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2012-01-17 1:09 PM
in reply to: #3994203

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
owl_girl - 2012-01-17 1:06 AM
kaburns1214 - 2012-01-13 3:43 AM
KathyG - 2012-01-12 8:17 PM
kaburns1214 - 2012-01-12 7:28 PM

This was in today's Hartford Courant and I really liked it and wanted to share:


As for motorists, "share the road" is not just a pleasantry, it is the law. Bicycles are not restricted to road shoulders and bike lanes. They are allowed on the roads, and can enter a center travel lane to turn left. Connecticut's "three-foot law" gives cyclists the right to that distance around themselves, even if they must use the travel lane to maintain three feet from an obstruction on the right.

Motorists, when turning left, have to wait for oncoming bicyclists just as they would for other oncoming vehicles. When drivers turn right, they can't cut off cyclists — just as they wouldn't cut off other slow-moving vehicles on the right.

And finally, it is not OK to honk at cyclists except to give a specific warning. An unexpected horn can distract and destabilize the rider.

Is this a new law in CT?

I wish all motorists would know the law and follow it.

There have been several cycling deaths in the last year and the paper wrote an editorial about it.  Its been the law for a while but it doesn't prevent drivers from doing obnoxious things.  Shaun got mad at me last summer because I picked up the habit of grabbing onto cars mirrors when they try to see how close they can get to me.

I chased down a lady that cut me off at an intersection.  I was going straight at a green light.  She turned right at that light just in front of me.  My rear tire came off the pavement as I slammed on my brakes.  I must have looked like a crazy lunatic while chasing her down.  (I wouldn't have stopped had I been driving!)  I asked her why she turned RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME JUST NARROWLY AVOIDING A CYCLIST CRASHING INTO HER CAR and she said....."I had a green light!"

I said....."I had the same green light and I had the right-of-way to go straight!"

Sheesh!  Drivers just don't don't understand the rules when it comes to bikes and pedestrians.

I've actually gotten hit while running across a cross walk as a woman rolled through her stop sign (I jumped up onto her hood).  The woman's excuse was that she was from Rhode Island and didn't know where she was going.  I asked her whether there were stop signs and cross walks in Rhode Island and she sped away. 

I feel like there needs to be a public service campaign about sharing roads with bikes and pedestrians (for both the drivers of cars and the bikers and pedestrians). 

2012-01-17 1:19 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Nutmeg State
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
We actually got snow last night (first time since October) so I did my very first treadmill run on the season.  I'll run in pretty much any weather to avoid the treadmill but snow and ice and crazy drivers is a little too dangerous.  I may have to suck it up and hit the treadmill again tomorrow morning.  The temps will be warm (low 30s) but they're predicting wind of 30 mph, not sure I want to try to run in that.
2012-01-17 2:03 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up


Tough to understand how folks are driving and being so oblivious to surroundings.

I almost was hit twice by the same mailman within a mile. I went to the post office and complained to the manager.

2012-01-17 2:09 PM
in reply to: #3972843

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
AT PT today, I went into the therapy pool and walked first time since 12/5. I did about 5 new exercises helping me learn to walk. It is strangely difficult. I have one spot on my tibia that is painful if i move my leg in certain positions so I have avoided moving it that way which means I am not moving left foot and leg through the normal heel to toe position walking.
2012-01-17 2:13 PM
in reply to: #3994543

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Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
T1 rider - 2012-01-17 9:23 AM

Good morning all! Perusing the online discount sites, I found Vibram Five Fingers KSO's on sale. I have been toying with getting a pair but am somewhat hesitant. Do any of you use VFFs or have an opinion on minimalist running? I have read numerous web pages with mixed reviews and even have the opinion/position paper my niece produced for her Masters Degree which was written on the subject of 'barefoot' running.

Thanks and have a great Tuesday.

I have a pair that I used for doing weight lifting.

For me at my age trying to change the way I run would likely lead to injury. If you have been a shoe wearer for most of your life, big change.

I have seen folks here on BT get them and go run 3 miles or even a 1/2 Mary right after they got them.  The adaptation to them would be best to wear them around home, walks with them then very short runs or part of a run with them.  Lots of folks have calf issues if the start wearing them to quickly yet some folks love them.

What did your niece's thesis conclude?

2012-01-17 2:41 PM
in reply to: #3994543

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

I wear barefoot shoes Vivo Barefoot Neos casually and pretty exclusively. BUT. I only run with them max one run a week generally on the shortest day. Never gone long enough to encounter pain of any kind. 

I also have a pair of VFF Sprint, but sometimes they bother my pinkie toe (which I guess are longer than normal). I like wearing them at the gym.


T1 rider - 2012-01-17 6:23 AM

Good morning all! Perusing the online discount sites, I found Vibram Five Fingers KSO's on sale. I have been toying with getting a pair but am somewhat hesitant. Do any of you use VFFs or have an opinion on minimalist running? I have read numerous web pages with mixed reviews and even have the opinion/position paper my niece produced for her Masters Degree which was written on the subject of 'barefoot' running.

2012-01-17 2:46 PM
in reply to: #3990462

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Portland, Oregon
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Thanks for the info. I think I have a test scheduled on the 23rd, so we'll see what comes of that. Definitely think the fan may be an issue - I've been using a fairly puny box fan.

Fred D - 2012-01-14 2:07 PM ^^^^ questions about power. Do the 20' test. Jorge has the protocol. It will really help you structure the rest of your riding this winter. Power numbers indoors are generally much lower indoors by at least 10-15% in general. The are several reasons for this including mental fatigue of riding indoors, the lack of dynamic movement of the bike and rider on the trainer and probably most importantly the over heating factor. Good music or a movie or erg videos can help with the motivation. Buying a really, really good fan helps a lot with the heating issue, in fact it alone will help improve most of the 10-15%. I would reco,mend the AIR KING fan. Kathy old me about that one.

2012-01-17 2:57 PM
in reply to: #3995634

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2012-01-17 3:20 PM
in reply to: #3995511

Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up


Edited by Mike_D 2012-01-17 3:22 PM
2012-01-17 3:20 PM
in reply to: #3995511

Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

KathyG - 2012-01-17 3:09 PM AT PT today, I went into the therapy pool and walked first time since 12/5. I did about 5 new exercises helping me learn to walk. It is strangely difficult. I have one spot on my tibia that is painful if i move my leg in certain positions so I have avoided moving it that way which means I am not moving left foot and leg through the normal heel to toe position walking.

Congrats on the first steps!!

Edited by Mike_D 2012-01-17 3:21 PM
2012-01-17 3:36 PM
in reply to: #3995671

Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Fred D - 2012-01-17 3:57 PM
kirih - 2012-01-17 3:46 PM

Thanks for the info. I think I have a test scheduled on the 23rd, so we'll see what comes of that. Definitely think the fan may be an issue - I've been using a fairly puny box fan.

Fred D - 2012-01-14 2:07 PM ^^^^ questions about power. Do the 20' test. Jorge has the protocol. It will really help you structure the rest of your riding this winter. Power numbers indoors are generally much lower indoors by at least 10-15% in general. The are several reasons for this including mental fatigue of riding indoors, the lack of dynamic movement of the bike and rider on the trainer and probably most importantly the over heating factor. Good music or a movie or erg videos can help with the motivation. Buying a really, really good fan helps a lot with the heating issue, in fact it alone will help improve most of the 10-15%. I would reco,mend the AIR KING fan. Kathy old me about that one.

Get the AIR KING. It is a badazz fan that really helps. Honestly ou can push much harder with it and you don't end up sweating all over your bike and causing damage.

Yes the Air KIng is great strong fan...I can only use the highest setting when doing zone 4 or 5 intervals.

I'd also recommend reading the power book put out by Skilba....I think it is better than the Coggan power book more geared to cyclists. Both of Skilba books will help you understand training with power. First book helps with understanding of the second one specific about power for triathletes.

2012-01-17 8:57 PM
in reply to: #3972843

far northern CA
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Hi everyone!  What did you do today?  I rode my bike on the trainer for an hour and ran on the treadmill for 35 minutes.
2012-01-17 10:49 PM
in reply to: #3994543

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
T1 rider - 2012-01-17 9:23 AM

Good morning all! Perusing the online discount sites, I found Vibram Five Fingers KSO's on sale. I have been toying with getting a pair but am somewhat hesitant. Do any of you use VFFs or have an opinion on minimalist running? I have read numerous web pages with mixed reviews and even have the opinion/position paper my niece produced for her Masters Degree which was written on the subject of 'barefoot' running.

Thanks and have a great Tuesday.

I spoke with my podiatrist about them a few years ago. He knows his stuff: he has been the medical coordinator for the Olympic marathons and race walks on numerous occasions, is the team podiatrist for both the Thrashers and Falcons, as well as a consultant for many of the collegiate athletic programs around the southeast. His take at that time is that the barefoot running trend is "great for business."

having grown up as a redneck kid in the south I hardly ever wore shoes, except maybe to church on occasion. I still spend a vast amount of time barefoot, or at least in stocking feet. For as long as I can remember I have done my cool down runs after speed work on the track in the infield grass, barefoot. I am not sure why or how that started, except that it feels awesome to run barefoot in grass. I am not really a VFF guy, but I have been running in Nike Frees for a number of years and have run up to the marathon distance in them and wouldn't think twice about running further. But even with all that, I do believe my doc when he says they have been good for his business!

2012-01-17 11:20 PM
in reply to: #3990623

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
akboor - 2012-01-14 8:05 PM

Hello All,

I have not been able to get on my computer much this last week! This week I am going to try to get on everyday and see what everyone is up to! I just got caught up on the forum and reading what everyone has been up to this week!  Seems like everyone is doing pretty good! GOOD JOB! As for me, I am just trying to do some physical activity. I have started doing the Insanity workouts in the morning with my friend.  Trying to just get in some sort of physical shape before starting one of the Spring Workout Plans that is on this website.  I have been going to the gym in the evening and doing some walk/run workouts on the treadmill. I have been doing 5 min walk/5 min run/5 min walk/5 min run and then doing 20-30 mins on the spin bike or the treadmill.  My feet have been cramping up really bad! I dont know if this is from doing the insanity workouts in my basement on the cement w/ carpet or what!  I feel like I could run longer if my feet weren't so cramped up! Does anyone have anything ideas on how to fix this? Or is it just that I have not done any exercising in the past 6 months??   


I am so motivated after seeing all of your posts...I feel like such a newbie... I sit and think about the 400 m swim that my sprint tri has and then feel overwhelmed by it.. and then see some of you guys do that for a WARM UP WOW! I love it!! 

If anyone ever has some tips or advice about first tris I would really appreciate some! Right now I feel like I will never be able to run a 5k after swimming and biking!! Especially since I can run past 5 minutes straight right now.  Any advice on how to be able to run longer?  I am not worried about speed, I am a very slow runner! I have been running at about 4.5-4.7 mph so that I wont get too much out of breath! Any advice? Should I just run more times per week ? And please tell me when running will become "easier"  


Hope you all are having a great weekend!

Hey Amanda - you very well could be on to something relative to exercising on your concrete floor and how your feet feel. Your floor is made out of reinforced concrete which is very hard on your feet. That is why you see a lot of us nuts running on the street when we should be up on the sidewalk - as hard as it is, the asphalt of the street is WAY softer than the concrete sidewalk. I haven't ever done the insanity workouts, but I have friends that do - and it sound like they can be hard on your feet.

the run/walk strategy is a brilliant way to start distance running. I actually used this method years ago to finish my first marathon in 3:25, which at that time was just 5 minutes off a Boston qualifier for me.

and believe it or not I am a little jealous of you! I have many, many races that I cannot even remember, but everything about that first one is as if it was just this morning. Standing on the beach looking out at those buoys - 400 yards seemed like forever! Your first race is kinda like your first kiss: it is scary, awkward, exciting, and you will do it all wrong. Like your first kiss, you will wind up all sweaty, and your friends probably even dared you into it. You will never ever forget it, and you won't be able to wait to do it again!

2012-01-18 12:12 AM
in reply to: #3996278

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Strength in the morning. Then a 4800 yard volume swim in the evening with lots of meetings in between. all in all a very good day, but up way too late!
2012-01-18 6:24 AM
in reply to: #3972843

Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Hey everyone-

Unscheduled rest day yesterday for me.  Feeling sick (congested chest, cough, very sore throat)!  Plus work and board activities held my attention!  I feel like I've slipped.

Had two wonderful 8.5 mile runs over the weekend.  Tomorrow will be back to the pool.  Rest of the week is iffy because husband and son are going on a winter survival camping trip in way northern MN this weekend.

I saw the discussion of VF shoes.  The sister of a friend suffered with severe PF for over a year and in desperation tried VFs and found great relief.

Everyone is doing a great job with consistent training.  I so appreciate this group to keep me honest and on track.  Thanks, everyone.  Kathy great new to be back on your feet.  This down time must be pure agony.

2012-01-18 8:28 AM
in reply to: #3972843

Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Day 3 of my training has brought me some awful stomach bug, so I'm home in bed. Came homem from work feeling out of sorts, and it all went off a cliff some where around 10 PM. Spare the details, but this is something you don't want. Hoping I'm back at it tomorrow AM. Missed masters swim this AM, and my bike ride this evening is likely a no-go.
2012-01-18 8:36 AM
in reply to: #3996795

Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Mike_D - 2012-01-18 9:28 AM Day 3 of my training has brought me some awful stomach bug, so I'm home in bed. Came homem from work feeling out of sorts, and it all went off a cliff some where around 10 PM. Spare the details, but this is something you don't want. Hoping I'm back at it tomorrow AM. Missed masters swim this AM, and my bike ride this evening is likely a no-go.

It's better to skip workouts and allow your body to recover from the bug.  Here's hoping that your body gets rid of this quickly!

2012-01-18 9:01 AM
in reply to: #3996587

2000500100100100100 home in The ATL
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

Susan and Mike - I'm with Kathy - rest up and live to fight another day.
My general rule of thumb is that if I am sick above the neck, I will still give it a whirl, albeit at an easier intensity. Below the neck - and it is a day off for me. The neck is a gray area. I HATE HATE HATE a sore throat. I don't know what it is, but a sore throat is one of the few things in life that really puts me in a foul mood. Completely irrational, I know.

For all its other health benefits (both physical AND psychological), endurance training really can compromise the immune system. Based on past history, I know I am due a good bug soon. My germy students have been back from the holiday break for about 10 days now, and the studio is like a petri dish. I spend about 12 hours per week in close contact with the students, and we are REALLY hands-on in the work. I wash my hands about a billion times a day - any other advice from the group on avoiding the sickies this time of year? Sounds like there are at least a few of us that could use it!

2012-01-18 9:28 AM
in reply to: #3996455

far northern CA
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
TankBoy - 2012-01-17 9:20 PM
akboor - 2012-01-14 8:05 PM

Hello All,

I have not been able to get on my computer much this last week! This week I am going to try to get on everyday and see what everyone is up to! I just got caught up on the forum and reading what everyone has been up to this week!  Seems like everyone is doing pretty good! GOOD JOB! As for me, I am just trying to do some physical activity. I have started doing the Insanity workouts in the morning with my friend.  Trying to just get in some sort of physical shape before starting one of the Spring Workout Plans that is on this website.  I have been going to the gym in the evening and doing some walk/run workouts on the treadmill. I have been doing 5 min walk/5 min run/5 min walk/5 min run and then doing 20-30 mins on the spin bike or the treadmill.  My feet have been cramping up really bad! I dont know if this is from doing the insanity workouts in my basement on the cement w/ carpet or what!  I feel like I could run longer if my feet weren't so cramped up! Does anyone have anything ideas on how to fix this? Or is it just that I have not done any exercising in the past 6 months??   


I am so motivated after seeing all of your posts...I feel like such a newbie... I sit and think about the 400 m swim that my sprint tri has and then feel overwhelmed by it.. and then see some of you guys do that for a WARM UP WOW! I love it!! 

If anyone ever has some tips or advice about first tris I would really appreciate some! Right now I feel like I will never be able to run a 5k after swimming and biking!! Especially since I can run past 5 minutes straight right now.  Any advice on how to be able to run longer?  I am not worried about speed, I am a very slow runner! I have been running at about 4.5-4.7 mph so that I wont get too much out of breath! Any advice? Should I just run more times per week ? And please tell me when running will become "easier"  


Hope you all are having a great weekend!

Hey Amanda - you very well could be on to something relative to exercising on your concrete floor and how your feet feel. Your floor is made out of reinforced concrete which is very hard on your feet. That is why you see a lot of us nuts running on the street when we should be up on the sidewalk - as hard as it is, the asphalt of the street is WAY softer than the concrete sidewalk. I haven't ever done the insanity workouts, but I have friends that do - and it sound like they can be hard on your feet.

the run/walk strategy is a brilliant way to start distance running. I actually used this method years ago to finish my first marathon in 3:25, which at that time was just 5 minutes off a Boston qualifier for me.

and believe it or not I am a little jealous of you! I have many, many races that I cannot even remember, but everything about that first one is as if it was just this morning. Standing on the beach looking out at those buoys - 400 yards seemed like forever! Your first race is kinda like your first kiss: it is scary, awkward, exciting, and you will do it all wrong. Like your first kiss, you will wind up all sweaty, and your friends probably even dared you into it. You will never ever forget it, and you won't be able to wait to do it again!

Hi Amanda.  Just keep plugging away.  I avoid insanity workouts.  For that matter, I barely do any strength training because it doesn't fit into my schedule very good.

Swimming is my limiter.  I clearly remember not even being able to do 25 yards of freestyle.  Now with some work I can swim a straight mile.  It took time and dedication to get to that point, though.  I'm still bad at swimming and I'm always going to struggle.  I kinda enjoy the struggle, though.  I guess that's why I haven't switched over to duathlons! Wink

2012-01-18 9:33 AM
in reply to: #3972843

far northern CA
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up

OK sickies!  I agree with the neck theory.  I keep my workouts really super mellow if I'm sick and abandon the workout if I feel like poo.

I work at a gym.  Lots of germs flying around.  I wish people would clean their machines when they are done.  I clean every machine before and after I get on it and then wash my hands and face.  I'm not sure it helps but at least I'm doing everything possible to avoid some germs.  I got pneumonia last spring.  I DO NOT need a second round of it!  It was horrible!

2012-01-18 10:11 AM
in reply to: #3996430

Lake Monticello, Virginia
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
TankBoy - 2012-01-17 10:49 PM
T1 rider - 2012-01-17 9:23 AM

Good morning all! Perusing the online discount sites, I found Vibram Five Fingers KSO's on sale. I have been toying with getting a pair but am somewhat hesitant. Do any of you use VFFs or have an opinion on minimalist running? I have read numerous web pages with mixed reviews and even have the opinion/position paper my niece produced for her Masters Degree which was written on the subject of 'barefoot' running.

Thanks and have a great Tuesday.

I spoke with my podiatrist about them a few years ago. He knows his stuff: he has been the medical coordinator for the Olympic marathons and race walks on numerous occasions, is the team podiatrist for both the Thrashers and Falcons, as well as a consultant for many of the collegiate athletic programs around the southeast. His take at that time is that the barefoot running trend is "great for business."

having grown up as a redneck kid in the south I hardly ever wore shoes, except maybe to church on occasion. I still spend a vast amount of time barefoot, or at least in stocking feet. For as long as I can remember I have done my cool down runs after speed work on the track in the infield grass, barefoot. I am not sure why or how that started, except that it feels awesome to run barefoot in grass. I am not really a VFF guy, but I have been running in Nike Frees for a number of years and have run up to the marathon distance in them and wouldn't think twice about running further. But even with all that, I do believe my doc when he says they have been good for his business!

That was pretty much the conclusion my niece came to in her paper. In a nut shell, the human foot has evolved to be in shoes and as such our gait has changed. If you are a person who frequently is bare foot, such as myself (love to garden barefoot) you may not have much problem with converting to minimalist shoes. That said, I am sure it would be a slow transition regardlessdue to the change in gait especially when running.

In the end, I guess I'll never know unless I try them! Thanks for all of the feedback!

2012-01-18 12:07 PM
in reply to: #3972843

Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Laying real low today. Haven't felt like eating or drinking, but am trying. Feeling somewhat better, but I need some rest, and my back aches, which is typical for me when I get sick. Wonderful day, huh ;^)
2012-01-18 12:49 PM
in reply to: #3997407

New user

Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Oh mike, at least you are listening to your body, rest up and come back stronger, lorna
2012-01-18 12:55 PM
in reply to: #3972843

New user

Subject: RE: KathyG's 2012 Awesome Mentor Group-Full up
Oh experienced tri gods our there. I have discovered that unless i am following a program my will power goes down the drain and the closest. Get to the gym is the bar.With this in mind i have decided to set some goals, as i have mentioned i completed a sprint tri last year, but have been sidelined for five months after a car crash. I have decided to follow the couch to sprint programme as i am still really struggling with a sore and stiff back after any swimming. I have found two tris i want to do, one on may 7, the other on may 21. My question. Is am i taking on two much to enter both, when i have been out so lng and there is only 14 days between them. I cant do any later than may 21 as i am comng to florida for 17 days at disney, when i fear fitness will not be my priority!!!Cheers for advice, need to enter soon, but dont want to waste my money.Lorna
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