BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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2013-05-08 12:41 PM
in reply to: #4733103

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Houston, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!

enders_shadow - 2013-05-08 8:51 AM Multitude of questions that occurred to me during my run this morning.....

1) I know what they will be serving at the aid stations during the run of my HIM. I assume I should practice eating some of the stuff on a long run to see how it works out - (water, HEED, ice, flat Coke, Chex mix, orange quarters, Hammer Gel, and E-Caps). I was planning on carrying my own drink (see next question) - so I figured I'd try out the chex mix and orange quarters - I prefer to go natural over chemical. Any benefit I'm not thinking of with respect to the Hammer Gel and E-caps?

2) I have had cramping issues in the past, so I did my last 2 half-marys with nuun (my electrolyte of choice) in my camelback. I'm planning on doing this during the HIM - I'm not out to set any speed records - any huge negatives for me throwing my camelback on in T2 for the run leg? For the half marys, I was able to use the camelback + the water at aid stations to hydrate fine.

3) KT Tape. I've had ITB issues in the past, but they seem to be in the past. However, when going for a run of > 1 hour, I generally tape up my knees as a precaution. I could a) wean myself off the KT tape or b) plan on wearing it for the race - I assume I put it on before the race...does it stay on in water as well as they claim or will it just be a hassle for me?

4) Calf sleeves - based on my cramping issues before, I usually run my half marys (and runs > 10 miles) with calf sleeves. What do you do about these in races (or is this something else I need to wean myself off of)?

5) Watches & wetsuits. I have a heck of a time getting my wetsuit on and off as it is - how do I deal with that and my watch (Garmin 305)? Sorry if any of these are silly, but I need something other than my lousy swim to occupy my panic zone.

I can't answer all of your questions, but I may be able to help you out with some of them.

1) I'd stick with stuff you've trained with, and if you prefer not to use the gels and e-caps, train with the chex mix and orange and see how your body tolerates it.  If you have positive experiences with them, go with it....if not, figure out what works for you (even if it means bringing your own nutrition).

2) There are a couple drawbacks I see with the camelbak -- one is that it won't be easy to refill (unless you stop, which if you're not out to break any speed records, maybe you're fine with this plan) and another is that having it on your back might make it more difficult to keep cool??

3) I've never used KT Tape, but I have used Rock Tape, and that stuff will stay on!  My chiropractor put it on me on Friday night, race was on Sunday, and I peeled it off Monday in the shower -- multiple showers, a couple runs, and an entire race with the Rock Tape not budging.

5) When I pull my wetsuit off, it comes off inside out -- somehow that makes it come off over the watch, even though I'm quite certain I could not put it on with the watch on my wrist.  Give it a try and see if it works.  If it doesn't, you could pull the watch off before peeling your wetsuit down....alternatively, you could mount it on your bike and start the time when you start the bike leg (that's what a friend of mine did).

2013-05-08 1:26 PM
in reply to: #4723777

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Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!
Too late to join? Doing 2 HIMs this year, and think this would be a great group for any/all questions & prep.  Let me know, and I'll do a bio post!

2013-05-08 1:34 PM
in reply to: #4733348

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2013-05-08 1:36 PM
in reply to: #4733460

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2013-05-08 1:37 PM
in reply to: #4733224

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2013-05-08 1:40 PM
in reply to: #4733370

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2013-05-08 1:48 PM
in reply to: #4733198

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!
stevesflyshop - 2013-05-08 12:28 PM
amd723 - 2013-05-08 9:59 AM
bgeyeguy - 2013-05-08 9:50 AM
dmbfan4life20 - 2013-05-08 9:33 AM

Hey guys I am getting ready to walk out the door and drive to Philadelphia to start my week long Police Unity Tour Ride!!! super excited to ride in honor of my friend who died in September and spend some time in DC at Police Week. Longest 4 rides ever so it should be loads of fun. I wanted to let everyone know that I will check in when I can but I am not sure what access to a computer or internet I will have over the next week so I don't want anyone to think I dropped out of the group or anything like that. Looking forward to posting a RR with some pics when I come back. Great thread on the brick info because I was wondering if I should do any during the ride or not. Good luck to anyone who is racing this week and happy training to everyone else!

Have fun, be safe!


X3! Pictures or it didn't happen

x4 overall, x2 on the pics!!

2013-05-08 1:54 PM
in reply to: #4733277

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!
doxie - 2013-05-08 1:00 PM

2. I don't use a CamelBak, so can't really speak on why you shouldn't, but my gut reaction is that it would be heavy and I don't know if *I* would want that weight & heat on my back when I'm already tired from swimming and biking. If you are looking for an easy way to use Nuun (which I also use), I just pop a tab in my mouth and let it fizzle and dissolve, chase with water at an aid station. If you go that route, definitely try it beforehand!

Brilliant - I have to try this (although I admit that I like the taste of it in the water - which will still work for the bike, but for the run?  This might be perfect).

I have some salt tabs I might try on some long runs/rides this year, but not sure I want to go that route (not sure why, just not what I want to do for some reason).

2013-05-08 2:00 PM
in reply to: #4733370

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!
ligersandtions - 2013-05-08 1:41 PM

5) When I pull my wetsuit off, it comes off inside out -- somehow that makes it come off over the watch, even though I'm quite certain I could not put it on with the watch on my wrist.  Give it a try and see if it works.  If it doesn't, you could pull the watch off before peeling your wetsuit down....alternatively, you could mount it on your bike and start the time when you start the bike leg (that's what a friend of mine did).

x2.  Last year I did one race taking the watch off running to T1 - total pain.  The other, I peeled the wetsuit off inside out and it popped right over the 910.  Only thing to watch for is inadvertently hitting the lap or "stop" button.

There is a way lock the buttons (I *think* it's mode and up arrow at the same time).  So you could start it at the start, lock it just out of the water, take off the wetsuit and unlock it after the sleeve is off - then use as normal.

Might be too much button-ology for a race setting (I know my mind doesn't focus well in a race on anything other than keeping the gas pedal down, so YMMV)...

Or just peel and if it hits a button, just accept a slightly different split than the timing chip - it wouldn't be that different anyway.


ETA - wrt carrying a bottle on the run (Nathan makes one that is good), I did that in a HM last Nov and it worked well.  Had Kim and the kids hand me a freshie 1/2 way through.  Perfect.  BUT, I don't like to carry anything (and belts are a pain when I'm racing - just the feel of them is too "training-runny" for my taste).  So, we've recently started doing middle distance runs with a fuel belt bottle that fits in one's "natal cleft," as it were (aka, your butt-crack).  It has a cylidrical top 1/3 and then is flat to the bottom, with a kind of shelf that catches on your shorts waistband.  After about 200m, you get used to the feel and it works really well...  Just another option!

Edited by mcmanusclan5 2013-05-08 2:05 PM
2013-05-08 2:01 PM
in reply to: #4733460

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!

Mike_D - 2013-05-08 2:26 PM Too late to join? Doing 2 HIMs this year, and think this would be a great group for any/all questions & prep.  Let me know, and I'll do a bio post!


Hey Mike - how'd the Quincy HM go??


2013-05-08 2:21 PM
in reply to: #4733103

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!

enders_shadow - 2013-05-08 5:51 AM Multitude of questions that occurred to me during my run this morning..... 1) I know what they will be serving at the aid stations during the run of my HIM. I assume I should practice eating some of the stuff on a long run to see how it works out - (water, HEED, ice, flat Coke, Chex mix, orange quarters, Hammer Gel, and E-Caps). I was planning on carrying my own drink (see next question) - so I figured I'd try out the chex mix and orange quarters - I prefer to go natural over chemical. Any benefit I'm not thinking of with respect to the Hammer Gel and E-caps?

You should always practice your nutrition whether it be what they serve on course (if you choose to take from the aid stations) or if you plan to bring your own.  I must admit that I'm lucky to have a tolerant stomach and don't need to test as much as far as what my stomach will agree with.  It's more about taste and texture, and choosing the products or items that have the nutritional ingredients that I need. 

2) I have had cramping issues in the past, so I did my last 2 half-marys with nuun (my electrolyte of choice) in my camelback. I'm planning on doing this during the HIM - I'm not out to set any speed records - any huge negatives for me throwing my camelback on in T2 for the run leg? For the half marys, I was able to use the camelback + the water at aid stations to hydrate fine.

Again, just be sure to test the camelbak in training.  It should be fine if that's what you prefer over bottles, but take into consideration that some camelbaks may not allow heat to dissapate as well off your back.  If it's going to be a hot bike ride, that's something you may want to consider, or least test in training.  Regarding the cramping is of my belief that cramping has more to do with pushing harder than your fitness allows rather than some form of hydration or electrolyte issue.  A lot of people report cramping issues when the temperature is hot...and that's likely because when it gets hot, it becomes more difficult for our bodies to work at the same effort as we are used to.  Therefore if we don't back off a tad (or sometimes a lot), we are essentially going harder than our body is trained to.  Thus the cramping issues.  Of course it is still important to drink a little more when it's hot, but just don't get confused into thinking all you need to do is drink more to solve cramping issues.

3) KT Tape. I've had ITB issues in the past, but they seem to be in the past. However, when going for a run of > 1 hour, I generally tape up my knees as a precaution. I could a) wean myself off the KT tape or b) plan on wearing it for the race - I assume I put it on before the race...does it stay on in water as well as they claim or will it just be a hassle for me?

After a bike crash, my PT gave me some KT tape for my shoulder.  He said it was ok to swim with, and for the most part, it stayed there.  But all I did was swim...didn't race with it.  I know others who have done races where the KT tape was applied before the race.

4) Calf sleeves - based on my cramping issues before, I usually run my half marys (and runs > 10 miles) with calf sleeves. What do you do about these in races (or is this something else I need to wean myself off of)?

I don't use calf sleeves.  Many people swear by them, but I don't think there is anything proven that shows they help performance during the time of exercise.  There have been many pros who have admitted to wearing them during races only because of sponsorship obligations, as some felt it made no difference while training or racing.  However, there are some studies that compression helps during recovery.  I do own a pair of recovery tights, and after some hard training or races, they do seem to help.  Especially good for plane rides after a race.


5) Watches & wetsuits. I have a heck of a time getting my wetsuit on and off as it is - how do I deal with that and my watch (Garmin 305)? Sorry if any of these are silly, but I need something other than my lousy swim to occupy my panic zone.

The water is almost never cold enough for a wetsuit where I live, so sorry, I've got nothing for you there. 

Great questions though!

2013-05-08 2:22 PM
in reply to: #4723777

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!

Last of this string of posts, lest I end up talking to myself...

Did a mostly unintentional brick this morning.  Plan called for some brutal hill reps (5x3+ minutes - but I was between 324 and 350W for them, and didn't drop wattage in the later ones, so I'm happy with that for this point in the season!) and then an aerobic ride home, and an optional 30-45 minute run at some point.  It was so nice out this morning, and going to rain all evening, that I got off the bike, changed and ran without really thinking about it (short run - 3.5 miles).

First one I've done in a lot of months, and it was good to remind me what that heavy leg feeling is like.  Also good to remind me that just cuz they feel heavy, doesn't mean I'm running slowly (went about 1min/mile faster than my target pace and didn't realize it until the 910 buzzed and provided a reality data check).

Ah, learning...

Felt good, though!


2013-05-08 2:23 PM
in reply to: #4732270

Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!
Good bike shops will let you try a saddle for a few weeks and return if it doesn't work. I have been using Adamo for years and while it has solved some issues, it does tend to chafe because it is a wider nose saddle. That tends to be solved when getting outside since you are moving around more. Ask the bike shop abut returns so you can try different saddles if you need to.
2013-05-08 2:26 PM
in reply to: #4723777

Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!
Matt -- I was a DNS due to a naggin hammy issue which is driving me crazy.
2013-05-08 2:33 PM
in reply to: #4733103

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!

enders_shadow - 2013-05-08 8:51 AM 5) Watches & wetsuits. I have a heck of a time getting my wetsuit on and off as it is - how do I deal with that and my watch (Garmin 305)?


I have had good luck putting my wetsuit on, rolling up my left sleeve (where my watch goes) and then stretching the wetsuit over the watch.  It's a little tight fitting, but I don't notice it during the swim.  Plus, even if it was a little uncomfortable, it's better than losing the watch.

2013-05-08 2:35 PM
in reply to: #4733103

Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!
1) use what works for you, if up you can eat drink off the course all the better and less to carry, but practice with it first, several times 2) I can be a major cramper in heat because I have a really high sweat rate. I will usually wear zensah socks and also carry endurolytes or bring endurolytes fizz tabs (same as noun). I personally would not recommend a camel back for a tri ... It is too heavy, may not let you cool and tri courses generally have enough stations to fill up at. I am a person that always carries a bottle no matter how short, try a handheld bottle or fuel belt. You will find that either will allow you to carry everything you think you need and can mix with water at aid stations 3) if tape works, use it 4) if you want to wear sleeves, do it but them them on before the swim, it will be near impossible after 5) everyone has trouble getting in a wetsuit, but shouldn't be too bad getting out of, practice. Use tri slide, body glide. 305 is not waterproof, plan to leave in transition or on your bike.

2013-05-08 2:43 PM
in reply to: #4723777

Just South of Boston
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!

Hi, everyone. Here's my info:

NAME: Mike_D/ Mike D

STORY: I'm 46, and just over 3 years off the couch. Lost 60 pounds since then. Got into tri's when asked to be the bike guy in a relay at the local sprint tri in June 2010. Had not ridden a bike in ages before that.  I was slow at the tri, and was riding my Trek 7200 street hybrid, so the goal was to finish my leg.  After doing it, I decided I had to do a race myself, and signed up for a race within a week. Could not run or swim at the time I signed up, so I had my work cut out for me. Was totally addicted the second I crossed the finish line. It was one of the best feelings of my life. 2013 will be a big year and I hope to continue to build on what I've learned, and hopefully share it with the group. 

FAMILY STATUS: Married for 17 years, 2 kids - girls ages 13 + 10.

CURRENT TRAINING: Working toward the first race of the year -- Patriot HIM on 6/15. Training has been inconsistant, and I'm also suffering from a nagging hammy issue which has been around for a couple months. It got to the point in mid April where I stopped running for 2 weeks, and it feels better,  but I'm very aware of it, and a bit paranoid about making it worse. Run volume is low, but swim & bike are good.

THIS YEAR'S RACES: In 2012 I ran my first HM, did 2 sprints, and a highly disappointing DNF in my first HIM in June (bike crash)

2013 RACES:  2 HIMs (Patriot, Timberman), 1 Oly (NYC Tri), 1 sprint (Cohasset, MA), a maybe a HM this fall. Plus a 1 mile swim race across Boston Harbor in September

WEIGHTLOSS: down 60 pounds since I started this madness

WHAT AM I LOOKING FOR OR GOALS:  In light of the hammy issue, my expectations for the June HIM is to finish with a smile. I had a bike crash on this course last year which ruined my season. I literally broke my bike in half on it, although I was lucky enough to not be seriously hurt. I'm REALLY looking forward to going back and crossing the line this year.  Since my second  HIM is 2 months after the first, I'm sure i'll have plenty of questions about ramping training back up, and other related things. 

Edited by Mike_D 2013-05-08 2:46 PM
2013-05-08 2:52 PM
in reply to: #4723777

Elgin, IL
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!
My name is Carrie and I live in Elgin, IL. I am single with 2 chocolate labs (Bella and Briggs) and a cat named Tag. I and a financial controller. My story: I used to play ice hockey for many, many years until too many injuries/surgeries ended my playing days. I was looking for competition, but couldn't run because I always got she splints. I tried an Olympic aquabike a few years back, then a couple half aquabikes the next year and that wasn't good enough. As much as I hated running, I had to do a tri! So I did. Then The last 2 years I spent running since that is my biggest weakness. Now I am back to tris ... I just finished the Rev3 Knoxville Olympic on Sunday, now on to training for Muncie 70.3! 2013 Races: Rev3 Knoxville Olympic - DONE, LITH Sprint, Pleasant Prairie Olympic, Muncie 70.3, Soldier Field 10 Miler. Weightloss: started at about 210 lbs about 5 years ago, down about 40-45lbs, still need to lose another 30 lbs.
2013-05-08 3:23 PM
in reply to: #4723777

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!

Welcom Carrie and Mike

One last thing about the calf sleeves.  It is my understanding that if your race is USAT sanctioned and not wetsuit legal, they will not allow you to wear calf sleeves during the swim, but you may put them on during the bike or run.  Per the rules, I don't think you are allowed to wear any type of arm sleeves or anything below the knee if the swim is not wetsuit legal.  Something to possibly consider.

2013-05-08 4:44 PM
in reply to: #4733601

Austin, Texas
Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!
Mike_D - 2013-05-08 3:26 PMMatt -- I was a DNS due to a naggin hammy issue which is driving me crazy.
Bummer - sounds like it's at least progressing well from the bio. Welcome aboard.
2013-05-08 6:27 PM
in reply to: #4733643

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2013-05-08 6:28 PM
in reply to: #4733627

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2013-05-08 6:36 PM
in reply to: #4733103

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!

enders_shadow - 2013-05-08 11:51 AM Multitude of questions that occurred to me during my run this morning.....

2) I have had cramping issues in the past, so I did my last 2 half-marys with nuun (my electrolyte of choice) in my camelback. I'm planning on doing this during the HIM - I'm not out to set any speed records - any huge negatives for me throwing my camelback on in T2 for the run leg? For the half marys, I was able to use the camelback + the water at aid stations to hydrate fine.

I've never used a camelback so I can't really comment .  I wear a belt while training but don't like anything while racing.  I kept a disposable water bottle in T2 and took it with me on the run and then just tossed it when I was done and lived off the course.  I preferred that.  I liked not having to wait until the first mile to get a drink after the bike.

As for the rest I can't really comment.  When I've worn a Garmin I've just put it on in T1.  I'm usually at the back of the pack and don't mind waiting til after the race to find out my times.

2013-05-08 6:38 PM
in reply to: #4723777

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2013-05-08 7:04 PM
in reply to: #4733970

Subject: RE: Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group OPEN!

Fred D - 2013-05-08 7:38 PM Tired today but was able to get a decent run in at lunch. I ended up booking hotels for my 2 HIMs this year. Makes it seem more real as the time is approaching soon. Hoping for a better racing year this time. Anyone here have any race specific goals?

I've held off booking my hotel until after I ride the course!  Knowing my luck I'll finally have that boost of confidence only to find myself without a place to stay!! 

My goal is to beat my past HIM time.  I'm not as well prepared and was in better shape back then but... I had some mechanical issues on the bike, horrible cramping on the run, and it was a VERY hilly course so it would be nice to have a smooth race and see what a 'normal' time is.

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BT Development Mentor Program Archives » Fred D and Jason's (Tri808) Half Ironman Mentor Group CLOSED! Rss Feed  
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