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2009-01-02 3:57 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
i survived another day on the treadmill!! i racked up another 3.6 and it was boring, but didn't seem as bad as last time, maybe it's something i'll warm up to, who knows?

2009-01-02 5:47 PM
in reply to: #1880400

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
run_yc_run - 2008-12-31 4:48 PM

The hubby and I have also been in some discussion about how much I should be using a pull buoy. While he recognizes that it helps build my confidence and focus on technique with my arms he thinks that it will make me lazy. My thought is that the confidence boost has been huge for me and increasing my comfort level in the water will make a huge difference, not to mention that at any given time I have about 5 different technique points that I am trying to work into my stroke. I would appreciate any of your input on use of the pull buoy.


Pull buoys are excellent tools and will not make you lazy. They make you pull harder (obviously) and give you an excellent feel for body position, roll, and catch. As you've already discovered, they also help you focus on parts of your stroke to improve your technique. If you plan to wear a wetsuit when you swim, it's a similar sensation as far as body position. Make sure you use it high up between your thighs - not down by your ankles. If you can't hold it that high up, you can use an elastic to keep your ankles together, but it's really bad for your lower back to position the buoy at the lower leg.

I'd mix it up a bit with fins or zoomers and some drills, like catch-up or one-arm swimming. These will help with roll and position as well as arm motion. When you do drills, pick a side to focus on and breathe away from that side to help exagerate your roll.

I know triathletes don't like it much (and nor do I), but I also think it's really important to do other strokes besides front crawl, too. Butterfly gives you range of motion, breaststroke helps you feel the catch and time your breath, and backstroke is a good core workout.

Take advantage of the pull buoy while speed isn't a big factor. It will keep you slow because it doesn't allow you to really up your cadence and learn to catch fast, but there's time for that later in the season.

Happy New Year all!
2009-01-02 7:07 PM
in reply to: #1882820

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
lyssa-gator - 2009-01-02 12:20 PM

i just saw that on your facebook nicole. nice job! it's funny someone thought you were on rollerblades! LOL

That would have been me... Never heard seen one before, just trainers. I guess I need to do my homework.

Amy IN
2009-01-02 7:51 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
quebec's belly button
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
I am a bit computer challenged but i've managed to join the BT group on facebook. I've not reached everyone but gimme more time and i will...or come and invite me...please!
2009-01-02 9:12 PM
in reply to: #1883412

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

chipit muffin - 2009-01-02 8:51 PM I am a bit computer challenged but i've managed to join the BT group on facebook. I've not reached everyone but gimme more time and i will...or come and invite me...please!

I'm on Facebook as Nicole Thomas from Maryland. Come find me or give me your real name and I'll find you.

2009-01-02 9:17 PM
in reply to: #1883344

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

amy mutz - 2009-01-02 8:07 PM
lyssa-gator - 2009-01-02 12:20 PM i just saw that on your facebook nicole. nice job! it's funny someone thought you were on rollerblades! LOL
That would have been me... Never heard seen one before, just trainers. I guess I need to do my homework. Amy IN

The rollers I have look like this:

Elite parabolic rollers

They're called parabolic rollers due to the curved shape of the roller ends. They are supposed to keep you from riding off the ends. I've still fallen because sometimes you can drift into those ends and have it slow you down enough that you fall over without riding off.

Rollers are harder to use than a trainer but they help improve your handling skills and the roundness of your pedal stroke. I find them to be a much harder workout.

Edited by MDHillSlug 2009-01-02 9:19 PM

2009-01-02 9:29 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
finding people on facebook is not something i'm good at but come find me i'm alyssa gaither
2009-01-02 9:34 PM
in reply to: #1883609

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

lyssa-gator - 2009-01-02 10:29 PM finding people on facebook is not something i'm good at but come find me i'm alyssa gaither

Now I have a better understanding of your user name.

2009-01-02 10:33 PM
in reply to: #1883232

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
NoSit - 2009-01-02 4:47 PM
run_yc_run - 2008-12-31 4:48 PM

The hubby and I have also been in some discussion about how much I should be using a pull buoy. While he recognizes that it helps build my confidence and focus on technique with my arms he thinks that it will make me lazy. My thought is that the confidence boost has been huge for me and increasing my comfort level in the water will make a huge difference, not to mention that at any given time I have about 5 different technique points that I am trying to work into my stroke. I would appreciate any of your input on use of the pull buoy.

Yvonne, Pull buoys are excellent tools and will not make you lazy. They make you pull harder (obviously) and give you an excellent feel for body position, roll, and catch. As you've already discovered, they also help you focus on parts of your stroke to improve your technique. If you plan to wear a wetsuit when you swim, it's a similar sensation as far as body position. Make sure you use it high up between your thighs - not down by your ankles. If you can't hold it that high up, you can use an elastic to keep your ankles together, but it's really bad for your lower back to position the buoy at the lower leg. I'd mix it up a bit with fins or zoomers and some drills, like catch-up or one-arm swimming. These will help with roll and position as well as arm motion. When you do drills, pick a side to focus on and breathe away from that side to help exagerate your roll. I know triathletes don't like it much (and nor do I), but I also think it's really important to do other strokes besides front crawl, too. Butterfly gives you range of motion, breaststroke helps you feel the catch and time your breath, and backstroke is a good core workout. Take advantage of the pull buoy while speed isn't a big factor. It will keep you slow because it doesn't allow you to really up your cadence and learn to catch fast, but there's time for that later in the season. Happy New Year all! Trish

Thanks for this, Trish! This is just what I needed to learn (and hear). I have tried some of the catch-up and finger-tip drag drills but should really do more of the one-arm and fist drills. They are sooo tough for me as I am still getting a handle on balance and pull. I know that  practice does make it much easier...I believe my coach was shaking his head the first time he saw me try finger-tip drag. Good points on the practice with back and breast stroke as well. I will sometimes work in some breast stroke but have yet to put backstroke into the mix.- next trip to the pool! Again, thanks for the tips!  

2009-01-02 10:38 PM
in reply to: #1883573

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2009-01-02 8:17 PM

amy mutz - 2009-01-02 8:07 PM
lyssa-gator - 2009-01-02 12:20 PM i just saw that on your facebook nicole. nice job! it's funny someone thought you were on rollerblades! LOL
That would have been me... Never heard seen one before, just trainers. I guess I need to do my homework. Amy IN

The rollers I have look like this:

Elite parabolic rollers

They're called parabolic rollers due to the curved shape of the roller ends. They are supposed to keep you from riding off the ends. I've still fallen because sometimes you can drift into those ends and have it slow you down enough that you fall over without riding off.

Rollers are harder to use than a trainer but they help improve your handling skills and the roundness of your pedal stroke. I find them to be a much harder workout.

I am not worthy! My husband has a set of rollers and I just shudder at the thought of trying them...Maybe in the middle of a hallway where I would be wedged between two walls. Would you recommend beginners do it without being clipped in? or do you suggest just going for it? 

2009-01-03 12:00 AM
in reply to: #1882707

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

lyssa-gator - 2009-01-02 9:10 AM hey all, was going to head out for a run, but AGAIN got about 3 inches of fresh snow. i'd probably risk it, if i didn't know about the 3 inch thick layer of ice underneath. meh, i'll call a friend, and see if i can't hit the dreaded treadmill at that gym again-that is of course if i can even make it out of the house today. i feel weird going to the gym just now, as all the "new years resolution" folks are making their big effort now. it tends to be crowded. i'm sure i blend in real well too, LOL well that's my day in a nutshell, what are YOU all doing?

Hey Lyssa, did you get to the gym? did ya did ya? you are right about it being crowded. I went this morning to my daughters gym with one of her friends and the circuit area was PACKED...I had to wait to get on a spin bike...and because all the lanes were full...rather then share a lane we swam in the deep end of the pool. and I in all my grace I ended up running into someone who was aimlessly floating about the pool....not once but TWICE! DOH! I felt terrible...I finally had to leave when the swim class started and the waves in the pool were 2-3 feet...I guess that is why they call it the wavehouse gym...hehe    and come on...where did all these people come from? I mean the beach is only 100 yards away...couldnt they go run on the beach or boardwalk? I mean really!

2009-01-03 12:04 AM
in reply to: #1882466

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2009-01-02 6:59 AM
Sledge - 2009-01-02 9:44 AM

I do most of my training first thing in the morning too, although I'm trying to be more open to other times.  It just seems that when I plan to do something at lunchtime or after work, half the time it gets pre-empted by work!

In my case it gets pre-empted by family issues or just not feeling up to it. That's why I train in the morning where there are less excuses.

The threat of "wintery mix" is keeping me inside today. I'm about to hit the rollers.

hope you have beter luck tomorrow...I know how awful it can be to have the bike withdrawals. sending you warm sunny thoughts so that you can ride tomorrow....way to suck it up and use the rollers...kiu!

2009-01-03 12:10 AM
in reply to: #1882965

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
run_yc_run - 2009-01-02 12:08 PM

It's a bit of a chilly one today- just a couple of cm of fresh snow but temps are about -25C +windchill. I had a pretty good round in the pool today and will skip the run. Still waiting for hubby to locate the skewer so I can get my bike on the trainer. It's just supposed to be a one day cold spell so I am hopeful that I can get out for a run tomorrow.

brrrrrrrrr now that is cold...and makes me shiver to the bones! I used to live in Alaska...and know that windchill factor can be brutal! way to get to the pool. have a great run tomorrow! how far you running? and do you run at an indoor track? or a treadmill?

2009-01-03 12:14 AM
in reply to: #1883130

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

lyssa-gator - 2009-01-02 1:57 PM i survived another day on the treadmill!! i racked up another 3.6 and it was boring, but didn't seem as bad as last time, maybe it's something i'll warm up to, who knows?

good job sista! way to get in that car and drive to the gym! and hop on that dreadmill.... I guess my warm sunny thoughts froze up before it reached you....I was hoping you were able to run outside today....what is your weather forecast for next week? 

2009-01-03 12:19 AM
in reply to: #1883232

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
NoSit - 2009-01-02 3:47 PM
run_yc_run - 2008-12-31 4:48 PM

The hubby and I have also been in some discussion about how much I should be using a pull buoy. While he recognizes that it helps build my confidence and focus on technique with my arms he thinks that it will make me lazy. My thought is that the confidence boost has been huge for me and increasing my comfort level in the water will make a huge difference, not to mention that at any given time I have about 5 different technique points that I am trying to work into my stroke. I would appreciate any of your input on use of the pull buoy.

Yvonne, Pull buoys are excellent tools and will not make you lazy. They make you pull harder (obviously) and give you an excellent feel for body position, roll, and catch. As you've already discovered, they also help you focus on parts of your stroke to improve your technique. If you plan to wear a wetsuit when you swim, it's a similar sensation as far as body position. Make sure you use it high up between your thighs - not down by your ankles. If you can't hold it that high up, you can use an elastic to keep your ankles together, but it's really bad for your lower back to position the buoy at the lower leg. I'd mix it up a bit with fins or zoomers and some drills, like catch-up or one-arm swimming. These will help with roll and position as well as arm motion. When you do drills, pick a side to focus on and breathe away from that side to help exagerate your roll. I know triathletes don't like it much (and nor do I), but I also think it's really important to do other strokes besides front crawl, too. Butterfly gives you range of motion, breaststroke helps you feel the catch and time your breath, and backstroke is a good core workout. Take advantage of the pull buoy while speed isn't a big factor. It will keep you slow because it doesn't allow you to really up your cadence and learn to catch fast, but there's time for that later in the season. Happy New Year all! Trish

thanks for those great words of advice on swimming Trish...I am going again tomorrow and will try tri and remember the above info.

2009-01-03 12:23 AM
in reply to: #1883412

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

chipit muffin - 2009-01-02 5:51 PM I am a bit computer challenged but i've managed to join the BT group on facebook. I've not reached everyone but gimme more time and i will...or come and invite me...please!

what isabelle computer challenged? tell me it aint so!!!! next time you are on a search for Julie Snaman...and you will gladly be accepted by me sista!

2009-01-03 12:24 AM
in reply to: #1883573

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2009-01-02 7:17 PM

amy mutz - 2009-01-02 8:07 PM
lyssa-gator - 2009-01-02 12:20 PM i just saw that on your facebook nicole. nice job! it's funny someone thought you were on rollerblades! LOL
That would have been me... Never heard seen one before, just trainers. I guess I need to do my homework. Amy IN

The rollers I have look like this:

Elite parabolic rollers

They're called parabolic rollers due to the curved shape of the roller ends. They are supposed to keep you from riding off the ends. I've still fallen because sometimes you can drift into those ends and have it slow you down enough that you fall over without riding off.

Rollers are harder to use than a trainer but they help improve your handling skills and the roundness of your pedal stroke. I find them to be a much harder workout.

what are the differences in you know Nicole?

2009-01-03 12:28 AM
in reply to: #1883785

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-02 10:23 PM

chipit muffin - 2009-01-02 5:51 PM I am a bit computer challenged but i've managed to join the BT group on facebook. I've not reached everyone but gimme more time and i will...or come and invite me...please!

what isabelle computer challenged? tell me it aint so!!!! next time you are on a search for Julie Snaman...and you will gladly be accepted by me sista!

Me too Amy U. Cox.

No workout for me today. I am still at work.

2009-01-03 12:29 AM
in reply to: #1883710

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
run_yc_run - 2009-01-02 8:33 PM
NoSit - 2009-01-02 4:47 PM
run_yc_run - 2008-12-31 4:48 PM

The hubby and I have also been in some discussion about how much I should be using a pull buoy. While he recognizes that it helps build my confidence and focus on technique with my arms he thinks that it will make me lazy. My thought is that the confidence boost has been huge for me and increasing my comfort level in the water will make a huge difference, not to mention that at any given time I have about 5 different technique points that I am trying to work into my stroke. I would appreciate any of your input on use of the pull buoy.

Yvonne, Pull buoys are excellent tools and will not make you lazy. They make you pull harder (obviously) and give you an excellent feel for body position, roll, and catch. As you've already discovered, they also help you focus on parts of your stroke to improve your technique. If you plan to wear a wetsuit when you swim, it's a similar sensation as far as body position. Make sure you use it high up between your thighs - not down by your ankles. If you can't hold it that high up, you can use an elastic to keep your ankles together, but it's really bad for your lower back to position the buoy at the lower leg. I'd mix it up a bit with fins or zoomers and some drills, like catch-up or one-arm swimming. These will help with roll and position as well as arm motion. When you do drills, pick a side to focus on and breathe away from that side to help exagerate your roll. I know triathletes don't like it much (and nor do I), but I also think it's really important to do other strokes besides front crawl, too. Butterfly gives you range of motion, breaststroke helps you feel the catch and time your breath, and backstroke is a good core workout. Take advantage of the pull buoy while speed isn't a big factor. It will keep you slow because it doesn't allow you to really up your cadence and learn to catch fast, but there's time for that later in the season. Happy New Year all! Trish

Thanks for this, Trish! This is just what I needed to learn (and hear). I have tried some of the catch-up and finger-tip drag drills but should really do more of the one-arm and fist drills. They are sooo tough for me as I am still getting a handle on balance and pull. I know that  practice does make it much easier...I believe my coach was shaking his head the first time he saw me try finger-tip drag. Good points on the practice with back and breast stroke as well. I will sometimes work in some breast stroke but have yet to put backstroke into the mix.- next trip to the pool! Again, thanks for the tips!  

GOOD JOB ON GETTING TO THE POOL YVONNE! the more you go to the pool and swim, the more comfortable you become and soon you will be gliding thru the pool with ease and without any thought at all...kiu!

2009-01-03 12:33 AM
in reply to: #1883788

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
abud7373 - 2009-01-02 10:28 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-02 10:23 PM

chipit muffin - 2009-01-02 5:51 PM I am a bit computer challenged but i've managed to join the BT group on facebook. I've not reached everyone but gimme more time and i will...or come and invite me...please!

what isabelle computer challenged? tell me it aint so!!!! next time you are on a search for Julie Snaman...and you will gladly be accepted by me sista!

Me too Amy U. Cox. No workout for me today. I am still at work.
still at work! its late! now you go home right now...ya hear! I worked out doubly hard for you...I went and did a spin class for 45 minutes...swam 45 minutes and then went on a 32+ mile ride from Delmar to Carlsbad along the coast...went about 33 miles. No naptime run?
2009-01-03 12:35 AM
in reply to: #1883718

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
run_yc_run - 2009-01-02 8:38 PM
MDHillSlug - 2009-01-02 8:17 PM

amy mutz - 2009-01-02 8:07 PM
lyssa-gator - 2009-01-02 12:20 PM i just saw that on your facebook nicole. nice job! it's funny someone thought you were on rollerblades! LOL
That would have been me... Never heard seen one before, just trainers. I guess I need to do my homework. Amy IN

The rollers I have look like this:

Elite parabolic rollers

They're called parabolic rollers due to the curved shape of the roller ends. They are supposed to keep you from riding off the ends. I've still fallen because sometimes you can drift into those ends and have it slow you down enough that you fall over without riding off.

Rollers are harder to use than a trainer but they help improve your handling skills and the roundness of your pedal stroke. I find them to be a much harder workout.

I am not worthy! My husband has a set of rollers and I just shudder at the thought of trying them...Maybe in the middle of a hallway where I would be wedged between two walls. Would you recommend beginners do it without being clipped in? or do you suggest just going for it? 

do you usually use clips? if not I would not try to use them rollers. and be careful the hallway idea is actully something I would want to had me cracking up!

2009-01-03 9:15 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Today is another new day to get out there and do something. I know a few people have long runs, what is everyone else doing? I have new shimano shoes, pedals and a new computer on my bike so I need to get out and get comfortable using them, so for me it is a ride and walk the dog.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!!

Amy IN

Oh, and I am on facebook as well Amy Neufelder Mutz.
2009-01-03 9:56 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
i just checked the 5 day for my town, and looks like after tomorrow night it's going to be rain rain rain rain rain for several days, so maybe i'll be able to start running outside again! which is great because i only had a week long free trial at that gym, and it ends on tuesday, so maybe it'll all work out ok. i don't think i'm running today because i'm stuck at home, so i think it's yoga and strength for me today. oh well. rain's coming, and then i'll be running like a fool!
2009-01-03 10:14 AM
in reply to: #1884001

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
amy mutz - 2009-01-03 7:15 AM

Today is another new day to get out there and do something. I know a few people have long runs, what is everyone else doing? I have new shimano shoes, pedals and a new computer on my bike so I need to get out and get comfortable using them, so for me it is a ride and walk the dog.

I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!!

Amy IN

Oh, and I am on facebook as well Amy Neufelder Mutz.

i found you and sent you a friend request!
2009-01-03 11:56 AM
in reply to: #1883796

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-03 1:35 AM
run_yc_run - 2009-01-02 8:38 PM
MDHillSlug - 2009-01-02 8:17 PM

amy mutz - 2009-01-02 8:07 PM
lyssa-gator - 2009-01-02 12:20 PM i just saw that on your facebook nicole. nice job! it's funny someone thought you were on rollerblades! LOL
That would have been me... Never heard seen one before, just trainers. I guess I need to do my homework. Amy IN

The rollers I have look like this:

Elite parabolic rollers

They're called parabolic rollers due to the curved shape of the roller ends. They are supposed to keep you from riding off the ends. I've still fallen because sometimes you can drift into those ends and have it slow you down enough that you fall over without riding off.

Rollers are harder to use than a trainer but they help improve your handling skills and the roundness of your pedal stroke. I find them to be a much harder workout.

I am not worthy! My husband has a set of rollers and I just shudder at the thought of trying them...Maybe in the middle of a hallway where I would be wedged between two walls. Would you recommend beginners do it without being clipped in? or do you suggest just going for it? 

do you usually use clips? if not I would not try to use them rollers. and be careful the hallway idea is actully something I would want to had me cracking up!

As Julie says, when you start rollers you are probably best off trying to do whatever it is that you are used to. I feel better connected and more in control of the bike when I'm clipped in.

A lot of people recommend starting with the rollers set up in a doorway so that you have something close by on each side to lean into or grab. I use chairs.

A quick look online seems to show regular rollers starting around $150 and parabolic starting around $250. Craig's list is always a good place to look for a bargain.


I got my outside ride this morning. It was on the cold side (33F starting, 37F at finish) and a bit windy but still a good ride. Running tomorrow morning.

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