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2009-05-18 11:06 AM
in reply to: #2154426

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

maxmansmom - 2009-05-15 7:21 PM

I had possibly the worst 5k run of my almost 7 month career tonight.  It was 5:00 pm, not bad humid but kinda humid.
I walked so much, was so mad at myself.  I just could not get myself to run in the heat. I was soaked, my hair dripping wet.....and I felt aweful. Took me HOURS to cool down and my face was so red (kinda not like me).
SO, first thing I should say is I run with gatoraid, so I was hydrated.  I was however weak. So, now I need to get to using gels of some sort....
  The run is killing me these days........ used to be kinda easy to do, but I've just not been running in warmer weather.
So......   I really need to know for a sprint tri, how much goo does a gal need to goo if a gal needs goo to go ?  (lame eh ?)
I need to know how many goos it takes for a 400 swim, 10 mile bike and 5k run.
Amy..........HELP !!!

everyone differs...when I race...I eat a bowl of whole grain cereal/almonds/fruit...then I have a gu about 15-20 min before the swim...and have one in my bike helmet....and depending on how I ride...maybe another for the run...but usually I just drink lots...I never carry water on any of my runs....but I make sure to have it when i am done...keep running Jules...every run you do will acclimate you for race day. Try the 3min run 1 min fast walk...then go to 4:1...5:1 and eventually you will be running the entire 3 miles with no sweat! (PUN INTENDED! )

2009-05-18 11:10 AM
in reply to: #2154491

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

kew - 2009-05-15 8:50 PM

O.K... it is almost Saturday where a fellow BT'er lives.  So...

Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday dear Cheri...Happy Birthday to you....and many more!!

Sending a big hug your way.




Happy BIRTHDAY CHERI! hope you had a great one! next year lets run the bay to breakers on or near your birthday! I ran yesterday and it was a blast! had such a good time! almost messed up my time by stopping at a bar...haha...but we waited til the end! barely! the most amazing costumes at this race! this year they did not have the moving bars or kegs of beer that has been a problem at past! guess everyone stops or slows down to get a beer or drink...durn where were they when I needed them!?

HAPPY BDAY CHERI! hope your day was everything you expected...AND THEN SOME! are you older then me? or do I still have you by a few years!?!

2009-05-18 11:13 AM
in reply to: #2154620

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Sledge - 2009-05-16 4:17 AM

kew - 2009-05-15 10:50 PM

O.K... it is almost Saturday where a fellow BT'er lives.  So...

Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday dear Cheri...Happy Birthday to you....and many more!!

Sending a big hug your way.




Awww, you are so sweet!  This birthday puts me solidly in the middle of my age group.   I like birthdays better when you move into a new age group, and you are the youngest!

funny how we think of birthdays that way now! used to be birthdays..woo hoo gifts!!! then it was birthdays suck...another year another year OLDER! now I really dont celebrate per say...but being the youngest in your age group does seem to have it advantages...unless one of them is Cheri! then it dont matter! she will kick my booty no matter how many years older or younger!

2009-05-18 11:16 AM
in reply to: #2154667

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

chipit muffin - 2009-05-16 5:53 AM
Sledge - 2009-05-16 7:17 AM

kew - 2009-05-15 10:50 PM

O.K... it is almost Saturday where a fellow BT'er lives.  So...

Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday dear Cheri...Happy Birthday to you....and many more!!

Sending a big hug your way.




Awww, you are so sweet!  This birthday puts me solidly in the middle of my age group.   I like birthdays better when you move into a new age group, and you are the youngest!

ahh words of wisdom for me,thanks cheri...i was not looking forward to the big 4-0, but you are softening the blow.update: the office was packed and boxed yesterday and all went well for the move. I am a bit nervous about the un-packing of all my therapy material that will have to be all done tuesday because i have patient schedule wed. dd'S dance recital is in the full prep mode so i am buzy and a bit stressed that i cant fit it all in the time frame that i have. The HM is getting here fast and i hope the shins will behave. At this point finishing is the only goal. ok, rant done...let's get back to life.Nicole:great pic, glad you bought it! Alyssa:so glad you are back my sista.cheri:happy happy birthdayDan: sorry the distance does not allow me to do a 11K with you.julie (maxsmom):where are those bricks?!train well you guys, i'll be checking your logs soon!!!

Hey Isabelle..good luck with the move, dds recital and keeping them shins in tip top shape for that upcoming HM! and you will totally finish your race! I have all the confidence in the world in your HM finishing abilities! when is it?

2009-05-18 11:17 AM
in reply to: #2154856

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

MDHillSlug - 2009-05-16 8:39 AM Happy Saturday!

I did my longest run ever, both in time and distance. Still working up towards 10k.

Little did I realize that my regular Saturday route would take me through the family riders and walkers of a local charity event. It was fun to be part of the police escort for a while

good job on the run, Nicole! kiu! how is your weather? has it been super hot there?

2009-05-18 11:21 AM
in reply to: #2154913

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

lyssa-gator - 2009-05-16 9:32 AM i'm trying to decide if i'm going to run a couple miles, or do what dh has taken to doing. driving a couple miles to the trail head at mt rose (a steep mother) and walking up as fast as i can for 20 minutes, then turning around and heading back. he says it's helping his aerobic capacity-but am i there? i don't know. i'll do SOMETHING though. and perhaps with more than just coffee in my stomach.

sooo what did you decide to do? and how bout a cup of java!? I just found out I am out! DOH...time to go to the store...most of my cupboards are bare! my dd is coming into town this weekend so we can go and pre-ride the HIM bike course (vineman california) is supposed to be a really tough course! OH JOY! lots of climbing OH BOY! NOT!

2009-05-18 11:23 AM
in reply to: #2155266

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

run_yc_run - 2009-05-16 4:21 PM Just checking in to say hello to my favourite group of triathletes! Thank you for all the inspires! I have  been finding it a bit overwhelming logging workouts here, and for my new coach, keeping up with the forum ...oh and my job. Did want to let you all know that I do think of you every day even if I haven't logged into BT.

BTW- Nicole- love the race photo- I am glad that you got one!

we appreciate you taking the time to come say hi! we know you are thanks for any and all time you spend with us! how is the training going? anything you need to pass on to us? we appreciate any info you can throw to us!

2009-05-18 11:25 AM
in reply to: #2155269

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

kew - 2009-05-16 4:22 PM

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.  We have a long weekend up here in Canada.   

Nicole...that is a great picture.

Was anyone racing this weekend?

 I did...and I asked everyone over and over and noone paid attention or answered ;( I think just me!? and I had a blast!



2009-05-18 11:27 AM
in reply to: #2155818

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

maxmansmom - 2009-05-17 8:42 AM

Hi my friends !  Been really busy puting in mulch, powerwashing deck and preparing to stain the deck.   Seriously, this house will look great........ I on the other hand will be stained red between the deck color and the mulch ! lol
Have not decided what to do today as far as training, but I think I need to run. Even though I worry because of how bad the last one
So great workouts for you all today and this next week....  28 days to our Tri Amy !!!! really need to start thinking about doing some brick training....swim and and and swim....this will help you on race day...also practice the transition...I have a webpage if you need it to show you easy ways to practice transitioning....

go girl....go!

2009-05-18 11:29 AM
in reply to: #2155838

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

kew - 2009-05-17 9:07 AM

Morning everyone...

I have a question...Have any of you used the 20 week half marathon program on this site?  I noticed that the training plan goes by time, not distance.   All of the plans I have used in the past always went by distance.  Just curious...

Also...has anyone ordered the DVD "The Distance" that they have on the home page?  I though it might be a good gift.

Have a great day.

Hi Karen...not sure on either of your questions...if you dont get your answers with our may try the cup of joe thread...they love to answer your questions! good luck! when is your race?

2009-05-18 11:31 AM
in reply to: #2158031

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Girl Passing on Left - 2009-05-18 11:25 AM

kew - 2009-05-16 4:22 PM

Hope everyone is enjoying the weekend.  We have a long weekend up here in Canada.   

Nicole...that is a great picture.

Was anyone racing this weekend?

 I did...and I asked everyone over and over and noone paid attention or answered ;( I think just me!? and I had a blast!



Well, you asked if anyone was racing, but you didn't say that you were!   I see you did Bay to Breakers -- CONGRATS!!!  I am SO THERE next year.

2009-05-18 11:35 AM
in reply to: #2156007

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

MDHillSlug - 2009-05-17 12:09 PM I have a metric century charity ride coming up in 3 weeks so it's time to change my biking focus over to distance and endurance. So, today I did a 40 mile ride. It was tough. The first 24 miles were into headwinds and also had lots of climbing; I averaged less than 12mph for this. After taking a break and having a snack I was finally getting a bit of a tailwind and my mph average climbed a lot (over 16mph). Along in here I was speeding along and realized I had a car just to my left pacing me; I look over and it's a cop. He has his window down and tells me that I need to be riding closer to the white line so that the cars can get by. I said "Yes sir" and he went on his way. This really irks me because this was not a very safe manoeuver for me and because I believe that he was wrong. It's my understanding that I'm entitled to take the entire lane if I so desire. I was not about to debate it with him right then

I'd be irked too! sounds like POWER POWER POWER! and he needed to exert some power on a cute girl on a bike! shame on him! You are soo right about being in the entire lane! was this a double lane road or four lane? no bike lane? surely he had better things to do then to go tell bikes to move over!? things that make you go hmmmmmmmmm!!!!????

2009-05-18 11:38 AM
in reply to: #2157517

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

lyssa-gator - 2009-05-18 7:20 AM he sounds like a power happy blow hard.
just my humble opinion

AGREED!! x2~~~~

2009-05-18 12:20 PM
in reply to: #2157997

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-05-18 12:17 PM

MDHillSlug - 2009-05-16 8:39 AM Happy Saturday!

I did my longest run ever, both in time and distance. Still working up towards 10k.

Little did I realize that my regular Saturday route would take me through the family riders and walkers of a local charity event. It was fun to be part of the police escort for a while

good job on the run, Nicole! kiu! how is your weather? has it been super hot there?

It was hot and humid Saturday but the weather changed overnight as a front came through. For my ride on Sunday it was cool and very windy.
2009-05-18 4:31 PM
in reply to: #2157945

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Oh thank you for the info !!!  I need to get ahold of some goo.......... wow, can't believe 27 days away from the big one! lol
2009-05-18 4:44 PM
in reply to: #2158047

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)


Thanks Julee...The Half Marathon is in the fall (it will be my 4th half mary).  All the other training plans that I have followed have been based on distance...not time.  Have ordered the DVD.  Plan on giving it as a gift (if I don't breakdown and open it first)

Girl Passing on Left - 2009-05-18 9:29 AM

kew - 2009-05-17 9:07 AM

Morning everyone...

I have a question...Have any of you used the 20 week half marathon program on this site?  I noticed that the training plan goes by time, not distance.   All of the plans I have used in the past always went by distance.  Just curious...

Also...has anyone ordered the DVD "The Distance" that they have on the home page?  I though it might be a good gift.

Have a great day.

Hi Karen...not sure on either of your questions...if you dont get your answers with our may try the cup of joe thread...they love to answer your questions! good luck! when is your race?

2009-05-18 9:07 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Spring TX
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Sounds like every one has been busy! The end of last week and Saturday were crazy busy at work, so rather than stress myself out, I told myself I was going to take training off through Sunday.  Worked all day on Saturday, we had a front come throught Saturday evening, and Sunday was the perfect day to work in the yard (cloudy and cool), ALL DAY, and I'm paying for it today. But got out and did my run this evening, which actually helped the soreness in my legs. The next few days are supposed to be really nice, and I have a four day weekend coming up!

Just wanted to say - Nicole, love the picture, maybe the cop was just hitting on you! Cheri, Happy Belated Birthday!! Julie, great race this weekend, sounds like fun! Julie IN, I think we are all trying to acclimate to the warmer weather; our cool front was very welcome. Karen, I've used the Smart Coach on Runner's World for my HM training; I have a hard time with the concept of time based training.  Yvonne and Alyssa, welcome back!  Isabelle, have a great time with your upcoming HM!  Who else has a race coming up?

Hope everyone has a great week!

2009-05-18 10:59 PM
in reply to: #2159137

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
maxmansmom - 2009-05-18 3:31 PM Oh thank you for the info !!!  I need to get ahold of some goo.......... wow, can't believe 27 days away from the big one! lol

Do be sure to try it out before race day. I personally like it but I know other folks have other opinions. Lemon-lime, orange, and chocolate mint (only available xmas time) or my faves. Other options might be Clif shots or Clif shot blocks (kind of like ju-jubes), power gel, hammer gel, sport beans (jelly beans)....and the list goes on. They are available at most run/bike shops or order online from REI. Happy sampling!
2009-05-18 11:03 PM
in reply to: #2159171

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
kew - 2009-05-18 3:44 PM


Thanks Julee...The Half Marathon is in the fall (it will be my 4th half mary).  All the other training plans that I have followed have been based on distance...not time.  Have ordered the DVD.  Plan on giving it as a gift (if I don't breakdown and open it first)

Girl Passing on Left - 2009-05-18 9:29 AM

kew - 2009-05-17 9:07 AM

Morning everyone...

I have a question...Have any of you used the 20 week half marathon program on this site?  I noticed that the training plan goes by time, not distance.   All of the plans I have used in the past always went by distance.  Just curious...

Also...has anyone ordered the DVD "The Distance" that they have on the home page?  I though it might be a good gift.

Have a great day.

Hi Karen...not sure on either of your questions...if you dont get your answers with our may try the cup of joe thread...they love to answer your questions! good luck! when is your race?

My take on training by time vs. distance for a HM would be more for the novice runner since it would likely take them longer to cover the same distance. I know with marathon training, they typically say that your longest run should be 20 miles but no longer than 3.5 hours. Do let us know what you find out...I am curious!
2009-05-19 7:45 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Hi everyone - just checking in. I am doing okay with my training so far in May. I wish I could say I'm doing great, but I have been struggling a bit with my knees. The good news is that I am winning the battle - it just takes lot of physical and mental energy to work through things.

All things considered, I'm happy with my progress to date and have identified two possible Oly distance races that I am considering. One is on Aug 23 and one is on Sep 6. I'm leaning towards Aug 23 because it is in a lake while the Sep 6 race is in the ocean.

Have a great Tuesday!!
2009-05-19 7:56 AM
in reply to: #2159171

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Hi Karen,

Just realized that I cannot leave you an inspire unless you add me into your friends list.


2009-05-19 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2159837

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
run_yc_run - 2009-05-18 11:59 PM
maxmansmom - 2009-05-18 3:31 PM Oh thank you for the info !!!  I need to get ahold of some goo.......... wow, can't believe 27 days away from the big one! lol

Do be sure to try it out before race day. I personally like it but I know other folks have other opinions. Lemon-lime, orange, and chocolate mint (only available xmas time) or my faves. Other options might be Clif shots or Clif shot blocks (kind of like ju-jubes), power gel, hammer gel, sport beans (jelly beans)....and the list goes on. They are available at most run/bike shops or order online from REI. Happy sampling!

My favorite is Accel Gel, orange or lime.
2009-05-19 9:04 AM
in reply to: #2158039

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-05-18 12:27 PM

maxmansmom - 2009-05-17 8:42 AM

Hi my friends !  Been really busy puting in mulch, powerwashing deck and preparing to stain the deck.   Seriously, this house will look great........ I on the other hand will be stained red between the deck color and the mulch ! lol
Have not decided what to do today as far as training, but I think I need to run. Even though I worry because of how bad the last one
So great workouts for you all today and this next week....  28 days to our Tri Amy !!!! really need to start thinking about doing some brick training....swim and and and swim....this will help you on race day...also practice the transition...I have a webpage if you need it to show you easy ways to practice transitioning....

go girl....go!

I have done a couple bike/run bricks but not alot thanks for the tip.     I am setting up my transition today, so please hit me with the site you have so I can see it.
2009-05-19 9:05 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
This morning I swam 2600m non-stop FS! It's the longest non-stop swim I've done and I think it's also the longest swim session I've done. Started in a lane with 3 others circle swimming and out lasted them all by a long shot Cool way to start the day!
2009-05-19 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Happy Tuesday all!!! I'm on my lunch so I wanted to surf by and tell everyone hello, and I have been trying to go to your individual logs and stay informed....I think everyone is doing great considering we aren't pros and we have to also juggle family, work and training.

I have gotten back to training and it is going well, I'm still working 16 hour day, but I'm going to bed by 9:30 most nights, I'm being careful not to get into the condition I was after last far, so good.

Me and Julie IN have a race coming up in June that I'm looking very forward to, I first a foremost will get to meet Julie, and I have done this race and it is all women and just a great experience.

Thank you eveyone for you positve encouragement and not forgetting me...I'm here, I just haven't been on due to time restraints.

I will try to check in later this week. Take care!!!!!

Love from Indiana,
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