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2012-04-13 12:41 PM
in reply to: #4146174

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-12 1:22 PM

Since we're diving in some serious questions - I have a question for everyone, and obviously there's no ONE RIGHT answer because it's so individualized. 

For easy workouts - low key, long, but not hard, Zone 1, short runs, etc - do you take in recovery drinks?

For hard, intensive workouts - intervals, tough, Zone 3 or more, long hard runs, hard bike, etc - do you take in recovery drinks?

I'm not talking about food recovery (although, it is kind of considered that, but for now, lets just do recovery drinks).

IF the answer is YES - what do you drink?

The short answer is yes, occasionally I will drink what I consider the best recovery drink there is.  Chocolate milk, or if it is after a winter race/run hot chocolate! 

2012-04-13 12:45 PM
in reply to: #4146190

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-12 1:27 PM


The reason why I am asking is: Last night I was at Ladies' Night at my bike shop. Lots of estrogen in one  Some of my cycling friends, and a couple dabbles in triathlons (they're like me, just for fun/fitness, not in any desire to win podiums).    They claim that they HAVE to have Recoverite (Hammer Product) recovery drink or R4+ (not sure what that is, I can't remember), in order to recover from the hard/intensive workouts because without them, they feel like shite the next day.   I quipped in and say that I don't take any of those recovery drink. Just a good half frozen chocolate milk.   One of the triathlete friends said, that she've tried that and it doesn't work for her.  Then I asked her: Well, how do you KNOW you need a recovery drink?  She said that basically the day after she does the hard stuff, her legs feel trashed. So when she took the recovery drink, she feels very fresh.

Then that kind of puzzled me a bit because I've done some long rides, hard rides, some hard runs, and I drink Chocolate milk, soak in a hot water bath, and I'm good.   Then it made me feel like I may not have been working HARD enough in the first place to have "trashed legs" the next day.   They all claim that it must be that I'm younger. They're like 5-10, and one 15 years older than me.  Could it be my legs? Could it be that chocolate milk just happens to work for me? Could it be that I'm really not working hard enough like they are?  I do remember there has been a couple runs when my legs feels stiff/sore, I definitely have taken hot baths, but I don't remember whether I drank chocolate milk. 

This has me very intrigued and I would like to seriously improve on my recovery instead of just thinking on the fly. 

Tuesday I have my hard/hilly ride, so I'm going to put my body to a test. I will NOT take Chocolate milk, but I will take a hot bath, and see how I feel the next day. The following week, same ride, and take in Recoverite right afterwards (I was told to put it in milk as it's "SO DELICIOUS!!"), and NOT take a hot bath, but stretch, and see how I feel the next day.

I will repeat the same test for my hard/long runs. I feel like I never need food/drink recovery from bike rides. After I finished my first Century, I was so sure that my legs would feel felt perfectly fine as if nothing happened.  Had Ice cream bar, semi-frozen chocolate milk, hot bath that's it. I didn't even stretch either. 

I want to get this set in stone before my HIM training. I know it changes as I go, but if I know ahead it will help with recovery BETTER, especially now because I'm about a month or so before the HIM plan starts and when it starts ramping up. I do expect that some days will totally be off where I'm hurtin' or for whatever reason my recovery protocol doesn't work, but it'll be nice to know ahead of time. Does that make any sense? LOL? 

I should have read this before I answered your earlier post (yes, I am behind in reading all the posts here as I somehow missed it until Robin and Brian answered).

I am not a huge fan of the Hammer products, but they have done an excellent job of marketing to the roadies. Out west I road with several that had all Hammer kits on and would only use their products.  I like some of their stuff, but most of it I could take or leave. 

It will be interesting to hear how your experiment goes.  Maybe I will finally use that bag of Recovorite I have in the pantry from the goodie bag of a race I did last year (does that stuff go bad?)

2012-04-13 12:50 PM
in reply to: #4148821

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
All this talk about chocolate milk, I need to buy some tonight! Are we talking Nestle Quik or something like a GNC chocolate protein powder?
2012-04-13 12:52 PM
in reply to: #4148847

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Lynie13 - 2012-04-13 1:50 PM All this talk about chocolate milk, I need to buy some tonight! Are we talking Nestle Quik or something like a GNC chocolate protein powder?

Nesle' Quik for me!

2012-04-13 12:54 PM
in reply to: #4148836

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
kenj - 2012-04-13 12:45 PM

CyborgQueen - 2012-04-12 1:27 PM


The reason why I am asking is: Last night I was at Ladies' Night at my bike shop. Lots of estrogen in one  Some of my cycling friends, and a couple dabbles in triathlons (they're like me, just for fun/fitness, not in any desire to win podiums).    They claim that they HAVE to have Recoverite (Hammer Product) recovery drink or R4+ (not sure what that is, I can't remember), in order to recover from the hard/intensive workouts because without them, they feel like shite the next day.   I quipped in and say that I don't take any of those recovery drink. Just a good half frozen chocolate milk.   One of the triathlete friends said, that she've tried that and it doesn't work for her.  Then I asked her: Well, how do you KNOW you need a recovery drink?  She said that basically the day after she does the hard stuff, her legs feel trashed. So when she took the recovery drink, she feels very fresh.

Then that kind of puzzled me a bit because I've done some long rides, hard rides, some hard runs, and I drink Chocolate milk, soak in a hot water bath, and I'm good.   Then it made me feel like I may not have been working HARD enough in the first place to have "trashed legs" the next day.   They all claim that it must be that I'm younger. They're like 5-10, and one 15 years older than me.  Could it be my legs? Could it be that chocolate milk just happens to work for me? Could it be that I'm really not working hard enough like they are?  I do remember there has been a couple runs when my legs feels stiff/sore, I definitely have taken hot baths, but I don't remember whether I drank chocolate milk. 

This has me very intrigued and I would like to seriously improve on my recovery instead of just thinking on the fly. 

Tuesday I have my hard/hilly ride, so I'm going to put my body to a test. I will NOT take Chocolate milk, but I will take a hot bath, and see how I feel the next day. The following week, same ride, and take in Recoverite right afterwards (I was told to put it in milk as it's "SO DELICIOUS!!"), and NOT take a hot bath, but stretch, and see how I feel the next day.

I will repeat the same test for my hard/long runs. I feel like I never need food/drink recovery from bike rides. After I finished my first Century, I was so sure that my legs would feel felt perfectly fine as if nothing happened.  Had Ice cream bar, semi-frozen chocolate milk, hot bath that's it. I didn't even stretch either. 

I want to get this set in stone before my HIM training. I know it changes as I go, but if I know ahead it will help with recovery BETTER, especially now because I'm about a month or so before the HIM plan starts and when it starts ramping up. I do expect that some days will totally be off where I'm hurtin' or for whatever reason my recovery protocol doesn't work, but it'll be nice to know ahead of time. Does that make any sense? LOL? 

I should have read this before I answered your earlier post (yes, I am behind in reading all the posts here as I somehow missed it until Robin and Brian answered).

I am not a huge fan of the Hammer products, but they have done an excellent job of marketing to the roadies. Out west I road with several that had all Hammer kits on and would only use their products.  I like some of their stuff, but most of it I could take or leave. 

It will be interesting to hear how your experiment goes.  Maybe I will finally use that bag of Recovorite I have in the pantry from the goodie bag of a race I did last year (does that stuff go bad?)

I didn't catch this post till Robin saw it!

I also use chocolate milk. I drink a half glass after short/hard efforts or most of my efforts under 2 hours. I do use Hammer recoverite for over 2 hours. Honestly, IMO, if I work hard I feel it no matter what I drink after.
2012-04-13 1:15 PM
in reply to: #4148024

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Kath2163 - 2012-04-13 9:26 AM

Happy Friday All!

I am supposed to be doing a HM on Sunday with some friends of mine. None of us are really ready for this so there will be walking involved. Add that to the fact that we are in the BOP and that makes for a long morning. Here is the thing. The weather report is horrible for Sunday. Cold, rain, possibly snow. Basically miserable. The cold and snow is one thing but throwing rain into the equation makes things messy. My worry is about getting to wet and cold and having miles to go. It could be slushy which will make our feet wet very quickly. I will bring gloves but again, they will stay dry for only so long. On top of this, I sweat a lot, even in cold weather.  I have no idea how to dress for this.  I have half a mind to not do it but I think I will wait until the weather gets bad tomorrow and see what the others have to say.

Any advice, tips, whatever would be appreciated.


Well if you do decide to do it.....I've run in every type of weather this year from bitter cold, snow and wet driving rain.

My biggest piece of clothing advice - DON'T OVER-DRESS!

You heat up very fast  (well I do that is) and wearing too much is a major problem. Even in the 'teens I would wear a synthetic tee with a light weight synthetic pull over on top and just long synthetic pants on the bottom. I always wore gloves and sometime I wore thinner liner gloves w/ thicker fleece mittens over them. I also wore one of those fleece head band thingies to keep my ears warm. The last thing I used on occasion was a fleece face mask - overall that thing had pluses and minus' but it kept my face from keeping frost bite.

2012-04-13 2:44 PM
in reply to: #4148808

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
kenj - 2012-04-13 12:38 PM

russrisher - 2012-04-13 12:54 PM Any suggestions on new cycling shoes?

Hey Russ, are you looking for true cycling shoes or tri shoes?  Do you have a budget range in mind? 

Not 100% sure - Probably leaning more towards cycling shoes, but haven't decided yet.  I don't want to spend a ton, just the cheapest option that is still good quality is what I'm looking for.

2012-04-13 2:48 PM
in reply to: #4149183

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
russrisher - 2012-04-13 2:44 PM

kenj - 2012-04-13 12:38 PM

russrisher - 2012-04-13 12:54 PM Any suggestions on new cycling shoes?

Hey Russ, are you looking for true cycling shoes or tri shoes?  Do you have a budget range in mind? 

Not 100% sure - Probably leaning more towards cycling shoes, but haven't decided yet.  I don't want to spend a ton, just the cheapest option that is still good quality is what I'm looking for.

I've got a pair of the Shimano cycling shoes that were in the cheaper category. They have 3 velcro straps which works pretty good for tri's even though they are a cycling shoe. They've lasted me 3 years and over 10,000 miles on the bike now. I do have a pair of Sidi tri shoes too. They are the MTB version of the T2. Those are GREAT shoes, especially for Xterra's, not very cheap though.

these are the shimano's I have, or the equivalent today. Mine are 3-4 years old now.

Edited by Meulen 2012-04-13 2:50 PM
2012-04-13 2:53 PM
in reply to: #4149193

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Meulen - 2012-04-13 3:48 PM
russrisher - 2012-04-13 2:44 PM
kenj - 2012-04-13 12:38 PM

russrisher - 2012-04-13 12:54 PM Any suggestions on new cycling shoes?

Hey Russ, are you looking for true cycling shoes or tri shoes?  Do you have a budget range in mind? 

Not 100% sure - Probably leaning more towards cycling shoes, but haven't decided yet.  I don't want to spend a ton, just the cheapest option that is still good quality is what I'm looking for.

I've got a pair of the Shimano cycling shoes that were in the cheaper category. They have 3 velcro straps which works pretty good for tri's even though they are a cycling shoe. They've lasted me 3 years and over 10,000 miles on the bike now. I do have a pair of Sidi tri shoes too. They are the MTB version of the T2. Those are GREAT shoes, especially for Xterra's, not very cheap though. these are the shimano's I have, or the equivalent today. Mine are 3-4 years old now. are the exact shoes I bought out in CA for my road bike.  I use them as my everyday training shoe and haven't had any issues with them.  Several thousand miles on them with very little wear (other than where the dog got ahold of one of the velcro straps). 

Based on what you are looking for Russ, I would recommend these as well.

2012-04-13 3:52 PM
in reply to: #4148854

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Chugiak, Alaska
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
kenj - 2012-04-13 12:52 PM

Lynie13 - 2012-04-13 1:50 PM All this talk about chocolate milk, I need to buy some tonight! Are we talking Nestle Quik or something like a GNC chocolate protein powder?

Nesle' Quik for me!

hershey's syrup - so I can control the amt of chocolate I put in - the others are to rich for me. I did buy some premade protein shakes from GNC yesterday as they had a ton of stuff on clearance including gu's for $.34! probably save the premade stuff for a time when I can't get home.

Hammer products - my favorite gel of all time is the mountain huckleberry - mmmm....

Edited by robingray_260 2012-04-13 3:53 PM
2012-04-13 3:53 PM
in reply to: #4149355

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
robingray_260 - 2012-04-13 3:52 PM

kenj - 2012-04-13 12:52 PM

Lynie13 - 2012-04-13 1:50 PM All this talk about chocolate milk, I need to buy some tonight! Are we talking Nestle Quik or something like a GNC chocolate protein powder?

Nesle' Quik for me!

hershey's syrup - so I can control the amt of chocolate I put in - the others are to rich for me. I did buy some premade protein shakes from GNC yesterday as they had a ton of stuff on clearance including gu's for $.34! probably save the premade stuff for a time when I can't get home.

I use Horizon Organic chocolate milk. Usually get it at Target or Jewel

2012-04-13 4:53 PM
in reply to: #4148847

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Lynie13 - 2012-04-13 10:50 AM All this talk about chocolate milk, I need to buy some tonight! Are we talking Nestle Quik or something like a GNC chocolate protein powder? can it NOT get any better than that. I don't give a flying fig all the extra stuff in's good, delicious and makes me feel like a kid.

If I get the bottled kind, I tend to put it in the freezer for a while until it's semi frozen, and instant's SO GOOD! 

I prefer Nesquik over Yoo Hoo because Yoo Hoo is more watered down, and it's gross. 

2012-04-14 9:09 AM
in reply to: #4149472

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Long Island, NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-13 5:53 PM

Lynie13 - 2012-04-13 10:50 AM All this talk about chocolate milk, I need to buy some tonight! Are we talking Nestle Quik or something like a GNC chocolate protein powder? can it NOT get any better than that. I don't give a flying fig all the extra stuff in's good, delicious and makes me feel like a kid.

If I get the bottled kind, I tend to put it in the freezer for a while until it's semi frozen, and instant's SO GOOD! 

I prefer Nesquik over Yoo Hoo because Yoo Hoo is more watered down, and it's gross. 

Here's an interesting thread on the chocolate milk debate:

You have to make up your own mind but some good points are made in this thread. At least some food for thought so to speak.

2012-04-14 9:36 AM
in reply to: #4124117

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Out for a nice bike ride this morning!  A little brisk to start, but it warmed up once I started peddaling a little bit. 

Whats everyone else doing?
2012-04-14 8:09 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Threat of storms all day today here. I waited aroun for a window for a long run and finally went around 1pm. I did 15 miles and it felt like crap! I tried to put myself over the edge this week with intervals and tempo runs. I did the first 10 miles today near race pace and just went easy after that. I was so exhausted I had to walk some. Still kept a pretty good average at the end. That was te last long run of the plan. Taper starts now!
2012-04-14 8:54 PM
in reply to: #4150283

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Sin City
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

kenj - 2012-04-14 7:36 AM Out for a nice bike ride this morning!  A little brisk to start, but it warmed up once I started peddaling a little bit. 

Whats everyone else doing?

Feel a little like crap today. I dunno what it is, but I didn't feel like eating much at all. I think I'm just a little under the weather.   Lots of rain/thunderstorms today...yes, in Vegas. :-) *sigh* I was hoping to put in a run, but overall I just feel like crap. Day ain't over yet, so maybe I'll put in an easy spin on the trainer instead.

I was torn between getting a new Tribike - Felt high end bike w/ SRAM Red - $4500, with $3000 off. *siiiiiiiiiiggggghhhh* it took me a while and some talking with my fiance on figuring out if it's really worth it to me.  In the end, it's not, and it'll be just a big shiny toy that'll be sitting there with a lot less use.   I do a lot of charity rides, riding with groups, I do triathlons for fun/fitness, no desire to podium or AG win or KQ or Vegas 70.3 what's the point?  Instead, I decided to save my money and got a Mountain bike instead. Different bike for different style of riding.  I figure with the new aerobars that I got for free (T2+ Carbon), I can at least look a little fast. :-)Went to bike shop today and left with a spanking brand new Mountain Bike. :-) It's not high end, but it's not low end either. I'm really looking forward in riding the trails with my friends every Sunday.  Saved up Christmas money, gift cards to the bike shop, and graduation money. All paid off my new bike as well as some left over - probably will buy night cycling glasses. 

Tomorrow I'm off to Xterra 5k race and volunteer at the aid station. If I feel really good, I may put in a run on the IronGirl course. I would like to get in a 5k before Rage next Saturday.

How's everyone else doing?

2012-04-14 9:18 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Congrats on the new bike DJ! How about some pics!
2012-04-14 9:24 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Extreme Veteran
Normal, Ill.
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
I did a 2 hour combination LT and VO2 ride on the Computrainer.  Then a bike run on the treadmill of 30 mins.  Rain kept me inside.  Went to the gym for 30 mins of kettlebells and soaked my sore calve in the hot tub.  Good day.  Studied the coaching stuff this evening.  All good.  Tomorrow is a 2 hour endurance ride on the CT due to rain and the timing of a semi private swim lesson with a really good coach who's really improved my form in a short time. Faster, easier. 
2012-04-14 9:51 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Romeoville, Il
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Nice workouts Ice! Props for staying focuses on the trainer this time of year. The amount of time I've been able to spend on the trainer had depleted greatly over the winter. I need toget outside!

Plan is to work tomorrow! I'm going to get paid to ride finally! Lol The lifetime rides officially start tomorrow. We've done some un official rides already but this is the first official ride. We'll see if the weather cooperates. After that, it's an hour car ride to my moms for dinner.

I booked my cabin for Brown County today too. After the Half marathon, the plan is to shift focus to the bike. What better way to start out but with a mtb trip to brown County with the boys! That'll be the next weekend after the half marathon!
2012-04-14 10:20 PM
in reply to: #4124117

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Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
Thanks for the advice about the HM tomorrow. The weather report says that it might be snow instead of rain. That would be better. As of now I am preparing to do it but at anytime leading up to or during the race, I might bail.  I agree, that it isn't worth it if it is going to be miserable or unsafe.
2012-04-14 11:41 PM
in reply to: #4149472

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Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-13 4:53 PM

Lynie13 - 2012-04-13 10:50 AM All this talk about chocolate milk, I need to buy some tonight! Are we talking Nestle Quik or something like a GNC chocolate protein powder? can it NOT get any better than that. I don't give a flying fig all the extra stuff in's good, delicious and makes me feel like a kid.

If I get the bottled kind, I tend to put it in the freezer for a while until it's semi frozen, and instant's SO GOOD! 

I prefer Nesquik over Yoo Hoo because Yoo Hoo is more watered down, and it's gross. 

I feel giddy and "Child-like" just reading this!  Love it! ~C

2012-04-15 5:09 AM
in reply to: #4124117

Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
So a year ago I never would of thought I'd be looking up my friends here on BT to see what they are doing AND wishing daylight would come so I can go biking. It feel GREAT!
2012-04-15 6:39 AM
in reply to: #4151034

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

Meulen - 2012-04-14 9:09 PM Threat of storms all day today here. I waited aroun for a window for a long run and finally went around 1pm. I did 15 miles and it felt like crap! I tried to put myself over the edge this week with intervals and tempo runs. I did the first 10 miles today near race pace and just went easy after that. I was so exhausted I had to walk some. Still kept a pretty good average at the end. That was te last long run of the plan. Taper starts now!

Long runs are tough, some days go great others not so much.  Either way it is training in the bank that will benefit you on race day.  Nice run!

2012-04-15 6:40 AM
in reply to: #4151088

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED
CyborgQueen - 2012-04-14 9:54 PM

kenj - 2012-04-14 7:36 AM Out for a nice bike ride this morning!  A little brisk to start, but it warmed up once I started peddaling a little bit. 

Whats everyone else doing?

Feel a little like crap today. I dunno what it is, but I didn't feel like eating much at all. I think I'm just a little under the weather.   Lots of rain/thunderstorms today...yes, in Vegas. :-) *sigh* I was hoping to put in a run, but overall I just feel like crap. Day ain't over yet, so maybe I'll put in an easy spin on the trainer instead.

I was torn between getting a new Tribike - Felt high end bike w/ SRAM Red - $4500, with $3000 off. *siiiiiiiiiiggggghhhh* it took me a while and some talking with my fiance on figuring out if it's really worth it to me.  In the end, it's not, and it'll be just a big shiny toy that'll be sitting there with a lot less use.   I do a lot of charity rides, riding with groups, I do triathlons for fun/fitness, no desire to podium or AG win or KQ or Vegas 70.3 what's the point?  Instead, I decided to save my money and got a Mountain bike instead. Different bike for different style of riding.  I figure with the new aerobars that I got for free (T2+ Carbon), I can at least look a little fast. :-)Went to bike shop today and left with a spanking brand new Mountain Bike. :-) It's not high end, but it's not low end either. I'm really looking forward in riding the trails with my friends every Sunday.  Saved up Christmas money, gift cards to the bike shop, and graduation money. All paid off my new bike as well as some left over - probably will buy night cycling glasses. 

Tomorrow I'm off to Xterra 5k race and volunteer at the aid station. If I feel really good, I may put in a run on the IronGirl course. I would like to get in a 5k before Rage next Saturday.

How's everyone else doing?

Nice! Yes show us some pictures!!

Enjoy the new bike DJ!!

2012-04-15 6:41 AM
in reply to: #4151113

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Canandaigua NY
Subject: RE: Kenj - triathletes in training CLOSED

IceManScott - 2012-04-14 10:24 PM I did a 2 hour combination LT and VO2 ride on the Computrainer.  Then a bike run on the treadmill of 30 mins.  Rain kept me inside.  Went to the gym for 30 mins of kettlebells and soaked my sore calve in the hot tub.  Good day.  Studied the coaching stuff this evening.  All good.  Tomorrow is a 2 hour endurance ride on the CT due to rain and the timing of a semi private swim lesson with a really good coach who's really improved my form in a short time. Faster, easier. 

That is a busy weekend of training Ice!  Nice work!

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