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2009-04-16 7:09 AM
in reply to: #2087227

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Subject: RE: when is enough, enough?
SpiritFire - 2009-04-15 4:51 PM Ok Manatees ... next round of advice please. Or at least some sympathy. The past few days I've been fighting an illness ... at first I'm thinking allergies (cherry blossoms are all out, green things popping out of the ground, the pollen count is at 95% or something) ... but it's not going away ... so I took a quick detour to my friendly neighbourhood naturopath and he's told me that my tonsils are enlarged (explains the sore throat) and that I have some sinus issues going on (explains the head and ear aches) ... simply put - it's a cold. And I feel miserable. I've done my best to ignore it the past few days, to no avail. Today it's kicking me in the head (fairly literally). This was supposed to be my week to get back into the swing of things - work out and train according to schedule ... then the Achilles started acting up, now I'm sick. When is enough enough? Why can I not just get back on track? I used to be so pumped to go train, you couldn't keep me from my planned workouts and from doing extra ... what on earth is going on?!? And should I go to spin tonight? I really don't want to - I don't have the energy to do the dishes never mind keep up with my tri club ... but I can't miss another workout! GRRRRR ... this is mostly just me venting frustration here ... thanks all for listening.

TR.  im sorry youre not feeling well.  that just SUCKS, big time.

and even more suckish that this was the week you really wanted to give it some gas, and get back at your trng. 

always seems to happen that way, huh?

but like others have encouraged you to do, best to rest and listen to your body.

24-48 hrs might be all you need.



2009-04-16 7:14 AM
in reply to: #2087249

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Subject: RE: Heart rate question
lmscozz - 2009-04-15 5:00 PM

Thanks for all the great input re: heart rate. The spike is only at first and I'm thinking it's partly the monitor itself and partially me. I have a message into the cardiologist I saw a few years ago just to make everything was fine with my heart (because of family history).

I had a good swim today, as well. I realized that I really like the longer swim sessions -- over 45 minutes when I get more of an endurance workout. And, thanks again for the Those workouts are perfect for me right now!

As far as your group-- congrats. I started swimming with a masters group and still do, but also swim more on my own. Many are more fish than mammal IMHO, and I feel like a guppie, but they've always been very welcoming and nice to me. The cycling women I've met with the Velo Bellas here are really amazing. I started riding with them last year and became "an official racer chick" this year. They are really great athletes and even better people! It's provided comaraderie and support and friendship. Most of us are triathletes as well, but some just cycle or mostly do runs and cycling. We do some social events together as well.

Thanks again for all your input, everyone!

LYNN.  you could havent summed up my feelings more accurately.

I took a gander at the swim teams workout and thought OMG, there is NO way i could keep up with these people.  they ARE more fish than mammal and im a SLUG!  teee heeeee.

BUT, then i remember how nice everyone ive met so far has been.  and how supportive and encouraging, and how theyve 'reassured' me that they have&welcome swimmers of ALL levels on the team.

and i have SO much i can learn from them, and glean. i can grow and evolve not only as a swimmer, and athlete, but as a person.

this is WAY out of my comfort zone. 

ive enjoyed the solitude of trng, honestly. 

and its super hard when i start 'comparing' myself with other people.  i can get frustrated/down VERY easily.

i try to stay focused on my PERSONAL BEST. i do that SUPERBLY WELL on my own, even when i race.   but that can be difficult in a group situation.

NONETHELESS, im gonna take this step.  i think its an important one, perhaps even an essential one for me to continue to grow and evolve as an athlete and as a person.

theres much for me to learn and i want to avail myself to as many opportunities as possible even (especially) if that means taking a RISK.


Edited by skrtrnr 2009-04-16 7:22 AM
2009-04-16 7:37 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

its a gloriously sunny day here in Western PA, but i really wish it was 60 degrees NOW and not 3 o'clock this afternoon. 

doesnt mother nature realize i have a BRICK to do??  lets get on with it WOMAN! 

im gonna head out later this afternoon (earlier than 3) and get my brick done at the Park.  im trying to simulate as close to race conditions as possible, so as much i would rather go to the limestone trail, its to the asphalt terrain i go. 

THEN afterwards i get to do my STRUCTURAL FINGERPRINT EXAM at the chiropractors.  i hoping they are able to determine where the imbalances are biomechanically to relieve some of the pressure off my lft foot so i dont have to have injections or worse yet surgery. 

i know this is a 'slower' fix perhaps, but im willing to seek out the alternative if it means i can run and bike healthy.

im fairly certain they have an immediate read out (its not like X-rays) so i should have some good information even by today, at least know where some of the imbalances are, and what we need to do correct them.  [all my friends and family are sniggering.  they know EXACTLY where im unbalanced.  LOL]

no one is 100% perfectly balanced, but anything thats closer approximation is probably a far cry from where i am now.  if we can get closer to being in-balance, THAT and i can run wout discomfort, ill be pleased with the results.


Edited by skrtrnr 2009-04-16 7:40 AM
2009-04-16 12:18 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: swim cap
I need to buy a swim cap and wondered if you had any recommendations.    Going to look at bikes today!  YEA! 
2009-04-16 12:54 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: bricks and swim caps

Yay for bricks! Have a great one today, enjoy the beautiful PA weather. It's in the lower 30's here right now. And it snowed another couple inches. After it rained for more than 24 hours straight. I THOUGHT I lived in a desert! At least I'll be able to water my lawn all summer.


As far as swim caps go, don't get a lycra one. They just act as drag and don't stay tight on your head, etc. I always go with the cheapy ones. I figure eventually I'll have a ton from all the races I am going to do... so far I have at least 5 (only one of which I paid for), but only one from an actual race. I find that when I go open water swim, or if the pool is REALLY chilly it's nice to layer the cheapy swim caps. If you plan any open water swims, think bright colors-red, yellow, etc. that's my 2 cents.


Hope everyone has a great day--I am still feeling extremely nervous about the half mary this weekend. The support I got on BT has really helped--I have been sleeping much better this week than last (until last night at least), and I was able to do the 3 mile run yesterday on the treadmill. My ankle and knee are feeling much better (Finally! Yay!). Today I'm going to go do a 2 mile walk, then tons of stretching/foam rolling the next couple days. No running tomorrow, and no walking tomorrow except for at the expo when I go pick up my race packet tomorrow night.  

2009-04-16 12:59 PM
in reply to: #2087362

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Subject: RE: training update
I went ahead and joined at the Bronze level and imported the 13 wk plan this morning.  Am I missing something or do they not have any details on exactly what to do?    They just say "swim 35 min" but no plan.   Is that correct?


2009-04-16 1:04 PM
in reply to: #2089144

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: bricks and swim caps
givemashot - 2009-04-16 10:54 AM

Hope everyone has a great day--I am still feeling extremely nervous about the half mary this weekend. The support I got on BT has really helped--I have been sleeping much better this week than last (until last night at least), and I was able to do the 3 mile run yesterday on the treadmill. My ankle and knee are feeling much better (Finally! Yay!). Today I'm going to go do a 2 mile walk, then tons of stretching/foam rolling the next couple days. No running tomorrow, and no walking tomorrow except for at the expo when I go pick up my race packet tomorrow night.  

Just keep putting one foot in front of the other - you'll do great.

Remember - nervous energy is just that - energy. Use it to fuel you - rework it into something useable that will motivate you ..

And above all else - have fun! (and thank the volunteers;-)
2009-04-16 1:07 PM
in reply to: #2087298

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Victoria, BC
Subject: RE: when is enough, enough?
Thanks all for being my ranting board yesterday ... I was soooooo cranky, and so frustrated, and so achey all over! ... I ended up sleeping from about 4:00 in the afternoon till 7:00 this morning ... I guess I needed it.
Feeling MUCH better today - although my energy is still very low. I'm thinking a nap is in order this afternoon.

I get so cranky when I get sick.

My dog is at the groomers today - the house seems so empty and weird and intolerable when he's not here (which is rare, 3-4 times a year at the groomers and that's it ...).
2009-04-16 1:20 PM
in reply to: #2089144

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Melon Presser
Subject: Half Marathon Luck!!!
givemashot - 2009-04-16 11:54 AM


Hope everyone has a great day--I am still feeling extremely nervous about the half mary this weekend. The support I got on BT has really helped--I have been sleeping much better this week than last (until last night at least), and I was able to do the 3 mile run yesterday on the treadmill. My ankle and knee are feeling much better (Finally! Yay!). Today I'm going to go do a 2 mile walk, then tons of stretching/foam rolling the next couple days. No running tomorrow, and no walking tomorrow except for at the expo when I go pick up my race packet tomorrow night.  

Yippee! Glad you were able to get some sleep, and wise to keep it light and keep the limb limber as possible.

Just remember that the MANATEES are running with you ... when you hit a dark spot, just think of us surrounding you, running alongside you, spiriting you on!
2009-04-16 1:27 PM
in reply to: #2089158

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Melon Presser
Subject: RE: training update
ranchrunner - 2009-04-16 11:59 AM I went ahead and joined at the Bronze level and imported the 13 wk plan this morning.  Am I missing something or do they not have any details on exactly what to do?    They just say "swim 35 min" but no plan.   Is that correct?


The swim intro in the plan says you should be able to swim continuously for 20 min, so I'd assume one of the swims should be that way (long/continuous as possible).

Generally, if you're doing two swims a week, one should be long/continuous and the other broken up something like this (or you can grab a workout off of Let's say this is a 1000m swim:

200 warmup
4 x 50 drill (25 drill, 25 swim incorporating the focus of that drill)
Main Set
5 x 100@ 20s rest
100 cool-down
2009-04-16 2:37 PM
in reply to: #2089144

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Subject: RE: bricks and swim caps
givemashot - 2009-04-16 12:54 PM

Yay for bricks! Have a great one today, enjoy the beautiful PA weather. It's in the lower 30's here right now. And it snowed another couple inches. After it rained for more than 24 hours straight. I THOUGHT I lived in a desert! At least I'll be able to water my lawn all summer.


As far as swim caps go, don't get a lycra one. They just act as drag and don't stay tight on your head, etc. I always go with the cheapy ones. I figure eventually I'll have a ton from all the races I am going to do... so far I have at least 5 (only one of which I paid for), but only one from an actual race. I find that when I go open water swim, or if the pool is REALLY chilly it's nice to layer the cheapy swim caps. If you plan any open water swims, think bright colors-red, yellow, etc. that's my 2 cents.


Hope everyone has a great day--I am still feeling extremely nervous about the half mary this weekend. The support I got on BT has really helped--I have been sleeping much better this week than last (until last night at least), and I was able to do the 3 mile run yesterday on the treadmill. My ankle and knee are feeling much better (Finally! Yay!). Today I'm going to go do a 2 mile walk, then tons of stretching/foam rolling the next couple days. No running tomorrow, and no walking tomorrow except for at the expo when I go pick up my race packet tomorrow night.  

AMY your gonna ROCK that race. 

i agree w what TR said - take that nervous energy and trasmute it into something useful.  id always visualize my nervous energy becoming positive energy that coursed throughout my body, propelling me forward/faster....

find what works for you.

but know, every challenge should scare the bejesus out of you, or it wouldnt be much of a challenge.

youve taken on a MONUMENTAL TASK, but you my dear will certainly RISE TO THE OCCASSION.

the hard part is over, the training.


and i wholeheartedly agree w YANTI.  know that all the MANATEES will be running (in spirit) alongside you.  hear us cheering you on, especially on those hard sections where you think, man oh man, WHAT was i thinking?    [you will have those moments...]

your gonna be GRAND.


2009-04-16 2:38 PM
in reply to: #2089188

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Subject: RE: when is enough, enough?
SpiritFire - 2009-04-16 1:07 PM Thanks all for being my ranting board yesterday ... I was soooooo cranky, and so frustrated, and so achey all over! ... I ended up sleeping from about 4:00 in the afternoon till 7:00 this morning ... I guess I needed it. Feeling MUCH better today - although my energy is still very low. I'm thinking a nap is in order this afternoon. I get so cranky when I get sick. My dog is at the groomers today - the house seems so empty and weird and intolerable when he's not here (which is rare, 3-4 times a year at the groomers and that's it ...).

TR hope you got iin a good nap.  and i hope your energy level is up to snuff again very soon.  sending healing/energy boosting vibes your way.

2009-04-16 2:41 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL



im telling ya, im on the verge of hitting my stride - THE TIMING COULDNT BE MORE PERFECT.

went to the Drs office for my appt, only to find it closed.  what up???

came home realized the appt was YESTURDAY.  silly me.

i think w my kids being home at the beginning of the week, im all 'screwed up'

ah well.  that's life.  ill just call and reschedule when theyre back in tomorrow.

too sunny to be peeved.

and im having a KIDFREE WEEKEND starting 10 o'clock tomorrow.  YEAH!  YEAH!  YEAH!


2009-04-16 2:43 PM
in reply to: #2089264

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Subject: RE: training update
TriAya - 2009-04-16 1:27 PM
ranchrunner - 2009-04-16 11:59 AM I went ahead and joined at the Bronze level and imported the 13 wk plan this morning.  Am I missing something or do they not have any details on exactly what to do?    They just say "swim 35 min" but no plan.   Is that correct?


The swim intro in the plan says you should be able to swim continuously for 20 min, so I'd assume one of the swims should be that way (long/continuous as possible).

Generally, if you're doing two swims a week, one should be long/continuous and the other broken up something like this (or you can grab a workout off of Let's say this is a 1000m swim:

200 warmup
4 x 50 drill (25 drill, 25 swim incorporating the focus of that drill)
Main Set
5 x 100@ 20s rest
100 cool-down


this a great basic 'outline' of a swm wrkout, now i dont ever have to be like, what am i gonna do today for my swim wrkts. 

so simple!  thanks!

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-04-16 2:43 PM
2009-04-16 3:36 PM
in reply to: #2087362

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Victoria, BC
Subject: Interesting, the way things work out sometimes
So this morning I had a conversation with my old triathlon coach, who is now the Race Director for a series of triathlons here ... he's offered to defer my entry in my May race to the June race (same series) if I come out and volunteer for the May race. Normally they don't defer, transfer, refund, anything ... I must have caught him in a good mood. ;-)
I figure this is a golden opportunity to take some pressure off myself, let my Achilles heal, and give myself 4 extra weeks to train properly and smartly (is that a word - SMARTLY) ...

And the dog's home from the groomers - all is right in my world ... and I'm off to have a nap.

2009-04-16 6:16 PM
in reply to: #2089144

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Vista, CA
Subject: RE: bricks and swim caps

givemashot - 2009-04-16 10:54 AM

Yay for bricks! Have a great one today, enjoy the beautiful PA weather. It's in the lower 30's here right now. And it snowed another couple inches. After it rained for more than 24 hours straight. I THOUGHT I lived in a desert! At least I'll be able to water my lawn all summer.


As far as swim caps go, don't get a lycra one. They just act as drag and don't stay tight on your head, etc. I always go with the cheapy ones. I figure eventually I'll have a ton from all the races I am going to do... so far I have at least 5 (only one of which I paid for), but only one from an actual race. I find that when I go open water swim, or if the pool is REALLY chilly it's nice to layer the cheapy swim caps. If you plan any open water swims, think bright colors-red, yellow, etc. that's my 2 cents.


Hope everyone has a great day--I am still feeling extremely nervous about the half mary this weekend. The support I got on BT has really helped--I have been sleeping much better this week than last (until last night at least), and I was able to do the 3 mile run yesterday on the treadmill. My ankle and knee are feeling much better (Finally! Yay!). Today I'm going to go do a 2 mile walk, then tons of stretching/foam rolling the next couple days. No running tomorrow, and no walking tomorrow except for at the expo when I go pick up my race packet tomorrow night.  

Sounds like you're doing all the right things to prepare. I always do some visualizations, too pre-race. It's always fun to feel the expo energy and vibe. Love the foam roller -- in a sadomasochistic sort of way.

2009-04-16 6:46 PM
in reply to: #2089687

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Subject: RE: Interesting, the way things work out sometimes
SpiritFire - 2009-04-16 3:36 PM So this morning I had a conversation with my old triathlon coach, who is now the Race Director for a series of triathlons here ... he's offered to defer my entry in my May race to the June race (same series) if I come out and volunteer for the May race. Normally they don't defer, transfer, refund, anything ... I must have caught him in a good mood. ;-) I figure this is a golden opportunity to take some pressure off myself, let my Achilles heal, and give myself 4 extra weeks to train properly and smartly (is that a word - SMARTLY) ... And the dog's home from the groomers - all is right in my world ... and I'm off to have a nap.

AW. TR.  thats splendid news.

nice guy.

hope you had a most restorative nap.

2009-04-16 11:02 PM
in reply to: #2069346

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Victoria BC
Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

Hey everyone man you don't sign on for a day and you have like 3 or 4 pages to read!!  I am just doing a quick post saying I am gone for a short over night trip with 2 rounds of golf witht he boys from work then back on Saturday night for a Stag party.  Hopefully I won't be near a computer and have to translate any thing I would try and type while in a drunken stupor

2009-04-17 1:31 AM
in reply to: #2090575

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL

ShawnC13 - 2009-04-16 10:02 PM

Hey everyone man you don't sign on for a day and you have like 3 or 4 pages to read!!  I am just doing a quick post saying I am gone for a short over night trip with 2 rounds of golf witht he boys from work then back on Saturday night for a Stag party.  Hopefully I won't be near a computer and have to translate any thing I would try and type while in a drunken stupor

Where's the fun in that?


2009-04-17 1:32 AM
in reply to: #2090019

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Subject: RE: foam roller

lmscozz - 2009-04-16 5:16 PM

Love the foam roller -- in a sadomasochistic sort of way.


2009-04-17 6:21 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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Subject: Yesterday's stuff

Wow!! I was busy all day yesterday & didn't get a chance to check the threads. Just skimmed through. TR, that's good news about deferring your race. You need to get strong & healthy again. Just take it easy.

Stacie, I've never met anyone with as much energy as you have. Do you think you could send some down south? I'm just barely keeping up with what I have to do and my kids are grown & gone.

Amy, good luck with your half mary this weekend. Spend a few minutes at the start just getting into your groove. Then you'll find your best pace. Good job tapering and resting up the last few days!

Yanti, you give the best advice! I really admire your experience and knowledge. I hope someday I know as much as you.

Btw, I'm having trouble with my swimming right now. I swam in my wetsuit since January because of some heater  problems at the pool where I workout, and to get used to managing it during my HIM. It was great to swim in. But now I'm not using it because the water is warming up and my race is over. The problem is that I really have to kick alot more to stay on top of the water and it's wearing me out. I've also been trying to improve my arm pull, so I feel like my stroke has completely fallen apart. I swam my main set yesterday with a pull buoy so I could concentrate on pulling with my forearms. When I took it off for my cool down, I thought I was gonna drown! I don't feel nice & streamlined like I did. I'm really trying to glide with each stroke like when I was wearing my wetsuit, but that whole roll & extension that I thought I had mastered is not working anymore. HELP!!!!

2009-04-17 6:23 AM
in reply to: #2090575

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
ShawnC13 - 2009-04-16 11:02 PM

Hey everyone man you don't sign on for a day and you have like 3 or 4 pages to read!!  I am just doing a quick post saying I am gone for a short over night trip with 2 rounds of golf witht he boys from work then back on Saturday night for a Stag party.  Hopefully I won't be near a computer and have to translate any thing I would try and type while in a drunken stupor

SHAWN.  enjoy your drunken stupor

and oh yeah, your two rounds of golf

Edited by skrtrnr 2009-04-17 6:37 AM
2009-04-17 6:33 AM
in reply to: #2090723

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Subject: RE: Yesterday's stuff
mammatri's - 2009-04-17 6:21 AM

Wow!! I was busy all day yesterday & didn't get a chance to check the threads. Just skimmed through. TR, that's good news about deferring your race. You need to get strong & healthy again. Just take it easy.

Stacie, I've never met anyone with as much energy as you have. Do you think you could send some down south? I'm just barely keeping up with what I have to do and my kids are grown & gone.

Amy, good luck with your half mary this weekend. Spend a few minutes at the start just getting into your groove. Then you'll find your best pace. Good job tapering and resting up the last few days!

Yanti, you give the best advice! I really admire your experience and knowledge. I hope someday I know as much as you.

Btw, I'm having trouble with my swimming right now. I swam in my wetsuit since January because of some heater  problems at the pool where I workout, and to get used to managing it during my HIM. It was great to swim in. But now I'm not using it because the water is warming up and my race is over. The problem is that I really have to kick alot more to stay on top of the water and it's wearing me out. I've also been trying to improve my arm pull, so I feel like my stroke has completely fallen apart. I swam my main set yesterday with a pull buoy so I could concentrate on pulling with my forearms. When I took it off for my cool down, I thought I was gonna drown! I don't feel nice & streamlined like I did. I'm really trying to glide with each stroke like when I was wearing my wetsuit, but that whole roll & extension that I thought I had mastered is not working anymore. HELP!!!!

CATHY.  your so kind.  as for energy, some days im not so sure where it comes from.  i try to live a pretty balanced life. when i train, i train HARD, but when i rest, i rest WELL.  i guess thats what keeps me going.

like today.  im leaving my trng schedule 'behind', and im going for a SOUL RIDE. 

no watches, no set time limits, not worrying about distance, or cadence or finish time.

just riding for the FUN of it.  im gonna enjoy the SUN and enjoy being OUTSIDE. 

its gonna be a GRAND ADVENTURE round the Burgh.

i like the structure/rhythm of trng BUT i know i need to take a break from it all, from time to time too.  [i can get a little 'caught up' in it]

its 'easy' right now to get my trng sessions in too.  my kids are in school all day.

i used to train AND cyberschool/homeschool all three of my boys and i manged to get everything in.  so on those days when i think i just cant get it all done, i GENTLY REMIND myself  just HOW MUCH i was doing last year at this time, and that pretty much takes care of any excuse i might have.

but, chk back in w me come the summer when my kids are home from school and im waking up 2-3xs a week at 4:30-5:00 to go and swim w the Masters.  

we'll see how much i energy i have then. 


Edited by skrtrnr 2009-04-17 6:36 AM
2009-04-17 6:38 AM
in reply to: #2090640

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Subject: RE: Beth and Yanti's Newest Manatees - FULL
givemashot - 2009-04-17 1:31 AM

ShawnC13 - 2009-04-16 10:02 PM

Hey everyone man you don't sign on for a day and you have like 3 or 4 pages to read!!  I am just doing a quick post saying I am gone for a short over night trip with 2 rounds of golf witht he boys from work then back on Saturday night for a Stag party.  Hopefully I won't be near a computer and have to translate any thing I would try and type while in a drunken stupor

Where's the fun in that?


YEAH.  what AMY said.

i for one would LOVE to read your drunken stupor posts. 


2009-04-17 7:36 AM
in reply to: #2069346

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