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2009-01-03 1:08 PM
in reply to: #1884001

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

amy mutz - 2009-01-03 7:15 AM Today is another new day to get out there and do something. I know a few people have long runs, what is everyone else doing? I have new shimano shoes, pedals and a new computer on my bike so I need to get out and get comfortable using them, so for me it is a ride and walk the dog. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!! Amy IN Oh, and I am on facebook as well Amy Neufelder Mutz.

Hey this your first time to use clipless pedals? and shoes? if so, you are going to be amazed at how much easier pedalling will be...just be careful when you stop...I can not begin to tell you all the times I fell to the side...not so much the first few rides...cuz you are really concentrating on clicking out...but when you get comfy you pull up to a light and next thing you know you are picking yourself up off the ground. DOH!!! and with a very red face from all the people in the cars that saw you fall! hehe

have a great walk with the dog....Hope he is nice to you today! and lets you walk him rather then him walk you! thanks for being Amy! hugs and have a great day! GO CHARGERS!

2009-01-03 1:13 PM
in reply to: #1884055

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

lyssa-gator - 2009-01-03 7:56 AM i just checked the 5 day for my town, and looks like after tomorrow night it's going to be rain rain rain rain rain for several days, so maybe i'll be able to start running outside again! which is great because i only had a week long free trial at that gym, and it ends on tuesday, so maybe it'll all work out ok. i don't think i'm running today because i'm stuck at home, so i think it's yoga and strength for me today. oh well. rain's coming, and then i'll be running like a fool!

rain rain rain, eh? I know how you taught me to love to run in the go get em tiger! have a great is a great call...and I am interested in what strength training do you do?

2009-01-03 1:23 PM
in reply to: #1884186

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2009-01-03 9:56 AM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-03 1:35 AM
run_yc_run - 2009-01-02 8:38 PM
MDHillSlug - 2009-01-02 8:17 PM

amy mutz - 2009-01-02 8:07 PM
lyssa-gator - 2009-01-02 12:20 PM i just saw that on your facebook nicole. nice job! it's funny someone thought you were on rollerblades! LOL
That would have been me... Never heard seen one before, just trainers. I guess I need to do my homework. Amy IN

The rollers I have look like this:

Elite parabolic rollers

They're called parabolic rollers due to the curved shape of the roller ends. They are supposed to keep you from riding off the ends. I've still fallen because sometimes you can drift into those ends and have it slow you down enough that you fall over without riding off.

Rollers are harder to use than a trainer but they help improve your handling skills and the roundness of your pedal stroke. I find them to be a much harder workout.

I am not worthy! My husband has a set of rollers and I just shudder at the thought of trying them...Maybe in the middle of a hallway where I would be wedged between two walls. Would you recommend beginners do it without being clipped in? or do you suggest just going for it? 

do you usually use clips? if not I would not try to use them rollers. and be careful the hallway idea is actully something I would want to had me cracking up!

As Julie says, when you start rollers you are probably best off trying to do whatever it is that you are used to. I feel better connected and more in control of the bike when I'm clipped in.

A lot of people recommend starting with the rollers set up in a doorway so that you have something close by on each side to lean into or grab. I use chairs.

A quick look online seems to show regular rollers starting around $150 and parabolic starting around $250. Craig's list is always a good place to look for a bargain.


I got my outside ride this morning. It was on the cold side (33F starting, 37F at finish) and a bit windy but still a good ride. Running tomorrow morning.

Yay Nicole...good for you for braving that cold weather! you are bigger then I! how far did you ride? far enough for me, too!?

2009-01-03 1:35 PM
in reply to: #1884261

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-03 2:23 PM

Yay Nicole...good for you for braving that cold weather! you are bigger then I! how far did you ride? far enough for me, too!?

"Only" 19 miles. It was short for one of my outside rides but long enough considering the 24 I did inside yesterday. Is that enough for you, too?

2009-01-03 2:53 PM
in reply to: #1884242

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-03 1:08 PM

amy mutz - 2009-01-03 7:15 AM Today is another new day to get out there and do something. I know a few people have long runs, what is everyone else doing? I have new shimano shoes, pedals and a new computer on my bike so I need to get out and get comfortable using them, so for me it is a ride and walk the dog. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!! Amy IN Oh, and I am on facebook as well Amy Neufelder Mutz.

Hey this your first time to use clipless pedals? and shoes? if so, you are going to be amazed at how much easier pedalling will be...just be careful when you stop...I can not begin to tell you all the times I fell to the side...not so much the first few rides...cuz you are really concentrating on clicking out...but when you get comfy you pull up to a light and next thing you know you are picking yourself up off the ground. DOH!!! and with a very red face from all the people in the cars that saw you fall! hehe

have a great walk with the dog....Hope he is nice to you today! and lets you walk him rather then him walk you! thanks for being Amy! hugs and have a great day! GO CHARGERS!

No not the first time, just a different style...I already went through the crash and burn acclamation series.....ha I fell twice when I came to a stop and was stick clipped in, you learn pretty quick...pain vs. no pain, you got it.
I have an idea...when we meet for our coffee, we should bring our skates and dogs, and they can pull us around for an exciting adventure

Do you weigh in once a week? What day? Maybe we can be accountable to one another...whatcha say Jules?!?! How about every Monday, it makes us be good on the weekend.

Amy IN

Edited by amy mutz 2009-01-03 2:53 PM
2009-01-03 3:35 PM
in reply to: #1884271

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
MDHillSlug - 2009-01-03 11:35 AM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-03 2:23 PM

Yay Nicole...good for you for braving that cold weather! you are bigger then I! how far did you ride? far enough for me, too!?

"Only" 19 miles. It was short for one of my outside rides but long enough considering the 24 I did inside yesterday. Is that enough for you, too?

absolutely...glad you did not go further, cuz I was really getting cold! My tootsies were telling you to take me home and warm them up! good job Nicole!

2009-01-03 3:46 PM
in reply to: #1884357

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
amy mutz - 2009-01-03 12:53 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-03 1:08 PM

amy mutz - 2009-01-03 7:15 AM Today is another new day to get out there and do something. I know a few people have long runs, what is everyone else doing? I have new shimano shoes, pedals and a new computer on my bike so I need to get out and get comfortable using them, so for me it is a ride and walk the dog. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!! Amy IN Oh, and I am on facebook as well Amy Neufelder Mutz.

Hey this your first time to use clipless pedals? and shoes? if so, you are going to be amazed at how much easier pedalling will be...just be careful when you stop...I can not begin to tell you all the times I fell to the side...not so much the first few rides...cuz you are really concentrating on clicking out...but when you get comfy you pull up to a light and next thing you know you are picking yourself up off the ground. DOH!!! and with a very red face from all the people in the cars that saw you fall! hehe

have a great walk with the dog....Hope he is nice to you today! and lets you walk him rather then him walk you! thanks for being Amy! hugs and have a great day! GO CHARGERS!

No not the first time, just a different style...I already went through the crash and burn acclamation series.....ha I fell twice when I came to a stop and was stick clipped in, you learn pretty quick...pain vs. no pain, you got it. I have an idea...when we meet for our coffee, we should bring our skates and dogs, and they can pull us around for an exciting adventure Do you weigh in once a week? What day? Maybe we can be accountable to one another...whatcha say Jules?!?! How about every Monday, it makes us be good on the weekend. Amy IN

HAHA...I am still going thru the crash, burn and silly spill acclamation...the last one was when my front wheel decided to get stuck in a grate on the side of the road..thank goodness it was at an intersection that I was slowing down for..otherwise it would have been much worse then the pie-sized bruise I ended up with on my leg and rib...stupid city who puts grates in bike lanes!

as for meeting for coffee..with our dog and long as you dont mind that I wear roller skates...I tried the roller blades and sat on them more then standing on them! was quite the site...not so pretty! butt was sore from sitting on the way to stop! HEHE! maybe it is just me and my lack of coordination! you can pull me along on my old timer

I moved my scale out to my garage cuz I seemed to get on it daily and was not such a pleasant occasion on most visits! so, I now weigh every that would be great! I will let you know how good or bad I was while here...went to cheesecake factory last night...sure that did not help! MONDAY IT IS!...anyone else weighing in with us!?

2009-01-03 4:30 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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somewhere over the rainbow
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
i'm for weighing in on monday morning! me too me too!! i try to get on there every now and then, but i've not been consistant, maybe the monday morning weigh in will help me be accountable.

i haven't been on there since my cycle, (not bike) so i'm a tad paranoid, i absolutely HATE those 10 period pounds!!! i'm always way scared to get back on the scale, so monday it is.

it's been snowing all day here. ho hummm, and it's supposed to turn in to rain? why am i suddenly having doubts?

2009-01-03 4:37 PM
in reply to: #1884441

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

lyssa-gator - 2009-01-03 2:30 PM i'm for weighing in on monday morning! me too me too!! i try to get on there every now and then, but i've not been consistant, maybe the monday morning weigh in will help me be accountable. i haven't been on there since my cycle, (not bike) so i'm a tad paranoid, i absolutely HATE those 10 period pounds!!! i'm always way scared to get back on the scale, so monday it is. it's been snowing all day here. ho hummm, and it's supposed to turn in to rain? why am i suddenly having doubts?

what the devil...what is up with all the snow in your area!? did they not realize they are screwing with your raining???? how very rude!

2009-01-03 4:43 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)


Julie stopped by our mentor group to say hello and cheer, and I wanted to return the favor!

You guys have one of the most amazing women and athletes here on BT as your mentor--you are very lucky, and she has such a beautiful story. You've come such a long way in your year here! Congratulations!


2009-01-03 4:49 PM
in reply to: #1884460

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
TriAya - 2009-01-03 2:43 PM


Julie stopped by our mentor group to say hello and cheer, and I wanted to return the favor!

You guys have one of the most amazing women and athletes here on BT as your mentor--you are very lucky, and she has such a beautiful story. You've come such a long way in your year here! Congratulations!


thanks were the very first person to reply to my introduction on bt...I will always hold a special place in my heart for you! you kept me on track for the year...and continue to! thanks darling! you are truly a remarkable lady and I am so thankful that you are a part of my life! HAPPY NEW YEAR and thanks for popping in!

2009-01-03 5:26 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Liverpool, New York
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Hi Julie and gang!

Julie, thank you for the kind words in Yanti and my mentor thread!

Folks, you are truly blessed with a wonderful mentor.  I had the absolute pleasure of meeting Julie this past October.

She is an amazing woman and your lives will be richer for knowing her, I know mine is!

2009-01-03 7:04 PM
in reply to: #1884242

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-03 1:08 PM

amy mutz - 2009-01-03 7:15 AM Today is another new day to get out there and do something. I know a few people have long runs, what is everyone else doing? I have new shimano shoes, pedals and a new computer on my bike so I need to get out and get comfortable using them, so for me it is a ride and walk the dog. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!! Amy IN Oh, and I am on facebook as well Amy Neufelder Mutz.

Hey this your first time to use clipless pedals? and shoes? if so, you are going to be amazed at how much easier pedalling will be...just be careful when you stop...I can not begin to tell you all the times I fell to the side...not so much the first few rides...cuz you are really concentrating on clicking out...but when you get comfy you pull up to a light and next thing you know you are picking yourself up off the ground. DOH!!! and with a very red face from all the people in the cars that saw you fall! hehe

have a great walk with the dog....Hope he is nice to you today! and lets you walk him rather then him walk you! thanks for being Amy! hugs and have a great day! GO CHARGERS!

I have a funny story about "stopping".  I was in the middle of a race, and was approaching T2.  I clipped out but kept pedaling for a while longer, getting closer to the transition.  Well, you can see what happened, right?  I had clipped back in without realizing it!  So when it came time to dismount my foot wasn't going to the ground, and of course over I went (on the pavement, of course!).  I pick myself up as the timer guy starts running over to me to help, and I'm yelling that I'm ok -- I'm afraid that if he helps me I'll be DQ'd!  Well I'm bleeding like a stuck pig, but it's just road rash.  So I drop off my bike and run the rest of the race.  I'm getting lots of strange looks from other participants and spectators, but I'm really ok.  When I get to the finish line, my "peeps" convince me to go to the medical group.  They clean me up, decide I don't need stitches, then ASKED ME IF I WANTED TO GO FINISH THE RACE!!!  I already did, so of course they laughed then shook their heads. 

The best part of this story though is... I won my age group!

And I'd say GO FALCONS! but they just lost...

2009-01-03 7:16 PM
in reply to: #1884001

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

amy mutz - 2009-01-03 9:15 AM Today is another new day to get out there and do something. I know a few people have long runs, what is everyone else doing? I have new shimano shoes, pedals and a new computer on my bike so I need to get out and get comfortable using them, so for me it is a ride and walk the dog. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!! Amy IN Oh, and I am on facebook as well Amy Neufelder Mutz.

I did a long run today, although it certainly wasn't the best run I've ever done.   I also did some non-athletic stuff (cross-training in a different kind of way), and went clothes shopping with my Mom.  We went to our favorite store, and they had 50% off of items that had already been marked off 50% -- I got a wonderful coat for dirt cheap!

Planned tomorrow is a long bike ride, although I'm already hearing thunder and seeing lightning in the distance.  Hopefully it will move out of here quickly!

My long training activities have to happen on weekends, because of work.  What do you all do if something on your plan gets pre-empted by weather?  Most of my workouts aren't that important, but I put a lot of emphasis on my long runs and bikes.  If I don't get one in, I definitely stress about it.  Any suggestions?

And I'm not on facebook yet, although I did sign up.  Not sure what to do next...

2009-01-03 11:39 PM
in reply to: #1884605

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2009-01-03 5:04 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-03 1:08 PM

amy mutz - 2009-01-03 7:15 AM Today is another new day to get out there and do something. I know a few people have long runs, what is everyone else doing? I have new shimano shoes, pedals and a new computer on my bike so I need to get out and get comfortable using them, so for me it is a ride and walk the dog. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!! Amy IN Oh, and I am on facebook as well Amy Neufelder Mutz.

Hey this your first time to use clipless pedals? and shoes? if so, you are going to be amazed at how much easier pedalling will be...just be careful when you stop...I can not begin to tell you all the times I fell to the side...not so much the first few rides...cuz you are really concentrating on clicking out...but when you get comfy you pull up to a light and next thing you know you are picking yourself up off the ground. DOH!!! and with a very red face from all the people in the cars that saw you fall! hehe

have a great walk with the dog....Hope he is nice to you today! and lets you walk him rather then him walk you! thanks for being Amy! hugs and have a great day! GO CHARGERS!

I have a funny story about "stopping".  I was in the middle of a race, and was approaching T2.  I clipped out but kept pedaling for a while longer, getting closer to the transition.  Well, you can see what happened, right?  I had clipped back in without realizing it!  So when it came time to dismount my foot wasn't going to the ground, and of course over I went (on the pavement, of course!).  I pick myself up as the timer guy starts running over to me to help, and I'm yelling that I'm ok -- I'm afraid that if he helps me I'll be DQ'd!  Well I'm bleeding like a stuck pig, but it's just road rash.  So I drop off my bike and run the rest of the race.  I'm getting lots of strange looks from other participants and spectators, but I'm really ok.  When I get to the finish line, my "peeps" convince me to go to the medical group.  They clean me up, decide I don't need stitches, then ASKED ME IF I WANTED TO GO FINISH THE RACE!!!  I already did, so of course they laughed then shook their heads. 

The best part of this story though is... I won my age group!

And I'd say GO FALCONS! but they just lost...

that is amazing! you are a she-stud! 

sorry about the weekend the Chargers play the Steelers. My dd is a Charger fan and my dh is a Steeler fan. Oh the dilemna for me...who to root for!?

2009-01-04 12:10 AM
in reply to: #1884866

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Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-03 6:39 PM
Sledge - 2009-01-03 5:04 PM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-03 1:08 PM

amy mutz - 2009-01-03 7:15 AM Today is another new day to get out there and do something. I know a few people have long runs, what is everyone else doing? I have new shimano shoes, pedals and a new computer on my bike so I need to get out and get comfortable using them, so for me it is a ride and walk the dog. I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!!!! Amy IN Oh, and I am on facebook as well Amy Neufelder Mutz.

Hey this your first time to use clipless pedals? and shoes? if so, you are going to be amazed at how much easier pedalling will be...just be careful when you stop...I can not begin to tell you all the times I fell to the side...not so much the first few rides...cuz you are really concentrating on clicking out...but when you get comfy you pull up to a light and next thing you know you are picking yourself up off the ground. DOH!!! and with a very red face from all the people in the cars that saw you fall! hehe

have a great walk with the dog....Hope he is nice to you today! and lets you walk him rather then him walk you! thanks for being Amy! hugs and have a great day! GO CHARGERS!

I have a funny story about "stopping". I was in the middle of a race, and was approaching T2. I clipped out but kept pedaling for a while longer, getting closer to the transition. Well, you can see what happened, right? I had clipped back in without realizing it! So when it came time to dismount my foot wasn't going to the ground, and of course over I went (on the pavement, of course!). I pick myself up as the timer guy starts running over to me to help, and I'm yelling that I'm ok -- I'm afraid that if he helps me I'll be DQ'd! Well I'm bleeding like a stuck pig, but it's just road rash. So I drop off my bike and run the rest of the race. I'm getting lots of strange looks from other participants and spectators, but I'm really ok. When I get to the finish line, my "peeps" convince me to go to the medical group. They clean me up, decide I don't need stitches, then ASKED ME IF I WANTED TO GO FINISH THE RACE!!! I already did, so of course they laughed then shook their heads.

The best part of this story though is... I won my age group!

And I'd say GO FALCONS! but they just lost...

that is amazing! you are a she-stud!

sorry about the weekend the Chargers play the Steelers. My dd is a Charger fan and my dh is a Steeler fan. Oh the dilemna for me...who to root for!?

I can't speak to the football stuff, but I will second the she-stud statement! 

2009-01-04 6:28 AM
in reply to: #1884866

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-03 11:39 PM

sorry about the weekend the Chargers play the Steelers. My dd is a Charger fan and my dh is a Steeler fan. Oh the dilemna for me...who to root for!?

Will you be watching it with both of them?  If it's just you and dh, clearly you root for the Steelers.

2009-01-04 7:33 AM
in reply to: #1863539

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Shalimar, FL
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
What's everyone up to today?  I'm heading out in a few minutes for a bike ride.  Hopefully I can get it in between the rain bands.  In fact, hopefully it has rained itself out and we won't get any more today!
2009-01-04 10:18 AM
in reply to: #1863539

Extreme Veteran
El Cajon, Ca
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
I am going to try for a nap time run today. I will see if naps fly.

My 4yo starts early admission kinder tomorrow, so I have been trying to get ready for that. Skipping most naps these days to prepare for all day school. I am also going to check out the local 24 hr fitness on Tues. I think I will get their 7 day pass and check out some of the classes and the pool. Costco has a two year membership for 299. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

2009-01-04 11:48 AM
in reply to: #1884960

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
Sledge - 2009-01-04 4:28 AM
Girl Passing on Left - 2009-01-03 11:39 PM

sorry about the weekend the Chargers play the Steelers. My dd is a Charger fan and my dh is a Steeler fan. Oh the dilemna for me...who to root for!?

Will you be watching it with both of them?  If it's just you and dh, clearly you root for the Steelers.

I grew up in Houston and I dislike the Steelers..they were one of the Oilers biggest enemies. BUT since BUTT I mean Bud Adams moved our once Oilers to Tennessee I dislike no I hate (and I do not use the word hate very often) the Tennessee today I will surely be rooting for the Steelers...and when the Steelers kick the Titans arse, I will be torn...but leaning towards the Chargers. Did you use to live in Atlanta? is that why you are a Falcon fan?

2009-01-04 11:54 AM
in reply to: #1884988

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Sledge - 2009-01-04 5:33 AM What's everyone up to today?  I'm heading out in a few minutes for a bike ride.  Hopefully I can get it in between the rain bands.  In fact, hopefully it has rained itself out and we won't get any more today!

dang is it raining across the board? well never mind, I just woke up...yes I was up late. I am reading the best book...TWILIGHT.. the movie that is now at the movies and I can not wait to see it. My dd is reading the second book called New Moon....and believe it or not they have a third one...cant remember the name. I am half done with the book and I started it yesterday during the game...I read til almost two AM...that is not me! I usually read two pages...sometimes two lines and OUT LIKE A BABY...more often then that I just read the back of my eyelids! but I am heading to the gym. My dd is getting dressed into running clothes. She wants to walk to the beach and see if there are waves...if so, she will come back and get her wetsuit and go surf...if there are no waves, she will walk me to the gym and I will go do a little core workout and then swim...I can not believe how much I am enjoying this swimming...I think a lot of  it is that I am not freezing getting to and from the pool and come to think of it in the locker room too...while I am trying to get dressed...I think it is time to look for a close gym that has a nice INDOOR pool...enough of this trying to be tough thru the winter...I know that is why I do not go as much as I should! and thus MY WEAKEST LINK!

I then am hoping to go and buy my dd an area rug for her apartment. Go to the farmers market and back to pack.

I go home today...sure sad to leave but glad to get home. I am ready to spend some time with my dd...I missed our 27th wedding anniversary...and we are going to go out for a nice dont tell him but I got him...never mind...I will tell you after our not want to let the cat out of the to speak! have a great day...get out there and do something....this is the time to lose all the excuses and to go go go! we all have lots of fabulous goals to reach...and sorry to say, noone is going to reach them for go run, bike, swim, jump rope, do core training, yoga, spin, elyptical....just do something...YOU WILL FEEL SO MUCH BETTER! so, whatcha waitin on? Have a great day! 

Edited by Girl Passing on Left 2009-01-04 12:00 PM

2009-01-04 12:09 PM
in reply to: #1885178

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

abud7373 - 2009-01-04 8:18 AM I am going to try for a nap time run today. I will see if naps fly. My 4yo starts early admission kinder tomorrow, so I have been trying to get ready for that. Skipping most naps these days to prepare for all day school. I am also going to check out the local 24 hr fitness on Tues. I think I will get their 7 day pass and check out some of the classes and the pool. Costco has a two year membership for 299. Sounds like a pretty good deal to me.

now wait a minute...Costco has a gym...or a cheaper membership for 24 hour fitness?

glad you are getting a gym membership...most have a deal going since it is the first of the year...I talked to a few gyms salespersons in my area...and they were amazing deals...and do not be afraid to ask them to lower thier initiation fees...I promise they do! I am amazed at how many places will lower brother got the 24 hour fitness in our area to give him a free initiation and lower monthly costs...he just told them he is a manager and was thinking of getting memberships for his work crew. I know you will be a great negotiator...GO AMY GO! good luck with your midgets first day of school...that can be so traumatic for dd spend the first day...crying THE ENTIRE DAY! ;( broke my heart but after a few days...she was loving it and we could not get her to school fast enough. Have a great day and hoping that you get them to nap one last time and get your naptime run in!

btw...tis a beautiful day in the it not!!!

2009-01-04 12:19 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Olney, MD
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)
I did an early morning run and then hung out at The Corner Bakery while my daughter had her skating lesson. Now, we're looking for a movie or something for this afternoon.
2009-01-04 12:38 PM
in reply to: #1885313

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Santa Cruz, California
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

MDHillSlug - 2009-01-04 10:19 AM I did an early morning run and then hung out at The Corner Bakery while my daughter had her skating lesson. Now, we're looking for a movie or something for this afternoon.

way to go on the early morning run and on your mama duties...let us know what movie you see and if it is good....or not. Have a great day!

2009-01-04 1:20 PM
in reply to: #1863539

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Extreme Veteran
Subject: RE: Girl Passing on Left (FULL)

Hi all, I went sledding with dd and dh yesterday. I count pulling those heavy tubing sleds uphill  a workout ! Plus I pulled mine and my 4 year old's tired after all that !

I signed up for a spin class today.  It starts tomorrow and will be from 8:15 until 9:45, never done that so if any of you have suggestions on what to wear I could really use ideas !  I'd hate to be the dork girl who wears something completely inappropriate !

So that class will be mon and wed nights, that should help out my weakest link......THE BIKE !


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