BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED Rss Feed  
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2015-01-12 12:14 AM
in reply to: JoePetto

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by JoePetto

Off to exile to in Buffalo for the next 3 days.

Where are you staying in Buffalo? I assume work is taking your there. I grew up in a place called Lackawanna - first suburb south of Buffalo. Needless to say, I do not miss the winters and I laugh when people here in Sendai say it is cold or that we have a lot of snow.

2015-01-12 3:16 AM
in reply to: DaveL

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Adding my runs from Sunday (6.32 km in 36:35) and Monday (10.85 km in 1:05:55). My long run was supposed to be on Sunday, but I could not carve out enough time and bumped it to Monday.

Beth 9 09:42:00
Brian 3 05:30:00
Dan 10 11:15:45
Dave C. 4 04:39:00
DaveL. 9 11:20:00
Dennis 09 10:21:15
Gabe 07 12:06:15
Jackie 7 10:23:32
Jim 7 07:40:10
Joe 8 08:34:11
Kate 5 04:26:40
Kevin 2 01:00:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Mark Z. 3 02:10:00
Melissa 6 06:25:25
Mitch 9 07:30:00
Patrick 5 03:47:03
Rachel 4 03:51:26
Scott 5 4:34:00
Seth 7 07:32:00
Todd 4 05:10:00
Troy 2 00:60:25
2015-01-12 7:33 AM
in reply to: #5075288

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
I just wanted to check in and say that I'm still here. =) It's been several days since I've biked, due to bad weather and a cold.
What is y'all's advice on exercising while sick? I guess my main concern right now is that I still have nasal and chest congestion, which can make it hard to catch my breath.
2015-01-12 8:25 AM
in reply to: gekkounonetsu

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by gekkounonetsu

I just wanted to check in and say that I'm still here. =) It's been several days since I've biked, due to bad weather and a cold.
What is y'all's advice on exercising while sick? I guess my main concern right now is that I still have nasal and chest congestion, which can make it hard to catch my breath.

It depends on how sick. From what you describe I would still try to get on the bike but would do it at a reduced effort/duration. Obviously if you are really sick and its unbearable or run into issues with breathing - STOP!
2015-01-12 8:29 AM
in reply to: DaveL

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by DaveL

Originally posted by gekkounonetsu

I just wanted to check in and say that I'm still here. =) It's been several days since I've biked, due to bad weather and a cold.
What is y'all's advice on exercising while sick? I guess my main concern right now is that I still have nasal and chest congestion, which can make it hard to catch my breath.

It depends on how sick. From what you describe I would still try to get on the bike but would do it at a reduced effort/duration. Obviously if you are really sick and its unbearable or run into issues with breathing - STOP!

The rule of thumb I try to adhere to is:

if the cold is above the neck - it's okay to work out. If its in your chest you should avoid the workout. Definitely dial back the intensity. And of course if you feel miserable rest and get better.
2015-01-12 8:30 AM
in reply to: jackiep

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, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by jackiep

Originally posted by dgconner154

One of the things that limited me last season was difficulty and cramping early in the run. I attribute this mainly to an overall lack of bike fitness, but also to inexperience transitioning from bike to run. I'm planning to incorporate an alternating brick workout like this every few weeks this year.

Did the cramping occur on sprints, or longer distance? I would check nutrition too.

Both. The worst was a sprint where my calves tightened up almost immediately on the run and I had to stop to stretch them a couple times, then my quads tightened up toward the end. Same thing happened in an Oly only the calves weren't nearly as bad, and since the run was significantly longer I just had to push through the quad tightness. For the Oly I was pretty well-hydrated - I drank a full bottle of water and a bottle of water w/Nuun on the bike, and hit a few aid stations during the run. I ate really well the night before and had a Clif Bar or something similar before the race. It could be a nutritional thing but I was admittedly undertrained for the bike.

2015-01-12 8:30 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
30' active recovery on the trainer. Followed it up with a short strength workout and then followed that up with VO2 Max shoveling intervals on my driveay and sidewalk. You have to love the extra workouts that mother nature throws at you this time of year in the North.

Beth 9 09:42:00
Brian 3 05:30:00
Dan 10 11:15:45
Dave C. 4 04:39:00
DaveL. 9 11:20:00
Dennis 09 10:21:15
Gabe 07 12:06:15
Jackie 7 10:23:32
Jim 7 07:40:10
Joe 8 08:34:11
Kate 5 04:26:40
Kevin 2 01:00:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Mark Z. 3 02:10:00
Melissa 6 06:25:25
Mitch 10 08:00:00
Patrick 5 03:47:03
Rachel 4 03:51:26
Scott 5 4:34:00
Seth 7 07:32:00
Todd 4 05:10:00
Troy 2 00:60:25

Edited by trisuppo 2015-01-12 8:31 AM
2015-01-12 8:31 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
It feels great to finally be able to run 3+ miles without injury. I've been working hard to not go fast during my runs, and my legs are feeling pretty good.

Sat - 30 min moderate run (3.75 mi)
Sun - 31 min easy run (3.65 mi)

Beth 9 09:42:00
Brian 3 05:30:00
Dan 10 11:15:45
Dave C. 4 04:39:00
DaveL. 9 11:20:00
Dennis 09 10:21:15
Gabe 07 12:06:15
Jackie 7 10:23:32
Jim 7 07:40:10
Joe 8 08:34:11
Kate 5 04:26:40
Kevin 2 01:00:00
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Mark Z. 3 02:10:00
Melissa 6 06:25:25
Mitch 10 08:00:00
Patrick 7 04:48:00
Rachel 4 03:51:26
Scott 5 4:34:00
Seth 7 07:32:00
Todd 4 05:10:00
Troy 2 00:60:25

Edited by cassowary 2015-01-12 8:34 AM
2015-01-12 8:36 AM
in reply to: cassowary

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Updated list to reflect current standings. I love how active the group has been!

Dan 10 11:15:45
Mitch 10 08:00:00
DaveL. 9 11:20:00
Dennis 09 10:21:15
Beth 9 09:42:00
Joe 8 08:34:11
Gabe 07 12:06:15
Jackie 7 10:23:32
Jim 7 07:40:10
Seth 7 07:32:00
Patrick 7 04:48:00
Melissa 6 06:25:25
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kate 5 04:26:40
Todd 4 05:10:00
Dave C. 4 04:39:00
Rachel 4 03:51:26
Brian 3 05:30:00
Mark Z. 3 02:10:00
Kevin 2 01:00:00
Troy 2 00:60:25
2015-01-12 9:45 AM
in reply to: 0

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Conroe, Texas
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
VERY ACTIVE group Mitch and I think it's pretty awesome!

Adding 60' treadmill run.

Dan 10 11:15:45
Mitch 10 08:00:00
DaveL. 9 11:20:00
Dennis 10 11:20:15
Beth 9 09:42:00
Joe 8 08:34:11
Gabe 07 12:06:15
Jackie 7 10:23:32
Jim 7 07:40:10
Seth 7 07:32:00
Patrick 7 04:48:00
Melissa 6 06:25:25
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kate 5 04:26:40
Todd 4 05:10:00
Dave C. 4 04:39:00
Rachel 4 03:51:26
Brian 3 05:30:00
Mark Z. 3 02:10:00
Kevin 2 01:00:00
Troy 2 00:60:25

Edited by sawyer1206 2015-01-12 10:28 AM
2015-01-12 11:25 AM
in reply to: sawyer1206

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
65 min run on Saturday morning with the wife and kids. 7.2 miles.

Dan 10 11:15:45
Mitch 10 08:00:00
DaveL. 9 11:20:00
Dennis 10 11:20:15
Beth 9 09:42:00
Joe 8 08:34:11
Gabe 07 12:06:15
Jackie 7 10:23:32
Jim 7 07:40:10
Seth 7 07:32:00
Patrick 7 04:48:00
Melissa 6 06:25:25
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kate 5 04:26:40
Todd 5 06:15:00
Dave C. 4 04:39:00
Rachel 4 03:51:26
Brian 3 05:30:00
Mark Z. 3 02:10:00
Kevin 2 01:00:00
Troy 2 00:60:25

2015-01-12 11:56 AM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
35 min on the trainer: Hills+Tempo+Sprints (x2)

Dan 10 11:15:45
Mitch 10 08:00:00
DaveL. 9 11:20:00
Dennis 10 11:20:15
Beth 9 09:42:00
Joe 8 08:34:11
Patrick 8 05:23:00
Gabe 07 12:06:15
Jackie 7 10:23:32
Jim 7 07:40:10
Seth 7 07:32:00
Melissa 6 06:25:25
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kate 5 04:26:40
Todd 5 06:15:00
Dave C. 4 04:39:00
Rachel 4 03:51:26
Brian 3 05:30:00
Mark Z. 3 02:10:00
Kevin 2 01:00:00
Troy 2 00:60:25

Edited by cassowary 2015-01-12 11:57 AM
2015-01-12 12:53 PM
in reply to: dgconner154

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by dgconner154

Originally posted by jackiep

Originally posted by dgconner154

One of the things that limited me last season was difficulty and cramping early in the run. I attribute this mainly to an overall lack of bike fitness, but also to inexperience transitioning from bike to run. I'm planning to incorporate an alternating brick workout like this every few weeks this year.

Did the cramping occur on sprints, or longer distance? I would check nutrition too.

Both. The worst was a sprint where my calves tightened up almost immediately on the run and I had to stop to stretch them a couple times, then my quads tightened up toward the end. Same thing happened in an Oly only the calves weren't nearly as bad, and since the run was significantly longer I just had to push through the quad tightness. For the Oly I was pretty well-hydrated - I drank a full bottle of water and a bottle of water w/Nuun on the bike, and hit a few aid stations during the run. I ate really well the night before and had a Clif Bar or something similar before the race. It could be a nutritional thing but I was admittedly undertrained for the bike.

I would always get calf cramps going from bike to run, then I started drinking flat coke at the transition and the problem went away. I think I needed the instant sugar off of the ride.
2015-01-12 12:55 PM
in reply to: 0

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
I lost the weekend, Saturday we took our oldest back to college and Sunday I spent sick. Today a short run just to get the last of the crud out of my system.

36:13 runch

Dan 10 11:15:45
Mitch 10 08:00:00
DaveL. 9 11:20:00
Dennis 10 11:20:15
Beth 9 09:42:00
Joe 8 08:34:11
Patrick 8 05:23:00
Gabe 07 12:06:15
Jackie 7 10:23:32
Jim 8 08:16:2
Seth 7 07:32:00
Melissa 6 06:25:25
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kate 5 04:26:40
Todd 5 06:15:00
Dave C. 4 04:39:00
Rachel 4 03:51:26
Brian 3 05:30:00
Mark Z. 3 02:10:00
Kevin 2 01:00:00
Troy 2 00:60:25

Edited by JBacarella 2015-01-12 1:01 PM
2015-01-12 1:31 PM
in reply to: gekkounonetsu

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by gekkounonetsu

I just wanted to check in and say that I'm still here. =) It's been several days since I've biked, due to bad weather and a cold.
What is y'all's advice on exercising while sick? I guess my main concern right now is that I still have nasal and chest congestion, which can make it hard to catch my breath.

I will also add that I recently ran through a nice head cold, easy pacing throughout. After easy run or easy bike my congestion was less and I slept so much better. I think working out through my cold made it go away faster. Maybe all that extra blood flow warmed up my face and allowed things to loosen up and drain better. That's my story and I'm sticking to it. Also I live by the rule that I should try the warm up of whatever I have planned. I can always quit after that if it's really not good. Hope you feel better soon! Oh and if you do workout in the gym make sure to clean the equipment!

2015-01-12 4:05 PM
in reply to: DaveL

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED

Originally posted by DaveL 120min on the trainer today.  

Good job Dave! A little longer than that and you could be confused with the clinically insane crowd :-)

2015-01-12 4:10 PM
in reply to: trigabe

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED

Today an 8 mile morning run.

During the expo at the NYC Marathon in Nov. I signed up for a drawing and today I got an email today informing me that I won a free registration into the Dusseldforf Marathon on April 26!  The funny thing is that I will be in Brussels for a show that I go every year 3 days before that.  So I will take it as a sign and will nos see how do I incorporate the Marathon training with my Full IM training (it should not be too bad

Dan 10 11:15:45 
Mitch 10 08:00:00 
DaveL. 9 11:20:00 
Dennis 10 11:20:15 
Beth 9 09:42:00 
Joe 8 08:34:11 
Patrick 8 05:23:00 
Gabe 08 13:18:30 
Jackie 7 10:23:32 
Jim 8 08:16:2 
Seth 7 07:32:00 
Melissa 6 06:25:25 
Lisa 5 05:52:07 
Scott 5 4:34:00 
Kate 5 04:26:40 
Todd 5 06:15:00 
Dave C. 4 04:39:00 
Rachel 4 03:51:26 
Brian 3 05:30:00 
Mark Z. 3 02:10:00 
Kevin 2 01:00:00 
Troy 2 00:60:25 

2015-01-12 5:14 PM
in reply to: 0

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Central VA
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
30 min Run
30 min Ride - Spin Bike

Dan 10 11:15:45
Mitch 10 08:00:00
DaveL. 9 11:20:00
Dennis 10 11:20:15
Beth 9 09:42:00
Joe 8 08:34:11
Patrick 8 05:23:00
Gabe 07 12:06:15
Jackie 7 10:23:32
Jim 8 08:16:2
Seth 7 07:32:00
Melissa 6 06:25:25
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kate 5 04:26:40
Todd 5 06:15:00
Dave C. 4 04:39:00
Rachel 4 03:51:26
Brian 4 06:30:00
Mark Z. 3 02:10:00
Kevin 2 01:00:00
Troy 2 00:60:25

Edited by pvfd304 2015-01-12 5:15 PM
2015-01-12 7:03 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Finally signed up for TrainerRoad today. Planning to start the Sweet Spot Base program this week. Any advice for my first ever FTP test?
2015-01-12 7:33 PM
in reply to: pvfd304

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED

super time crunched so a quick 30 min run instead of a medium length one.

Dan 10 11:15:45
Mitch 10 08:00:00
DaveL. 10 11:50:00
Dennis 10 11:20:15
Beth 9 09:42:00
Joe 8 08:34:11
Patrick 8 05:23:00
Gabe 07 12:06:15
Jackie 7 10:23:32
Jim 8 08:16:2
Seth 7 07:32:00
Melissa 6 06:25:25
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kate 5 04:26:40
Todd 5 06:15:00
Dave C. 4 04:39:00
Rachel 4 03:51:26
Brian 4 06:30:00
Mark Z. 3 02:10:00
Kevin 2 01:00:00
Troy 2 00:60:25

2015-01-12 7:35 PM
in reply to: dgconner154

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Southampton, Ontario
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by dgconner154

Finally signed up for TrainerRoad today. Planning to start the Sweet Spot Base program this week. Any advice for my first ever FTP test?

take it easy for the first bit. If you are doing the 2 x 8 test ride the first one around the target power mark and go all out on the second. If you burn too many matches at the start you will suffer badly at the end.

2015-01-12 7:45 PM
in reply to: DaveL

User image

Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Originally posted by DaveL

Originally posted by dgconner154

Finally signed up for TrainerRoad today. Planning to start the Sweet Spot Base program this week. Any advice for my first ever FTP test?

take it easy for the first bit. If you are doing the 2 x 8 test ride the first one around the target power mark and go all out on the second. If you burn too many matches at the start you will suffer badly at the end.

I do the 8 minute tests now but you're better if you do the 20 minute test. Ultimately I think they're both incredibly difficult. You will get better at pacing and leaving it all out there the more times you test. Your first test will be a learning experience.

I think the test will target 200 watts. If so, they may be too hard or too easy. There are some good cues in the ongoing instructions as you progress through the interval. You will know pretty quickly if you went out to hard. If you finish the first interval without struggling to keep the same power level you went out too easy.
2015-01-12 8:46 PM
in reply to: trisuppo

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Madison, Wisconsin
Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Completed the Goofy Challenge on Sunday! After a few days in the parks and a half marathon on Saturday, my quads were absolutely screaming at me from the starting line. Stuck it out and ran my first negative-split marathon, completing it in 4:03:28. Absolutely perfect running conditions -- no wind, temps in the 50s/60s, and cloud coverage throughout. I took Monday off to rest and travel, but I can't wait to jump in the pool tomorrow.

Dan 10 11:15:45
Mitch 10 08:00:00
DaveL. 10 11:50:00
Dennis 10 11:20:15
Beth 9 09:42:00
Joe 8 08:34:11
Patrick 8 05:23:00
Gabe 07 12:06:15
Jackie 7 10:23:32
Jim 8 08:16:2
Seth 7 07:32:00
Melissa 7 10:28:53
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kate 5 04:26:40
Todd 5 06:15:00
Dave C. 4 04:39:00
Rachel 4 03:51:26
Brian 4 06:30:00
Mark Z. 3 02:10:00
Kevin 2 01:00:00
Troy 2 00:60:25
2015-01-12 8:55 PM
in reply to: mbanddv

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
40 minute easy-ish run 3 miles.

Dan 10 11:15:45
Mitch 10 08:00:00
DaveL. 10 11:50:00
Dennis 10 11:20:15
Beth 10 10:20:00
Joe 8 08:34:11
Patrick 8 05:23:00
Gabe 07 12:06:15
Jackie 7 10:23:32
Jim 8 08:16:2
Seth 7 07:32:00
Melissa 7 10:28:53
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kate 5 04:26:40
Todd 5 06:15:00
Dave C. 4 04:39:00
Rachel 4 03:51:26
Brian 4 06:30:00
Mark Z. 3 02:10:00
Kevin 2 01:00:00
Troy 2 00:60:25

2015-01-12 9:58 PM
in reply to: Sillygal

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Subject: RE: Consistency Equals Success - CLOSED
Swam 41:00 minutes
Trainor 1:00 hr

Dan 10 11:15:45
Mitch 10 08:00:00
DaveL. 10 11:50:00
Dennis 10 11:20:15
Beth 10 10:20:00
Joe 8 08:34:11
Patrick 8 05:23:00
Gabe 07 12:06:15
Jackie 7 10:23:32
Jim 8 08:16:2
Seth 8 09:14:00
Melissa 7 10:28:53
Lisa 5 05:52:07
Scott 5 4:34:00
Kate 5 04:26:40
Todd 5 06:15:00
Dave C. 4 04:39:00
Rachel 4 03:51:26
Brian 4 06:30:00
Mark Z. 3 02:10:00
Kevin 2 01:00:00
Troy 2 00:60:25
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