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2006-05-12 8:13 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
My motivation at this point is the fact that I'm fairly confident that if I can make it to the top of each hill, there must be a downhill on the other side; not to mention that since it is a two loop course, if the first loop is that bad, I can rent an electric scooter in town for the second loop....think they have any with aerobars?

Edited by OldAg92 2006-05-12 8:14 AM

2006-05-12 8:39 AM
in reply to: #421734

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
I have my days of feeling like the double decker bus ran over me, but it is then I book a massage. Does wonders for me. Gets ride of lactic acid and just pushes stress and soreness out of the way, only to come back after the long weekends! But surprisingly at least for myself who has never put in this much mileage in anything, I can still walk!!! I break down mentally sometimes as for me the long bike ride is the killer. Anything over a couple hours is still a challenge to me! Heat I can deal with.....
Keep the faith.
2006-05-12 8:42 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Speaking of long bike rides...I've got 5 hours on the schedule tomorrow, and for the first time in a while, I'm really not looking forward to it.  But, that's part of what we signed up for, right?

Everyone train safe and smart this weekend! 


2006-05-12 8:51 AM
in reply to: #421734

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

OldAg92 - 2006-05-12 5:13 AM , if the first loop is that bad, I can rent an electric scooter in town for the second loop....think they have any with aerobars?

I'd go with this.


bike.jpg (86KB - 35 downloads)
2006-05-12 8:54 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Ha!!!  Perfect!
2006-05-12 9:05 AM
in reply to: #421797

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
I am with ya on the long ride "not looking forward to it" I will probably be on the roads for the same amount of time, I have a 80 miler plus a 4 mile run. Because of the ferry timing tho, I might not even fit in the whole workout. I have to go to Tortola one of the British Virgin Islands for most of my long rides. There is a 20 mile loop which is fairly flat. Here, there is no way anyone would attempt a ride over mmmm 3 hrs. Just too many hills, and taxi's out to kill you.

BTW on my long rides I allow myself a pit stop here and there, stretch, eat some fruit, buy a cold drink, in that 5 minutes or so, it is just refreshing and breaks things up. In the duration of an IM to me I'd rather treat myself and make the day just a little easier, than deny myself and in the end, be a gnarled up mess......


2006-05-12 10:06 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Bellingham, Washington
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

It's Friday morning.  My day off, Blue skies, cool air,  Long ride planned, and here I sit in front of computer.....well I'm eating my bagel and oatmeal so I'm carbo loading....I'll get going shortly.

So far this year, no OWS, no training in heat conditions.

I read in recent magazine, that the IMCDA first year was extreme heat, second year was mild as was last year?  Or was it cool.

So I'm bringing extra throw away windbreaker, old longsleeve jersey,  maybe cut the sleeves and use them as arm warmers....

2006-05-12 12:43 PM
in reply to: #421902

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
I just received my DeSoto bib john, pull over top in the mail. Okay, it is like 90 degress here today, I am holding this thick rubber "thing" in my hands wondering how the heck am I going to give this a try??? At this point someone said after I put it on, they will keep spraying me with cold water from the hose. I really just am not there.......

This is going to be a challenge.

Wish me luck. Might have to give it a try tomorrow. Jodie
2006-05-12 6:27 PM
in reply to: #422131

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Bellingham, Washington
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

virgingirl - 2006-05-12 9:43 AM I just received my DeSoto bib john, pull over top in the mail. Okay, it is like 90 degress here today, I am holding this thick rubber "thing" in my hands wondering how the heck am I going to give this a try??? At this point someone said after I put it on, they will keep spraying me with cold water from the hose. I really just am not there....... This is going to be a challenge. Wish me luck. Might have to give it a try tomorrow. Jodie

I use the DeSoto T1 also,  it takes some time getting use to it.  And getting it on.  Take some plastic bread bags and put them on you hands and feet before sticking them in, slides on  easier.

Just got back from my first self-imposed CENTURY Ride (105.44miles).  Good experience.   


2006-05-13 8:23 AM
in reply to: #422568

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Right on Spence!!! I tell ya, one hundred a whole lotta miles in my book. Congrats on doing the deed! I hope you really relax and soak in the confidence. Your body will remember, you did it, you made it, and one day late in June, it will do it again, after a 2.4 mile swim and then run 26.2 afterwards, it will be one fun day!!!! Keep it working!! Whoo hoo, I know you are feeling GOOD!!!!! Jodie

Oh and btw, wondering if.....ok it is blistering hot down here. I have to try the wetsuit out..... Is there a chance you can hurt yourself by swimming in this warm of water, in this heat with the wetsuit on? Seriously sort of scares me that I am out there cooking myself and might hurt myself, like heat exhaustion or something. I am out for a 12 miler and will do a little warm up swim and then after have a friend to help me put the suit on and get it off. I am thinking even If I only try it for 10 minutes to see if I can handle it, that will be enough?? Yes? I cannot imagine trying if for more than 1/2 mile down here, it really is just so hot right now. Anyone???

2006-05-13 9:33 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Bellingham, Washington
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

If you feel like you are getting warm, just pull a liitle around the edge of the suit and let in some water , that should cool you some.

Did anyone else receive  a letter from GU and have a packet of GU vanilla bean?  I got it yesterday.

2006-05-13 5:00 PM
in reply to: #422806

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
BellinghamSpence - 2006-05-13 6:33 AM

Did anyone else receive  a letter from GU and have a packet of GU vanilla bean?  I got it yesterday.

It might be out in the mailbox.  I might never know as I am too flippin sore to walk the 15 yards to find out

2006-05-13 11:19 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Coeur d'Alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Got the vanilla bean today!  Trying it out tomorrow.  Played golf Friday (5/12) with a buddy who qualified for Kona his first year here in CDA.  It was freakishly hot (96 degrees) and Lavato won.  It has not been that hot again.  More like high 70's low 80's.  Wind is more prediominant in the afternoon and blows the hardest out in Liberty Lake area (my feeling).  The part along Lake CDA isn't that bad. 

There are downhills on the other side of the hills (hit 41.1MPH), and there are flats.  The swim start/finish is less than 40 yds from transition and there is a ton of porta potties, but if the water is cold you may just want to warm up your wetsuit. 

Hayden Lake (close by) was 44 degrees this am.  Warming up though!  It is supposed to be mid 80's here next week and that will warm up the water quick.  The top is warmer than the bottom.....unless you are swimming on the bottom.

2006-05-14 12:58 PM
in reply to: #423184

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Coeur D'alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

boglecda - 2006-05-13 8:19 PM   The top is warmer than the bottom.....unless you are swimming on the bottom.

Hey!  Who told you my secret???    Yeah, with the temps warming up so well like they are it won't be long and the lake will be tolerable for some OW swims.  Can't wait.

2006-05-14 7:20 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Extreme Veteran
Atlanta, GA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

All this cold water, windy, hilly talk as me all fired up. Sounds like a cake walk!

I better get a new gear set. Do they make a 13-29? I never use the 11 anyway.

2006-05-14 9:31 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Hurst, Texas
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Hmmmmm......wonder why James is so fired up??   Wait, I know!!  It is because he absolutely blew the freaking doors off of  the Gulf Coast 1/2 IM this weekend.  Fantastic job, James.  I'll see you at the finish line at CDA.....about 4 hours after you finish!

2006-05-14 10:59 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Coeur d'Alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Anybody notice yet that this thread has grown to 10 pages....I bet we can double it by IMCDA!  Absolutely beautiful day in CDA today.  Couldn't have been better for Mom's day.  Broke down and bought my wife a Corgi puppy for a present.  Cutest little thing....guess potty training is back in my house!!
2006-05-14 11:00 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Coeur d'Alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Almost forgot.....doing an Oly on 5/28 called "Onionman" down in Walla Walla, Washington.  Should have a good open water temp report though the H2O down there is warmer than here!!
2006-05-15 7:07 AM
in reply to: #423663

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Good luck on your Onionman, bet you can't wait to hear...

You ARE an Onionman!! Cool.

Well don't keep us in too much suspence. Waiting on hearing the water temp of the lake. Wondering how many people will use a neoprene swim cap. I am thinking a double layer swim cap might be ok, I all ready have the "seal look" down. My daughter and I had a good laugh trying on the wetsuit, she cracked up!!

Keep on training.............
2006-05-15 9:01 AM
in reply to: #316690

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Double swim cap works pretty good.  I did this for a 56 degree water half IM earlier this year.  The top of my head was fine, the rest of my body hated me....
2006-05-15 9:26 AM
in reply to: #423518

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Newbury Park, CA
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
jamesreeves - 2006-05-14 4:20 PM

All this cold water, windy, hilly talk as me all fired up. Sounds like a cake walk!

I better get a new gear set. Do they make a 13-29? I never use the 11 anyway.

Hey! Don't whip out a 5:08 HIM and then come in here and belly ache about getting a new granny gear!  Damn Sandbagger!!

Damn - you kicked a***!!

2006-05-15 4:48 PM
in reply to: #316690

New user

Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
I have been a silent reader on this thread for the last four months - so with less than 6 weeks to go thought it time to share some comments.
At age 56 and attempting my first Ironman it is very intimidating reading what everyone is up to. However I keep reminding myself that my goal is to finish, not kill myself.

Two weeks ago, four of us travelled down from Vancouver, Canada, to go over the CDA course. Arrived on a beautiful Saturday, and woke up the next meeting to sleet and very blustery conditions. Waited until 11am and finally decided to go for it. The course is very beautiful - and yes there are hills. But you do get the downhills, and an opportunity to pick up some speed before the next one. After the hills, the course is relatively flat and then you start heading back into town - an opportunity to use your aero bars. With the gusty winds it was challenging. However, we managed to complete the whole course by the time the light started to fade.
Monday, we did one lap of the run course - loved it. Just one killer of a hill - you also get to do it twice on the bike. As for the lake I couldn't even leave my toes in for more than a few seconds - glad to hear it is warming up. Not sure if I will be getting much open water swimming done up here as the weather had just started to warm up.

This past weekend our Tri Club had their annual get together at Penticton - the site of Ironman Canada. About 90 of us did the whole Ironman bike course on Saturday - much steeper and longer hills than CDA. Was so glad that I have been training on hills and promised myself I won't complain anymore when we do our Wednesday hill workouts.

Am I ready? Don't know. Have put in the miles - still wondering how I am going to put it all together.

2006-05-15 5:20 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Bellingham, Washington
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
Darn, I'm not the oldest anymore.
2006-05-15 6:19 PM
in reply to: #424468

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Coeur D'alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?

Jude - 2006-05-15 1:48 PM I have been a silent reader on this thread for the last four months - so with less than 6 weeks to go thought it time to share some comments.

Welcome Jude!  That makes 31 of us now...gonna be a great BT gathering!



T in Liberty Lake
Ms Rob


2006-05-15 9:19 PM
in reply to: #316690

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Coeur d'Alene, ID
Subject: RE: IMCDA Are you ready?
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