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2012-04-07 11:21 PM
in reply to: #4136214

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Wherever the trail takes me, WA.
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
velcromom - 2012-04-07 8:50 PMAND I'm drinking real wine.  Should probably scale back during taper time.
That is the way to train!!!

2012-04-08 1:17 AM
in reply to: #4135997

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

I know I'm late to the party but FANTASTIC run Andre!

I had a look at your logs and that HR must have hurt! Your average HR is greater than my max HR - but you're young and fit while I'm old and slow...

I'm a fan of following a plan but I think sometimes that makes me a bit antisocial because you really need to run alone to follow a set pace/HR run; when I get to race I love being surrounded by people and wish I could run in a group more.

I had a patrol at the beach this morning, beautiful sunny Autumn (fall) day, lots of people in bikinis and bunny ears, Fatty would have loved it! Off for my longrun now, Happy Easter!

2012-04-08 1:53 AM
in reply to: #4123816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
Happy Easter everyone!Smile
2012-04-08 6:30 AM
in reply to: #4136199

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
kkcbelle - 2012-04-07 10:34 PM

Thanks for the feedback, folks!! I sort-of bat both ways (no surprise there, right, Fatty?). I loves me a training plan and I follow one like Suzy, to a T (and, sometimes, to a fault). But IMs in back-to-back years made me yearn for no structure -- I was so sick of turning down invites from friends for rides or runs, and then hearing them talk about it later, because I was a slave to the plan. I've done much more running with friends (hi Steve!) this fall and have loved it! 

So I guess Suzy got to the meat of my question -- yes, there is improvement benefit, but "scientifically" it's not the most efficient way to get there. I sort-of split the difference -- I've done some run tests, look at recent race results, have ideas of paces based on the VDOT calculators, and try to do a run that incorporates tempo or something once/week, schedule and body willing. But if Steve wants to crush hills on Cougar and I wanted to do a tempo run, I'll take Cougar hills in a heartbeat!! 

So Justin, this is gonna sound so pathetic, but I thrive on the darn graphs and peach-colored boxes in those training logs. I really do. When I'm finishing up a swim, I try to think of how much purple I just added. When one week surpasses another I feel all smug. At the same time, if I see a dip week I justify it by reminding myself that my aging bod needs rest, and my family comes first so if a workout didn't happen, that's cool. So while they motivate me, I try not to be a slave to them. I do find the psychology of my feeling about those graphs fascinating and borderline pathetic. LOL!!!

Glad to see Fatty is drinking Real Beer. Can't say the same for another member of the MG...

I used to be exactly the same way.  I even wanted those stupid bars to be taller every week. For me, that led to three consecutive years of running injuries that had me out 2-6 months.  I finally hit myself upside the head, changed coaches and embraced that litte tiny bar every three weeks like it was my new favorite boyfriend.

2012-04-08 7:33 AM
in reply to: #4123816


Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

hi swbkn

I would appreciate if i could join your mentoring group. I have been training for 6months, aiming to do a half in LaProvence France in September. I am pretty new and unknowledgable with regards to so many aspects of training and training programes, how to structure my training programe and nutrition. It would be great if you could assist me with achieving my goal. Best Wishes Nadia

Please advise how I can join this group.

2012-04-08 8:01 AM
in reply to: #4136215

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

velcromom - 2012-04-07 11:50 PM Time to go help the bunny hide eggs.   Happy Easter to all those who are celebrating!!!

I'm ready to head out the door.  Going to church for the first time in ???? YEARS.  My stomach feels like it did before the 1/2 marathon.  It's a new church, so I hope lightening doesn't strike when I walk through the door.  That might leave a bad first impression.  I could be sleeping or running......what am I doing???

2012-04-08 9:08 AM
in reply to: #4136422

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
jfought - 2012-04-08 9:01 AM

velcromom - 2012-04-07 11:50 PM Time to go help the bunny hide eggs.   Happy Easter to all those who are celebrating!!!

I'm ready to head out the door.  Going to church for the first time in ???? YEARS.  My stomach feels like it did before the 1/2 marathon.  It's a new church, so I hope lightening doesn't strike when I walk through the door.  That might leave a bad first impression.  I could be sleeping or running......what am I doing???


Jayne, I bet you will be welcomed, have a great day!

2012-04-08 10:03 AM
in reply to: #4123816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

Happy Easter morning!

My kids LOVED the Easter egg hunt this morning.  Hazel let out a little shriek every time she found an egg and Sebastian was basically vibrating with excitement.  Then I was mean, and made them eat a healthy breakfast before they could have any chocolate... 

2012-04-08 10:46 AM
in reply to: #4136422

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Extreme Veteran
NW Georgia
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
jfought - 2012-04-08 9:01 AM

velcromom - 2012-04-07 11:50 PM Time to go help the bunny hide eggs.   Happy Easter to all those who are celebrating!!!

I'm ready to head out the door.  Going to church for the first time in ???? YEARS.  My stomach feels like it did before the 1/2 marathon.  It's a new church, so I hope lightening doesn't strike when I walk through the door.  That might leave a bad first impression.  I could be sleeping or running......what am I doing???

Happy bunny day, everyone! 

Jayne, I hope your church was welcoming and your service was as moving as ours was. 

I'm off to "help" with the Easter lunch then kick back and enjoy 5+ hours of Masters coverage. 

2012-04-08 10:58 AM
in reply to: #4136040

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Henderson, NV
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
Terps421 - 2012-04-07 6:42 PM

Chet, wow, 80 miles, great long ride! How are you feeling now, are you sore?

I love following a plan for running. Like Chet, I don't want to be too focused on mile splits. I just want to enjoy. But following a plan allows me to progress, adapt, and nail the key workouts for improvement.

I love when that happens!

Just my feet.  I bought some crappy tri shoes and have to get another pair.  They totally feel like I have them on the wrong feet with the arch support on the wrong side.  ugh.

Happy Easter everyone.  Kids found ALL the eggs this year.  We usually have a couple make it to July .  

2012-04-08 11:15 AM
in reply to: #4136388

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
nani - 2012-04-08 7:33 AM

hi swbkn

I would appreciate if i could join your mentoring group. I have been training for 6months, aiming to do a half in LaProvence France in September. I am pretty new and unknowledgable with regards to so many aspects of training and training programes, how to structure my training programe and nutrition. It would be great if you could assist me with achieving my goal. Best Wishes Nadia

Please advise how I can join this group.

You just did join the group! Welcome!!!!

If you look back a few pages you will see we all post a brief bio so we can get to know each other more quickly. Some of us have been here for years and some are brand new.  Don't feel intimidated if there are a lot of posts and you don't have time to keep up; join in when you can.  No question is too stupid to ask either.  Fatty does it all the time!

2012-04-08 11:46 AM
in reply to: #4123816

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

Kayla (fixed that mistake!)... I completely get the 'peachy and other colored graph' obsession... I love to see the string of peachy days and stacks of multi-colored goodness...makes me feel like I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. Ha!

Ever since the Houston Marathon in January, I have just been running for fun... I had a great marathon for as little training as I did.  Gonna sound obsurd to most everyone...but my long run was only 9 miles two weeks before the race and I ended up running a 3:46 with no injures, and I didn't really even begin to feel the miles until mile 23ish.  After that run, I have really just gotten back to running for the fun and feel of it.  I have a silly goal of running everyday in April. so far I am 8 for 8 and I am really excited about the upcoming 50K.  Heck, I ran 7 miles with my wife this morning at her pace...and can't help but thinking about hitting the streets again this afternoon for 10 more.

I have some Saint Arnold Summer Pils that will need to be consumed to convince me that I have ran enough today and save it for tomorrow!


Edited by JustWood 2012-04-08 3:34 PM
2012-04-08 11:46 AM
in reply to: #4136611

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
SSMinnow - 2012-04-08 11:15 AM
nani - 2012-04-08 7:33 AM

hi swbkn

I would appreciate if i could join your mentoring group. I have been training for 6months, aiming to do a half in LaProvence France in September. I am pretty new and unknowledgable with regards to so many aspects of training and training programes, how to structure my training programe and nutrition. It would be great if you could assist me with achieving my goal. Best Wishes Nadia

Please advise how I can join this group.

You just did join the group! Welcome!!!!

If you look back a few pages you will see we all post a brief bio so we can get to know each other more quickly. Some of us have been here for years and some are brand new.  Don't feel intimidated if there are a lot of posts and you don't have time to keep up; join in when you can.  No question is too stupid to ask either.  Fatty does it all the time!


2012-04-08 12:53 PM
in reply to: #4136647

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
JustWood - 2012-04-08 9:46 AM

Kayla... I completely get the 'peachy and other colored graph' obsession... I love to see the string of peachy days and stacks of multi-colored goodness...makes me feel like I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. Ha!

Ever since the Houston Marathon in January, I have just been running for fun... I had a great marathon for as little training as I did.  Gonna sound obsurd to most everyone...but my long run was only 9 miles two weeks before the race and I ended up running a 3:46 with no injures, and I didn't really even begin to feel the miles until mile 23ish.  After that run, I have really just gotten back to running for the fun and feel of it.  I have a silly goal of running everyday in April. so far I am 8 for 8 and I am really excited about the upcoming 50K.  Heck, I ran 7 miles with my wife this morning at her pace...and can't help but thinking about hitting the streets again this afternoon for 10 more.

I have some Saint Arnold Summer Pils that will need to be consumed to convince me that I have ran enough today and save it for tomorrow!


Hey Justin, it's Kyla (no middle a), not Kayla. Sorry, but that's a peeve of mine. Ask Fatty.

And your April goal is not silly at all. I've done that a few times and really love having a streak to motivate me. This year I did 100 days of running in a row (minimum :30), and it was a drag a few times (and particularly stressful when trying to take a Disney cruise just after Christmas), but ultimately I enjoyed the goal and the accomplishment. I like to remind myself that short runs help out too. Someone on ST once posted that even if you add in an 2-mile once a week, that puts 100-ish more miles on your annual total -- had never stopped to think about it like that, but I like the idea if you are trying to build mileage (lots of arguments for frequency over fewer/longer runs).

Your marathon training reminds me of my father-in-law (RIP), who ran his first marathon with a long run of something like 8-10 miles. He did everything "wrong" -- bought new clothes and shoes at the pre-race expo, didn't really train, had no pre-race food routine, etc. Went on to do a 4:30-ish and then completed many more marathons (including qualifying for and running in Boston) before leukemia took him too young (cancer sucks). Our bodies can do amazing things!!!

Yay for today's runs, rides, swims, hikes, dinners, families, bunnies, and everything else!! I am (impatiently) waiting for my bunnies to finish hiding their eggs so they can hunt, eat way too much candy, and I can go and ride my bike and leave the hooligans with dad for an hour or two, ha!!!

2012-04-08 2:00 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
Happy Easter Peeps!!!! You too Kayla!! Welcome Nani. I think you're our first Brit, well at least the first that hasn't relocated to Australia!!

Edited by fattyfatfat 2012-04-08 2:01 PM
2012-04-08 2:39 PM
in reply to: #4136388

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
nani - 2012-04-08 8:33 AM

hi swbkn

I would appreciate if i could join your mentoring group. I have been training for 6months, aiming to do a half in LaProvence France in September. I am pretty new and unknowledgable with regards to so many aspects of training and training programes, how to structure my training programe and nutrition. It would be great if you could assist me with achieving my goal. Best Wishes Nadia

Please advise how I can join this group.


Welcome to the group.  Post a pic of yourself if you get a chance.  We LOVE pics!

2012-04-08 2:45 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

Has anyone seen the documentary 'Unbreakable'? Watched it for a little inspiration for the 50K trail run next Saturday.  Very impressed & now I got the bug.  I thought someone in the group has done the WS100 before...I remember fatty saying something about it before.

I used to be envious of Terps' logs. (Linda rocks btw!) I was in awe at the milage she would lay down.  I wanna work up to that type of volume, but continue to have fun with it.

It's nice to have people to train with to keep you honest and on task! Fatty USED to do that for me. ha.  We have a group of peeps that train together here, but they are a bunch of self-absorbed I end up doing a lot of solo stuff.

Edited by JustWood 2012-04-08 3:34 PM
2012-04-08 2:55 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
Ha. I am sorry... blame fatty, he double dawg dared me to call you Kayla & not Kyla.... I gotta do something about all the un's & real names.... I am too easily confuzzled (been a minute since I dabbled in the mg life)

Edited by JustWood 2012-04-08 3:19 PM
2012-04-08 3:00 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
Welcome Jayne & nani.

2012-04-08 3:13 PM
in reply to: #4136813

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

JustWood - 2012-04-08 1:55 PM Ha. I am sorry... blame fatty, he douple dawg dared me to call you Kayla & not Kyla.... I gotta do something about all the un's & real names.... I am too easily confuzzled (been a minute since I dabbled in the mg life)

Are you Fatty's minion?

2012-04-08 3:20 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Triathlete Nation ~ Texas!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
Nah. Just his former... nevermind... yeah, minion. Ha.   I just like to blame him for my mistakes...doesn't everyone????

Edited by JustWood 2012-04-08 3:35 PM

2012-04-08 4:15 PM
in reply to: #4123816

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Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN

Welcome all the new peeps, I particularly like JW's dog/beer avatar!

Hope you enjoyed the church service Jayne, what made you go? We went to a Catholic mass a few months ago for a friends' son's confirmation and I felt very awkward, I went to a posh English boys school which was Anglican and you had to go to "chapel" every morning so I thought I would know all the hymns but I didn't recognize one! I'm afraid 11 years of daily chapel didn't have the desired effect on me and I'm a weddings and funerals attendee now. The other thing about my school was that you spent every Thursday in military uniform and had to go to school on Saturdays too - when my kids play up I threaten them with weekend school!

I did a 19km run last night, my longest since my HM last July, I felt very strong right to the end but my left Achilles had a tender spot after, it didn't hurt if I didn't touch it and the tenderness went away if I bent my foot upwards, any thoughts??? I iced it but there wasn't any swelling. I did notice a bit of skin had rubbed off so maybe the shoes was rubbing???

2012-04-08 4:44 PM
in reply to: #4123816

Charlotte, NC
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
Happy Easter all!!!
2012-04-08 4:59 PM
in reply to: #4136838

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Verona WI--Ironman Bike Country!
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
_Deb_ - 2012-04-08 3:13 PM

JustWood - 2012-04-08 1:55 PM Ha. I am sorry... blame fatty, he douple dawg dared me to call you Kayla & not Kyla.... I gotta do something about all the un's & real names.... I am too easily confuzzled (been a minute since I dabbled in the mg life)

Are you Fatty's minion?

Aren't we all?

2012-04-08 6:32 PM
in reply to: #4136817

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Brevard, North Carolina
Subject: RE: swbkrun mentor group 6 years running OPEN
JustWood - 2012-04-08 4:00 PMWelcome Jayne & nani.

Dude, I'm not new. Lol
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