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2009-05-19 3:51 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Good news -- today was the first day I really felt like I may be getting my run back.  Until today, I was able to do short runs at speed, but just couldn't seem to put it together.  I was getting worried!  But this morning was wonderful -- the temperature was nice, my legs felt good, and every mile was faster.    Now, I still didn't go very far, but at least I didn't feel like I was going to die at the end.

2009-05-19 8:34 PM
in reply to: #2161630

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2009-05-19 3:51 PM

Good news -- today was the first day I really felt like I may be getting my run back.  Until today, I was able to do short runs at speed, but just couldn't seem to put it together.  I was getting worried!  But this morning was wonderful -- the temperature was nice, my legs felt good, and every mile was faster.    Now, I still didn't go very far, but at least I didn't feel like I was going to die at the end.

Good for you Cheri!!!!
2009-05-19 8:48 PM
in reply to: #2161630

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2009-05-19 4:51 PM

Good news -- today was the first day I really felt like I may be getting my run back.  Until today, I was able to do short runs at speed, but just couldn't seem to put it together.  I was getting worried!  But this morning was wonderful -- the temperature was nice, my legs felt good, and every mile was faster.    Now, I still didn't go very far, but at least I didn't feel like I was going to die at the end.

It's so nice when it comes together!
2009-05-19 11:01 PM
in reply to: #2160116

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British Columbia
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)



dcon - 2009-05-19 5:56 AM Hi Karen, Just realized that I cannot leave you an inspire unless you add me into your friends list. Dan

2009-05-20 6:58 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
It is time to crawl over the hump day....yay-then it's a 3 day weekend!!!!! It is just a regular day for me work, work...and then I'm trying to fit in a bike and short run, tomorrow is track/speed workout...and then I start long runs each saturday, which starting out will be 3....ha

I hope everyone amazes themselves today!!!!! Have a great Wednesday!
2009-05-20 8:54 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Good morning all!

I did an AM run but it definitely wasn't my best.

I'd like your opinions: I'm thinking about running a local 5k race on Monday, but if I stick to my training calendar I'll be coming off a 50 mile bike ride and a long run over the weekend. I definitely won't be rested at all for the race. Should I bother?

2009-05-20 10:10 AM
in reply to: #2162815

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

MDHillSlug - 2009-05-20 8:54 AM Good morning all!

I did an AM run but it definitely wasn't my best.

I'd like your opinions: I'm thinking about running a local 5k race on Monday, but if I stick to my training calendar I'll be coming off a 50 mile bike ride and a long run over the weekend. I definitely won't be rested at all for the race. Should I bother?

Nicole, it doesn't sound like this 5K is very important to you, is it?  I had something similar -- a local 5K two weeks before my HIM, and I wanted to support it without killing myself.  So I mostly kept to my regular training plan, but shuffled my long run around so it wasn't back-to-back with the race.  Then I went out and just had fun!  I told the folks that I usually race against (in my AG) that I was out for a confidence-booster rather than an actual race, and they responded by telling me they wouldn't cheer and yell to make me go faster at the finish line.

It worked out really well for me.  It was my slowest 5K time in a long time, but it still pushed me a little (there's that adrenaline thing, you know).  It didn't hurt me at all, the money went for a good cause, and I did get the confidence boost I was looking for.  But you need to be careful -- don't get caught up in the moment and push too hard!

2009-05-20 10:27 AM
in reply to: #2163124

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2009-05-20 11:10 AM

MDHillSlug - 2009-05-20 8:54 AM Good morning all!

I did an AM run but it definitely wasn't my best.

I'd like your opinions: I'm thinking about running a local 5k race on Monday, but if I stick to my training calendar I'll be coming off a 50 mile bike ride and a long run over the weekend. I definitely won't be rested at all for the race. Should I bother?

Nicole, it doesn't sound like this 5K is very important to you, is it?  I had something similar -- a local 5K two weeks before my HIM, and I wanted to support it without killing myself.  So I mostly kept to my regular training plan, but shuffled my long run around so it wasn't back-to-back with the race.  Then I went out and just had fun!  I told the folks that I usually race against (in my AG) that I was out for a confidence-booster rather than an actual race, and they responded by telling me they wouldn't cheer and yell to make me go faster at the finish line.

It worked out really well for me.  It was my slowest 5K time in a long time, but it still pushed me a little (there's that adrenaline thing, you know).  It didn't hurt me at all, the money went for a good cause, and I did get the confidence boost I was looking for.  But you need to be careful -- don't get caught up in the moment and push too hard!

Thanks for the advice. No, it's not important to me but I figure I need to run anyway and it supports a good cause. I am looking at how I can adjust my schedule to at least not have run the day before.
2009-05-20 8:49 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
quebec's belly button
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
happy hump day gang!
2009-05-21 7:45 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Sendai, Japan
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Hi everyone. Got in a run this morning and weights/swim this evening. I ended up going 450 meters without stopping which is a new record for me. I think that doing a weights session beforehand helped to leave me tired enough to swim more slowly.
2009-05-21 9:16 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Good morning!

I had a nice bike to work. I tried my new strategy of leaving the house asap and biking to breakfast near work; traffic is so much quieter and saner at that time! I like it! I had a nice breakfast sitting outside in the morning sun with my bike by my side. My affinity coffee mug fits nicely in my seat tube bottle cage

2009-05-21 10:32 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Hi gals/guy~ sorry for the disappearance...have had some family issues...and work is crazy now....and just begun! NOOOOOOOOO~ but I have been training...feel like I am gaining some of my weight back and that has been really hard on me! but I have been eating out more then I like to because of the hecticness and now I am paying the price....hope everyone is having a good week!

Anyone racing this weekend?

Any special plans for the long weekend?

2009-05-21 11:43 AM
in reply to: #2165785

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Girl Passing on Left - 2009-05-21 10:32 AM

Hi gals/guy~ sorry for the disappearance...have had some family issues...and work is crazy now....and just begun! NOOOOOOOOO~ but I have been training...feel like I am gaining some of my weight back and that has been really hard on me! but I have been eating out more then I like to because of the hecticness and now I am paying the price....hope everyone is having a good week!

Anyone racing this weekend?

Any special plans for the long weekend?

Family issues = NO FUN!  Hope it gets better for you.

I am racing this weekend -- an odd distance race on the base I work at.  It's called the Gate to Gate Run, and it is 4.4 miles.  The course used to run from one gate almost to another, but the logistics were crazy -- bussing everyone to the start.  A few years ago they changed the course to a loop, very smart! 

This is one of our big races in this area.  I haven't taken it very seriously this year (I was a little preoccupied with something else ), so I don't expect much out of this.  But it's a nice way to spend Memorial Day.  There is a Veteran's Memorial on the course, and everyone carries a carnation and tosses them in a pile in front of the memorial.  They have bagpipe players there too.  It's very moving.  And the after race party is good too -- good food and celebrations.


2009-05-21 11:51 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

I know she hasn't been around here for awhile, but last weekend Andria (AndriaLL) did the Florida 70.3.  Go give her a poke!   She had lots of injuries and setback, but she raced anyway and did a fine job!!!

2009-05-21 11:54 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
I will probably run a local 5k race on Monday. Does that count as the weekend?
2009-05-21 12:09 PM
in reply to: #2159837

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
run_yc_run - 2009-05-18 11:59 PM
maxmansmom - 2009-05-18 3:31 PM Oh thank you for the info !!!  I need to get ahold of some goo.......... wow, can't believe 27 days away from the big one! lol

Do be sure to try it out before race day. I personally like it but I know other folks have other opinions. Lemon-lime, orange, and chocolate mint (only available xmas time) or my faves. Other options might be Clif shots or Clif shot blocks (kind of like ju-jubes), power gel, hammer gel, sport beans (jelly beans)....and the list goes on. They are available at most run/bike shops or order online from REI. Happy sampling!

Thanks for the info, i'll get on this ASAP !!!!! Love all the names of goodies, thank you for taking the time to type it all out !

2009-05-21 12:10 PM
in reply to: #2160865

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
amy mutz - 2009-05-19 12:48 PM Happy Tuesday all!!! I'm on my lunch so I wanted to surf by and tell everyone hello, and I have been trying to go to your individual logs and stay informed....I think everyone is doing great considering we aren't pros and we have to also juggle family, work and training. I have gotten back to training and it is going well, I'm still working 16 hour day, but I'm going to bed by 9:30 most nights, I'm being careful not to get into the condition I was after last far, so good. Me and Julie IN have a race coming up in June that I'm looking very forward to, I first a foremost will get to meet Julie, and I have done this race and it is all women and just a great experience. Thank you eveyone for you positve encouragement and not forgetting me...I'm here, I just haven't been on due to time restraints. I will try to check in later this week. Take care!!!!! Love from Indiana, Amy

Awww, I LOVE YOU !!!  I can't wait to see "MY AMY" and enjoy this awesome estrogen filled event !!!
2009-05-21 12:15 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
My loves, I MISS YOU !! I am so sorry to be AWOL so much, but if you could see my house you would know why. All the mulch has been dug out and replaced, PRETTY....and now I am on to staining our enormous back's red, I am red, everything is stained red  ! lol
So, tonight is swim group....... Saturday I signed up on a whim for a 5k, then on Monday our group is riding and running the course for the June womens triathlon. Also lately I've kicked up the pushups (my trainer friend said it's one of the best ways to tone the arms) and also ab work, since I do not want to run this june tri with freakin muffin top !!!!
So I am working out, just not finding much time to log it.
BUT I think of you all daily and I am sure when I get a bit I will get individual inspires out because you all deserve to be inspired, you awesome athletes !!!!
2009-05-21 4:45 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Transition set up" border="0" alt="Transition set up" />


Soooo forgot to tell you I'd done this  as well. Do you see anything wrong with it ? Or do some of you just see a box witn a red x ?........

Edited by maxmansmom 2009-05-21 4:47 PM
2009-05-21 5:50 PM
in reply to: #2166855

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Hi everyone - I made it back from Massachusetts/Rhode Island last weekend and finally caught up! Looks like everyone's been busy little bees and training hard. That's good to see. I actually had a really great few runs in Mass., including one where I crossed a state line without realizing it! It's funny, too, I have a Hwy 113 near my home in California and there's one near where I was staying in Mass. so my Garmin maps look pretty similar (except for the New Hampshire part).

The setup looks good, Julie. I usually put my race belt under my shoes because it might be windy and you really need that number! It can also be nice to have an extra water bottle to rinse bare feet after the swim. Just be careful not to pour it on your towel!

I can feel your excitement all the way out here in California!

2009-05-21 6:02 PM
in reply to: #2166934

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

NoSit - 2009-05-21 5:50 PM Hi everyone - I made it back from Massachusetts/Rhode Island last weekend and finally caught up! Looks like everyone's been busy little bees and training hard. That's good to see. I actually had a really great few runs in Mass., including one where I crossed a state line without realizing it! It's funny, too, I have a Hwy 113 near my home in California and there's one near where I was staying in Mass. so my Garmin maps look pretty similar (except for the New Hampshire part).

The setup looks good, Julie. I usually put my race belt under my shoes because it might be windy and you really need that number! It can also be nice to have an extra water bottle to rinse bare feet after the swim. Just be careful not to pour it on your towel!

I can feel your excitement all the way out here in California!


Welcome back Trish!  Sounds like some nice running.

Julie, I agree that the setup looks good.  However, I've never had that much room.  Be prepared to squish your stuff.  Definitely put your race belt under your shoes, and maybe your hat too.  Do you wear socks?  I do, the ankle kind -- the way I prepare them is I put them on, then roll them off.  That way you can just slip your feet in easily.  Also, I usually drape the extra towel over top of my stuff.  If the weather is inclement, the towel may be able to protect your shoes if it isn't raining too hard.  I use the towel to wipe off my feet after swimming, then after the bike if I need to wipe my face (ewww, I know -- feet then face???).  

You might want to look into buying Yankz for your running shoes.  That way you don't have to spend transition time lacing them up.

2009-05-21 7:27 PM
in reply to: #2166934

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
NoSit - 2009-05-21 6:50 PM Hi everyone - I made it back from Massachusetts/Rhode Island last weekend and finally caught up! Looks like everyone's been busy little bees and training hard. That's good to see. I actually had a really great few runs in Mass., including one where I crossed a state line without realizing it! It's funny, too, I have a Hwy 113 near my home in California and there's one near where I was staying in Mass. so my Garmin maps look pretty similar (except for the New Hampshire part).

The setup looks good, Julie. I usually put my race belt under my shoes because it might be windy and you really need that number! It can also be nice to have an extra water bottle to rinse bare feet after the swim. Just be careful not to pour it on your towel!
Awesome pointers !! Will do !!! Thank you......... and I am so excited !!!!

I can feel your excitement all the way out here in California!

2009-05-21 7:29 PM
in reply to: #2166944

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2009-05-21 7:02 PM

NoSit - 2009-05-21 5:50 PM Hi everyone - I made it back from Massachusetts/Rhode Island last weekend and finally caught up! Looks like everyone's been busy little bees and training hard. That's good to see. I actually had a really great few runs in Mass., including one where I crossed a state line without realizing it! It's funny, too, I have a Hwy 113 near my home in California and there's one near where I was staying in Mass. so my Garmin maps look pretty similar (except for the New Hampshire part).

The setup looks good, Julie. I usually put my race belt under my shoes because it might be windy and you really need that number! It can also be nice to have an extra water bottle to rinse bare feet after the swim. Just be careful not to pour it on your towel!

I can feel your excitement all the way out here in California!


Welcome back Trish!  Sounds like some nice running.

Julie, I agree that the setup looks good.  However, I've never had that much room.  Be prepared to squish your stuff.  Definitely put your race belt under your shoes, and maybe your hat too.  Do you wear socks?  I do, the ankle kind -- the way I prepare them is I put them on, then roll them off.  That way you can just slip your feet in easily.  Also, I usually drape the extra towel over top of my stuff.  If the weather is inclement, the towel may be able to protect your shoes if it isn't raining too hard.  I use the towel to wipe off my feet after swimming, then after the bike if I need to wipe my face (ewww, I know -- feet then face???).  

You might want to look into buying Yankz for your running shoes.  That way you don't have to spend transition time lacing them up.

\I did try teh yanks, but ended up with blisters each time so got rid of them. I k nwo I'll hate to tie the shoes but it may be better in the long run.  Squish it, and I do have my socks rolled and on top of my shoes in the pic but hard to see.  Extra towel on top of shoes !! THESE IDEAS ROCK !!!!!! THANK YOU
2009-05-21 8:47 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
In addition to rolling back your socks, I also pour some powder into them; it makes it much easier to get them onto damp feet.

You probably won't need your race number for the bike ride so leave it separate from what you need to ride and plan on putting it on as you head out on the run.

Is that box there for a reason? try to keep anything you don't need out of your transition area.

What's you plan for the Body Glide? If it will only be use while getting ready for your swim, then have some place to put it out of your way.

What's the other little bottle?

Where is your bike helmet and sunglasses?
2009-05-22 7:57 AM
in reply to: #2167175

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2009-05-21 9:47 PM In addition to rolling back your socks, I also pour some powder into them; it makes it much easier to get them onto damp feet.

You probably won't need your race number for the bike ride so leave it separate from what you need to ride and plan on putting it on as you head out on the run.

Is that box there for a reason? try to keep anything you don't need out of your transition area.

What's you plan for the Body Glide? If it will only be use while getting ready for your swim, then have some place to put it out of your way.

What's the other little bottle?

Where is your bike helmet and sunglasses?

Good idea on the powder. So we do not have to wear the race number belt on the bike, is that because our number will be on our bike ?
The one little bottle is ear dry solution, I get off balance without it so I have it where I can get to it right out of the swim.  Dump in ear and then go on.
the little box I had there to toss in my goggles/cap ?.....should I just toss them on the towel and not use the box ?
I'll be using the plastic bucket to carry stuff in and then sit on. 
You can't see it but my helmet is hanging on the handle bars and my sunglasses are inside it.
This is so exciting, keep the input coming, I 'm open to all suggestions. Thank you all
oh body glide..... I will put it on before the race, but had it there because I worried i'd work up a blister or chaf and not have it out....... just a precaution

Edited by maxmansmom 2009-05-22 7:58 AM
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