BT Development Mentor Program Archives » JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed Rss Feed  
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2013-02-10 11:26 AM
in reply to: #4614371

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Hilliard, OH
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
jford2309 - 2013-02-08 11:24 AM

It is official, I signed up for my 1st 140.6 yesterday!


Read about it here on my blog Daily Trainings

That is awesome!  I don't know that I would be deligent to train if I had already registered for my 140.6.  I'm sure I will sign up for my second one before the first one is done.  It is what keeps me motivated.

2013-02-11 1:46 AM
in reply to: #4616282

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
EV3110 - 2013-02-11 2:07 AM

Bike question. What's he general rule for increasing mileage in the bike? Is it like running - 10% increase rule? That wouldn't be much added mileage on bike. I'm riding mostly 20-25 mi rides 2-3x a week. My personal goal this month is to ride 200 mi. ..I'm currently @ 78 (NOTE: more than the Mentors miles!!) :D. I'm comfortable with this mileage even tho I hate HATE the hills.

IMO you can allow more than 10%, as bike is non-weight bearing, therefore doesn't place the same stress on the body. This season so far I have been increase my long bike by 30mins a week, from a start of 3 hours (did 5 hours on Sunday). It's more a perspective of overall training load and fatigue, as opposed to too much stress through joints and muscles from pounding the road.

Hills may be a different beast, as forcing hills puts more stress on the knees, so I'd increase that steadily. Otherwise 20% a week wouldn't be too much of a stretch I don't think, for someone with even more than a few years of experience.
2013-02-11 9:24 AM
in reply to: #4616969

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Denton, TX
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

stuart_little_9 - 2013-02-11 1:46 AM
EV3110 - 2013-02-11 2:07 AM Bike question. What's he general rule for increasing mileage in the bike? Is it like running - 10% increase rule? That wouldn't be much added mileage on bike. I'm riding mostly 20-25 mi rides 2-3x a week. My personal goal this month is to ride 200 mi. ..I'm currently @ 78 (NOTE: more than the Mentors miles!!) :D. I'm comfortable with this mileage even tho I hate HATE the hills.
IMO you can allow more than 10%, as bike is non-weight bearing, therefore doesn't place the same stress on the body. This season so far I have been increase my long bike by 30mins a week, from a start of 3 hours (did 5 hours on Sunday). It's more a perspective of overall training load and fatigue, as opposed to too much stress through joints and muscles from pounding the road. Hills may be a different beast, as forcing hills puts more stress on the knees, so I'd increase that steadily. Otherwise 20% a week wouldn't be too much of a stretch I don't think, for someone with even more than a few years of experience.


Stuart is right - 10% rule will take forever to get any real mileage increase.  Unless any of us are living in mtns - 20% increase per week with every 3rd week for recovery works just fine.  As with all events - avoid hard back to back days.  Watch your rest and hydration as always.  Sometimes we are fooled during cooler months about hdration.

2013-02-11 10:50 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

I hope everyone had a great weekend of training! I ran a Valentine's Day 5k with my wife, and then I ran 5 miles home to get all my miles in.

Sunday I got in a 25 mile, 1:30 hour trainer ride

This morning I hit a 5.8 mile run with another ride tonight!!!

2013-02-11 12:41 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Had a good run Saturday, I was supposed to get in a 4 hour ride on Sunday with a run brick following, but just couldn't get anything right, on a course that I usually can do at 13 or 14 mph, I was struggling to get in 11 mph. I got frustrated and bagged it for the rest of the day.

It was disappointing, and I can't blame equipment or weather or even nutrition , just me.

Now it's a matter of principal. I need to redeem myself on my next long ride.
2013-02-11 7:35 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Georgetown, MA
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

managed to complete all the scheduled workouts this weekend despite 30" of snow.  Almost counted an extra one in there for the 4 hours we spent digging out. 

I have my second indoor next weekend.  I try my hardest to approach these types of races like workouts not races so I don't burn myself out and miss a few days of training...Easier said than done, my competitive streak always seems to take over.  Anyone else share this dilemma?

2013-02-11 10:11 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
James& Todd: thx for the bike info. The loops i make include a minimum of 840 elevation climb and maximum 1000+. I know.. its not to bad but for me it may as well be a 3000' climb!!! Ugh. . Todd I see truth to the hydration issue during these cold mornings & eve's. I had just mentioned to my husband that I need more water. My body is lacking h20. Gotta keep hydrated! Ran 4 yesterday with no shin issues. Yay!
2013-02-12 10:31 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
it's getting pretty quiet in here group!  Are we all hitting a wall? I know I have my problem days in getting my workout in!
2013-02-12 12:04 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
4 years on BT and I am finally starting to use the tools, like a Mentor group, or logging my nutrition, (what a concept )
Great swim this morning , not especially speedy, things just flowed.
2013-02-12 12:20 PM
in reply to: #4618952

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Akron, OH
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
jford2309 - 2013-02-12 11:31 AM it's getting pretty quiet in here group!  Are we all hitting a wall? I know I have my problem days in getting my workout in!
I've been reading, but relatively quite as my back injury is bumming me out.  Trying to cut back, and the low back pain levels are still high.  I'm pretty sure the root of all my problems is ridiculously tight hip flexors. 
2013-02-12 1:18 PM
in reply to: #4618952

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

Well....I'm just trying to stay afloat.  This is the busiest month of my job.  The only thing going through my head is this quote that I love......"When the going gets tough, it's a sure fire sign to keep chargin'!!!!!"

Nothing comes easy in this life and it's how much you want something and take action to get it that defines people.

2013-02-12 1:31 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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New user
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

Been busy here, between conferences, getting ready for state assessments, remodeling our kitchen and laundry room, there has been little time for anything else.  I am hoping to get back on the wagon come Thursday when things settle down a bit.  Was able to get a couple miles in on the track so far but nothing like I should be.  Really just need someone to come kick me in my ....... and tell me to get a move on it.


2013-02-12 3:02 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Yay!!!! om not the only slacker here!!! whhoop! Ran a short 3 in this morn. Now Sitting in the waiting room of our pediatric dentist. My 6 yr old's teeth are about to be drilled on. Will they ever learn to BRUSH properly?! Killin' me!! I tend to self-sabotage. Poor nutrition is the culprit for my lack of training. It's been really bad lately and training proves it. It's that 3:00 binge that does me in!
2013-02-12 4:37 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Well I had a great swim this afternoon at lunch. 2100 yards in 40:21. Skipped Master's class and went for a straight swim, 42 laps in the pool! Actually felt good!
2013-02-12 10:12 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Brisbane, Australia
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Hi all. I'm in a recovery week this week. I'll be hitting my 30min run TT Thursday morning, 1000m swim TT on Friday and bike LT test on Saturday. Will post results (hopefully with improvements) as they happen.
2013-02-13 7:57 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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Hilliard, OH
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
I have been getting MOST of my training in.  My boss is in Haiti so I am doing all his work plus mine (2 full time jobs). Then there is that little thing of my daughter's wedding in 24 days. UGH!!!! Then I am blessed to have my sister still hanging on so I try to see her at least once a week (she is an hour away).  Throw ironman training in there and I am one busy girl! 

2013-02-13 11:49 AM
in reply to: #4543020

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

I confess...


I stayed in bed this morning and missed my run. No excuse really, I was just tired. I tried to tell myself to get up, but I was able to justify staying in bed due to a race this weekend (10k) and needing to save my legs. I will still ride tonight and do my crunches, but that extra sleep felt good.


Now that I confessed, I am over it. One workout won;t kill me!

2013-02-13 2:06 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Hilliard, OH
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Ok group!  We need to get on it!  I just noticed that some groups have over 100 pages of conversation.  WOW!  They are very talkative.  When do they train?  They have to be "chatting" constantly! Smile
2013-02-13 2:36 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

In order to get more conversations going, I will start asking different questions:


Who runs with music?


It's weird for me because I can go either way, when I train for marathons, I have to have music, but triathlons, I usually do not run with music. Makes no difference to me on shorter runs.

2013-02-13 2:36 PM
in reply to: #4621055

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed

mkennedy0525 - 2013-02-13 2:06 PM Ok group!  We need to get on it!  I just noticed that some groups have over 100 pages of conversation.  WOW!  They are very talkative.  When do they train?  They have to be "chatting" constantly! Smile

LOL!!!  Nice!  They can talk all they want.  Our group definitely makes sure that what is posted is quality.  Laughing  I don't think we need to be using this group as the equivalent of a Twitter feed.

I'm VERY happy with all of the people we have here regardless of the amount of posts and the amount of Movie Quote contests....which by the way....where is the next one?  Wink

2013-02-13 2:44 PM
in reply to: #4621113

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Alpharetta, Georgia
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
jford2309 - 2013-02-13 2:36 PM

In order to get more conversations going, I will start asking different questions:


Who runs with music?


It's weird for me because I can go either way, when I train for marathons, I have to have music, but triathlons, I usually do not run with music. Makes no difference to me on shorter runs.

I love to work out with music.  Almost every workout I do, minus the pool of course, I listen to music.  However, I do schedule and complete a long workout without the music.  I call those my mind workouts.  I've realized that you HAVE to do some without music.  Your mind needs exercise and workouts just like the legs and lungs.

2013-02-13 2:52 PM
in reply to: #4621116

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Hilliard, OH
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
Devilsdlg - 2013-02-13 3:36 PM

mkennedy0525 - 2013-02-13 2:06 PM Ok group!  We need to get on it!  I just noticed that some groups have over 100 pages of conversation.  WOW!  They are very talkative.  When do they train?  They have to be "chatting" constantly! Smile

LOL!!!  Nice!  They can talk all they want.  Our group definitely makes sure that what is posted is quality.  Laughing  I don't think we need to be using this group as the equivalent of a Twitter feed.

I'm VERY happy with all of the people we have here regardless of the amount of posts and the amount of Movie Quote contests....which by the way....where is the next one?  Wink

There are times that I want to run with music but since I can't have it in the race, I don't train with it.  I saw someone in the pool today with their waterproof ipod and I was a bit jealous.  That sure would make the really long swims less boring.

2013-02-13 4:12 PM
in reply to: #4621151

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Bartlett, TN
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
mkennedy0525 - 2013-02-13 2:52 PM
Devilsdlg - 2013-02-13 3:36 PM

mkennedy0525 - 2013-02-13 2:06 PM Ok group!  We need to get on it!  I just noticed that some groups have over 100 pages of conversation.  WOW!  They are very talkative.  When do they train?  They have to be "chatting" constantly! Smile

LOL!!!  Nice!  They can talk all they want.  Our group definitely makes sure that what is posted is quality.  Laughing  I don't think we need to be using this group as the equivalent of a Twitter feed.

I'm VERY happy with all of the people we have here regardless of the amount of posts and the amount of Movie Quote contests....which by the way....where is the next one?  Wink

There are times that I want to run with music but since I can't have it in the race, I don't train with it.  I saw someone in the pool today with their waterproof ipod and I was a bit jealous.  That sure would make the really long swims less boring.

I have a waterproof case for my iPod and have swam with it. It is more in the way for me than the worth. It was neat for awhile swimming listening to GNR, but like I said, it is more of a hassle I thought.

2013-02-13 5:42 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Extreme Veteran
Hollister, CA
Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
I don't run with music. Peace. I need peace & quiet. I ran my first half marathon in New Orleans. Ran it w TNT. Met lots of people and when several were asked what area we liked best during the run I said Audubon Park - quiet w lots of trees , pond.. Etc.... Everyone else said BOurbon Street or city areas. Hearing nothing on runs helps clear my mind although listening to music may may the workout go by faster!
2013-02-13 6:15 PM
in reply to: #4543020

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Subject: RE: JFord Bradleyd3 2013 Spring Group- Closed
I like running with music , I've tried a few podcasts , but I don't really pay attention to what their saying, it's just background sounds for me. I usually train early morning, so having some music on makes the run seem more alive.
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