A here, I didn't have choclate for breakfast, but I did eat 2 handfuls of gummie bears at lunch!
2010-03-04 1:31 PM
in reply to: #2698010

Extreme Veteran
Morris County, NJ
Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge

Hello All,  Only day four and I am pretty tired--I might have been a little optimistic in my goal-setting.  Oh well, I have no choice but to succeed.  Mostly, because I am petrified of that barbecue fork taser thingie.  Will do a trainer ride and some strength training tonight.  Have a great day, Jackie

2010-03-04 2:23 PM
in reply to: #2698010

Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge
Oh my heck.  I just got home from Cole's doctor appt.  It was at 10:10 this morning.  It's almost 3:30.  Yeah, it went well.  He has bronchial pneumonia.  No wonder he wasn't getting any better.  So, no school today or tomorrow.  That means no run today or tomorrow for me.   Now that he is on a super dose of antibiotics and many inhalers, maybe he can get better.

2010-03-04 2:46 PM
in reply to: #2698010

Albany, NY
Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge
Got my short run in and it was SO nice to be outside! Now off to help my daughter with her homework.
2010-03-04 3:08 PM
in reply to: #2708003

Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge

ebshot - 2010-03-04 2:23 PM Oh my heck.  I just got home from Cole's doctor appt.  It was at 10:10 this morning.  It's almost 3:30.  Yeah, it went well.  He has bronchial pneumonia.  No wonder he wasn't getting any better.  So, no school today or tomorrow.  That means no run today or tomorrow for me.   Now that he is on a super dose of antibiotics and many inhalers, maybe he can get better.

What a bummer - at least they know what it is and can treat it accordingly.  Get better soon Cole!

2010-03-04 3:19 PM
in reply to: #2708003

West Grove, PA
Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge
ebshot - 2010-03-04 3:23 PM Oh my heck.  I just got home from Cole's doctor appt.  It was at 10:10 this morning.  It's almost 3:30.  Yeah, it went well.  He has bronchial pneumonia.  No wonder he wasn't getting any better.  So, no school today or tomorrow.  That means no run today or tomorrow for me.   Now that he is on a super dose of antibiotics and many inhalers, maybe he can get better.

Erica - that STINKS!!!  At least he's on meds and will get better soon.  Hang in there!!!
2010-03-04 3:20 PM
in reply to: #2708003

Falls Church, Virginia
Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge
ebshot - 2010-03-04 3:23 PM

Oh my heck.  I just got home from Cole's doctor appt.  It was at 10:10 this morning.  It's almost 3:30.  Yeah, it went well.  He has bronchial pneumonia.  No wonder he wasn't getting any better.  So, no school today or tomorrow.  That means no run today or tomorrow for me.   Now that he is on a super dose of antibiotics and many inhalers, maybe he can get better.

Oh, poor thing. Hope he gets better soon.
2010-03-04 4:02 PM
in reply to: #2698010

Haddam, CT
Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge

Too late to join? 

2010-03-04 4:10 PM
in reply to: #2708003

Subject: ...
This user's post has been ignored.
2010-03-04 4:43 PM
in reply to: #2708265

Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge
lobstergirl - 2010-03-04 5:02 PM

Too late to join? 

Yeah!  Another CT peep!
2010-03-04 4:44 PM
in reply to: #2698010

Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge
Thanks for all the well wishes guys.  Poor kid has had it rough lately.  Hopefully this is it for awhile.
2010-03-04 5:54 PM
in reply to: #2706517

Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge
ebshot - 2010-03-04 7:04 AM

D001 - 2010-03-03 7:40 PM
ebshot - 2010-03-03 6:49 PM I made it to Kona's vet appt.  She received a clean bill of health.
Now, if only your kids were as healthy.... Has everyone stopped puking?

Yup, no one is puking but Cole is still coughing up a storm.  So, back to the doctor today.  Cause I wouldn't want to go a week without seeing the pediatrician. 

I hear your pediatrician is building a new medical office complex. It's going to be named after your kids.....

2010-03-04 5:55 PM
in reply to: #2706652

Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge
kimk - 2010-03-04 8:50 AM

Is anyone working on the team table? I have no idea how to do it but would love to add it to my dashboard so I can inspire the team!
Have a great day team!

Mmmm, I can tell you that I'm not. LOL

2010-03-04 5:56 PM
in reply to: #2706691

Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge
KOM - 2010-03-04 9:07 AM

Morning team!

I am cranky already.  I want to sign up for the SheRox Tri in Webster MA and got a post card in the mail with a code that I can use to enter to win a wetsuit.  Of course I am convinced I will win said wetsuit.  But the stoopid Active site doesn't recognize the code.  I emailed them Tuesday about it and never heard back.  I tried again this morning hoping it was fixed and same deal.  So I emailed SheRox.  I am hoping the squeaky wheel gets the wetsuit!

Be very squeaky!!!!

Especially since others may be having the same problem and GIVING UP. If you can get your name entered, it could make you the WINNER by default.

2010-03-04 5:56 PM
in reply to: #2706696

Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge
KOM - 2010-03-04 9:09 AM

Green beverages seems to be just wrong to me!

Not if you're a mold spore. Then it's a family reunion.

2010-03-04 5:57 PM
in reply to: #2706699

Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge
KOM - 2010-03-04 9:10 AM

It is supposed to be warm here too.  I am test riding a tri bike on Sunday!!!!

I think I will wait on starting taxes til Monday....no unfair influences on my decision that way.

******Sweet tribike TopPage******

Wow, you're doing your taxes early. It's only March.

Nice tri bike!

2010-03-04 5:59 PM
in reply to: #2706713

Subject: RE: EAST - March Winds Challenge
Atlantia - 2010-03-04 9:16 AM

I sort of floated across the lane I was sharing (whoops) and totally got my butt grabbed by a woman old enough to be my grandma.

You really need to add that ^^^ to your sig lines. It's a definite classic.

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