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2015-03-29 7:47 AM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Tri-Mania Boston

Originally posted by rjchilds8 Some thoughts from attending Tri-Mania today in Boston. Overall, the expo wasn't too bad. I was hoping to get some good info out of the first session, Run off the Bike Like a Runner. Totally bogus. That title was totally misleading. The guy presented some OK information, but it was mostly just general triathlon information and had virtually nothing to do with that transition from bike to run. About the only thing specific to the bike/run change was mentioning to make sure you made the transition at a heart rate you could sustain through the run. Since I don't monitor my heart rate, it was not useful to me. I was really hoping for more. The next seminar was about nutrition in the 24-hour period before the race. Some surprising information from that guy, basically saying not to change your diet (at least not too drastically) just because it is the night before the race. I skipped most of the "Tri Bike Gear Showcase" so I could cruise the booths. Some clothing/gear vendors, nutrition vendors, coaching/services, and a bunch of booths for events. Picked up a few flyers for events including an Olympic about a month after my A race that might be interesting since it is near where my family lives in VT. After that I went to a swimming Q&A session with Sheila Taormina. She was pretty funny. She talked some about swim technique and then they opened the mic up for questions. I asked about my foot cramps, but I wanted more info so I cornered her after her session was over to pick her brain some more. She was very approachable and obviously passionate about the topic of swimming. She probably spent 10 minutes talking to me about it and she felt that I just needed to relax my ankles while swimming. She won a gold medal at the '96 Olympics as a swimmer and she made the '00 and '04 Olympic triathlon teams and finally the modern pentathlon in '08, so I figured I'd try as she suggested. Next was another Q&A with Julie Dibens, who finished 3rd in 2010 at the Ironman World Championships in Kona. She talked about more than just triathlon since she is branching out into other endurance sports. Interesting talk. Would have been better if the guy moderating the Q&A wouldn't have been such an attention hog. Sorry, bud, I came to listen to this person that is the keynote speaker, not you! Anyway, last up for me was a seminar called "Achieve Your Breakout Swim". Again, high hopes that were dashed. I left after less than 10 minutes. I could tell she was basically just going to tell you that you needed to do drills to develop and ingrain you technique. Overall, not bad, but I didn't get as much out of it as I had hoped. I know it would be hard to deliver major insights in a short period of time, but a couple of the seminars were just about a complete waste of time. I'll probably take away 3 things that I feel I can use. It was a good experience but I'm not sure I'd go again next year.

Sounds like a fun experience even if you didn't get as much out of it as you had hoped.  I always find expo's and the like to be motivational just due to the atmosphere and being around like minded athletes.


2015-03-29 7:50 AM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Indoor triathlon race report

Originally posted by scottjjmtri99 ok bear with me as i am on my phone. Raced in an indoor Tri this morning. We started out on a spin bike for 12 miles. Everyone had the same style bike. Then we run to a treadmill for 3.1 miles followed by 500yds in the pool. I set up the spin bike to my height and wait to start. I had my legs spinning as fast as I could make them go. (They did have the resistance set so it wasn't too easy) I finish first in 30:40 and legs feel good and run to the area with the treadmills jumping on the first one that becomes available and decide to go for it (crash and burn style) 2 miles in I'm burning. Back off the speed a little and when there's 1/4 mile left I go for broke and finish the run 21:07 also for fastest overall time. I then pretty much walk briskly to the pool catching my breath before starting the last leg of this triathlon. I was hoping to be around 10 minutes in the pool. That would be about where my swimming has been in practice but I never biked and ran first. So, it was going to get interesting quick. All went very well in the pool. The othe racers were hot on my tail but couldn't quite catch me. The swim was completed in 9:34 for the triathlon win! Total time was 1:03:04 ahead of second place by only 19 seconds! This was a great event and will definitely be back next year to defend my title! I didn't really think I had a shot as there was a guy there that competed in the world championships last year. So, now I'm gonna start dreaming up some bigger goals. Very happy with my effort. Everything seemed to go as I planned. (Doesn't happen much lol) Hope yall are having a great weekend! Scott

Awesome job! Can't do any better than 1st Overall!!!


2015-03-29 9:50 PM
in reply to: burner2

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Subject: Weekend Race
Congrats to Burner and Scott on some pretty great performances!
I raced this weekend also, but did not preform nearly as well. If you want to see my race report follow the link.

This was a super sprint, and took place a little more than an hour and a half away.
It was cold and rainy when I got up with temps below 40. Fortunately it stopped raining and the skies cleared.
I had seeded myself at 1:40/100 for the 250 yard swim. I was seeded 31. 29 and 30 didn't line up. Since it was a pool swim they started swimmers every 10-20 sec. I was about 100 yards in when I was on the heals of the swimmer in front of me. There was a pile up so to speak, and one person grabbed the wall and let four of us pass. I was still faster than the other three and actually had to breast stroke because it was that uncomfortable. Again one person let us pass at the wall. Things still to slow. Finally got to the last person in front of me and he wasn't stopping at the wall. I gave him an opertunity and then decided to pass him midlane, and almost collided with a swimmer going in the other direction. My actual swim time was 4:02. I was pretty happy with that. This was good for 3 of 13 in AG and 23 of 123 overall.

Short run to TA, which was where the mat was. T1 sucked. Couldn't get my shirt on. It was 41 degrees and I was starting to get numb. Time here was way to long at 2:18. This was 11 of 13 in AG and 70th overall.

The bike was an out and back. With a few hills. There was a bit of wind that was really hard to fight against at times.
There was 2 160 degree turns, and one turn around. At the turn around you went back against the wind. It was really cold and I just kept trying to make myself small. In the headwind I focused on my upstroke which allowed me to catch a few people. Only one person passed me on the bike while going down hill. I only had one outdoor ride this season and wasn't willing to open it up (the roads were a little pitted and cracked), but I passed him on the up hill. Overall I think I passed 8. Time 22:28 for 7 miles. I was 5th in AG on the bike, and 23rd overall.

T2 was a little better, but not great. 1:06 8th in AG and 70 overall

The run killed me. My legs felt pretty frozen. I started out at about an 7:50 pace and was passed by two people quickly. I was hoping to hold an 8 minute pace and knew I wouldn't be able to stay with them. One was in my age group, one was 25. I took my first mile in 8:26. My legs were really heavy. felt frozen. Had wanted to push the last half for a 8 min mile. I could here some people behind me I and held them off for the next half mile when one caught me on a hill. I stayed with him. He was in the age group above me so no pressure for either of us. A fourth guy came up in his age group and they both beat me out. My second mile was 8:36. My GPS had the race at 2:07miles and I didn't have a satellite for 20 seconds, I think this was 2.1mile course. Although they called it 2 miles. Time 17:52. 9th in AG and 42 overall.

I ended up finishing 34th of 123, and 8 of 13 in age group. I would have won the 30-34 age group, and been fourth in the 40-44.

Overall pretty satisfied. It was a reminder than I had been slaking on the run. I haven't been putting in the bike or run miles. I only started interval and temp training midmonth and my long runs have only now gotten up to 5 miles.

My age group seems to be deep. Don't know if I will reach my goal of a podium this year.
2015-03-30 1:24 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Weekend Race
Originally posted by nrpoulin

Overall pretty satisfied. It was a reminder than I had been slaking on the run. I haven't been putting in the bike or run miles. I only started interval and temp training midmonth and my long runs have only now gotten up to 5 miles.

My age group seems to be deep. Don't know if I will reach my goal of a podium this year.

Nice race, Nate! Sounds like you're really doing well with your swimming. I'm sure it was frustrating having to slow down for others. What was the gap between you and 1st for the swim?

Not sure what your age group is, but it always seems to be the case that my age group (40-49) is full of strong competitors. I remember doing a 5K a few years back. I beat my younger brother's time by half a minute, but he got 2nd place in his age group (30-39) and I ended up 8th in mine! So not fair.

But that's a great swim time. Put in the work on your run and the podium will be within your reach.
2015-03-30 8:42 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Subject: RE: Weekend Race
The winner was a 1:34 in front of me on the swim. He also finished held a 6:30 pace on the run! Ringer!!!

2015-03-31 10:14 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: Lower leg pain
I had an "interesting" moment during my run last night. About mile 4 of my 5 mile run I started feeling a pain towards the outside of the lower part of my leg. It was a little ways below the knee and it was in the front (rather in the back, so not the calf). It wasn't horribly bad, but it was noticeable and had me a little worried. I decided to keep running to see if it got worse or what would happen. After maybe 2 minutes of running, it actually went away and I finished my run not feeling any more pain. I did some research last night on shin splints and looking for any other possible "diagnosis". It didn't exactly seem to fit the description for shin splits. I pressed around the area where the pain had been and there was no discomfort, so I ruled out a stress fracture. I thought possibly even just a cramp, but it really didn't feel like a typical cramp, so I wasn't sure that was it either. It seems fine this morning, so no lingering effects. I'm just wondering if anyone has any idea what it might have been. Anyone experience anything like that before?

2015-03-31 12:18 PM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Lower leg pain

Originally posted by rjchilds8 I had an "interesting" moment during my run last night. About mile 4 of my 5 mile run I started feeling a pain towards the outside of the lower part of my leg. It was a little ways below the knee and it was in the front (rather in the back, so not the calf). It wasn't horribly bad, but it was noticeable and had me a little worried. I decided to keep running to see if it got worse or what would happen. After maybe 2 minutes of running, it actually went away and I finished my run not feeling any more pain. I did some research last night on shin splints and looking for any other possible "diagnosis". It didn't exactly seem to fit the description for shin splits. I pressed around the area where the pain had been and there was no discomfort, so I ruled out a stress fracture. I thought possibly even just a cramp, but it really didn't feel like a typical cramp, so I wasn't sure that was it either. It seems fine this morning, so no lingering effects. I'm just wondering if anyone has any idea what it might have been. Anyone experience anything like that before?

I've got to go back and catch up on some of the posts here, but I'll go ahead and comment on this.  

Not sure what you had, but I get minor aches and pains all the time that come and go while running.  If it's not too bad, I just keep going and after a few minutes they go away. I think if I had something seriously wrong, I would be able to recognize that as something different, but all the small stuff, I just work through it and keep going. So in my experience, pretty normal.

2015-03-31 3:30 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Cleburne, Texas
Subject: RE: Lower leg pain

Originally posted by Dominion

Originally posted by rjchilds8 I had an "interesting" moment during my run last night. About mile 4 of my 5 mile run I started feeling a pain towards the outside of the lower part of my leg. It was a little ways below the knee and it was in the front (rather in the back, so not the calf). It wasn't horribly bad, but it was noticeable and had me a little worried. I decided to keep running to see if it got worse or what would happen. After maybe 2 minutes of running, it actually went away and I finished my run not feeling any more pain. I did some research last night on shin splints and looking for any other possible "diagnosis". It didn't exactly seem to fit the description for shin splits. I pressed around the area where the pain had been and there was no discomfort, so I ruled out a stress fracture. I thought possibly even just a cramp, but it really didn't feel like a typical cramp, so I wasn't sure that was it either. It seems fine this morning, so no lingering effects. I'm just wondering if anyone has any idea what it might have been. Anyone experience anything like that before?

I've got to go back and catch up on some of the posts here, but I'll go ahead and comment on this.  

Not sure what you had, but I get minor aches and pains all the time that come and go while running.  If it's not too bad, I just keep going and after a few minutes they go away. I think if I had something seriously wrong, I would be able to recognize that as something different, but all the small stuff, I just work through it and keep going. So in my experience, pretty normal.

I agree with chris.  I was getting a pain in the posterior side of my upper calf for a while when running but it started lingering. I went back to foam rolling as well as stability exercises before runs and when ever I could fit it in. I focused on the posterior side of my legs, IT Band, and hips.  Not only did the pain go away but my legs felt much better after a few days/weeks. 

March totals:

Swim: 4h 38m 44s - 11800 Yd

Bike: 8h 58m - 134.27 Mi

Run: 9h 49m 37s - 58.22 Mi

Strength: 1h 55m

Hiking: 10h 40m 50s

2015-03-31 4:03 PM
in reply to: burner2

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Spokane Superheroes 5K Fun Run

Congrats to Cassandra on yet another PR! ( and a great costume!)

2015-03-31 4:16 PM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: RE: Weekend Race

Originally posted by nrpoulin Congrats to Burner and Scott on some pretty great performances! I raced this weekend also, but did not preform nearly as well. If you want to see my race report follow the link. This was a super sprint, and took place a little more than an hour and a half away. It was cold and rainy when I got up with temps below 40. Fortunately it stopped raining and the skies cleared. I had seeded myself at 1:40/100 for the 250 yard swim. I was seeded 31. 29 and 30 didn't line up. Since it was a pool swim they started swimmers every 10-20 sec. I was about 100 yards in when I was on the heals of the swimmer in front of me. There was a pile up so to speak, and one person grabbed the wall and let four of us pass. I was still faster than the other three and actually had to breast stroke because it was that uncomfortable. Again one person let us pass at the wall. Things still to slow. Finally got to the last person in front of me and he wasn't stopping at the wall. I gave him an opertunity and then decided to pass him midlane, and almost collided with a swimmer going in the other direction. My actual swim time was 4:02. I was pretty happy with that. This was good for 3 of 13 in AG and 23 of 123 overall. Short run to TA, which was where the mat was. T1 sucked. Couldn't get my shirt on. It was 41 degrees and I was starting to get numb. Time here was way to long at 2:18. This was 11 of 13 in AG and 70th overall. The bike was an out and back. With a few hills. There was a bit of wind that was really hard to fight against at times. There was 2 160 degree turns, and one turn around. At the turn around you went back against the wind. It was really cold and I just kept trying to make myself small. In the headwind I focused on my upstroke which allowed me to catch a few people. Only one person passed me on the bike while going down hill. I only had one outdoor ride this season and wasn't willing to open it up (the roads were a little pitted and cracked), but I passed him on the up hill. Overall I think I passed 8. Time 22:28 for 7 miles. I was 5th in AG on the bike, and 23rd overall. T2 was a little better, but not great. 1:06 8th in AG and 70 overall The run killed me. My legs felt pretty frozen. I started out at about an 7:50 pace and was passed by two people quickly. I was hoping to hold an 8 minute pace and knew I wouldn't be able to stay with them. One was in my age group, one was 25. I took my first mile in 8:26. My legs were really heavy. felt frozen. Had wanted to push the last half for a 8 min mile. I could here some people behind me I and held them off for the next half mile when one caught me on a hill. I stayed with him. He was in the age group above me so no pressure for either of us. A fourth guy came up in his age group and they both beat me out. My second mile was 8:36. My GPS had the race at 2:07miles and I didn't have a satellite for 20 seconds, I think this was 2.1mile course. Although they called it 2 miles. Time 17:52. 9th in AG and 42 overall. I ended up finishing 34th of 123, and 8 of 13 in age group. I would have won the 30-34 age group, and been fourth in the 40-44. over. Overall pretty satisfied. It was a reminder than I had been slaking on the run. I haven't been putting in the bike or run miles. I only started interval and temp training midmonth and my long runs have only now gotten up to 5 miles. My age group seems to be deep. Don't know if I will reach my goal of a podium this year.



The 35-39 and 40-44 AG are often the deepest and toughest out there. That's when the former HS and College athletes are going through a mid-life crisis come back to wreak havoc on everyone else. Hang in there, work on your weaknesses, and focus on what you have to do and not what anybody else may or may not be doing. Continue to improve and podium spots will come.  Being honest with yourself, you admit having only 1 outdoor ride so far and not putting in much run work, so that is where you start. 

Sometimes when the conditions like weather aren't ideal that can play a major role in performance as well. I wouldn't get too down on myself for this one early season race that didn't go as well as planned. Plenty of time for improvement and redemption. 

Also, I have never done a pool race where we were going in opposite directions in the same lane. It's always been moving from 1 lane to the next across the pool. Usually passing in those situations isn't that difficult, you just have to go for it. But with swimmers coming toward you, then yeah that would make it difficult.

2015-03-31 8:27 PM
in reply to: 0

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Deep South, Georgia
Subject: Monthly Totals

While my March totals weren't quite where I had hoped, it was a nice bounce back month from the low numbers of February.

S: 16,842 yds     

B: 225 miles

R: 74 miles                  



Edited by Dominion 2015-03-31 8:28 PM

2015-04-01 12:36 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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Pacific Northwest, Washington
Subject: Monthly Totals
S: 10,000 yards
B: 112.62 miles
R: 38.62 miles
Strength training: 9 hours 35 min.

My numbers are way down this month because I spent most of March feeling not just like I was hurting, but like I am hurt. I'm always pretty much hurting and have been since I started this journey a year ago, but now sometimes the pain is such that I feel I wouldn't be wise to work through it. So, I took quite a few days off in March. Mostly, it cut into my running as I get this weird pain behind my left knee that comes on strong any time I run, even short distances, and lingers for days. I'd see a doctor about it, but that's a half day off work and a four-hour drive to the city and back. Sometimes, rural living is a real inconvenience. But, only sometimes.

I've started meeting with a performance trainer. Since, again, it's a four-hour drive to the city and back, I will meet with her once a month until June, and then twice a month through the summer. She gave me some strength training exercises and running exercises, which I haven't been able to do because I've been hurting. Oh, well. Just trying to take it easy for now and let my body heal, which is really difficult for me. I have a really hard time sitting still. I put up a basketball hoop so I could at least shoot hoops in the driveway when I'm too sore to run or swim and get some exercise that way. I don't know if it helps me so much physically as it does mentally, LOL, because at least I feel like I'm doing something without putting too much stress on my body.

I finally bought a new bike! My plan had been to buy a nice, used triathlon bike for $1500 to $2000, but then my landlord decided to sell my house, so I bought an entry-level road bike (Specialized Allez) and my house, instead. I got the bike new locally, and it was assembled by the same mechanic who maintains my current stable of bikes, and I trust his work. That was a real plus for me, as well as the fact that it will have a local warranty and I can get it repaired without having to make that four-hour round trip. I'm taking it to the city on Saturday for a professional fitting. It'll be the first time I've ever had a bike professionally fitted.

My only race in April is an off-road 10K run on the 19th. It will be my longest run to date and gets me a little closer to the Bloomsday 12K distance. The Bloomsday race is the first Sunday in May and expected attendance will top 50,000 people. It is HUGE!!! After that, the tri season starts.


NewBike.jpg (121KB - 2 downloads)
2015-04-01 2:12 AM
in reply to: rjchilds8

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Subject: RE: Lower leg pain
Originally posted by rjchilds8

I had an "interesting" moment during my run last night. About mile 4 of my 5 mile run I started feeling a pain towards the outside of the lower part of my leg. It was a little ways below the knee and it was in the front (rather in the back, so not the calf). It wasn't horribly bad, but it was noticeable and had me a little worried. I decided to keep running to see if it got worse or what would happen. After maybe 2 minutes of running, it actually went away and I finished my run not feeling any more pain. I did some research last night on shin splints and looking for any other possible "diagnosis". It didn't exactly seem to fit the description for shin splits. I pressed around the area where the pain had been and there was no discomfort, so I ruled out a stress fracture. I thought possibly even just a cramp, but it really didn't feel like a typical cramp, so I wasn't sure that was it either. It seems fine this morning, so no lingering effects. I'm just wondering if anyone has any idea what it might have been. Anyone experience anything like that before?

This sounds like pain over your tibialis anterior or peroneal muscles. But this doesn't sound like tendonitis (persistent pain). Have you started running outside?
Your stride on a treadmill is different than your natural outdoor stride. If you have increased your outdoor mileage I would guess it is a little strain or fatigue and stretching it before and after may help. Some times these muscles are stressed by changes in running surface or running on a pitched road.

2015-04-01 9:17 AM
in reply to: burner2

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New user
Subject: RE: Monthly Totals

I finally bought a new bike! My plan had been to buy a nice, used triathlon bike for $1500 to $2000, but then my landlord decided to sell my house, so I bought an entry-level road bike (Specialized Allez) and my house, instead. I got the bike new locally, and it was assembled by the same mechanic who maintains my current stable of bikes, and I trust his work. That was a real plus for me, as well as the fact that it will have a local warranty and I can get it repaired without having to make that four-hour round trip. I'm taking it to the city on Saturday for a professional fitting. It'll be the first time I've ever had a bike professionally fitted.

My only race in April is an off-road 10K run on the 19th. It will be my longest run to date and gets me a little closer to the Bloomsday 12K distance. The Bloomsday race is the first Sunday in May and expected attendance will top 50,000 people. It is HUGE!!! After that, the tri season starts.

Nice bike! I test road one of those before I bought my Cannondale.

March numbers were low once again. Family issues are still plaguing me. Hoping they will settle down soon. Less than 9 weeks until my outdoor Tri season starts! Hoping the weather decides to cooperate too so I can get in open water a few times before the Tri too.

swim 2h 35m 16s - 7746.85 Yd
bike 3h 56m 45s - 81.12 Mi
run 4h 30m 35s - 35.83 Mi

2015-04-01 10:09 AM
in reply to: scottjjmtri99

Downingtown , Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Monthly Totals
Consistency was key for me in March. I generally haven't had much time to get any long workouts in yet due to weather, job and kids but I worked out every day in March except for 3 days:

Run: 56.9
Ride: 85.6 (still on the trainer!)
Swim: 13,311

I was planning on Ironman Princeton as my big race this year and learned yesterday that it's been cancelled so I think I am going to focus on some smaller local races - probably Oly distances primarily. Bummer

2015-04-01 10:10 AM
in reply to: healthlawyer

Downingtown , Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Monthly Totals
Is anyone on this list using strava? If so, it might be cool to follow each other on there. Let me know and I'll look you up.


2015-04-01 11:05 AM
in reply to: nrpoulin

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Lower leg pain
Originally posted by nrpoulin

This sounds like pain over your tibialis anterior or peroneal muscles. But this doesn't sound like tendonitis (persistent pain). Have you started running outside?
Your stride on a treadmill is different than your natural outdoor stride. If you have increased your outdoor mileage I would guess it is a little strain or fatigue and stretching it before and after may help. Some times these muscles are stressed by changes in running surface or running on a pitched road.


No, I haven't started running outside yet (other than races). Even during the summer months, I'll continue to do a fair amount of running on my treadmill. I will run outside when I do bricks or when I want to just get out of the house. But I wouldn't be surprised to find that at least 50% of my run only workouts last year were done on the treadmill during the summer months.

Still no negative effects from whatever it was. I haven't had any pain in that same spot since then. As I've become a stronger runner, I now find that I run towards the front of the treadmill much more than I used to. The problem is that my foot tends to strike the plastic cover on the front of the treadmill repeatedly during my runs. I started to wonder if it was somehow either related to me constantly hitting that cover and it maybe putting my foot in an awkward position when it lands. Or, possibly that I somehow change my stride to try to avoid hitting it and that puts me in some kind of position that led to the pain. I'll just see what happens the next time I run. If it comes up again, then maybe I'll be a little more concerned.
2015-04-01 11:11 AM
in reply to: Dominion

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North Grafton, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Monthly Totals
I think I did a decent job getting in more workouts this month than I did in February. But most of that may have been on the run. I didn't get on my bike trainer at all in February, so that technically increased. But only doing 2 trainer sessions in the month isn't good. I'll be back on the bike tonight. I have only been swimming one day a week and missed one this month, so my swim volume was down as well. I'll probably continue with only 1 swim a week until towards the end of April and then I'll start going 2x/week. April is going to be a busy month with work, so I'll have to focus more on bike trainer and run workouts since I'll need to stay close to my home office.

March totals:

Swim: 2h 30m 07s - 6350 M
Bike: 1h 14m 30s
Run: 4h 58m 07s - 34.15 Mi
2015-04-01 8:13 PM
in reply to: 0

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Wakefield, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Weekend Race
The 35-39 and 40-44 AG are often the deepest and toughest out there.

I'm dreading this season as I age up to the 35-39 group. Not that I was ever a serious contender for the podium, but at least I was steadily moving up in the ranks and could pretend I was within striking distance. This year I'll definitely be dropping a few spots.

Edited by Fourteenkittens 2015-04-01 8:14 PM
2015-04-01 10:50 PM
in reply to: Dominion

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Subject: RE: Monthly Totals
Swim 7 hr 50m
Bike 11hr 47 m
Run 11 hr 47 m

First tri ever coming up...sprint on May 16....
Looks like everyone else has been doing great so far!
2015-04-01 11:15 PM
in reply to: doreb

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Monthly Totals
Swim: 4h 46m - 12350 Yd
Bike: 13h 21m 04s - 201.83 Mi
Run: 7h 08m 06s - 37.71 Mi
Strength: 2h 45m
Walking: 2h 00m

My run volume's still low, but increasing it month by month until my HIM in September.

2015-04-01 11:17 PM
in reply to: healthlawyer

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Extreme Veteran
Sacramento, California
Subject: RE: Monthly Totals
Originally posted by healthlawyer

Is anyone on this list using strava? If so, it might be cool to follow each other on there. Let me know and I'll look you up.


I'm on there... look me up. name: Enrique Pasos
2015-04-02 12:45 PM
in reply to: ecpasos

Downingtown , Pennsylvania
Subject: RE: Monthly Totals
Enrique, I just followed you on strava. Todd Rodriguez
2015-04-02 12:54 PM
in reply to: Dominion

Downingtown , Pennsylvania
Subject: New Race Schedule
So WTC canceled Princeton 70.3 this week. I signed up yesterday for a bunch of local races which include three Olys and a sprint. probably for a total cost of what I would have spent on Princeton!

2015-04-02 2:14 PM
in reply to: 0

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Wakefield, Massachusetts
Subject: RE: Monthly Totals
3rd time's the charm on this post?

March Totals:
-Listed my house for sale
-Got 5 offers in the first 72 hours
-Took the offer that was 10% above asking price with the inspection waived (got to love Boston real estate!)

I'm pretty sure I had a run or two in the month, but to be honest all the late nights painting, cleaning, and fixing small projects to get the house listed killed any drive I might have had to work out. February and March have both been a wash this winter. On to April!

Originally posted by healthlawyer

Is anyone on this list using strava? If so, it might be cool to follow each other on there. Let me know and I'll look you up.


I actually just downloaded Strava a few days ago. A coworker was talking it up, and pointed out there was a segment on one of the routes I run during lunch, and that got the competitive juices flowing. I only have two activities (today's run and ride from last year the first time I tried the app), but you're welcome to follow me: Dennis Bachman. I'll be using it for at least the rest of the month to see how it compares to RunKeeper, which I've been on for the last 5 or 6 years.

Edited by Fourteenkittens 2015-04-02 2:17 PM
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Jim Kelley's (Birkierunner) General and Long Course Group (OPEN) Pages: 1 ... 16 17 18 19

Started by Birkierunner
Views: 30484 Posts: 460

2015-06-05 9:09 AM BlueBoy26

Baowolf's fun in the sun Mentor Group (Open)

Started by Baowolf
Views: 65 Posts: 1

2014-05-18 1:30 AM Baowolf

Baowolf's fun in the sun Mentor Group

Started by Baowolf
Views: 26 Posts: 1

2014-05-18 12:48 AM Baowolf

Baowolf's Summer Extravaganza Mentor Group

Started by Baowolf
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2014-05-18 12:01 AM Baowolf

Playmobil31's Group - Open

Started by playmobil31
Views: 65 Posts: 1

2011-12-18 3:37 PM playmobil31
date : July 1, 2009
author : mrmarkcole
comments : 37
Or why an Ironman 70.3 may not be your best choice for your first triathlon.
date : November 17, 2008
author : mat steinmetz
comments : 7
I just started doing tris this summer and I have two under my belt, both sprints. Is it reasonable to build up for a Oly in early ‘09, with a HIM in Oct of ‘09
date : August 21, 2008
author : TriChica
comments : 8
I thought of all the times I didn’t attempt something I wanted to do because I was too afraid of trying something new or of failing completely.
date : August 21, 2008
author : vm354
comments : 1
How Pilates training helped a wanna-be triathlete realize the goal of completing a half-Ironman, Ironman 70.3 Rhode Island.
date : January 1, 2008
author : jgosse66
comments : 0
Here is my five step plan for getting mentally prepared for next year’s Ironman Newfoundland 70.3, or any other race that you may have.
date : October 4, 2007
author : jgosse66
comments : 0
It was the morning of Ironman Newfoundland 70.3, I felt queasy. I didn't want to eat or drink anything. I had a full blown case of the pre-race HEEBEE GEEBEES.
date : June 6, 2006
author : Ingrid Loos
comments : 4
A bad race left me smoldering, but time and a gentle breeze ignited my passion to race again.
date : July 17, 2005
author : chrisandniki
comments : 0
A Navy Seals program modified specifically for triathletes. Heavy on the running, swimming, push/pull-ups and sit-ups, will you find yourself man (or woman) enough to finish?