BT Development Mentor Program Archives » PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!! Rss Feed  
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2008-02-07 12:31 PM
in reply to: #1199096

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In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Spanglers, we rescheduled last nights appointment because 43N was completely shut down thanks to a couple jacknifed semis.  We'll be coming up on Saturday but booked before and after so can't do lunch... Bummer!

Hilary, embrace the spin/run brick!  It's good for you.  Let us know how it goes once you have done it!

Dave, congrats on the speedy run!  That should be a confidence booster for you at Sunday's race.  Glad to hear the ammonia stuff is getting better, do you think it is because of nutrition adjustments?  How much snow did you end up getting yesterday?

I am so glad I have a snow blower.  Had over a foot of really heavy snow last night.  Even with the snow blower it was a heck of a workout.  Total snow removal time yesterday was over an hour and a half, I took a picture with the snow pile I made, and will try to post it tonight.

Running with Force tonight!  Plan 4-5 miles cruising in the fresh snow and then get together for a few drinks with a buncha BT'ers for AmyJoTris birthday.

2008-02-07 1:16 PM
in reply to: #1094997

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Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

I had a really tough day as far as training yesterday.  My stomach wasn't "right" yet, and I was just very lethargic.  Seems better today so far...hoping for a bike and swim tonight.  And some strength training--that's really lacking this week.

For some reason my adductors are sore today?  Haven't worked them since last week.

I'm going in for a stress test and event monitor in about 10 minutes...finally.  I hope to get some answers.

Evidently we have a winter storm advisory, not sure when it's supposed to hit.  Otherwise, it's been beautiful here...and above freezing.

2008-02-07 1:28 PM
in reply to: #1199331

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Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
PeterAK - 2008-02-07 12:31 PM

Dave, congrats on the speedy run!  That should be a confidence booster for you at Sunday's race.  Glad to hear the ammonia stuff is getting better, do you think it is because of nutrition adjustments?  How much snow did you end up getting yesterday?

Not sure what the deal was with lack of ammonia oder yesterday it was a faily vigourous effort...

We got only about 3-5" but very messy on top of the slush

2008-02-07 1:49 PM
in reply to: #1094997

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Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
Hi Dave.
2008-02-07 1:57 PM
in reply to: #1199504

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Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

trixie - 2008-02-07 1:49 PM Hi Dave.

Yo - Spanglers - she's say'in hi to ya again

2008-02-07 4:22 PM
in reply to: #1199518

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
daveo1101 - 2008-02-07 1:57 PM

trixie - 2008-02-07 1:49 PM Hi Dave.

Yo - Spanglers - she's say'in hi to ya again

I'm all confused now!   

2008-02-07 4:37 PM
in reply to: #1094997

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In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
Page 12!  Woot!  I am worthless at work today.  Looking forward to a run here shortly.
2008-02-08 5:34 AM
in reply to: #1199956

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
I'm off to interview again shortly.  I'll try to escape to Texas later this morning.  My schedule's jam packed so I don't think I'll get much in but will bring my running shoes w/ me.  Looks like this:  Fri-Sat - Texas.  Sun-Mon - Floriday.  Tues-Wed - Georgia.  Thurs-Fri - Ohio.  I still have to shore up a trip to Phoenix the week after and then I be in Chicago next weekend.
2008-02-08 9:19 AM
in reply to: #1094997

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Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Damn that's a lot of traveling! i'D BE DEAD.... Plan for this weekend:

a short training session Saturday, Plan rest of 2008  races (Peter - I can't find any info on PP OWS), book our vacation to dominican for end of March

Race, on SUnday  - Goal is to break 8 miles total distance -  Tactics - hold back on the swim as overall I need the energy for bike and run

What cha'all got on tap?

2008-02-08 3:23 PM
in reply to: #1094997

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Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Edited by AndriaLL 2008-02-13 10:27 PM
2008-02-08 5:32 PM
in reply to: #1200831

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San Antonio
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
daveo1101 - 2008-02-08 9:19 AM

What cha'all got on tap?

I felt 'normal' for two days in a row! Woohoo! If I feel normal tomorow I think I'll run Sunday. I never thought normal could feel so good.

2008-02-08 6:20 PM
in reply to: #1094997

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In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Dave, here's the brochure for this year's Pleasant Prairie OWS.  It is 6/28.

Swamped at work today, definately earning a living!  Legs are a bit sore from trying to keep up with Force on a 5.5 mile run in the snow last night.  Wanted to swim today but couldn't get out of the office.  Tomorrow I may ride, and Sunday I'll do something...

Have a great weekend everyone!

2008-02-08 8:14 PM
in reply to: #1202232

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Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
Hi Gang.  Um, I suck for not being in here.  I'm just crazy busy lately!  I haven't worked out forEVER (ok, like a week or somethin) and I'm scared as hell for my race next weekend.
2008-02-09 9:15 AM
in reply to: #1202358

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In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
REGIMOM!!!  Are you going to get in a workout this weekend?
2008-02-09 9:16 AM
in reply to: #1202232

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Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
thx peter
2008-02-09 10:33 AM
in reply to: #1202677

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Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

PeterAK - 2008-02-09 8:15 AM REGIMOM!!!  Are you going to get in a workout this weekend?

I sure hope so.  That would be the right thing to do.   Tough with sick kids.  Babysitters don't like that so much. 

We shall see....

2008-02-09 2:33 PM
in reply to: #1094997

Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Hey gang - not much for working out for me this weekend.  I flew to Texas yesterday for a job interview - carried over into Saturday and now I have 4 1/2 hours to burn before my flight back to Wisconsin.  Couldn't get on the earlier flight or I would have been home in decent time enough to fit something in.

I'll try a run if I can get up early enough on Sunday.  I want to spend a little time with the family before take off for Florida for Sunday afternoon for more interviews.

2008-02-10 6:53 PM
in reply to: #1094997

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2008-02-10 9:53 PM
in reply to: #1094997

In The Peleton
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Hilary, treadmill is definitely not the same as real running.  One of the first things my coach said to me when I hired him, was no more treadmill, period.  Run in the rain, cold, sleet, wind, whatever, but the time spent is more productive on the road.  Now, I'm not opposed to using the treadmill, but the reasoning behind his hard line rule was along the lines of running being primarily hamstring based, but on the treadmill, you use more quads.  Certainly a possible reason you found this run harder than your previous runs on the treadmill.


So. I've got an idea.  What do you guys (and gals!) think about having every Monday be 100% class participation day?  For most of us, weekends are long workouts or races, so it's fun and important to analyze our performances.

Hey Dave, care to kick it off and tell us more about your race?!?!


2008-02-11 7:42 AM
in reply to: #1204026

Living in the past
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
hhpvbtri - 2008-02-10 6:53 PM

The ankle is better but as is always the case with me I now have a new pain - just below the left knee on the outside right next to the bone - very noticeable if I flex my ankle.  Anyone have any ideas?  Like everything else, it will probably hurt for a while and then just go away.

Disclaimer...I am no physician and this comment should be taken as such, but from your description of the location, all I've read, it may be IT band related. There are tons of threads on this issue. I hope you're right that it "will just go away", but if it continues to bother, don't "run through it", get it diagnosed.

Edited by Force 2008-02-11 7:43 AM
2008-02-11 7:51 AM
in reply to: #1204558

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2008-02-11 7:54 AM
in reply to: #1094997

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2008-02-11 9:11 AM
in reply to: #1204291

Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

SO the race was pretty OK - had fun made small improvement in run over  last time - did fine in the swim ( 1/9 AG  - 4/130 Overall)

Proceeded to suck in both Bike (9/9 AG - 73/130 OA) ) and run (9/9 AG - 111/130 OA)

Swim comments: Plan was to take this out slower and save some for the bike run. I felt like I was not pushing too hard - keeping breathing steady and mostly open turns to get exta air - turns out same distance as 1st race in series and lower perceived effort - I think that is a good thing
Bike Comments: need to incraese the resistance - i was able to make up some time at the end by increasing the resistance. - Next timei will get warmed up and incresae resistance at 5 minutes in
Run Comments: started slowly and lo and behold - started to feel stronger as time went on - i'm pretty sure I negative splitted it but don't know as i was not timing laps. When the 1 minute warning was given was able to push a bit -  Took 20sec off mile pace compared to last race 2 weeks ago - happy with that!
After race did not feel as depleted or woozy as two weeks ago... Alll in all fun - and obvious points to work on
2008-02-11 12:19 PM
in reply to: #1204783

Living in the past
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!
daveo1101 - 2008-02-11 9:11 AM

SO the race was pretty OK - had fun made small improvement in run over  last time - did fine in the swim ( 1/9 AG  - 4/130 Overall)

So how is the pain from the old injury? You don't mention it, so I am hopeful that it was a minor thing...

Nice job with your improved bike and run efforts and damn that's fast swimmy action!

2008-02-11 12:58 PM
in reply to: #1205244

Extreme Veteran
West Chicago
Subject: RE: PeterAK's Group: THIS TREEHOUSE IS FULL!!!

Thanks for asking - it gave me no problems during the race and is better than it was Saturday, that said I am working on getting into the surgeon for a "don't be a baby - rub some dirt on it and get back in the game" lecture - that or ????


Just got off the phone with the surgeon - ice today and Ibuprofen 2x a day for 1 week then  1x a day for another week if not ok go see him. As there is no swelling he suspects it is scar tissue adhesions breaking loose and not uncommon and it's only 4 months since the procedure - if still bugging me in 2 weeks go see him or of course if it gets worse. - so here I go:

<spitting on some dirt>


Edited by daveo1101 2008-02-11 1:10 PM
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