BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2011-01-01 8:51 AM
in reply to: #3256949

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2011-01-01 8:59 AM
in reply to: #3256949

Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Here are my 2010 totals FWIW:
Bike:280h 14m 22s  - 5409.11 Mi
Run:91h 19m 37s  - 790 Mi
Swim:81h 59m 11s
Commuter Cycling:48h 05m

If things go as planned in 2011, I'll cut down a bit on the bike, try to keep the swimming similar, and increase the run mileage.  For me, the key to making that happen will be to avoid a running related injury - I had three in 2010.
2011-01-01 9:40 AM
in reply to: #3270844

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2011-01-01 10:33 AM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
I guess it's in the books now:

December's totals:
Bike:7h 20m 04s  - 140.72 Mi
Run:21h 46m 28s  - 178.33 Mi
Kayaking:2h 00m

2010 totals
Bike:197h 52m 26s  - 3615.1 Mi
Run:189h 11m 17s  - 1466.99 Mi
Swim:79h 27m 27s  - 240078.5 Yd
Strength:17h 04m
Dodgeball:5h 00m
Football:4h 00m
Golf:4h 30m
Harry Potter World:4h 00m
Kayaking:2h 00m
Pilates:1h 00m
Snow Shoveling:2h 20m
Softball:8h 00m
Walking:3h 00m

I fell off the swim wagon back in August and the bike wagon for Nov and early Dec (but that was due to holidays and work travel).  I think my plan for Jan is to get some sort of running plan and tone back the mileage but work in some structured speed/tempo/interval stuff.  I'm still working on Jorge's bike plan and hopefully with the decrease in run volume I can pick up some of the 4th optional bikes he has (I've only been doing 3x per week).  Then there's swimming...goal is 2x per week in Jan to get me back into some sort of rhythm with it.  Just dragging myself to the pool is the hurdle I need to get over.

Congrats to everyone on a great 2010, and looking forward to a better 2011! 
2011-01-01 10:52 AM
in reply to: #3256949

South Alabama
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

2010 numbers:

Bike             3533.94 miles              193 hours 16 min.

Run              707.68  miles               110 hours 25 min.

Swim           379,202.80 yards          154 hours 35 min

Strength                                           29 hours 27 min.

Lost about 3 months of running/cycling due to injury.  Hope 2011 will be injury free.

Tried to get an easy run in this morning but it quickly turned into a short tempo run when light rain turned into a thunderstorm a mile or so in.  I like running in the rain but thunder and lightning are not to be messed with.  Garage ride later after the Alabama game.


2011-01-01 11:06 AM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
X4 on the Infinit.  I used this for my 1/2 in 09 and found it to be great - only problem was I dropped my bottle 5-10km into the ride and watched all my nutrition go rolling down the road into a ditch.  Made the immediate decision to stop and run back up the road to recover the bottle. 

As for training, I'm usually a mix of gatorade powder mix, gels, and water.  But I did train with the infinit just to make sure there weren't going to be any surprises on race day.  I wouldn't want to risk something not agreeing with me and finding out during the race.

As for 2010 totals, these seem rather sad in comparison to the rest of you.  Pretty obvious that this is a strong and motivated group, so I'm looking for that knowledge (and some speed) to rub off.

2010 totals
Bike:90h 28m 12s  - 2020.49 KM
Run:45h 34m 44s  - 524.9 KM
Swim:62h 07m 05s  - 123838.8 M

Finally, for regular nutrition I find that I eat a lot of processed food - and what do each of you consider to be processed?.  This is less by design and more by convenience, so I'd be interested to know how people manage their time to prepare some well balanced meals.  Do you plan a week in advance and go from there, or do you find that you are just preparing and cooking the day of?  Do people follow meal plans for themselves?

2011-01-01 12:18 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
I use infinit. I use it because that is whats on the course in austria. I think the IM run formula is great, and i really like the taste. The bike formula is ok, but I dont like the taste as much as the run formula. The bike formula makes my mouth dry, maybe because of the added protein? I dont know.

I have desided to go without alcohol from today until IM austria.
2011-01-01 1:20 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Highlands Ranch, CO
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
I just posted my 2010 year in review summery along with my totals on my blog. I have never tracked this data before so it will be interesting to see what 2011 look like. 

2011-01-01 2:34 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Ran 9 miles today which was my longest run since surgery. Next is a 1:10 hour trainer ride that I moved over from Thursday. As much as I love the holidays it will be nice to get back into a routine again.
2011-01-01 3:45 PM
in reply to: #3271268

Kansas City, Missouri
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Catwoman - 2011-01-01 12:34 PM Ran 9 miles today which was my longest run since surgery. Next is a 1:10 hour trainer ride that I moved over from Thursday. As much as I love the holidays it will be nice to get back into a routine again.

Amen to that!
2011-01-01 3:57 PM
in reply to: #3256949

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2011-01-01 3:58 PM
in reply to: #3256949

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2011-01-01 4:07 PM
in reply to: #3271380

Kansas City, Missouri
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Fred Doucette - 2011-01-01 1:57 PM
What about the rest of the team? What do you guys think about training hours? Where do you see yourself?

2010 was my first year, and I started in April so I only had a paltry 180 some hours, but I would like to see 300+ this season since I won't be going longer than HIM distance.  Volume is one thing I seem to be having a hard time working out where the sweet spot is in terms of how much each week.  I'd like to get that nailed down this year.

ETA: AFA goals, other than the two above, I'd like to take a more holistic approach to nutrition in general, not just regarding racing.  I eat like crap and sometimes it makes me sick that I can't stop doing it Foot in mouth.

Edited by shmeeg 2011-01-01 4:09 PM
2011-01-01 5:21 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Fishers, Indiana
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Started the year of with 50 miles on the bike!
Okay, talking about hours: in 2009, my first IM year, I had 631 hours of tri-training; 2010, a much more relaxed year for me say 453 tri-training hours.  For this year, I'm working with a coach, have 2 HIMs and 2 IMs on the schedule, and so I'm guessing I'll probably see something around 700+ for the year. We'll see what my coach has in mind! My first race is a 1/2 mary in Austin in February, so my run mileage is going up for a bit in prep for that. 
2011-01-01 5:57 PM
in reply to: #3271380

South Alabama
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!

Fred Doucette -What about the rest of the team? What do you guys think about training hours? Where do you see yourself?

The more I read and hear about people's experience in triathlons the more it seems to me that there is a "sweet spot" for most folks with their training.  They seem to make some big gains in their race times after about 2 years of consistent training.  Obviously, experience contributes to those gains but building up endurance over time through consistent training seems to be a huge part of it.  So, is consistent 4, 8, 12.....hours a week? I think that depends on the person, their goals and what their job, homelife, health and such allow. 

I know none of this is a ground breaking revelation but it seems to me that most people fall into a pattern of training and maybe the most important part of that training is riding, running and swimming consistently over a long period of time. Add some variety but keep in mind that too much too soon and too hard too often may lead to injury. (My experience)   I'm always looking for the latest and greatest training ideas but think that long term staying healthy and training consistently will help get me reach most of my goals.  Your mileage may vary.

Fortunately, I am entering my third season of triathlon and hope I will be in the "sweet spot" as I race this year.

For 2011: I would be happy with 4500 miles on the bike (240 hours); 1000 miles running (145 hours) and 250,000 yards swimming (100 hours ugh!) That would total out at 485 sbr hours.    I'm keeping my fingers crossed and trying to be "smart" for a change.


2011-01-01 7:11 PM
in reply to: #3270826

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
wiky - 2011-01-01 8:47 AMHappy 2011 everyone.  

We're heading over to a friend's house to celebrate and watch some football.  Really looking forward to the TCU/Wisconsin game later today.  I'll be rooting for the Badgers, but it will be interesting to see how TCU stacks up (TCU is a 3 point favorite).
Happy New Year! Just left Rose Bowl stadium!!!!! Looooooove California (you are lucky Brittany and Jay) Kate

2011-01-01 8:21 PM
in reply to: #3271399

Subject: ...
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Edited by Fred Doucette 2011-01-01 8:24 PM
2011-01-01 8:38 PM
in reply to: #3269500

Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
I've had trouble keeping up the last few days, due to NYE weekend activities, but the content and discussions have been great so far.  Is the posting rate 'normal', or is this an unusually active group?  Based on the page count of the other groups, there seems to be quite a range...
2011-01-01 8:54 PM
in reply to: #3271647

Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
kr140.6 - 2011-01-01 8:11 PM
wiky - 2011-01-01 8:47 AMHappy 2011 everyone.  

We're heading over to a friend's house to celebrate and watch some football.  Really looking forward to the TCU/Wisconsin game later today.  I'll be rooting for the Badgers, but it will be interesting to see how TCU stacks up (TCU is a 3 point favorite).
Happy New Year! Just left Rose Bowl stadium!!!!! Looooooove California (you are lucky Brittany and Jay) Kate

Nice!  Tough result for a UW fan, but would still have loved to have been there.
2011-01-01 9:02 PM
in reply to: #3269165

Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
I spent lots of time last year figuring out what I would consume in Boulder on the long weekend workouts, and did a lot of experimenting with different solids, and using mildly watered down GE. Based on what I've since learned about the different sugars used, in various products I'm switching to HEED and will probably stick with that for the year; that way no surprises, come August!  The big question mark is how to mix it, 1-2 scoops per 16-24 oz leaves a lot of latitude but I figure there's plenty of time to find what works... 

Edited by StMaas 2011-01-01 9:05 PM
2011-01-01 9:11 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
So my first year of training was amazing. I have completely changed my life and my lifestyle for the better. I have lost about 35 pounds and become in the best shape since I was in high school. My wife is also training and it is great that we are able to live this lifestyle together. Our first 1/2 marathon is in two weeks from today.

My goals for 2011 would be to stay healthy and injury free first and foremost. I would like to increase my speed a bit but I'm also tackling my first HIM so I'm not super worried about the speed yet.

Biking - I would like to get at least 3000 miles on the bike this year. My avg speed on the bike for last year was about 15-16 mph so I would like to increase that to about 16-17 mph. I'm looking into getting a tri bike also this year.

Swim - I am looking into joining a Master's swim program and get my 2-3 swims a week in without skipping or dropping them. I want to continue to build on my swim fitness and work on some speed specific drills. My speed right now is 2 min/100 yds and I would like to chip at least 10 seconds off of that over the HIM distance. I also need to learn flip turns.

Run - This is where I really want to spend some time in 2011. I hoping that my run volume will be somewhere around 1000 miles. I would like to run my first sub 30 min 5K and continue to grow in longer distance runs (8+ miles).

2011-01-01 9:13 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
My tri club did a Polar Bear Swim today. It was 27 degrees outside and the water was probably in the 40's. Very cold for Phoenix.

2011-01-01 9:13 PM
in reply to: #3271383

Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
190 lbs. or less.  If I can manage to eat less processed sugar, I should be able to get there.
And carrying 20 less lbs has so many obvious benefits.

Log 50 miles/mo. minimum running

Finishing better, in every leg of every race I did in 2010.

2 Hr HM, my 1st in October was 2:19.  Next effort is in April.

Oh, and more race/event volunteering.

Edited by StMaas 2011-01-01 9:25 PM
2011-01-01 9:22 PM
in reply to: #3256949

Highlands Ranch
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
I now have 2 years of logging activity and looking at the numbers, along with completing my 1st HIM.  I feel like I have a much better appreciation of what it takes to do this well, and be more satisfied with the results beyond making to to the finish line of a 70.3

My 2010 totals:
Bike:  128h 08m 35s  - 2009.98 Mi
Run:87h 12m 35s  - 513.44 Mi
Swim:69h 11m 30s  - 226203.1 Yd

2011-01-01 9:28 PM
in reply to: #3271380

Lexington, KY
Subject: RE: Fred Doucette's Half-Iron and Ironman Focused Group! -CLOSED!
Fred Doucette - 2011-01-01 4:57 PM so 505 hours of SBR in 2010. Lemme see how this compares to other years SBR?

2006: Only have 1/2 year data and just started training for tri's.
2007: 495 hours.
2008: 550 hours.
2009: 482 hours.

So 3 out of 4 years my hours are very close to 500 and 1 year (1st year of coaching) was sig. over (550).

Wonder what this year will be?

There was a discussion in tri talk about yearly hours. Joel Friel suggests that 500-1,000 hours per year is the goal for IM training in a year, with high performance coming at the higher range of the number. I disagree with this quite strongly. Never been a huge hours guy and likely never will ever get even close to 600 hours of SBR.

What about the rest of the team? What do you guys think about training hours? Where do you see yourself?

That's a pretty good record of consistency Fred.  My two years so far were ~350 (2009) and ~450 (2010).  For me personally (and probably most of the rest of us?), my volume limit is set by the rest of my life, primarily family+job.  Based on my personal circumstances, I don't think it is realistic to think I can go much beyond ~550 hours without consequences in other areas of my life that would be unacceptable to me.  Fortunately, that's more than enough training load for me at this point in my life.  I can't imagine doing 1000 hours in a year.  That's almost 20/week!
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