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2009-02-10 8:00 PM
in reply to: #1955614

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Medusa_Ann - 2009-02-10 6:34 PM

Thanks for the birthday wishes!  I'm having a pretty good day, not really much out of the ordinary. But it 's a great month so I am not complaining!!  I feel no different at 40 than I did yesterday at 39.  Although now I am in a different AG!  I did swim 40 laps today to celebrate (2000 m) and that actually felt great.  It's snowing now and I am heading out for a short run with Mr. Dog before going out to dinner with my hubby....

Happy Birthday!!!

2009-02-11 2:03 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Happy Hump Day, everyone!

Hope today is going well. What's everyone up to?

I was going to swim today, but life has gotten in the way, and it looks like I'll have to settle for a late trainer ride tonight instead. (Yeah, it's not that hard for me to stay out of the pool, but I really was motivated to swim today - really!)
2009-02-11 4:36 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
I ran for an hour and did another day of my shred dvd....I think it was day 24....gee, only 6 more days to be officially shredded (yeah, right!). I really do see a difference, especially abs and arms, and may up it to two sessions a day more often.  I didn't eat until after all the workouts, which was a bad idea (not planned) and I have now eaten too much as a result.  Oops.... back to water now!
2009-02-12 9:07 AM
in reply to: #1856410

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Happy Thursday, all!

I'm off to be the valentine party helper at my daughter's preschool. Sugar! Four year olds! Whoo whoo!

Thankfully, I will be depositing the sugared-up child at daycare and returning to work this afternoon.

2009-02-12 7:01 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Hi everyone,

Today became a rest day when the little man decided that he had enough sleep when he woke up at 3:30 this morning. He has been doing really well sleep wise, so I am not going to complain. Hopefully tonight is a little better.

My wife and I are running in a Valentine's Day 4 mile race on Saturday morning, which should be fun. It is supposed to be cold, but sunny, just hope the wind is not to strong. I am also supposed to run 9 miles on Monday which is going to be a challenge.

Hope everyone has a good Friday!!

2009-02-12 11:11 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

Hi guys. How's it going? No hard workout for me today. Just a short walk. I felt so out of it today


I'm on vacation till next Thursday Got some "Work" to do in between but Saturday I have an almost "Olympic" tri workout!  

2009-02-14 3:19 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Hi everyone!  I'm writing from Newark, on my way to Colorado for a week of much needed vacation with my family.  We will get in a bit of skiing, and some time with DH's family.  My FIL is a triathlete, so hopefully a few workouts too (most likely running, where he will kick my butt, or swimming, where he will whip my butt).  Have a happy Valentine's day!
2009-02-14 7:48 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

I had a most awesome day with my friend Leslie.  Swam at her gym and then biked 15 miles, then ate, then ate again. Oooh it was sooo good.  We are off out to a new pizza place. Today has not been a healthy food day at all. Heh.



2009-02-14 9:46 PM
in reply to: #1962577

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Triathlynne - 2009-02-14 5:48 PM

I had a most awesome day with my friend Leslie.  Swam at her gym and then biked 15 miles, then ate, then ate again. Oooh it was sooo good.  We are off out to a new pizza place. Today has not been a healthy food day at all. Heh.



I had a good day, too, Lynne!  Fun to finally spend some quality time with you.  I just got back from my friend's frozen custard shop.  No healthy eating for me today, either.  Tomorrow is another day.  And another birthday party! Egad...will it ever end?  Yes, on Friday. 

2009-02-15 2:11 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Oh - so jealous that you guys got to hang out together! Sounds like a lot of fun!

I went to a wine/dine dinner with hubby on Friday - it was Cajun themed for Mardi Gras - OMG, I have never eaten so much food in my life...but it was so tasty.
2009-02-16 10:08 AM
in reply to: #1856410

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Hi everyone,

Looks like people had a fun weekend. My wife and I got to go out Saturday night because her mom is here visiting. We of course ate way too much, but it was worth it.

I just got back from running 9 miles in 20 degree weather. I used to think my dad was nuts when he would do something like that when I was little. I still think it is crazy, but you got to do what you got to do.

I am off to Florida tonight for a conference, and don;t come back until Thursday night. While it is nice to go to a warm place, I end up spending most of the time in meetings, so I rarely get to enjoy the sun. I do plan on going for one run while I am done there.

Anyway, I hope everyone is doing well.


2009-02-16 2:05 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

I am having a bum day!  A bum day over something totally stupid that I need to get over. Still it bothers me.  I am going to run this bum day away. 


Actually it makes me feel incredibly sad. So sad in fact it feels like I've lost a loved one. I don't like it.

2009-02-17 6:15 AM
in reply to: #1856410

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Have a good trip to Florida, Brian - and after 9 miles in 20 degree weather, you owe yourself at least one run in the sunshine!

Sorry to hear you're bummed, Lynne - hope today brings some happiness!
2009-02-17 11:55 AM
in reply to: #1856410

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
OK, I chugged out 10 miles in 30 degree weather...Brian you are my new hero.
2009-02-18 10:03 AM
in reply to: #1856410

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Happy Wednesday, All!
2009-02-18 2:10 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Happy Hump Day.  Last day of vacation   Going for a short bike ride in about 50 minutes   Hope everyone is well.

2009-02-19 8:46 AM
in reply to: #1856410

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

Hi everyone! I'm checking in from Colorado- we had some great skiing and are now back in Boulder.  I'm planning on a 3 mile run today, and then Saturday my FIL's running group has their end of the season "fun run" (either 5 or 10 miles- is 10 miles fun???), and he has convinced me to run the 5 miler with him , promising that there will be people doing 10 minute miles... 

Lynne- I hope you are feeling better...

Kristen- I'm impressed with your 10 mile run!

I hope everyone is having a great week, and training hard .


Edited by momandmd 2009-02-19 8:47 AM
2009-02-19 1:10 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Renton, Washington
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

I think 10 miles is fun.  Or rather challenging fun.  Is that an oxymoron? 


Doing better today.  Found out my folks are going to pick out dates to come out and see us! YAY!  

2009-02-20 7:25 AM
in reply to: #1856410

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
10 miles is fun, and I've been known to be a moron.
2009-02-20 7:26 AM
in reply to: #1856410

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Out running or enjoying a fine glass of red...
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

Happy Happy Joy Joy! It's FRIDAY!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!
2009-02-20 8:15 AM
in reply to: #1856410

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Will I, too, someday think 10 miles is fun?

2009-02-20 12:22 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
I really would love to go run ten miles right now!  The sun is out, but I am in charge of the kids today.  We got back super late last night from our trip--the trip in which I didn't work out very much and ate a lot of bad for me foods!  I'll be downloading some photos and stories to my blog sometime, but first will be hanging with the kiddos who are attached to each leg.  I was soooooo close to Oprah!  Third row seats!  And I bought a pair of her shoes, yes I did.  Lucky for me I wear the same size as she does.  The whole trip was amazing and fun, allthough I had a little stomach flu one day, but powered through it.  I need to be back on my training plan ASAP!!!  Yikes. Only 5 weeks until the LUNA Chix summit, in which I really need to be in good shape!
2009-02-22 8:28 AM
in reply to: #1856410

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now
Hi everyone!!

Sorry for the delay in writing. I have been playing catch up on things since I was down in FL for most of the week. I hope everyone is doing well...

I did plenty of working out this week, unfortunately I also did a whole lot of eating when I was at my conference. Trying to eat at a conference that has all the big food companies providing the meals is just something that is not going to happen.

Anyway, I am awaiting for the temperature to get above 20, so I can go out and run 6 miles. How much fun...

Have a good day!!!
2009-02-23 4:27 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

Hey guys and dolls, sorry for the absence. I am in the midst of a mental and physical breakdown. Much fun I tell ya! It is too much to put here, but I updated my log today, so if you are interested you can catch up there.

I hope everyone is well and kicking in the training department. I hope to be back in the ranks soon. Until then, I will be cheering you on from the sideline.

2009-02-23 8:35 PM
in reply to: #1856410

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Pacific Northwest
Subject: RE: Enders_Shadow's group - FULL for now

Hi all....I am trying to get caught up on my day-today life stuff (i.e. housewifery and homeowner association, plus momming)....and still working out....

Thought I'd let you guys know that the Oprah show we went to will be on this Wednesday, 2/25 on NBC.  I'm wearing a red dress, third row, next to a big guy with a beard (hubby). 

I will post more soon and get around to all your logs....

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